Results for 'Constance Russell'

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  1.  89
    The Social Construction of Orangutans: An Ecotourist Experience.Constance L. Russell - 1995 - Society and Animals 3 (2):151-170.
    Applying social construction theory to the study of other animals, this article reports research conducted on ecotourist constructions of orangutans. Two "stories" dominated: Orangutan as Child and Orangutan as Pristine. The cultural and historical specificity of these constructs as well as their implications for conservation are discussed.
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  2. Eve Carlson, PhD, is a research health science specialist with the National Center for PTSD and the VA Palo Alto Health Care System. She conducts research on the psychological impact of traumatic experiences, with a focus on assessment. O. Brandt Caudill Jr., JD, has been representing mental health profes. [REVIEW]Constance Dalenberg, Russell S. Gold, Muriel Golub, S. Margaret Lee & Eric C. Marine - 2009 - In Steven F. Bucky (ed.), Ethical and Legal Issues for Mental Health Professionals: In Forensic Settings. Brunner-Routledge.
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    Three Portraits of Bertrand Russell at Home.Constance Malleson - 2012 - Russell: The Journal of Bertrand Russell Studies 32 (2):161-169.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:January 12, 2013 (10:49 am) C:\WPdata\TYPE3202\russell 32,2 062 red.wpd 1 [For document sources and the pseudonyms used, see the entries in D.4 of the Malleson bibliography in this issue. The Wrst is under “Hemma Hos br”.z—zK.B.] 2 [Russell had given Malleson directions: “Festiniog is 3 miles from Blaenau Festiniog, along the road to Port Madoc; our cottage is a quarter of a mile from Festiniog, towards Port (...)
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    Constant Enough: On the Kinds of Perceptual Constancy Worth Having.Robert C. Russell - 2012 - In Gary Hatfield & Sarah Allred (eds.), Visual Experience: Sensation, Cognition, and Constancy. Oxford University Press. pp. 87.
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    (1 other version)From: In the North.Constance Malleson - 1997 - Russell: The Journal of Bertrand Russell Studies 17.
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    Social and Moral Aspects of the War.Bertrand Russell & Andrew G. Bone - 2022 - Russell: The Journal of Bertrand Russell Studies 42 (1):52-62.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Social and Moral Aspects of the WarBertrand Russell and Introduced by Andrew G. BoneAmong nine loose-leaf folders of typed transcriptions of Russell's History of Western Philosophy lectures at the Barnes Foundation1 are two copies of a fourteen-page stenographic record of a political talk he gave there on 2 March 1941.2 The bulk of this significant new accrual to the Russell Archives, bearing as it does on (...)
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    (1 other version)The End.Constance Malleson - 1976 - Russell: The Journal of Bertrand Russell Studies:25.
  8. Taoism and ecology.Russell Goodman - 1980 - Environmental Ethics 2 (1):73-80.
    Although they were in part otherworldly mystics, the Taoists of ancient China were also keen observers of nature; in fact, they were important early Chinese scientists. I apply Taoist principles to some current ecological questions. The principles surveyed include reversion, the constancy of cyclical change, wu wei (“actionless activity”), and the procurement of power by abandoning the attempt to “take” it. On the basis of these principles, I argue that Taoists would have favored such contemporary options as passive solar energy (...)
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    A New Law of Thought and its Logical Bearings.Emily Elizabeth Constance Jones - 1911 - Cambridge,: Cambridge University Press.
    Emily Elizabeth Constance Jones was an English logician and contemporary of Bertrand Russell, as well as Mistress of Girton College, Cambridge. In this book, originally published in 1911, she argues for the existence of another fundamental law of thought to join the Law of Contradiction and the Law of Excluded Middle: the Law of Significant Assertion. This book will be of value to anyone with an interest in logic or in Jones' work.
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    Grandmothers and Founding Mothers of Analytic Philosophy: Constance Jones, Bertrand Russell, and Susan Stebbing on Complete and Incomplete Symbols.Frederique Janssen-Lauret - 2024 - In Landon D. C. Elkind & Alexander Mugar Klein (eds.), Bertrand Russell, Feminism, and Women Philosophers in his Circle. London: Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 207-239.
    Russell’s use of incomplete symbols constituted progress in philosophy. They allowed Russell to make true negative existential claims, like ‘the present King of France does not exist’, and to analyse away logical constructs like tables. Russell’s view rested on the availability of complete symbols, logically proper names, which single out objects which we know by acquaintance, which we are committed to, and to whose existence discourse about apparent complexes can be reduced. Susan Stebbing enthusiastically embraced incomplete symbols (...)
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    Russell as "Spanish Astronomer" (A Retrospective Review) [review of Constance Malleson, The Coming Back ].Sheila Turcon - 2015 - Russell: The Journal of Bertrand Russell Studies 35 (1):87-94.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviews 87 c:\users\arlene\documents\rj issues\type3501\rj 3501 061 red.docx 2015-07-10 4:07 PM RUSSELL AS “SPANISH ASTRONOMER” (A RETROSPECTIVE REVIEW) Sheila Turcon Russell Research Centre / McMaster U. Hamilton, on, Canada l8s 4l6 [email protected] Constance Malleson. The Coming Back. London: Jonathan Cape, 1933. Pp. 328. 7s. 6d. ublished in 1933 and never reprinted, The Coming Back is Constance Malleson’s first novel. She had been publishing shorter fiction as (...)
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  12. Color constancy and Russellian representationalism.Brad Thompson - 2006 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 84 (1):75-94.
    Representationalism, the view that phenomenal character supervenes on intentional content, has attracted a wide following in recent years. Most representationalists have also endorsed what I call 'standard Russellianism'. According to standard Russellianism, phenomenal content is Russellian in nature, and the properties represented by perceptual experiences are mind-independent physical properties. I argue that standard Russellianism conflicts with the everyday experience of colour constancy. Due to colour constancy, standard Russellianism is unable to simultaneously give a proper account of the phenomenal content of (...)
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    Bertrand Russell, Feminism, and Women Philosophers in his Circle.Landon D. C. Elkind & Alexander Mugar Klein (eds.) - 2024 - London: Palgrave Macmillan.
    This book examines Bertrand Russell’s complicated relationships to the women around him, and to feminism more generally. The essays in this volume offer scholarly reassessments of these relationships and their import for the history of feminism and of analytic philosophy. Russell is a founder of analytic philosophy. He has also been called a feminist due to his public, decades-long advocacy for women’s rights and equality of the sexes. But his private behavior towards wives and sexual partners, and his (...)
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    Like a Shattered Vase: Russell's 1918 Prison Letters.Sheila Turcon - 2010 - Russell: The Journal of Bertrand Russell Studies 30 (2).
    Russell’s collected prison correspondence is an editorial challenge. I provide the basis for such a project using the analogy of a shattered vase. All known correspondents are identified as well as their letters. The letters are in various forms—originals, transcriptions, condensed transcriptions, and mimeographs—as well as types—official, smuggled, and messages within letters. I pay special attention to Russell’s love letters to Constance Malleson, describe his prison experience, and show why the prison letters were important to his spiritual (...)
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    A Bibliography of Constance Malleson.Sheila Turcon - 2012 - Russell: The Journal of Bertrand Russell Studies 32 (2):175-190.
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    (1 other version)Lady Constance Malleson, "Colette O'Niel".John G. Slater - 2000 - Russell: The Journal of Bertrand Russell Studies 20:4.
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    On E.E. Constance Jones’s Account of Categorical Propositions and Her Defence of Frege.Karen Green - 2023 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 101 (4):863-875.
    E.E.C. Jones’s early logical writings have recently been rescued from obscurity and it has been claimed that, in her works dating from the 1890s, she anticipated Frege’s distinction between sense and reference. This claim is challenged on the ground that it is based on a common but inadequate reading of Frege, which runs together his concept/object and sense/reference distinctions. It is admitted that a case can be made for Jones having anticipated something very like Frege’s analysis of categorical propositions, and (...)
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    Then and Now: Bertie and Colette's Escapes to the Peak District and Welsh Borderlands.Sheila Turcon - 2014 - Russell: The Journal of Bertrand Russell Studies 34 (2):117-130.
    Abstract:Bertrand Russell and Constance Malleson visited two places in the Peak District and the Welsh borderlands during the early years of their romance, 1916–18. They wrote frequently about both places. Their biographers, however, spend little time on them. What they do write is sometimes inaccurate and in one case jaded. The author visits the places to see what they are like today and to gain insight into why vacations there intensified the couple’s relationship.
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    Human reasoning.Russell Revlin & Richard E. Mayer (eds.) - 1978 - New York: distributed solely by Halsted Press.
  20.  79
    Rethinking “Disease”: a fresh diagnosis and a new philosophical treatment.Russell Powell & Eric Scarffe - 2019 - Journal of Medical Ethics 45 (9):579-588.
    Despite several decades of debate, the concept of disease remains hotly contested. The debate is typically cast as one between naturalism and normativism, with a hybrid view that combines elements of each staked out in between. In light of a number of widely discussed problems with existing accounts, some theorists argue that the concept of disease is beyond repair and thus recommend eliminating it in a wide range of practical medical contexts. Any attempt to reframe the ‘disease’ discussion should answer (...)
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  21. (2 other versions)Knowledge by acquaintance and knowledge by description.Bertrand Russell - 1911 - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 11:108--28.
  22.  75
    Parahippocampal and retrosplenial contributions to human spatial navigation.Russell A. Epstein - 2008 - Trends in Cognitive Sciences 12 (10):388.
  23.  66
    Understanding Factors Affecting Salespeople’s Perceptions of Ethical Behavior in South Africa.Russell Abratt & Neale Penman - 2002 - Journal of Business Ethics 35 (4):269 - 280.
    Sales professionals have been frequent targets of ethical criticism. This paper reports on a survey on ethics of sales professionals in South Africa. The results revealed salespeoples views on controversial sales practices that involve direct monetary consequences; on practices that adversely affect customers, employers and competitors; and on sales peoples sensitization of ethical issues. Stealing from a competitor at a trade show was viewed as the most unethical of the scenarios, while phone sabotage and lying to a customer were held (...)
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    Neuropower and plastic writing: Stiegler and Malabou on generative AI.Julien S. Murphy & Constance Mui - forthcoming - Educational Philosophy and Theory.
    A leading critic of the disruptive force of technology in education, Bernard Stiegler saw the counter-effects of artificial intelligence in undermining human agency, autonomy and individuality, rendering the role of education ever more critical. Stiegler believes that our goal is not to abandon technology but to focus our attention on its power and direction in a hypercapitalist economy. While he did not foresee the emergence of generative artificial intelligence (GAI), its rapid acceleration raises important issues for his notion of digital (...)
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  25. On the Relations of Universals and Particulars.Bertrand Russell - 1912 - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 12:1-24.
    The purpose of the following, paper is to consider whether there is a fundamenital division of the objects with which metaphysics is concerned into two classes, universals and particulars, or whetlher there is any method of overcoming this dualism. My own opinion is that the dualism is ultimate; on the other hand, many men with whom, in the main, I am in close agreement, hold that it is not ultimate. I do not feel the grounds in favour of its ultimate (...)
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  26.  16
    Investigating Pristine Inner Experience: Moments of Truth.Russell T. Hurlburt - 2011 - Cambridge University Press.
    You live your entire waking life immersed in your inner experiences – private phenomena created by you, just for you, your own way. Despite their intimacy and ubiquity, you probably do not know the characteristics of your own inner phenomena; neither does psychology or consciousness science. Investigating Pristine Inner Experience explores how to apprehend inner experience in high fidelity. This book will transform your view of your own inner experience, awaken you to experiential differences between people and thereby reframe your (...)
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  27.  56
    History of western philosophy and its connection with political and social circumstances from the earliest times to the present day.Bertrand Russell - 1946 - London,: Allen & Unwin.
    First published in 1946, History of Western Philosophy went on to become the best-selling philosophy book of the twentieth century. A dazzlingly ambitious project, it remains unchallenged to this day as the ultimate introduction to Western philosophy. Providing a sophisticated overview of the ideas that have perplexed people from time immemorial, it is 'long on wit, intelligence and curmudgeonly scepticism', as the New York Times noted, and it is this, coupled with the sheer brilliance of its scholarship, that has made (...)
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    Table of Contents [print edition].Andrew G. Bone & Gülberk Koç Maclean - 2022 - Russell: The Journal of Bertrand Russell Studies 42 (1):52-62.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Social and Moral Aspects of the WarBertrand Russell and Introduced by Andrew G. BoneAmong nine loose-leaf folders of typed transcriptions of Russell's History of Western Philosophy lectures at the Barnes Foundation1 are two copies of a fourteen-page stenographic record of a political talk he gave there on 2 March 1941.2 The bulk of this significant new accrual to the Russell Archives, bearing as it does on (...)
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    Physics, philosophy, and theology: a common quest for understanding.Robert J. Russell, William R. Stoeger & George V. Coyne (eds.) - 1988 - Notre Dame, Ind.: University of Notre Dame Press [distributor].
  30. Contingency and Convergence in Macroevolution: A Reply to John Beatty.Russell Powell - 2009 - Journal of Philosophy 106 (7):390-403.
  31.  18
    Education for total liberation: critical animal pedagogy and teaching against speciesism.Anthony J. Nocella (ed.) - 2019 - New York: Peter Lang.
    Education for Total Liberation is a collection of essays from leaders in the field of critical animal pedagogy (CAP). CAP emerges from activist educators teaching critical animal studies and is rooted in critical theory as well as the animal advocacy movement. Critical animal studies (CAS) argues for an interdisciplinary approach to understanding our relationships with nonhuman animals. CAS challenges two specific fields of theory: (1) animal studies, rooted in vivisection and testing on animals in the hard sciences and (2) human-animal (...)
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  32. Chaos and Complexity: Scientific Perspectives on Divine Action.Robert John Russell, Nancey Murphy & Arthur R. Peacocke - 1996 - Religious Studies 32 (4):519-521.
  33.  23
    What Did Colette Know and When Did She Know It?Sheila Turcon - 2010 - Russell: The Journal of Bertrand Russell Studies 30 (2).
    t has been several years since Kirk Willis’s article appeared in Russell. When I first read it, I thought how could Constance Malleson (“Colette O’Niel”) have believed that Russell had died from pneumonia? Willis takes her at her word. I have finally decided to delve deeper, building on the evidence that Willis presents on the published reports of Russell’s death.
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    A computable functor from graphs to fields.Russell Miller, Bjorn Poonen, Hans Schoutens & Alexandra Shlapentokh - 2018 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 83 (1):326-348.
    Fried and Kollár constructed a fully faithful functor from the category of graphs to the category of fields. We give a new construction of such a functor and use it to resolve a longstanding open problem in computable model theory, by showing that for every nontrivial countable structure${\cal S}$, there exists a countable field${\cal F}$of arbitrary characteristic with the same essential computable-model-theoretic properties as${\cal S}$. Along the way, we develop a new “computable category theory”, and prove that our functor and (...)
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    Creativity, social and political attitudes, and liking or disliking David Duke.Russell Eisenman - 1992 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 30 (1):19-22.
  36. Reproductive autonomy, the non-identity problem, and the non-person problem.Russell Disilvestro - 2008 - Bioethics 23 (1):59-67.
    The Non-Identity Problem is the problem of explaining the apparent wrongness of a decision that does not harm people, especially since some of the people affected by the decision would not exist at all were it not for the decision. One approach to this problem, in the context of reproductive decisions, is to focus on wronging, rather than harming, one's offspring. But a Non-Person Problem emerges for any view that claims (1) that only persons can be wronged and (2) that (...)
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    Not every cell is sacred: A reply to Charo.Russell Disilvestro - 2006 - Bioethics 20 (3):146–157.
    ABSTRACT Massimo Reichlin, in an earlier article in this journal, defended a version of the ‘argument from potential’ (AFP), which concludes that the human embryo should be protected from the moment of conception. But R. Alta Charo, in her essay entitled ‘Every Cell is Sacred: Logical Consequences of the Argument from Potential in the Age of Cloning’, claims that versions of the AFP like Reichlin’s are vulnerable to a rather embarrassing problem: with the advent of human cloning, such versions of (...)
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    (1 other version)Liberals versus conservatives: Personality, child-rearing attitudes, and birth order/sex differences.Russell Eisenman & Henry B. Sirgo - 1991 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 29 (2):240-242.
    Fifty adults who had made monetary contributions to political campaigns were interviewed to determine differences between liberals and conservatives in terms of personality, child-rearing attitudes, and birth order/sex variables. Study 1 found liberals to favor nonrestrictive controls both on self and on children, while conservatives tended to favor the opposite. Women were more likely than men to be liberals, and all first-born females were liberals. In Study 2, the sample as a whole was high in self-esteem and autonomy, and there (...)
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  39. Knowledge by indifference.Gillian K. Russell & John M. Doris - 2008 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 86 (3):429 – 437.
    Is it harder to acquire knowledge about things that really matter to us than it is to acquire knowledge about things we don't much care about? Jason Stanley 2005 argues that whether or not the relational predicate 'knows that' holds between an agent and a proposition can depend on the practical interests of the agent: the more it matters to a person whether p is the case, the more justification is required before she counts as knowing that p. The evidence (...)
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    Can Deliberative Democracy Be Partisan?Russell Muirhead - 2010 - Critical Review: A Journal of Politics and Society 22 (2):129-157.
    Any workable ideal of deliberative democracy that includes elections will need modern democracy's ever-present ally, parties. Since the primary function of parties is to win office rather than to reflect on public questions, parties are potential problems for the deliberative enterprise. They are more at home in aggregative models of democracy than in deliberative models. While deliberative democracy will need its moments of aggregation—and therefore, must have parties—partisans as they actually arise in the political world possess traits that undermine the (...)
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  41. Human Knowledge: Its Scope and Value.Bertrand Russell - 1992 - Routledge.
    Russell's classic examination of the relation between individual experience and the general body of scientific knowledge. It is a rigorous examination of the problems of an empiricist epistemology.
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    Saying, feeling, and self-deception.John M. Russell - 1978 - Behaviorism 6 (1):27-43.
  43.  47
    d-computable Categoricity for Algebraic Fields.Russell Miller - 2009 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 74 (4):1325 - 1351.
    We use the Low Basis Theorem of Jockusch and Soare to show that all computable algebraic fields are d-computably categorical for a particular Turing degree d with d' = θ", but that not all such fields are 0'-computably categorical. We also prove related results about algebraic fields with splitting algorithms, and fields of finite transcendence degree over ℚ.
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    Deliberative Democracy.Russell Hardin - 2009 - In Thomas Christiano & John Philip Christman (eds.), Contemporary Debates in Political Philosophy. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 229–246.
    This chapter contains sections titled: Participatory Democracy Social Capital and Participatory Democracy Ideal Theory Deliberative Democracy Audience Democracy Corporate Democracy Normative Claims for Democracy Concluding Remarks Notes References.
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    Longitudinal Effects of Corporate Social Responsibility on Customer Relationships.Russell Lacey & Pamela A. Kennett-Hensel - 2010 - Journal of Business Ethics 97 (4):581 - 597.
    Despite the emergence of corporate social responsibility, the impact of CSR efforts on customer relationships remains decidedly unclear. Moreover, previous studies have examined CSR in cross-sectional, experimental, and/or artificial settings. Through field survey data collected at both the beginning (n = 750) and conclusion (n = 469) of the 2007-2008 NBA season, the authors investigate linkages between customers' perceptions of the CSR performance of an NBA team and the strength of their relationship with this same organization. With all respondents of (...)
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    Stanley Cavell: Philosophy's Recounting of the Ordinary.Russell B. Goodman - 1996 - Philosophical Quarterly 46 (183):276-278.
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    Transforming Genius into Practical Power.Russell C. Powell - 2020 - Environmental Ethics 42 (1):21-37.
    John Muir can be interpreted to have employed a similar strategy in his earliest conservation advocacy writings as the strategy Ralph Waldo Emerson employed to overcome the public futility of his personal ideals. Like Emerson, Muir came to offset the despair he felt at the political impotence of his conscience with a positive outlook on his potential to embody his subjective ideals both in his personal character and in his contributions to concrete forms of social practice. Muir thus can be (...)
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    Мистецтво фiлософствування. Лекцiя 1. Мистецтво рацiонального припущення.Bertrand Atrhur William Russell, Oksana Panafidina & Yaroslav Shramko - unknown
    Russell B. The Art of Rational Conjecture // The Art of Philosophizing and Other Essays. — New York : Philosophical Library, 1968.
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  49. Is there a God?Bertrand Russell - unknown
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    A New « Law of Thought » and its Logical Implications.E. E. Constance Jones - 1911 - Atti Del IV Congresso Internazionale di Filosofia 2:440-443.
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