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  1. Ousia in Aristotle's Categories.Constantinos Athanasopoulos - 2010 - Logique Et Analyse 53 (210):211.
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    e-Learning Innovations and Innovative Practice.Constantinos Athanasopoulos - 2008 - Discourse: Learning and Teaching in Philosophical and Religious Studies 7 (2):221-233.
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    E. P. Papanoutsos and David Hume.Constantinos Athanasopoulos - 2007 - Philotheos 7:463-469.
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    Metropolitan Amfilohije’s Views on St Gregory Palamas and Orthodoxy: A Return to Palamism.Constantinos Athanasopoulos - 2021 - AKROPOLIS: Journal of Hellenic Studies 5:14-24.
    In what follows, I examine the views of Metropolitan Amfilohije’s views on St Gregory Palamas and Orthodoxy, primarily focusing on his PhD thesis, which was defended at the University of Athens, Faculty of Theology in 1973, and published in Thessaloniki in the same year. I claim that his views there not only show him defending Palamas, but also highlight the need for a strengthening of Palamism in Greece and abroad. Some of the problems, which he identified in 1973, exist in (...)
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  5. Michael Peters and James Marshall, Wittgenstein: Philosophy, Postmodernism, Pedagogy Reviewed by.Constantinos Athanasopoulos - 2000 - Philosophy in Review 20 (1):58-59.
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    Orthodox Mysticism and Asceticism: Philosophy and Theology in St Gregory Palamas’ Work.Constantinos Athanasopoulos - 2020 - Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
    The scholarly contributions gathered together in this volume discuss themes related to the cultural, social and ethical dimension of St Gregory Palamas’ works. They relate his mystical philosophy and theology to contemporary debates in metaphysics, philosophy of language, ethics, philosophy of culture, political philosophy, epistemology, and philosophy of religion and theology, among others. The book considers a variety of topics of special interest to Christian theologians, philosophers and art historians including church and state relations, similarities and differences between Palamas, contemporary (...)
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    Towards a Conceptual and Methodological Renaissance in Philosophical Practice.Constantinos Athanasopoulos - 2012 - Philosophical Practice: Journal of the American Philosophical Practitioners Association (American Philosophical Practitioners Association) 7 (3).
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    Triune God: Incomprehensible but Knowable – The Philosophical and Theological Significance of St Gregory Palamas for Contemporary Philosophy and Theology.Constantinos Athanasopoulos (ed.) - 2015 - Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
    The 13th and 14th centuries represented the most productive and influential period in the history of philosophy and theology in the West. A parallel and less influential (for the West) proliferation of arguments and theories took place in the East, at the same time, as a result of the defence of the Hesychastic movement offered by St Gregory Palamas and his followers. The papers brought together in this volume discuss the importance of Palamite ideas for the understanding of God in (...)
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  9. The validity and distinctness of the orthodox mystical approach in philosophy and theology and its opposition to Esse ipsum subsistens.Constantinos Athanasopoulos - 2012 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 68 (4):695-714.
    Resumo No que se segue, discuto o que eu quero dizer com Misticismo Ortodoxo em Filosofia e Teologia, com referências específicas a Pseudo-Dionísio, o Areopagita; São Simeão, o Novo Teólogo e São Nicolau Cabasilas. Depois abordarei o que considero ser a meta da Mística Ortodoxa em Filosofia e Teologia, ou seja, o rapto ecstático e a união com o Deus Uno e Trino por meio da glorificação ou deificação. A minha investigação vai terminar com uma análise acerca da diferença entre (...)
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  10. Emmett Barcalow, Open Questions: An Introduction to Philosophy. [REVIEW]Constantinos Athanasopoulos - 1994 - Philosophy in Review 14:232-233.
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