Results for 'Conflict of laws Commercial law'

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  1.  22
    Comparative Analysis as an Autonomization Strategy in International Commercial Arbitration.Joanna Jemielniak - 2018 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 31 (1):155-173.
    The article explores the unique character of international commercial arbitration as a globalized phenomenon, where universalizing and harmonizing effects have largely been achieved by private means and spontaneous expansion, outside the States’ direct intervention and control. The evolution of arbitration in recent decades from an alternative to the core mechanism of deciding cross-border commercial controversies is considered. Privatization of this area of dispute resolution is examined in the context of its growing autonomization, marked—as observed by Emmanuel Gaillard—by notable (...)
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    EU Law and International Humanitarian Law.Marco Sassòli & Djemila Carron - 2015 - In Dennis Patterson, A Companion to European Union Law and International Law. Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 413–426.
    This chapter discusses the application of international humanitarian law (IHL) to EU military operations outside of the European Union (EU). It describes where the Union has performed best: promoting the development, acceptance, and respect of IHL by others. EU restrictive measures may be taken in its commercial policy, its foreign and security policy, and its development cooperation policy. A field in which the European Union may have a direct impact on violations of IHL is the export of arms. EU (...)
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    Values Education in Hong Kong School Music Education: A Sociological Critique.Wing-Wah Law & Wai-Chung Ho - 2004 - British Journal of Educational Studies 52 (1):65 - 82.
    This article examines the social development of Hong Kong's cultural and national identity since its return from the UK to the People's Republic of China nearly six years ago, focusing on the extent to which Hong Kong students are now inculcated in traditional Chinese music and express their devotion to the PRC through singing the national anthem. Hong Kong music teachers experience conflicts concerning their roles as music teachers and as purveyors of values education. These observations raise fundamental questions concerning (...)
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    Ideas in conflict: international law and the global war on terror.Eric Engle - 2013 - The Hague, The Netherlands: Eleven International Publishing.
    Contemporary international law. Methodology -- The origin of sovereignty in Roman and medieval law -- The transformation of sovereignty and international law in late modernity -- The transformation of international law by human rights -- The UN convention system and US foreign policy -- IR realism and the positivity of international law -- Containment and disengagement -- Assassination and international law -- Humanitarian intervention and international law -- Lawfare, Wikileaks, and the rule of law.
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    Legislating clear-statement regimes in national-security law.Jonathan F. Mitchell & GMU Law School Submitter - unknown
    Congress's national-security legislation will often require clear and specific congressional authorization before the executive can undertake certain actions. The War Powers Resolution, for example, prohibits any law from authorizing military hostilities unless it "specifically authorizes" them. And the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act of 1978 required laws to amend FISA or repeal its "exclusive means" provision before they could authorize warrantless electronic surveillance. But efforts to legislate clear-statement regimes in national-security law have failed to induce compliance. The Clinton Administration inferred (...)
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    Dilemmas in dispensing, problems in practice? Ethical issues and law in UK community pharmacy.R. J. Cooper, P. Bissell & J. Wingfield - 2007 - Clinical Ethics 2 (2):103-108.
    Do UK community pharmacists encounter the high drama dilemmas of the medical ethics literature or is a 'morality of the mundane' more appropriate? This paper presents the findings of a qualitative study that asked a sample of UK pharmacists to describe their ethical issues and to establish whether these were ethical dilemmas as understood philosophically or ethical problems of a more legal or emotional nature. It emerged that although many pharmacists referred to 'dilemmas', these were often problems involving a (...) between an ethical value and a legal or procedural issue and often arose in the routine minutiae of dispensing prescriptions and selling medicines. Such ethical problems remained of concern for pharmacists and the commercial environment, corporate pharmacy ownership and pharmacists' subordination to doctors, all precipitated ethical problems. Law and ethics appeared to be understood synonymously but this may reflect a modernity that increasingly brackets out ethical experiences by encouraging reliance upon law and procedure. (shrink)
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    Law relating to international commercial arbitration in india.Andrea Bonomi, Paul Volken & Petar Sarcevic - 2009 - In Andrea Bonomi, Paul Volken & Petar Sarcevic, Yearbook of Private International Law: Volume Viii. Sellier de Gruyter.
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    Commercial surrogacy: how provisions of monetary remuneration and powers of international law can prevent exploitation of gestational surrogates.Louise Anna Helena Ramskold & Marcus Paul Posner - 2013 - Journal of Medical Ethics 39 (6):397-402.
    Increasing globalisation and advances in artificial reproductive techniques have opened up a whole new range of possibilities for infertile couples across the globe. Inter-country gestational surrogacy with monetary remuneration is one of the products of medical tourism meeting in vitro fertilisation embryo transfer. Filled with potential, it has also been a hot topic of discussion in legal and bioethics spheres. Fears of exploitation and breach of autonomy have sprung from the current situation, where there is no international regulation of surrogacy (...)
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  9. Global legal pluralism and commercial law.John Linarelli - 2020 - In Paul Schiff Berman, The Oxford handbook of global legal pluralism. New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
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  10. Ethics, Law, and Commercial Surrogacy: A Call for Uniformity.Katherine Drabiak, Carole Wegner, Valita Fredland & Paul R. Helft - 2007 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 35 (2):300-309.
    In July of 2005, Indianapolis witnessed streaming headlines in the local newspaper attempting to distill the confusion surrounding the adoption of two premature infants by an adoptive parent. Thirteen articles and opinion pieces introduced the public to a murky legal and ethical transaction. Stating his overwhelming desire to have children, a New Jersey schoolteacher hired the services of a local attorney. The attorney procured a South Carolina woman for a compensated gestational surrogacy contract. Under the contract, the surrogate and the (...)
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  11. Negotiated meaning and international commercial law.Tarja Salmi-Tolonen - 2008 - In V. K. Bhatia, Christopher Candlin & Paola Evangelisti Allori, Language, culture and the law: the formulation of legal concepts across systems and cultures. New York: Peter Lang.
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    Law, Language and Translation: From Concepts to Conflicts.Rosanna Masiola - 2015 - Cham: Imprint: Springer. Edited by Renato Tomei.
    This book is a survey of how law, language and translation overlap with concepts, crimes and conflicts. It is a transdisciplinary survey exploring the dynamics of colonialism and the globalization of crime. Concepts and conflicts are used here to mean 'conflicting interpretations' engendering real conflicts. Beginning with theoretical issues and hermeneutics in chapter 2, the study moves on to definitions and applications in chapter 3, introducing cattle stealing as a comparative theme and global case study in chapter 4. Cattle stealing (...)
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  13.  56
    Law and psychology in conflict.Paul K. Feyerabend - 1967 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 10 (1-4):114-120.
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    Law and Internal Cultural Conflicts.Yaacov Ben-Shemesh - 2007 - Law and Ethics of Human Rights 1 (1):271-308.
    Liberal political theory acknowledges the interdependence of the wellbeing of individuals and the flourishing of the cultural groups to which they belong. Consequently, many liberal political philosophers have proposed policies and laws aimed at multicultural accommodation. That is, policies and laws aimed at assisting communities to preserve their cultural values and practices, and at allowing them greater autonomy and self-government. However, certain religious and cultural groups hold beliefs, values, and practices that are oppressive and discriminatory against some of (...)
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    Conflicting Penal Theory in Statutory Law. Mabel A. Elliott.Edwin H. Sutherland - 1932 - International Journal of Ethics 42 (3):337-338.
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  16. Natural law and conflict.Daniel McInerny - 2004 - In Mark J. Cherry, Natural Law and the Possibility of a Global Ethics. Kluwer Academic Publishers. pp. 89--100.
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    Ethics, law, and military operations.David Whetham (ed.) - 2011 - New York, NY: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    While there are many legal textbooks on the laws of armed conflict and academic works on ethical issues in international relations, this is the first text on the relevance of legal and normative issues in military practice. It covers the entire spectrum of military operations and is written with military deicision-makers particularly in mind.
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  18.  26
    Law, Cyborgs, and Technologically Enhanced Brains.Woodrow Barfield & Alexander Williams - 2017 - Philosophies 2 (1):6.
    As we become more and more enhanced with cyborg technology, significant issues of law and policy are raised. For example, as cyborg devices implanted within the body create a class of people with enhanced motor and computational abilities, how should the law and policy respond when the abilities of such people surpass those of the general population? And what basic human and legal rights should be afforded to people equipped with cyborg technology as they become more machine and less biology? (...)
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  19. Rethinking “Commercial” Surrogacy in Australia.Jenni Millbank - 2015 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 12 (3):477-490.
    This article proposes reconsideration of laws prohibiting paid surrogacy in Australia in light of increasing transnational commercial surrogacy. The social science evidence base concerning domestic surrogacy in developed economies demonstrates that payment alone cannot be used to differentiate “good” surrogacy arrangements from “bad” ones. Compensated domestic surrogacy and the introduction of professional intermediaries and mechanisms such as advertising are proposed as a feasible harm-minimisation approach. I contend that Australia can learn from commercial surrogacy practices elsewhere, without replicating (...)
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  20.  52
    German law on circumcision and its debate: How an ethical and legal issue turned political.Diana Aurenque & Urban Wiesing - 2013 - Bioethics 29 (3):203-210.
    The article aims to illuminate the recent debate in Germany about the legitimacy of circumcision for religious reasons. The aim is both to evaluate the new German law allowing religious circumcision, and to outline the resulting conflict between the surrounding ethical and legal issues. We first elucidate the diversity of legal and medical views on religious circumcision in Germany. Next we examine to what extent invasive and irreversible physical interventions on infant boys unable to given their consent should be (...)
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    Cohabitation Law Reform – Messages From Research.Anne Barlow - 2006 - Feminist Legal Studies 14 (2):167-180.
    Empirical research in this field has underlined the diversity of the cohabitation population, the existence of the common law marriage myth and the lack of consensus on the best way forward for reform of the law in England and Wales. Against the backdrop of the English Law Commission’s on-going project on cohabitation law, this article will explore the reasons found by recent research for people’s choice of cohabitation over marriage, the interrelationship between commitment and economic vulnerability and the tension in (...)
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  22.  41
    Commercial DNA tests and police investigations: a broad bioethical perspective.Nina F. de Groot, Britta C. van Beers & Gerben Meynen - 2021 - Journal of Medical Ethics 47 (12):788-795.
    Over 30 million people worldwide have taken a commercial at-home DNA test, because they were interested in their genetic ancestry, disease predisposition or inherited traits. Yet, these consumer DNA data are also increasingly used for a very different purpose: to identify suspects in criminal investigations. By matching a suspect’s DNA with DNA from a suspect’s distant relatives who have taken a commercial at-home DNA test, law enforcement can zero in on a perpetrator. Such forensic use of consumer DNA (...)
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  23.  53
    Non-commercial Surrogacy in Thailand: Ethical, Legal, and Social Implications in Local and Global Contexts.Yuri Hibino - 2020 - Asian Bioethics Review 12 (2):135-147.
    In this paper, the ethical, legal, and social implications of Thailand’s surrogacy regulations from both domestic and global perspectives are explored. Surrogacy tourism in Thailand has expanded since India strengthened its visa regulations in 2012. In 2015, in the wake of a major scandal surrounding the abandonment of a surrogate child by its foreign intended parents, a law prohibiting the practice of surrogacy for commercial purposes was enacted. Consequently, a complete ban on surrogacy tourism was imposed. However, some Thai (...)
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  24.  28
    Negotiating Commercial Interests in Biospecimens.Jessica L. Roberts - 2017 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 45 (1):138-141.
    Proposed changes to the Common Rule would require publicly funded researchers to disclose whether a subject's biospecimens could be used for commercial profit and whether the subject will share in those proceeds. Disclosing commercial interests will inform research participants that their tissue may have commercial value, a possibility that those individuals might not have previously considered. The proposed changes may then provide people with an opportunity to negotiate commercial rights in their biospecimens despite the well-accepted legal (...)
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    Law and the beautiful soul.Alan William Norrie - 2005 - Portland, Or.: Published in the United States by Cavendish.
    What is law? How is legal responsibility defined? How does law reflect moral judgment? Why are law's definitions uncertain and conflicted? Basic questions for liberal law and criminal justice - what could they have to do with the forgotten historical figure of the Beautiful Soul? Starting from concrete legal issues, Alan Norrie develops a critical vision of law in its relation to morality and socio-historical context. Liberal law, he argues, is marked by splits and contradictions (antinomies), signs of something missed. (...)
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    Oregon’s conflicts law applicable to contracts.Paul Volken & Petar Sarcevic - 2009 - In Paul Volken & Petar Sarcevic, Yearbook of Private International Law: Volume Iii. Sellier de Gruyter.
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    Environmental Law and Economics.Bruce R. Huber & Klaus Mathis (eds.) - 2017 - Cham: Imprint: Springer.
    This anthology discusses important issues surrounding environmental law and economics and provides an in-depth analysis of its use in legislation, regulation and legal adjudication from a neoclassical and behavioural law and economics perspective. Environmental issues raise a vast range of legal questions: to what extent is it justifiable to rely on markets and continued technological innovation, especially as it relates to present exploitation of scarce resources? Or is it necessary for the state to intervene? Regulatory instruments are available to create (...)
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    Where the Law and the Ethics Conflict?Margot Brazier - 2005 - Research Ethics 1 (3):97-100.
    An increasing number of scientists and doctors are concerned that new laws are inhibiting ethical research. This paper argues that this is not the case. Laws do not inhibit medical progress. Misunderstanding the law may do so.
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    Law, Ethics and Society: Historical and Contemporary Perspectives.Craig Paterson & Stephan Breu (eds.) - 2019 - JHPU Press.
    This collection reflects the result of interactive academic work initiated by Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi University Inc., Miami, Florida, during the academic year 2018, and also the scholarly work of academics supporting our University. The authors include international academics from the United States of America, Great Britain, Croatia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Switzerland, Austria, Serbia and Macedonia. Table of Contents: About the Authors; Craig Paterson--Contextualism & the History of Philosophy; Darko Bekic--Triangle Concept of Unification-Demilitarization Neutralisation of Korea: An Outline; Orlando Mardner--Economic Dimensions of Armed (...)
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    The Jurisprudential Foundations of Corporate and Commercial Law.Jody S. Kraus & Steven D. Walt (eds.) - 2000 - Cambridge University Press.
    This book, first published in 2000, is a collection of essays by prominent scholars writing in commercial law theory.
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  31. Assessing Law's Claim to Authority.Bas van der Vossen - 2011 - Oxford Journal of Legal Studies 31 (3):481-501.
    The idea that law claims authority (LCA) has recently been forcefully criticized by a number of authors. These authors present a new and intriguing objection, arguing that law cannot be said to claim authority if such a claim is not justified. That is, these authors argue that the view that law does not have authority viciously conflicts with the view that law claims authority. I will call this the normative critique of LCA. In this article, I assess the normative critique (...)
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    Recommender Systems as Commercial Speech: A Framing for US Legislation.Andrew West, Claudio Novelli, Mariarosaria Taddeo & Luciano Floridi - manuscript
    Recommender Systems (RS) on digital platforms increasingly influence user behavior, raising ethical concerns, privacy risks, harmful content promotion, and diminished user autonomy. This article examines RS within the framework of regulations and lawsuits in the United States and advocates for legislation that can withstand constitutional scrutiny under First Amendment protections. We propose (re)framing RS-curated content as commercial speech, which is subject to lessened free speech protections. This approach provides a practical path for future legislation that would allow for effective (...)
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  33.  73
    Resolving interpretive conflicts in international human rights law.Kristen Hessler - 2005 - Journal of Political Philosophy 13 (1):29–52.
  34.  14
    Natural Law and Public Reason.Robert P. George & Christopher Wolfe - 2000 - Georgetown University Press.
    "Public reason" is one of the central concepts in modern liberal political theory. As articulated by John Rawls, it presents a way to overcome the difficulties created by intractable differences among citizens' religious and moral beliefs by strictly confining the place of such convictions in the public sphere. Identifying this conception as a key point of conflict, this book presents a debate among contemporary natural law and liberal political theorists on the definition and validity of the idea of public (...)
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    Commercial Agency and the Duty to Act in Good Faith.Andrea Tosato - 2016 - Oxford Journal of Legal Studies 36 (3):661-695.
    Under Directive 86/653/EEC on the co-ordination of the laws of European Union Member States relating to self-employed commercial agents, commercial agents have an obligation to act ‘dutifully and in good faith’. This article considers the impact that this general good faith clause has had upon the UK legal order. It first analyses the Obligation, assessing its scope, function and content. It then reviews the choices made by the UK legislature in implementing this duty and scrutinises the manner (...)
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  36. AGD Bradney, ed. International Law and Armed Conflict.P. Gilbert - 1994 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 11 (2):249-249.
  37.  39
    Alienists on Trial: Conflict and Convergence between Psychiatry and Law (1876–1913).Patrizia Guarnieri - 1991 - History of Science 29 (4):393-410.
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    Law’s Response to Pregnancy/Workplace Conflicts: A Critique. [REVIEW]C. Grace James - 2007 - Feminist Legal Studies 15 (2):167-188.
    This paper considers law’s engagement with pregnancy/workplace conflicts. Drawing on recent research, including original empirical research conducted by the author, I consider how law’s response is ineffective. The nature of this ‘ineffective response’ is explored and in particular I consider the gap between, on the one hand, legal prescriptions and policy ambitions and, on the other hand, the reality of pregnancy/workplace conflicts. In essence, law fails to capture the experiences of pregnant women and new mothers at work and this is (...)
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    Ranciere and Law.Mónica López Lerma & Julen Etxabe (eds.) - 2016 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    This book is the first to approach Jacques Rancière’s work from a legal perspective. A former student of Louis Althusser, Rancière is one of the most important contemporary French philosophers of recent decades: offering an original and path-breaking way to think politics, democracy and aesthetics. Rancière’s work has received wide and increasing critical attention, but no study exists so far that reflects on the wider implications of Rancière for law and for socio-legal studies. Although Rancière does not pay much specific (...)
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  40.  20
    Commercial Speech and Unhealthy Food Products: Conceptual Foundations.Andrés Constantin, Martín Hevia & Oscar A. Cabrera - 2022 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 50 (2):216-220.
    This article provides a critical and philosophical assessment of arguments invoked for and against the constitutional protection of commercial expression and the regulation of commercial speech with a focus on the commercialization of unhealthy food products.
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    (1 other version)Law and medical ethics.J. K. Mason - 1991 - Austin, Tex.: Butterworths. Edited by Alexander McCall Smith.
    This volume offers an analysis of ethical concepts based on positive legal principles and court decisions, describing what actually happens in practice, or where there are no precedents available, what is most likely to happen. Broadly, it deals with the wide range of potentially difficult situations in which the community, as represented by the law, may come into conflict with the medical profession.
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    Strategy, law, and ethics for business decisions.Christine Ladwig - 2020 - St. Paul, MN: LEG, Inc. d/b/a West Academic Publishing. Edited by George J. Siedel.
    Based on a model used in the Harvard Business School course on leadership, the three key elements of decision making (the Three Pillars) are strategy, law and ethics. This book shows students how to use the Three Pillars to make successful business decisions that manage risk (the Law Pillar) and create value (the Strategy Pillar) in a responsible manner (the Ethics Pillar). Through the Three Pillar framework, students will understand why law is a positive, value-creating force that enables them to (...)
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  43. International commercial arbitration rules as translated : rewritten texts : an intercultural perspective.Giuliana Garzone - 2008 - In V. K. Bhatia, Christopher Candlin & Paola Evangelisti Allori, Language, culture and the law: the formulation of legal concepts across systems and cultures. New York: Peter Lang. pp. 47--73.
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    Law Week Dinner.Law Council C. E. O. Peter Webb, Justice Mary Finn, Amy Burr, Warwick Burr, Christopher Ryan, Councillor Linda Crebbin & Michael Flynn - forthcoming - Ethos: Journal of the Society for Psychological Anthropology.
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    Law and Morality at War.Adil Ahmad Haque - 2017 - Oxford University Press UK.
    The laws are not silent in war, but what should they say? What is the moral function of the law of armed conflict? Should the law protect civilians who do not fight but help those who do? Should the law protect soldiers who perform non-combat functions or who may be safely captured? How certain should a soldier be that an individual is a combatant rather than a civilian before using lethal force? What risks should soldiers take on themselves (...)
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    Implementing International Human Rights Law in Post Conflict Settings - Backlash without Buy-In: Lessons from Afghanistan.Leanne M. Smith - 2009 - Muslim World Journal of Human Rights 5 (1).
    This paper explores the difficulties of implementing international human rights standards in post conflict states, particularly in Islamic States, using Afghanistan as a case study. The paper will submit that imposing international human rights law with a ‘top down' approach is ineffective, using the example of the western-style Afghan constitution which contains many human rights protections, such as freedom of religion, that cannot be realized in contemporary Afghan society. It will be argued that a more transparent, consultative and long-term (...)
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    Thinking tools 3: Flying saucers and open minds: Law Thinking tools.Stephen Law - 2003 - Think 1 (3):65-68.
    Thinking Tools is a regular feature that introduces pointers on thinking clearly and rigorously. Here I tell a cautionary tale about flying saucers and take a brief look at the virtues of ‘open-mindedness’.
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    International law and posthuman theory.Matilda Arvidsson & Emily Jones (eds.) - 2024 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    Assembling a series of voices from across the field, this book demonstrates how posthuman theory can be employed to better understand and tackle some of the challenges faced by contemporary international law. With the vast environmental devastation being caused by climate change, the increasing use of artificial intelligence by international legal actors, and the need for international law to face up to its colonial past, international law needs to change. But in regulating and preserving a stable global order in which (...)
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    International law in context.Cara Warren - 2022 - Durham, North Carolina: Carolina Academic Press.
    International Law in Context is a pedagogy-forward textbook. It reflects the recent paradigm shift in legal education, which focuses more on what students actually learn rather than the material to which they are exposed. The text aims to prepare the next generation of U.S. lawyers to engage with our interconnected world and to critically evaluate the U.S.'s role within the international legal order. The work is divided into three parts that accomplish these goals. Part One lays a foundation. It covers (...)
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    Corporate Law Versus Social Autonomy: Law as Social Hazard.Michael Galanis - 2020 - Law and Critique 32 (1):1-32.
    This article argues that corporate law has become the legal platform upon which is erected a social process impeding society’s capacity to lucidly reflect on its primary ends; in this sense, corporate law is in conflict with social autonomy. This process is described here as a social feedback loop, in the structural centre of which lies the corporation which imposes its own purpose as an irrational social end, i.e. irrespective of its potentially catastrophic social consequences. The article argues that (...)
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