Results for 'Cosmopolitan Vision Beck'

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  1. 10, 41. Compare also Stanley Fish,'Boutique Multiculturalism'.Cosmopolitan Vision Beck - 1997 - Critical Inquiry 23:378Á96.
  2. The cosmopolitan vision.Ulrich Beck - 2006 - Malden, MA: Polity.
    In this new book, Ulrich Beck develops his now widely used concepts of second modernity, risk society and reflexive sociology into a radical new sociological ...
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    Varieties of Second Modernity and the Cosmopolitan Vision.Ulrich Beck - 2016 - Theory, Culture and Society 33 (7-8):257-270.
    This text was prepared for presentation in Nagoya, Japan, in 2010. Its aim was to explore a dialogue with Asians toward a cosmopolitan sociology. Beginning from the idea of entangled modernities which threaten their own foundations, Ulrich Beck advocated a complete conceptual innovation of sociology in order to better comprehend the fundamental fragility and mutability of societal dynamics shaped by the globalization of capital and risks today. More specifically, he proposed a cosmopolitan turn of sociology: first, by (...)
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  4. Critical theory of world risk society: A cosmopolitan vision.Ulrich Beck - 2009 - Constellations 16 (1):3-22.
  5. The cosmopolitan vision.Peter Kemp - 2008 - Poznan Studies in the Philosophy of the Sciences and the Humanities 96 (1):225-231.
    Sociology was born as an attempt to delimit an object of investigation offered by society as a social reality. The ambition was that of "treating the social facts as things" (Durkheim) or of understanding and explaining the social relations by respecting an "axiological neutrality" (Max Weber). Today, however, we are in the presence of a new kind of sociologists, and they are by no means the less popular ones, who are not trying to avoid assessments in their analysis of the (...)
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    Cosmopolitan Sociology and Confucian Worldview: Beck’s Theory in East Asia.Sang-Jin Han, Young-Hee Shim & Young-Do Park - 2016 - Theory, Culture and Society 33 (7-8):281-290.
    This article aims at an active dialogue between Ulrich Beck and East Asia with respect to cosmopolitan imagination. Beck’s cosmopolitan sociology requires a reflective cosmopolitan publicness to cope with various kinds of global risks. We therefore extract three different layers of publicness from neo-Confucianism – survival-oriented, deliberative, and ecological – and argue that Beck’s cosmopolitan vision can be better conceptualized when properly linked to, or founded upon, the Tianxiaweigong normative potentials of neo-Confucianism. (...)
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    Cosmopolitanism: Europe's Way Out of Crisis.Edgar Grande & Ulrich Beck - 2007 - European Journal of Social Theory 10 (1):67-85.
    If Europe wants to overcome its current crisis, it urgently needs to develop a new political vision and a new concept for political integration. By focusing on the idea of a cosmopolitan Europe, this article outlines such a political vision for Europe. To this end, it first suggests reformulating the concept of cosmopolitanism in such a way that it is not tied to the ‘cosmos’ or the ‘globe’. With the aid of such a generalized concept of cosmopolitanism (...)
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    Realizing the Beckian Vision: Cosmopolitan Cosmopolitanism and Low-Carbon China as Political Education.David Tyfield - 2016 - Theory, Culture and Society 33 (7-8):301-309.
    ‘Methodological cosmopolitanism’ connotes a profound transformation of the (social) sciences as forms of public reflexive social analysis on learning to live well together through building homes in the world: what may be called the ‘Beckian vision’, in memory of Ulrich Beck. This short note considers how Beck’s concept of emancipatory catastrophism may not be the most productive development of his own programme. This is precisely brought out by a methodologically cosmopolitan analysis of a key East Asian (...)
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  9. The Cosmopolitan Society and Its Enemies.Ulrich Beck - 2002 - Theory, Culture and Society 19 (1-2):17-44.
    At the beginning of the 21st century the conditio humana cannot be understood nationally or locally but only globally. This constitutes a revolution in the social sciences. The `sociological imagination' (C. Wright Mills) so far has basically been a nation state imagination. The main problem is how to redefine the sociological frame of reference in the horizon of a cosmopolitan imagination. For the purpose of empirical research I distinguish between three concepts: interconnectedness (David Held et al.), liquid modernity (Zygmunt (...)
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  10.  40
    Cosmopolitanized Nations: Re-imagining Collectivity in World Risk Society.Ulrich Beck & Daniel Levy - 2013 - Theory, Culture and Society 30 (2):3-31.
    The concept of the national is often perceived, both in public and academic discourse as the central obstacle for the realization of cosmopolitan orientations. Consequently, debates about the nation tend to revolve around its persistence or its demise. We depart from this either-or perspective by investigating the formation of the ‘cosmopolitan nation’ as a facet of world risk society. Modern collectivities are increasingly preoccupied with debating, preventing and managing risks. However, unlike earlier manifestations of risk characterized by daring (...)
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    Metacognition across sensory modalities: Vision, warmth, and nociceptive pain.Brianna Beck, Valentina Peña-Vivas, Stephen Fleming & Patrick Haggard - 2019 - Cognition 186 (C):32-41.
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  12. Cosmopolitan vision, global responsibility and local reporting in Ukraine.Olga Baysha & Andrew Calabrese - 2015 - In Aybige Yilmaz (ed.), Media and cosmopolitanism. New York: Peter Lang.
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    Cosmopolitan sociology: outline of a paradigm shift.Ulrich Beck - 2011 - In Maria Rovisco & Magdalena Nowicka (eds.), The Ashgate Research Companion to Cosmopolitanism. Ashgate. pp. 17.
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    The Cosmopolitan Condition.Ulrich Beck - 2007 - Theory, Culture and Society 24 (7-8):286-290.
  15. World Risk Society as Cosmopolitan Society?Ulrich Beck - 1996 - Theory, Culture and Society 13 (4):1-32.
  16. Toward a New Critical Theory with a Cosmopolitan Intent.Ulrich Beck - 2003 - Constellations 10 (4):453-468.
    In this article I want to outline an argument for a New Critical Theory with a cosmopolitan intent. Its main purpose is to undermine one of the most powerful beliefs of our time concerning society and politics. This belief is the notion that “modern society” and “modern politics” are to be understood as society and politics organized around the nation‐state, equating society with the national imagination of society. There are two aspects to this body of beliefs: what I call (...)
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    The truth of others a cosmopolitan approach.Ulrich Beck & Patrick Camiller - 2004 - Common Knowledge 10 (3):430-449.
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    Systems Thinking and Universal Dialogue: The Creation of a Noosphere in Today’s Era of Globalization.Martha C. Beck - 2013 - Dialogue and Universalism 23 (3):123-136.
    This paper summarizes Ervin Laszlo’s worldview in The Systems View of the World: A Holistic Vision for Our Time.1 Laszlo claims that current discoveries in the sciences have led to a different model of the physical world, human nature, and human culture. Instead of the models formulated during the Enlightenment, according Systems thinkers “systems interact with systems and collaboratively form suprasystems”. This view has led to a reexamination of: 1) each academic discipline; 2) the relationship between disciplines; 3) the (...)
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    Staging Bone Marrow Donation as a Ballot: Reconfiguring the Social and the Political Using Biomedicine in Cyprus.Stefan Beck - 2011 - Body and Society 17 (2-3):93-119.
    The article analyses practices, perceptions and political dramatizations of bone marrow donation in Cyprus. Based on empirical data from an ethnographic study on practices of organ and bone marrow transplantation in postcolonial Cyprus, forms of oppositional biopolitics are analysed that are not bound by the modern, étatist regime of governing populations but capitalize on new developments in biomedicine, on new political movements, as well as on transformations in the political sphere. These reconfigurations are interpreted as instances of an emerging bio-subpolitics (...)
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    Merleau-Ponty's Last Vision: A Proposal for the Completion of the Visible and the Invisible.Douglas Beck Low - 2000 - Evanston, Ill.: Northwestern University Press.
    Few writers' unfinished works are considered among their most important, but such is the case with Merleau-Ponty's _The Visible and the Invisible_. What exists of it is a mere beginning, yet it bridged modernism and postmodernism in philosophy. Low uses material from some of Merleau-Ponty's later works as the basis for completion. Working from this material and the philosopher's own outline, Low presents how this important work would have looked had Merleau-Ponty lived to complete it.
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    Feasibility Constraints and the Cosmopolitan Vision: Empirical Reasons for Choosing Justice Over Humanity.Holly Lawford-Smith - 2010 - In Stan van Hooft & Wim Vandekerckhove (eds.), Questioning Cosmopolitanism. Springer. pp. 137--150.
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    Stimulus correlates for the judged illumination of a surface.Jacob Beck - 1959 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 58 (4):267.
  23. The Terrorist Threat: World Risk Society Revisited.Ulrich Beck - 2002 - Theory, Culture and Society 19 (4):39-55.
    This article differentiates between three different axes of conflict in world risk society. The first axis is that of ecological conflicts, which are by their very essence global. The second is global financial crises, which, in a first stage, can be individualized and nationalized. And the third, which suddenly broke upon us on September 11th, is the threat of transnational terror networks, which empowers governments and states. Two sets of implications are drawn: first, there are the political dynamics of world (...)
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  24.  64
    Between Hope and Terror.Martin Beck Matuštík - 2004 - Epoché: A Journal for the History of Philosophy 9 (1):1-18.
    His Paulskirche speech on October 14, 2001, marked Habermas’s turn to public criticism of the unilateral politics of global hegemony as he promoted a globaldomestic and human rights policy. Two years later he joined ranks with Jacques Derrida against the eight “new” Europeans who lent signatures to the second Gulf War. Lest we misjudge the joint letter by Habermas and Derrida as peculiarly Eurocentric and even oblivious to the worldwide nature of the antiwar protest on February 15, 2003, we must (...)
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    Ham Sok Hon's Ssial Cosmopolitan Vision.Song-Chong Lee - 2020 - Lexington Books.
    This book offers an introduction to the philosophy of Ham Sok Hon, an iconic figure in the intellectual and political history of modern Korea, and discusses the potential contribution of his ssial philosophy to cosmopolitanism.
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    (1 other version)Global Islamism and World Society.Jörg Friedrichs - 2013 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 2013 (163):7-38.
    ExcerptCosmopolitan world society is a successful and widely shared political project. It is shared by decision makers pursuing liberal agendas of democratization and prosperity while prosecuting criminal and terrorist deviance. It is also shared by leading social thinkers, such as Ulrich Beck, Manuel Castells, Francis Fukuyama, David Held, and Niklas Luhmann. Even the proverbial “man on the street” shares the vision of cosmopolitan world society when (s)he refuses to interpret deviance from “universal” values in any terms other (...)
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    What can Examining the Psychology of Nationalism Tell Us About Our Prospects for Aiming at the Cosmopolitan Vision?Gillian Brock & Quentin D. Atkinson - 2008 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 11 (2):165-179.
    Opponents of cosmopolitanism often dismiss the position on the grounds that cosmopolitan proposals are completely unrealistic and that they fly in the face of our human nature. We have deep psychological needs that are satisfied by national identification and so all cosmopolitan projects are doomed, or so it is argued. In this essay we examine the psychological grounds claimed to support the importance of nationalism to our wellbeing. We argue that the alleged human needs that nationalism is said (...)
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    Can patients’ narratives in nursing enhance the healing process?Janne Brammer Damsgaard, Charlotte Simonÿ, Malene Missel, Malene Beck & Regner Birkelund - 2021 - Nursing Philosophy 22 (3):e12356.
    Although there is a growing acknowledgement of the potential of a more nuanced healthcare paradigm and practice, the discourses of health promotion—and with that nursing and other healthcare professionals’ practice—still tend to focus on the medical diagnosis, disease and the rationale of biomedicine. There is a need for shifting to a human practice that draws on a broader perspective related to illness. This requires a transformation of practices which can be constructed within a narrative understanding. A narrative approach appreciates the (...)
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    Souls at the Limits of the Human: beyond cosmopolitan vision.Fiona Jenkins - 2011 - Angelaki 16 (4):159-172.
    How might we construe the demand that is posed by the circulation of photographic images in the contemporary world other than the sense that is given to these in contemporary cosmopolitanism, that is, as an extension of the realm of representation to a wider humanity? The ontological reading of the image and its way of marking life given here delineates an approach to the evidence that images present that de-centres the place of human subjectivity as the locus of meaning. Using (...)
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    False predictions about the detectability of visual changes: The role of beliefs about attention, memory, and the continuity of attended objects in causing change blindness blindness.Daniel T. Levin, Sarah B. Drivdahl, Nausheen Momen & Melissa R. Beck - 2002 - Consciousness and Cognition 11 (4):507-527.
    Recently, a number of experiments have emphasized the degree to which subjects fail to detect large changes in visual scenes. This finding, referred to as “change blindness,” is often considered surprising because many people have the intuition that such changes should be easy to detect. Levin, Momen, Drivdahl, and Simons documented this intuition by showing that the majority of subjects believe they would notice changes that are actually very rarely detected. Thus subjects exhibit a metacognitive error we refer to as (...)
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    (1 other version)Alternative visions of a new global order: what should cosmopolitans hope for?Cristina Lafont - 2008 - Ethics and Global Politics 1 (1-2).
    In this essay, I analyze the cosmopolitan project for a new international order that Habermas has articulated in recent publications. I argue that his presentation of the project oscillates between two models. The first is a very ambitious model for a future international order geared to fulfill the peace and human rights goals of the UN Charter. The second is a minimalist model, in which the obligation to protect human rights by the international community is circumscribed to the negative (...)
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    From ‘the Bads of Goods’ to ‘the Goods of Bads’: The Most Recent Developments in Ulrich Beck’s Cosmopolitan Sociology.Klaus Rasborg - 2018 - Theory, Culture and Society 35 (7-8):157-171.
    The article critically assesses Ulrich Beck’s body of work and its importance for contemporary sociology. It demonstrates that Beck’s elaboration of his original theory of the ‘risk society’ into a theory of the ‘world risk society’, ‘cosmopolitanism’ and ‘metamorphosis’ involved several key theoretical innovations. Firstly, Beck adjusted his notion of risk to include the threat of international terrorism in his diagnosis of the risk society. Secondly, he introduced a distinction between ‘cosmopolitanism’ and ‘cosmopolitization’ in order to capture (...)
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    Cosmopolitanizing Catastrophism: Remembering the Future.Daniel Levy - 2016 - Theory, Culture and Society 33 (7-8):291-299.
    Ulrich Beck’s quest to unshackle the social sciences from their methodological nationalism has yielded numerous influential concepts. In his last work he theorized the transformation of a globally connected world through the notion of ‘metamorphosis’ understood as a form of radical (paradigmatic) change. This transfiguration is driven by different perceptions of catastrophism, carrying the potential to re-shape world risk society. In this essay I critically assess what Beck refers to as ‘emancipatory catastrophism’. I suggest substituting emancipatory with (...) catastrophism. Cosmopolitan catastrophism seeks to adjoin an event-centered approach with a relational understanding of world risk society. By emphasizing cosmopolitan trajectories we avoid the linear fallacies plaguing earlier theories of modernity. Beck’s iterative approach provides us with a heuristic tool, which addresses the ongoing interplay of universal scripts and local appropriations in the context of contingencies and uncertainties. Previously seen as residual, catastrophism becomes the center of our analytic efforts. (shrink)
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  34. The Cosmopolitan Tradition: A Noble but Flawed Ideal.Martha Craven Nussbaum - 2019 - Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press.
    The cosmopolitan tradition begins with Diogenes, who claimed as his identity "citizen of the world." Martha Nussbaum traces the cosmopolitan ideal from ancient times to the present, weighing its limitations as well as merits. Using the capabilities approach, Nussbaum seeks to integrate the "noble but flawed" vision of world citizenship with cosmopolitanism's concern with moral and political justice for all.--.
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    Cosmopolitan Climates.Mike Hulme - 2010 - Theory, Culture and Society 27 (2-3):267-276.
    This essay argues for the fruitfulness of Beck’s idea of cosmopolitanism for understanding the changing political, sociological and psychological attributes of climate change. This argument is illustrated through brief examinations of how climate change is contributing to the dissolution of three modern dualisms: nature-culture (ontology), present-future (epistemology) and global-local (geography). Not only does the cosmopolitan perspective help to understand the ways in which science and society are mutually constructing the phenomenon of climate change, it also offers us a (...)
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    Cosmopolitan theology: reconstituting planetary hospitality, neighbor-love, and solidarity in an uneven world.Namsoon Kang - 2013 - St. Louis: Chalice Press.
    In Cosmopolitan Theology, author Namsoon Kang proposes a theology that embraces and at the same time moves beyond collective identity position and group-based allegiances. It crosses borders of gender, race, nationality, religion, ethnicity, sexuality, and ability. Kang offers a vision of a global community of radical inclusion, solidarity, and deep compassion and justice for others. Blending theology with philosophy, she crosses borders of academism and activism, and the discursive borders of modernism, postmodernism, feminism, and postcolonialism. Cosmopolitan Theology (...)
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    Cosmopolitan risk community and China’s climate governance.Joy Yueyue Zhang - 2015 - European Journal of Social Theory 18 (3):327-342.
    Ulrich Beck asserts that global risks, such as climate change, generate a form of ‘compulsory cosmopolitanism’, which ‘glues’ various actors into collective action. Through an analysis of emerging ‘cosmopolitan risk communities’ in Chinese climate governance, this article points out a ‘blind spot’ in the theorization of cosmopolitan belonging and an associated inadequacy in explaining shifting power relations. The article addresses this problem by engaging with the intersectionality of the cosmopolitan space. It is argued that cosmopolitan (...)
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  38. Human Rights and Self-Government in the Age of Cosmopolitan Interventionism.Michael Kocsis - 2013 - Dissertation, Queen's University
    This dissertation explores a family of theoretical models of humanitarian military intervention. A number of recent theorists, including Tesón, Caney, Buchanan, Orend, Moellendorf, and Wheeler, build their models from a perspective called ‘cosmopolitanism.’ They offer arguments based on the moral supremacy of human rights, the arbitrary character of territorial boundaries, and the duty to protect individual human beings exposed to serious and systematic violence by their own governments. I develop a model of intervention that recognizes the moral significance of political (...)
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    Urban Climate Risk Communities: East Asian World Cities as Cosmopolitan Spaces of Collective Action?Anders Blok - 2016 - Theory, Culture and Society 33 (7-8):271-279.
    Ulrich Beck’s cosmopolitan sociology affords a much-needed rethinking of the transnational politics of climate change, not least in pointing to an emerging inter-urban geography of world cities as a potential new source of community, change and solidarity. This short essay, written in honour of Beck’s forward-looking agenda for a post-Euro-centric social science, outlines the contours of such an urban-cosmopolitan ‘realpolitik’ of climate risks, as this is presently unfolding across East Asian world cities. Much more than a (...)
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    The Legacy of Ulrich Beck in Asia: Introduction.Sang-Jin Han - 2016 - Theory, Culture and Society 33 (7-8):253-256.
    This introduction briefly describes the relational trajectory between Ulrich Beck and Asia in the last few years. It draws particular attention to his last words about the role of Asia in the global risk community. Beck began to speak of the concept of metamorphosis in the 2014 Seoul conference as the correct key to understanding emancipatory catastrophism that he had expressed in the 2013 Potsdam conference. He was fascinated by the explanatory power of this concept and was driven (...)
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    Science, technology and modernity: Beck and Derrida on the politics of risk.Ross Abbinnett - 2000 - Cultural Values 4 (1):101-126.
    The purpose of the article is to evaluate the ethical and political conclusions that Ulrich Beck draws from his account of ‘civilization risks’. I have argued that the categories of ‘life’, ‘the organic’, and the ‘technological’ which are presented in Risk Society, presuppose a certain metaphysics of ‘natural’ human identity; and that it is the inscription of this identity in the politics of risk administration which opens the possibility of an absolutely legitimized regulation of nature, humanity, and society. Thus, (...)
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    Another Vision of Integral Human Development.Matthew Bagot - 2020 - Journal of Catholic Social Thought 17 (2):219-240.
    This paper seeks to rehabilitate the work of the Italian priest and social theorist Luigi Sturzo in regard to two areas of current concern: first, the interdependence of nation-states and the emergence of the international community; and, second, the notion of human personality as ground for these developments. In this latter regard, the paper draws on the work of the sociologist Christian Smith to show how an account of the person that transcends empiricist positivism can shed light on authentic human (...)
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    Reading the earth charter: Cosmopolitan environmental citizenship or light green politics as usual?Sherilyn MacGregor - 2004 - Ethics, Place and Environment 7 (1):85 – 96.
    This paper offers two possible readings of the Earth Charter that are informed by current scholarship in the field of environmental politics. The first reading finds much in the document to suggest congruence with emerging discourses of cosmopolitanism and global environmental citizenship. The second reading, a more sceptical one, identifies aspects of the Earth Charter that seem more resonant with depoliticizing United Nations-style light green globalism than with an inclusive ethical vision of environmentalism. After setting out these two readings, (...)
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  44. Vitoria’s cosmopolitan potential realized: Human nature and human rights via social construction, not natural law.Benjamin Gregg - unknown
    Vitoria’s 1537 lecture On the American Indians asserts moral equality and fundamental rights for all humans but is contradicted by the significant inequalities between Spanish conquistadores and indigenous peoples of Mexico and Peru. Despite recognizing these rights, Vitoria’s vision supports an unequal Euro-American relationship regarding territorial sovereignty, self-defense, self-determination, and religious freedom. His insights have implications for contemporary international law concerning indigenous rights. However, his theological framework limits this potential. To better address indigenous issues today, I advocate reframing Vitoria’s (...)
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  45. Visions of Global Justice: The Peculiar Case of the Law of Peoples.Nancy Kokaz - 2000 - Dissertation, Harvard University
    The facts are dismal. One out of five inhabitants of the earth lives in absolute poverty, while one out of seven is afflicted by hunger. Extreme poverty exists alongside extreme abundance. Empirical evidence points not to scarcity but to poor politics as the primary cause. The urgency of the situation as well as the intertwined nature of human misery and politics would lead one to expect global justice to be a major component of any respectable study of world affairs. Quite (...)
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    Introduction: Ulrich Beck: Risk as Indeterminate Modernity.Scott Lash - 2018 - Theory, Culture and Society 35 (7-8):117-129.
    This serves as an introduction to this section on Beck and as a standalone essay. In it we see that the writers in this section understand Beck's risk as modernity itself. And in this context risk's reflexive modernity is understood as ‘indeterminate modernity’. The essay thematizes a radically subjectivist reading of Beck's risk. It sees reflexivity as opposed to the objectivism and positivism of Kant's critique of pure reason, and instead in terms of the subjectivity of Kant's (...)
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    Cosmopolitanism: Reflections at the Commemoration of Ulrich Beck, 30 October 2015.Homi K. Bhabha - 2018 - Theory, Culture and Society 35 (7-8):131-140.
    This is a tribute to Ulrich Beck and a rumination on his legacy in work on cosmopolitanism, translation, anxiety, and memory. Historical transitions and symbolic transmissions open up urgent questions about the connection between the structure of collective memory and the system of cosmopolitical thought. Public memory is embedded in an affective matrix of anxiety which is capable of creating the conciliatory conditions of political virtue and of fueling the terror of political passion. The vicious and sudden turn of (...)
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    Rawlsians, Pluralists, and Cosmopolitans.Attracta Ingram - 1996 - Royal Institute of Philosophy Supplement 40:147-161.
    Some of us were introduced to political philosophy as an activity of identifying, criticising, and revising the moral basis of existing social institutions. We asked questions about the nature of the good or the just society, and some few of us thought that once we knew and advocated the truth, it would win out. We, or some appropriate revolutionary or reforming group or class, would with reason, truth, and history on our side, bring about the society of our ideals. When (...)
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  49. Public health, beneficence and cosmopolitan justice.L. Horn - 2015 - South African Journal of Bioethics and Law 8 (2):30.
    This article proposes that, in line with moral-cosmopolitan theorists, affluent nations have an obligation, founded in justice and not merely altruism or beneficence, to share the responsibility of the burden of public health implementation in low-income contexts. The current Ebola epidemic highlights the fact that countries with under-developed health systems and limited resources cannot cope with a significant and sudden health threat. The link between burden of disease, adverse factors in the social environment and poverty is well established and (...)
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    Snapshots from the margins: Transgressive cosmopolitanisms in Europe.Kim Rygiel & Feyzi Baban - 2014 - European Journal of Social Theory 17 (4):461-478.
    Right-wing parties and governments in Europe have recently expressed greater hostility towards cultural pluralism, at times officially denunciating multiculturalism, and calling for the closure of borders and denial of rights to non-European nationals. Within this context, this article argues for rethinking Europe through radically transgressive and transnational understandings of cosmopolitanism as articulated by growing transnational populations within Europe such as immigrants, refugees, and irregular migrants. Transgressive forms of cosmopolitanism disrupt European notions of borders and identities in ways that challenge both (...)
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