Results for 'Cirquent calculus'

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  1.  21
    Elementary-base cirquent calculus II: Choice quantifiers.Giorgi Japaridze - forthcoming - Logic Journal of the IGPL.
    Cirquent calculus is a novel proof theory permitting component-sharing between logical expressions. Using it, the predecessor article ‘Elementary-base cirquent calculus I: Parallel and choice connectives’ built the sound and complete axiomatization $\textbf{CL16}$ of a propositional fragment of computability logic. The atoms of the language of $\textbf{CL16}$ represent elementary, i.e. moveless, games and the logical vocabulary consists of negation, parallel connectives and choice connectives. The present paper constructs the first-order version $\textbf{CL17}$ of $\textbf{CL16}$, also enjoying soundness and (...)
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    A Propositional Cirquent Calculus for Computability Logic.Giorgi Japaridze - 2024 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 33 (4):363-389.
    Cirquent calculus is a proof system with inherent ability to account for sharing subcomponents in logical expressions. Within its framework, this article constructs an axiomatization $$\text{ CL18 }$$ CL18 of the basic propositional fragment of computability logic—the game-semantically conceived logic of computational resources and tasks. The nonlogical atoms of this fragment represent arbitrary so called static games, and the connectives of its logical vocabulary are negation and the parallel and choice versions of conjunction and disjunction. The main technical (...)
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    A cirquent calculus system with clustering and ranking.Wenyan Xu - 2016 - Journal of Applied Logic 16:37-49.
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    The taming of recurrences in computability logic through cirquent calculus, Part I.Giorgi Japaridze - 2013 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 52 (1-2):173-212.
    This paper constructs a cirquent calculus system and proves its soundness and completeness with respect to the semantics of computability logic. The logical vocabulary of the system consists of negation ${\neg}$ , parallel conjunction ${\wedge}$ , parallel disjunction ${\vee}$ , branching recurrence ⫰, and branching corecurrence ⫯. The article is published in two parts, with (the present) Part I containing preliminaries and a soundness proof, and (the forthcoming) Part II containing a completeness proof.
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    The taming of recurrences in computability logic through cirquent calculus, Part II.Giorgi Japaridze - 2013 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 52 (1-2):213-259.
    This paper constructs a cirquent calculus system and proves its soundness and completeness with respect to the semantics of computability logic. The logical vocabulary of the system consists of negation \documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document}$${{\neg}}$$\end{document}, parallel conjunction \documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document}$${{\wedge}}$$\end{document}, parallel disjunction \documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document}$${{\vee}}$$\end{document}, branching recurrence ⫰, and branching corecurrence ⫯. The article is published in two parts, with (...)
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  6.  53
    The Parallel versus Branching Recurrences in Computability Logic.Wenyan Xu & Sanyang Liu - 2013 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 54 (1):61-78.
    This paper shows that the basic logic induced by the parallel recurrence $\hspace {-2pt}\mbox {\raisebox {-0.01pt}{\@setfontsize \small {7}{8}$\wedge$}\hspace {-3.55pt}\raisebox {4.5pt}{\tiny $\mid$}\hspace {2pt}}$ of computability logic (i.e., the one in the signature $\{\neg,$\wedge$,\vee,\hspace {-2pt}\mbox {\raisebox {-0.01pt}{\@setfontsize \small {7}{8}$\wedge$}\hspace {-3.55pt}\raisebox {4.5pt}{\tiny $\mid$}\hspace {2pt}},\hspace {-2pt}\mbox {\raisebox {0.12cm}{\@setfontsize \small {7}{8}$\vee$}\hspace {-3.6pt}\raisebox {0.02cm}{\tiny $\mid$}\hspace {2pt}}\}$ ) is a proper superset of the basic logic induced by the branching recurrence $\mbox {\raisebox {-0.05cm}{$\circ$}\hspace {-0.11cm}\raisebox {3.1pt}{\tiny $\mid$}\hspace {2pt}}$ (i.e., the one in the signature $\{\neg,$\wedge$,\vee,\mbox {\raisebox {-0.05cm}{$\circ$}\hspace {-0.11cm}\raisebox (...)
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  7. jaskowskps matrix criterion for the iNTurnoNisnc.Proposmonal Calculus - 1973 - In Stanisław J. Surma (ed.), Studies in the history of mathematical logic. Wrocław,: Zakład Narodowy im. Ossolinskich. pp. 87.
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    Differentials, higher-order differentials and the derivative in the Leibnizian calculus.H. J. M. Bos - 1974 - Archive for History of Exact Sciences 14 (1):1-90.
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  9. The first computational theory of mind and brain: A close look at McCulloch and Pitts' Logical Calculus of Ideas Immanent in Nervous Activity.Gualtiero Piccinini - 2004 - Synthese 141 (2):175-215.
    Despite its significance in neuroscience and computation, McCulloch and Pitts's celebrated 1943 paper has received little historical and philosophical attention. In 1943 there already existed a lively community of biophysicists doing mathematical work on neural networks. What was novel in McCulloch and Pitts's paper was their use of logic and computation to understand neural, and thus mental, activity. McCulloch and Pitts's contributions included (i) a formalism whose refinement and generalization led to the notion of finite automata (an important formalism in (...)
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  10. A decision procedure for probability calculus with applications.Branden Fitelson - 2008 - Review of Symbolic Logic 1 (1):111-125.
    (new version: 10/30/07). Click here to download the companion Mathematica 6 notebook that goes along with this paper.
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    Ontological remarks on the propositional calculus.W. V. Quine - 1934 - Mind 43 (172):472-476.
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    Completeness Results for Lambek Syntactic Calculus.Wojciech Buszkowski - 1986 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 32 (1-5):13-28.
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    On the strong semantical completeness of the intuitionistic predicate calculus.Richmond H. Thomason - 1968 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 33 (1):1-7.
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    Iterated belief change in the situation calculus.Steven Shapiro, Maurice Pagnucco, Yves Lespérance & Hector J. Levesque - 2011 - Artificial Intelligence 175 (1):165-192.
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    (1 other version)The separation theorem of intuitionist propositional calculus.Alfred Horn - 1962 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 27 (4):391-399.
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    Nowhere to run, rabbit: the cold-war calculus of disease ecology.Warwick Anderson - 2017 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 39 (2):13.
    During the cold war, Frank Fenner and Francis Ratcliffe studied mathematically the coevolution of host resistance and parasite virulence when myxomatosis was unleashed on Australia’s rabbit population. Later, Robert May called Fenner the “real hero” of disease ecology for his mathematical modeling of the epidemic. While Ratcliffe came from a tradition of animal ecology, Fenner developed an ecological orientation in World War II through his work on malaria control —that is, through studies of tropical medicine. This makes Fenner at least (...)
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  17.  48
    Proof of the independence of the primitive symbols of Heyting's calculus of propositions.J. C. C. McKinsey - 1939 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 4 (4):155-158.
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  18. Ability and knowing how in the situation calculus.Yves Lespérance, Hector J. Levesque, Fangzhen Lin & Richard B. Scherl - 2000 - Studia Logica 66 (1):165-186.
    Most agents can acquire information about their environments as they operate. A good plan for such an agent is one that not only achieves the goal, but is also executable, i.e., ensures that the agent has enough information at every step to know what to do next. In this paper, we present a formal account of what it means for an agent to know how to execute a plan and to be able to achieve a goal. Such a theory is (...)
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  19. The metatheory of the classical propositional calculus is not axiomatizable.Ian Mason - 1985 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 50 (2):451-457.
  20. (1 other version)Peirce's axioms for propositional calculus.A. N. Prior - 1958 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 23 (2):135-136.
  21. Predication versus membership in the distinction between logic as language and logic as calculus.Nino Cocchiarella - 1988 - Synthese 77 (1):37 - 72.
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    Shortest single axioms for the classical equivalential calculus.Jeremy George Peterson - 1976 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 17 (2):267-271.
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    The History of the Calculus and Its Conceptual Development: (The Concepts of the Calculus).Carl B. Boyer - 1949 - Courier Corporation.
    Traces the development of the integral and the differential calculus and related theories since ancient times.
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    Detleff Clüver: An Early Opponent of the Leibnizian Differential Calculus.Paolo Mancosu & Ezio Vailati - 1990 - Centaurus 33 (3):325-344.
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    Belief revision and projection in the epistemic situation calculus.Christoph Schwering, Gerhard Lakemeyer & Maurice Pagnucco - 2017 - Artificial Intelligence 251 (C):62-97.
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    Spatial reasoning in a fuzzy region connection calculus.Steven Schockaert, Martine De Cock & Etienne E. Kerre - 2009 - Artificial Intelligence 173 (2):258-298.
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    Cut Elimination in a Gentzen-Style ε-Calculus Without Identity.Linda Wessels - 1976 - Zeitschrift fur mathematische Logik und Grundlagen der Mathematik 23 (36):527-538.
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    Rule-Irredundancy and the Sequent Calculus for Core Logic.Neil Tennant - 2016 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 57 (1):105-125.
    We explore the consequences, for logical system-building, of taking seriously the aim of having irredundant rules of inference, and a preference for proofs of stronger results over proofs of weaker ones. This leads one to reconsider the structural rules of REFLEXIVITY, THINNING, and CUT. REFLEXIVITY survives in the minimally necessary form $\varphi:\varphi$. Proofs have to get started. CUT is subject to a CUT-elimination theorem, to the effect that one can always make do without applications of CUT. So CUT is redundant, (...)
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  29. A calculus of individuals based on "connection".Bowman L. Clarke - 1981 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 22 (3):204-218.
    Although Aristotle (Metaphysics, Book IV, Chapter 2) was perhaps the first person to consider the part-whole relationship to be a proper subject matter for philosophic inquiry, the Polish logician Stanislow Lesniewski [15] is generally given credit for the first formal treatment of the subject matter in his Mereology.1 Woodger [30] and Tarski [24] made use of a specific adaptation of Lesniewski's work as a basis for a formal theory of physical things and their parts. The term 'calculus of individuals' (...)
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  30.  22
    The Calculus of Natural Calculation.René Gazzari - 2021 - Studia Logica 109 (6):1375-1411.
    The calculus of Natural Calculation is introduced as an extension of Natural Deduction by proper term rules. Such term rules provide the capacity of dealing directly with terms in the calculus instead of the usual reasoning based on equations, and therefore the capacity of a natural representation of informal mathematical calculations. Basic proof theoretic results are communicated, in particular completeness and soundness of the calculus; normalisation is briefly investigated. The philosophical impact on a proof theoretic account of (...)
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  31.  66
    Scientific theory as partially interpreted calculus.Brent Mundy - 1987 - Erkenntnis 27 (2):173 - 196.
  32. Normal Modal Logics In Which The Heyting Propositional Calculus Can Be Embedded.Kosta Dosen - 1988 - Bulletin of the Section of Logic 17 (1):23-30.
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    Property persistence in the situation calculus.Ryan F. Kelly & Adrian R. Pearce - 2010 - Artificial Intelligence 174 (12-13):865-888.
  34. Differential Calculus Based on the Double Contradiction.Kazuhiko Kotani - 2016 - Open Journal of Philosophy 6 (4):420-427.
    The derivative is a basic concept of differential calculus. However, if we calculate the derivative as change in distance over change in time, the result at any instant is 0/0, which seems meaningless. Hence, Newton and Leibniz used the limit to determine the derivative. Their method is valid in practice, but it is not easy to intuitively accept. Thus, this article describes the novel method of differential calculus based on the double contradiction, which is easier to accept intuitively. (...)
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  35. The Epsilon Calculus.Jeremy Avigad & Richard Zach - 2012 - In Ed Zalta (ed.), Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Stanford, CA: Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
    The epsilon calculus is a logical formalism developed by David Hilbert in the service of his program in the foundations of mathematics. The epsilon operator is a term-forming operator which replaces quantifiers in ordinary predicate logic. Specifically, in the calculus, a term εx A denotes some x satisfying A(x), if there is one. In Hilbert's Program, the epsilon terms play the role of ideal elements; the aim of Hilbert's finitistic consistency proofs is to give a procedure which removes (...)
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    The Calculus of Higher-Level Rules, Propositional Quantification, and the Foundational Approach to Proof-Theoretic Harmony.Peter Schroeder-Heister - 2014 - Studia Logica 102 (6):1185-1216.
    We present our calculus of higher-level rules, extended with propositional quantification within rules. This makes it possible to present general schemas for introduction and elimination rules for arbitrary propositional operators and to define what it means that introductions and eliminations are in harmony with each other. This definition does not presuppose any logical system, but is formulated in terms of rules themselves. We therefore speak of a foundational account of proof-theoretic harmony. With every set of introduction rules a canonical (...)
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  37.  11
    Introduction to Deep Learning: From Logical Calculus to Artificial Intelligence.Sandro Skansi - 2018 - Springer Verlag.
    This textbook presents a concise, accessible and engaging first introduction to deep learning, offering a wide range of connectionist models which represent the current state-of-the-art. The text explores the most popular algorithms and architectures in a simple and intuitive style, explaining the mathematical derivations in a step-by-step manner. The content coverage includes convolutional networks, LSTMs, Word2vec, RBMs, DBNs, neural Turing machines, memory networks and autoencoders. Numerous examples in working Python code are provided throughout the book, and the code is also (...)
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  38. New Semantics For The Lower Predicate Calculus.Gary Legenhausen - 1985 - Logique Et Analyse 28 (112):317-339.
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    (1 other version)A new symbolism for the propositional calculus.William Tuthill Parry - 1954 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 19 (3):161-168.
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    Structural completeness of the first‐order predicate calculus.W. A. Pogorzelski & T. Prucnal - 1975 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 21 (1):315-320.
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    A tour of the multivariate lambda calculus.Garrel Pottinger - 1990 - In J. Dunn & A. Gupta (eds.), Truth or Consequences: Essays in Honor of Nuel Belnap. Boston, MA, USA: Kluwer Academic Publishers. pp. 209--229.
  42. The development of Symbolic Logic, a critical-historical study of the Logical calculus.A. Shearman - 1906 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 14 (4):9-10.
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  43. Actions and other events in situation calculus.John McCarthy - manuscript
    internal events that happen spontaneously from external events (actions). It also treats processes, e.g. a buzzer, that do not settle down. The non-monotonic reasoning is circumscription done situation by situation.
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    Lambda-calculus, combinators, and functional programming.György E. Révész - 1988 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Provides computer science students and researchers with a firm background in lambda-calculus and combinators.
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    Lambek Calculus with Conjugates.Igor Sedlár & Andrew Tedder - 2020 - Studia Logica 109 (3):447-470.
    We study an expansion of the Distributive Non-associative Lambek Calculus with conjugates of the Lambek product operator and residuals of those conjugates. The resulting logic is well-motivated, under-investigated and difficult to tackle. We prove completeness for some of its fragments and establish that it is decidable. Completeness of the logic is an open problem; some difficulties with applying the usual proof method are discussed.
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  46. The Application of the Infinitesimal Calculus to some Physical Problems by Leibniz and his Friends.Eric Aiton - 1986 - Studia Leibnitiana 14:133.
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    (1 other version)A note on the intuitionistic and the classical proposition calculus.T. Thacher Robinson - 1960 - Logique Et Analyse 3 (4):174-176.
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    Convergence and Formal Manipulation of Series from the Origins of Calculus to About 1730.Giovanni Ferraro - 2002 - Annals of Science 59 (2):179-199.
    In this paper I illustrate the evolution of series theory from Leibniz and Newton to the first decades of the eighteenth century. Although mathematicians used convergent series to solve geometric problems, they manipulated series by a mere extension of the rules valid for finite series, without considering convergence as a preliminary condition. Further, they conceived of a power series as a result of a process of the expansion of a finite analytical expression and thought that the link between series and (...)
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  49.  34
    Proof routines for the propositional calculus.Hugues Leblanc - 1963 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 4 (2):81-104.
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    Ancestral Kripke models and nonhereditary Kripke models for the Heyting propositional calculus.Kosta Došen - 1991 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 32 (4):580-597.
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