Results for 'Cristina Hurtado-Beca'

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    Le deuxième exil : le retour au pays.Cristina Hurtado-Beca - 1992 - Hermes 10:251.
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    La recepción de Courcelle-Seneuil, seguidor de Tocqueville, en Chile.Cristina Hurtado - 2007 - Polis 17.
    Courcelle-Seneuil, francés, humanista, economista, seguidor y admirador de Tocqueville, estuvo en Chile durante seis años, fue consejero del gobierno, dictó cursos en el Instituto Nacional, y fue admirado por todos por su seriedad y experiencia. Este estudioso cumplió papeles contradictorios: mientras un autor como Lastarria lo traduce y cita a menudo para combatir el autoritarismo de los gobiernos liberales que aplican la libertad sólo en el plano económico, por otra parte, sus alumnos en el Instituto pusieron en práctica, de manera (...)
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    (1 other version)Acerca de política y democracia.Cristina Hurtado - 1990 - Areté. Revista de Filosofía 2:149-166.
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  4. Un llamado ético a la inclusión de mujeres embarazadas en investigación: Reflexiones del Foro Global de Bioética en Investigación.Carla Saenz, Jackeline Alger, Juan Pablo Beca, José Belizán, María Luisa Cafferata, Julio Arturo Canario Guzman, Jesica Candanedo, Lissette Duque, Lester Figueroa, Ana Garcés, Lionel Gresh, Ida Cristina Gubert, Dirce Guilhem, Gabriela Guz, Gustavo Kaltwasser, Roxana Lescano, Florencia Luna, Alexandrina Cardelli, Ignacio Mastroleo, Irene Melamed, Agueda Muñoz del Carpio Toia, Ricardo Palacios, Gloria Palma, Sofía Salas, Xochitl Sandoval, Sergio Surugi de Siqueira, Hans Vásquez & Bertha Villela de Vega - 2017 - Revista Panamericana de Salud Pública 41 (e13):1-2.
    El Foro Global de Bioética en Investigación (GFBR por sus siglas en inglés) se reunió el 3 y 4 de noviembre en Buenos Aires, Argentina, con el objetivo de discutir la ética de la investigación con mujeres embarazadas. El GFBR es una plataforma mundial que congrega a actores clave con el objetivo de promover la investigación realizada de manera ética, fortalecer la ética de la investigación en salud, particularmente en países de ingresos bajos y medios, y promover colaboración entre países (...)
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  5. Lafont Hurtado, Cristina la razón como lenguaje. Una revisión Delgiro lingüistico en lajlosoja Del lenguaje alemana madrid: Visor, 1993.Maria José Martinez - 1996 - Enrahonar: Quaderns de Filosofía 25:161.
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  6. Norm manipulation, Norm evasion: Experimental evidence.Cristina Bicchieri & Alex K. Chavez - 2013 - Economics and Philosophy 29 (2):175-198.
    Using an economic bargaining game, we tested for the existence of two phenomena related to social norms, namely norm manipulation – the selection of an interpretation of the norm that best suits an individual – and norm evasion – the deliberate, private violation of a social norm. We found that the manipulation of a norm of fairness was characterized by a self-serving bias in beliefs about what constituted normatively acceptable behaviour, so that an individual who made an uneven bargaining offer (...)
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    What would an environmentally sustainable reproductive technology industry look like?Cristina Richie - 2015 - Journal of Medical Ethics 41 (5):383-387.
    Through the use of assisted reproductive technologies (ARTs), multiple children are born adding to worldwide carbon emissions. Evaluating the ethics of offering reproductive services against its overall harm to the environment makes unregulated ARTs unjustified, yet the ART business can move towards sustainability as a part of the larger green bioethics movement. By integrating ecological ethos into the ART industry, climate change can be mitigated and the conversation about consumption can become a broader public discourse. Although the impact of naturally (...)
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    Sovereignty and the International Protection of Human Rights.Cristina Lafont - 2015 - Journal of Political Philosophy 24 (4):427-445.
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  9. Basic self-knowledge and transparency.Cristina Borgoni - 2018 - Synthese 195 (2):679-696.
    Cogito-like judgments, a term coined by Burge, comprise thoughts such as, I am now thinking, I [hereby] judge that Los Angeles is at the same latitude as North Africa, or I [hereby] intend to go to the opera tonight. It is widely accepted that we form cogito-like judgments in an authoritative and not merely empirical manner. We have privileged self-knowledge of the mental state that is self-ascribed in a cogito-like judgment. Thus, models of self-knowledge that aim to explain privileged self-knowledge (...)
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    Introduction.Cristina Richie - 2022 - Global Bioethics 33 (1):1-3.
    Every day from the moment we wake up until the moment we sleep, we have the option to look outward or look inward. This is more than an outlook; it is also a metaphor. As we – citizens, ethicists,...
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    Strengthening Moral Judgment: A Moral Identity-Based Leverage Strategy in Business Ethics Education.Cristina Neesham & Jun Gu - 2015 - Journal of Business Ethics 131 (3):527-534.
    In this study, we examine the relationship between appeal to self-perceptions of moral identity, included in the teaching of ethics, and the strengthening of moral judgment among postgraduate business students. As appeal to moral identity emphasizes personal engagement in the appraisal of an ethically charged situation, it addresses critiques of abstract rule application and principle transfer leveled at traditional business ethics teaching. Eighty-one participants completed a series of reflective writing exercises throughout a twelve-week business ethics unit. Based on an instrument (...)
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    Aristotele, Eraclito e la forza irresistibile del thumos (22 B 85 DK).Cristina Viano - 2013 - Dois Pontos 10 (2).
    Questo articolo presenta un quadro dei problemi che il frammento B85DK di Eraclito solleva e delle interpretazioni antiche e moderne che sono state suggerite. In particolare, è esaminata la testimonianza di Aristotele, la più antica e anche la più profonda e articolata. Una panoramica sui significati di thumos, punto centrale del frammento, mostra che per Aristotele questo concetto non si esaurisce nel pathos dell’ira. Il thumos è in primo luogo una dunamis, una facoltà dell’anima che rende possibile non solo il (...)
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  13. The medium or the message? Communication relevance and richness in trust games.Cristina Bicchieri, Azi Lev-on & Alex Chavez - 2010 - Synthese 176 (1):125-147.
    Subjects communicated prior to playing trust games; the richness of the communication media and the topics of conversation were manipulated. Communication richness failed to produce significant differences in first-mover investments. However, the topics of conversation made a significant difference: the amounts sent were considerably higher in the unrestricted communication conditions than in the restricted communication and no-communication conditions. Most importantly, we find that first-movers' expectations of second-movers' reciprocation are influenced by communication and strongly predict their levels of investment.
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  14.  21
    Avicenna and the Liber de Causis: A Contribution to dossier.Cristina D'Ancona Costa - 2000 - Revista Española de Filosofía Medieval 7:95-114.
    Partiendo del conocimiento que los árabes tuvieron de los textos neoplatónicos atribuidos a Aristóteles, tales como la Pseudo-Teología y el Liber de Causis, la autora de este estudio investiga el posible conocimiento que Avicena tuvo de este último libro, conocido en el mundo árabe por el título de Kalam fi mahd al-hayr. Se apoya, para ello, en el análisis de cuatro pasajes de la Metafísica de la gran enciclopedia filosófica Al-Sifa ("La curación").
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    Correction: Digital Slot Machines: Social Media Platforms as Attentional Scaffolds.Cristina Voinea, Lavinia Marin & Constantin Vică - 2024 - Topoi 43 (3):697-697.
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    Les passions comme causes dans la Rhétorique d'Aristote: mobiles de l'action et instruments de la persuasion.Cristina Viano - 2010 - Journal of Ancient Philosophy 4 (1).
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    Amizade e emoções de rivalidade em Aristóteles: uma origem comum?Cristina Viano - 2008 - Journal of Ancient Philosophy 2 (1).
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    Interroger le féminisme.Cristina Vega - 2003 - Multitudes 2 (2):49-60.
    An examination of contemporary feminism is an exploration of trajectories. Trajectories across the changing scenarios of women in globalization. In this contextm the question of violence against women as a source of both the legitimsation and the management of the social and the perfecting of workm of affects and of daily life in the era of flexible reproduction become key spheres of the transformation of the technologies of the government of gender. The conflict that incites the various and urgent administrative (...)
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    « Énésidème selon Héraclite » : la substance corporelle du temps.Cristina Viano - 2002 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 127 (2):141-158.
    Dans Adv. math., X, 216-218, Sextus Empiricus rapporte une mystérieuse doctrine d' « Énésidème selon Héraclite » d'après laquelle le temps est identifié à un corps. L'hypothèse défendue ici est que cette formule exprime une théorie à usage dialectique et critique, construite par Énésidème afin d'inserer la thèse d' Héraclite dans un débat fictif où interviennent d'autres positions dogmatiques. Alors que la plupart des historiens de la philosophie nient l'authenticité héraclitéenne de ce témoignage, dans ses Leçons sur l'histoire de la (...)
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    Le paradigme des passions: Aristote et les définitions non physiques de la colère.Cristina Viano - 2014 - Journal of Ancient Philosophy 8 (1):1.
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  21. Cuando el externalismo y el auto-conocimiento privilegiado son compartibles o no.Cristina Borgoni - 2009 - Episteme NS: Revista Del Instituto de Filosofía de la Universidad Central de Venezuela 29 (1):1-34.
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  22. Pacientes con ansiedad y depresión: la atención en los sevicios públicos de salud.Cristina Rodríguez Cahill - 2011 - Critica: La Reflexion Calmada Desenreda Nudos 61 (974):46-50.
    ¿Quién no ha utilizado alguna vez la expresión estoy deprimido o angustiado? Estos dos términos son hijos de nuestra era, frecuentemente utilizados y pocas veces con precisión. En el lenguaje coloquial suele remitir a emociones que todos experimentamos y que no suponen un trastorno. Pero, ¡qué convierte la ansiedad o la tristeza en patología? ¿Qué conformaría un trastorno de ansiedad o un trastorno depresivo propiamente dicho? ¿Cuándo es necesario comenzar un tratamiento? ¿Qué atención ofrece el sistema público de salud a (...)
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    Chapitre V: Le quelque chose qui vient à être: substance et génération de la substance dans le livre Z de la Métaphysique.Cristina Cerami - 2015 - In Generation Et Substance: Aristote Et Averroes Entre Physique Et Metaphysique. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 165-229.
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    Index des termes grecs.Cristina Cerami - 2015 - In Generation Et Substance: Aristote Et Averroes Entre Physique Et Metaphysique. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 721-723.
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    Études de Philosophie Antique et Médiévale. Dossier Thomas d'Aquin.Cristina Cerami - 2009 - Chôra 7:133-162.
    Le but de cet article est d’analyser l’interprétation qu’Averroès propose de l’étude de la génération spontanée développée par Aristote dans le chapitre 9du livre Z de la Métaphysique et montrer que pour Averroès le véritable enjeu de cette étude est celui de démontrer que l’agent et le produit de la génération ontune même forme. C’est cette thèse, en effet, qui d’après le Cordouan permet en dernière instance d’instaurer entre le monde céleste et le monde terrestre unecausalité, pour ainsi dire, «perpendiculaire» (...)
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    A import'ncia e o significado do princípio da publicidade para a representação político-democrática: reflexões a partir de Kant e Condorcet.Cristina Foroni Consani & Joel Thiago Klein - 2014 - Filosofia Unisinos 15 (3).
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    Special Issue on Point-Free Geometry and Topology.Cristina Coppola & Giangiacomo Gerla - 2013 - Logic and Logical Philosophy 22 (2):139-143.
    In the first section we briefly describe methodological assumptions of point-free geometry and topology. We also outline history of geometrical theories based on the notion of emph{region}. The second section is devoted to concise presentation of the content of the LLP special issue on point-free theories of space.
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  28. Actos de habla.Cristina Corredor - 2011 - In Luis Vega and Paula Olmos, Compendio de Lógica, Argumentación y Retórica. [Madrid]: Editorial Trotta. pp. 27--34.
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  29. Valores epistémicos y justificación: razón teórica y nacionalidad práctica en L. Wittgenstein (Sobre la Certeza).Cristina Corredor - 1998 - Endoxa 10:123-131.
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  30. Doxa, digital scholarship and the academy.Cristina Costa & Mark Murphy - 2016 - In Mark Murphy & Cristina Costa, Theory as method in research: on Bourdieu, social theory and education. New York, NY: Routledge, is an imprint of the Taylor & Francis Group, an Informa business.
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  31. Métaphysiques Médiévales Études En l'Honneur d'André de Muralt.Cristina D'ancona Costa, Curzio Chiesa, Léo Freuler & André de Muralt - 1999 - Revue de Théologie Et de Philosophie.
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    I. Pezzini, "Lo spot elettorale. La vicenda italiana di una forma di comunicazione politica".Cristina Demaria - 2001 - Polis 15 (3):494-497.
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    The Sense of Value in a Desacralized World.Cristina Gavriluta - 2011 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 10 (28):234-239.
    Normal 0 false false false MicrosoftInternetExplorer4 st1:*{behavior:url(#ieooui) } /* Style Definitions */ table.MsoNormalTable {mso-style-name:"Table Normal"; mso-tstyle-rowband-size:0; mso-tstyle-colband-size:0; mso-style-noshow:yes; mso-style-parent:""; mso-padding-alt:0in 5.4pt 0in 5.4pt; mso-para-margin:0in; mso-para-margin-bottom:.0001pt; mso-pagination:widow-orphan; font-size:10.0pt; font-family:"Times New Roman"; mso-ansi-language:#0400; mso-fareast-language:#0400; mso-bidi-language:#0400;} Review of Nicolae Râmbu, The Value of Sense and the Sense of Value ( Valoarea sentimentului și sentimentul valorii ), (Cluj-Napoca, Grinta Press, 2010), 172 pages.
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  34. Pensar a potência dos afetos na e para a educação // Thinking about power of affections in and for education.Cristina Novikoff & Cavalcanti - 2015 - Conjectura: Filosofia E Educação 20 (3):88-107.
    A proposta de refletir sobre a potência dos afetos na e para a educação emergiu da vivência experienciada em discussão interdisciplinar na disciplina “Ensino-aprendizagem: questões contemporâneas”, no Programa de Mestrado em Letras e Ciências Humanas da Universidade do Grande Rio. Destarte, o presente artigo apresenta, em sua estrutura, três objetivos interligados para dar razão à prática docente. Primeiramente, traçou-se a análise sobre a importância do conhecimento, consoante Spinoza, acerca de nossos afetos para sustentar o argumento de a educação ser um (...)
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    O Modelo Tectónico da Mente Ilustração Clínica do conceito de Sublimação Introjetiva.Cristina Nunes - 2023 - Revista Guairacá de Filosofia 39 (2).
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    Flu ADA, ADA (Amigos dos amigos = Amis des amis), G7, Destruction de maisons au Tabajaras.Cristina Ribas - 2012 - Multitudes 49 (2):29-35.
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    Global Health Care Justice, Delivery Doctors and Assisted Reproduction: Taking a Note From Catholic Social Teachings.Cristina Richie - 2014 - Developing World Bioethics 15 (3):179-190.
    This article will examine the Catholic concept of global justice within a health care framework as it relates to women's needs for delivery doctors in the developing world and women's demands for assisted reproduction in the developed world. I will first discuss justice as a theory, situating it within Catholic social teachings. The Catholic perspective on global justice in health care demands that everyone have access to basic needs before elective treatments are offered to the wealthy. After exploring specific discrepancies (...)
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    The Augustinian Legacy of the Procreative Marriage: Contemporary Implications and Alternatives.Cristina Richie - 2014 - Feminist Theology 23 (1):18-36.
    Augustine’s legacy, particularly his view of marriage as being primarily procreative and the sin of mutually desired non-procreative sex, has had a lasting impact on sexual theology and ethics in the Catholic Church. Yet indulging in the Augustinian legacy without reflection and regarding children as the end goal of marriage has led to the unchallenged assumption that children are needed in every marriage. I will examine the problematic concept of matrimony as a necessary producer of children through a variety of (...)
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    Jacques Derrida, texto y deconstrucción.Cristina de Peretti Della Rocca & Jacques Derrida - 1989 - Barcelona: Anthropos.
    Constituye la primera monografía que, en castellano, se publica sobre Jacques Derrida. Las cuestiones que se abordan aquí nos demuestran, cosa que no es poco, como mediante su pensamiento nos es más lúcida la comprensión de la tradición occidental.
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    La psychologie d'Aristote.Cristina Rossitto (ed.) - 2013 - Paris: Librairie philosophique J. Vrin.
    Les études réunies et publiés dans ce volume sont d'abord concentrées sur les problèmes relatifs à la nature de l'âme en général, notamment par le biais d'une confrontation avec des penseurs antérieurs a Aristote ou qui leur sont contemporains - spécialement Platon et Xenocrate.
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  41. Philo's thought within the context of middle Judaism.Cristina Termini - 2009 - In Adam Kamesar, The Cambridge companion to Philo. New York: Cambridge University Press.
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    Aristote et l'alchimie grecque : La transmutation et le modèle aristotélicien entre théorie et pratique /Aristote and the Greek alchemy : The transmutation and the aristotelian model between theory and practice.Cristina Vlano - 1996 - Revue d'Histoire des Sciences 49 (2):189-213.
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  43. Deactivating Cardiac Pacemakers and Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillators in Terminally Ill Patients.Juan Pablo Beca, Eduardo Rosselot, René Asenjo, Verónica Anguita & Rafael Quevedo - 2009 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 18 (3):236.
    A 68-year-old patient who suffered from gastric cancer diagnosed 8 months earlier presented with multiple peritoneal and hepatic metastasis, despite several rounds of chemo- and radiotherapy. After admission to hospital, his general condition quickly became severely compromised. He was nearly emaciated, despite being on partial parenteral feeding. Four years earlier, due to a cardiac arrhythmia that was refractory to medication, the patient had a cardiac pacemaker implanted, regulated to go off at frequencies of below 70 beats per minute. Given the (...)
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  44. El humanismo de Alberto Hurtado.Alberto Hurtado Cruchaga - 1975 - Santiago de Chile: Instituto Chileno de Estudios Humanísticos.
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    Trade-Offs between female food acquisition and child care among hiwi and ache foragers.A. Magdalena Hurtado, Kim Hill, Ines Hurtado & Hillard Kaplan - 1992 - Human Nature 3 (3):185-216.
    Even though female food acquisition is an area of considerable interest in hunter-gatherer research, the ecological determinants of women’s economic decisions in these populations are still poorly understood. The literature on female foraging behavior indicates that there is considerable variation within and across foraging societies in the amount of time that women spend foraging and in the amount and types of food that they acquire. It is possible that this heterogeneity reflects variation in the trade-offs between time spent in food (...)
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    Book Review: Responding to Human Trafficking: Dispossession, Colonial Violence, and Resistance among Indigenous and Racialized Women by Julie Kaye. [REVIEW]Cristina Khan - 2018 - Gender and Society 32 (6):911-912.
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    Review of The Other Side of Zen: A Social History of Sōtō Zen Buddhism in Tokugawa Japan by Duncan Ryūken Williams. [REVIEW]Cristina Rocha - 2007 - Philosophy East and West 57 (4):599-601.
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    Greek alchemists A. colinet (ed., Trans.): Les alchimistes grecs. Tome X: L'anonymede zuretti ou l'art divin et sacré de la chrysopée Par un anonyme (collection Des universités de France publiée sous le patronage de l'association Guillaume budé). Pp. cxvi + 438. Paris: Les belLes lettres, 2000. Cased, €82.32. Isbn: 2-251-00478-. [REVIEW]Cristina Viano - 2002 - The Classical Review 52 (01):17-.
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  49. Two models of latin american philosophy.Guillermo Hurtado - 2006 - Journal of Speculative Philosophy 20 (3):204-213.
    : In this paper I will examine two conceptions of philosophy that were defended in Latin America during the last century. I believe that both models have to be put away and that we must build a new one, recovering elements of both of them. At the end of my paper I will consider very briefly what can we learn from this in order to construct a genuine philosophical dialogue between the United States and Latin America.
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    La teoría perspectivista de G.W. Leibniz: de la lectura epistemológica de la ciencia perspectiva a la afirmación metafísica de la pluralidad.Ricardo Rodríguez Hurtado - 2024 - Anales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 41 (2):303-315.
    En el artículo se reconstruye la teoría perspectivista de G.W. Leibniz. En un primer momento, se analiza el sentido epistemológico del perspectivismo leibniziano. La teoría de la claridad-oscuridad cognitiva permite, en ese momento inicial, caracterizar la particularidad perceptiva como una perspectiva del universo. Se utilizan los escritos de Leibniz sobre ciencia perspectiva, recientemente transcritos, para analizar los sentidos de los conceptos, procedentes de dicha ciencia, que el pensador alemán usa para explicar el acto cognitivo. La explicación perspectivista de la cognición (...)
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