Results for 'Cross derivatives'

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  1. Obligations to Artworks as Duties of Love.Anthony Cross - 2017 - Estetika: The European Journal of Aesthetics 54 (1):85-101.
    It is uncontroversial that our engagement with artworks is constrained by obligations; most commonly, these consist in obligations to other persons, such as artists, audiences, and owners of artworks. A more controversial claim is that we have genuine obligations to artworks themselves. I defend a qualified version of this claim. However, I argue that such obligations do not derive from the supposed moral rights of artworks – for no such rights exist. Rather, I argue that these obligations are instances of (...)
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    Phenomenology, Literature, Dissemination.D. J. S. Cross - 2020 - Research in Phenomenology 50 (1):53-78.
    This article analyzes the complex relation of phenomenology and literature in the work of Husserl and Derrida. In the first part, I show that the limited ideality of the literary object necessarily situates it in a derivative region of phenomenology. In the second part, however, I problematize the regional status of literature by elaborating a brief but important footnote in which Husserl broadens the concept of literature to embrace all cultural products whatsoever. Yet, because even this broadened concept of literature (...)
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  3. On the Foundations of Hysteresis in Economic Systems.Rod Cross - 1993 - Economics and Philosophy 9 (1):53.
    Hysteresis means literally “that which comes later,” being derived from the Greek verb ύστερέω. Thus, hysteresis effects, generally defined, are those that persist after the initial causes giving rise to the effects are removed. During the course of the 1980s, it became increasingly fashionable to invoke hysteresis effects to explain economic phenomena. Two of the main areas of application were to unemployment and international trade. In the case of unemployment, distinctive features of labor markets, such as social norms that rule (...)
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    Relational Coherence and Cumulative Reasoning.Charles B. Cross - 2003 - In Erik Olsson (ed.), The Epistemology of Keith Lehrer. Kluwer Academic Publishers. pp. 109--127.
    I investigate the consequences of interpreting Lehrer's account of system-relative justification as a theory of inductive inference. I discuss which assumptions about coherence would be sufficient to make the account of inductive inference derived from Lehrer's theory conform to a series of widely discussed general principles, including those constitutive of cumulative reasoning. I then discuss the epistemological significance of the resulting theory of inductive inference.
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    The Vigil of Philosophy: Derrida on Anachrony.Donald Cross - 2015 - Derrida Today 8 (2):175-192.
    This paper orchestrates various moments in which Derrida makes recourse to the notion of anachrony – in analyses of khōra and demiurgic creation in the Timaeus and of the trace in Husserl – in order to describe a structural law according to which philosophy attempts to determine some ‘thing’ with the very categories that it makes possible and that are therefore structurally derivative, both too early and too late, in a word, anachronous.
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  6. The Paradox of the Knower without Epistemic Closure -- Corrected.C. B. Cross - 2012 - Mind 121 (482):457-466.
    This essay corrects an error in the presentation of the Paradox of the Knowledge-Plus Knower, which is the variant of Kaplan and Montague’s Knower Paradox presented in C. Cross 2001: ‘The Paradox of the Knower without Epistemic Closure,’ MIND, 110, pp. 319–33. The correction adds a universally quantified transitivity principle for derivability as an additional assumption leading to paradox. This correction does not affect the status of the Knowledge-Plus paradox as a rebuttal to an argument against epistemic closure, since (...)
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    Beyond nutrients: Food‐derived microRNAs provide cross‐kingdom regulation.Mengxi Jiang, Xiaolin Sang & Zhi Hong - 2012 - Bioessays 34 (4):280-284.
    Food turns out to be not only the nutrient supplier for our body but also a carrier of regulatory information. Interestingly, a recent study made the discovery that some plant/food‐derived microRNAs (miRNAs) accumulate in the serum of humans or plant‐feeding animals, and regulate mammalian gene expression in a sequence‐specific manner. The authors provided striking evidence that miRNAs could function as active signaling molecules to transport information across distinct species or even kingdoms. Although the mechanism of how miRNAs are shuttled between (...)
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    A cross‐national study of differences in the identities of nursing in England and Australia and how this has affected nurses’ capacity to respond to hospital reform.Pieter Degeling, Michael Hill, John Kennedy, Barbara Coyle & Sharon Maxwell - 2000 - Nursing Inquiry 7 (2):120-135.
    A cross‐national study of differences in the identities of nursing in England and Australia and how this has affected nurses’ capacity to respond to hospital reform This paper examines similarities and differences in the identity of nursing in England and Australia. In doing this we examine how in each country nursing has developed different ideologies and strategies. Our analysis draws on data derived from a cross‐national study of hospital staff in England and Australia. We demonstrate how differences in (...)
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    Cross-Term Conservation Relationships for Electromagnetic Energy, Linear Momentum, and Angular Momentum.Daniel C. Cole - 1999 - Foundations of Physics 29 (11):1673-1693.
    Cross-term conservation relationships for electromagnetic energy, linear momentum, and angular momentum are derived and discussed here. When two or more sources of electromagnetic fields are present, these relationships connect the cross terms that appear in the traditional expressions for the electromagnetic (1) energy, (2) linear momentum, and (3) angular momentum, over to, respectively, (1) the sum of the rates of work, (2) the sum of the forces, and (3) the sum of the torques, that are due to the (...)
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  10. A cross-order integration hypothesis for the neural correlate of consciousness.Uriah Kriegel - 2007 - Consciousness and Cognition 16 (4):897-912.
    One major problem many hypotheses regarding the neural correlate of consciousness, face is what we might call “the why question”: why would this particular neural feature, rather than another, correlate with consciousness? The purpose of the present paper is to develop an NCC hypothesis that answers this question. The proposed hypothesis is inspired by the cross-order integration theory of consciousness, according to which consciousness arises from the functional integration of a first-order representation of an external stimulus and a second-order (...)
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    Cross-Cultural Differences in Informal Argumentation: Norms, Inductive Biases and Evidentiality.Hatice Karaslaan, Annette Hohenberger, Hilmi Demir, Simon Hall & Mike Oaksford - 2018 - Journal of Cognition and Culture 18 (3-4):358-389.
    Cross-cultural differences in argumentation may be explained by the use of different norms of reasoning. However, some norms derive from, presumably universal, mathematical laws. This inconsistency can be resolved, by considering that some norms of argumentation, like Bayes theorem, are mathematical functions. Systematic variation in the inputs may produce culture-dependent inductive biases although the function remains invariant. This hypothesis was tested by fitting a Bayesian model to data on informal argumentation from Turkish and English cultures, which linguistically mark evidence (...)
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    How language affects children's use of derivational morphology in visual word and pseudoword processing: evidence from a cross-language study.Séverine Casalis, Pauline Quémart & Lynne G. Duncan - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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  13. Cross-modality and the self.Jonardon Ganeri - 2000 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 61 (3):639-658.
    The thesis of this paper is that the capacity to think of one’s perceptions as cross-modally integrated is incompatible with a reductionist account of the self. In §2 I distinguish three versions of the argument from cross-modality. According to the ‘unification’ version of the argument, what needs to be explained is one’s capacity to identify an object touched as the same as an object simultaneously seen. According to the ‘recognition’ version, what needs to be explained is one’s capacity, (...)
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    Their Cross Problem and Ours: Thoughts on the Aesthetic of Crucifixion.S. Mark Heim - 2022 - Interpretation: A Journal of Bible and Theology 76 (1):27-38.
    Contemporary Christian witness about the death of Jesus moves in a culture already saturated with an aesthetic or intuitive ethic of the crucifixion. That aesthetic has many features acquired though Christianity’s long social dominance. This essay focuses on one aspect, authentically derived from the distinctive understanding Christian faith attributed to the crucifixion. First, I describe the Roman context, and the natural “reading” of the image of a crucified person there, as the background to considering the absence of that image in (...)
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    Expressivism and Crossed Disagreements.Javier Osorio & Neftali Villanueva - 2019 - Royal Institute of Philosophy Supplement 86:111-132.
    The purpose of this paper is to explore the connection between expressivism and disagreement. More in particular, the aim is to defend that one of the desiderata that can be derived from the study of disagreement, the explanation of ‘crossed disagreements’, can only be accommodated within a semantic theory that respects, at the meta-semantic level, certain expressivistic restrictions. We will compare contemporary dynamic expressivism with three different varieties of contextualist strategies to accommodate the specificities of evaluative language –indexical contextualism – (...)
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    Cross and Creation: A Theological Introduction to Origen of Alexandria by Mark E. Therrien (review).Jean-Paul Juge - 2024 - Nova et Vetera 22 (1):295-299.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Cross and Creation: A Theological Introduction to Origen of Alexandria by Mark E. TherrienJean-Paul JugeCross and Creation: A Theological Introduction to Origen of Alexandria by Mark E. Therrien (Washington, DC: Catholic University of America Press, 2022), xxii + 303 pp.Although Origen of Alexandria has been misrepresented and maligned since his own lifetime, allies have always arisen to defend him in his stead. Especially after the French Catholic (...)
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    Gender at the Crossing: Ideological Travelings of US and French Thought in Montreal Feminism.Geneviève Pagé - 2016 - Feminist Studies 42 (3):575.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Feminist Studies 42, no. 3. © 2016 by Feminist Studies, Inc. 575 Geneviève Pagé Gender at the Crossing: Ideological Travelings of US and French Thought in Montreal Feminism This article recounts a story about Montreal feminism using the narrative thread of its conceptual language. It is a story of language as a political choice that guides our actions, but also language as a political issue, a barrier, a tool (...)
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    A Critical Look at 50 Years Particle Theory from the Perspective of the Crossing Property.Bert Schroer - 2010 - Foundations of Physics 40 (12):1800-1857.
    The crossing property is perhaps the most subtle aspect of the particle-field relation. Although it is not difficult to state its content in terms of certain analytic properties relating different matrixelements of the S-matrix or formfactors, its relation to the localization- and positive energy spectral principles requires a level of insight into the inner workings of QFT which goes beyond anything which can be found in typical textbooks on QFT. This paper presents a recent account based on new ideas derived (...)
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  19.  53
    Crossing the symbolic threshold: A critical review of Terrence Deacon's the symbolic species. [REVIEW]David Lumsden - 2002 - Philosophical Psychology 15 (2):155 – 171.
    Terrence Deacon's views about the origin of language are based on a particular notion of a symbol. While the notion is derived from Peirce's semiotics, it diverges from that source and needs to be investigated on its own terms in order to evaluate the idea that the human species has crossed the symbolic threshold. Deacon's view is defended from the view that symbols in the animal world are widespread and from the extreme connectionist view that they are not even to (...)
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    The cross-disciplinary ethical responsibilities of psychology faculty.David J. Pittenger - 1994 - Ethics and Behavior 4 (3):199 – 208.
    This article discusses the ethical responsibilities that psychology faculty have when psychological information is seriously misrepresented or psychological techniques are misued by nonpsychology faculty. General values derived from the American Psychological Association's (APA) ethical principles are identified and reviewed. The APA ethical code recommends that psychologists limit the misrepresentation of psychological information and protect students from the misuse of psychological techniques. Examples from my experience are presented to illustrate these ethical principles and responsibilities.
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    The power of cross-linguistic analysis: A key tool for developing explanatory models of human language.Lynn Santelmann - 1999 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 22 (6):1036-1037.
    Clahsen's compelling evidence for the dual-mechanism model of the lexicon derives in part from the use of cross-linguistic data in psycholinguistic research. This approach reflects a growing (and positive) trend toward incorporating data from several languages when analyzing and modeling human language behavior. This perspective should be expanded to include data from typologically distinct languages to develop more explanatory models of language.
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    Cross-Cultural and Linguistic Dynamics in the Deterritorialization of Legal Concepts Through International Commercial Contracts.Roman Uliasz - forthcoming - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique:1-23.
    The purpose of this article is to examine the process of deterritorialization of legal concepts embedded in international commercial contracts. Typically written in English, these contracts often incorporate concepts derived from common law jurisdictions, given that English is the language of expression for the common law tradition. This underscores the intrinsic interconnection between language and underlying legal concepts. While parties involved in contract drafting may sometimes mitigate this connection by using terms and clauses that do not immediately evoke common law (...)
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    A new perspective on cross-cultural ethical evaluations: The use of conjoint analysis. [REVIEW]John Tsalikis, Bruce Seaton & Petros Tomaras - 2002 - Journal of Business Ethics 35 (4):281 - 292.
    The present paper compares the ethical perceptions of Americans and Greeks using conjoint analysis. The two samples were presented with 2 scenarios manipulating three factors: gender of the transgressor, organizational status of the transgressor, and the magnitude of the transgression. For each scenario, conventional mean comparisons and conjoint analyses were performed on five ethical measurements. The matrix of means and the relative importances of the American sample were compared with that of the Greek sample. The results showed that Greeks paid (...)
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  24. Using cross-lingual information to cope with underspecification in formal ontologies.Werner Ceusters, Ignace Desimpel, Barry Smith & Stefan Schulz - 2003 - Studies in Health Technology and Informatics 95:391-396.
    Description logics and other formal devices are frequently used as means for preventing or detecting mistakes in ontologies. Some of these devices are also capable of inferring the existence of inter-concept relationships that have not been explicitly entered into an ontology. A prerequisite, however, is that this information can be derived from those formal definitions of concepts and relationships which are included within the ontology. In this paper, we present a novel algorithm that is able to suggest relationships among existing (...)
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    Collide or Collaborate: The Interplay of Competing Logics and Institutional Work in Cross-Sector Social Partnerships.Juelin Yin & Dima Jamali - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 169 (4):673-694.
    An increasing body of institutional research has examined organizations’ response to conflicting institutional logics, but few studies have looked into how cross-sector organizational actors experiencing institutional complexity strategize their response mechanisms to create value in the context of corporate social responsibility (CSR). We conduct a comparative case study of nine social partnerships between multinational companies (MNCs) and nonprofits in China. We identify a partnership logic among the value-creating partnerships where partners guided by an either/and mindset take joint ownership of (...)
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    Cross-Reference Between Logic and Psychology in Ibn Sīnā’s Theory of Experience ( Taǧriba).Yu Hoki - 2023 - Arabic Sciences and Philosophy 33 (2):215-236.
    This article demonstrates that Ibn Sīnā’s theory of experience (taǧriba) requires a cross-reference between logic and psychology. Following the Basran linguistic tradition, he paraphrases derived names (ism muštaqq) into the li-x y formula: for example, ʿālim (“knowing”) is paraphrased into lahu ʿilm (“an act of knowing belongs to him”). His theory of experience employs this formula for arranging observed phenomena into a certain form of a syllogism and describing functions of the brain’s inner senses. Ibn Sīnā arranges observed phenomenon (...)
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    A Cross-Cultural Study of Filial Piety and Palliative Care Knowledge: Moderating Effect of Culture and Universality of Filial Piety.Wendy Wen Li, Smita Singh & C. Keerthigha - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Filial piety is a Confucian concept derived from Chinese culture, which advocates a set of moral norms, values, and practices of respect and caring for one’s parents. According to the dual-factor model of filial piety, reciprocal and authoritarian filial piety are two dimensions of filial piety. Reciprocal filial piety is concerned with sincere affection toward one’s parent and a longstanding positive parent-child relationship, while authoritarian filial piety is about obedience to social obligations to one’s parent, often by suppressing one’s own (...)
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  28. Anthropomorphism, primatomorphism, mammalomorphism: Understanding cross-species comparisons.Brian L. Keeley - 2004 - Biology and Philosophy 19 (4):521-540.
    The charge that anthropomorphizing nonhuman animals is a fallacy is itself largely misguided and mythic. Anthropomorphism in the study of animal behavior is placed in its original, theological context. Having set the historical stage, I then discuss its relationship to a number of other, related issues: the role of anecdotal evidence, the taxonomy of related anthropomorphic claims, its relationship to the attribution of psychological states in general, and the nature of the charge of anthropomorphism as a categorical claim. I then (...)
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    Deriving Features of Religions in the Wild.Pascal Boyer - 2021 - Human Nature 32 (3):557-581.
    Religions “in the wild” are the varied set of religious activities that occurred before the emergence of organized religions with doctrines, or that persist at the margins of those organized traditions. These religious activities mostly focus on misfortune; on how to remedy specific cases of illness, accidents, failures; and on how to prevent them. I present a general model to account for the cross-cultural recurrence of these particular themes. The model is based on features of human psychology—namely, epistemic vigilance, (...)
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    Transferable Feature Representation for Visible-to-Infrared Cross-Dataset Human Action Recognition.Yang Liu, Zhaoyang Lu, Jing Li, Chao Yao & Yanzi Deng - 2018 - Complexity 2018:1-20.
    Recently, infrared human action recognition has attracted increasing attention for it has many advantages over visible light, that is, being robust to illumination change and shadows. However, the infrared action data is limited until now, which degrades the performance of infrared action recognition. Motivated by the idea of transfer learning, an infrared human action recognition framework using auxiliary data from visible light is proposed to solve the problem of limited infrared action data. In the proposed framework, we first construct a (...)
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  31. Sample derivations in Update with Centering.Maria Bittner - manuscript
    Appendix to lecture notes on "Nominal (re)centering: From Kalaallisut to UC1". Day 2 of advanced course on "Cross-linguistic compositional semantics" at LSA Summer Institute 2009 at UC Berkeley.
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    Did Diodorus Siculus take over Cross–References from His Sources?Catherine Rubincam - 1998 - American Journal of Philology 119 (1):67-87.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Did Diodorus Siculus take over Cross–References from His Sources?Catherine RubincamA systematic answer to the question posed in the title of this article requires, first, a careful analysis of the implications of various different formulations of the question and, second, a thorough discussion of the evidence relating to all the cross–references in the Bibliotheca. No such systematic approach has ever been attempted, to my knowledge. It will emerge (...)
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    Crossing the Howrah Bridge.Bhaskar Mukhopadhyay - 2006 - Theory, Culture and Society 23 (7-8):221-241.
    This photo-essay analyzes the politics of dwelling of the inhabitants of ‘outcast’ Calcutta - the city that is the nightmare of urban planners and whose squalor, filth and poverty are taken to be indexes of the failure of the postcolonial urbanism as such. The city that turned itself into a barricade during the street-fighting years of the 1960s is now about to turn its back on its own subalterns (migrants from poorer areas), participating in urban cleansing drives that derive from (...)
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    Religious Fundamentalism: An Empirically Derived Construct and Measurement Scale.Josέ Liht, I. I. I. Lucian Gideon Conway, Sara Savage, Weston White & Katherine A. O'Neill - 2011 - Archive for the Psychology of Religion 33 (3):299-323.
    Items were generated to explore the factorial structure of a construct of fundamentalism worded appropriately for Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. Results suggested three underlying dimensions: (a) External versus Internal Authority, (b) Fixed versus Malleable Religion, and (c) Worldly Rejection versus Worldly Affirmation. The three dimensions indicate that religious fundamentalism is a personal orientation that asserts a supra-human locus of moral authority, context unbound truth, and the appreciation of the sacred over the worldly components of experience. The 15-item, 3-dimension solution was (...)
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    The Allocation of a Scarce Medical Resource: A Cross-Cultural Study Investigating the Influence of Life Style Factors and Patient Gender, and the Coherence of Decision-making.A. McClelland, A. Furnham, C. Wong & C. Keh - 2022 - Ethics and Behavior 32 (8):714-728.
    ABSTRACT This study examined how lifestyle factors and gender affect kidney allocation to transplant patients by 99 British and Singaporean participants. Thirty hypothetical patients were generated from a combination of six factors and randomly paired four times. Participants saw 60 patient pairings and, in each pair, chose which patient would receive treatment priority. A Bradley-Terry model was used to derive coefficients for each factor per participant. A mean factor score was then calculated across all participants for each factor. Participants gave (...)
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    Three Buddhist Distinctions of Great Consequence for Cross-Cultural Philosophy of Personal Identity.Antoine Panaïoti - 2021 - Comparative Philosophy 12 (2).
    This paper seeks to lay down the theoretical groundwork for the emergence of holistic cross-cultural philosophical investigations of personal identity ¾ investigations that approach the theoretical, phenomenological, psychological, and practical-ethical dimensions of selfhood as indissociable. My strategy is to discuss three closely connected conceptual distinctions that the Buddhist approach to personal identity urges us to draw, and a lucid understanding of which is essential for the emergence of appropriately comprehensive and thus genuinely cosmopolitan discussions at the cross-road between (...)
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    Deification through the Cross: Reflections from an Implied Ideal Worshiper.Andrew J. Summerson - 2023 - Nova et Vetera 21 (3):1089-1095.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Deification through the Cross:Reflections from an Implied Ideal WorshiperAndrew J. SummersonKhaled Anatolios's most recent book, Deification through the Cross,1 develops a definition of salvation out of his experience of the Byzantine liturgy. This experience of worship offers an immersion in what he calls "doxological contrition." By this, Anatolios means that Christ saves us by offering us the ability to participate in the mutual glorification of the persons (...)
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  38. Beyond Rorty, Habermas and Rawls: Cross-Cultural Judgement in the Postmetaphysical Age.Farid Abdel-Nour - 1999 - Dissertation, Rutgers the State University of New Jersey - New Brunswick
    This dissertation engages the following question: how, in the absence of an uncontroversial source of moral guidance, can liberals make political and moral claims across cultural divides? While committed to toleration, liberals cannot escape the compulsion to apply basic standards of equal individual human rights and liberties universally. Under postmetaphysical conditions, however, they no longer find credible arguments that assure them of the sources of these standards in "natural law," "human nature," or "practical reason." Aware that individual rights have their (...)
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    Responsible leadership and project citizenship behavior: A cross-level investigation.Yuxin Yang, Jieying Huang, Pingping Wu, Xujiang Zheng, Han Lin & Shule Ji - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Project citizenship behavior has an important positive impact on project success. Researching how to promote PCB is an important issue in project management. Based on social learning theory and social cognitive theory, this paper adopted the method of questionnaire survey and hierarchical linear model to analyze the collected data derived from the sample of Chinese construction enterprises and verified this hypothesis. The results show that responsible leadership has a significant positive effect on PCB, moral identity mediates this relationship, and collective (...)
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    Use of Stroop Test for Sports Psychology Study: Cross-Over Design Research.Shinji Takahashi & Philip M. Grove - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:614038.
    Background:In sports psychology research, the Stroop test and its derivations are commonly used to investigate the benefits of exercise on cognitive function. The measures of the Stroop test and the computed interference often have different interclass correlation coefficients (ICC). However, the ICC is never reported in cross-over designs involving multiple variances associated with individual differences.Objective:We investigated the ICC of the Stroop neutral and incongruent tests and interference (neutral test—incongruent test), and reverse Stroop task using the linear mixed model.Methods:Forty-eight young (...)
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    South African traditional values and beliefs regarding informed consent and limitations of the principle of respect for autonomy in African communities: a cross-cultural qualitative study.Sylvester C. Chima & Francis Akpa-Inyang - 2021 - BMC Medical Ethics 22 (1):1-17.
    BackgroundThe Western-European concept of libertarian rights-based autonomy, which advocates respect for individual rights, may conflict with African cultural values and norms. African communitarian ethics focuses on the interests of the collective whole or community, rather than rugged individualism. Hence collective decision-making processes take precedence over individual autonomy or consent. This apparent conflict may impact informed consent practice during biomedical research in African communities and may hinder ethical principlism in African bioethics. This study explored African biomedical researchers' perspectives regarding informed consent (...)
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    Ignorance and concession with superlative modifiers: a cross-linguistic perspective.Yi-Hsun Chen - 2024 - Linguistics and Philosophy 47 (3):361-400.
    Superlative modifiers (SMs) are known to demonstrate an ambiguity between an epistemic reading (EPI) conveying speaker ignorance and a concessive reading (CON) conveying speaker concession. Such EPI-CON ambiguity has often been taken, implicitly or explicitly, to be a lexical coincidence. While there may be some justification for such a position when a single language is considered, we argue for an intrinsic connection between the two readings based on cross-linguistic considerations. This paper focuses on English _at least_ and Mandarin _zhi-shao_ (...)
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    Making Referents Seen and Heard Across Signed and Spoken Languages: Documenting and Interpreting Cross-Modal Differences in the Use of Enactment.Sébastien Vandenitte - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13:784339.
    Differences in language use and structures between signed and spoken languages have often been attributed to so-called language “modality.” Indeed, this is derived from the conception that spoken languages resort to both the oral-aural channel of speech and the visual-kinesic channel of visible bodily action whereas signed languages only resort to the latter. This paper addresses the use of enactment, a depictive communicative strategy whereby language users imitate referents in signed and spoken languages. Reviewing comparative research on enactment, this paper (...)
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    Sleep and its Association With Pain and Depression in Nursing Home Patients With Advanced Dementia – a Cross-Sectional Study.Kjersti Marie Blytt, Elisabeth Flo-Groeneboom, Ane Erdal, Bjørn Bjorvatn & Bettina S. Husebo - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Objective: Previous research suggests a positive association between pain, depression and sleep. In this study, we investigate how sleep correlates with varying levels of pain and depression in nursing home patients with dementia.Materials and methods: Cross-sectional study with sleep-related data, derived from two multicenter studies conducted in Norway. We included NH patients with dementia according to the Mini-Mental State Examination from the COSMOS trial and the DEP.PAIN.DEM trial whose sleep was objectively measured with actigraphy. In the COSMOS trial, NH (...)
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    The means end relation and its significance for cross-cultural ethical agreement.William T. Fontaine - 1958 - Philosophy of Science 25 (3):157-162.
    Radical ethical relativism as presented in Ruth Benedict's Patterns of Culture not only denies absolute values, its thesis of the incommensurability of cultural configurations precludes possibility of any agreement on values by individuals of different cultures. This fact provides the proper perspective from which to judge the current controversy between radical and “modified” ethical relativists. A double error is committed, therefore, by those who contend that there has been no reduction of the “area of indeterminacy” existing between the ethical principles (...)
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  46.  60
    On Two Complementary Types of Total Time Derivative in Classical Field Theories and Maxwell’s Equations.R. Smirnov-Rueda - 2005 - Foundations of Physics 35 (10):1695-1723.
    Close insight into mathematical and conceptual structure of classical field theories shows serious inconsistencies in their common basis. In other words, we claim in this work to have come across two severe mathematical blunders in the very foundations of theoretical hydrodynamics. One of the defects concerns the traditional treatment of time derivatives in Eulerian hydrodynamic description. The other one resides in the conventional demonstration of the so-called Convection Theorem. Both approaches are thought to be necessary for cross-verification of (...)
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    Economics and Psychology: A Promising New Cross-Disciplinary Field.Bruno S. Frey & Alois Stutzer (eds.) - 2007 - MIT Press.
    The integration of economics and psychology has created a vibrant and fruitful emerging field of study. The essays in Economics and Psychology take a broad view of the interface between these two disciplines, going beyond the usual focus on "behavioral economics." As documented in this volume, the influence of psychology on economics has been responsible for a view of human behavior that calls into question the assumption of complete rationality, the acceptance of experiments as a valid method of economic research, (...)
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    Trance, Dissociation, and Shamanism: A Cross-Cultural Model.Connor Wood, Saikou Diallo, Ross Gore & Christopher J. Lynch - 2018 - Journal of Cognition and Culture 18 (5):508-536.
    Religious practices centered on controlled trance states, such as Siberian shamanism or North African zar, are ubiquitous, yet their characteristics vary. In particular, cross-cultural research finds that female-dominated spirit possession cults are common in stratified societies, whereas male-dominated shamanism predominates in structurally flatter cultures. Here, we present an agent-based model that explores factors, including social stratification and psychological dissociation, that may partially account for this pattern. We posit that, in more stratified societies, female agents suffer from higher levels of (...)
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    Doing Justice to the Future: A global index of intergenerational solidarity derived from national statistics.Jamie McQuilkin - 2018 - Intergenerational Justice Review 4 (1).
    This paper proposes an index of national levels of “intergenerational solidarity”, defined as “investments or sacrifices that are intended to increase or sustain the wellbeing of future generations”. This is measured by examining changes to the value and stability of various capital flows and stocks. Nine indicators are drawn from national-level statistics: forest degradation rate, share of low-carbon energy consumption, and carbon footprint in the environmental dimension; adjusted net savings, current account balance, and wealth in equality in the economic dimension; (...)
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    Rural and Urban Place Renewal in Cross-Sector Partnerships. [REVIEW]Ana Cristina Dahik Loor, Todd W. Moss & Suho Han - 2023 - Journal of Business Ethics 184 (4):793-812.
    Despite the acknowledged importance of the meanings that people attach to places (e.g., homes, businesses, communities), the literature on cross-sector partnerships (CSPs) provides few insights into how place influences CSPs and how CSPs influence the places where they are enacted. To address this oversight, we explore the role of place using an inductive comparative study of nine CSPs, split across five rural cooperative enterprises and four urban social enterprises that have a common private-sector partner. We inductively derive a process (...)
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