Results for 'Cohen Joseph Zagury-Orly Raphael'

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  1.  19
    6 Responding Justly to ‘the Friend’.Joseph Cohen & Raphael Zagury-Orly - 2021 - In Luke Collison, Cillian Ó Fathaigh & Georgios Tsagdis (eds.), Derrida's Politics of Friendship: Amity and Enmity. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press. pp. 91-102.
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    De la « Vérité de l’Être » à l’« auto-annihilation du judaïsme ».Joseph Cohen & Raphaël Zagury-Orly - 2017 - Revue Internationale de Philosophie 1:7-25.
    La présente étude entend tracer et analyser le déploiement de « la Vérité de l’Etre » afin de montrer en quoi celui-ci est indissociable, pour Heidegger, de ce qu’il appelle, dans un passage tardif des Cahiers Noirs, l’« auto-annihilation ( Selbstvernichtung ) » du judaïsme. Nous montrerons en quoi et pourquoi, chez Heidegger, l’« Histoire » de la « Vérité de l’Etre », en se déployant elle-même, produit aussi un antijudaïsme, indissociable d’un antisémitisme, sans précédent dans l’histoire de la philosophie (...)
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  3. A monster of faithfulness.Joseph Cohen & Raphael Zagury-Orly - 2007 - In Bettina Bergo, Joseph D. Cohen & Raphael Zagury-Orly (eds.), Judeities: questions for Jacques Derrida. New York: Fordham University Press.
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    To live and die in history.Joseph Cohen & Raphael Zagury-Orly - 2022 - Angelaki 27 (1):60-71.
    From what standpoint have the canonical philosophies of history looked at death? And, more particularly, at life and death, since these two “events” are intimately linked? According to what idea, n...
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    Judéités: questions pour Jacques Derrida.Joseph Cohen & Raphael Zagury-Orly - 2003 - Editions Galilée.
    Textes issus d'un colloque consacré aux relations entre J. Derrida, son oeuvre, sa pensée et les judéités dans leur pluralité interprétative, linguistique, nationale, politique, philosophique, littéraire et religieuse.
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  6. How to respond to the ethical question.Jürgen Habermas, Joseph Cohen & Raphael Zagury-Orly - 2006 - In Lasse Thomassen, Jacques Derrida & Jürgen Habermas (eds.), The Derrida-Habermas reader. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press. pp. 115--127.
  7.  19
    On history.Cohen Joseph Zagury-Orly Raphael - 2023 - Metodo. International Studies in Phenomenology and Philosophy 10 (2):7-12.
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    Wears and tears of the European humanities.Cohen Joseph Zagury-Orly Raphael - 2020 - Metodo. International Studies in Phenomenology and Philosophy 8 (1):135-161.
    The present context in Europe and in the West, as well as in many parts of the world, is marked by a devastating attack on the Humanities and, by extension, on the ideal of the university. These assaults are visible and manifest in numerous European countries today and their implications are also palpable in France. We shall begin by examining the nature of The present context in Europe and in the West, as well as in these attacks, as well as (...)
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  9. The Future of Deconstruction: Beyond the Impossible.Raphael Zagury-Orly & Joseph Cohen - 2016 - In Lisa Foran & Rozemund Uljée (eds.), Heidegger, Levinas, Derrida: The Question of Difference. Cham: Springer Verlag.
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    Judeities: questions for Jacques Derrida.Bettina Bergo, Joseph D. Cohen & Raphael Zagury-Orly (eds.) - 2007 - New York: Fordham University Press.
    The volume addresses these questions, contrasting Derrida's thought with philosophical predecessors such as Rosenzweig, Levinas, Celan, and Scholem, and tracing ...
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  11. Bettina Bergo, Joseph Cohen, and Raphael Zagury-Orly, eds. Judeities. Questions for Jacques Derrida Reviewed by. [REVIEW]Francesco Tampoia - 2008 - Philosophy in Review 28 (2):81-84.
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    On Election: Levinas and the Question of Ethics as First Philosophy.Raphael Zagury-Orly - 2012 - International Journal of Philosophical Studies 20 (3):349-361.
    Abstract The idea of ?election? cannot be approached, it seems, through traditional or classical philosophical conceptuality. This idea requires another type of discourse. Not simply because this idea refers to an entirely other body of texts, that of the Biblical tradition, but more radically since it commands another modality of thought which must at once suspend and pursue philosophical concepts to the point where they express themselves otherwise than according to the rationality of their own deployment. In truth, the idea (...)
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    Questionner encore….Raphaël Zagury-Orly - 2006 - Rue Descartes 52 (2):74-83.
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    Derrida-Levinas: an alliance awaiting the political = une alliance en attente de politique.Orietta Ombrosi & Raphael Zagury-Orly (eds.) - 2018 - [Sesto San Giovanni]: Mimesis International.
    This book, focusing on the relationship between Derrida and Levinas and the unresolved tension between these two philosophical corpuses, will show what can yet come to democracy and will consequently offer possible interpretations of that which can occur and happen to us politically.
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  15. Ce qui ne revient pas au meme Ce qui ne revient pas au meme.Stéphane Habib & Raphaël Zagury-Orly - 2006 - Journal of Jewish Thought and Philosophy 14 (1-2):1-2.
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    Ce qui ne revient pas au meme.Stephane Habib & Raphael Zagury-Orly - 2006 - Journal of Jewish Thought and Philosophy 14 (1-2):37-54.
    We should not understand in this title "What does not return to the same" the announcement of a return to Levinas, but rather of what the word or concept of "return" could mean in Levinas's work. There is perhaps no better way of misunderstanding Levinas than imposing on his philosophical gesture the interpretative grid of a "horizon of return". This article will attempt to dismantle the strategies of reading which stipulate that Levinas's philosophy is one of "return". In this way (...)
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    Interroger l'histoire.Zagury-Orly Raphael - 2023 - Metodo. International Studies in Phenomenology and Philosophy 10 (2):305-338.
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    Humanismes..Joseph Cohen - 1999 - Symposium: Canadian Journal of Continental Philosophy/Revue canadienne de philosophie continentale 3 (2):153-168.
    Nous avons voulu exposé, à partir du dernier texte de Fichte intitulé « L’Initiation à la Vie Bienheureuse », ce qu’il conviendrait d’appeler la question de I’humanisme. « Quel est I’être de I’humanisme? » est ainsi la question directrice qui a accompagnée notre lecture du texte de 1812. Nous avons tenté d’indiquer à la fois la racine chrétienne et I’origine philosophico-rationnelle de cet humanisme, en y relevant d’une part les allusions à Saint Jean et en soulevant la notion centrale du (...)
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  19.  50
    The Guidelines for Euthanasia in the Netherlands.Raphael Cohen-Almagor - 2002 - Ethical Perspectives 9 (1):3-20.
    The Dutch experience has influenced the debate on euthanasia and death with dignity around the globe, especially with regard to whether physician-assisted suicide and euthanasia should be legitimized or legalized. Review of the literature reveals complex and often contradictory views about this experience. Some claim the Netherlands offers a model for the world to follow; others believe the Netherlands represents danger rather than promise, that the Dutch experience is the definitive answer to why we should not make active euthanasia and (...)
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  20.  65
    Dignity, compassion, care and safety valves at the end-of-life.Raphael Cohen-Almagor - 2008 - Israel Law Review 41 (1-2):358-393.
    This is an extensive critical review of Euthanasia in International and Comparative Perspective. My Review is divided into five parts. First, I outline the book's strengths. I proceed by speaking of the need for clear and cohesive terminology. I then discuss end-of-life decision-making in some of the countries: Belgium, The Netherlands, and the State of Oregon in the United States, all allow PAS. Belgium and The Netherlands also allow euthanasia. I also discuss Israel's Dying Patient Law,13 enacted by the Knesset (...)
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    Digital Promotion of Suicide: A Platform-Level Ethical Analysis.Raphael Cohen-Almagor & Sam Lehman-Wilzig - 2022 - Journal of Media Ethics 37 (2):108-127.
    This article utilizes Aristotelian and Kantian philosophies to probe the social responsibilities of internet intermediaries that in one way or another assist and promote suicide. Striking a balance...
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    Cyberbullying, Moral Responsibility, and Social Networking: Lessons from the Megan Meier Tragedy.Raphael Cohen-Almagor - 2020 - European Journal of Analytic Philosophy 16 (1):75-98.
    This paper addresses the concepts of moral and social responsibility on the Internet in considering the most troubling phenomenon of cyberbullying that results in loss of life. Specifically, I probe the moral and social responsibilities of Internet users (agents), of the education system in fighting cyberbullying, and of Internet intermediaries. Balance needs to be struck between freedom of expression and social responsibility. The tragic story of Megan Meier serves as an illustrative example and some further incidents in which this ugly (...)
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  23. Patients' Right To Die In Dignity And The Role Of Their Beloved People.Raphael Cohen-Almagor - 1996 - Jahrbuch für Recht Und Ethik 4.
    The aim of this paper is to ponder the intricate issue of the right to die in dignity by focusing attention on the role of the patient's beloved people. I first provide critical examination of some of the arguments advanced by Ronald Dworkin. I proceed by contemplating relevant scenarios and examining three American court decisions: Saikewicz, Spring and Gray. The first case, Saikewicz, concerns a patient who had no family or other beloved people. I observe that this fact had a (...)
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  24. The right to die with dignity: An argument in ethics and law.Raphael Cohen-Almagor - 2008 - Health Law and Policy 2 (1):2-8.
    The article discusses the way people wish to die, analyzing the legal situation in countries that permit either euthanasia or physician-assisted suicide. While criticizing the Dutch, Belgian and Swiss models, I argue that the Oregon model is the one with apparently little abuse. Building on the experiences of Oregon, the Netherlands, Belgium, Switzerland, and the Northern Territory of Australia, the article ends with a set of guidelines to improve the conduct of PAS.
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    Why the Netherlands?Raphael Cohen-Almagor - 2002 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 30 (1):95-104.
    The Dutch experience has influenced the debate on euthanasia and death with dignity around the globe, especially with regard to whether physician-assisted suicide and euthanasia should be legitimized or legalized. Review of the literature reveals complex and often contradictory views about the Dutch experience. Some claim that the Netherlands offers a model for the world to follow; others believe that the Netherlands represents danger, rather than promise, and that the Dutch experience is the definitive answer regarding why we should not (...)
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    Bloody Wednesday in Dawson College - The Story of Kimveer Gill, or Why Should We Monitor Certain Websites to Prevent Murder.Raphael Cohen-Almagor & Sharon Haleva-Amir - 2008 - Law and Ethics of Human Rights 2 (3).
    The article deals with the Dawson College Massacre, focusing on the story of Kimveer Gill, a 25-year-old man from Laval, Montreal who wished to murder young students in Dawson College. It is argued that the international community should continue working together to devise rules for monitoring specific Internet sites, as human lives are at stake. Preemptive measures could prevent the translation of murderous thoughts into murderous actions. Designated monitoring mechanisms of certain websites that promote violence and seek legitimacy as well (...)
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  27.  83
    Why tolerate? Reflections on the millian truth principle.Raphael Cohen-Almagor - 1997 - Philosophia 25 (1-4):131-152.
    The aim of this essay is to reflect on the Millian, utilitarian argument from truth that is held as one of the most conspicuous answers to the question Why tolerate? This argument postulates that only in a free market of ideas may the truth be discovered. Even the most unpopular idea may contain some truth in it and may contribute to the advancement of knowledge. It further commands us to contest those opinions which are believed to be true vigorously and (...)
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    A synesthetic walk on the mental number line: the size effect.Roi Cohen Kadosh, Joseph Tzelgov & Avishai Henik - 2008 - Cognition 106 (1):548-557.
    Are small and large numbers represented similarly or differently on the mental number line? The size effect was used to argue that numbers are represented differently. However, recently it has been argued that the size effect is due to the comparison task and is not derived from the mental number line per se. Namely, it is due to the way that the mental number line is mapped onto the task-relevant output component. Here synesthesia was used to disentangle these two alternatives. (...)
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    Should the Euthanasia Act in Belgium Include Minors?Raphael Cohen-Almagor - 2018 - Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 61 (2):230-248.
    In all actions concerning children, whether undertaken by public or private social welfare institutions, courts of law, administrative authorities or legislative bodies, the best interests of the child shall be a primary consideration.In 2014, Belgium Became the first country in the world to allow euthanasia of minors, irrespective of their age. This article explores whether this legislation enhances minors' rights or negates them.Do minors have capacity for agency? Are they able to make decisions concerning life and death? Can minors understand (...)
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    Disqualification of lists in Israel (1948–1984): Retrospect and appraisal. [REVIEW]Raphael Cohen-Almagor - 1994 - Law and Philosophy 13 (1):43 - 95.
    The aim is to review the decisions of the Central Elections Committee and of the Supreme Court regarding disqualification of lists in Israel. Two major questions are addressed: When should tolerance have its limits?; and, What constraints on liberty should be introduced in order to safeguard democracy? The judicial analysis focuses attention on the issue of whether the justices acted in accordance with the law. Consideration is given to the written law and to existing normative considerations which allow justices an (...)
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    Dinosaurs and horses, or: Ways with nature.Robert S. Cohen & Joseph Agassi - 1975 - Synthese 32 (1-2):233 - 247.
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  32. International Legal Approaches to Neurosurgery for Psychiatric Disorders.Jennifer A. Chandler, Laura Y. Cabrera, Paresh Doshi, Shirley Fecteau, Joseph J. Fins, Salvador Guinjoan, Clement Hamani, Karen Herrera-Ferrá, C. Michael Honey, Judy Illes, Brian H. Kopell, Nir Lipsman, Patrick J. McDonald, Helen S. Mayberg, Roland Nadler, Bart Nuttin, Albino J. Oliveira-Maia, Cristian Rangel, Raphael Ribeiro, Arleen Salles & Hemmings Wu - 2021 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14.
    Neurosurgery for psychiatric disorders, also sometimes referred to as psychosurgery, is rapidly evolving, with new techniques and indications being investigated actively. Many within the field have suggested that some form of guidelines or regulations are needed to help ensure that a promising field develops safely. Multiple countries have enacted specific laws regulating NPD. This article reviews NPD-specific laws drawn from North and South America, Asia and Europe, in order to identify the typical form and contents of these laws and to (...)
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  33. British Moralists: 1650-1800 : Volume Ii: Hume - Bentham, and Index.D. D. Raphael (ed.) - 1991 - Hackett Publishing Company.
    This volume is part one of a two-volume set. It may be purchased separately or in conjunction with volume two. A reprint of the 1969 Oxford University Press edition. Volume I: Hobbes—Gay: Thomas Hobbes, Richard Cumberland, Ralph Cudworth, John Locke, Lord Shaftesbury, Samuel Clarke, Bernard Mandeville, William Wollaston, Francis Hutcheson, Joseph Butler, John Balguy, John Gay.
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    The Trials of Socrates and Joseph K.Cynthia B. Cohen - 1980 - Philosophy and Literature 4 (2):212-228.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Cynthia B. Cohen THE TRIALS OF SOCRATES AND JOSEPH K. No two trials could have been more unlike than those of Socrates and Joseph K. As portrayed in Plato's Apology,' Socrates was the conscience of Athens, a thoughtful and courageous man whose life was devoted to the pursuit of wisdom. He challenged others to examine themselves and to transform themselves into lovers of truth and goodness. (...)
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  35.  12
    Jokes, Life After Death, and God.Joseph Bobik - 2014 - St. Augustine's Press.
    _Jokes, Life after Death, and God _has two main tasks: to try to understand exactly what a joke is, and to see whether there are any connections between jokes, on the one hand, and life after death and God, on the other hand. But it pursues other tasks as well, tasks of an ancillary sort. This book devises a general and comprehensive, but brief, theory of jokes. The author begins with critiques of other writers’ views on the subject. 1) Ted (...)
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    Hume On The Morality Of Princes.Joseph Ellin - 1988 - Hume Studies 14 (1):111-160.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Ill HUME ON THE MORALITY OF PRINCES "There is a maxim very current in the world," says Hume (Treatise III, ii, sec. 11) "that there is a system of morals calculated for princes, much more free than that which ought to govern private persons. " He interprets the maxim to mean that "the morality of princes... has not the same force as that of private persons, and may lawfully (...)
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  37. Rescuing Jerry from (basic) Principles.Joseph Raz - manuscript
    I will say something on two or three related but distinct topics. First, something on the grounding of normative beliefs, a topic – as I see it – in moral epistemology, and then after a brief remark on explanation, something against a certain understanding of basic principles. My observations were prompted by reflection on Jerry’s desire to rescue justice from the facts.
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  38. Hobbesian Political Authority and the Right of Resistance.Andrew I. Cohen - 1994 - Dissertation, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
    Besides commanding coercive power, a political authority is supposed to offer directives which ought to exclude private judgment. Any defense of inalienable rights or limited rights of resistance suggests some legitimate residual private judgment. Such retained rights threaten to undermine the binding force of authoritative directives. ;The case of Hobbesian sovereignty typifies this problem. Hobbes claims agents must establish permanent and absolute political authorities, and they can do so only by completely submitting themselves to a sovereign power whose public will (...)
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    The Social Origins of Property.Joseph William Singer & Jack M. Beermann - 1993 - Canadian Journal of Law and Jurisprudence 6 (2):217-248.
    It was easier to make a revolution than to write 600 to 800 laws to create a market economy.Jiri Dienstbier, Foreign Minister of Czechoslovakia (1990)[I]t would be as absurd to argue that the distribution of property must never be modified by law as it would be to argue that the distribution of political power must never bechanged.Morris Cohen (1927)The takings clause of the United States Constitution requires government to pay compensation when private property is taken for public use. When (...)
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    The Husserl Dictionary.Dermot Moran & Joseph Cohen - 2012 - Continuum.
    A concise and accessible dictionary of the key terms and concepts in Husserl's philosophy, his major works and philosophical influences.
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    On the Possibility of Sacrifice.Joseph Cohen - 2014 - International Journal of Philosophical Studies 22 (4):552-568.
    The following study seeks to explicate, by a close reading of ?? 34 to 53 in Being and Time, the development the idea of sacrifice in Heidegger's early thought.
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    La vie du sacrifice spéculatif.Joseph Cohen - 2007 - Hegel-Jahrbuch 2007 (1).
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  43. The mindfulness of sacrifice. Towards a phenomenology of history.Joseph Cohen - 2023 - In Susi Ferrarello & Christos Hadjioannou (eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Phenomenology of Mindfulness. New York, NY: Routledge.
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    Force et faiblesse de la reconnaissance.Joseph Cohen - 2013 - Cités 54 (2):164.
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    The Call of Philosophy.Joseph Cohen - 2013 - Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 44 (1):45-58.
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    The Event of a Reading: Hegel 'with'Derrida.Joseph Cohen - 2013 - In Lisa Herzog (ed.), Hegel's Thought in Europe: Currents, Crosscurrents and Undercurrents. Palgrave. pp. 250.
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    Après Levinas, l'éthique aujourd'hui.Joseph Cohen - 2014 - Cités 58 (2):39.
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    Ce qui demeure….Joseph Cohen - 2006 - Rue Descartes 52 (2):39-52.
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  49. Heidegger's literary secret.Joseph Cohen - 2023 - In Andrew E. Benjamin (ed.), Heidegger and literary studies. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.
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    Le Spectre juif de Heidegger.Joseph Cohen - 2015 - Cités 61 (1):97-106.
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