Results for 'Cynthia McClintock'

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  1.  49
    Laurence Whitehead (ed.), Emerging Market Democracies: East Asia and Latin America Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2002, 216 pp. ISBN 0801872197. [REVIEW]Cynthia McClintock - 2004 - Japanese Journal of Political Science 5 (1):213-215.
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  2. Knowing Our Own Minds.Crispin Wright, Barry Smith & Cynthia Macdonald - 2001 - Mind 110 (438):586-588.
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    Subjugation and Bondage: Critical Essays on Slavery and Social Philosophy.Anita Allen, Bernard Boxill, Joshua Cohen, R. M. Hare, Bill Lawson, Tommy Lott, Howard McGary, Julius Moravcsik, Laurence Thomas, William Uzgalis, Julie Ward, Bernard Williams & Cynthia Willett (eds.) - 1998 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    This volume addresses a wide variety of moral concerns regarding slavery as an institutionalized social practice. By considering the slave's critical appropriation of the natural rights doctrine, the ambiguous implications of various notions of consent and liberty are examined. The authors assume that, although slavery is undoubtedly an evil social practice, its moral assessment stands in need of a more nuanced treatment. They address the question of what is wrong with slavery by critically examining, and in some cases endorsing, certain (...)
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    Evolutionary autonomous agents and the naturalization of phenomenology.Donald S. Borrett, Saad Khan, Cynthia Lam, Danni Li, Hoa B. Nguyen & Hon C. Kwan - 2006 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 5 (3-4):351-363.
    The phenomenological goal of grounding the content of conceptual thought in the background understanding of everyday, skillful coping was approached using evolutionary autonomous agent methodology. The behavior of an EAA evolved to perform a specified motor task was identified with skillful coping. Changes in the dynamics of the EAA controller occurred when the EAA encountered an unexpected obstacle with loss of longer time scale components in its hierarchical temporal organization. These temporal changes are consistent with the phenomenological changes which we (...)
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    Cataphora processing in agrammatic aphasia: Eye movement evidence for integration deficits.Hsu Chien-Ju, Yoshida Masaya & Thompson Cynthia - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5.
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    Rate-Agnostic Structure Learning.Sergey Pils, David Danks, Cynthia Freeman & Vince Calhoun - unknown
    Causal structure learning from time series data is a major scientific challenge. Existing algorithms assume that measurements occur sufficiently quickly; more precisely, they assume that the system and measurement timescales are approximately equal. In many scientific domains, however, measurements occur at a significantly slower rate than the underlying system changes. Moreover, the size of the mismatch between timescales is often unknown. This paper provides three distinct causal structure learning algorithms, all of which discover all dynamic graphs that could explain the (...)
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    Implementing VA’s Authoritative Ethical Guidance in a Pandemic.Toby Schonfeld, David Alfandre, Kenneth Berkowitz, Barbara Chanko, Mary Beth Foglia & Cynthia Geppert - 2020 - American Journal of Bioethics 20 (7):145-147.
    Volume 20, Issue 7, July 2020, Page 145-147.
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    Case Report: Laser Ablation Guided by State of the Art Source Imaging Ends an Adolescent's 16-Year Quest for Seizure Freedom.Christos Papadelis, Shannon E. Conrad, Yanlong Song, Sabrina Shandley, Daniel Hansen, Madhan Bosemani, Saleem Malik, Cynthia Keator & M. Scott Perry - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16.
    Epilepsy surgery is the most effective therapeutic approach for children with drug resistant epilepsy. Recent advances in neurosurgery, such as the Laser Interstitial Thermal Therapy, improved the safety and non-invasiveness of this method. Electric and magnetic source imaging plays critical role in the delineation of the epileptogenic focus during the presurgical evaluation of children with DRE. Yet, they are currently underutilized even in tertiary epilepsy centers. Here, we present a case of an adolescent who suffered from DRE for 16 years (...)
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    Family Feuds: Gender, Nationalism and the Family1.Anne McClintock - 1993 - Feminist Review 44 (1):61-80.
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    Book Review Section 1. [REVIEW]Bill Armaline, Kathy Farber, Kathleen Knight Abowitz, Deron R. Boyles, Cynthia I. Gerstl-Pepin, Colette Gosselin, Linda Irwin-Devitis, Benjamin Baez & Huey-li Li - 1999 - Educational Studies 30 (2):161-200.
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    Book Review Section 2. [REVIEW]Ronald E. Benson, Herold S. Stern, Richard T. Ryan, Cheryl G. Kasson, Douglas J. Simpson, David Slive, Joe L. Green, Todd Holder, Deno G. Thevaos, Karilee Watson, Cynthia Porter Gehrie, W. Ross Palmer, C. H. Edson, Linda Fystrom & Robert S. Griffin - 1980 - Educational Studies 11 (1):91-115.
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    No Names Apart: The Separation of Word and History in Derrida's "Le Dernier Mot du Racisme".Anne McClintock & Rob Nixon - 1986 - Critical Inquiry 13 (1):140-154.
    As it stands, Derrida’s protest is deficient in any sense of how the discourses of South African racism have been at once historically constituted and politically constitutive. For to begin to investigate how the representation of racial difference has functioned in South Africa’s political and economic life, it is necessary to recognize and track the shifting character of these discourses. Derrida, however, blurs historical differences by conferring on the single term apartheid a spurious autonomy and agency: “The word concentrates separation…. (...)
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    Omniscience and the Rhetoric of Reason: Rationality, Argumentation, and Religious Authority in Śāntarakṣita's Tattvasaṅgraha and Kamalaśīla's Pañjikā.Sara L. McClintock - 2010 - Wisdom Publications.
    The great Buddhist writer Santaraksita (725-88) was central to the Buddhist traditions spread into Tibet. He and his disciple Kamalasila were among the most influential thinkers in classical India. They debated ideas not only within the Buddhist tradition but also with exegetes of other Indian religions, and they both traveled and nurtured Buddhism in Tibet during its infancy there. Their views, however, have been notoriously hard to classify. The present volume examines Santaraksita's encyclopedic Tattvasamgraha and Kamalasila's detailed commentary on that (...)
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  14. Mind-Body Identity Theories.Cynthia Macdonald - 1989 - New York: Routledge.
    Chapter One The most plausible arguments for the identity of mind and body that have been advanced in this century have been for the identity of mental ...
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    Reply to Cynthia Macdonald.Cynthia Macdonald - 1999 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 59 (3):739-745.
    What is introspective know ledge of one’s own intentional states like? This paper aims to make plausible the view that certain cases of self-knowledge, namely the cogito-type ones, are enough like perception to count as cases of quasi-observation. To this end it considers the highly influential arguments developed by Sydney Shoemaker in his recent Royce Lectures. These present the most formidable challenge to the view that certain cases of self-knowledge are quasi-observational and so deserve detailed examination. Shoemaker’s arguments are directed (...)
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    Stacking functions: identifying motivational frames guiding urban agriculture organizations and businesses in the United States and Canada.Nathan McClintock & Michael Simpson - 2018 - Agriculture and Human Values 35 (1):19-39.
    While a growing body of scholarship identifies urban agriculture’s broad suite of benefits and drivers, it remains unclear how motivations to engage in urban agriculture (UA) interrelate or how they differ across cities and types of organizations. In this paper, we draw on survey responses collected from more than 250 UA organizations and businesses from 84 cities across the United States and Canada. Synthesizing the results of our quantitative analysis of responses (including principal components analysis), qualitative analysis of textual data (...)
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  17.  38
    The Soul of Justice: Social Bonds and Racial Hubris.Cynthia Willett - 2018 - Cornell University Press.
    Cynthia Willett brings together diverse insights from social psychology, classical and contemporary literature, and legal and justice theory to redefine the basis of the moral and legal person. Feminists, communitarians, and postmodern thinkers have made clear that classical liberalism, with its emphasis on individual autonomy and excessive rationalism, is severely limited. Although she is sympathetic with the liberal view, Willett finds it necessary to go further. For her, attention to the social dimensions of the family and civil society is (...)
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  18.  36
    Irony in the Age of Empire: Comic Perspectives on Democracy and Freedom.Cynthia Willett - 2008 - Indiana University Press.
    Comedy, from social ridicule to the unruly laughter of the carnival, provides effective tools for reinforcing social patterns of domination as well as weapons for emancipation. In Irony in the Age of Empire, Cynthia Willett asks: What could embody liberation better than laughter? Why do the oppressed laugh? What vision does the comic world prescribe? For Willett, the comic trumps standard liberal accounts of freedom by drawing attention to bodies, affects, and intimate relationships, topics which are usually neglected by (...)
  19.  40
    Interspecies Ethics.Cynthia Willett - 2014 - New York: Columbia University Press.
    Interspecies Ethics explores animals' vast capacity for agency, justice, solidarity, humor, and communication across species. The social bonds diverse animals form provide a remarkable model for communitarian justice and cosmopolitan peace, challenging the human exceptionalism that drives modern moral theory. Situating biosocial ethics firmly within coevolutionary processes, this volume has profound implications for work in social and political thought, contemporary pragmatism, Africana thought, and continental philosophy. Interspecies Ethics develops a communitarian model for multispecies ethics, rebalancing the overemphasis on competition in (...)
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  20. Teaching is inquiry: observation and reflection as the heart of practice.Cynthia Ballenger - 2025 - New York, NY: Teachers College Press.
    This book is both a how-to book detailing the practices of teacher inquiry, and also a series of sometimes sad, sometimes joyful stories from the classroom in which the teacher/author uses these practices to conduct inquiries about her students' thinking, Teaching as inquiry is the practice of gaining distance from one's assumptions about teaching, learning and particular students who puzzle us. Often to her surprise Ballenger finds both engagement and serious thought in her struggling students. In this way it is (...)
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    O perfil do psicólogo jurídico portoalegrense: um estudo preliminar; The profile of the juridical psychologist of Porto Alegre: a preliminary study.Cynthia Schwarcz Berlim, Sonia Liene Reichert Rovinski & Jorge Castellá Sarriera - 2000 - Aletheia: An International Journal of Philosophy 12:53-64.
  22. United States country report: Women and militarization in the late'80's.Cynthia Enloe - 1988 - Minerva 6 (1):72-92.
  23.  15
    Le Quaestiones de Anima di Taddeo da ParmaSofia Vanni Rovighi.Stuart Mcclintock - 1953 - Isis 44 (1/2):64-65.
  24.  39
    The Egoist's Psychological Argument.Thomas McClintock - 1971 - American Philosophical Quarterly 8 (1):79 - 85.
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    The Routledge handbook of Indian Buddhist philosophy.Sara L. McClintock, William Edelglass & Pierre-Julien Harter (eds.) - 2023 - New York, NY: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.
    The Routledge Handbook of Indian Buddhist Philosophy is an outstanding reference source to the principal philosophers in the diverse Buddhist traditions of India, from the early Pāli writings to the twentieth century. The Handbook provides thorough coverage of the most significant figures, texts and debates that animate Buddhist philosophy. A key feature is the attention given to the ideas and works of particular Buddhist thinkers, placing the author at the centre of inquiry. Forty chapters by an international team of contributors (...)
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  26. Feminist Interpretations of Aristotle.Cynthia A. Freeland - 2000 - Philosophical Quarterly 50 (198):112-114.
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    Interview: Cynthia Imogen Hammond and Marc Lafrance on Drawings for a Thicker Skin.Marc Lafrance & Cynthia Hammond - 2018 - Body and Society 24 (1-2):210-224.
    In this interview, Cynthia Hammond sits down with Marc Lafrance in order to discuss the 30-year sketching practice that led to her exhibition, Drawings for a Thicker Skin, in 2012. In this practice, Hammond made small, quick drawings of the clothes she would need for trips or key professional events. As she explains, the drawings were not just essential to knowing what to pack; they were essential to being able to pack. While she never conceived of the practice as (...)
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  28.  32
    Rhetoric and the Reception Theory of Rationality in the Work of Two Buddhist Philosophers.Sara L. McClintock - 2008 - Argumentation 22 (1):27-41.
    Although rhetoric is not a category of ancient Indian philosophy, this paper argues that Śāntarakṣita and Kamalaśīla, 2 eighth-century Indian Buddhist philosophers, can nonetheless be seen to embrace a rhetorical conception of rationality. That is, while these thinkers are strong proponents of rational analysis and philosophical argumentation as tools for attaining certainty, they also uphold the contingent nature of all such processes. Drawing on the categories of the New Rhetoric, this paper argues that these Buddhist thinkers understand philosophical argumentation to (...)
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    Uproarious: How Feminists and Other Comic Subversives Speak Truth.Cynthia Willett - 2019 - Minneapolis: University of Minnesota.
    A radical new approach to humor, where traditional targets become its agents Humor is often dismissed as cruel ridicule or harmless fun. But what if laughter is a vital force to channel rage against patriarchy, Islamophobia, mass incarceration? To create moments of empathy and dialogue between #Black Lives Matter and the police? These and other such questions are at the heart of this powerful reassessment of humor. Placing theorists in conversation with comedians, Uproarious offers a full-frontal approach to the very (...)
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  30.  53
    (1 other version)Varieties of Things: Foundations of Contemporary Metaphysics.Cynthia MacDonald - 2005 - Wiley-Blackwell.
    _Varieties of Things: Foundations of Contemporary Metaphysics_ is about some of the most fundamental kinds of things that there are; the things that we encounter in everyday experience. A book about the things that we encounter in everyday experience. Contains a thorough and accessible discussion of the nature and aims of metaphysics. Examines a wide range of ontological categories, including both particulars and universals. Mounts a forceful and persuasive case for anti-reductionism.
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    Afterword.Cynthia Milton - 2019 - Les Ateliers de l'Éthique / the Ethics Forum 14 (2):274-281.
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  32. Gadamer, Fricker, and Honneth : testimonial injustice, prejudice, and social Esteem.Cynthia R. Nielsen & David Utsler - 2023 - In Paul Giladi & Nicola McMillan (eds.), Epistemic injustice and the philosophy of recognition. New York, NY: Routledge Taylor & Francis Group.
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    (1 other version)La maîtrise d'une identité ? Corporations féminines à Paris aux XVIIe et XVIIIe siècles.Cynthia Truant - 1996 - Clio: A Journal of Literature, History, and the Philosophy of History 1:4-4.
    Cet article fait le point sur le travail des femmes dans les corporations et compare le statut socio-économique de diverses corporations féminines ou mixtes dans le Paris d'Ancien Régime. Après la réorganisation des corporations en 1776, les femmes purent devenir marchandes-maîtresses dans de nouveaux métiers mais leur expression publique et leur rôle dans ces corporations restaient limités. L'article se termine par une analyse des textes de protestation des métiers féminins à propos de l'édit de 1776. Les femmes des corporations et (...)
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  34. The Argument for Ethical Relativism from the Diversity of Morals.T. L. McClintock - 1963 - The Monist 47 (4):528-544.
    Many people, failing to understand the theories of such ethical relativists as William Graham Sumner, Ruth Benedict and Edward Westermarck, have thought that various findings of the social sciences establish these theories. They regard the problem of ethical relativism, or the problem of determining whether or not any of these theories is sound, as a scientific problem. And they often think of ethical relativism as a scientific theory which explains these findings. In particular, it is widely thought that anthropologists have (...)
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    The evolution of André de la vigne's la ressource de la chrestienté: From the manuscript tradition to the vergier d'honneur editions.Cynthia J. Brown - 1983 - Bibliothèque d'Humanisme Et Renaissance 45 (1):115-125.
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    The Palgrave Handbook of German Idealism and Phenomenology.Cynthia D. Coe (ed.) - 2021 - Palgrave-Macmillan.
    This volume examines the complex dialogue between German Idealism and phenomenology, two of the most important movements in Western philosophy. Twenty-four newly authored chapters by an international group of well-known scholars examine the shared concerns of these two movements; explore how phenomenologists engage with, challenge, and critique central concepts in German Idealism; and argue for the continuing significance of these ideas in contemporary philosophy and other disciplines. Chapters cover not only the work of major figures such as Husserl, Heidegger, and (...)
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    Faithful living, faithful dying: Anglican reflections on end of life care.Cynthia B. Cohen (ed.) - 2000 - Harrisburg, PA: Morehouse.
    An important examination of the theological, spiritual, and ethical issues surrounding death. At the end of a life of faithfulness comes our dying. To approach it as faithfully as we have our living calls for some serious forethought. Because one of the simplest facts of life—that we all die—seems like the most complicated thing we do. Not only have advances in medical technology saved lives, but they also have prolonged death, and raise a number ethical, moral, social, and theological issues. (...)
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    Where Have All the Theologians Gone and Should We Lament Their Passing?Cynthia M. A. Geppert & Toby Schonfeld - 2018 - American Journal of Bioethics 18 (6):60-62.
    White, Shelton, and Rivais (2018) have written a thoughtful interpretation of the history of clinical ethics consultation as a movement toward professionalization. In these authors’ narrative, the...
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    Architecture and Pedagogy.Robert Mcclintock - 1968 - The Journal of Aesthetic Education 2 (4):59.
  40.  18
    “Is There a (Non‐sexist) Bible in This Church?” A Feminist Case for the Priority of Interpretive Communities.Mary McClintock Fulkerson - 1998 - Modern Theology 14 (2):225-242.
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    Man and His Circumstances: Ortega as Educator.Robert Mcclintock - 1973 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 34 (1):118-119.
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  42. Noncognitivism.Thomas Mcclintock - 1978 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 59 (3):273.
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    Relativism and affective reaction theories.Thomas McClintock - 1971 - Journal of Value Inquiry 5 (2):90-104.
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    Skepticism and the Basis of Morality.Thomas McClintock - 1984 - Philosophy Research Archives 10 (9999):185-333.
    Part I (Skepticism) contains analyses of the basic varieties of ethical skepticism and culminates in the idea that the refutation of ethical skepticism--or, what is the same thing, the discovery of the rational basis of morality--consists of a proof of the factual thesis that there exists in human beings a common underivative moral self that consists of an innate normative-practical source (or principle-spring) of human moral judgment and behavior. Part 2 (The Basis of Morality) develops the methodology for establishing this (...)
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  45. The Definition of Ethical Relativism.Thomas Mcclintock - 1969 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 50 (4):435.
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    The Pedagogy of Cultural Despair.Robbie McClintock - 2015 - Philosophy of Education 71:372-376.
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    A graduate student's perspective.Cynthia Monheim - 1996 - Ethics and Behavior 6 (3):282 – 284.
  48. Introspection and authoritative self-knowledge.Cynthia Macdonald - 2007 - Erkenntnis 67 (2):355-372.
    In this paper I outline and defend an introspectionist account of authoritative self-knowledge for a certain class of cases, ones in which a subject is both thinking and thinking about a current, conscious thought. My account is distinctive in a number of ways, one of which is that it is compatible with the truth of externalism.
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    The donor is in the details.Cynthia E. Cryder, George Loewenstein & Richard Scheines - unknown
    Recent research finds that people respond more generously to individual victims described in detail than to equivalent statistical victims described in general terms. We propose that this “identified victim effect” is one manifestation of a more general phenomenon: a positive influence of tangible information on generosity. In three experiments, we find evidence for an “identified intervention effect”; providing tangible details about a charity’s interventions significantly increases donations to that charity. Although previous work described sympathy as the primary mediator between tangible (...)
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  50. Mental causes and explanation of action.Cynthia MacDonald & Graham MacDonald - 1986 - Philosophical Quarterly 36 (143):145-58.
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