Results for 'Christiane Paulus'

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  1. Marxism, Christianity, humanism: Heretic utopia of Pasolini.V. Paulus - 2004 - Revue Belge de Philologie Et D’Histoire 82 (3):775-784.
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    Paulus Unter den Philosophen.Christian Strecker, Joachim Valentin & Micha Brumlik (eds.) - 2013 - Kohlhammer.
    English summary: Was Paul of Tarsus a philosopher? Does he even rank amongst those philosophers who influenced occidental live and thought? The Italian philosopher Giorgio Agamben says, that the Epistle to the Romans is the fundamental messianic text of the western culture. The Jewish scholars Jacob Taubes and Daniel Boyarin insist on the philosophical and political Force of Pauline thinking. Long before that, Friedrich Nietzsche and Martin Heidegger dealt intently with the Epistle. Was Paul a Philosopher? In any case he (...)
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    Das Christusproblem der Gegenwart.Rudolf Paulus - 1922 - Tübingen,: Mohr.
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    AI, faith, and the future: an interdisciplinary approach.Michael J. Paulus & Michael D. Langford (eds.) - 2022 - Eugene, Oregon: Pickwick Publications.
    Artificial intelligence is rapidly and radically changing our lives and world. This book is a multidisciplinary engagement with the present and future impacts of AI from the standpoint of Christian faith. It provides technological, philosophical, and theological foundations for thinking about AI, as well as a series of reflections on the impact of AI on relationships, behavior, education, work, and moral action. The book serves as an accessible introduction to AI as well as a guide to wise consideration, design, and (...)
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    Book Review: Wonderfully Made: A Protestant Theology of the Body by John W. Kleinig. [REVIEW]Benjamin Paulus - 2023 - Studies in Christian Ethics 36 (3):729-732.
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    Book Review: Miguel Acostas and Adrian J. Reimers, Karol Wojtyła’s Personalist Philosophy: Understanding Person & Act. [REVIEW]Benjamin Paulus - 2018 - Studies in Christian Ethics 31 (2):239-242.
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    Book Review: Thomas J. Bushlack, Politics for a Pilgrim Church: A Thomistic Theory of Civic VirtueBushlackThomas J., Politics for a Pilgrim Church: A Thomistic Theory of Civic Virtue . viii + 271 pp. £23.99/US$35.00. ISBN 978-0-8028-7090-2. [REVIEW]Benjamin Paulus - 2017 - Studies in Christian Ethics 30 (2):233-236.
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    Book Review: Ethics by Dietrich von Hildebrand. [REVIEW]Benjamin Paulus - 2022 - Studies in Christian Ethics 35 (2):384-386.
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    Holistic Ministry based on the Synoptic Gospels and Relevance to Contemporary Generation.Matius I. Totok Dwikoryanto, Muner Daliman, Hana Suparti & Paulus Sentot Purwoko - 2021 - European Journal of Theology and Philosophy 1 (4):9-17.
    Holistic service for youth and youth is the basic thing today because youth and youth are the present generation for the future of the church. By using descriptive qualitative methods, it can be concluded that the holistic ministry for youth and youth carried out by church leaders is able to build today's generation that continues to have an impact on the world and is also expected to bring Christian education that has one clear and definite goal/direction, namely knowing, loving, believe (...)
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    (1 other version)Drei Abhandlungen zur Geschichte der alten Philosophie und ihres Verhältnisses zum Christentum.Ferdinand Christian Baur - 1876 - Aalen: Scientia-Verlag. Edited by Eduard Zeller.
    Appolonius von Tyana und Christus.--Das Christliche des Platonismus.--Seneca und Paulus.
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  11. The Reception of Paul’s Nous in the Christian Platonism of Origen and Evagrius, in: Der νοῦς bei Paulus im Horizont griechischer und hellenistisch-jüdischer Anthropologie, eds Jörg Frey and Manuel Nägele, WUNT, Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2021, pp. 279-316.Ilaria L. E. Ramelli - forthcoming - In Jörg Frey (ed.), Der νοῦς bei Paulus im Horizont griechischer und hellenistisch-jüdischer Anthropologie, eds Jörg Frey and Manuel Nägele, WUNT, Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2021. pp. pp. 279-316..
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    Paulus as vredemaker. Oor die resepsie van die Brief aan Filemon in die vierde en vyfde eeu n.C.D. Francois Tolmie - 2015 - HTS Theological Studies 71 (1):7.
    Paul, the peacemaker. On the reception of the Letter to Philemon in the 4th and 5th centuries AD. By means of his letter to Philemon Paul attempted to make peace between Philemon and his slave, Onesimus. The theological aspects of this endeavour have been discussed often in academic circles, but thus far little attention has been given to what the practical implications of this would have been for Philemon’s household. In this article, this issue is addressed from a particular perspective, (...)
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    Das Paulus-Bild in der neueren deutschen Forschung. [REVIEW]J. V. M. - 1971 - Review of Metaphysics 24 (4):764-764.
    This big book is a welcome collection of some of the most important theological studies on St. Paul written by German scholars of this century. Some of the authors are among the greatest names of modern exegetical science and the present selection enables the reader to have access to a wide range of first-rate, often classical, accounts of Paulinian research, without being forced to go through the back-issues of German theological journals. Besides the classical studies, written for encyclopedical purposes, by (...)
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    Schellings frühe Paulus-Deutung: die Entwicklung von F.W.J. Schellings Schriftinterpretation und Christentumstheorie im Zusammenhang der Tübinger Theologie seiner Studienzeit und der hermeneutischen Theoriebildung seit der Frühaufklärung.Christopher Arnold - 2019 - Stuttgart-Bad Cannstatt: Frommann-Holzboog.
    English summary: Arnold presents the first systematic study of the early biblical and exegetical writings from Schelling's schooldays and years of study in Tubingen (1787-1795) and puts them in the context of the complex history of problems in the late Enlightenment. Apart from the general challenge of theology due to Kant's reception, debates on basic principles regarding authenticity and and the Bible's claim to divine authority had begun. Arnold shows that Schelling studied these controversies very closely and developed them into (...)
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    χάρις: Ketika Pemberian Ditanggapi dengan Rasa Syukur (Membaca Kisah Paulus dan Lidia dalam Kis. 16:13-15 melalui Lensa Gift of Exchange Repertoire). [REVIEW]Klementius Anselmus Loba & Aryanto Antonius Galih Arga Wiwin - 2024 - Diskursus - Jurnal Filsafat dan Teologi STF Driyarkara 20 (1):1-32.
    This article analyzes the encounter story of Paul and Lydia (Acts 16:13-15) as a concrete example of the practice of reciprocal gift exchange. The exchange of “gifts” between the two took place when Paul preached the Christian faith and baptized Lydia, and she reciprocated by giving Paul a ride. This study employs a social science approach by taking a repertoire of gift exchanges from the ancient Greco-Roman world to be applied to this story, and biblical studies for interpretation. From the (...)
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    Die Identität eines Christenmenschen – Im Anschluß an Paulus.Cilliers Breytenbach - 1989 - Zeitschrift Für Evangelische Ethik 33 (1):263-277.
    In this Germantranslation of an essay published 1988 in Afrikaans, the South African author criticizes the views ofthe influential Dutch Reformed New Testament scholar, E. P. Groenewald. In 1947 Groenewald published an essay on the nature ofthe Early Church and Pauline theology, in an effort to justify apartheid ideologically. The views expressed in that essay are still alive among concervatives in the DRC. From the perspective of Pauline soteriology, so Breytenbach argues, Apartheid is principally incompatible with Christian baptism.
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  17. Die Nichtgläubigen - oi ápistoi: über die Funktion abgrenzender Sprache bei Paulus.Tobias Wieczorek - 2021 - Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht.
    1. Einleitung. 1.1. Auf der Suche nach Befriffen und Bezeichnungen ; 1.2. Die Wechselbeziehung von "Drinnen"- und "Draussen"- Bezeichnungen -- 2. Forschungsstand -- 3. Der ápistos-Begriff in der Umwelt des frühen Christentums -- 4. Die ápistoi und die pisteúontes in den Paulusbriefen -- 5. Ápistoi und ádikoi -- 1 Kor 6,1-11. 5.1. Analyse ; 5.2. Drinnen und draussen in 1 Kor 5 ; 5.3. Ein Bruder sucht sein Recht mit einem Bruder ; 5.4. ...vor ápistoi und ádikoi ; 5.5. Und (...)
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  18. Ein verschollen geglaubter Brief der Korinther an Paulus.Andreas Dorschel - 2013 - Merkur 67 (12):1125-1134.
    In the December 2013 issue of the periodical ‚Merkur‘, philosopher Andreas Dorschel presents a literary experiment. In the spirit of 18th century Enlightenment, he feigns an apocryphal letter including philological apparatus; it is – mind the boldness – a response letter by the Corinthians to St Paul’s first epistle. The ancient port city, multicultural, of syncretist religiousness and libertine in erotics, rejects the disciplining by the apostle. (Summary by Gustav Seibt, ‚Die Häresie der Abgrenzungen. Andreas Dorschel entwirft ein korinthisches Christentum‘, (...)
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    (1 other version)The specificity of medical facts: the case of diabetology.Christiane Sinding - 2003 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 35 (3):545-559.
    The fact that Ludwik Fleck drew his inspiration from medicine has been largely overlooked, with the exception of a few scholars. Although Fleck considered his ideas applicable to all sciences, he always insisted on the specificity of medicine. To illustrate the usefulness of Fleck’s concepts for the history of medicine, three main ideas developed by Fleck are applied to the historical study of diabetes mellitus : first, that different and often divergent pictures of disease coexist within a given culture; second, (...)
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    The effects of likes on public opinion perception and personal opinion.Christiane Eilders & Pablo Porten-Cheé - 2020 - Communications 45 (2):223-239.
    Drawing on the spiral of silence theory and heuristic information processing, we contend that individuals use likes as sources for assessing public opinion. We further argue that individuals may even adapt their personal opinions to the tenor reflected in those cues. The assumptions were tested using data from an experiment involving 501 participants, who encountered media items on two issues with or without likes. The findings show that respondents inferred public opinion from the media bias if it was supported by (...)
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    Métaphore, repères et phonétique.Christiane Morinet - 1987 - Semiotica 64 (3-4):249-258.
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    On Cologne: Gender, migration and unacknowledged racisms in Germany.Christiane Carri & Stefanie C. Boulila - 2017 - European Journal of Women's Studies 24 (3):286-293.
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    Singularités: individus et relations dans le système de Leibniz.Christiane Frémont - 2003 - Paris: Vrin.
    Singularites: le mot ne se dit pas tant des individus que des relations qui les lient contingentement au monde. Car l'harmonie universelle n'est pas si performante que le laisse entendre son auteur, sur des questions fondamentales pour la coherence du Systeme - en particulier celle du mal, reprise au siecle d'apres dans un leibnitianisme reste incompris. On concluerait a l'echec, si la loi d'harmonie n'etait capable d'engendrer des relations qui, en ecart a son fonctionnement ordinaire, la modulent diversement, l'inflechissent, l'enrichissent, (...)
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    Le statut de l'embryon humain dans l'Antiquité gréco-romaine.Christiane Bernard, Édith Deleury, France Dion & Pierre Gaudette - 1989 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 45 (2):179-195.
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    Jahrestagung des Deutschen Ethikrats 2016: Zugriff auf das menschliche Erbgut. Neue Möglichkeiten und ihre ethische Beurteilung: Berlin, 22. Juni 2016.Christiane Burmeister & Robert Ranisch - 2017 - Ethik in der Medizin 29 (2):167-172.
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    Le rôle de la philosophie de l'éducation dans la formation des maîtres.Christiane Gohier - 1990 - Paideusis: Journal of the Canadian Philosophy of Education Society 4 (1):9-13.
    We cannot talk about the role of philosophy of education in teachers' training programs without examining the relationship between philosophy and educational theories. Even when theoreticians like Kieran Egan, for example, claim that education is a normative discourse that cannot be inferred from "local" empirical psychological research, the role of philosophy seems of utmost importance because philosophy has essentially to do with norms and values. Another way of looking at the "sciences" of education that renews our comprehension of their relationship (...)
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    Generalizing Longitudinal Age Effects on Brain Structure – A Two-Study Comparison Approach.Christiane Jockwitz, Susan Mérillat, Franziskus Liem, Jessica Oschwald, Katrin Amunts, Lutz Jäncke & Svenja Caspers - 2021 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 15.
    Cross-sectional studies indicate that normal aging is accompanied by decreases in brain structure. Longitudinal studies, however, are relatively rare and inconsistent regarding their outcomes. Particularly the heterogeneity of methods, sample characteristics and the high inter-individual variability in older adults prevent the deduction of general trends. Therefore, the current study aimed to compare longitudinal age-related changes in brain structure in two large independent samples of healthy older adults ; the Longitudinal Healthy Aging Brain database project at the University of Zurich, Switzerland, (...)
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    4. Der Begriff des Alterns in der Soziologie.Christiane Mahr - 2015 - In »Alter« Und »Altern« - Eine Begriffliche Klärung Mit Blick Auf Die Gegenwärtige Wissenschaftliche Debatte. Transcript Verlag. pp. 139-176.
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  29. Verzweiflung und Freiheit zwischen Existenzial- und Medienphilosophie.Christiane Voss - 2017 - In Astrid Deuber-Mankowsky & Anna Tuschling (eds.), Conatus und Lebensnot: Schlüsselbegriffe der Medienanthropologie. Wien: Verlag Turia + Kant.
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    O fundamento de deliberação moral e a dimensão da normatividade em Ser e tempo: a posição de Steven Crowell em face da interpretação de E. Tugendhat.Christiane Costa de Matos Fernandes - 2023 - Griot 23 (1):191-208.
    Esse trabalho pretende apresentar a problemática da ação moral e da normatividade em Ser e tempo a partir da posição de Steven Crowell expressa no texto _Conscience and Reason: Heidegger and the Grouds of Intentionality_ [2007], em face da interpretação de Ernst Tugendhat, exposta no texto “_Wir sind nicht fest verdrahtet”: Heideggers “Man” und die Tiefendimensionen der Gründ_e [1999].
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    Intencionalidade e constituição de sentido: a Umwelterlebnis como estrutura intencional de uma filosofia sem sujeito transcendental.Christiane Costa de Matos Fernandes - 2022 - Aufklärung 9 (3):31-50.
    Argumento que o conceito Umwelterlebnis (vivência do mundo circundante), como Heidegger o apresenta na preleção de 1919 A ideia da filosofia e o problema da concepção de mundo, diz respeito à estrutura intencional de uma filosofia sem sujeito transcendental. Defendo, porém, que o modelo dessa estrutura intencional envolve o autor no problema da constituição de sentido próprio ao projeto da fenomenologia enquanto ciência originária.
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  32. Guerra e sociedade: a situação militar do Rio de Janeiro no vicereinado do Conde da Cunha, 1763-1767.Christiane Mello - 2004 - Topoi: Revista de História. Rio de Janeiro: Programa de Pós-Graduação Em História Social da Ufrj/7 Letras 5 (9).
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    I Le groupe des mères et des bébés à l'Unité d'accueil parents-enfants de l'institut Théophile-Roussel à Montesson.Christiane Barré - 2001 - Dialogue: Families & Couples 152 (2):17-22.
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    Wittgenstein en héritage. La philosophie des temps modernes.Christiane Chauviré - 2010 - Philosophique 13:11-15.
    Que veut dire hériter en philosophie? Quel rapport Wittgenstein a-t-il entretenu avec la tradition occidentale? En quoi sa méthode peut-elle prétendre hériter de la philosophie traditionnelle? Et de fait, quel héritage a-t-il légué? Quelle est actuellement la bonne façon pour nous d'hériter de son oeuvre? Cet article aborde l'ambivalence de l'oeuvre de Wittgenstein, – en rupture avec la tradition de la philosophie occidentale et à l'origine d'une tradition que le philosophe viennois aurait certainement désavouée, – à travers l'examen de ses (...)
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    Reformer versus Reformen: Zum Gehalt jungosmanischer Tanẓīmāt-Kritik.Christiane Czygan - 2009 - In Hendrik Fenz (ed.), Strukturelle Zwänge – Persönliche Freiheiten: Osmanen, Türken, Muslime: Reflexionen Zu Gesellschaftlichen Umbrüchen. Gedenkband Zu Ehren Petra Kapperts. Walter de Gruyter. pp. 65-80.
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    Synchronization of Issue Agendas in News and Editorials of the Prestige Press in Germany.Christiane Eilders - 1999 - Communications 24 (3):301-328.
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    Uma análise do parágrafo sétimo de "Ser e tempo".Christiane Costa de Matos Fernandes - 2023 - Controvérsia 19 (2):17-36.
    O objetivo é, a partir de uma interpretação do § 7 de Ser e tempo, mostrar como o conceito prévio (der Vorbegriff) de fenomenologia, para Heidegger, indica a busca metodológica das condições de possibilidade da manifestação dos entes em seu ser, e de que maneira há a exigência metodológica de interrogar o Dasein acerca de seu ser como ponto de partida da investigação. A exposição, inspirada em leituras transcendentais da ontologia fundamental, acompanha os momentos constitutivos do § 7 a fim (...)
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    Global conversations on cybernetics.Christiane M. Herr & Jocelyn Chapman - 2021 - Technoetic Arts 19 (1):3-6.
    As the first large online event of the American Society for Cybernetics, the ASC2020 Global Conversation offered an opportunity to develop new online types of cybernetic conversations on cybernetics, in cybernetic formats. This article discusses the design decisions that led to a particular organizational structure of the event, and observations on how the event unfolded from this organizational structure. Based on observations made throughout the event as well as its preparation stage, the article maps seven different types of conversations taking (...)
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    Zur Selbstinszenierung der römischen Aristokratie.Christiane Kunst - 2005 - Zeitschrift für Religions- Und Geistesgeschichte 57 (1):48-59.
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    Ein, vielfarbiges verschiedenes Selbst '?Christiane Schildknecht - 2003 - In Uwe Meixner & Albert Newen (eds.), Seele, Denken, Bewusstsein: zur Geschichte der Philosophie des Geistes. Walter de Gruyter. pp. 285.
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    Schwerpunkt: Medienphilosophie.Christiane Voss - 2019 - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 67 (5):805-810.
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    Bildung und die Grenzen der Erfahrung: Randgänge der Bildungsphilosophie.Christiane Thompson - 2009 - Paderborn: F. Schöningh.
    Rev. version of the author's Habilitationsschrift, Martin-Luther-Universitèat.
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    Das Angehörigengespräch im Rahmen der postmortalen Organspende aus der Sicht von Ärzt:innen und Pflegenden: Ergebnisse einer qualitativen Interviewstudie aus Österreich.Christiane Posch & Magdalena Flatscher-Thöni - 2024 - Ethik in der Medizin 36 (2):133-150.
    Zusammenfassung Die enge Widerspruchslösung in Österreich erlaubt eine postmortale Organspende bei fehlendem Widerspruch zu Lebzeiten, da von einer mutmaßlichen Zustimmung ausgegangen wird. Liegt kein Eintrag im Widerspruchsregister vor, wird die Familie zum mutmaßlichen Willen der verstorbenen Person befragt. Um die praktische Umsetzung der Widerspruchslösung in Österreich zu beschreiben, sollen relevante Aspekte der Angehörigengespräche und die Rolle der Familie im Entscheidungsprozess zur postmortalen Organspende identifiziert werden. Es wurden insgesamt zehn leitfadengestützte Expert:inneninterviews mit Ärzt:innen und Pflegepersonen an einer österreichischen Krankenanstalt durchgeführt, die (...)
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  44. Philosophische Masken. Literarische Formen der Philosophie bei Platon, Descartes, Wolf und Lichtenberg.Christiane Schildknecht & Klaus Petrus - 1994 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 25 (2):339-345.
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  45. Spiritueller Habitus.Christiane Burbach - 2018 - In Verena Begemann, Christiane Burbach, Dieter Weber & Friedrich Heckmann (eds.), Ethik als Kunst der Lebensführung: festschrift fur Friedrich Heckmann. Stuttgart: Kohlhammer Verlag.
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    Cavell en héritage.Christiane Chauviré - 2011 - Revue Internationale de Philosophie 256 (2):121-128.
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    Introduction to the Symposium “Wittgenstein and Pragmatism: A Reassessment”.Christiane Chauviré & Sabine Plaud - 2012 - European Journal of Pragmatism and American Philosophy 4 (2).
    The connections between Wittgenstein’s philosophy and the pragmatist tradition are often alluded to, but seldom thoroughly explored. It is commonly assumed that Wittgenstein was scarcely acquainted with such authors as Charles Sanders Peirce or John Dewey (a false idea, as we shall see), even though he had a rather extended knowledge of the philosophy of William James. Nevertheless, the converging features between Wittgenstein and pragmatism are quite striking: we shall hardly need to mention...
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  48. A relação entre o a priori da fenomenologia, a pergunta pelo sentido de ser e a ontologia fundamental no pensamento de Heidegger.Christiane Costa de Matos Fernandes - 2024 - Tópicos: Revista de Filosofía 71:289-311.
    A proposta desse trabalho é relacionar momentos do percurso investigativo de Heidegger, durante os anos 1920, a fim de descrever o que parece ser uma relação decisiva a partir da qual toda a arquitetura de Ser e tempo pode ser compreendida enquanto projeto filosófico, a saber: o nexo entre aquilo que o autor indica como o verdadeiro a priori da fenomenologia, a pergunta pelo sentido de ser e, finalmente, a necessidade de uma ontologia fundamental.
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  49. Interview: Hans-Georg Gadamer: 'Without poets there is no philosophy'.Christiane Gehron, Jonathan Rée & Hans-Georg Gadamer - 1995 - Radical Philosophy 69.
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    Le soi et les autres en enseignement. Vers une éthique du lien.Christiane Gohier - 2009 - In Christiane Gohier & France Jutras (eds.), Repères pour l'éthique professionnelle des enseignants. Québec: Presses de l'Université du Québec. pp. 7--29.
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