Results for 'Clemens Weidmann'

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  1.  11
    Collatio Carthaginensis anni 411. Gesta collationis Carthaginensis Augustinus, Breviculus collationis Augustinus, Ad Donatistas post collationem, ed. Clemens Weidmann, De Gruyter Publishing House, Berlin-Boston 2018.Bengt Alexanderson - 2019 - Augustinianum 59 (2):551-554.
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    Sancti Augustini Opera, Enarrationes in Psalmos 1-50. Pars 1B: Enarrationes in psalmos 18-32 (Sermones), ed. Clemens Weidmann[REVIEW]Bengt Alexanderson - 2012 - Augustinianum 52 (2):561-569.
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    Clemens Friedrich & Birgit Menzel (Eds.), Osteuropa in Umbruch. Alte und neue Mythen. [REVIEW]Clemens Friedrich & Birgit Menzel - 1998 - Studies in East European Thought 50 (2):153-155.
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  4. Abhandlungen Zur Geschichte der Philosophie des Mittelalters Festgabe Clemens Baeumker Zum 70 Geburtstag.Clemens Baeumker - 1923 - Aschendorff.
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    Studien zur Geschichte der Philosophie: Festgabe zum 60. Geburtstag Clemens Baeumker.Clemens Baeumker - 1913 - Aschendorff.
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    Allocation of single-use drugs in children in global compassionate use programs.Clemens Miller - 2022 - Ethik in der Medizin 34 (4):497-514.
    Definition of the problem Compassionate use is the use of unapproved drugs in groups of patients suffering from a disease that, in the absence of an alternative treatment option, is life-threatening or leads to severe disability. Physicians are not in charge because access to the drug is only granted by pharmaceutical companies, which comes along with many ethical issues. Launched in 2020, the program of Onasemnogenum abeparvovecum against spinal muscular atrophy in children reached a new dimension. The intent of this (...)
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    Das menschliche Mass: Orientierungsversuche im biotechnologischen Zeitalter.Bernd Weidmann & Thomas von Woedtke (eds.) - 2018 - Leipzig: Evangelische Verlagsanstalt.
    How long new biomedical technologies are welcome paths for treatment of diseases or reduction of sufferings and where does the aspiration of human enhancement start? Are there basic criteria and standards for a demarcation or has this question to be answered pragmatically, based on a deliberated experience, open for the respective situation? In any case, a common understanding about boundary lines between elemental self-development and forced self-optimization is essential. The volume contains contributions to this burning issue given and debated during (...)
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  8. Eigentlichkeit: Zum Verhältnis von Sprache, Sprechern Und Weltdeutschsprachige Enzyklopädien des 18. Bis 21. Jahrhundertsgenealogische Eigentlichkeit Im Deutschen Sprachdenken des Barock Und der Aufklärungkorpuspragmatik Und Wirklichkeitgrammatische Eigen.Bernd Weidmann - 2015 - De Gruyter.
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    Ökonomie der ‘Großmuth’ Geldwirtschaft in Lessings Minna von Barnhelm und Nathan dem Weisen.Heiner Weidmann - 1994 - Deutsche Vierteljahrsschrift für Literaturwissenschaft Und Geistesgeschichte 68 (3):447-461.
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  10.  40
    Introduction to Harold Garfinkel's Ethnomethodological "Misreading" of Aron Gurwitsch on the Phenomenal Field.Clemens Eisenmann & Michael Lynch - 2021 - Human Studies 44 (1):1-17.
    This article is the editors’ introduction to the transcript of a lecture that Harold Garfinkel delivered to a seminar in 1993. Garfinkel extensively discusses the relevance of Aron Gurwitsch’s phenomenological treatment of Gestalt theory for ethnomethodology. Garfinkel uses the term “misreading” to signal a respecification of Gurwitsch’s phenomenological investigations, and particularly his conceptions of contextures, functional significations, and phenomenal fields, so that they become compatible with detailed observations and descriptions of social actions and interactions performed in situ. Garfinkel begins with (...)
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    Clinical Ethics Consultation in Chronic Illness: Challenging Epistemic Injustice Through Epistemic Modesty.Tatjana Weidmann-Hügle & Settimio Monteverde - 2024 - HEC Forum 36 (2):131-145.
    Leading paradigms of clinical ethics consultation closely follow a biomedical model of care. In this paper, we present a theoretical reflection on the underlying biomedical model of disease, how it shaped clinical practices and patterns of ethical deliberation within these practices, and the repercussions it has on clinical ethics consultations for patients with chronic illness. We contend that this model, despite its important contribution to capturing the ethical issues of day-to-day clinical ethics deliberation, might not be sufficient for patients presenting (...)
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  12.  3
    Swissair Souvenirs: The Swissair Photo Archive.Ruedi Weidmann - 2012 - Scheidegger & Spiess.
    Als die Swissair 1931 gegründet wurde hob der helvetische Nationalstolz ab. Die Fluggesellschaft mit dem weissen Kreuz auf rotem Grund wurde nach dem Grounding von 2001 endgültig zum Mythos. Während der siebzig Jahre ihres Bestehens verwandte sie viel Sorgfalt darauf, Menschen und Maschinen, den Betrieb an Bord und am Boden sowie die Sicht aus dem Flugzeug zu dokumentieren. Die Fotografen der Swissair bzw. ihrer Vorgängerfirmen rückten den Alltag der Fluglinie ins Bild - Flotte und Flugplätze, Piloten und Stewardessen, die Alpen (...)
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    Cows desiring to be milked? Milking robots and the co-evolution of ethics and technology on Dutch dairy farms.Clemens Driessen & Leonie F. M. Heutinck - 2015 - Agriculture and Human Values 32 (1):3-20.
    Ethical concerns regarding agricultural practices can be found to co-evolve with technological developments. This paper aims to create an understanding of ethics that is helpful in debating technological innovation by studying such a co-evolution process in detail: the development and adoption of the milking robot. Over the last decade an increasing number of milking robots, or automatic milking systems (AMS), has been adopted, especially in the Netherlands and a few other Western European countries. The appraisal of this new technology in (...)
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  14. The Theory of Obligation in Wolff, Baumgarten, and the Early Kant.Clemens Schwaiger - 2009 - In Karl Ameriks (ed.), Kant's Moral and Legal Philosophy. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 58--76.
  15.  43
    The borderlands of waking: Quantifying the transition from reflective thought to hallucination in sleep onset.Clemens Speth & Jana Speth - 2016 - Consciousness and Cognition 41 (C):57-63.
  16.  42
    Real-Time Monitoring of Non-linear Suicidal Dynamics: Methodology and a Demonstrative Case Report.Clemens Fartacek, Günter Schiepek, Sabine Kunrath, Reinhold Fartacek & Martin Plöderl - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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    Psychoanalysis is an Antiphilosophy.Justin Clemens - 2013 - Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
    Love, hate, slavery, torture, addiction and death - as this book shows, only psychoanalysis can speak well of such matters. Psychoanalysis was the most important intellectual development of the 20th century, which left no practice from psychiatry to philosophy to politics untouched. Yet it was also in many ways an untouchable project, caught between science and poetry, medicine and hermeneutics. This unsettled, unsettling status has recently induced the philosopher Alain Badiou to characterise psychoanalysis as an 'antiphilosophy', that is, as a (...)
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  18.  33
    Predictive error detection in pianists: a combined ERP and motion capture study.Clemens Maidhof - 2013 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 7.
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    »Die Kunst Rembrandts, nicht die eines beliebigen Stümpers« Georg Simmel als Philosoph der repräsentativen Kultur.Clemens Albrecht - 2015 - Zeitschrift für Kulturphilosophie 2015 (1-2):23-40.
    It seems misleading to regard Georg Simmel as one of the founders of modern cultural studies. Instead, it is argued that Simmel's cultural sociology remained oriented to 19th century's culture. In this sense the article reconstructs his theory of individual and collective cultivation as standing in contrast to currently dominating cultural concepts based on egalitarianism.
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  20. Der platonismus im mittelalter.Clemens Baeumker - 1916 - München,: K. B. Akademie der wissenschaften, in kommission des G. Franz'schen verlags.
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    Petrus de Hibernia, der Jugendlehrer des Thomas von Aquino und seine Disputation von König Manfred.Clemens Baeumker & Peter - 1920 - Bayerische Akademie der Wissenschaften.
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  22. Kategorienlehre.Brentano Franz Clemens & Kastil Alfred - 1933 - F. Meiner.
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  23. Galileo's telescope in John Milton's Paradise Lost: the modern origin of the critique of science as instrumental rationality?Justin Clemens - 2012 - Filozofski Vestnik 33 (2):163-194.
    “Almost in the same historical moment when Galileo directed all modern physics to the reading of that book which Nature was supposed to have written herself in geometric or, subsequently, algebraic signs, the modern novel and modern theatre stepped in as evidence that modern readers and spectators enjoy the effects of those fictions most of all when they are altogether free of science.” Friedrich Kittler, “Man as a drunken town musician”.
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    Images.Clemens Gritl - 2020 - Diacritics 48 (2):140-145.
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    Die Welt als Gleichnis des dreieinigen Gottes.Clemens Kaliba - 1952 - Salzburg,: O. Müller.
  26. Zu Christoph Jäkels Beitrag über die Rechtschreibreform.Clemens Knobloch - 1998 - Rechtstheorie 28 (3):393-96.
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    Completeness of the finitary Moss logic.Clemens Kupke, Alexander Kurz & Yde Venema - 1998 - In Marcus Kracht, Maarten de Rijke, Heinrich Wansing & Michael Zakharyaschev (eds.), Advances in Modal Logic. CSLI Publications. pp. 193-217.
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    The irreversibility effect and agency conflicts.Clemens Löffler, Thomas Pfeiffer & Georg Schneider - 2013 - Theory and Decision 74 (2):219-239.
    This paper studies the influence of agency conflicts on the irreversibility effect. Using a dynamic variant of the static Baron and Myerson :911–930, 1982) adverse selection model, we characterize under which circumstances the irreversibility effect arises in the presence and absence of an agency conflict. In particular, we find that in the presence of an agency conflict the irreversibility effect arises in more circumstances than in the standard first-best analysis that abstracts from agency problems.
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  29.  13
    Die Bildungsreform Wilhelm von Humboldts.Clemens Menze - 1975 - Berlin: Schroedel.
  30.  27
    Tausend Qualifikationen, vier Sichtweisen und drei Lektionen.Clemens Sedmak - 2002 - Disputatio Philosophica 4 (1):15-38.
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    Metaphorische Rede als eigentliche Rede: Formen der Selbstthematisierung bei Jaspers und Heidegger.Bernd Weidmann - 2015 - In Paul Reszke (ed.), Eigentlichkeit: Zum Verhältnis von Sprache, Sprechern Und Weltdeutschsprachige Enzyklopädien des 18. Bis 21. Jahrhundertsgenealogische Eigentlichkeit Im Deutschen Sprachdenken des Barock Und der Aufklärungkorpuspragmatik Und Wirklichkeitgrammatische Eigen. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 363-394.
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    Technotopia: A Media Genealogy of Net Cultures.Clemens Apprich - 2017 - Rowman & Littlefield International.
    By looking back to the early days of network building within the Internet, Clemens Apprich looks at how those pioneer projects have shaped new forms of media and social practices, and critically engages with current discourses about the weal and woe of the Internet.
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  33.  19
    Familiengründung mittels Eizellspende: Zur Ethik einer reproduktionsmedizinischen Praxis in der liberalen Gesellschaft.Clemens Heyder - 2023 - De Gruyter.
    The new series of 'Studies on Ethics and Science' complements the Yearbook for Ethics and Science edited since 1995 by the Institute for Science and Ethics in Bonn and published by de Gruyter. The monographs and collected volumes in the series cover the same subjects as the Yearbook, namely outstanding and innovative contributions to the investigation of ethical questions connected with modern science and its development. Particular interest is directed towards ethical questions in medicine and the biological sciences.
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    Completeness of the finitary Moss logic.Clemens Kupke, Alexander Kurz & Yde Venema - 1998 - In Marcus Kracht, Maarten de Rijke, Heinrich Wansing & Michael Zakharyaschev (eds.), Advances in Modal Logic. CSLI Publications. pp. 193-217.
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    Farmers Engaged in Deliberative Practices; An Ethnographic Exploration of the Mosaic of Concerns in Livestock Agriculture.Clemens Driessen - 2012 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 25 (2):163-179.
    A plethora of ethical issues in livestock agriculture has emerged to public attention in recent decades, of which environmental and animal welfare concerns are but two, albeit prominent, themes. For livestock agriculture to be considered sustainable, somehow these interconnected themes need to be addressed. Ethical debate on these issues has been extensive, but mostly started from and focused on single issues. The views of farmers in these debates have been largely absent, or merely figured as interests, instead of being considered (...)
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  36.  14
    From Where Do We Speak? Enacting Justice with a Wound of Knowledge.Clemens Sedmak & Mathias Nebel - 2021 - Journal of Catholic Social Thought 18 (2):209-226.
    In this article, the authors articulate the question “From where do we speak?” They explain the status of this question and then discuss the question “From where do the authors of the document Justice in the World speak?” They identify four reference points: a pneumatologic commitment, a perception of injustice, a belief in the Gospel basis of action on behalf of justice, and a recognition of self-involvement. This part of the text has been written by Clemens Sedmak. In the (...)
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    The Enigma of Giorgio Agamben.Justin Clemens, Nicholas Heron & Alex Murray - 2008 - In Justin Clemens, Nicholas Heron & Alex Murray (eds.), The Work of Giorgio Agamben: Law, Literature, Life. Edinburgh University Press. pp. 1-12.
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    Polish metric spaces: Their classification and isometry groups.John D. Clemens, Su Gao & Alexander S. Kechris - 2001 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 7 (3):361-375.
    § 1. Introduction. In this communication we present some recent results on the classification of Polish metric spaces up to isometry and on the isometry groups of Polish metric spaces. A Polish metric space is a complete separable metric space.Our first goal is to determine the exact complexity of the classification problem of general Polish metric spaces up to isometry. This work was motivated by a paper of Vershik [1998], where he remarks : “The classification of Polish spaces up to (...)
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  39.  33
    Toward a historicized sociology: Theorizing events, processes, and emergence.Elisabeth S. Clemens - manuscript
    Since the 1970s, historical sociology in the United States has been constituted by a configuration of substantive questions, a theoretical vocabulary anchored in concepts of economic interest and rationalization, and a methodological commitment to comparison. More recently, this configuration has been destabilized along each dimension: the increasing autonomy of comparative-historical methods from specific historical puzzles, the shift from the analysis of covariation to theories of historical process, and new substantive questions through which new kinds of arguments have been elaborated. Although (...)
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  40.  16
    Metaphysicae systema methodicum: libris quinque per theoremata et problemata selcta concinnatum.Clemens Timpler - 2018 - Hildesheim: Georg Olms Verlag. Edited by Alexander Aichele.
    Das Werk "Metaphysicae systema methodicum" des Steinfurter Gymnasialprofessors Clemens Timpler (1563/64-1618) war, als es 1604 erstmals erschien, das erste Lehrbuch der Metaphysik aus protestantischer Feder und schon damit vor allem in Form und Stil, aber auch dem Inhalt nach wegweisend für die gesamte deutsche Schulphilosophie. Fest verwurzelt in der Tradition des Aristoteles und seiner thomistischen Auslegung und in stetem Bezug auf Suarez' seinerzeit gerade erschienene "Disputationes metaphysicae", entwickelt Timpler eine Lehre von erstaunlicher Eigenständigkeit, die akademisch umfassend rezipiert und intensiv (...)
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  41.  78
    The Abandonment of Sex: Giorgio Agamben, Psychoanalysis and Melancholia.Justin Clemens - 2010 - Theory and Event 13 (1).
  42.  7
    Witelo, ein Philosoph und Naturforscher des XIII. Jahrhunderts.Clemens Baeumker - 1908 - Münster: Aschendorff.
    This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work is in the "public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity (individual or corporate) has a copyright on the body of the work. Scholars believe, and we concur, that this work is important enough to be (...)
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    The Sacrament of Language: An Archaeology of the Oath (review).Justin Clemens - 2011 - Symploke 19 (1-2):414-416.
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    Le droit juridictionnel dans la comparaison constitutionnelle.Clemens Jabloner & Otto Pfersmann - 2017 - Cités 69 (1):73.
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    Humanität als Prinzip des Staates bei Wilhelm von Humboldt.Clemens Menze - 1986 - Perspektiven der Philosophie 12:239-260.
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    Muslim Democracy: Politics, Religion and Society in Indonesia, Turkey and the Islamic World By Edward Schneier.Clemens Six - 2018 - Journal of Islamic Studies 29 (1):120-123.
    © The Author. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Oxford Centre for Islamic Studies. All rights reserved. For Permissions, please email: [email protected] the best tradition of Max Weber’s theses on the Protestant ethic and its role in the evolution of modern capitalism Edward Schneier’s book is a daring and inspiring attempt to assess another form of religion’s impact on society. The focus here is on Islam, or, more precisely on the broad range of Islamic political thought and (...)
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  47. Erfahrung und Glaube im Horizont der Religionspädagogik.Fritz Weidmann - 1981 - In Horacio E. Lona & Otto Wahl (eds.), Erfahrung als Weg: Beiträge zur Theologie und religiösen Praxis: Festschrift zur Feier des fünfzigjährigen Bestehens der Philosophisch-Theologischen Hochschule der Salesianer Don Boscos Benediktbeuern. Donauwörth: Auer.
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    Einführung in den Band 2.Clemens Zimmermann - 2010 - In Michael Kuderna, Rainer Hudemann & Clemens Zimmermann (eds.), Medienlandschaft Saar: Von 1945 Bis in Die Gegenwart. Oldenbourg Wissenschaftsverlag. pp. 1-10.
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    Computable Reducibility of Equivalence Relations and an Effective Jump Operator.John D. Clemens, Samuel Coskey & Gianni Krakoff - forthcoming - Journal of Symbolic Logic:1-22.
    We introduce the computable FS-jump, an analog of the classical Friedman–Stanley jump in the context of equivalence relations on the natural numbers. We prove that the computable FS-jump is proper with respect to computable reducibility. We then study the effect of the computable FS-jump on computably enumerable equivalence relations (ceers).
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    Enrolling the Toggle Switch: Visionary Claims and the Capability of Modeling Objects in the Disciplinary Formation of Synthetic Biology.Clemens Blümel - 2016 - NanoEthics 10 (3):269-287.
    Synthetic biology is a research field that has grown rapidly and attracted considerable attention. Most prominently, it has been labelled the ‘engineering of biology’. While other attempts to label the field have been also pursued, the program of engineering can be considered the core of the field’s disciplinary program, of its identity. This article addresses the success of the ‘engineering program’ in synthetic biology and argues that its success can partly be explained by distinct practices of persuasion that aim at (...)
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