Results for 'Collective praxis'

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  1. Rethinking Student-Centredness: the role of Trust, Dialogue and Collective Praxis.Alya Khan & John Gabriel - 2022 - Investigations in University Teaching and Learning 13 (Summer):1-8.
    This article explores ideas of a student-centred curriculum through an oral history project undertaken with minoritised students on an undergraduate health ethics module at a UK HEI. It analyses oral history interviews about student expereinces, reflects on the co-creation of knowledge via collective praxis, and re-thinks what it is to 'centre' students in a socially just classroom, institution, and wider HE sector. Furthermore, it discusses conceptualisations of trustful and dialogic classroom conditions and considers issues of intersectionality, decolonising, resisting (...)
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    Collective actions: on Theory and praxis.Ronald Commers - 1978 - Philosophica 21:33-53.
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  3. Feminist Praxis Challenges the Identity Question: Toward New Collective Identity Metaphors.María Martínez González - 2008 - Hypatia 23 (3):22-38.
    The analysis of difference and identity questions brought Iris Marion Young to develop a metaphor of collective identity, the city, which included the diversity that characterizes all human groups. This article honors Iris Marion Young by challenging the question of identity in contemporary feminism and social sciences. María Martínez González argues that we need new identity and collective identity metaphors in order to understand the complexity of contemporary feminist praxis.
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    Praxis rebelles et pragmatiques collectives.Quentin Dubois - 2022 - Multitudes 88 (3):194-199.
    Ce texte s’inscrit dans le vaste chantier de reprise des expériences micropolitiques, nommées ici « praxis rebelles », à partir de leurs visées inédites de constitution d’un collectif ne répondant plus à la grammaire du politique de la tradition révolutionnaire et posant l’auto-organisation face à la violence destructrice du capital sur la vie. C’est le Collectif Socialiste de Patients (S.P.K.) qui vint au début des années 70 produire une coupure subjective hautement intensive, devant contaminer l’ensemble du champ social afin (...)
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    Praksis orijentacija, časopis Praxis i Korčulanska ljetna škola: (građa) = Praksis orientation, journal Praxis and the Korčula Summer School: (collection).Ante Lešaja - 2014 - Beograd: Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung Southeast Europe. Edited by Ante Lešaja.
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  6. Revolutionary praxis and the future of philosophy.Andrew Cooper - 2009 - Emergent Australasian Philosophers 2 (1).
    The modern world is characterised by the juxtaposing forces of hope in unlimited expansion on the one hand, and scepticism at the state of the world on the other. Society is in many ways in a state of distrust, uncertain of how to exist in an inherited world of opportunity and turmoil, optimism and confusion. As the rationality of the economy and its ability to fairly distribute resources is being called into question in current times, technological development in the service (...)
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    Praxis and Revolution: A Theory of Social Transformation.Eva von Redecker - 2021 - Columbia University Press.
    The concept of revolution marks the ultimate horizon of modern politics. It is instantiated by sites of both hope and horror. Within progressive thought, “revolution” often perpetuates entrenched philosophical problems: a teleological philosophy of history, economic reductionism, and normative paternalism. At a time of resurgent uprisings, how can revolution be reconceptualized to grasp the dynamics of social transformation and disentangle revolutionary practice from authoritarian usurpation? Eva von Redecker reconsiders critical theory’s understanding of radical change in order to offer a bold (...)
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    Ritual as Praxis: The Responsibility of Activists in the Face of Genocide; or, Between Ethics and Politics.Adi Burton - 2022 - Dissertation, University of British Columbia
    The most urgent ethical task in the face of genocide is the demand to stop it. But how can the seeming moral clarity of opposition to genocide be reconciled with the failure of adequate political responses? I begin by problematizing the demand and response through the lens of the Save Darfur movement that mobilized millions of people against genocide in the 2000s, and which I suggest articulates the ethical and political challenges at the core of genocide research and its goal (...)
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    Modernity, praxis and the work of art: Contemporary themes in Eastern European critical theory.J. F. Dorahy - 2020 - Thesis Eleven 159 (1):3-8.
    Throughout the world, Eastern European critical theory is enjoying a moderate, yet exciting, resurgence. From its oppositional roots in praxis philosophy and critical sociology, this diffuse and dynamic tradition has expanded its field of concern to encompass, among other problems, the aporias of democracy, the Holocaust and legacies of totalitarianism, the vicissitudes of modern culture and the ethical imperatives of living after the grand narrative. In the process, Eastern European thought has come to figure as a vital alternative to (...)
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    Praxis as a perspective on international politics.Gunther Hellmann & Jens Steffek (eds.) - 2022 - Bristol: Bristol University Press.
    Bringing together leading figures in the study of international relations, this collection explores praxis as a perspective on international politics and law. It builds on the transdisciplinary work of Friedrich Kratochwil to reveal the scope, limits and blind spots of praxis theorizing.
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  11. The praxis of Alain Badiou.Paul Ashton, Adam Bartlett & Justin Clemens (eds.) - 2006 - Seddon, Melbourne, Australia: Re.Press.
    Following the publication of his magnum opus L’être et l’événement (Being and Event) in 1988, Alain Badiou has been acclaimed as one of France’s greatest living philosophers. Since then, he has released a dozen books, including Manifesto for Philosophy, Conditions, Metapolitics and Logiques des mondes (Logics of Worlds), many of which are now available in English translation. Badiou writes on an extraordinary array of topics, and his work has already had an impact upon studies in the history of philosophy, the (...)
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    Digitale Praxis – Fallstrick für Normen im Wissenschaftsalltag?Nicola Mößner - 2023 - Prae|Faktisch. Ein Philosophieblog.
    ‚Wie sehr vertrauen Sie Wissenschaft und Forschung?‘ – eine Frage, die nicht erst seit der Corona-Pandemie viel diskutiert wird. Manch einer würde kritisch korrigieren: ‚Vertrauen Sie überhaupt in Wissenschaft und Forschung?‘ Schlagwörter wie Vertrauens- und Glaubwürdigkeitskrise kommen damit in den Sinn. Oft angeführt wird hier der normative Rahmen wissenschaftlicher Praxis, auf welchen sich das Vertrauen dennoch stützen könne. Was passiert aber, wenn die zugrunde liegende Praxis massiv durch die zunehmende Digitalisierung ihrer Prozesse verändert wird?
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    Archiving Praxis: For Palestine and Beyond.Ann Laura Stoler - 2022 - Critical Inquiry 48 (3):570-593.
    This article is an effort to register the archival surge among Palestinians in Palestine and beyond. It is focused not on the collection of archives but on the mulitmedia practice of archiving as political practice. It is not the work in and on archives that redefines the terms of engagement but the practice of archiving itself. The challenge is directed at what constitutes custodial control, access, rubrics of order, and a pedagogy of use. Academics, artists, and activists are challenging the (...)
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    The Praxis of Diversity.Christoph Lütge, Christiane Lütge & Markus Faltermeier (eds.) - 2019 - Springer Verlag.
    This edited collection brings together experts from various disciplines to engage critically with diversity theory, diversity politics, and their practical application. Accordingly, the volume provides a provocative discursive space, where the key theoretical as well as practical problems of diversity in business, institutions and culture can speak to each other and can be assessed. The aim is to bridge the gap between two relatively distinct discourses: the discourse on practical applications of diversity concepts and the discourse on theoretical approaches to (...)
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  15. Social Work as Revolutionary Praxis? The contribution to critical practice of Cornelius Castoriadis’s political philosophy.Phillip Ablett & Christine Morley - 2019 - Critical and Radical Social Work 7 (3): 333-348.
    Social work is a contested tradition, torn between the demands of social governance and autonomy. Today, this struggle is reflected in the division between the dominant, neoliberal agenda of service provision and the resistance offered by various critical perspectives employed by disparate groups of practitioners serving diverse communities. Critical social work challenges oppressive conditions and discourses, in addition to addressing their consequences in individuals’ lives. However, very few recent critical theorists informing critical social work have advocated revolution. A challenging exception (...)
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  16. Pupils ’Age and Philosophical Praxis: Two Factors that Influence the Development of Critical Thinking in Children‘.Marie-France Daniel & Mathieu Gagnon - 2012 - Childhood and Philosophy 8 (15):105-130.
    One of the fundamental objectives of Philosophy for Children is the cognitive development of elementary and secondary school pupils. In this text, we examine to what extent the age of the children and the number of years of praxis in P4C influence the development of their critical thinking. To do so we used, as an analysis grid, the model of the developmental process of dialogical critical thinking that emerged from the analysis of transcripts of exchanges among pupils aged 4 (...)
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    Praxis Und Lexis: Ausgewählte Schriften Zur Philosophie von Handeln Und Reden in der Klassischen Antike.Eckart Schütrumpf - 2009 - Steiner.
    Dieses Buch präsentiert eine Auswahl von 25 auf Deutsch bzw. Englisch verfassten Studien des Autors, der sich durch seinen vierbändigen Kommentar zu Aristoteles Politik einen Namen gemacht hat. Die Bandbreite der abgedruckten Aufsätze reicht von einem Beitrag über ein Gedicht des frühen griechischen Lyrikers Simonides bis zur Erklärung der neuplatonischen Klassifizierung der Werke des Aristoteles. Der Themenschwerpunkt liegt bei den Gebieten antiker politischer Theorie und Rhetorik. Ausgewählt wurden Arbeiten, die zentral für die hier behandelten antiken Autoren sind, wie Gerechtigkeit in (...)
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    Pour une praxis de la compassion.Zona Zarić - 2024 - Multitudes 96 (3):104-108.
    Ce texte propose la vision provocatrice de Walter Benjamin sur la révolution, la voyant non pas comme le moteur de l’histoire, mais comme un frein d’urgence pour l’humanité, visant à interrompre son parcours. Cette perspective présente la révolution comme une tentative de réévaluation et de redéfinition du futur, face aux crises globales actuelles. La compassion est mise en avant comme une réponse potentielle, unissant les individus face à la souffrance collective et promouvant justice et égalité. Ainsi, la compassion pourrait (...)
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    Philosophizing the everyday: revolutionary praxis and the fate of cultural theory.John Roberts - 2006 - Ann Arbor, MI: Pluto Press.
    After modernism and postmodernism, it is argued, the everyday supposedly is where a democracy of taste is brought into being - the place where art goes to recover its customary and collective pleasures, and where the shared pleasures of popular culture are indulged, from celebrity magazines to shopping malls. John Roberts argues that this understanding of the everyday downgrades its revolutionary meaning and philosophical implications. Bringing radical political theory back to the centre of the discussion, he shows how notions (...)
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  20. The End of Action: An Arendtian Critique of Aristotle’s Concept of praxis.Jussi Backman - 2010 - Hannah Arendt: Practice, Thought and Judgement.
    The article re-examines the Aristotelian backdrop of Arendt’s notion of action. On the one hand, Backman takes up Arendt’s critique of the hierarchy of human activities in Aristotle, according to which Aristotle subordinates action (praxis) to production (poiesis) and contemplation (theoria). Backman argues that this is not the case since Aristotle conceives theoria as the most perfect form of praxis. On the other hand, Backman stresses that Arendt’s notion of action is in fact very different from Aristotle’s (...), to the extent that Arendt thinks of action as an external to the means-ends scheme, whereas Aristotle ultimately remains caught in this scheme proper to poiesis in thinking of praxis as its own end. According to Backman, Arendt’s concept of action can therefore be understood as a critique, rather than as a rehabilitation, of Aristotelian praxis. (shrink)
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    The liberating philosophy of Ignacio Ellacuría: historical reality, humanism, and praxis.Martínez Vásquez, Luis Arturo, Randall Carrera Umaña, Díaz Cepeda & Luis Rubén (eds.) - 2024 - Lanham: Lexington Books.
    This collection explores the core concepts of Ignacio Ellacuría's liberating philosophy; his critique of ideologies and continuity with critical theory; his philosophical anthropology and humanism; and the implications that praxis has for philosophical thought.
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    Michel Henry, un philosophe de la vie et de la praxis.Gabrielle Dufour-Kowalska - 1980 - Paris: Vrin.
    Au moment où des tentatives parcellaires se font jour au sein de l'intelligentsia occidentale pour débusquer les traces du totalitarisme sous toutes ses formes, on ne se doute peut-être pas qu'un philosophe français - l'auteur de L'Essence de la Manifestation-élabore depuis vingt ans déjà une philosophie de l'individu et qu'il apporte les principes d'une critique rigoureuse de l'entité collective. En consacrant un ouvrage à la philosophie de Michel Henry, G. Dufour-Kowalska a songé à ce qui sans doute manque le (...)
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    Collective Action against Graded Inequality.Meena Dhanda - 2022 - Philosophy and Global Affairs 2 (2):254-270.
    This essay juxtaposes the South Asian system of social hierarchies, conceptualized by Babasaheb Ambedkar as “graded inequality” with “serial relations” as conceptualized by Jean-Paul Sartre. Collective action against casteism faces internal problems. The complex psychological dynamics preserved over millennia through caste systems prevent solidarities across castes. The notion of “seriality” helps us to understand the material limitations placed by scripted functional roles on collective action. Internal divisions arising from prioritizing a caste or class perspective can be resolved with (...)
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    ZPD-based mediation of L2 learners’ comprehension of implicatures: An educational praxis framework.Zohreh Eslami, Aliakbar Jafarpour, Farshad Naseri & Azizullah Mirzaei - 2021 - Lodz Papers in Pragmatics 17 (1-2):127-152.
    Conversational implicatures (CIMs) are implied by the speaker in context rather than being linguistically encoded, and learners’ inability to infer the intended meaning, if not remedied through instruction (or mediation), leads to communication breakdowns. Given this premise, the current study aimed to examine effects of classroom praxis-based instruction adjusted to EFL learners’ Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD) on their comprehension of CIMs. Participants were 36 Iranian high school students in 2 classrooms, assigned to experimental and comparison groups. A 20-item (...)
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    Principles and Praxis in Ancient Greek Philosophy: Essays in Ancient Greek Philosophy in Honor of Fred D. Miller, Jr.David Keyt & Christopher Shields (eds.) - 2024 - Springer Verlag.
    This collection of original articles draws from a cross section of distinguished scholars of ancient Greek philosophy. It is focussed primarily on the philosophy of Aristotle but comprises as well studies of the philosophy of Socrates, Plato, and Epicurus. Its authors explore a range of complementary topics in value theory, moral psychology, metaphysics, natural philosophy, political theory, and methodology, highlighting the rich and lasting philosophical contributions of the thinkers investigated. Opening with an engaging intellectual autobiography of its honoree, Fred D. (...)
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    Abolish the World as We Know It: Notes for a Praxis of Phenomenology Beyond Critique.Lisa Guenther - 2022 - Puncta 5 (2):28-44.
    The world as we know it is structured by intersecting forms of systemic violence. It might seem obvious that this violence calls for critique. But this essay experiments with another, more radical possibility inspired by Denise Ferreira da Silva’s Black feminist poethics and by abolitionist refusals of critique as an end in itself and a substitute for collective action. To what extent might phenomenology, even in its most critical form, be so deeply invested in the Kantian tradition of transcendental (...)
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    Ethics in praxis: Negotiating the presence and functions of a video camera in family therapy.Nicola Parker, Michelle O’Reilly & Ian Hutchby - 2012 - Discourse Studies 14 (6):675-690.
    The use of video for research purposes is something that has attracted ethical attention and debate. While the usefulness of video as a mechanism to collect data is widely agreed, the ethical sensitivity and impact of recording equipment is more contentious. In some clinical settings the presence of a camera has a dual role, as a portal to a reflecting team and as a recording device to obtain research data. Using data from one such setting, family therapy sessions, this article (...)
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    The potential influence of critical pedagogy on nursing praxis: Tools for disrupting stigma and discrimination within the profession.Claire F. Pitcher & Annette J. Browne - 2023 - Nursing Inquiry 30 (4):e12573.
    Nursing work centers around attending to a person's health during many of life's most vulnerable moments, from birth to death. Given the high‐stakes nature of this work, it is essential for nurses to critically reflect on their individual and collective impact, which can range from healing to harmful. The purpose of this paper is to use a philosophical inquiry approach and a critical lens to explore the potential influence of critical pedagogy (how we learn what we learn) on nursing (...)
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    Towards empathy: a human-centred analysis of rationality, ethics and praxis in systems development.Peter J. Carew & Larry Stapleton - 2014 - AI and Society 29 (2):149-166.
    Functionalism has long been the dominant paradigm in systems development practice. However, functionalism promotes an innate and immutable instrumental rationality that is indifferent to human values, rights, society, culture and international stability. It, in essence, lacks empathy. Although alternative paradigms have been promoted for decades in the systems development literature to help address this deficit, functionalism remains dominant. This paper reiterates the call for a fundamental paradigm shift away from myopic functionalism and towards a more empathic and human-centred philosophy. It (...)
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  30. Technology as an Aspect of Human Praxis.Laszlo Ropolyi - 2019 - In Mihály Héder & Eszter Nádasi, Essays in Post-Critical Philosophy of Technology. Wilmington, Delaware: Vernon Press. pp. 19-31.
    This paper proposes a specific approach to understanding the nature of technology that encompasses the entire field of technological praxis, from the making of primitive tools to using the Internet. In that approach, technology is a specific form of human agency that yields to (an imperfect) realization of human control over a technological situation—that is, a situation not governed to an end by natural constraints but by specific human aims. The components of such technological situations are a given collection (...)
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    Gelehrtes Recht oder gelebte Praxis? Kaufleute und ihre Vertreter im späten Mittelalter.Ulla Kypta - 2020 - Das Mittelalter 25 (1):103-118.
    Merchants in late medieval Antwerp worked with a number of different representatives: They appointed proxies to trade on their behalf, to collect debts in their name or to represent them in court. If a merchant wanted to authorize another person to act on his behalf, he went to a notary who issued a letter of procuration. The article discusses the role of Roman law in these procurations. It contrasts the procurations issued by the notaries with other models for procurations found (...)
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    Rhetoric and Praxis: The Contribution of Classical Rhetoric to Practical Reasoning ed. by Jean Dietz Moss. [REVIEW]John R. Morris - 1989 - The Thomist 53 (1):162-163.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:16~ BOOK REVIEWS There are fairly frequent typographical errors in the text; most of them harmless hut one of them reverses the meaning of the sentence- " institutionally prescribed means " for " institutionally proscribed means" (p. 279), and a couple of them are comical-" In a previous part of this discussion (pp. 000-000) ", (p. 265); see also p. 274. MICHAEL STOCK, O.P. St. Stephen Priory Dover, Massachusetts (...)
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  33. Enlightenment and History: Theory and Praxis in Contemporary Buddhism.Chang-Seong Hong & Sun Kyeong Yu - 2017 - Seoul, South Korea: Bulkwang Publishing.
    ***Translated a Korean-language book to English with Dr. Chang-Seong Hong*** Venerable Hyun-Eung's Enlightenment and History is the first book of Buddhist philosophy of history published in South Korea; possibly the first of its kind in the world. In this book of telling points and clear visions, Hyun-Eung discusses East Asian Buddhist traditions in light of Western-philosophical perspectives and presents his views on the theory and praxis in contemporary Buddhism in a way that Western readers can easily understand. East Asian (...)
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    Motivational Melancholia: Nathalie Etoke’s Rethinking of Subjective Agential Praxis.Samantha Kostmayer - 2020 - Journal of World Philosophies 5 (1):266-269.
    This review seeks to evaluate and navigate the theoretical terrain in which author Nathalie Etoke engages new modes of reflection on old problems of anti-black violence and erasure. Melancholia Africana: The Indispensable Overcoming of the Black Condition is a fairly short and accessible text devoted to rethinking paradigms of subjectivity in ways that animate our individual and collective responsibility. She offers theoretical but practical interventions invigorated by the indisputable vitality of Black arts, particularly music and literature. She deftly combines (...)
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    Rhetoric in history as theory and praxis: A blast from the past.Thomas B. Farrell - 2008 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 41 (4):pp. 323-336.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Rhetoric in History as Theory and Praxis: A Blast from the PastThomas B. FarrellPhilosophies of history have fallen on hard times. Grand comic metanarratives were the first casualty, auguring ironically in the futility of their own pronouncements. Positive and negative teleologies were next to fall. But if finalized themes and Utopian schemes are not exactly in vogue, it remains the case that history—as systematic documentation and reminiscence about (...)
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    Professional responsibility: new horizons of praxis.Ciaran Sugrue & Tone Solbrekke (eds.) - 2011 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    Professional Responsibility: New Horizons of Praxis addresses the manifold and complex challenges inherent in professional responsibility. Since the beginning of the 20th Century, professions have been accorded a conjoined mandate - political and moral responsibility - to serve the interests of individual's and society. The quality of professional work, how professionals understand and live out their responsibilities in practice, is a matter of pervasive concern since increasingly they have such a prominent presence in most people's lives. Until the late (...)
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    Peacebuilding: Catholic Theology, Ethics, and Praxis ed. by Robert J. Schreiter, R. Scott Appleby, Gerard F. Powers.James W. McCarty - 2013 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 33 (2):213-214.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Peacebuilding: Catholic Theology, Ethics, and Praxis ed. by Robert J. Schreiter, R. Scott Appleby, Gerard F. PowersJames W. McCarty IIIPeacebuilding: Catholic Theology, Ethics, and Praxis Edited by Robert J. Schreiter, R. Scott Appleby, and Gerard F. Powers Maryknoll, NY: Orbis Books, 2010. 480pp. $27.00Peacebuilding results from a four-year research project sponsored by the Catholic Peacebuilding Network. A wide-ranging and interdisciplinary set of fifteen essays, Peacebuilding not (...)
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    The Combahee River Collective Statement and Black Feminist Universalism.Jameliah Inga Shorter-Bourhanou - 2024 - Critical Philosophy of Race 12 (2):347-365.
    ABSTRACT Black feminist philosophers deserve to be included in philosophical discussions about universalism. In contrast to other approaches to universalism that seek to diminish the importance of identities such as race and gender, black feminist philosophers focus on them. This article argues that black feminist philosophers offer a universalist viewpoint, that is, a “black feminist universalism,” which asserts that a more inclusive world starts with a theory and praxis focused on those who are the most oppressed. The article shows (...)
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    Young people, education, and sustainable development: Exploring principles, perspectives, and praxis.Peter Blaze Corcoran & Philip M. Osano (eds.) - 2009 - Brill | Wageningen Academic.
    Young people have an enormous stake in the present and future state of Earth. Almost half of the human population is under the age of 25. If young people’s resources of energy, time, and knowledge are misdirected towards violence, terrorism, socially-isolating technologies, and unsustainable consumption, civilization risks destabilization. Yet, there is a powerful opportunity for society if young people can participate positively in all aspects of sustainable development. In order to do so, young people need education, political support, resources, skills, (...)
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    Otto Bauer and the Philosophy of Praxis – Then and Now.Mark E. Blum - 2016 - Historical Materialism 24 (2):245-261.
    Otto Bauer has emerged once more in the thought of Western Marxists. The dominant theoretical voice of the Austrian Social Democrats in the late Austrian-Hungarian Empire and the First Austrian Republic, Bauer was re-examined in the 1970s and ’80s as ‘the third way’ was being explored in European politics by Eurocommunists. Bauer again is being discussed in the twenty-first century as not only a European ‘third way’, but as a model for nations across the globe. Bauer’s vision theoretically as well (...)
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    Equal Opportunities and Collective Bargaining in Italy: The Role of Women.Myriam Bergamaschi - 1999 - European Journal of Women's Studies 6 (2):133-148.
    The article reveals the existence of a greater sensitivity than in the past towards equality. Nevertheless, equality policies have failed to rise above the limits imposed by a culture that sees the male prevail in industrial relations. Both domestic law and European legislation have in uenced collective bargaining in Italy as regards equal opportunities. The presence of women in bargaining, in equal opportunities committees and in study groups has led to success regarding a core of issues such as sexual (...)
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    Daoism, Practice, and Politics: From Nourishing Life to Ecological Praxis.Eric S. Nelson - 2023 - Philosophy East and West 73 (3):792-801.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Daoism, Practice, and Politics:From Nourishing Life to Ecological PraxisEric S. Nelson (bio)I. Daoism's Multiple ModelsManhua Li, Yumi Suzuki, and Lisa Indraccola have offered evocative insights, questions, and alternatives in their contributions concerning the arguments of Daoism and Environmental Philosophy: Nourishing Life (Nelson 2021). The present brief response and sketch of the book will not address every point in their essays, but I will strive to reply, directly and indirectly, (...)
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    Between myth and modernity: Fascism as anti-praxis.Daniel Woodley - 2012 - European Journal of Political Theory 11 (4):362-379.
    Revisionists have reclassified fascism as an autonomous revolutionary force based on the power of myth. Yet despite attempts to close the gap between materialist and culturalist readings, theories of fascism as the future-oriented projection of a mythic past overlook the point that, though intrinsic in the subjectification and deautonomization of the individual in collective-type societies, myths cannot be revolutionary because they derive their significance by projecting an idealized past that originates outside the emancipatory-developmental trajectory of modernity. Myths constitute a (...)
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    A Theoretical Model of Food Citizenship for the Analysis of Social Praxis.Carmen Lozano-Cabedo & Cristóbal Gómez-Benito - 2017 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 30 (1):1-22.
    Food citizenship is considered a helpful tool for extending the debate about the rights and duties of citizens to the field of food, and for fomenting participation of all actors in the governance of agri-food systems. Despite its generalized use, this concept has still to be systematically defined. The objective of this article is to apply the analytical framework of citizenship to the food dimension in order to identify the features which, from an analytical perspective, characterise food citizenship. By reviewing (...)
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  45. Collective challenges for the realisation of a collective intelligence.María G. Navarro - 2011 - Analytic Teaching and Philosophical Praxis 32 (1):40-47.
    Understanding Information and Communication Technologies through the networks in which people get con¬nected, communicate and co-operate has been a constant feature in the work of researchers who have not dissociated their view of the meaning of technologies from new social movements. This paper maintains that Information and Communication Technologies are not only networks that people join individually, but they also act as social technologies. Their improvement depends both on the diversity of their functions (social, political, cognitive, etc.) and the flexibility (...)
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    (1 other version)Who, the people? Rethinking constituent power as praxis.Maxim van Asseldonk - 2021 - Sage Publications Ltd: Philosophy and Social Criticism 48 (3):361-385.
    Philosophy & Social Criticism, Volume 48, Issue 3, Page 361-385, March 2022. Modern thinking about democracy is largely governed by the concept of constituent power. Some versions of the concept of constituent power, however, remain haunted by the spectre of totalitarianism. In this article, I outline an alternative view of the identity of the people whose constituent power generates democratic authority. Broadly speaking, constituent power signifies the idea that all political authority, including that of the constitution, must find its source (...)
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    Familiengründung mittels Eizellspende: Zur Ethik einer reproduktionsmedizinischen Praxis in der liberalen Gesellschaft.Clemens Heyder - 2023 - De Gruyter.
    The new series of 'Studies on Ethics and Science' complements the Yearbook for Ethics and Science edited since 1995 by the Institute for Science and Ethics in Bonn and published by de Gruyter. The monographs and collected volumes in the series cover the same subjects as the Yearbook, namely outstanding and innovative contributions to the investigation of ethical questions connected with modern science and its development. Particular interest is directed towards ethical questions in medicine and the biological sciences.
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  48. Paideia for Praxis: Philosophy and Pedagogy as Practices of Liberation.Nathan Jun - 2012 - In Robert Haworth, Anarchist Pedagogies: Collective Actions, Theories, and Critical Reflections on Education. PM Press. pp. 283-302.
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    Nurture, Pleasure and Read and Resist!: Abolition Feminist Methodology for a Collective Recovery?Felicity Adams & Fabienne Emmerich - 2021 - Feminist Legal Studies 29 (3):399-410.
    COVID-19 has magnified intersecting inequalities that are central to the functioning of capitalism. At the height of the crisis, the value of an economy based on the exchange of goods and services faded away to expose the importance of care across the public and private spheres. Undervalued and underpaid labour suddenly became critical to the survival of many. Drawing on Abolition Feminism, we argue for the need to seize this revaluation of labour to centre nurture and pleasure within our post-pandemic (...)
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    Paul Ricoeur in the Age of Hermeneutical Reason: Poetics, Praxis, and Critique.Roger W. H. Savage (ed.) - 2015 - Lanham: Lexington Books.
    This volume brings together eleven essays that address a range of issues extending from broader questions of social justice to the sexual intimacy that bears the mark of our fleshly existence. Collectively, these essays extend the reach of Paul Ricoeur’s early to late works by taking up some of the major social, political and religious challenges facing us in a postmodern, ultrapluralistic world.
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