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  1. Reflections on Law and Its Inner Morality.Csaba Varga - 1985 - Rivista Internazionale di Filosofia Del Diritto 62 (3):439-451.
    1. Law and morals as two systems of norms, and the inner morality of law 2. Law as a value bearer and as a mere external indicator 3. The inner and external moral credit of legislator 4. The inner morality of law. As to the last paragraph, the most striking feature of the inner morality of law is that it is such a possible characteristic, surplus quality which is not a sine qua non, which law is conceivable without. However, it (...)
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    Algunas cuestiones metodológicas de la formación de los conceptos en ciencias jurídicas.Csaba Varga - 1982 - Maracaibo: Instituto de Filosofía del Derecho LUZ, Facultad de Derecho.
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  3. Central and Eastern European Philosophy of Law.Csaba Varga - 1999 - In Christopher Berry Gray (ed.), The philosophy of law: an encyclopedia. New York: Garland. pp. 98--100.
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  4. Codification.Csaba Varga - 1999 - In Christopher Berry Gray (ed.), The philosophy of law: an encyclopedia. New York: Garland. pp. 120--122.
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  5. Comparative legal cultures: on traditions classified, their rapprochement & transfer, and the anarchy of hyper-rationalism with appendix on legal ethnography.Csaba Varga - 2012 - Budapest: Szent István Társulat.
    Disciplinary issues -- Field studies -- Appendix: Theory of law : legal ethnography, or, the theoretical fruits of the inquiries into folkways. /// Reedition of papers in English spanning from 1995 to 2008 /// DISCIPLINARY ISSUES -- LAW AS CULTURE? [2002] 9–14 // TRENDS IN COMPARATIVE LEGAL STUDIES [2002] 15–17 // COMPARATIVE LEGAL CULTURES: ATTEMPTS AT CONCEPTUALISATION [1997] 19–28: 1. Legal Culture in a Cultural-anthropological Approach 19 / 2. Legal Culture in a Sociological Approach 21 / 3. Timely Issues of (...)
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  6. Contemporary legal philosophising: Schmitt, Kelsen, Lukács, Hart, & law and literature, with Marxism's dark legacy in Central Europe (on teaching legal philosophy in appendix).Csaba Varga - 2013 - Budapest: Szent István Társulat.
    Reedition of papers in English spanning from 1986 to 2009 /// Historical background -- An imposed legacy -- Twentieth century contemporaneity -- Appendix: The philosophy of teaching legal philosophy in Hungary /// HISTORICAL BACKGROUND -- PHILOSOPHY OF LAW IN CENTRAL & EASTERN EUROPE: A SKETCH OF HISTORY [1999] 11–21 // PHILOSOPHISING ON LAW IN THE TURMOIL OF COMMUNIST TAKEOVER IN HUNGARY (TWO PORTRAITS, INTERWAR AND POSTWAR: JULIUS MOÓR & ISTVÁN LOSONCZY) [2001–2002] 23–39: Julius Moór 23 / István Losonczy 29 // (...)
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  7. Change of paradigms in legal reconstruction: Carls Schmitt and the temptation to finally reach a synthesis.Csaba Varga - 2004 - Rivista Internazionale di Filosofia Del Diritto 4 (4):691-708.
  8. Etudes en philosophie du droit =.Csaba Varga - 1994 - Budapest: Projet sur des cultures juridiques comparées de la Faculté de droit de l'Université Loránd Eötvös.
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  9. Ex Post Facto Legislation.Csaba Varga - 1999 - In Christopher Berry Gray (ed.), The philosophy of law: an encyclopedia. New York: Garland. pp. 274--276.
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  10. History (Historicity) of Law.Csaba Varga - 1999 - In Christopher Berry Gray (ed.), The philosophy of law: an encyclopedia. New York: Garland. pp. 371--373.
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    Jog és filozófia: antológia a század első felének kontinentális jogi gondolkodása köréből.Csaba Varga (ed.) - 1998 - Budapest: Osiris.
    Classical texts of continental legal theorising in Hungarian translation: RUDOLF VON JHERING: Kampf ums Recht [1872] / EUGEN EHRLICH: Freie Rechtsfindung und freie Rechtswissenschaft [1903] / HERMANN KANTOROWICZ: Der Kampf um die Rechtswissenschaft [1906] / RUDOLF STAMMLER: Richtiges Recht [1908] & excerpts from his Theorie der Rechtswissenschaft [1911/1923] & Richtiges Recht [1921] / FRANÇOIS GÉNY: Science et technique en droit privé positif [1924: excerpts] / GUSTAV RADBRUCH: Rechtsphilosophie [1932: excerpts] / HANS KELSEN ‘The Pure Theory of Law and Analytical Jurisprudence’ (...)
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    Jog és filozófia: antológia a század első felének polgári jogelméleti irodalma köréből.Csaba Varga (ed.) - 1981 - Budapest: Akadémia Kiadó.
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    Jogi elméletek, jogi kultúrák: kritikák, ismertetések a jogfilozófia és az összehasonlító jog köréből.Csaba Varga - 1994 - Budapest: [ELTE Állam- és Jogtudományi Kar].
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    Jogi elméletek, jogi kultúrák: kritikák, ismertetések a jogfilozófia és az összehasonlító jog köréből.Csaba Varga - 1994 - Budapest: [ELTE Állam- és Jogtudományi Kar].
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  15. Law and Philosophy: Selected Papers in Legal Theory.Csaba Varga (ed.) - 1994 - Budapest: ELTE “Comparative Legal Cultures” Project.
    Photomechanical reprint of papers from 1970 to 1992 mostly in English, some in German or French: Foreword 1–4; LAW AS PRACTICE ‘La formation des concepts en sciences juridiques’ 7–33, ‘Geltung des Rechts – Wirksamkeit des Rechts’ 35–42, ‘Macrosociological Theories of Law’ 43–76, ‘Law & its Inner Morality’ 77–89, ‘The Law & its Limits’ 91–96; LAW AS TECHNIQUE ‘Domaine »externe« & domaine »interne« en droit’ 99–117, ‘Die ministerielle Begründung’ 119–139, ‘The Preamble’ 141–167, ‘Presumption & Fiction’ 169–185, ‘Legal Technique’187–198; LAW AS LOGIC (...)
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  16. Legal Ontology (Metaphysics).Csaba Varga - 1999 - In Christopher Berry Gray (ed.), The philosophy of law: an encyclopedia. New York: Garland. pp. 617--619.
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  17. Legal scholarship at the threshold of a new millennium.Csaba Varga - 2002 - Rechtstheorie 33 (2-4):515-531.
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    On Judicial Ascertainment of Facts.Csaba Varga - 1991 - Ratio Juris 4 (1):61-71.
    I. Playing a Game II. The Precondition to Mete out a Legal Sanction III. A Non-cognitively Homogeneous Activity IV. The Reproduction of the Law as a System 1. The Claim for Normative Closedness 2. The Openness of the Communication about Facts Rule of law proclaims the ethos of legal distinctiveness through institutionalizing normative closure, while the rule of facts proclaims a legal functioning embedded in facts as rooted in common sense evidence, backed by practical openness in its functioning. All in (...)
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    Philosophical Foundation and Constitutional Rejection in Hungary.Csaba Varga - 2013 - History of Communism in Europe 4:22-43.
    There are internationally set criteria that apply in the case of a legacy of grave and systematic violations of human rights, generating obligations of the state towards the victims and society. They specify: a right of the victim to see justice done, a right to know the truth, an entitlement to compensation and nonmonetary forms of restitution, as well as a right to reorganized and accountable institutions. Facing the complete failure of implementing the first three points, one can claim that (...)
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    Pravo: teorii︠a︡ i filosofii︠a︡.Csaba Varga - 1994 - Budapesht: [S.N.].
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  21. Rechtsphilosophische Aufsätze.Csaba Varga (ed.) - 1994 - Budapest: Budapest: ELTE “Comparative Legal Cultures” Project.
    Photomechanical reprint of papers & review articles from 1974 to 1992 mostly in German, some in Swedish or Danish: AUFSÄTZE ‘Beiträge zu den Beziehungen zwischen Gustav Radbruch & Georg Lukács’ [1979] / ‘Die Entwicklung des rechtstheoretischen Denkens in der Ungarischen Räterepublik’ [1969] / ‘Die Kodifikation & ihr Verfall in der Entwicklungsgeschichte der bürgerlichen Demokratie’ [1978] / ‘Rationalitet och rättens objektifiering’ [1975] / ‘Utopi og Kodifikation’ [1976] / ‘Historisches Wesen & aktuelle Bedeutung der Kodifikation’ [1977] / ‘Rechtssetzung als Objektivationsprozesses’ [1979] / (...)
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  22. Rule of law. Between the scylla of imported patterns and the charybdis of actual realisations (the experience of Lithuania).Csaba Varga - 2006 - Rechtstheorie 37 (3):349-359.
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    The Contemporaneity of Lukacs' Ideas with Modern Social Theoretical Thought.Csaba Varga - 2013 - Archiv für Rechts- und Sozialphilosophie 99 (1):42-54.
    Investingating mediations between the social total complex and its partial complexes, Lukács emphasised language and law as aents having the sole function to mediate. Ideology as part of human's societal existence is itself organic component of the ontology of social existence. The way we think in is part of what we truly are. Juristic world-view as the deontoloy of the legal profession is one of the factors of the law's social existence. Actual decision making in law is modelled by the (...)
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  24. The philosophy of the construction and operation of european law.Csaba Varga - 2011 - Rivista Internazionale di Filosofia Del Diritto 88 (3):313-344.
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    The paradigms of legal thinking.Csaba Varga - 2012 - Budapest: Szent István Társulat. Edited by Csaba Varga.
    La 4e de couverture indique : "The author introduces the reader to reasoning in law through the possilities, boundaries and traps of assuming personal responsibility and impersonal pattern adoption that have arisen in the history of human thought and in the various legal cultures. He discloses actual processes hidden by the veil of patterns followed in thinking, processes that we encounter both in our conceptual-logical quests for certainties and in the undertaking of fertilising ambiguity. When trying to identify definitions lurking (...)
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  26. The place of law in Lukács' world concept.Csaba Varga - 1985 - Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó.
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    The ‘Hart-Phenomenon’.Csaba Varga - 2005 - Archiv für Rechts- und Sozialphilosophie 91 (1):83-95.
    The ‘Hart-miracle’, then the ‘Hart-phenomenon’ are analysed through surveying (1) the state of legal philosophising in England preceding Hart, (2) his professional career and (3) the early British reception of his work, including (4) the kinds of criticism as to its methodology and presuppositions as well as (5) its becoming a master type of jurisprudence with Oxford as a centre. Taking it as a mainstream, the continental tradition of encouragement to productive thinking characteristic even of Kelsenism is contrasted with its (...)
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