Results for 'Curt Englert-Faye'

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  1. Kant's Favorite Argument for Our Immortality: The Teleological Argument.Alexander T. Englert - 2023 - Res Philosophica 100 (3):357-388.
    Kant’s claim that we must postulate the immortality of the soul is polarizing. While much attention has been paid to two standard arguments in its defense (one moral-psychological, the other rational), I contend that a favorite argument of Kant’s from the apogee of his critical period, namely, the teleological argument, deserves renewed attention. This paper reconstructs it and exhibits what makes it unique (though not necessarily superior) in relation to the other arguments. In particular, its form (as third-personal or descriptive, (...)
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  2. Dutifully Wishing: Kant’s Re-evaluation of a Strange Species of Desire.Alexander T. Englert - 2017 - Kantian Review 22 (3):373-394.
    Kant uses ‘wish’ as a technical term to denote a strange species of desire. It is an instance in which someone wills an object that she simultaneously knows she cannot bring about. Or in more Kantian garb: it is an instance of the faculty of desire’s (or will’s) failing insofar as a desire (representation) cannot be the cause of the realization of its corresponding object in reality. As a result, Kant originally maintained it to be antithetical to morality, which deals (...)
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  3. On the nature and the observability of the causal relation.Curt J. Ducasse - 1926 - Journal of Philosophy 23 (3):57-68.
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    Again, No Evidence for or Against the Existence of Ego Depletion: Opinion on “A Multi-Site Preregistered Paradigmatic Test of the Ego Depletion Effect”.Chris Englert & Alex Bertrams - 2021 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 15.
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    Nature, mind, and death.Curt John Ducasse - 1951 - La Salle, Ill.,: Open Court Pub. Co..
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    Philosophy as a science, its matter and its method.Curt John Ducasse - 1941 - Westport, Conn.,: Greenwood Press.
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  7. Barad, Bohr, and quantum mechanics.Jan Faye & Rasmus Jaksland - 2021 - Synthese 199:8231-8255.
    The last decade has seen an increasing number of references to quantum mechanics in the humanities and social sciences. This development has in particular been driven by Karen Barad’s agential realism: a theoretical framework that, based on Niels Bohr’s interpretation of quantum mechanics, aims to inform social theorizing. In dealing with notions such as agency, power, and embodiment as well as the relation between the material and the discursive level, the influence of agential realism in fields such as feminist science (...)
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  8. Copenhagen interpretation of quantum mechanics.Jan Faye - 2008 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
    As the theory of the atom, quantum mechanics is perhaps the most successful theory in the history of science. It enables physicists, chemists, and technicians to calculate and predict the outcome of a vast number of experiments and to create new and advanced technology based on the insight into the behavior of atomic objects. But it is also a theory that challenges our imagination. It seems to violate some fundamental principles of classical physics, principles that eventually have become a part (...)
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    "A Mark of the Growing Mind is Veneration of Objects" (Ludwig Wittgenstein).Fay Horton Sawyier - 1992 - Hume Studies 18 (2):315-329.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:"A Mark ofthe Growing Mind is Veneration of Objects" (Ludwig Wittgenstein) Fay Horton Sawyier Introduction In book 1 of the Treatise,1 Hume directs his attention to two sets of concepts; one of these sets is what I think of as the "basic epistemological set" and the other as the "basic metaphysical or ontological set." Except for the idea of personal identity, the First Inquiry2 addresses the same arrays of (...)
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  10. Contemporary philosophy of social science: a multicultural approach.Brian Fay - 1996 - Cambridge, Mass: Blackwell.
    This volume provides a lucid and distinct introduction to multiculturalism and the philosophy of social science.
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    Is spin coherence like Humpty-Dumpty? I. Simplified treatment.Berthold-Georg Englert, Julian Schwinger & Marlan O. Scully - 1988 - Foundations of Physics 18 (10):1045-1056.
    When Humpty-Dumpty had his great fall nobody could put him together again. A vastly more moderate challenge is to reunite the two partial beams of a Stern-Gerlach apparatus with such precision that the original spin state is recovered. Nevertheless, as we demonstrate, a substantial loss of spin coherence always occurs, unless the experimenter is able to control the magnetic field's inhomogeneity with an accuracy of at least one part in 105.
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  12. Causation: Perceivable? Or only inferred?Curt J. Ducasse - 1965 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 26 (December):173-179.
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    Integrating attentional control theory and the strength model of self-control.Chris Englert & Alex Bertrams - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    The State, Zionism and the Nazi Genocide.Sai Englert - 2018 - Historical Materialism 26 (2):149-177.
    This paper explores contemporary Jewish identity-formation and the centrality of official Holocaust memory and Zionism – understood as the ongoing settler-colonial project aiming at the formation and maintenance of a Jewish-exclusivist state in Palestine – to this process. It argues that identity politics within the Jewish community are based on an understanding of identity, which assumes it to be static and individual. In doing so, this political approach reproduces the essentialisation of Jewish communities under the banner of Zionism and official (...)
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    Depth-first heuristic search on a SIMD machine.Curt Powley, Chris Ferguson & Richard E. Korf - 1993 - Artificial Intelligence 60 (2):199-242.
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    Policy-led virtue cultivation : can we nudge citizens towards developing virtues?Fay Niker - 2018 - In Tom Harrison & David Ian Walker (eds.), The Theory and Practice of Virtue Education. New York: Routledge. pp. 153-167.
    This chapter examines what role new behaviour-modification policies – commonly known as “nudges” – might play in cultivating virtues. At first sight, they would appear to be ruled out as a candidate means; but, by offering a more nuanced analysis, the chapter argues that some nudges have virtue-cultivating properties. It distinguishes between two kinds of nudges – 'automatic-behavioural' and 'discernment-developing' – and shows that what divides them is the ability of the latter, which the former lacks, to play an ecological-educative (...)
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  17. The Conceptual Origin of Worldview in Kant and Fichte.Alexander T. Englert - 2023 - Journal of Transcendental Philosophy 4 (1):1-24.
    Kant and Fichte developed the concept of a worldview as a way of reflecting on experience as a whole. But what does it mean to form a worldview? And what role did it play in the German Idealist tradition? This paper seeks to answer these questions through a detailed analysis of the form of a philosophical worldview and its historical portent, both of which remain unexplored in the literature. The dearth of attention is partially to blame on Kant’s desultory development (...)
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  18. (1 other version)Backward causation.Jan Faye - 2008 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
    Sometimes also called retro causation. A common feature of our world seems to be that in all cases of causation, the cause and the effect are placed in time so that the cause precedes its effect temporally. Our normal understanding of causation assumes this feature to such a degree that we intuitively have great difficulty imagining things differently. The notion of backward causation, however, stands for the idea that the temporal order of cause and effect is a mere contingent feature (...)
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    Moving from Codes of Ethics to Ethical Relationships for Midwifery Practice.Faye E. Thompson - 2002 - Nursing Ethics 9 (5):522-536.
    This discussion examines the emergence of professional codes of ethics, influences that shape contemporary midwifery ethics, and the adequacy of codes to actualize values embedded in the midwifery ethics discourse. It considers the traditions of professional practice, the impact of institutionalization on health care, the application of a code of practice as a recent addition to those traditions, and the strengths and weaknesses of codes of ethics as models for ethical responses. That is, it sets out to articulate and deconstruct (...)
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  20. Kant on the Highest Good and Moral Arguments.Alexander T. Englert & Andrew Chignell - 2024 - In Andrew Stephenson & Anil Gomes (eds.). Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.
    Kant’s accounts of the Highest Good and the moral argument for God and immortality are central features of his philosophy. But both involve lingering puzzles. In this entry, we first explore what the Highest Good is for Kant and the role it plays in a complete account of ethical life. We then focus on whether the Highest Good involves individuals only, or whether it also connects with Kant’s doctrines about the moral progress of the species. In conclusion, we look into (...)
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  21. Mach's principle and Mach's hypotheses.Jonathan Fay - 2024 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 103 (C):58-68.
    We argue that the fundamental assertion underlying Mach's critique of Newton's first law is that inertial motion is not motion in the absence of causes; rather, it is motion whose cause lies in some homogeneous aspect of the environment. We distinguish this formal requirement (Mach's principle) from two hypotheses which Mach considers concerning the origin of inertia: that the distant stars play (1) a merely “collateral” or (2) a “fundamental” role in the causal determination of inertial motion. -/- In his (...)
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  22. (1 other version)Interpretation in the natural sciences.Jan Faye - 2010 - In Dorato Mauro, Miklós Rédei & Mauricio Suárez (eds.), EPSA Epistemology and Methodology of Science. Launch of the European Philosophy of Sciences Association. Vol. 1-2. Dordrecht: Springer. pp. 107-117.
    Interpretation in science has gained little attention in the past because philosophers of science believed that interpretation belongs to the context of discovery or must be associated with meaning. But scientists often speak about interpretation when they report their findings. Elsewhere I have argue in favour of a pragmatic-rhetorical theory of explanation, and it is in light of this theory that I suggest we can understand interpretation in the natural sciences.
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  23. Life, Logic, and the Pursuit of Purity.Alexander T. Englert - 2016 - Hegel-Studien 50:63-95.
    In the *Science of Logic*, Hegel states unequivocally that the category of “life” is a strictly logical, or pure, form of thinking. His treatment of actual life – i.e., that which empirically constitutes nature – arises first in his *Philosophy of Nature* when the logic is applied under the conditions of space and time. Nevertheless, many commentators find Hegel’s development of this category as a purely logical one especially difficult to accept. Indeed, they find this development only comprehensible as long (...)
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    Science in a World of Politics.Jan Faye - 2024 - Danish Yearbook of Philosophy 57 (2):222-241.
    The present article discusses scientific research in relation to the norms of representative democracy, arguing that politicians are committed to base their policy on scientific evidence. It is argued that people have both natural interests and social interests and that our natural interests, which we have acquired through natural selection and adaptation, are best taken care of by a representative democracy in which science proliferates. The article also argues why politicians and the public should trust science as the best means (...)
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    L'État total selon Carl Schmitt, ou, Comment la narration engendre des monstres.Jean Pierre Faye - 2013 - [Meaux]: Germina.
    Jean-Pierre Faye analyse la conférence méconnue de Carl Schmitt : « Economie saine dans un Etat fort », tenue le 23 novembre 1932 devant les membres de « L’Union au Long Nom » (ou « Union pour la conservation des intérêts économiques communs en Rhénanie et Westphalie »). Schmitt y énonce la nécessité pour l’Allemagne d’un « Etat total », équivalent allemand à ses yeux de « l’État totalitaire » de l’Italie fasciste. Cette prise de parole aura un effet (...)
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    We'll Meet Again: The Intrepid Logician Kurt Gödel Believed in the Afterlife.Alexander T. Englert - 2024 - Aeon 1.
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    Ennemi existentiel et « pouvoir-tuer » : Reinhart Koselleck entre Martin Heidegger et Carl Schmitt.Emmanuel Faye - 2023 - Cités 3:211-226.
  28. (1 other version)Niels Bohr: His Heritage and Legacy.Jan Faye - 1991 - Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
    The book gives an painstaking analysis of Niels Bohr's understanding of quantum mechanics based on a claim that Bohr was influenced by Harald Høffding's approach to philosophical problems.
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    Memoirs of Fellows and Corresponding Fellows of the Medieval Academy of America.Curt F. Bühler - 1986 - Speculum 61 (3):759-769.
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  30. Die Interpretation logischer Formen.Curt Christian - 1965 - New York: In Kommission bei Springer-Verlag.
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    Primacy, recency, and the availability heuristic.Carol L. Curt & Eugene B. Zechmeister - 1984 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 22 (3):177-179.
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    The method of knowledge in philosophy.Curt John Ducasse - 1945 - Berkeley,: University of California Press.
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    “Are You Telling the Truth?” — Testing Individuals’ Ability to Differentiate Between Truth and Deceit in Soccer.Chris Englert & Geoffrey Schweizer - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Bringing Philosophy to the Light: Cicero's "Paradoxa Stoicorum".Walter Englert - 1990 - Apeiron 23 (4):117 - 142.
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    Classical Analogs of Unitarily Equivalent Hamilton Operators.Berthold-Georg Englert - 1998 - Foundations of Physics 28 (3):375-384.
    A unitary transformation replaces the given description of a quantum system by an equivalent one. It is observed, however, that not all members of a set of unitarily equivalent Hamilton operators are equally well suited for identifying the corresponding classical systems. A criterion is proposed for recognizing the privileged representatives of the set. A few explicit examples are reported that show the criterion at work.
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    Evolving the Highest Good: A Study of a Kantian Ideal.Alexander T. Englert - 2020 - Dissertation, Johns Hopkins University
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    Fénelon and the political summum malum of self-love.Gianna Englert - 2021 - European Journal of Political Theory 20 (3):587-592.
    In The Political Philosophy of Fénelon, Ryan Hanley argues that Fénelon was a realist who aimed to elevate and educate self-love—rather than resist it—in order to avoid tyranny. This roundtable article examines two of Fenelon’s arguments for how self-love, well-directed, could circumvent a king’s absolutist and tyrannical inclinations: 1) the king’s need to be loved and to love in turn, and 2) the relationship between faith and politics / church and state. Contrasting Fénelon with Machiavelli, I question whether the ruler’s (...)
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    From disorder to space-time geometry.F. Englert - 1987 - Foundations of Physics 17 (6):621-635.
    Field propagation on fractal structures can generate a large scale symmetric space-time geometry. The significance of this fact and the nature of the resulting space-time are discussed.“Each contained all the others, but in this totality each was confused and comingled with all the others without order and system.”—Haïm Vital, 1543–1620 (Kabbalist of Safed); English translation taken from “Sabbatai Sevi” by G. Scholem (Routledge and Kegan Paul, London, 1973), p. 36.
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    From Medically Assisted Procreation to Euthanasia: A Modern Way to Deal with Ethical Dilemmas in Modern Medicine.Y. Englert - 1997 - Human Reproduction and Genetic Ethics 3 (2):22-26.
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  40. Paracelsus, Mensch und Arzt.Ludwig Englert - 1941 - Berlin,: W. Limpert.
  41. Roman epistemology.Walter Englert - 2018 - In Nicholas D. Smith (ed.), The philosophy of knowledge: a history. London, UK: Bloomsbury Academic.
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    Tocqueville’s Politics of Grandeur.Gianna Englert - 2022 - Political Theory 50 (3):477-503.
    In his defenses of empire, Alexis de Tocqueville emphasized the need to achieve grandeur for France, and his writings on Algeria have shaped our understanding of his political career. In pursuing empire abroad as a remedy for weak politics at home, scholars maintain that Tocqueville abandoned the participatory politics of Democracy in America. This essay argues, however, that the focus on Tocqueville’s international turn has obscured his interest in the greatness of domestic party politics. It demonstrates that Tocqueville championed a (...)
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    The politics of an inclusive parliament: on Gregory Conti's Parliament the Mirror of the Nation.Gianna Englert - 2023 - History of European Ideas 49 (1):156-158.
    Parliament the Mirror of the Nation is a fascinating study of diversity. It maps Victorian Britain’s diverse and divergent responses to the challenge of achieving a representative Parliament. These...
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    Wittgenstein’s Critique of Metaphysics in the Tractatus.Thomas A. Fay - 1971 - Philosophical Studies (Dublin) 20:51-61.
    SINCE the work of Gottlob Frege the question of sense and meaning has been regarded by logicians as perhaps the most important problem of philosophy. We may gain some idea of how important this question is to the modern logician from the words of one of the leading analytical philosophers, Gilbert Ryle.
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    XIII. Die baugeschichtliche Entwicklung des athenischen Dionysostheaters im V. Jh.Curt Fensterbusch - 1929 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 85 (1-4).
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    An investigation of some mathematical models for learning.Curt F. Fey - 1961 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 61 (6):455.
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    45. Nietzsche's Herrenmoral und die Naturwissenschaft.Curt Grottewitz - 1978 - In Bruno Hillebrand (ed.), Texte Zur Nietzsche-Rezeption 1873–1963. De Gruyter. pp. 112-113.
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    Die Musik im Leben Friedrich Nietzsches.Curt Paul Janz - 1997 - Nietzsche Studien 26 (1):72-86.
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  49. The Prophets of Israel.Curt Kuhl, Rudolph J. Ehrlich & J. P. Smith - 1960
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    Looking Beyond Assumptions to Understand Relationship Dynamics in Bullying.Faye Mishna, Arija Birze, Andrea Greenblatt & Debra Pepler - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12:661724.
    To account for the complex relationships and processes that constitute the phenomenon of bullying, it is critical to understand how students and their parents and teachers conceptualize traditional and cyberbullying. Qualitative data were drawn from a mixed methods longitudinal study on cyberbullying. Semi-structured interviews were held with Canadian students in grades 4, 7, and 10 in a large urban school board, and their parents and teachers. To account for the complexity and interactions of different systems of relationships, the purpose of (...)
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