Results for 'Courbet, Gustave'

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  1.  10
    Courbet's Realism.Michael Fried - 1990 - University of Chicago Press.
    "'This book,' Michael Fried's work opens, 'was written not so much chapter by chapter as painting by painting over a span of roughly ten years.' Courbet's Realism is a magnificent work and its very first sentence brings us up against the qualities of mind of its author, qualities that make it as impressive as it is. It allows us to reconstruct the keen eye, the commitment to perception, the gift of rapt concentration, the conviction that great paintings are not necessarily (...)
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    Roger Bonniot, Gustave Courbet en Saintonge. Paris, Klincksieck, 1973. 16 × 24, XX-408 p., ill.Albert Delorme - 1974 - Revue de Synthèse 95 (73-74):211-212.
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    Gespachtelter Zufall: Gustave Courbet und die Messermalerei.Matthias Krüger - 2012 - In Gespachtelter Zufall: Gustave Courbet und die Messermalerei. pp. 109-127.
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    Milano, 1881: Courbet e Carpeaux tra le “macchiette” di Navarro della Miraglia.Davide Lacagnina - 2022 - ACME: Annali della Facoltà di lettere e filosofia dell'Università degli studi di Milano 74 (2):123-145.
    Nel 1881, per i tipi dell’editore Brigola di Milano, vedeva la luce Macchiette parigine, un compendio di profili biografici che lo scrittore siciliano Emanuele Navarro della Miraglia (1838-1919) dedicava a eminenti personalità della cultura letteraria e artistica francese di metà Ottocento.Francesista, a lungo residente a Parigi (1864-1872), in contatto a Milano con gli ambienti della scapigliatura lombarda (1872-1882) e da ultimo professore di Lingua e letteratura francese presso l’Istituto superiore di magistero femminile di Roma (1883-1913), Navarro della Miraglia includeva fra (...)
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    Courbet chez les naturistes (inédit).Bernard Teyssèdre & Jean Da Silva - 2024 - Nouvelle Revue d'Esthétique 2:119-128.
    Alors que Bernard Teyssèdre avait publié en 2007 une nouvelle édition de son Roman de l’Origine revue et augmentée (et que Thierry Savatier était sur le point de publier une nouvelle édition de L’Origine du monde, Histoire d’un tableau de Gustave Courbet ), Jean Da Silva lui apprit qu’une photographie du tableau exposé au musée d’Orsay avait circulé en France pendant une vingtaine d’années avant d’être publiée en 1953 dans des revues oubliées ; ce qui bouleversait l’idée que l’on (...)
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    Pornotopic Techniques of the Observer—The Origin of the World (1866) by Gustave Courbet and the Pleasure of Scopic Penetration.Linda Hentschel - 2002 - In Insa Härtel & Sigrid Schade (eds.), Body and representation. Opladen: Leske + Budrich. pp. 59--68.
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    Painter into Painting: On Courbet's "After Dinner at Ornans" and "Stonebreakers".Michael Fried - 1982 - Critical Inquiry 8 (4):619-649.
    In the pages that follow I looked closely at two major paintings by Gustave Courbet : the After Dinner at Ornans, perhaps begun in the small town of the title but certainly completed in Paris during the winter of 1848-49; and the Stonebreakers, painted wholly in Ornans just under a year later. The After Dinner and the Stonebreakers are the first in a series of large multifigure compositions--others are the Burial at Ornans and the Peasants of Flagey Returning from (...)
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    The Absolute Bourgeois: Artists and Politics in France 1848-1851Image of the People: Gustave Courbet and the Second French Republic 1948-1851. [REVIEW]Alan C. Birnholz & T. J. Clark - 1973 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 32 (2):291.
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    Hermeneutics of Grief as a Model for the Hermeneutics of Love in Jean-Luc Marion.Jorge Luis Roggero & Brian Becker - 2022 - Journal for Continental Philosophy of Religion 4 (1):54-67.
    From Jean-Luc Marion’s examination of Gustave Courbet and his painting, it is shown how grief can operate as a model for the hermeneutics of love. This hermeneutics of grief, in turn, makes possible a consideration of all phenomena, and not only the human, as saturated phenomena.
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    If These Apples Should Fall. Cézanne and the Present.David Carrier - forthcoming - British Journal of Aesthetics.
    T. J. Clark’s two early books, The Absolute Bourgeois: Artists and Politics in France, 1848–1851 and Image of the People: Gustave Courbet and the 1848 Revolutio.
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    Biographie établie par Jean Da Silva sur les indications de Karen O’Rourke.Jean Da Silva & Karen O’Rourke - 2024 - Nouvelle Revue d'Esthétique 2:129-137.
    À la croisée de la philosophie et de l’histoire de l’art, Bernard Teyssèdre a ouvert des champs de recherche très divers, ce qui a suscité l’enthousiasme de ses étudiants, mais aussi déconcerté ceux qui restaient attachés à leur pré carré disciplinaire. Présenter aujourd’hui son parcours intellectuel revient à faire redécouvrir certains de ses travaux oubliés en esthétique afin de montrer leur singularité et leur cohérence profondément hégélienne, bien que ses recherches aient pris des formes très différentes et abordés avec érudition (...)
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  12. Naturalism.Dr David Macarthur - unknown
    Naturalism is a term that stands for a family of positions that endorse the general idea of being true to, or guided by, “nature”, an idea as old as Western thought itself (e.g. Aristotle is often called a naturalist) and as various and open-ended as interpretations of “nature”. Since the rise of the modern scientific revolution in the seventeenth century, nature has increasingly come to be identified with the-worldas-studied-by-the-sciences. Consequently, naturalism has come to mean a set of positions defined in (...)
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  13. Clement Greenberg's Theory of Art.T. J. Clark - 1982 - Critical Inquiry 9 (1):139-156.
    It is not intended as some sort of revelation on my part that Greenberg's cultural theory was originally Marxist in its stresses and, indeed in its attitude to what constituted explanation in such matters. I point out the Marxist and historical mode of proceeding as emphatically as I do partly because it may make my own procedure later in this paper seem a little less arbitrary. For I shall fall to arguing in the end with these essay's Marxism and their (...)
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    Forget It: A Response to Richard Shiff.Michael Fried - 1986 - Critical Inquiry 12 (2):449-452.
    The basic disagreement between Richard Shiff and me is one of approach and ultimately of intellectual taste. What I tried to do in “Painting memories” was read Charles Baudelaire’s Salon of 1846 with a view to construing its central argument as rigorously as possible, which for me meant without appealing, except in one crucial, authorized instance, to other writings by Baudelaire or indeed anyone else. This seemed to me desirable, first, because on the strength of a long familiarity with the (...)
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  15. Notes on the Artistic Ego.Gavin Keeney - manuscript
    Essay on the modern artistic ego as sponsored by the exhibition, "Gustav Courbet," February 27-May 18, 2008, Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, New York, USA. A version of this essay appeared in Gavin Keeney, "Else-where": Essays on Art, Architecture, and Cultural Production 2002-2011 (CSP, 2011), pp. 191-98.
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    Painting Memories: On the Containment of the past in Baudelaire and Manet.Michael Fried - 1984 - Critical Inquiry 10 (3):510-542.
    Near the beginning of Charles Baudelaire’s Salon of 1846—one of the most brilliant and intellectually ambitious essays in art criticism ever written—the twenty-five-year-old author states that “the critic should arm himself from the start with a sure criterion, a criterion drawn from nature, and should then carry out his duty with a passion; for a critic does not cease to be a man, and passion draws similar temperaments together and exalts the reason to fresh heights.”1 It may be the emphasis (...)
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    Peuples exposés, peuples figurants.Georges Didi-Huberman - 2012 - [Paris]: Les Éditions de Minuit.
    On s’interroge, dans ce livre, sur la façon dont les peuples sont représentés : question indissolublement esthétique et politique. Les peuples aujourd’hui semblent exposés plus qu’ils ne l’ont jamais été. Ils sont, en réalité, sous-exposés dans l’ombre de leurs mises sous censure ou – pour un résultat d’invisibilité équivalent – sur-exposés dans la lumière artificielle de leurs mises en spectacle. Bref ils sont, comme trop souvent, exposés à disparaître. À partir des exigences formulées par Walter Benjamin (une histoire ne vaut (...)
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  18. The Crowd: A Study of the Popular Mind.Gustave Le Bon - 1899 - International Journal of Ethics 9 (4):521-523.
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    The Crowd.Gustave Le Bon - 2023
    The Crowd: A Study of the Popular Mind (French: Psychologie des Foules; literally: Psychology of Crowds) is a book authored by Gustave Le Bon that was first published in 1895. In the book, Le Bon claims that there are several characteristics of crowd psychology: "impulsiveness, irritability, incapacity to reason, the absence of judgement of the critical spirit, the exaggeration of sentiments, and others. Le Bon claimed that "an individual immersed for some length of time in a crowd soon finds (...)
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  20. La pesanteur et lu gr'ce.Simone Weil & Gustave Thibon - 1950 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 140:388-389.
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  21. Les Civilisations de l'inde.Gustave Le Bon - 1887 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 23:316-319.
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  22.  60
    Impact of International Tourists’ Co-creation Experience on Brand Trust, Brand Passion, and Brand Evangelism.Gustave Florentin Nkoulou Mvondo, Fengjie Jing, Khalid Hussain, Shan Jin & Muhammad Ali Raza - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Drawing on the theory of engagement, the present study aims to examine the outcomes of the co-creation experience in a realistic co-creation setting, a hotpot restaurant. To this end, the current research links the relationship marketing literature to hospitality and tourism research and formulates a novel framework by incorporating tourists’ co-creation experience, brand evangelism, brand trust, and brand passion in an integrated conceptual model. Using a quantitative research design, a total of 453 international tourists were surveyed in China. The findings (...)
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    Deux ostraka de Thèbes.Pierre Jouguet & Gustave Lefebvre - 1904 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 28 (1):201-209.
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    Enseignements psychologiques de la guerre européenne.Gustave Le Bon - 2019 - Flammarion.
    " La guerre européenne représente les débuts d'une ère de bouleversements. Boule­versement de l'existence, bouleversement des sentiments, bouleverse­ment des pen­sées. Nous sommes arrivés peut-être à une de ces périodes de l'histoire où, comme au mo­ment de la Révolution française, les hommes changent leur idéal, leurs principes et aussi leurs élites. Les peuples sont rapidement poussés vers un avenir qu'aucune lueur n'éclaire encore. L'imprévisible les domine. Des conceptions politiques et morales, tenues pour inébranlables, semblent destinées à disparaître. Théories et doctrines s'éva­nouissent (...)
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  25.  17
    Problèmes anthropologiques: La question Des criminels.Gustave Le Bon - 1881 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 11:519-539.
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  26.  66
    Letter to Liberals: Liberalism, Environmentalism, and Economic Growth.James Gustave Speth - 2011 - Ethics, Policy and Environment 14 (1):43-54.
    Many American progressives consider themselves both liberals and environmentalists, and, though the organisations representing these two causes should be working together, they rarely do. Moreover, the emerging split over the role of economic growth could push liberal and environmentalist leaders further apart. This lecture discusses how to bridge the gap between liberals and environmentalists by fusing progressive causes into a common agenda. The two causes are not, as many believe, mutually exclusive, but are instead mutually supportive: liberals need environmentalists to (...)
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    Improving Language Models for Emotion Analysis: Insights from Cognitive Science.Constant Bonard & Gustave Cortal - 2024 - In Tatsuki Kuribayashi, Giulia Rambelli, Ece Takmaz, Philipp Wicke & Yohei Oseki (eds.), Proceedings of the Workshop on Cognitive Modeling and Computational Linguistics. Bangkok: Association for Computational Linguistics. pp. 264–77.
    We propose leveraging cognitive science research on emotions and communication to improve language models for emotion analysis. First, we present the main emotion theories in psychology and cognitive science. Then, we introduce the main methods of emotion annotation in natural language processing and their connections to psychological theories. We also present the two main types of analyses of emotional communication in cognitive pragmatics. Finally, based on the cognitive science research presented, we propose directions for improving language models for emotion analysis. (...)
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  28.  29
    The Psychology of Peoples.Mattoon M. Curtis & Gustave Le Bon - 1899 - Philosophical Review 8 (5):547.
  29.  69
    The indexical and the presentative functions of signs.Willis Moore, Gustave Bergmann & Ray H. Dotterer - 1942 - Philosophy of Science 9 (4):367-375.
    In his presidential address on “Symbols, Signs, and Signals,” given before the Association for Symbolic Logic, December 28, 1938, Professor C. J. Ducasse made and important distinction between what he there called the indicative and the quiddative symbol. He remarked in passing that he thought it possible to show that: 1) “The same entity may function both as indicative and as quiddative symbol: or one part of a complex symbol may be quiddative and another indicative”; and 2) “the difference between (...)
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    Orchomène d'Arcadie. Fouilles de 1913. Inscriptions.André Plassart & Gustave Blum - 1914 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 38 (1):447-478.
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  31. The Evenings of the rue Saint-Lazare, Eleventh Evening.Gustave de Molinari - 2015 - In Aviezer Tucker & Gian Piero De Bellis (eds.), Panarchy: Political Theories of Non-Territorial States. New York: Routledge.
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    Le Dict de Padma, Padma thang yig, Ms. de Lithang, traduit du ThibétainLe Dict de Padma, Padma thang yig, Ms. de Lithang, traduit du Thibetain.James R. Ware & Gustave-Charles Toussaint - 1934 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 54 (3):311.
  33. Condillac.Gustave Baguenault de Puchesse - 1910 - Paris,: Plon-Nourrit et cie.
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    La relativité vue simplement.Gustave Bessière - 1930 - Paris,: Dunod.
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    Une économie politique du travail journalistique.Fabien Blanchot & Jean-Gustave Padioleau - 2003 - Hermes 35:63.
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    From the unconscious to the conscious.Gustave Géley - 1921 - London: Harper & Brothers. Edited by Stanley De Brath.
    This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work is in the "public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity (individual or corporate) has a copyright on the body of the work. Scholars believe, and we concur, that this work is important enough to be (...)
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    Bases scientifiques d'une philosophie l'histoire..Gustave Le Bon - 1931 - Paris,: E. Flammarion.
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  38. (3 other versions)Psychologie des foules.Gustave le Bon - 1895 - The Monist 6:448.
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    Applications de la psychologie a la classification Des races: Les races de l'inde.Gustave Le Bon - 1886 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 22:593-619.
  40. L'Évolution de la matière.Gustave Le Bon - 1905 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 60:533-538.
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    The Temptation of Saint Antony.Marshall Olds, Gustave Flaubert & Kitty Mrosovsky - 1981 - Substance 10 (1):96.
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  42. L'homme et les sociétés, leurs origines et leur histoire.Gustave Le Bon - 1881 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 12:433-437.
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    Notes sur l'étude du caractère.Gustave le Bon - 1877 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 4:496-512.
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  44. Calculs et artifices de relativité.Gustave Bessière - 1932 - Paris,: Dunod.
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  45. On the Production of Security.Gustave de Molinari - 2015 - In Aviezer Tucker & Gian Piero De Bellis (eds.), Panarchy: Political Theories of Non-Territorial States. New York: Routledge.
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  46. Hier et demain.Gustave Le Bon - 1918 - Paris,: E. Flammarion.
    livre I. Les forces qui mènent l'histoire.--livre II. Pendant les batailles.--livre III. La psychologie des peuples.--livre IV. Facteurs matériels de la puissance des nations.--livre V. Facteurs psychologiques de la puissance des peuples.--livre VI. Le gouvernement moderne des peuples.--livre VII. Perspectives d'avenir.--livre VIII. Dans le cycle de la science.
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    The new systems reader: alternatives to a failed economy.James Gustave Speth & Kathleen Courrier (eds.) - 2021 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    The recognition is growing: truly addressing the problems of the 21st century requires going beyond small tweaks and modest reforms to business as usual--it requires "changing the system." But what does this mean? And what would it entail? The New Systems Reader highlights some of the most thoughtful, substantive, and promising answers to these questions, drawing on the work and ideas of some of the world's key thinkers and activists on systemic change. Amid the failure of traditional politics and policies (...)
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  48.  96
    Pain Perception in Disorders of Consciousness: Neuroscience, Clinical Care, and Ethics in Dialogue.Athina Demertzi, Eric Racine, Marie-Aurélie Bruno, Didier Ledoux, Olivia Gosseries, Audrey Vanhaudenhuyse, Marie Thonnard, Andrea Soddu, Gustave Moonen & Steven Laureys - 2013 - Neuroethics 6 (1):37-50.
    Pain, suffering and positive emotions in patients in vegetative state/unresponsive wakefulness syndrome (VS/uws) and minimally conscious states (MCS) pose clinical and ethical challenges. Clinically, we evaluate behavioural responses after painful stimulation and also emotionally-contingent behaviours (e.g., smiling). Using stimuli with emotional valence, neuroimaging and electrophysiology technologies can detect subclinical remnants of preserved capacities for pain which might influence decisions about treatment limitation. To date, no data exist as to how healthcare providers think about end-of-life options (e.g., withdrawal of artificial nutrition (...)
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  49. Brain response to one's own name in vegetative state, minimally conscious state, and locked-in syndrome.Fabien Perrin, Caroline Schnakers, Manuel Schabus, Christian Degueldre, Serge Goldman, Serge Brédart, Marie-Elisabeth E. Faymonville, Maurice Lamy, Gustave Moonen, André Luxen, Pierre Maquet & Steven Laureys - 2006 - Archives of Neurology 63 (4):562-569.
  50.  15
    The Psychology of Peoples.Gustave Le Bon - 1899 - Philosophical Review 8 (5):547-549.
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