Results for 'Damascene Werbering'

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    Theory of demonstration according to William Ockham.Damascene Werbering - 1953 - St. Bonaventure, N.Y.,: Franciscan Institute.
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    6. System und Umwelt.Niels Werber - 2013 - In Detlef Horster (ed.), Niklas Luhmann: Soziale Systeme. De Gruyter. pp. 61-72.
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    The disappearance of literature: Friedrich Kittler’s path to media theory.Niels Werber - 2011 - Thesis Eleven 107 (1):47-52.
    This article follows the recurrent theme in Friedrich Kittler’s 40 years of prolific academic writing, which is of course the media-related production of discourse. Five heuristic principles are identified in his work: enabling, reduction, historization, the abolishment of the ‘two cultures', and post-hermeneutics. The paper closes with criticism of the intrinsic limits of Kittler’s point of view.
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    Theory of demonstration according to William Ockham.Damascene Webering - 1953 - St. Bonaventure, N.Y.,: Franciscan Institute.
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    (1 other version)A Community of Limbs.Niels Werber - 2018 - Zeitschrift für Medien- Und Kulturforschung 9 (1):65-72.
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    Deutschlandbilder.Niels Werber - 2008 - In Claas Morgenroth & Janine Böckelmann (eds.), Politik der Gemeinschaft: Zur Konstitution des Politischen in der Gegenwart. Transcript Verlag. pp. 177-196.
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    Das Thé'tre Robert-Houdin (1845 – 1925).Niels Werber - 2014 - Zeitschrift für Medien- Und Kulturforschung 5 (2):75-86.
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    Die menschgemachte Erde.Christian Schwägerl, Reinhold Leinfelder & Niels Werber - 2014 - Zeitschrift für Medien- Und Kulturforschung 5 (2):61-68.
    "Die Hypothese eines neuen Erdzeitalters, des »Anthropozän«, wird seit ihrer Postulierung durch den Chemiker und Nobelpreisträger Paul Crutzen im Jahr 2000 intensiv diskutiert. Der Beginn des Anthropozän wird zumeist um 1800 datiert und in einen Zusammenhang mit der Industrialisierung gestellt. Seither, so die These, ist die Menschheit zu einer quasi geologischen Kraft und sind menschliche Infrastrukturen zum wichtigsten Einflussfaktor auf die biologischen, geologischen und atmosphärischen Prozesse auf der Erde geworden. Christian Schwägerl und Reinhold Leinfelder führen in ihrem Beitrag Argumente und (...)
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    Die menschgemachte Erde Anthropozän. Eine Megamakroepoche und die Selbstbeschreibung der Gesellschaft.Christian Schwägerl, Reinhold Leinfelder & Niels Werber - 2014 - Zeitschrift für Medien- Und Kulturforschung 2014 (5):233-246.
    The hypothesis of a new geological era, the »Anthropocene«, is discussed intensively since its presentation by the chemist and Nobel Prize winner Paul Crutzen in 2000. The beginning of the Anthropocene is usually dated to 1800 and put into the context of the industrialization. Since then, according to Crutzen, mankind has become a quasi-geological force and human infrastructures have developed into a primary influence on the biological, geological and atmospheric processes on Earth. In their contribution, Christian Schwägerl and Reinhold Leinfelder (...)
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    Niels Werber, Ameisengesellschaften. Eine Faszinationsgeschichte, Frankfurt a. M.: S. Fischer 2013.Sebastian Vehlken - 2015 - Berichte Zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte 38 (2):196-197.
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    John Damascene and Divine Infinity.Leo Sweeney - 1961 - New Scholasticism 35 (1):76-106.
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    Damascene, Aquinas, and Maritain on the Human Person.Michael Torre - 1998 - Maritain Studies/Etudes Maritainiennes 14:15-26.
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    Singing of divine identities in a liturgical space? John Damascene's treatise on the Trisagion and his anti-heretical polemics.Fr Damaskinos Of Xenophontos - 2018 - Approaching Religion 8 (2):17-26.
    John Damascene, one of the most productive Greek theologians of the Middle Byzantine era, also composed a treatise on the Trisagion hymn, or how it should be sung correctly and why; a text that has been little discussed in contemporary scholarship. The present paper provides an overview of the work – with special reference to the notion of identity in John’s description of the Trinitarian doctrine. It also examines the treatise especially in the context of anti-heretical polemics. The author (...)
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  14. Jean Damascène, « Dialogus contra Manichaeos ». Les traductions de M. Margunios , de M. Hopper , de J. de Billy et de J. Leunclauius. [REVIEW]Irena Backus - 1992 - Revue d' Etudes Augustiniennes Et Patristiques 38 (1):154-167.
    Découvert en Occident seulement au XVIe s., ce traité fut traduit quatre fois avec des intentions différentes : unité entre Grecs et Latins , Contre-Réforme , opposition à la renaissance du manichéisme en Dalmatie . Seule la traduction et l'édition grecque simultanée de 1575 est dépourvue d'intention doctrinale ou polémique; le problème de la paternité de cette traduction pose un problème, Hopper étant mort en 1564. . Les quatre éditions et/ou traductions sont apparentées à l'actuel ms. Florence, Laur. 4, 12.
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    St. John Damascene, Peter Lombard and Gerhoh of Reichersberg.Eligius M. Buytaert - 1950 - Franciscan Studies 10 (4):323-343.
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    Saint John Damascene: De fide orthodoxa. Versions of Burgundio and Cerbanus Ed. By E. Buytaert, O.F.M.Berard Marthaler - 1956 - Franciscan Studies 16 (3):305-306.
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    St. John Damascene: Barlaam and Ioasaph. English translation by G. R. Woodward and H. Mattingly, Introduction by D. M. Lang. (Loeb Classical Library.) Pp. xxxv+640. London: Heinemann, 1967. Cloth, 25 s. net. [REVIEW]H. Chadwick - 1969 - The Classical Review 19 (01):104-105.
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    St. John Damascene, Barlaam and Joasaph. [REVIEW]W. K. Lowther Clarke - 1914 - The Classical Review 28 (8):280-281.
  19. The theory of will in st. John Damascene.Frederick J. Adelmann - 1966 - In The Quest for the absolute. Chestnut Hill: Boston College.
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  20. OP.'La Volonté divine antécédente et conséquente selon saint Jean Damascène et saint Thomas d'Aquin'.L. M. Antoniotti - 1965 - Revue Thomiste 65:52-77.
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    Anacréontiques toniques dans la vie de S. Jean Damascène.Edmond Bouvy - 1893 - Byzantinische Zeitschrift 2 (1).
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    À propos de la Source de Connaissance de Jean Damascène. Une lecture sous le prisme de la métaphysique.Vassa Kontouma - 2018 - Quaestio 18:603-606.
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  23. Die lateinische Ubersetzung von zwei Predigten des Johannes Damaskenos auf die Koimesis Mariä: Einführung, Ausgabe und Anmerkungen La traduction latine de deux sermons de Jean Damascène sur la Dormition: Introduction, édition et notes.Ap Orban - 1990 - Byzantion 60:232-291.
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    Une monumentale édition d’un monument : les Sacra Parallela attribués à Jean Damascène.Paul-Hubert Poirier - 2019 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 75 (2):283.
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    The Earliest Latin Translation of Damascene's De Orthodoxa Fide III 1-8.Eligius M. Buytaert - 1951 - Franciscan Studies 11 (3-4):49-67.
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    The First Traces of the So-called Cerbanus Translation of St. John Damascene, De Fide orthodoxa III, 1-8.N. M. Haring - 1950 - Mediaeval Studies 12 (1):214-216.
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    Not of This World: The Life and Teaching of Fr. Seraphim Rose, by Damascene Christensen.William Klimon - 1996 - The Chesterton Review 22 (3):362-367.
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  28. Theologie patristique grecque (suite). IV. Le V^ e sibcle: Isidore de Peluse, Cyrille d'Alexandrie, Theodoret. V. Du VII^ e au VIII^ e siecle: Maxime le Confesseur, Damascene. VI. La Bible des Peres. VII. Ouvrages generaux. Theologie des Peres. [REVIEW]B. Sesboue - 1998 - Recherches de Science Religieuse 86:221-248.
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    A Scholarly Intermediary between the Ottoman Empire and Renaissance Europe.Robert Morrison - 2014 - Isis 105 (1):32-57.
    This essay studies Moses Galeano, a Jewish scholar with ties to Crete and the Ottoman Sultan’s court, who traveled to the Veneto around 1500. After describing Galeano’s intellectual milieu, it focuses, first, on circumstantial evidence that he transmitted information central to the rise of Renaissance astronomy. Galeano knew of theories that strongly resemble portions of astronomy texts written by Giovanni Battista Amico and Girolamo Fracastoro at Padua a few decades later. He also knew about theories pioneered by the Damascene (...)
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    Ernst Kapp und die Anthropologie der Medien.Harun Maye, Leander Scholz & Eduard Kolosoff (eds.) - 2019 - Berlin: Kulturverlag Kadmos.
    Alles, was der Mensch von sich wissen kann, lässt sich an den Werkzeugen und Medien ablesen, die er gebraucht. Diese These steht im Mittelpunkt des Werks von Ernst Kapp (1808-1896), Gymnasiallehrer für Geschichte und Erdkunde, Technikphilosoph und Farmer in Texas. Obwohl Ernst Kapp unbestritten als Begründer der modernen Technikphilosophie gilt, ist sein anthropologischer Ansatz bislang kaum systematisch rezipiert worden. Zwar wird sein Werk in Überblicken meist als wichtiger Ausgangspunkt für die Technikphilosophie des 20. Jahrhunderts genannt, sein heuristisches Theorem der Organprojektion (...)
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    David of Dinant and Negative Panentheism.Emanuele Costa - 2022 - History of Philosophy & Logical Analysis 25 (2):352-374.
    During the Middle Ages, heterodox applications of crucial tenets of Aristotle’s philosophy led philosophers to explore connections and suggestions that would have not been acceptable for the Stagirite. In this essay, I explore the conflagration of two such Aristotelian (or pseudo-Aristotelian) theses. First, I investigate the notion that prime matter cannot have any properties (as described, among others, by Simplicius and Aquinas); secondly, I take into account the thesis that no property can substantially be predicated of God (John Damascene, (...)
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  32. La lettre B du Florilège Coislin: editio princeps.Ilse De Vos, Erika Gielen, Caroline Macé & Peter Van Deun - 2010 - Byzantion 80:72-120.
    The monumental Florilegium Coislinianum can be dated in the 9th-10th century and originally contained all the letters up to Omega, but now the most complete manuscript, Parisinus gr. 923 , ends at Psi. Hitherto only the third book has been made available in a critical edition, while the rest of the anthology is still not accessible in a printed version. This article presents the critical edition of the second book , containing some interesting fragments attributed e.g. to a certain Leontius (...)
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    St Thomas and the «Law of the Sin».Mark Johnson - 2000 - Recherches de Theologie Et Philosophie Medievales 67 (1):80-95.
    One of the characteristics of medieval thought that makes it so fascinating is how medieval thinkers in general, and theologians in particular, would work to incorporate received theological language into their own personal writing, even if that language did not sit well with the larger enterprise, informed as it often was by philosophical traditions unknown to the founding authors of the medieval theological tradition. This phenomenon is explainable, of course, by noting how seriously the medievals took the very wording of (...)
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    Internal Senses.Pekka Kärkkäinen - 2011 - In H. Lagerlund (ed.), Encyclopedia of Medieval Philosophy. Springer. pp. 564--567.
    The internal senses are a class of cognitive faculties that were posited to exist between external sense perception and the intellectual soul. The notion of internal senses was developed in the Arabic philosophy of the Middle Ages on the basis of certain ancient philosophical ideas. The classical list of five internal senses was provided by Avicenna: common sense, retentive imagination, compositive imagination, estimative power, and memory. He also localized these faculties in the three ventricles of the brain. According to Avicenna, (...)
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    Logique et (triple) logos dans la Divisio scientiarum d’Arnoul de Provence.Claude Lafleur & Joanne Carrier - 2017 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 73 (3):415-436.
    The purpose of this article is first to enrich the exposition on the contribution of the magistri artium in Claude Panaccio’s Le Discours intérieur by an in-depth scrutiny of a quotation from the Latin al-Fārābī ending the presentation of logic in the Divisio scientiarum (ca. 1250) of the Parisian Arts Master Arnoul of Provence (Arnulfus Provincialis). Once accomplished this revision using the various Latin versions or adaptations of the Farabian Enumeration of the sciences (Iḥṣāʾ al-ʿulūm) by Gerard of Cremona and (...)
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    Le vocabulaire de l'expérience spirituelle dans la tradition patristique grecque du IVe au XIVe siècle.Pierre Miquel - 1989 - Paris: Beauchesne.
    Après son enquête sur Le vocabulaire latin de l'expérience spirituelle dans la tradition monastique et canoniale de 1050 à 1250, publié dans la même collection en 1989, l'auteur étudie ici, dans un véritable florilège, Le vocabulaire de l'expérience spirituelle dans la tradition patristique grecque du IVe au XIVe siècle. Les mots-clés de ce vocabulaire sont " dépistés " selon leur fréquence et leur acception d'abord chez les Pères grecs d'Irénée à Damascène, puis chez les moines grecs du pseudo-Macaire à Nicolas (...)
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    A Christian Response to Buddhist Reflections on Prayer.Donald W. Mitchell - 2002 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 22 (1):101-104.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Buddhist-Christian Studies 22 (2002) 101-104 [Access article in PDF] A Christian Response to Buddhist Reflections on Prayer Donald W. Mitchell Purdue University In his essay, Kenneth K. Tanaka considers two important elements of Christian prayer when he presents young Megan praying. First is the petitionary element of her prayer, and second is the relational element. Saint John Damascene expresses these same two dimensions in his classical definition of (...)
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    The 2001 International Buddhist Christian Theological Encounter.Donald W. Mitchell - 2002 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 22 (1):191-193.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Buddhist-Christian Studies 22 (2002) 101-104 [Access article in PDF] A Christian Response to Buddhist Reflections on Prayer Donald W. Mitchell Purdue University In his essay, Kenneth K. Tanaka considers two important elements of Christian prayer when he presents young Megan praying. First is the petitionary element of her prayer, and second is the relational element. Saint John Damascene expresses these same two dimensions in his classical definition of (...)
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    Bādarāyana: Creator of Systematic Theology.JosÉ Pereira - 1986 - Religious Studies 22 (2):193 - 204.
    It is sometimes asserted that Philo of Alexandria is the creator of systematic theology – not because he created systematics , that is, a body of doctrine classified and integrated by a set of principles defined in philosophical terms, but because he created theology , that is, a mode of philosophizing which derives its main categories from a supernatural revelation. Such a mode was pursued by Philo's Christian disciples, among whom was Origen , one of the first of his faith (...)
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    Reconstructing the Autograph Corpus of Shams al-Dīn Muḥammad Ibn Ṭūlūn.Kristina Richardson - 2021 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 135 (2):319.
    The autograph corpus of the Damascene scholar Ibn Ṭūlūn is dispersed throughout collections in North America, Europe, and West Asia. As an initial probe into these materials, I will describe, identify, and analyze two compendia in the Princeton University collection: Garrett MSS 196B and 1011H. They contain, among other things, a portion of al-Thaghr al-bassām, an autograph draft of his biographical dictionary of Damascene judges, which is later than the one edited and published in 1959, and a heretofore (...)
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    Positives Antichristentum: Nietzsches Christusbild im Brennpunkt Nachchristlicher Anthropologie.Hermann Wein - 1962 - Den Haag,: Springer.
    Der weitaus grosste Teil meiner Reden sind Gleichnisse, das heisst, ich bediene mich ausserer Bilder in meinen Erorterun­ gen. So wie der eigene Vater nicht gem selbst den Werber macht fur seinen Sohn... Blosse Worte sind nutzlos. TSCHUANG-TSE Das Ethos Nietzsches, der sich fur den ersten Immoralisten des bislang christlichen Europa hielt und erklarte, in Wahrheit aber vielleicht der grosste Moralist deutscher Zunge war, geht darauf aus, gerecht zu sein, nicht Richter zu sein. Bedachten dies die 'richtenden' Nietzsche-Interpreten bei ihrem (...)
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  42. Ibn Taymiyya’s “Common-Sense” Philosophy.Jamie B. Turner - 2023 - In Amber L. Griffioen & Marius Backmann (eds.), Pluralizing Philosophy’s Past: New Reflections in the History of Philosophy. Springer Verlag. pp. 197-212.
    Contemporary philosophy of religion has been fascinated with questions of the rationality of religious belief. Alvin Plantinga—a prominent Christian philosopher—has contributed greatly to the exploration of these questions. Plantinga’s epistemology is rooted in the intuitions of Thomas Reid’s “common-sense” philosophy and has developed into a distinctive outlook that we may coin, Plantingian (Calvinist) Reidianism. This chapter aims to propose that, in fact, the central ideas of that outlook can be seen prior to Reid (and John Calvin), beyond the confines of (...)
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    Aquinas on the Role of Emotion in Moral Judgment and Activity.Judith Barad - 1991 - The Thomist 55 (3):397-413.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:AQUINAS ON THE ROLE OF EMOTION IN MORAL JUDGMENT AND ACTIVITY JUDITH BARAD Indiana State University Terre Haute, Indiana MONG PHILOSOPHERS who have discussed the role of emotion in morality there is much disagreement. At one extreme there is a tradition of ethical thinkers, represented by David Hume, who juxtapose reason and emotion and hoM that the choice of ultimate va:1ues is always made by the emotional side of (...)
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    The origins of the kalām model of discussion on the concept of tawḥīd.Naomi Aradi - 2013 - Arabic Sciences and Philosophy 23 (1):135-166.
    The concept of tawd (unity of God) is a central issue in Kalm model of discussion and the structure of John Damascene's (d. 750) De Fide Orthodoxa. Pines suggested that it may indicate the profound impact of Christian theology on Mum. Ulrich Rudolph adds two important pieces of evidence to the discussion: He analyzes Abtur al-Samarqandb al-Tawd and the Jacobite Moses bar-Kepha's (d. 903) introduction to his Hexaemeron, and argues that the structural and conceptual affinity between them actually indicates (...)
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    Somme de L’'Me'.Jean de La Rochelle - 2001 - Paris: Libr. philosophique J. Vrin. Edited by Jean-Marie Vernier.
    Premiere traduction francaise etablie sur l'edition critique du texte latin, cet ouvrage rend accessible a un plus large public la Summa de anima de Jean de la Rochelle qui revet un triple interet. Elle offre d'abord une presentation magistrale de l'enseignement portant sur l'ame dans les annees 1230-1235 a Paris. Elle permet de la sorte d'evaluer l'etat de la reflexion sur l'ame a l'oree de du travail de reinterpretation de l'aristotelisme tel que le vehiculait la tradition greco-arabe par Albert le (...)
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    The Two-Wills Theory in the Franciscan Tradition: Questioning an Anselmian Legacy.Lydia Schumacher - 2024 - Revista Española de Filosofía Medieval 31 (1):55-72.
    The medieval Franciscan John Duns Scotus famously distinguished between two different wills, which are characterized by an affection for advantage or happiness and an affection for justice. He identified the source of his theory in the earlier medieval thinker, Anselm of Canterbury, who first articulated the distinction. This article will demonstrate, however, that there is significant disparity between Anselm and Scotus’ understanding of the two wills. To this end, the article will explore the two wills theory articulated by Scotus’ predecessors, (...)
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    Aristotelian metaphysics of the vegetative soul and early modern plant physiology : a comparison of plant functions in Aristotle, pseudo-aristotle, and Cesalpino.Quentin Hiernaux & Corentin Tresnie - 2023 - In Fabrizio Baldassarri & Craig Edwin Martin (eds.), Andrea Cesalpino and Renaissance Aristotelianism. New York: Bloomsbury.
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  48. Aristotle’s Theory of Causes and the Holy Trinity.Silvia Fazzo & Mauro Zonta - 2008 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 64 (3):681-690.
    L’identité et la datation de Nicolas le Péripatéticien, l’auteur d’un sommaire de la philosophie d’Aristote, ont fait l’objet d’un article récent de Silvia Fazzo paru dans la Revue des Études Grecques. Contre la datation courante, fondée sur l’identification de Nicolas à l’historien de grand renom Nicolas Damascène , Fazzo a montré que Nicolas avait probablement vécu au cours de la période couvrant les IIIe au Ve siècles ap. J.-C., et plus problablement à l’époque de l’empereur Julien l’Apostat . Cette hypothèse (...)
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    La théologie des énergies divines: des origines à Jean Damascène.Jean-Claude Larchet - 2010 - Paris: Cerf.
    La distinction entre l'essence et les énergies divines a fait l'objet d'une élaboration et d'une précision remarquables dans la théologie de saint Grégoire Palamas et occupe une place considérable dans la théologie et la spiritualité de l'Eglise orthodoxe, tandis que la théologie de l'Eglise latine non seulement est restée étrangère à cette distinction mais s'est généralement montrée critique à son encontre, accusant Palamas d'innovation. Les enjeux de cette distinction sont cependant d'une grande pertinence puisqu'ils concernent notamment les questions de la (...)
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    Aspects of the Revelation of the Divine in St. Gregory Palamas’ Treatise De Operationibus Divinis.Elias Tempelis & Christos Terezis - 2019 - Perichoresis 17 (4):3-21.
    In this paper, we examine the concepts ‘destination’, ‘revelation’, ‘foreknowledge’, ‘will’, ‘transmission’, ‘motion’, and ‘grace’, as they appear in Gregory Palamas’ treatise De opera-tionibus divinis. According to the Christian theologian, these terms correspond to specific ways of God’s manifestation, i.e. His natural and supernatural revelation. Since they illuminate God’s energies, but not His essence, they are participated by the beings of the natural world. The first two terms mainly refer to a general version of the revelation, while the third contains (...)
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