Results for 'Cinéma Aspect religieux.'

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  1. Aspects religieux chez Hubert Lampo.Peter de Klerk - 2001 - Iris 22:317-329.
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  2. L'aspect rationnel et l'aspect religieux de la philosophie de Plotin.Fernand Brunner - 1990 - Revue de Théologie Et de Philosophie 122:417-430.
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    Catullus Jean Granarolo: L'æuvre de Catulle: aspects religieux, éthiques et stylistiques. Pp.408. Paris: Les Belles Lettres, 1967. Cloth. [REVIEW]E. J. Kenney - 1969 - The Classical Review 19 (03):290-292.
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    Cinema and the Digital Revolution: The Representations of Digital Culture in Films.Hasan Gürkan & Başak Gezmen - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:1-15.
    This article examines popular cinema’s interactions with digital culture, focusing on cinema and social structure. A product of technological and social developments, digital culture has introduced the creation of cyberspace, the emergence and spread of social media, and the formation of virtual communities. This article focuses on a specific period (1980 – 2010) to examine the evolution in cinema of portrayals of digital culture. The analysis includes four influential films: WarGames (1983, by John Badham), Perfect Blue (1997, by Satoshi Kon), (...)
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    Cinema Pessimism: A Political Theory of Representation and Reciprocity.Joshua Foa Dienstag - 2019 - New York, NY: Oup Usa.
    Cinema Pessimism explores the challenges of representative democracy through film. Film allows us to see the problems of democracy from a unique perspective, illuminating dangers that are not always visible to us either from day-to-day experience or the classics of democratic theory. Joshua Foa Dienstag argues that there are threats lurking in our political systems that we fail to perceive due to the many pleasures that representation provides. Ultimately, Dienstag seeks to defend a kind of pessimistic politics that might produce (...)
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    Cinema and the Artificial Passions: a Conversation with the Abbé Du Bos.Paisley Nathan Livingston - 2013 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 69 (3-4):419-430.
    Resumo Na entrevista ficcional que se segue, as ideias de Abbé Jean-Baptiste Du Bos sobre as artes de representação serão aplicadas a aspectos relevantes do cinema. Du Bos argumenta que, normalmente, as obras de ficção cinematográfica são projectadas para dar origem a “paixões artificiais”, que têm a função de fornecer alívio ao tédio, sem as consequências negativas que muitas actividades alternativas têm. Também será considerada a questão, se os filmes têm um significado filosófico. O resultado é uma perspectiva desconhecida, do (...)
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    Cinema-politics-philosophy.Nico Baumbach - 2018 - New York: Columbia University Press.
    Film theory and its emphasis on political and ideological readings of films dominated much of cinema studies in the '70s and '80s. Since then, in response to what some view as the shortcomings of theoretical approaches, a variety of other methods have emerged or reemerged. In many ways, as Nico Baumbach argues, "Anti-Grand Theory" has won the day but its victory is, in part, based on misreadings or simplifications of '70s film theory. In particular, Baumbach views contemporary critical approaches to (...)
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    Le règlement religieux de Marmarini (Thessalie) : nouvelles lectures, nouvelles interprétations.Richard Bouchon & Jean-Claude Decourt - 2017 - Kernos 30:159-186.
    Le long règlement religieux trouvé à Marmarini, au nord-est de Larissa (Thessalie), a déjà donné lieu, depuis sa publication, à plusieurs articles qui tentent d’éclairer ce texte difficile. Dans la présente contribution, les auteurs proposent de nouvelles lectures et une nouvelle traduction, ce qui les conduit à suggérer de nouvelles interprétations sur certains aspects du rituel de ce sanctuaire consacré à une divinité orientale qui n’est jamais nommée.
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    (1 other version)Marginales et exemplaires. Remarques sur quelques aspects du rôle religieux des femmes dans la Rome républicaine.Jean-Marie Pailler - 1995 - Clio: A Journal of Literature, History, and the Philosophy of History 2:3-3.
    Les femmes romaines sont exclues de tout pouvoir et confinées dans un rôle de subordination et de dépendance en matière religieuse comme dans les domaines de la vie privée et de la vie politique. Toutefois, en des moments essentiels de l’histoire de Rome (période primitive, deuxième guerre punique, guerres civiles), l’activité religieuse de certaines d’entre elles, parfois exercée de façon marginale ou suspecte, montre l’étendue de leurs capacités comme porteuses du sacré. Au coeur de la tradition civique et religieuse de (...)
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    World cinema and cultural memory.Inez Hedges - 2015 - New York, NY: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    Cinema has long played a crucial role in the way that societies remember and represent themselves. In the last quarter century, film has been an important medium in the public debate around the memory of the Holocaust and of Hiroshima; of the Algerian war for independence and of the Spanish Civil War; of the Allende legacy in Chile, the utopian dreams of 1968, and the aborted project of the German Democratic Republic; in identity formation in Palestine and in the African (...)
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    Jacques Lacan et le sentiment religieux.Pierre Daviot - 2006 - Ramonville Saint-Agne: Erès.
    Si la psychanalyse n'est pas une religion, pourquoi en emprunte-t-elle si souvent le chemin? Comment une pratique laïque et athée, héritière du débat des Lumières, peut-elle espérer trouver des réponses à ses propres questions dans les expériences subjectives qui ont guidé, pour le meilleur et pour le pire, les générations antérieures? À quels risques s'exposent ceux qui croient se garder de la métaphysique en méconnaissance de cause, sans s'apercevoir que l'émancipation de la psychanalyse de tout fondement religieux laisse le champ (...)
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    The Cinema of Michael Haneke: Europe Utopia.David Sorfa & Ben McCann - 2011 - New York, NY, USA: Columbia University Press.
    Michael Haneke is one of the most important directors working in Europe today, with films such as Funny Games (1997), Code Unknown (2000), and Hidden (2005) interrogating modern ethical dilemmas with forensic clarity and merciless insight. Haneke's films frequently implicate both the protagonists and the audience in the making of their misfortunes, yet even in the barren nihilism of The Seventh Continent (1989) and Time of the Wolf (2003) a dark strain of optimism emerges, releasing each from its terrible and (...)
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    Selfless cinema?: ethics and French documentary.Sarah Cooper - 2006 - London, U.K.: Legenda.
    In Selfless Cinema?, Sarah Cooper maps out the power relations of making, and viewing, documentaries in ethical terms. The ethics of filmmaking are often examined in largely legalistic terms, dominated by issues of consent, responsibility, and participantse(tm) or film-makerse(tm) rights, but Cooper approaches four representative French film-makers e" Jean Rouch, Chris Marker, Raymond Depardon, and Agns Varda e" in a far less juridical way, drawing on the ethical philosophy of Emmanuel Levinas. She argues that, in spite of Levinase(tm)s iconoclastic, anti-ocular (...)
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    World Cinema and the Ethics of Realism.Lúcia Nagib - 2011 - Continuum.
    Introduction -- Physical cinema. The end of the other -- The immaterial difference : Werner Herzog revisited -- The reality of the medium. Conceptual realism in Land in trance and I am Cuba -- The work of art in progress : an analysis of delicate crime -- The ethics of desire. The realm of the senses, the ethical imperative and the politics of pleasure -- Hara and Kobayashi's "private documentaries" -- The self-performing auteur : ethics in João César Monteiro.
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  15. “Pensar o Cinema pelo Cinema”: Deleuze, Filosofia e Cinema. Uma Introdução.Susana Viegas - 2013 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 69 (3-4):491-504.
    Resumo Neste ensaio procuro analisar o movimento reversível que há entre cinema e filosofia no pensamento de Gilles Deleuze. A filosofia do cinema é um dos temas deleuzianos por excelência e Cinema 1 e Cinema 2, dois dos seus livros mais estudados. Porém, que papel teve o cinema no seu pensamento filosófico? Com o objectivo de analisar os diferentes tipos de interferências que ocorrem entre o campo estritamente filosófico e o campo não-filosófico, pretendo demonstrar de que modo o cinema não (...)
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    Cinema and Agamben: ethics, biopolitics and the moving image.Henrik Gustafsson & Asbjørn Grønstad (eds.) - 2014 - New York: Bloomsbury Academic.
    Cinema and Agamben brings together a group of established scholars of film and visual culture to explore the nexus between the moving image and the influential work of Italian philosopher Giorgio Agamben. Including two original texts by Agamben himself, published here for the first time in English translation, these essays facilitate a unique multidisciplinary conversation that fundamentally rethinks the theory and praxis of cinema. In their resourceful analyses of the work of artists such as David Claerbout, Jean-Luc Godard, Philippe Grandrieux, (...)
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    Cinema, democracy and perfectionism: Joshua Foa Dienstag in dialogue.Joshua Foa Dienstag - 2016 - Manchester: Manchester University Press.
    Joshua Foa Dienstag engages in a critical encounter with the work of Stanley Cavell on cinema, focusing skeptical attention on the claims made for the contribution of cinema to the ethical character of democratic life.
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    Cinema.Alain Badiou - 2013 - Cambridge: Polity. Edited by Antoine deBaecque & Susan Spitzer.
    For Alain Badiou, films think, and it is the task of the philosopher to transcribe that thinking. What is the subject to which the film gives expressive form? This is the question that lies at the heart of Badiouʹs account of cinema. He contends that cinema is an art form that bears witness to the Other and renders human presence visible, thus testifying to the universal value of human existence and human freedom. Through the experience of viewing, the movement of (...)
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    Cinema, Philosophy and Education.Claudia Schumann & Torill Strand - 2021 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 40 (5):453-459.
    This special issue responds to the current discourse on cinema and education from a philosophical point of view. Considering the fact that young people worldwide are watching films and series via their smartphones or personal computers, we here explore the educative aspects of this popular activity. Does this wide-ranging habit mis-educate the next generation? Or does cinema carry a potential for ethical-political education, parallel to the ancient Greek tragedies and the modernist Bildungsroman? The authors of this special issue deliberate this (...)
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    For the Love of Cinema: Teaching Our Passion in and Outside the Classroom.Rashna Wadia Richards & David T. Johnson (eds.) - 2017 - Indiana University Press.
    What role does love--of cinema, of cinema studies, of teaching and learning--play in teaching film? For the Love of Cinema brings together a wide range of film scholars to explore the relationship between cinephilia and pedagogy. All of them ask whether cine-love can inform the serious study of cinema. Chapter by chapter, writers approach this question from various perspectives: some draw on aspects of students' love of cinema as a starting point for rethinking familiar films or generating new kinds of (...)
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    Cinema beyond territory: inflight entertainment and atmospheres of globalisation.Stephen Groening - 2014 - Basingstoke, Hampshire: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    Global airspace, global cinemaspace -- Aerial perceptions: the visuality of the airplane -- Airborne cinema: the emergence of inflight entertainment -- Executive flight: attention, gender and the seatback screen -- Networked transport: neoliberalism and digital entertainments -- Disastrous speed: thrill rides, screens and fear of flying -- Live in air: aerial circuits of television -- Conclusion: cinema as infrastructure.
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    (1 other version)The intervals of cinema.Jacques Ranciere - 2014 - New York: Verso. Edited by John Howe.
    Cinema, like language, can be said to exist as a system of differences. In his latest book, acclaimed philosopher Jacques Rancière looks at cinematic art in comparison to its corollary forms in literature and theatre. From literature, he argues, cinema takes its narrative conventions, while at the same time effacing literature’s images and philosophy; and film rejects theatre, while also fulfilling theatre’s dream. Built on these contradictions, the cinema is the real, material space in which one is moved by the (...)
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    Limit cinema: transgression and the nonhuman in contemporary global film.Chelsea Birks - 2021 - New York: Bloomsbury Academic.
    Limit Cinema explores how contemporary global cinema represents the relationship between humans and nature. During the 21st century this relationship has become increasingly fraught due to proliferating social and environmental crises; recent films from Lars von Trier's Melancholia (2011) to Apichatpong Weerasethakul's Uncle Boonmee Who Can Recall His Past Lives (2010) address these problems by reflecting or renegotiating the terms of our engagement with the natural world. In this spirit, this book proposes a new film philosophy for the Anthropocene. It (...)
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    Toward an Anarchist Film Theory: Reflections on the Politics of Cinema.Nathan Jun - 2010 - Anarchist Developments in Cultural Studies 1 (1):139-161.
    Cinema, like art more generally, is both an artistic genre and a politico-economic institution. On the one hand there is film, a medium which disseminates moving images via the projection of light through celluloid onto a screen. Individual films or "movies," in turn, are discrete aesthetic objects that are distinguished and analyzed vis-à-vis their form and content. On the other hand there is the film industry-the elaborate network of artistic, technical, and economic apparatuses which plan, produce, market, and display films (...)
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    Instances of cinema.Ted Nannicelli - 2017 - Projections-The Journal for Movies and Mind 11 (1):1-15.
    This article sketches a commonplace yet neglected epistemic puzzle raised by the diversity of our film-viewing practices. Because our appreciative practices allow for variability in the " instances " of cinematic works we engage, many of our experiential encounters with those works are flawed or impoverished in a number of ways. The article outlines a number of ways in which instances of cinema can vary – including, for example, in terms of color, score, and aspect ratio. This variability of (...)
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    Cinema of choice: optional thinking and narrative movies.Nitzan S. Ben-Shaul - 2012 - New York: Berghahn Books.
    Introduction -- Closed mindedness in movies -- Failed alternatives to optional thinking -- Optional thinking in movies -- Conclusion.
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    Gilles Deleuze: cinéma et philosophie.Paola Marrati - 2003 - Paris: Presses Universitaires de France - PUF.
    Gilles Deleuze est le premier philosophe français (et l'un des très rares dans le monde) à avoir consacré l'intégralité d'un ouvrage de philosophie au cinéma. S'étant fixé comme objectif de penser le cinéma dans sa singularité, à la fois comme pratique artistique et comme pensée, le philosophe s'est trouvé conduit à reconsidérer certains aspects fondamentaux de son projet philosophique, et à produire des concepts nouveaux. Une synthèse claire et concise.
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    Interactive cinema: the ambiguous ethics of media participation.Marina Hassapopoulou - 2024 - Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.
    Interactive Cinema explores cinematic practices that work to transform what is often seen as a receptive activity into a participatory, multimedia experience. Combining cutting-edge theory with updated conventional film studies methodologies, Marina Hassapopoulou presses at the conceptual limits of cinema and offers an essential road map to the rapidly evolving landscape of contemporary media.
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    Αὔλειος θύρα et cadre religieuxΑὔλειος θύρα and Religious Context: Between the Public and the Private.Menelaos Christopoulos - 2006 - Kernos 19:303-312.
    L’article étudie certaines particularités qui apparaissent dans le cadre religieux de l’époque archaique et classique, et qui sont associées à l’αὔλειος θύρα, à savoir le seuil qui sépare l’espace public de la cité et l’espace privé de la maison,dans trois textes représentatifs : le VIe livre d’Hérodote, la 1re Néméenne de Pindare et l’Hymne homérique à Hermès. L’étude des rencontres qui ont lieu devant l’auleios thyra conduisent à une transposition du sacré d’un espace à l’autre. Par l’auleios thyra, un élément (...)
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    Cinema of confinement.Thomas J. Connelly - 2019 - Evanston, Illinois: Northwestern University Press.
    Introduction: Excess, the gaze, and cinema of confinement -- Excess in confinement in Room and Green room -- Big window, big other: enjoyment and spectatorship in Alfred Hitchcock's Rope -- Interior confinement: shattering and disintegration in Ingmar Bergman's The passion of Anna -- It "over-looks": movement and stillness in Stanley Kubrick's The shining -- "It's just a show?" Paranoia and provocation in Oliver Stone's Talk radio -- Voices, telephones, and confined spaces: Phone booth and Locke -- Captive, captor, and aliens: (...)
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    Cinema's bodily illusions: flying, floating, and hallucinating.Scott C. Richmond - 2016 - Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.
    Do contemporary big-budget blockbuster films like Gravity move something in us that is fundamentally the same as what avant-garde and experimental films have done for more than a century? In a powerful challenge to mainstream film theory, Cinema's Bodily Illusions demonstrates that this is the case. Scott C. Richmond bridges genres and periods by focusing, most palpably, on cinema's power to evoke illusions: feeling like you're flying through space, experiencing 3D without glasses, or even hallucinating. He argues that cinema is, (...)
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    Cinema, media, and human flourishing.Timothy Corrigan (ed.) - 2022 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    The range of topics in this volume covers a multitude of historical periods and topics, which in turn figure in the new media environments of contemporary life. These include discussions of the Aristotelian and classical models of a "good life" that inform animated fairy tales today, 1930s French and Hollywood films which respond to the dire need for productive human relationships in a turbulent decade, the polemical positions of black film criticism through the lens of James Baldwin's work, a discussion (...)
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    Deleuze et le cinéma politique de Glauber Rocha.Jean-Christophe Goddard - 2009 - Cités 40 (4):87.
    En 1985, dans Cinéma 2, Gilles Deleuze présente l’œuvre du réalisateur Glauber Rocha, le promoteur dans les années 1960 du cinéma Novo brésilien, comme exemplaire du cinéma politique moderne. La caractéristique du cinéma politique moderne qui retiendra notre attention, et par laquelle nous tenterons de saisir un aspect significatif de la pensée..
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    (1 other version)Intertextualités : jeu vidéo, littérature, cinéma, bande dessinée.Yves Chevaldonn - 2012 - Hermès: La Revue Cognition, communication, politique 62 (1):, [ p.].
    L’évolution de la littérature, du cinéma, de la bande dessinée et des jeux vidéo tend de plus en plus vers une convergence, aussi bien sur le plan économique que sur le plan artistique . Nous proposons ici d’étudier cette convergence, autour de mondes imaginaires , et selon trois approches : le système de production, les représentations véhiculées et l’esthétique.Changing trends in literature, film, comics and video games are tending towards convergence, both in economic terms and artistically . Here we discuss (...)
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    Deconstruction of the Enemy Image: Beyond the “Realistic” and Functional Approaches. Book Review: “Enemy Number One” in Symbolic Politics of the USSR and the USA Cinema During the Cold War / Ed by O. Riabov. Moscow: Aspect Press, 2023. [REVIEW]Fedor Nickolae - 2023 - Sociology of Power 35 (1):242-249.
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    Vikings in Cinema: A Case Study of How to Train Your Dragon (2010).Dawid Kobiałka - 2013 - International Journal of Žižek Studies 7 (4).
    Archaeologists have been interested in Hollywood films for a few decades. What basically interested them was the theme of how cinema misperceives the practice of archaeology and its object of study (the past). In this paper I focus on How to Train Your Dragon (2010), 3-D animated film about Vikings for children. A film is always already a meta-film. Every film is, to use Hegelian distinction, a story in itself, presents more or less coherent story. At the same time, a (...)
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    Un règlement religieux de la région de Larissa.Jean-Claude Decourt & A. Tziaphalias - 2015 - Kernos 28:13-51.
    Une haute stèle de marbre opisthographe trouvée il y a quelques années à Marmarini, au nord-est de Larissa (Thessalie), propose un long texte de 54 et 82 lignes aujourd’hui lisibles. En s’appuyant sur cette inscription du milieu du iie s. av. J.-C., qui d’une part comporte un calendrier cultuel et de l’autre un certain nombre de prescriptions touchant aux rites, le présent article propose une présentation de l’aspect probable du sanctuaire (péribole, temple, autel etc.), une liste des divinités concernées (...)
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    Imitation of Life: Cinema and the Moral Imagination.Jane Stadler - 2020 - Paragraph 43 (3):298-313.
    The influence of film's compelling images, characters and storylines has polarized perspectives on cinema and the moral imagination. Does film stimulate the audience's imagination and foster imitation in morally dangerous ways, or elicit ethical insight and empathy? Might the presentation of images on screen denude the capacity to conjure images in the mind's eye, or cultivate the imaginative capacity for moral vision as spectators attend to the plight of protagonists? Using Imitation of Life to interrogate paradoxical perspectives on the cinematic (...)
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    Transformative Aspects of the Angelic Imaginary.Martha Blassnigg - 2006 - Technoetic Arts 4 (1):15-25.
    The following paper will present some outcomes of research into the topic of clairvoyance in a European context and the depiction of the spiritual in film in order to suggest that a cultural analysis of the perception of the angelic imaginary can offer insights into the interrelation between the subject areas of cinema and consciousness. This research on clairvoyance began in 1997 as part of an interdisciplinary study arising out of the disciplines of Cultural Anthropology and Film Theory at the (...)
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  40. (1 other version)Left-over Spaces: The Cinema of the Dardenne Brothers.Benoît Dillet & Tara Puri - 2013 - Film-Philosophy 17 (1):367-382.
    The object of this study is the presence and the operation of space in the films of the Dardenne brothers. In this paper, we will examine three films - Rosetta , The Child and The Silence of Lorna - and present the argument that they depict an original account of the contemporary European city as a totality (in this case an eastern Belgian steel town). The construction of the characters, their relationships, and the moral implications of their actions are usually (...)
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    Les sciences de l'évolution et les religions: enjeux scientifiques, politiques, philosophiques et religieux.Jean Chaline - 2011 - Paris: Ellipses. Edited by Cédric Grimoult & Boris Dintrans.
    Dieu contre Darwin! Cette opposition, volontairement simplificatrice et provocatrice, n'a en fait guère de sens. Création et Évolution ne se situent pas sur un même plan de connaissance. D'un côté, Les sciences universelles cherchent à décrire, dans un langage rigoureux, la mécanique des origines et de l'évolution de l'Univers, de la vie et de l'homme. De l'autre, philosophies et religions offrent des buts et un autre type de recherche, celui du sens de la vie de chacun. Nous montrons que les (...)
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    Cinema of the dark side: atrocity and the ethics of film spectatorship.Shohini Chaudhuri - 2014 - Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
    Documenting the dark side : fictional and documentary treatments of torture and the 'war on terror' -- History lessons : what audiences (could) learn about genocide from historical drama -- The art of disappearance : remembering political violence in Argentina and Chile -- Uninvited visitors : immigration, detention and deportation in science fiction -- Architectures of enmity : the Israeli-Palestinian conflict through a cinematic lens.
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    Cooking the Cosmic Soup: Vincent Moon's Altered States of Live Cinema.Amir Vudka - 2023 - Deleuze and Guattari Studies 17 (4):561-582.
    The films and live cinema of Vincent Moon are considered in this chapter as ‘psychedelic’: a form of filmmaking and film performances that can open the doors of perception to invisible realms of percepts, affects and durations that are beyond or below ordinary human perception. According to Paul Schrader, films can evoke such spiritual dimensions, in particular through what he called the transcendental style of film, and what Gilles Deleuze termed the time-image. As an audio-visual ethnographer of world religions who (...)
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    Visual alterity: seeing difference in cinema.Randall Halle - 2021 - Urbana: University of Illinois Press.
    Using cinema to explore the visual aspects of alterity, Randall Halle analyzes how we become cognizant of each other and how we perceive and judge another person in a visual field. Halle draws on insights from philosophy and recent developments in cognitive and neuroscience to argue that there is no pure "natural" sight. We always see in a particular way, from a particular vantage point, and through a specific apparatus, and Halle shows how human beings have used cinema to experiment (...)
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    Sufism in Cinema: The Case of Bab'Aziz: The Prince Who Contemplated His Soul.Ridade Öztürk - 2019 - Film-Philosophy 23 (1):55-71.
    This article presents a discussion of key aspects of knowledge in Sufism through an analysis of the film Bab’Aziz: The Prince Who Contemplated His Soul. The dominant Western pe...
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    Sharing (modern) experiences: sport (body) – (image) cinema.Victor Andrade de Melo - 2012 - Journal of the Philosophy of Sport 39 (2):251-266.
    This article discusses the preponderance of aesthetic aspects within the sport experience, especially as these are reflected in the dialogue between sport and cinema and in relations established via the use of images and the emergence of new ideas of the body at the beginning of the twentieth century. The paper is divided into three parts. The first part identifies points of connection between sport and cinema. The remaining parts interpret the meaning of these connections. The paper concludes that it (...)
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    Dreaming of Fred and Ginger: cinema and cultural memory.Annette Kuhn - 2002 - New York: New York University Press.
    "The main spine of this book stems from a comprehensive series of interviews with subjects recalling their experiences of 1930s cinemagoing. Your feel the breath of life in these spectators, a rarity in film studies, thanks to the painstaking work contracting the interview subjects and recording and tabulating their testimony."- JUMPCUT In the 1930s, Britain had the highest annual per capita cinema attendance in the world, far surpassing ballroom dancing as the nation's favorite pastime. It was, as historian A.J.P. Taylor (...)
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    “You’ll never meet someone like me again”: Patty Jenkins’s Monster as Rogue Cinema.Michelle D. Wise - 2019 - Text Matters - a Journal of Literature, Theory and Culture 9 (9):66-80.
    Film is a powerful medium that can influence audience’s perceptions, values and ideals. As filmmaking evolved into a serious art form, it became a powerful tool for telling stories that require us to re-examine our ideology. While it remains popular to adapt a literary novel or text for the screen, filmmakers have more freedom to pick and choose the stories they want to tell. This freedom allows filmmakers to explore narratives that might otherwise go unheard, which include stories that feature (...)
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    Values and symbolization of success in modern cinema.Svetlana Viktorovna Kovaleva, Elena Pavlovna Panova & Roman Vital'evich Reshetov - forthcoming - Philosophy and Culture (Russian Journal).
    The subject of the study is the figurative and symbolic reflection and transformation of the dynamic reality of life in the cinematic space of modern culture. The purpose of the work is to identify and substantiate trends in the development of cinematographic cultural texts based on the figurative and symbolic representation of the phenomenon of success in the existential space of human existence. The scientific novelty of the work is represented by the evidence base of the study, which determines the (...)
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    Traversing the fantasy: the dialectic of desire / fantasy and the ethics of narrative cinema.Sandra Meiri - 2019 - New York: Bloomsbury Academic. Edited by Odeya Kohen Raz.
    Offers a refreshing take on the relevance of psychoanalytic theory for the analysis of films and cinema.
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