Results for 'Cédric Fischer'

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  1. Daniel marguerat (éd.), Quand la bible se raconte (lire la bible, N 134), Paris, Cerf, 2003, 211p.Cédric Fischer - 2005 - Revue de Théologie Et de Philosophie 137:405.
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    Moral responsibility.John Martin Fischer (ed.) - 1986 - Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press.
  3. Guilt, Forgiveness, and Moral Repair: A Cross-Cultural Comparison.Maria-Sibylla Lotter & Saskia Fischer (eds.) - 2022 - Palgrave Macmillan.
    In current debates about coming to terms with individual and collective wrongdoing, the concept of forgiveness has played an important but controversial role. For a long time, the idea was widespread that a forgiving attitude — overcoming feelings of resentment and the desire for revenge — was always virtuous. Recently, however, this idea has been questioned. The contributors to this volume do not take sides for or against forgiveness but rather examine its meaning and function against the backdrop of a (...)
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  4. More on Molinism.Jihn Martin Fischer - 2009 - In Kevin Timpe (ed.), Metaphysics and God: Essays in Honor of Eleonore Stump. New York: Routledge.
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    Universal Grammar and Biological Variation: An EvoDevo Agenda for Comparative Biolinguistics.Antonio Benítez-Burraco & Cedric Boeckx - 2014 - Biological Theory 9 (2):122-134.
    Recent advances in genetics and neurobiology have greatly increased the degree of variation that one finds in what is taken to provide the biological foundations of our species-specific linguistic capacities. In particular, this variation seems to cast doubt on the purportedly homogeneous nature of the language faculty traditionally captured by the concept of “Universal Grammar.” In this article we discuss what this new source of diversity reveals about the biological reality underlying Universal Grammar. Our discussion leads us to support (1) (...)
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    Syntax in language and music: what is the right level of comparison?Rie Asano & Cedric Boeckx - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    Leib und Sprache. Zur Reflexivität verkörperter Ausdrucksformen.Emmanuel Alloa & Miriam Fischer (eds.) - 2013 - Velbrück.
    Die elf Beiträge dieses Bandes gehen aus verschiedenen Blickwinkeln dem Problem der Verkörperung von Sinn nach: phänomenologische, psychoanalytische und sprachwissenschaftliche Ansätze bilden dabei den Schwerpunkt; sie werden aber durch Studien aus der Literaturtheorie, der politischen Theorie und der Filmwissenschaft ergänzt. Was heißt es – das ist die zentrale Frage –, den Körper als leibliches Medium aufzufassen, welches Sinn nicht nur verkörpert, sondern überhaupt erst entstehen lässt? Gibt es bereits eine Sprache des Leibes diesseits der Ebene ausdrücklicher Rede?
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    Personality, Values, Culture: An Evolutionary Approach.Ronald Fischer - 2017 - Cambridge University Press.
    Humans are complex social beings. To understand human behaviour, an integrated perspective is required - one which considers both what we regularly do and what motivates us. Personality, Values, Culture uses an evolutionary perspective to look at the similarities and differences in personality and values across modern societies. Integrating research on personality and human values into a functional framework that highlights their underlying compatibilities, Fischer describes how personality is shaped by the complex interplay between genes and the environment, both (...)
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    Stories.John Martin Fischer - 1995 - Midwest Studies in Philosophy 20 (1):1-14.
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    Attention mechanisms and the mosaic evolution of speech.Pedro T. Martins & Cedric Boeckx - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5.
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    Language Disorders and Language Evolution: Constraints on Hypotheses.Antonio Benítez-Burraco & Cedric Boeckx - 2014 - Biological Theory 9 (3):269-274.
    It has been suggested that language disorders can serve as real windows onto language evolution. We examine this claim in this paper. We see ourselves forced to qualify three central assumptions of the the ‘disorders-as-windows’ hypothesis. After discussing the main outcome of decades of research on the linguistic ontogeny of pathological populations, we argue that language disorders should be construed as conditions for which canalization has failed to cope fully with developmental perturbations. We conclude that a robust link exists between (...)
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    Hierarchical control as a shared neurocognitive mechanism for language and music.Rie Asano, Cedric Boeckx & Uwe Seifert - 2021 - Cognition 216 (C):104847.
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  13. Theory Selection in Modal Epistemology.Robert William Fischer - 2015 - American Philosophical Quarterly 52 (4):381-395.
    Accounts of modal knowledge are many and varied. How should we choose between them? I propose that we employ inference to the best explanation, and I suggest that there are three desiderata that we should use to rank hypotheses: conservatism, simplicity, and the ability to handle disagreement. After examining these desiderata, I contend that they can’t be used to justify belief in the modal epistemology that fares best, but that they can justify our accepting it in an epistemically significant sense. (...)
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    Introducing Lefebvre.Jenny Bauer & Robert Fischer - 2018 - In Robert Fischer & Jenny Bauer (eds.), Perspectives on Henri Lefebvre: Theory, Practices and (Re)Readings. De Gruyter. pp. 1-14.
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  15. The role of cognitive structure in the development of behavioral control: a dynamic skills approach.Thomas R. Bidell & Kurt W. Fischer - 2000 - In Walter J. Perrig & Alexander Grob (eds.), Control of Human Behavior, Mental Processes, and Consciousness: Essays in Honor of the 60th Birthday of August Flammer. Erlbaum. pp. 183--201.
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    Introduction to AI, Ethics & Society.Jared Bielby, Rachel Fischer & Geoffrey Rockwell - 2020 - International Review of Information Ethics 28.
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    Viewing distance matter to perceived intensity of facial expressions.Andreas Gerhardsson, Lennart Högman & Håkan Fischer - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    Défense de la planification socialiste.Ernest Mandel, Robert Fischer & Jean-Jacques Lecercle - 1988 - Actuel Marx 4 (1):103.
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    Referees for 2015.Benjamin Mitchell-Yellin & John Martin Fischer - 2015 - The Journal of Ethics 19 (3-4):467-467.
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    The electrophysiological correlates of sublexical speech perception: A combined electrophysiological/cognitive neuropsychology approach.Colin Noe & Simon Fischer-Baum - 2018 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 12.
  21.  11
    Πεϱί διϰαιοσύνης … Re-vealing Justice. Riflessioni sull’enigma della giustizia trans-immanente.Peer Zumbansen, Dan Wielsch, Andreas Fischer-Lescano & Gralf-Peter Calliess - 2009 - In Peer Zumbansen, Dan Wielsch, Andreas Fischer-Lescano & Gralf-Peter Calliess (eds.), Soziologische Jurisprudenzsociological Jurisprudence. Commemorative Publication in Honor of Gunther Teubner’s 65th Birthday on 30 April 2009: Festschrift Für Gunther Teubner Zum 65. Geburtstag Am 30. April 2009. De Gruyter Recht.
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    Grundrechtskollisionen in der Stiftungsuniversität: Überwältigte Einheit oder organisierte Vielfalt?Peer Zumbansen, Dan Wielsch, Andreas Fischer-Lescano & Gralf-Peter Calliess - 2009 - In Peer Zumbansen, Dan Wielsch, Andreas Fischer-Lescano & Gralf-Peter Calliess (eds.), Soziologische Jurisprudenzsociological Jurisprudence. Commemorative Publication in Honor of Gunther Teubner’s 65th Birthday on 30 April 2009: Festschrift Für Gunther Teubner Zum 65. Geburtstag Am 30. April 2009. De Gruyter Recht.
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    Prime ideals on P ω (λ) with the partition property.Pierre Matet, Cédric Péan & Stevo Todorcevic - 2002 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 41 (8):743-764.
    We use ideas of Fred Galvin to show that under Martin's axiom, there is a prime ideal on Pω (λ) with the partition property for every \documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document}\end{document}.
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    The Educated Brain: Essays in Neuroeducation.Antonio M. Battro, Kurt W. Fischer & Pierre J. Léna (eds.) - 2008 - Cambridge University Press.
    The emerging field of neuroeducation, concerned with the interaction between mind, brain and education, has proved revolutionary in educational research, introducing concepts, methods, and technologies into many advanced institutions around the world. The Educated Brain presents a broad overview of the major topics in this new discipline: Part I examines the historical and epistemological issues related to the mind/brain problem and the scope of neuroeducation; Part II provides a view of basic brain research in education and use of imaging techniques, (...)
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    Hybrid hardware for a highly parallel search in the context of learning classifiers.M. Bode, O. Freyd, J. Fischer, F. -J. Niedernostheide & H. -J. Schulze - 2001 - Artificial Intelligence 130 (1):75-84.
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    Ranking games.Felix Brandt, Felix Fischer, Paul Harrenstein & Yoav Shoham - 2009 - Artificial Intelligence 173 (2):221-239.
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    “Ordinary” and “Extraordinary” Vary with the Case.James V. Hickey & Sharon A. Fischer - 1983 - Hastings Center Report 13 (5):43-44.
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    On Only Dogs: A Conversation by Christiane Brosius with the Authors of Only dogs walk as if they know where they’re going.Ludwig Berger & Florian Fischer - 2019 - Paragrana: Internationale Zeitschrift für Historische Anthropologie 28 (1):101-108.
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    The Computational Complexity of Choice Sets.Felix Brandt, Felix Fischer & Paul Harrenstein - 2009 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 55 (4):444-459.
    Social choice rules are often evaluated and compared by inquiring whether they satisfy certain desirable criteria such as the Condorcet criterion, which states that an alternative should always be chosen when more than half of the voters prefer it over any other alternative. Many of these criteria can be formulated in terms of choice sets that single out reasonable alternatives based on the preferences of the voters. In this paper, we consider choice sets whose definition merely relies on the pairwise (...)
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    Development, validity and reliability testing the Swedish Ethical Climate Questionnaire.Catarina Fischer Grönlund, Anna Söderberg, Vera Dahlqvist, Lars Andersson & Ulf Isaksson - 2019 - Nursing Ethics 26 (7-8):2482-2493.
    Background: An ethical climate has been described as a working climate embracing shared perceptions about morally correct behaviour concerning ethical issues. Various ethical climate questionnaires have been developed and validated for different contexts, but no questionnaire has been found concerning the ethical climate from an inter-professional perspective in a healthcare context. The Swedish Ethical Climate Questionnaire, based on Habermas’ four requirements for a democratic dialogue, attempts to assess and measure the ethical climate at various inter-professional workplaces. This study aimed to (...)
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    What Architects Desire.Cordula Rau, Eberhard Tröger & Ole W. Fischer (eds.) - 2010 - Springer Verlag.
    The leitmotif of the German contribution to the 12th Architecture Biennial in Venice, “desire“, is at the same time the topic of a survey among architects ; answers are given through drawings. What are you longing for? The response drawings are highly individual, diversity becomes programme: both in picture language and in the presentation in terms of content, reactions are quite different. But there is one thing they all have in common: the burning desire of something concrete. Sometimes it spreads (...)
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    Adolescent Alienation: its correlates and consequences.Iain Williamson[1] & Cedric Cullingford - 1998 - Educational Studies 24 (3):333-343.
    Summary This research is into the experience of alienation amongst British adolescents. The study had three major aims: firstly to investigate potential differences across various dimensions of alienation on the basis of gender, ethnicity and religion. Secondly, to establish a relationship between alienation, self?esteem and selected undesirable school behaviours. Finally, there is an attempt to evaluate the use of alienation scales as a research tool in education. The study involved 254 participants aged between 13 and 15 years attending large, multi?ethnic (...)
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    The Uses and Misuses of ‘Alienation’ in the Social Sciences and Education.Iain Williamson & Cedric Cullingford - 1997 - British Journal of Educational Studies 45 (3):263-275.
    Despite the ambiguities, even contradictions, that surround the term 'alienation' it has been much used and found useful, particularly at certain times. This paper provides a brief history and analysis of the term, exploring both its attractions to some, and the suspicions of others. The way in which the term is used and misused in educational research, and the ways in which the concepts which the term suggest could be developed, are also explored.
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  34. Wege zur Kommunikation, Theorie und Praxis interkultureller Toleranz.Hamid Reza Yousefi, Klaus Fischer & Ina Braun - 2006 - Philosophischer Literaturanzeiger 59 (3):249.
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    Kritische Systemtheorie Frankfurter Schule.Peer Zumbansen, Dan Wielsch, Andreas Fischer-Lescano & Gralf-Peter Calliess - 2009 - In Peer Zumbansen, Dan Wielsch, Andreas Fischer-Lescano & Gralf-Peter Calliess (eds.), Soziologische Jurisprudenzsociological Jurisprudence. Commemorative Publication in Honor of Gunther Teubner’s 65th Birthday on 30 April 2009: Festschrift Für Gunther Teubner Zum 65. Geburtstag Am 30. April 2009. De Gruyter Recht.
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    The Role of the ECJ in the Protection of Fundamental and Social Rights: Economic Constitutionalism or Deliberative Constitutionalism?Peer Zumbansen, Dan Wielsch, Andreas Fischer-Lescano & Gralf-Peter Calliess - 2009 - In Peer Zumbansen, Dan Wielsch, Andreas Fischer-Lescano & Gralf-Peter Calliess (eds.), Soziologische Jurisprudenzsociological Jurisprudence. Commemorative Publication in Honor of Gunther Teubner’s 65th Birthday on 30 April 2009: Festschrift Für Gunther Teubner Zum 65. Geburtstag Am 30. April 2009. De Gruyter Recht.
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    Two processes of reduplication in the American Sign Language.Susan D. Fischer - 1973 - Foundations of Language 9 (4):469-480.
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  38. Berichte und diskussionen: Eine Antwort auf Kants Breife.Erlangen von Harald-Paul Fischer - forthcoming - Kant Studien.
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    Einführung eines ethischen Basis-Assessments in der Spezialisierten Ambulanten Palliativversorgung in Augsburg.Dr med Eckhard Eichner, Dr med Josef Fischer & Michael Strauß - 2012 - Ethik in der Medizin 24 (1):67-76.
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    Separation/connection procedures: From cleansing behavior to numerical cognition.Arianna Felisatti, Martin H. Fischer, Elena Kulkova, Katharina Kühne & Alexej Michirev - 2021 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 44.
    Lee and Schwarz suggest that separation is the grounded procedure underlying cleansing effects in different psychological domains. Here, we interpret L&S's account from a hierarchical view of cognition that considers the influence of physical properties and sensorimotor constraints on mental representations. This approach allows theoretical integration and generalization of L&S's account to the domain of formal quantitative reasoning.
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    Unstable Networks Among Women in Academe: The Legal Case of Shyamala Rajender.Sally G. Kohlstedt & Suzanne M. Fischer - 2009 - Centaurus 51 (1):37-62.
    Scientific networks are often credited with bringing about institutional change and professional advancement, but less attention has been paid to their instability and occasional failures. In the 1970s optimism among academic women was high as changing US policies on sex discrimination in the workplace, including higher education, seemed to promise equity. Encouraged by colleagues, Shyamala Rajender charged the University of Minnesota with sex discrimination when it failed to consider her for a tenure-track position. The widely cited case of this chemist (...)
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  42. Creationism and Evolution in the Schools: The Constitutional Issues.Gail Paulus Sorenson & Louis Fischer - 1983 - Journal of Thought 18 (1):24-34.
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  43. A Referate uber deutschsprachige Neuerscheinungen-Interkulturelle Orientierung.Hamid Reza Yousefi, Klaus Fischer & Peter Gerdsen - 2006 - Philosophischer Literaturanzeiger 59 (3):252.
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    Jurisprudence as Self-Description: Natural law and Positivism within the English Legal System.Peer Zumbansen, Dan Wielsch, Andreas Fischer-Lescano & Gralf-Peter Calliess - 2009 - In Peer Zumbansen, Dan Wielsch, Andreas Fischer-Lescano & Gralf-Peter Calliess (eds.), Soziologische Jurisprudenzsociological Jurisprudence. Commemorative Publication in Honor of Gunther Teubner’s 65th Birthday on 30 April 2009: Festschrift Für Gunther Teubner Zum 65. Geburtstag Am 30. April 2009. De Gruyter Recht.
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    Chasing the phantom: in pursuit of myth and meaning in the realm of the snow leopard.Eduard Fischer - 2014 - Philadelphia: Singing Dragon.
    For twenty-five years Eduard Fischer returned to the Trans-Himalayan region of Ladakh, enthralled by the unique culture of this ancient Buddhist kingdom, and seeking to catch just a glimpse of the elusive snow leopard. This is the tale of that quest, but also an exploration of myth, art, science, and the sacred space of high mountains.
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    Marxist ethics within western political theory: a dialogue with republicanism, communitarianism, and liberalism.Norman Fischer - 2014 - New York, NY: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    In this book on Marxist ethics, Norman Fischer applies abstract political philosophy and intellectual history to rarely discussed texts in terms of Marxist ethics. These include Marx's never translated German notes on Machiavelli, Montesquieu, and Rousseau, as well as Lewis Henry Morgan's' Ancient Society. Fischer's philosophical analysis of these texts demonstrates that there is a strain of Marxist ethics that is only understandable in the context of the great works of Western political theory and philosophy, particularly those that (...)
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  47. Foundations of embodied cognition: Perceptual and emotional embodiment.Yann Coello & Martin Fischer (eds.) - 2016
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  48. The direct argument: You say goodbye, I say hello.J. M. Fischer - 2008 - In Nick Trakakis & Daniel Cohen (eds.), Essays on free will and moral responsibility. Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Press. pp. 209--223.
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    Testing the Effectiveness of the Health Belief Model in Predicting Preventive Behavior During the COVID-19 Pandemic: The Case of Romania and Italy.Johannes Alfons Karl, Ronald Fischer, Elena Druică, Fabio Musso & Anastasia Stan - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    We use a cultural psychology approach to examine the relevance of the Health Belief Model for predicting a variety of behaviors that had been recommended by health officials during the initial stages of the COVID-19 lockdown for containing the spread of the virus and not overburdening the health system in Europe. Our study is grounded in the assumption that health behavior is activated based on locally relevant perceptions of threats, susceptibility and benefits in engaging in protective behavior, which requires careful (...)
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    Motivational aspects of recognizing a smile.Janek S. Lobmaier & Martin H. Fischer - 2010 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 33 (6):452-453.
    What are the underlying processes that enable human beings to recognize a happy face? Clearly, featural and configural cues will help to identify the distinctive smile. In addition, the motivational state of the observer will influence the interpretation of emotional expressions. Therefore, a model accounting for emotion recognition is only complete if bottom-up and top-down aspects are integrated.
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