Results for 'Cosimo Vinci'

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  1. Proceedings of OVERLAY 2024.Daniele Porello, Cosimo Vinci & Matteo Zavatteri (eds.) - 2025 - CEUR.
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    Better bounds on the adaptivity gap of influence maximization under full-adoption feedback.Gianlorenzo D'Angelo, Debashmita Poddar & Cosimo Vinci - 2023 - Artificial Intelligence 318 (C):103895.
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    Neuroanatomical substrates of action perception and understanding: an anatomic likelihood estimation meta-analysis of lesion-symptom mapping studies in brain injured patients.Cosimo Urgesi, Matteo Candidi & Alessio Avenanti - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8.
  4. .Thomas C. Vinci - unknown
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  5. Mind–Body Causation, Mind–Body Union and the ‘Special Mode of Thinking’ in Descartes.Tom Vinci - 2008 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 16 (3):461 – 488.
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    Bachtin, o dell'altro.Cosimo Caputo - 1992 - Idee 20:113-120.
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    Light as matter.Cosimo Caputo - 2001 - Semiotica 2001 (136).
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    Linguaggio e ideologia. Note su Bachtin e Rossi-Landi.Cosimo Caputo - 2005 - Idee 59:193-202.
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  9. La paideia della volontà: una lettura della dottrina di Epitteto.Cosimo Costa - 2008 - Roma: Anicia.
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  10. Critica dell'estetica crociana.Cosimo Gancitano - 1948 - Mazara,: Società editrice siciliana.
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    Extended-order algebras.Cosimo Guido & Paola Toto - 2008 - Journal of Applied Logic 6 (4):609-626.
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  12. Il problema educativo nel neopositivismo.Cosimo Guido - 1968 - Lecce,: Milella.
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    La pedagogia di Bertrand Russell.Cosimo Guido - 1974 - [Lecce]: Milella.
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    Simone Weil e la questione gnostica.Cosimo Schena - 2017 - Trieste: Asterios editore.
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    Usability Issues of Clinical and Research Applications of Virtual Reality in Older People: A Systematic Review.Cosimo Tuena, Elisa Pedroli, Pietro Davide Trimarchi, Alessia Gallucci, Mattia Chiappini, Karine Goulene, Andrea Gaggioli, Giuseppe Riva, Fabrizia Lattanzio, Fabrizio Giunco & Marco Stramba-Badiale - 2020 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14.
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    Minding the Gap: Leveraging Mindfulness to Inform Cue Exposure Treatment for Substance Use Disorders.Christine Vinci, Leslie Sawyer & Min-Jeong Yang - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Despite extinction-based processes demonstrating efficacy in the animal extinction and human anxiety literatures, extinction for substance use disorders has shown poor efficacy. Reasons for this lack of success include common threats to extinction, such as renewal and reinstatement. In recent decades, research on mindfulness for SUD has flourished, and a key aspect of these mindfulness-based interventions includes teaching individuals to stay present with whatever experience they have, even if unpleasant, without trying to change/escape/avoid it. Similarly, CET teaches individuals to not (...)
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  17. The Challenge of Critical Dialogue and the Study of Religions.Cosimo Zene - 2013 - Culture and Dialogue 3 (1):153-180.
    The correlation between dialogue and religion, both as conceptual apparatuses and as current practices, has had a long history. The purpose of this essay is to isolate one such instance – the “critical dialogue” taking place amongst scholars of religions – which involves also the dialogue scholars establish with their field of study and/or a given religious tradition. Following a brief clarification of terminology used, I will proceed to discuss concrete examples of critical dialogue within the Study of Religions and (...)
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    Literalidade e metáfora na filosofia de Gilles Deleuze: uma via bergsoniana.Christian Fernando Ribeiro Guimarães Vinci - 2018 - Philósophos - Revista de Filosofia 23 (1):43-74.
    Este artigo objetiva pensar o debate envolvendo a questão da literalidade na obra de Gilles Deleuze, mormente naquela escrita em parceria com Félix Guattari, a partir de um recuo pelo pensamento do filósofo Henri Bergson. Apresentada como um modo singular de operar com a escrita, a literalidade deleuze-guattariana exigiria que determinadas formulações, mormente aquelas de teor imagético fossem lidas ao pé da letra (a la lettre) ao invés de interpretadas como metáforas. Tendo adentrado em nosso país por meio do dossiê (...)
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    Aristotle and Modern Genetics.Thomas C. Vinci & Jason Scott Robert - 2005 - Journal of the History of Ideas 66 (2):201-221.
    We assess Aristotle's doctrine of the four causes in relation to current research on the development of organisms. Our goals are four-fold: first, to present and critically challenge what has become an orthodox interpretation of Aristotle among biologists; second, to present and defend a more adequate account of organismal development; third, to elaborate and justify a novel account of Aristotle's natural teleology, one at odds with the orthodox interpretation; and fourth, to illustrate how our reading of Aristotle, if right, permits (...)
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    Deleuze e a escrita: entre a filosofia e a literatura.Christian Fernando Ribeiro Guimarães Vinci - 2022 - Trans/Form/Ação 45 (2):53-72.
    Resumo: Esse ensaio buscará sondar as relações entre filosofia e literatura, no pensamento de Gilles Deleuze, a despeito de sua parceria conjunta com Félix Guattari, atentando tanto para as concepções de escrita expressas ao longo de sua obra quanto para o modo como essas concepções teriam influenciado o estilo de seus escritos filosóficos. Partindo da premissa deleuziana de que a escrita possui um acentuado lastro clínico, sendo a responsável pela elaboração de um diagnóstico das forças capazes de aprisionar ou calar (...)
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    Curry–Howard–Lambek Correspondence for Intuitionistic Belief.Cosimo Perini Brogi - 2021 - Studia Logica 109 (6):1441-1461.
    This paper introduces a natural deduction calculus for intuitionistic logic of belief \ which is easily turned into a modal \-calculus giving a computational semantics for deductions in \. By using that interpretation, it is also proved that \ has good proof-theoretic properties. The correspondence between deductions and typed terms is then extended to a categorical semantics for identity of proofs in \ showing the general structure of such a modality for belief in an intuitionistic framework.
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  22. Il realismo politico di Vincenzo Cuoco.Cosimo Campanelli - 1974 - Napoli: AGEA.
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    Hjelmslev, the verbal, and the form/icon.Cosimo Caputo - 2010 - Semiotica 2010 (182):81-88.
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    Linguistica e neokantismo.Cosimo Caputo - 1988 - Idee 7:167-176.
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    Materia signata: sulle tracce di Hjelmslev, Humboldt e Rossi Landi.Cosimo Caputo - 1996 - Bari: Levante.
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    Indurare l'animus: spunti paidetici da Seneca educatore.Cosimo Costa - 2015 - Roma: EA, Anicia.
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    Etica della ricerca biologica.Cosimo Marco Mazzoni (ed.) - 2000 - [Firenze]: L.S. Olschki.
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    User profiling with hierarchical context: An e-retailer case study.Cosimo Palmisano, Alexander Tuzhilin & Michele Gorgoglione - 2001 - In P. Bouquet V. Akman (ed.), Modeling and Using Context. Springer. pp. 369--383.
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    La pace come suprema istanza etica.Cosimo Quarta - 1989 - Idee 12:53-66.
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    Crer, Experimentar, Fabular.Christian Fernando Ribeiro Guimarães Vinci - 2021 - Educação E Filosofia 35 (73):341-372.
    Crer, experimentar, fabular: ensaio sobre a experiência Resumo: Partindo da concepção deleuziana e deleuzo-guattariana da crença nesse mundo, esse ensaio procurará pensar a temática da experiência dentro do campo educacional. Para tanto, procuraremos pensar o modo como os filósofos Gilles Deleuze e Félix Guattari concebem uma espécie de crença imanente, voltada para a experimentação vital das forças constitutivas do mundo, capaz de ultrapassar os condicionantes transcendentes da experiência. Para a devida compreensão de uma tal crença, devedora daquilo que Deleuze denomina (...)
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    The Sense Experience of Primary Qualities.Thomas C. Vinci - 1998 - In Cartesian truth. New York: Oxford University Press.
    It seems undeniable that we have both sense experience of primary qualities and sense experience of secondary qualities, and yet, based on a text in the Sixth Replies among others, many commentators have thought that Descartes denied precisely this for primary qualities. One of the main burdens of this chapter is to show that Descartes does have an account of the sense experience of primary qualities and that it is to be found in Descartes's account of the faculty of imagination. (...)
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    Introduction.Cosimo Zene - 2013 - Culture and Dialogue 3 (1):3-9.
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  33. Philosophical Diary.L. DA VINCI - 1959
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    Space, Geometry, and Kant's Transcendental Deduction of the Categories.Thomas C. Vinci - 2014 - New York, US: Oup Usa.
    Thomas C. Vinci argues that Kant's Deductions demonstrate Kant's idealist doctrines and have the structure of an inference to the best explanation for correlated domains. With the Deduction of the Categories the correlated domains are intellectual conditions and non-geometrical laws of the empirical world. With the Deduction of the Concepts of Space, the correlated domains are the geometry of pure objects of intuition and the geometry of empirical objects.
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    La scienza doppia del linguaggio: dopo Chomsky, Saussure e Hjelmslev.Cosimo Caputo - 2019 - Roma: Carocci editore.
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    Saussure et la science du langage.Cosimo Caputo - 2017 - Semiotica 2017 (217):13-28.
    Journal Name: Semiotica Issue: Ahead of print.
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  37. Lettres choisies.Pietro Metastasio /Leonardo Vinci & Benedetto Marcello - 1998 - In Francesco Algarotti, Jean-Philippe Navarre, Gasparo Angiolini, Ranieri de Calzabigi & Christoph Willibald Gluck (eds.), Essai sur l'opéra en musique: (1755-1764). Paris: Éditions du Cerf.
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    Quale soggetto per quale trasformazione: note sul soggetto sociale anticapitalistico, sulla sua forma politica e sul socialismo agli albori del XXI secolo.Luigi Vinci - 2007 - Milano: Edizioni Punto rosso.
  39. Razionalismo e critica estetica.Mario Vinci - 1978 - Roma: Librarte.
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    Spirito e tempo: commentario della Fenomenologia dello spirito di Hegel: il sapere assoluto.Paolo Vinci - 2021 - Napoli: Istituto italiano per gli studi filosofici Press.
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    Theoretical models and the theory of sense-data.Thomas Vinci - 1984 - Metaphilosophy 15 (April):112-128.
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    What is the ground for the principle of the identity of indiscernibles in Leibniz's correspondence with Clarke?Thomas C. Vinci - 1974 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 12 (1):95-101.
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    Why the “Concept” of Spaces is not a Concept for Kant.Thomas Vinci - 2013 - ProtoSociology 30:238-250.
    In the “Metaphysical Exposition” Kant argues that our representation of space is a pure intuition. Kant also claims there that “Space is not an empirical concept that has been drawn from outer experiences.” However, it is not clear how these two claims fit into the overall structure of Kant’s argument. I maintain that the second claim is a premise for the first and that Kant has an independent argument for the premise. By considering the question whether the notion that Kant (...)
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  44. Opere.Cosimo Amidei - 1980 - Torino: Giappichelli. Edited by Antonio Rotondò.
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    Il Novecento di Adam Schaff.Cosimo Caputo - 1995 - Idee 30:147-151.
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    Louis Hjelmslev in Italia (1960-1986).Cosimo Caputo - 1987 - Idee 4:139-162.
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    Fra le letture del giovane Tommaso Campanella.Antonella De Vinci - 2002 - Vibo Valentia: Qualecultura.
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    La «Repubblica» di Platone: Utopia o stato ideale?Cosimo Quarta - 1993 - Idee 22:103-115.
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    Sul progetto utopico di J.V.Andrea. Note su Cristianopoli.Cosimo Quarta - 1986 - Idee 1:77-100.
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    Condorcet: dottrine politiche e sociali.Cosimo Scarcella - 1980 - Lecce: Milella.
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