Results for 'Curriculum change'

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  1. Curriculum change, student evaluation, and teacher practical knowledge.Lois Duffee & Glen Aikenhead - 1992 - Science Education 76 (5):493-506.
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    Curriculum Change: Limits and Possibilities.Michael F. D. Young - 1975 - Educational Studies 1 (2):129-138.
    * This paper was originally given as one of the Doris Lee Lectures on February 20th 1975, at the University of London Institute of Education.
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    Curriculum Change in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries.Peter Gordon & Denis Lawton - 1979 - British Journal of Educational Studies 27 (3):268-269.
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    Curriculum change and ‘crisis’.J. R. Webster - 1976 - British Journal of Educational Studies 24 (3):203-218.
  5. How much curriculum change is appropriate? Defining a zone of feasible innovation.John M. Rogan - 2007 - Science Education 91 (3):439-460.
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    The Good Life and The Role of Citizen Education in Philosophy Curriculum.Young Ran Chang - 2009 - 동서철학연구(Dong Seo Cheol Hak Yeon Gu; Studies in Philosophy East-West) 54:441-464.
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    The Politics and Practicalities of Curriculum Change 1991-2000: Issues Arising from a Study of School Geography in England. [REVIEW]Eleanor M. Rawling - 2001 - British Journal of Educational Studies 49 (2):137 - 158.
    A case study of the changing geography curriculum illuminates the continuing struggles over subject knowledge at national level, and highlights more general issues about ideology and the politics of curriculum change 1991-2000. The investigation focuses on the processes and impacts of two National Curriculum Reviews and the changing policy trends and structures becoming apparent under New Labour. Three phrases of curriculum policy-making are tentatively recognised, raising questions for further research.
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    Visual Culture Education Through the Philosophy for Children Program.Yong-Sock Chang & Ji–Young Kim - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 37:27-34.
    The appearance of mass media and a versatile medium of videos can serve the convenience and instructive information for children; on the other hand, it could abet them in implicit image consumption. Now is the time for kids' to be in need of thinking power which enables them to make a choice, applications andcriticism of information within such visual cultures. In spite of these social changes, the realities are that our curriculum still doesn't meet a learner's demand properly. This (...)
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    Schools, Teachers, and Curriculum Change: The Moral Dimension of Theory‐Building.William A. Reid - 1979 - Educational Theory 29 (4):325-336.
  10. Changing the educational landscape: philosophy, women, and curriculum.Jane Roland Martin - 1994 - London: Routledge.
    Changing the Educational Landscape is a collection of the best-known and best-loved essays by the renowned feminist philosopher of education, Jane Roland Martin. Trained as an analytic philosopher at a time before women or feminist ideas were welcome in the field, Martin brought a philosopher's detachment to her earliest efforts at revolutionizing the curriculum. Her later essays on women and gender further showcase the tremendous intellectual energy she brought to the field of feminist educational theory. Martin explores the challenges (...)
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    Changing planes: rhizosemiotic play in transnational curriculum inquiry.Noel Gough - 2007 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 26 (3):279-294.
    This essay juxtaposes concepts created by Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari with worlds imagined by Ursula Le Guin in a performance of ‘rhizosemiotic play’ that explores some possible ways of generating and sustaining what William Pinar calls ‘complicated conversation’ within the regime of signs that constitutes an increasingly internationalized curriculum field. Deleuze and Guattari analyze thinking as flows or movements across space. They argue, for example, that every mode of intellectual inquiry needs to account for the plane of immanence (...)
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    Curriculum and Learning for Climate Action: Toward an SDG 4.7 Roadmap for Systems Change.Radhika Iyengar & Christina T. Kwauk (eds.) - 2021 - BRILL.
    _Curriculum and Learning for Climate Action_ offers researchers, practitioners, donors, and decisionmakers insights into entry points for education systems change needed to reorient human society’s relationship with our planetary systems.
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    The Changing Role of Chinese English-as-Foreign-Language Teachers in the Context of Curriculum Reform: Teachers’ Understanding of Their New Role.Man Lei & Jane Medwell - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    The New Curriculum Standards for teaching English introduced major changes in the culture of teaching and learning English in the Peoples Republic of China. Changes have been linked to changing goals for English instruction and a revision of Confucian values in schooling. In this article, we argue that this English curriculum proposes a new role, with new demands, for English-as-foreign-language teachers in the PRC. In order to implement the curriculum reform successfully, teachers involved in the reform are (...)
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  14. The Curriculum Experiment: Meeting the Challenge of Social Change.John Elliott - 1999 - British Journal of Educational Studies 47 (2):196-198.
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    Changing the Educational Landscape: Philosophy, Women, and Curriculum.Charlene Morton - 1996 - Paideusis: Journal of the Canadian Philosophy of Education Society 10 (1):45-48.
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    Farming for change: developing a participatory curriculum on agroecology, nutrition, climate change and social equity in Malawi and Tanzania.Rachel Bezner Kerr, Sera L. Young, Carrie Young, Marianne V. Santoso, Mufunanji Magalasi, Martin Entz, Esther Lupafya, Laifolo Dakishoni, Vicki Morrone, David Wolfe & Sieglinde S. Snapp - 2019 - Agriculture and Human Values 36 (3):549-566.
    How to engage farmers that have limited formal education is at the foundation of environmentally-sound and equitable agricultural development. Yet there are few examples of curricula that support the co-development of knowledge with farmers. While transdisciplinary and participatory techniques are considered key components of agroecology, how to do so is rarely specified and few materials are available, especially those relevant to smallholder farmers with limited formal education in Sub-Saharan Africa. The few training materials that exist provide appropriate methods, such as (...)
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  17. Changing the Educational Landscape: Philosophy, Women, and Curriculum.R. J. Martin - 1996 - British Journal of Educational Studies 44:221-221.
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    Changing the CurriculumNew Priorities in the Curriculum.Charity James, John F. Kerr & Louise M. Berman - 1969 - British Journal of Educational Studies 17 (2):223.
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    Changing the Educational Landscape: Philosophy, Women, and Curriculum.Joyce Goodman & J. Roland Martin - 1996 - British Journal of Educational Studies 44 (2):221.
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    Ethics Education in U.S. Allopathic Medical Schools: A National Survey of Medical School Deans and Ethics Course Directors.Chad M. Teven, Michael A. Howard, Timothy J. Ingall, Elisabeth S. Lim, Yu-Hui H. Chang, Lyndsay A. Kandi, Jon C. Tilburt, Ellen C. Meltzer & Nicholas R. Jarvis - 2023 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 34 (4):328-341.
    Purpose: to characterize ethics course content, structure, resources, pedagogic methods, and opinions among academic administrators and course directors at U.S. medical schools. Method: An online questionnaire addressed to academic deans and ethics course directors identified by medical school websites was emailed to 157 Association of American Medical Colleges member medical schools in two successive waves in early 2022. Descriptive statistics were utilized to summarize responses. Results: Representatives from 61 (39%) schools responded. Thirty-two (52%) respondents were course directors; 26 (43%) were (...)
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    Operation-Specific Lexical Consistency Effect in Fronto-Insular-Parietal Network During Word Problem Solving.Chan-Tat Ng, Tzu-Chen Lung & Ting-Ting Chang - 2021 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 15.
    The practice of mathematical word problem is ubiquitous and thought to impact academic achievement. However, the underlying neural mechanisms are still poorly understood. In this study, we investigate how lexical consistency of word problem description is modulated in adults' brain responses during word problem solution. Using functional magnetic resonance imaging methods, we examined compare word problems that included relational statements, such as “A dumpling costs 9 dollars. A wonton is 2 dollars less than a dumpling. How much does a wonton (...)
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    The Curriculum: Research Innovation and Change.P. H. Taylor & J. Walton - 1974 - British Journal of Educational Studies 22 (2):208-209.
  23. Curriculum Development in the Postmodern Era.Patrick Slattery - 2006 - Routledge.
    Curriculum Development in the Postmodern Era provided the first introduction and analysis of contemporary concepts of curriculum development in relation to postmodernism. It challenged educators to transcend purely traditional approaches to curriculum development and instead incorporate various postmodern discourses into their reflection and action in schools. Since publication in 1995, the curriculum studies field has exploded, the very notion of the postmodern has shifted, and the landscape of American schooling has changed dramatically-federal policies like No Child (...)
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  24. Curriculum ecologies : paradigmatic shifts in discourses of change in post-apartheid South Africa.Simeon Maile - 2021 - In Kehdinga George Fomunyam & Simon Bheki Khoza (eds.), Curriculum Theory, Curriculum Theorising, and the Theoriser: The African Theorising Perspective. Boston: Brill | Sense.
  25. Critical Essays on Major Curriculum Theorists.David Scott - 2007 - Routledge.
    This volume offers a critical appreciation of the work of 16 leading curriculum theorists through critical expositions of their writings. Written by a leading name in Curriculum Studies, the book includes a balance of established curriculum thinkers and contemporary curriculum analysts from education as well as philosophy, sociology and psychology. With theorists from the UK, the US and Europe, there is also a spread of political perspectives from radical conservatism through liberalism to socialism and libertarianism. Theorists (...)
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    The Changing Curriculum.A. C. F. Beales - 1971 - British Journal of Educational Studies 19 (3):339.
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    Missing links in the public school curriculum: Four dimensions for change.C. Lynn Jenks - 2004 - World Futures 60 (3):195 – 216.
    Our society is changing at a pace hardly imagined a century, even a few decades ago. The role of education is crucial in helping prepare our young people to both cope with and take responsibility for shaping these changes in ways consistent with the values of a free society. To this end, four overarching themes for change in curriculum are examined: the competencies and attitudes needed to understand and engage in systems thinking; the development of self and inter-personal (...)
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  28. National History Curriculum: Continuity and Change.Patricia Hincks - 2009 - Agora (History Teachers' Association of Victoria) 44 (4):29.
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    Changing organisational routines in doctoral education: an intervention to infuse social justice into a social welfare curriculum.Valerie B. Shapiro, Kimberly D. Hudson, Carrie A. Moylan & Amelia S. Derr - 2015 - Arbor 191 (771):a202.
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    The Arts 5-16: Changing the AgendaThe London File. Music Education and the National Curriculum.Ernest Bowcott, John White & Keith Swanwick - 1992 - British Journal of Educational Studies 40 (3):284.
  31. The Curriculum and Meaningful Objectives.John P. Portelli - 1985 - Analytic Teaching and Philosophical Praxis 6 (2).
    Curriculum theorists are, among other things, engaged in attempts at producing models of curriculum design and/or curriculum development. Such attempts, according to Robin Barrow, aim at establishing "a set of ideal steps that will both lead to coherent proposals for curriculum change and, when incorporated in the curriculum proposal, enable it to be successfully adopted." Establishing such "a set of ideal steps" involves a consideration of needs, practical constraints, curriculum content and curriculum (...)
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    School Health Education in Changing Times: Curriculum, Pedagogies and Partnerships.Deana Leahy, Lisette Burrows, Louise McCuaig, Jan Wright & Dawn Penney - 2015 - Routledge.
    This book explores the complex nexus of discourses, principles and practices within which educators mobilise school-based health education. Through an interrogation of the ideas informing particular models and approaches to health education, the authors provide critical insights into the principles and practices underpinning approaches to health education policy, curriculum, pedagogy and assessment. Drawing on extensive literature and research, the book explores and considers what health education can and should do. Chapters examine the extent to which health education, past and (...)
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    Conversations of curriculum reform: students' and teachers' voices interpreted through autobiographical and phenomenological texts.Kathryn M. Benson - 2006 - New York: Peter Lang.
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    Referents for changing a science curriculum: A case study of one teacher's change in beliefs.Kenneth G. Tobin, Deborah J. Tippins & Karl Hook - 1994 - Science & Education 3 (3):245-264.
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    Expanding Curriculum Theory: Dis/Positions and Lines of Flight.William M. Reynolds & Julie A. Webber (eds.) - 2004 - Routledge.
    _Expanding Curriculum Theory, Second Edition_ carries through the major focus of the original volume—to reflect on the influence of Deleuze and Guattari’s concept of "lines of flight" and its application to curriculum theorizing. What is different is that the lines of flight have since shifted and produced expanded understandings of this concept for curriculum theory and for education in general. This edition reflects the impact of events that have contributed to this shift, in particular the logic of (...)
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  36. The Curriculum Studies Reader.David J. Flinders & Stephen J. Thornton (eds.) - 2004 - Routledge.
    This highly anticipated second edition of The Curriculum Studies Reader retains key features of the successful first edition while incorporating an updated introduction and new, timely essays. Grounded in historical essays, the volume provides context for the growing field of curriculum studies, reflects upon the trends that have dominated the field, and samples the best of current scholarship. This thoughtful combination of essays provides a survey of the field coupled with concrete examples of innovative curriculum, and an (...)
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  37. The humanities curriculum in a changing world.Kate Harvie - 2013 - Ethos: Social Education Victoria 21 (1):10.
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    The Management of Curriculum DevelopmentSocial Change, Educational Theory and Curriculum Planning.W. A. Reid, J. G. Owen & Denis Lawton - 1974 - British Journal of Educational Studies 22 (3):360.
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    Teachers' beliefs and mathematics curriculum reform.Qian Chen & 陈倩 - 2010 - Dissertation, The University of Hong Kong (Pokfulam, Hong Kong)
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    Investigating the Undergraduate Turkish Teaching Curriculum within the Context of the Recent Educational Policy Changes and Some Suggestions.Saadettin Kekli̇k - 2013 - Journal of Turkish Studies 8.
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    (1 other version)Curriculum Design and Epistemic Ascent.Christopher Winch - 2012 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 46 (4):128-146.
    Three kinds of knowledge usually recognised by epistemologists are identified and their relevance for curriculum design is discussed. These are: propositional knowledge, know-how and knowledge by acquaintance. The inferential nature of propositional knowledge is argued for and it is suggested that propositional knowledge in fact presupposes the ability to know how to make appropriate inferences within a body of knowledge, whether systematic or unsystematic. This thesis is developed along lines suggested in the earlier work of Paul Hirst. The different (...)
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  42. Ignoring difference : how an anti-divisive concepts law changed the trajectory of an anti-bias curriculum project.Joy Dangora Erickson & Kyleigh P. Rousseau - 2025 - In Cara E. Furman & Tomas de Rezende Rocha (eds.), Teachers and philosophy: essays on the contact zone. Albany: State University of New York Press.
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    A National Curriculum for Wales: A Case Study of Education Policy-Making in the Era of Administrative Devolution.Richard Daugherty & Prydwen Elfed-Owens - 2003 - British Journal of Educational Studies 51 (3):233 - 253.
    The 1988 Education Reform Act legislated for a statutory curriculum in state-funded schools in England and Wales. This study explores how, out of a common curriculum framework for both countries, there emerged a school curriculum that was adapted to the distinctiveness of the linguistic and cultural context in Wales. The roles of those most closely involved in policy development in Wales are examined as is the relationship between the 'national' and 'territorial' arenas of policy-making in the months (...)
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    Constructivist Curriculum Design for the Interdisciplinary Study Programme MEi:CogSci – A Case Study.Elisabeth Zimmermann, Markus Peschl & Brigitte Römmer-Nossek - 2010 - Constructivist Foundations 5 (3):144-157.
    Context: Cognitive science, as an interdisciplinary research endeavour, poses challenges for teaching and learning insofar as the integration of various participating disciplines requires a reflective approach, considering and making explicit different epistemological attitudes and hidden assumptions and premises. Only few curricula in cognitive science face this integrative challenge. Problem: The lack of integrative activities might result from different challenges for people involved in truly interdisciplinary efforts, such as discussing issues on a conceptual level, negotiating colliding frameworks or sets of premises, (...)
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    Teaching the Japanese American Internment: A Case Study of Social Studies Curriculum Conflict and Change.Steven P. Camicia - 2009 - Journal of Social Studies Research 33 (1):113-132.
  46. A move to the integrated curriculum.Richard Acland - 1967 - Exeter, Eng.: University of Exeter, Institute of Education.
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    (1 other version)Translating the Prescribed into the Enacted Curriculum in College and School.Richard Edwards - 1991 - In Tara Fenwick & Richard Edwards (eds.), Researching Education Through Actor-Network Theory. Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 23–39.
    This chapter contains sections titled: Introduction Background to the Study Actor‐Network Theory The Prescribed Curriculum: An (In)visible Token? Inferences Acknowledgments References.
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    Changing Views on Media Ethics and Societal Functions among Students in Singapore.Benjamin Hill Detenber & Sonny Rosenthal - 2014 - Journal of Mass Media Ethics 29 (2):108-125.
    This panel study assessed changes in ethical ideology and beliefs about the societal function of media over the course of undergraduate communication education in Singapore. First, students' agreement with the ethical principles of truth telling, independence, and accountability increased. Second, change in agreement with the ethical principle of minimizing harm was negatively related to change in justification of contentious newsgathering methods. Third, belief that the media should function as a watchdog increased and that it should serve national development (...)
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  49. Problematising Western philosophy as one part of Africanising the curriculum.Lucy Allais - 2016 - South African Journal of Philosophy 35 (4):537-545.
    This paper argues that one part of the picture of thinking about decolonising the philosophy curriculum should include problematising the notion of Western philosophy. I argue that there are many problems with the idea of Western philosophy, and with the idea that decolonising the curriculum should involve rejecting so-called Western philosophy. Doing this could include granting the West a false narrative about its origins, influences and interactions, perpetuating exclusions within contemporary and recent North American and European philosophy, perpetuating (...)
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    Curriculum, Pedagogy and Educational Research: The Work of Lawrence Stenhouse.John Elliot & Nigel Norris (eds.) - 2012 - New York: Routledge.
    Lawrence Stenhouse was one of the most distinguished, original and influential educationalists of his generation. His theories about curriculum, curriculum development, pedagogy, teacher research, and research as a basis for teaching remain compelling and fresh and continue to be a counterpoint to instrumental and technocratic thinking in education. In this book, renowned educationalists describe Stenhouseâe(tm)s contribution to education, explore the contemporary relevance of his thinking and bring his work and legacy to the attention of a wide range of (...)
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