Results for 'D. A. Bullough'

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  1.  24
    The anisotropic elastic energy of a rhombus-shaped dislocation loop.D. J. Bacon, R. Bullough & J. R. Willis - 1970 - Philosophical Magazine 22 (175):31-45.
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    Irradiation creep due to the growth of interstitial loops.A. D. Brailsford & R. Bullough - 1973 - Philosophical Magazine 27 (1):49-64.
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    The effect of platelet precipitates on the structure of lead sulphide films.A. D. Wilson, R. C. Newman & R. Bullough - 1963 - Philosophical Magazine 8 (96):2035-2045.
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  4. A dissenting viewpoint: the overpopulation scare.J. Narveson, V. L. Bullough, B. Bullough, M. D. Gibson, H. Voth, R. von Uslar, L. Tedebrand, J. Sundin, L. T. Ruzicka & A. Rosina - 1994 - Free Inquiry 14 (2):33-4.
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    Book Review Section 1. [REVIEW]Linda Crawford, Stafford Kay, Jorge Jeria, Kenneth C. Schmidt, Edmund C. Short, Donald A. Dellow, Lewis E. Cloud, M. M. Chambers, George L. Dowd, L. David Weller Jr, J. J. Chambliss, Paul Nash, Robert V. Bullough Jr, Michael V. Belok & George D. Dalin - 1980 - Educational Studies 11 (1):67-91.
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  6. The aesthetic attitude and aestheticism-a note on Bullough, Edward aesthetics and aestheticism-features of reality to be experienced.D. Crossley - 1991 - Ultimate Reality and Meaning 14 (2):138-143.
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    The nucleation and growth of multi-layer defects in quenched aluminium.D. J. Bacon & R. Bullough - 1968 - Philosophical Magazine 18 (153):561-571.
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    The elastic energy of a rhombus-shaped dislocation loop.R. Bullough & E. A. J. Foreman - 1964 - Philosophical Magazine 9 (98):315-329.
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    Schooling, Democracy, and the Quest for Wisdom: Partnerships and the Moral Dimensions of Teaching.Robert V. Bullough & John R. Rosenberg - 2018 - Rutgers University Press.
    In response to growing concern in the 1980s about the quality of public education across the United States, a tremendous amount of energy was expended by organizations such as the Holmes Group and the Carnegie Forum to organize professional development schools or “partner schools” for teacher education. On the surface, the concept of partnering is simple; however, the practice is very costly, complex, and difficult. In _Schooling, Democracy, and the Quest for Wisdom_, Robert V. Bullough, Jr. and John R. (...)
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    The forest dislocation as a source of cross-slip.R. Bullough & J. V. Sharp - 1965 - Philosophical Magazine 11 (111):605-615.
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    Modern Japanese Writers and the Nature of Literature.Geoffrey Bullough - 1976 - Stanford, Calif. : Stanford University Press.
    Art versus nature, the literary work and the author, the literary work and the reader, structure and style, and the purpose of literature are the main subjects treated in a study of eight leading writers of modern Japan.
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    How one could once become a registered nurse in the United States without going to a hospital training school.Vern L. Bullough - 2004 - Nursing Inquiry 11 (3):161-165.
  13.  36
    Corps et chirurgie a l'apogee du Moyen Age: Savoir et imaginaire du corps chez Henri de Mondeville, chirurgien de Philippe le Bel. Marie-Christine Pouchelle.Vern Bullough - 1984 - Isis 75 (4):757-758.
  14.  9
    The dislocation content of a large angle tilt boundary.R. Bullough - 1965 - Philosophical Magazine 12 (120):1139-1141.
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    A Catalogue of Sixteenth Century Printed Books in the National Library of MedicineRichard J. Durling.Vern Bullough - 1968 - Isis 59 (2):233-234.
  16. Secular Humanism and «Traditional Family Values».V. Bullough, B. Bullough, J. Barnhart, Ma Barnhart, C. Faulkner & A. Picchioni - 1992 - Free Inquiry 12 (4):4-23.
  17. A brief history of population control and contraception.Vern L. Bullough, Bonnie Bullough, M. J. Alhabeeb, R. Barlow, A. Sen, S. Begley, M. Hager, V. Chen, G. Piel & K. O. Emery - 1994 - Free Inquiry 14 (2):16-22.
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    Edward J. Kealey, Medieval Medicus: A Social History of Anglo-Norman Medicine. Baltimore and London: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 1981. Pp. x, 211; 11 illustrations. $16.50. [REVIEW]Vern L. Bullough - 1983 - Speculum 58 (1):265-266.
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    John, John, the Doctors' SonsThe Medical Practitioners in Medieval England: A Biographical Register. C. H. Talbot, E. A. Hammond. [REVIEW]Vern L. Bullough - 1966 - Isis 57 (3):396-397.
  20.  13
    Toward A New Enlightenment: The Philosophy of Paul Kurtz.Paul Kurtz & Vern L. Bullough - 1994 - Routledge.
    Paul Kurtz has been the dominant voice of secular humanism over the past thirty years. This compilation of his work reveals the scope of his thinking on the basic topics of our time and his many and varied contributions to the cause of free thought. It focuses on the central issues that have concerned Kurtz throughout his career: ethics, politics, education, religion, science, and pseudoscience. The chapters are linked by a common theme: the need for a new enlightenment, one committed (...)
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    The induced interaction between two point defects in a harmonic cubic lattice.J. R. Hardy & R. Bullough - 1967 - Philosophical Magazine 16 (140):405-408.
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    Emerging as a TeacherTeacher Supply and Teacher Quality.James W. Ellis, R. V. Bullough, J. G. Knowles, N. A. Crow, Gerald Grace & Martin Lawn - 1992 - British Journal of Educational Studies 40 (2):183.
  23.  12
    Traité de l'interprétation d'Aristote: commentaire de Thomas d'Aquin (complément de Thomas de Vio dit Cajétan).Thomas D'Aquin & Thomas Cajetan - 2018 - Paris: L'Harmattan. Edited by Guy-François Delaporte & Tommaso de Vio Cajetan.
    " En écrivant son Traité de l'Interprétation, Aristote a trempé sa plume à l'encre de son esprit! " L'antique remarque de Cassiodore vaut encore aujourd'hui tant la matière étudiée est complexe et le style ramassé. Aristote démonte les mécanismes du langage philosophique, aux confins de la linguistique et de la métaphysique. Il offre à cette occasion des développements fondateurs sur la formulation de la vérité, les règles de mise en contradiction, les propositions universelles, la contingence des jugements sur le futur, (...)
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  24. Lexical semantics.D. A. Cruse - 1986 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Lexical Semantics is about the meaning of words. Although obviously a central concern of linguistics, the semantic behaviour of words has been unduly neglected in the current literature, which has tended to emphasize sentential semantics and its relation to formal systems of logic. In this textbook D. A. Cruse establishes in a principled and disciplined way the descriptive and generalizable facts about lexical relations that any formal theory of semantics will have to encompass. Among the topics covered in depth are (...)
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  25.  9
    L'Oeuvre et le concept: prétextes, Olivier Revault d'Allonnes.Olivier Revault D'Allonnes (ed.) - 1992 - Paris: Editions Klincksieck.
    L'oeuvre et le concept! Tels sont bien les deux objets, par excellence, de la philosophie de l'art. L'oeuvre d'art sur laquelle " philosophe " Olivier Revault d'Allonnes n'est pas l'oeuvre achevee, celebree, sacralisee, sanctifiee, mais au contraire l'oeuvre qui, de tout temps, deroute, irrite, scandalise, dejoue le discours apprete et conciliant de l'esthetique traditionnelle. Le concept est l'autre nom de la critique, parole enfin donnee aux oeuvres, passees et presentes, afin qu'elles puissent dire non aux ordres etablis... Leur interpretation se (...)
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    We Shall. Photographs by Paul D'amato.Paul D'Amato, Gregory J. Harris & Cleophus J. Lee - 2013 - Depaul Art Museum.
    Through emotionally charged portraits and richly layered interior views, the photographs of Chicago-based artist Paul D Amato provide a genuine and complex perspective on life in some of the most challenging and troubled neighborhoods in the nation. This publication is supported in part by grants from the David C. and Sarajean Ruttenberg Arts Foundation and the Robert Mapplethorpe Foundation.".
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    La notion de l'Un dans Thomas d'Aquin.Chr D'ancona Costa - 1997 - Recherches de Theologie Et Philosophie Medievales 64 (2):315-351.
    Le traité Περὶ θείων ὀνομάτων de l’élève de Proclus dissimulé sous le nom de ‘Denys l’Aréopagite’— traité qui a été récemment édité en qualité de premier titre de la série Corpus Dionysiacum— est subdivisé en deux grandes parties par un excursus fameux sur le problème de la substantialité des maux. Dans la première partie, contenant les chapitres I-III, l’auteur discute la possibilité des prédications dont l’objet est le premier principe. Dans la deuxième, contenant les chapitres V-XIII, il en présente les (...)
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  28. Les IA génératives visuelles entre perception d’archives et circuits de composition.Enzo D’Armenio - forthcoming - Semiotica.
    Résumé Cet article aborde les intelligences artificielles génératives visuelles telles que Midjourney et DALL·E afin d’analyser leur fonctionnement sémiotique. Le point de départ est la définition de la discipline sémiotique proposée par Pierluigi Basso Fossali, décrivant celle-ci comme la science qui étudie la gestion sociale du sens, et qui s’articule en quatre sphères fondamentales : la perception, l’énonciation, la communication et la transmission. À partir de ce cadre théorique, l’objectif est de proposer et de décrire deux nouvelles configurations qui caractérisent (...)
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    Circulations mathématiques et offre locale d’enseignement : le cas de Troyes sous la Restauration et la monarchie de Juillet.Renaud D’Enfert - 2015 - Philosophia Scientiae 19:79-94.
    En portant l’attention sur la ville de Troyes, petite cité manufacturière et commerçante du département de l’Aube, entre 1820 et 1850, cet article examine l’offre publique d’enseignement mathématique à l’échelle de la ville afin de mettre en lumière d’éventuelles circulations mathématiques entre les divers types d’institutions post-élémentaires – primaire, secondaire, technique – qui la composent. Il montre ainsi l’existence d’interrelations entre ces filières d’enseignement dont les modalités et les normes d’enseignement sont a priori distinctes, compte tenu de la spécificité de (...)
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    La division du travail physiologique : désuétude d’un concept récidiviste en biologie.Emmanuel D’Hombres - 2022 - Philosophia Scientiae 26:29-51.
    La division du travail physiologique est un concept tombé en désuétude en biologie. Quand l’expression est employée, c’est sans égard pour sa fonction nomologique importante dans la biologie du second xixe. Nous analyserons l’importation de la division du travail de l’économie à la biologie, malgré les difficultés de validation que posait son transfert d’une science à l’autre. La notion a ainsi continué sa carrière dans une biologie gagnée à la théorie cellulaire, cependant que ses déterminations économiques perdaient leur pertinence. Nous (...)
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  31. La bioéthique et le statut théologique de l'éthique séculière: à propos d'un livre récent de H. Tristam Engelhardt Jr.D. Müller - 1994 - Recherches de Science Religieuse 82 (4):547-564.
    En 1986, H.T. Engelhardt justifiait l'autonomie de la bioéthique à l'égard des éthiques religieuses en partant du fait que les hommes de notre temps sont « moralement des étrangers », les uns pour les autres. En 1991, il entreprit de mieux discerner les relations entre éthiques séculière et religieuse, en gardant la même orientation de pensée, mais en s'attaquant à l'idéologie d'un humanisme athée. Il cherche à établir sur les bases d'une rationalité universelle un « cadre de référence neutre », (...)
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  32. Malayāḷasvāmi racanalu, sāmājika caitanyaṃ: Usmāniyā Viśvidyālayamu vāricē ḍākṭarēṭu pondina siddhāntagranthaṃ.Kasireḍḍi Veṅkaṭapatireḍḍi - 2003 - Ērpēḍu, Cittūru Jillā: Pratuluvalayu vāru, Śrī Vyāsāsramaṃ.
    Study on social consciousness in the works of Malayāḷasvāmi, 1865-1962, philosopher of Vedanta.
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  33. J. S. Mill's Proof of the Principle of Utility: D. D. Raphael.D. D. Raphael - 1994 - Utilitas 6 (1):55-63.
    In the introductory chapter of his essay on Utilitarianism, John Stuart Mill says his aim is to contribute towards the understanding of utilitarianism and towards ‘such proof as it is susceptible of’. He immediately adds that ‘this cannot be proof in the ordinary and popular meaning of the term’ because ‘ultimate ends are not amenable to direct proof’. A proof that something is good has to show that it is ‘a means to something admitted to be good without proof’. But, (...)
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    The Quartercentenary Model of D–N Explanation.D. A. Thorpe - 1974 - Philosophy of Science 41 (2):188-195.
    This paper presents a new formal model for D–N explanation that gives intuitive criteria of acceptability, avoids the known trivializations, and links explanation with confirmation theory. Although set in the twenty-five year tradition of attempts to formalize D–N explanation, it proposes a new direction for the model that is to be distinguished from the syntactical and informational approaches by its introduction of restrictions which derive from the use which the D–N model can have in hypothesis testing. This model, illustrating the (...)
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    Self and Community in a Changing World.D. A. Masolo - 2010 - Indiana University Press.
    Revisiting African philosophy’s classic questions, D. A. Masolo advances understandings of what it means to be human—whether of African or other origin. Masolo reframes indigenous knowledge as diversity: How are we to understand the place and structure of consciousness? How does the everyday color the world we know? Where are the boundaries between self and other, universal and particular, and individual and community? From here, he takes a dramatic turn toward Africa’s current political situation and considers why individual rights and (...)
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    L’«étrange monadologie» du plérôme. Remarques sur L’instauration philosophique d’Étienne Souriau.Claudio D'Aurizio - 2023 - Aisthesis: Pratiche, Linguaggi E Saperi Dell’Estetico 15 (2):71-81.
    L’Instauration philosophique (1939) is one of the most relevant philosophical works by Étienne Souriau. In this book, the French philosopher tries to outline the main laws which define the instauration of a philosophical theory, in order to construct a philosophy of philosophies. Pleroma is one of the key-concepts of this work, and it refers to the dimension that includes all the well-established philosophical perspectives. The aim of this paper is to reconstruct some issues connected to this work, regarding specifically the (...)
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    Review essay / torture as Raison D'État.Anthony D'Amato - 1991 - Criminal Justice Ethics 10 (1):40-44.
    Lawrence Weschler, A Miracle, A Universe: Settling Accounts with Torturers New York: Pantheon, 1990, ix + 293 pp.
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    Ambiguïté d’Eros.François-D. Sebbah - 2012 - Alter: revue de phénoménologie 20:143-154.
    La notion d’« amour » apparaît sous la plume de Levinas dans divers contextes et à des moments différents de l’œuvre : de « l’amour sexuel » désigné comme origine du social à l’« amour » qui nommerait mieux encore la responsabilité infinie pour autrui que le vocable « éthique », en passant par l’Eros décrit en particulier dans Le temps et l’autre (TA) puis dans Totalité et Infini (TI), c’est peu dire que la notion renvoie à des significations sensiblement (...)
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  39. D. F. Pears on `is existence a predicate?'.D. A. Griffiths - 1975 - Mind 84 (335):431-435.
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  40. Gheraṇḍasaṃhitā: Yogaśāstram. Gheraṇḍa, Caṇḍakāpali & Rādhācandra (eds.) - 1929 - Kalyāṇa-Bambaī: "Laksmīveṅkateśvara" Sṭīm Presa.
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    A. H. Armstrong: Plotinus. Pp. 174. London: Allen and Unwin, 1953. Cloth, 10 s. 6 d. net.D. A. Rees - 1955 - The Classical Review 5 (02):201-.
  42.  82
    Internal cohen extensions.D. A. Martin & R. M. Solovay - 1970 - Annals of Mathematical Logic 2 (2):143-178.
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  43. On a three-valued logical calculus and its application to the analysis of the paradoxes of the classical extended functional calculus.D. A. Bochvar & Merrie Bergmann - 1981 - History and Philosophy of Logic 2 (1-2):87-112.
    A three-valued propositional logic is presented, within which the three values are read as ?true?, ?false? and ?nonsense?. A three-valued extended functional calculus, unrestricted by the theory of types, is then developed. Within the latter system, Bochvar analyzes the Russell paradox and the Grelling-Weyl paradox, formally demonstrating the meaninglessness of both.
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  44. African philosophy in search of identity.D. A. Masolo - 1994 - Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
    " -- Africa Today "The excellence of this book lies in the wealth of perspectives that it brings to the discussion on what constitutes philosophy, rationality, ...
  45. Boltzmann and Gibbs: An attempted reconciliation.D. A. Lavis - 2005 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 36 (2):245-273.
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    The Concept of Representation.D. A. Lloyd Thomas - 1969 - Philosophical Quarterly 19 (75):186-187.
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  47. Realism and Conventionalism in Einstein's Philosophy of Science: The Einstein-Schlick Correspondence.D. A. Howard - 1984 - Philosophia Naturalis 21 (2/4):616.
  48.  96
    Constructing the Death Elephant: A Synthetic Paradigm Shift for the Definition, Criteria, and Tests for Death.D. A. Shewmon - 2010 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 35 (3):256-298.
    In debates about criteria for human death, several camps have emerged, the main two focusing on either loss of the "organism as a whole" (the mainstream view) or loss of consciousness or "personhood." Controversies also rage over the proper definition of "irreversible" in criteria for death. The situation is reminiscent of the proverbial blind men palpating an elephant; each describes the creature according to the part he can touch. Similarly, each camp grasps some aspect of the complex reality of death. (...)
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    Can sense be made of spinal interneuron circuits?D. A. McCrea - 1992 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 15 (4):633-643.
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    Generalization learning techniques for automating the learning of heuristics.D. A. Waterman - 1970 - Artificial Intelligence 1 (1-2):121-170.
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