Results for 'Cn Momdzjan'

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  1. Dialectics and comparative historical method-their role in the study of civilization.Cn Momdzjan - 1975 - Filosoficky Casopis 23 (5):718-725.
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    The chemical control of conception.Margaret Cn Jackson - 1935 - The Eugenics Review 27 (3):233.
  3.  18
    Artificial insemination in women.Margaret Cn Jackson - 1961 - The Eugenics Review 53 (2):106.
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    Babies by choice or by chance.Margaret Cn Jackson - 1961 - The Eugenics Review 52 (4):243.
  5.  13
    Factors affecting human fertility in non-industrial societies.Margaret Cn Jackson - 1963 - The Eugenics Review 55 (3):174.
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    Papers, vol. IV. Reports of the biological and medical committee.Margaret Cn Jackson - 1951 - The Eugenics Review 42 (4):222.
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  7.  21
    Voluntary parenthood.Margaret Cn Jackson - 1937 - The Eugenics Review 29 (1):60.
  8.  13
    The CN-12: A Brief, Multidimensional Connection With Nature Instrument.Melissa Anne Hatty, Liam David Graham Smith, Denise Goodwin & Felix Tinoziva Mavondo - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:547374.
    In recent decades, there has been increasing interest in (re)connecting people with nature to foster sustainability outcomes. There is a growing body of evidence suggesting a relationship between connection with nature and pro-environmental behaviors. Connection with nature has often been conceptualized as a unidimensional construct, and although recent evidence suggests that it is multidimensional, there is ongoing debate regarding the dimensions that make up connection with nature. Existing multidimensional connection with nature instruments capture similar dimensions, yet they are lengthy and (...)
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    CNS–immune system interactions: Conditioning phenomena.Robert Ader & Nicholas Cohen - 1985 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 8 (3):379-395.
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    Cn. Tremellius Scrofa the Agronomist.P. A. Brunt - 1972 - The Classical Review 22 (03):304-308.
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  11. CNS activating drugs in the treatment of the hyperactive child.D. P. Cantwell - 1978 - In John Paul Brady & Harlow Keith Hammond Brodie (eds.), Controversy in psychiatry. Philadelphia: Saunders. pp. 235--278.
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    CNS transplant utility may surive even their hasty clinical application.Manuel Nieto-Sampedro - 1995 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 18 (1):65-65.
    Neural cell transplants have been introduced in clinical practice during the last decade with mixed results, encouraged by success with simple animal models. This commentary is a reminder that although the ideas and techniques of transplantation appear simple, the variables involved in host-transplant integration still require further study. The field may benefit from a concerted, multidisciplinary approach.
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    On Cns(κ) and the Juhász–Kunen Question.Mohammad Golshani & Saharon Shelah - 2024 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 65 (4):481-500.
    We generalize the combinatorial principles Cn(κ), Cns(κ), and Princ(κ) introduced by various authors, and prove some of their properties and connections between them. We also answer a question asked by Juhász and Kunen about the relation between these principles, by showing that Cn(κ) does not imply Cn+1(κ) for any n>2. We also show the consistency of C(κ)+¬Cs(κ).
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    Cn-definitions of propositional connectives.Witold A. Pogorzelski & Piotr Wojtylak - 2001 - Studia Logica 67 (1):1-26.
    We attempt to define the classical propositional logic by use of appropriate derivability conditions called Cn-definitions. The conditions characterize basic properties of propositional connectives.
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  15. Cns effects of cannabinoids-a key to understanding marijuana.Sp de MossMontgomery, Pz Manderscheid & H. Kobayashi - 1986 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 24 (5):327-327.
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    The CNS as a multivariable control system.Masao Ito - 1982 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 5 (4):552-553.
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    XVII. Cn. Lentulus und P. Dolabella.W. V. Voigt - 1905 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 64 (1-4):341-366.
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    Neurogenesis in adult CNS: From denial to opportunities and challenges for therapy.Luca Colucci-D'Amato & Umberto di Porzio - 2008 - Bioessays 30 (2):135-145.
    The discovery of neurogenesis and neural stem cells (NSC) in the adult CNS has overturned a long‐standing and deep‐routed “dogma” in neuroscience, established at the beginning of the 20th century. This dogma lasted for almost 90 years and died hard when NSC were finally isolated from the adult mouse brain. The scepticism in accepting adult neurogenesis has now turned into a rush to find applications to alleviate or cure the devastating diseases that affect the CNS. Here we highlight a number (...)
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    The Trial of Cn. Piso in Tacitus' Annals and the Senatus consultum de Cn. Pisone patre : New Light on Narrative Technique.Cynthia Damon - 1999 - American Journal of Philology 120 (1):143-162.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Trial of Cn. Piso in Tacitus’ Annals and the Senatus Consultum de Cn. Pisone Patre: New Light on Narrative TechniqueCynthia DamonIn writing the narrative of Germanicus’ death and Piso’s trial in Annals 2 and 3 Tacitus produced, in the estimation of two distinguished and perceptive Taciteans, “a text of unresolved ambiguity.” For Woodman and Martin, Tacitus’ achievement is the more striking when contrasted with the “monotonous confidence” of (...)
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    Cn algebras with Moisil possibility operators.Aldo V. Figallo, Gustavo Pelaitay & Jonathan Sarmiento - 2020 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 28 (6):1141-1154.
    In this paper, we continue the study of the Łukasiewicz residuation algebras of order $n$ with Moisil possibility operators initiated by Figallo. More precisely, among other things, a method to determine the number of elements of the $MC_n$-algebra with a finite set of free generators is described. Applying this method, we find again the results obtained by Iturrioz and Monteiro and by Figallo for the case of Tarski algebras and $I\varDelta _{3}$-algebras, respectively.
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    CN Constantinides, Higher Education in Byzantium in the Thirteenth and Early Fourteenth Centuries (1204–ca. 1310).(Texts and Studies of the History of Greece, 11.) Nicosia: Cyprus Research Centre, 1982. Paper. Pp. xxiii, 222; 2 black-and-white plates. [REVIEW]John W. Barker - 1985 - Speculum 60 (1):139-141.
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  22.  32
    CNS–immune system interaction: A psychosomatic model.Stanford B. Friedman - 1985 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 8 (3):400-401.
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    Can the CNS resolve a delta function?Stephen Yeandle - 1979 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 2 (2):289-289.
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    The Senatus Consultum de Cn. Pisone Patre.Cynthia Damon & D. S. Potter - 1999 - American Journal of Philology 120 (1):13-42.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Senatus Consultum de Cn. Pisone PatreD. S. PotterTranslated by Cynthia DamonEditorial Conventions( ) expansion of abbreviation[ ] restoration of letters written but now missing{ } deletion of letters written by mistake[ ] correction of letters considered wrongly inscribed necessary supplements > in translation, material supplied for clarity1 A(nte) d(iem) IIII eid(us) Dec(embres) in Palatio in porticu, quae est ad Apollinis. Scribendo2 adfuerunt M(arcus) Valerius M(arci) f(ilius) Lem(onia tribu) (...)
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    A theoretical framework for CNS arousal.Donald Pfaff & Jayanth R. Banavar - 2007 - Bioessays 29 (8):803-810.
    Rapid changes of state in central nervous systems (CNS), as required following stimuli that must arouse the CNS from a quiescent state in order to activate a behavioral response, constitute a particularly appropriate application of non‐linear dynamics. Chaotic dynamics would provide tremendous amplification of neuronal activity needed for CNS arousal, sensitively dependent on the initial state of the CNS. This theoretical approach is attractive because it supposes dynamics that are deterministic and it links the elegant mathematics of chaos to the (...)
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  26.  24
    Homeobox genes and development of the vertebrate CNS.David G. Wilkinson - 1989 - Bioessays 10 (2-3):82-85.
    The discovery of homeobox genes in vertebrates may allow analysis of a basic problem in developmental neurobiology: how regional differences in CNS organization are specified during development. This view is based on the roles defined for homologous genes in Drosophila development, and is supported by studies of the patterns of homeobox gene expression in vertebrate embryos. Homeobox genes comprise a multigene family, members of which are expressed in different spatially restricted domains along the anterior‐posterior axis of the CNS. These observations (...)
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  27.  16
    Intercellular communication in the CNS.Jeffery L. Barker - 1979 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 2 (3):417-418.
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  28.  18
    Ciceros Rede 'De imperio Cn. Pompei' im Codex Berolinensis Lat. fol. 252.Gerhard Perl & Anette Blochwitz - 2004 - Hermes 132 (1):92-101.
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  29.  43
    Lex de Actis Cn. Pompeii Confirmandis: Lex Ivlia or Lex Vatinia?.L. G. Pocock - 1925 - Classical Quarterly 19 (1):16-21.
    In Cicero, In Vatinium, § 29, occur the words: ‘ Fecerisne foedera tribunus plebis cum ciuitatibus, cum regibus, cum tetrarchis?’ With this are to be compared: Ad Fam. I. 9, 7:‘In quo omnia dicta sunt libertate animoque maximo de ui, de auspiciis, de donatione regnorum.’ Att. II. 9, I:‘Irnprobitate istorum, qui auspicia, qui Aeliam legem, qui Iuniam et Liciniam, qui Caeciliam et Didiam neglexerunt … qui regna quasi praedia tetrarchis … dederunt.
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    The Aedileship of Cn. Aufidius Orestes.F. Ryan - 1996 - Hermes 124 (2):253-255.
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    Das senätus consultum de cn. pisone patre und tacitus' bericht vom prozess gegen piso.Wolfgang Polleichtner - 2003 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 147 (2):289-306.
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  32. Fury at cn as oil spreads.Kristen Vernon & S. U. N. Edmonton - 2005 - In Alan F. Blackwell & David MacKay (eds.), Power. New York: Cambridge University Press.
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    Relatio Vs. Oratio: Tacitus, Ann. 3.12 and the Senatus Consultum De Cn. Pisone Patre.Cynthia Damon - 1999 - Classical Quarterly 49 (01):336-338.
    Tiberius' speech at the outset of the trial of Cn. Calpurnius Piso, as Tacitus reports it at Annals 3.12, sheds light on two discrepancies between relatio and response in the recently published senatus consultum de Cn. Pisone patre.
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    Some connections between Cn, Cn− 1, dCn.Maciej Spasowski - 1973 - Bulletin of the Section of Logic 2 (1):53-56.
  35.  11
    The Link between Autotomy and CNS Regeneration: Echinoderms as Non‐Model Species for Regenerative Biology.Maria Byrne - 2020 - Bioessays 42 (3):1900219.
    Achieving regeneration of the central nervous system (CNS) is a major challenge for regenerative medicine. The inability of mammals to regrow a severed CNS contrasts with the amazing regenerative powers of their deuterostome kin, the echinoderms. Rapid CNS regeneration from a specialized autotomy plane in echinoderms presents a highly tractable and suitable non‐model system for regenerative biology and evolution. Starfish arm autotomy triggers mass cell migration and local proliferation, facilitating rapid CNS regeneration. Many regeneration events in nature are preceded by (...)
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    Rethinking `Damnation Memoriae': The case of Cn. Calpurnius Piso pater in AD 20.Harriet I. Flower - 1998 - Classical Antiquity 17 (2):155-187.
    This article offers a detailed analysis of the penalties imposed on Cn. Calpurnius Piso pater in AD 20 after he had been posthumously convicted of maiestas . Piso was accused of leaving his province without permission and then returning to try to retake it after the death of Germanicus in AD 19. He was also believed by many to be implicated in the death of Germanicus. The details of his case have been revealed by a new inscription from Spain, the (...)
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    Electrical Stimulation Elicits Neural Stem Cells Activation: New Perspectives in CNS Repair.Yanhua Huang, YeE Li, Jian Chen, Hongxing Zhou & Sheng Tan - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9:156639.
    Researchers are enthusiastically concerned about neural stem cell (NSC) therapy in a wide array of diseases, including stroke, neurodegenerative disease, spinal cord injury (SCI) and depression. Although enormous evidences have demonstrated that neurobehavioral improvement may benefit from NSC-supporting regeneration in animal models, approaches to endogenous and transplanted NSCs are blocked by hurdles of migration, proliferation, maturation and integration of NSCs. Electrical stimulation (ES) may be a selective nondrug approach for mobilizing NSCs in the central nervous system (CNS). This technique is (...)
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  38.  41
    The Senate, the courts, and the SC de Cn. Pisone patre.J. S. Richardson - 1997 - Classical Quarterly 47 (02):510-.
    The origins and nature of the judicial role of the senate in cases which under the republic were the business of the permanent quaestiones have been the subject of long debate, and a satisfactory explanation has yet to be found for the change that had undoubtedly taken place by the reign of Tiberius. The discovery and publication of the senatorial decree which concluded the investigation into the charge brought in A.D. 20 against Cn. Piso following the murder of Germanicus,2 in (...)
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    Anthropomorphizing the CNS: Is it what or who you know?Michael G. Wade & Jinhua Guan - 1996 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 19 (1):90-91.
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    Preface: The Senatus Consultum De Cn. Pisone Patre.Cynthia Damon & Sarolta A. Takacs - 1999 - American Journal of Philology 120 (1):1-12.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:IntroductionCynthia Damo and Sarolta TakácsThe present special issue of the American Journal of Philology is devoted to the Senatus Consultum de Cn. Pisone Patre ( SCPP). 1 It grew up around the APA/AIA Joint Seminar on that subject which was part of the program at the annual meeting in Chicago in 1997. In addition to the three papers presented at that seminar and the formal response to them, this (...)
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    Analytical tableaux for da Costa's hierarchy of paraconsistent logics Cn, 1≤n<ω.Itala M. Loffredo D'Ottaviano & Milton Augustinis de Castro - 2005 - Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 15 (1):69-103.
    In this paper we present a new hierarchy of analytical tableaux systems TNDC n, 1≤n (...))
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    Contact inhibition in the failure of mammalian CNS axonal regeneration.Alan R. Johnson - 1993 - Bioessays 15 (12):807-813.
    Anamniote animals, such as fish and amphibians, are able to regenerate damaged CNS nerves following injury, but regeneration in the mammalian CNS tracts, such as the optic nerve, does not occur. However, severed adult mammalian retinal axons can regenerate into peripheral nerve segments grafted into the brain and this finding has emphasized the importance of the environment in explaining regenerative failure in the adult mammalian CNS. Following lesions, regenerating axons encounter the glial cells, oligodendrocytes and astro‐cytes, and their derivatives, respectively (...)
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    Advance statement of consent from patients with primary CNS tumours to organ donation and elective ventilation.Umang Jash Patel - 2013 - Journal of Medical Ethics 39 (3):143-144.
    A deficit in the number of organs available for transplantation persists even with an increase in donation rates. One possible choice of donor for organs that appears under-referred and/or unaccepted is patients with primary brain tumours. In spite of advances in the treatment of high-grade primary central nervous system (CNS) tumours, the prognosis remains dire. A working group on organs from donors with primary CNS tumours showed that the risk of transmission is small and outweighs the benefits of waiting for (...)
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  44.  37
    MicroRNAs in CNS injury: potential roles and therapeutic implications.Sindhu K. Madathil, Peter T. Nelson, Kathryn E. Saatman & Bernard R. Wilfred - 2011 - Bioessays 33 (1):21-26.
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    Cicero, De Imperio Cn. Pompei 21.D. H. Berry - 2005 - Classical Quarterly 55 (01):309-310.
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    Time-Frequency Analysis and Target Recognition of HRRP Based on CN-LSGAN, STFT, and CNN.Jianghua Nie, Yongsheng Xiao, Lizhen Huang & Feng Lv - 2021 - Complexity 2021:1-10.
    Aiming at the problem of radar target recognition of High-Resolution Range Profile under low signal-to-noise ratio conditions, a recognition method based on the Constrained Naive Least-Squares Generative Adversarial Network, Short-time Fourier Transform, and Convolutional Neural Network is proposed. Combining the Least-Squares Generative Adversarial Network with the Wasserstein Generative Adversarial Network with Gradient Penalty, the CN-LSGAN is presented and applied to the HRRP denoise. The frequency domain and phase features of HRRP are gained by STFT in order to facilitate feature learning (...)
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  47.  36
    Tacitus and the Senatus consultum de Cn. Pisone patre.Richard J. A. Talbert - 1999 - American Journal of Philology 120 (1):89-97.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Tacitus and the Senatus Consultum de Cn. Pisone PatreRichard J. A. TalbertWhen our seminar organizers generously invited me to contribute a paper on a topic of my choice, it was a surprise to learn that no discussion of the relationship between Tacitus and the SCPP had already been proposed. This relationship is, after all, one of the most rewarding aspects stemming from the discovery of the document, though inevitably (...)
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  48.  11
    Rede für cn. plancius. Cicero - 2011 - In Die Prozessreden: 2 Bände. Lateinisch - Deutsch. De Gruyter. pp. 472-601.
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  49.  22
    Piso in Chicago: A Commentary on the APA/AIA Joint Seminar on the Senatus consultum de Cn. Pisone patre.Harriet I. Flower - 1999 - American Journal of Philology 120 (1):99-115.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Piso in Chicago: A Commentary on the APA/AIA Joint Seminar on the Senatus Consultum de Cn. Pisone PatreHarriet I. FlowerThe discussion which follows comprises comments on the papers by John Bodel, D. S. Potter, and Richard Talbert which were delivered at the APA/AIA seminar on the Senatus Consultum de Cn. Pisone Patre in Chicago, 28 December 1997. Those papers, now collected (with some minor revisions) in this issue of (...)
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    Gene replacement therapy in the CNS: A view from the retina.Gail M. Seigel - 1995 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 18 (1):69-69.
    Gene replacement therapy holds great promise in the treatment of many genetic CNS disorders. This commentary discusses the feasibility of gene replacement therapy in the unique context of the retina, with regard to: (1) the genetics of retinal neoplasia and degeneration, (2) available gene transfer technology, and (3) potential gene delivery vehicles.
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