Results for 'Damon S. Linker'

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  1. Can Communitarians Live Their Communitarianism? The Case of J. G. Herder.Damon S. Linker - 1998 - Dissertation, Michigan State University
    I examine communitarian social theory with an eye to suggesting that the form it most often takes contains resources insufficient to satisfy the aims of those who propose it. This is shown to be the case through an analysis of the writings of Johann Gottfried Herder , the first philosophically rigorous communitarian in the West. Herder's communitarianism, like that of so many of our contemporaries, combines a description of what he believes to be man's ineradicably communal nature with a normative (...)
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    From Kant to Schelling: Counter-Enlightenment in the Name of Reason.Damon Linker - 2000 - Review of Metaphysics 54 (2):337 - 377.
    MODERN GERMAN PHILOSOPHY PRESENTS A PECULIAR PUZZLE to the historian of ideas. For most of the early modern period, philosophers throughout Europe had allied themselves with the Enlightenment in its self-proclaimed struggle against dogma, superstition, and ignorance. Yet beginning in late eighteenth century Germany, this situation began to change—so much so that by the early decades of the twentieth century, Germany had become the undisputed home of the philosophical Counter-Enlightenment. If today the most celebrated Counter-Enlightenment figures hail from France or (...)
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    The Emergence of German Idealism. [REVIEW]Damon Linker - 2000 - Review of Metaphysics 54 (2):417-418.
    German Idealism can be said to have arisen from two main tensions in Kant’s critical philosophy. The first of these concern its epistemological status. Kant had conceived of the Critique of Pure Reason as, at least in part, a “science of ignorance” that clearly delineated what man could count as knowledge from what he could never possibly know. But what was the basis of Kant’s claim to know what can and what cannot count as knowledge? Strictly speaking, the content of (...)
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    Epistemic Privilege and Expertise in the Context of Meta-debate.Maureen Linker - 2014 - Argumentation 28 (1):67-84.
    I argue that Kotzee’s model of meta- debate succeeds in identifying illegitimate or fallacious charges of bias but has the unintended consequence of classifying some legitimate and non-fallacious charges as fallacious. This makes the model, in some important cases, counter-productive. In particular, cases where the call for a meta- debate is prompted by the participant with epistemic privilege and a charge of bias is denied by the participant with social advantage, the impasse will put the epistemically advantaged at far greater (...)
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  5. Explaining the World: Philosophical Reflections on Feminism and Mothering.Maureen Linker - 2006 - Journal for the Association for Research on Mothering 8 (1):147-162.
    This essay explores the evolving systems ofjustz$5cation and morality that emerge fiom mother and child dialogues. Contrasting a mother's ethic of care with a surrounding cultural climate of violence, I argue that children are capable of providing insigljt to this seeming socialcontradiction.Ifocus on a series cfconversa- tionsI've had with my nowJiveyear oldson with regard to naturally occurringharm (i.e.yfloods,disease...) and human createdharm (i.e. war, violence,physical intimi- dation). I argue that my son's effortsto "makethe symbolic reap are consistent with philosopher Gareth Matthews' (...)
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  6. Rationalizing Epistemology: An Argument Against Naturalism in Feminist Philosophy of Science.Maureen Linker - 1996 - Dissertation, City University of New York
    The dissertation involves an examination of recent work in Social Epistemology. In particular, I am concerned with the question of how one's social position could affect judgments regarding evidence and confirmation. To answer this question I undertake an investigation of feminist epistemology and philosophy of science. Feminist epistemologists have raised criticisms of the traditional analysis of knowledge by arguing against the primacy of the individual and for a more thorough-going analysis of the community in accounts of knowledge. This shift, in (...)
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    Commentary on: Trudy Govier's "Reflections on the authority of personal experience".Maureen Linker - unknown
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    Fearnside's About Thinking.Maureen Linker - 2000 - Informal Logic 20 (2).
  9.  73
    An Exploratory Study of Chinese Accounting Students’ and Auditors’ Audit-specific Ethical Reasoning.Damon M. Fleming, Chee W. Chow & Wenbing Su - 2010 - Journal of Business Ethics 94 (3):353-369.
    This study uses three audit-specific ethical dilemmas to assess the level of ethical reasoning between Chinese accounting students (as proxies for new entrants to the auditing profession) and experienced auditors. A sample of U.S. accounting students is used as a base for comparison. Consistent with expectations based on particularly salient aspects of Chinese national culture, we find the Chinese students’ levels of ethical reasoning to be significantly lower than those of their U.S. counterparts in the two cases that invoked these (...)
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    Distraction.Damon Young - 2010 - Routledge.
    Most of us struggle with distraction every day: the familiar feeling that our attention is not quite where it should be. We feel it at work and at home and it can be frustrating and uncomfortable. But what is distraction? In his lucid, timely book, Damon Young shows that distraction is more than too many stimuli, or too little attention. It is actually a matter of value - to be distracted is to be torn away from what is worthwhile (...)
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    Subjects of Desire: Hegelian Reflections in Twentieth-Century France.Damon Young (ed.) - 2012 - Cambridge University Press.
    This classic work by one of the most important philosophers and critics of our time charts the genesis and trajectory of the desiring subject from Hegel's formulation in _Phenomenology of Spirit_ to its appropriation by Kojève, Hyppolite, Sartre, Lacan, Deleuze, and Foucault. Judith Butler plots the French reception of Hegel and the successive challenges waged against his metaphysics and view of the subject, all while revealing ambiguities within his position. The result is a sophisticated reconsideration of the post-Hegelian tradition that (...)
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    Présentation.Damon Mayaffre & Jean-Marie Viprey - 2012 - Corpus 11.
    Le thème de la cooccurrence en sciences du langage et en analyse du discours, s’il plonge ses racines beaucoup plus haut, a attendu les dernières années du xxe siècle pour s’imposer, à travers notamment l’approche statistique exploratoire. C’est d’un véritable foisonnement qu’il s’agit aujourd’hui, au sein duquel il a paru utile d’entreprendre de mettre de l’ordre sans dévitaliser les démarches. Historiquement, c’est dans la « London School of linguistics » et dans l’immédiat après-guerre que...
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    Emotional Appraisal, Psychological Distance and Construal Level: Implications for Cognitive Reappraisal.Damon Abraham, John P. Powers & Kateri McRae - 2023 - Emotion Review 15 (4):313-331.
    Construal-level theory emphasizes that representing events at greater spatial, temporal, social, or hypothetical distance results in processing information at high construal levels (more conceptual, abstract). We posit that psychological distance and construal level are somewhat separable constructs, and can have different effects on emotion, and therefore, emotion regulation. We argue that psychological distance influences emotional appraisal, such that increasing distance results in lower emotion intensity, which can be leveraged to down-regulate emotions. However, we consider construal level a mindset, which can (...)
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    Not easy being green: Process, poetry and the tyranny of distance.Damon A. Young - 2002 - Ethics, Place and Environment 5 (3):189 – 204.
    There are many places that we must save from destruction. Sadly, they are mostly distant from us. If we accept Heidegger's notion of Being-in-the-World, this distance means that we cannot authentically speak of their Being. Even if we 'dwell' in our own lands, we are not 'at home' in these beautiful places. However, if we cannot speak of their Being, of what 'is', how can we ask logging and mining multinationals to stop destroying them? This speechlessness may be overcome with (...)
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    Interdependent Freedom: Sartrean Collectivism as (Good) Bad News for an Iconic American Myth.Damon Boria - 2014 - Sartre Studies International 20 (2):32-42.
    This article attempts a full appreciation of interdependence in Sartre's thinking about practical freedom. The result is an account that opens Sartre's thinking on practical freedom to more than just the empowerment of individuals and groups. Ultimately, this means privileging, perhaps paradoxically, a vision of practical freedom that is greater by being more limited. The trajectory for this attempt is Sartre's 1971 diagnosis of America as “full of myths,” which provokes a critical examination of a vision of freedom in independence. (...)
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    From Source to Sermo : Narrative Technique in Livy 34.54.4-8.Cynthia Damon - 1997 - American Journal of Philology 118 (2):251-266.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:From Source to Sermo:Narrative Technique in Livy 34.54.4-8Cynthia DamonLivy's predilection for an indirect narrative style is well known. It is most clearly visible when he is adapting a passage from an author who uses a more direct style, Polybius, for example, who frequently pronounces judgment on the events he describes, praising or criticizing military strategies, assessing the importance of political decisions, and so on.1 Livy occasionally reproduces Polybian analyses (...)
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    Preface: The Senatus Consultum De Cn. Pisone Patre.Cynthia Damon & Sarolta A. Takacs - 1999 - American Journal of Philology 120 (1):1-12.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:IntroductionCynthia Damo and Sarolta TakácsThe present special issue of the American Journal of Philology is devoted to the Senatus Consultum de Cn. Pisone Patre ( SCPP). 1 It grew up around the APA/AIA Joint Seminar on that subject which was part of the program at the annual meeting in Chicago in 1997. In addition to the three papers presented at that seminar and the formal response to them, this (...)
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    The Art of Forgetting: Disgrace and Oblivion in Roman Political Culture (review).Cynthia Damon - 2007 - American Journal of Philology 128 (4):599-604.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:The Art of Forgetting: Disgrace and Oblivion in Roman Political CultureCynthia DamonHarriet I. Flower. The Art of Forgetting: Disgrace and Oblivion in Roman Political Culture. Studies in the History of Greece and Rome. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 2006. xxiv + 400 pp. 75 black-and-white ills. 1 map. Cloth. $59.95.Despite its title, this book is not really about forgetting. Forgetting, as Tacitus knew to his cost, (...)
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    The Trial of Cn. Piso in Tacitus' Annals and the Senatus consultum de Cn. Pisone patre : New Light on Narrative Technique.Cynthia Damon - 1999 - American Journal of Philology 120 (1):143-162.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Trial of Cn. Piso in Tacitus’ Annals and the Senatus Consultum de Cn. Pisone Patre: New Light on Narrative TechniqueCynthia DamonIn writing the narrative of Germanicus’ death and Piso’s trial in Annals 2 and 3 Tacitus produced, in the estimation of two distinguished and perceptive Taciteans, “a text of unresolved ambiguity.” For Woodman and Martin, Tacitus’ achievement is the more striking when contrasted with the “monotonous confidence” of (...)
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    Contracts and computers.Damon Mackett - 2022 - South African Journal of Philosophy 41 (4):386-400.
    This article explores a new form of epistemic injustice related to computers and data mining in our interconnected world. I argue that data mining, as it is currently practiced, not only perpetuates but also contributes to a moral injustice primarily driven by economic factors. By employing Gaile Pohlhaus’s theoretical framework, the paper establishes criteria that classify data mining as a form of epistemic injustice (P1) and demonstrates its differentiation from other known forms in existing literature (P2). Through a comprehensive analysis (...)
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    Well-structured mathematical logic.Damon Scott - 2013 - Durham, North Carolina: Carolina Academic Press.
    Well-Structured Mathematical Logic does for logic what Structured Programming did for computation: make large-scale work possible. From the work of George Boole onward, traditional logic was made to look like a form of symbolic algebra. In this work, the logic undergirding conventional mathematics resembles well-structured computer programs. A very important feature of the new system is that it structures the expression of mathematics in much the same way that people already do informally. In this way, the new system is simultaneously (...)
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    Knowing the Mind of Christ: The Failure of the Liberal Protestants in the 19th Century and a New Possibility.Damon W. K. So - 2008 - Transformation: An International Journal of Holistic Mission Studies 25 (1):43-54.
    The paper examines the emphasis on knowing the inner life of Jesus by a prominent 19th century Liberal Protestant, and Albert Schweitzer's decisive blow to the Life of Jesus movement at the beginning of the 20th century. It gives critiques to both the former and the latter, and identifies the approach of the Liberal Protestants as ‘subjective’ in two senses. While the subjectivity of an interpreter can pose problems in the interpretation of Jesus, it is maintained that the possibility of (...)
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  23. Beyond the Law of Attraction.Damon Sprock - 2017 - San Diego, CA: Amazon.
    Beyond reveals evidence of three of the most sought after universal and human mysteries - the origin of the universe, the location of God's spiritual dimension, and the origin of human consciousness. Beyond unveils a highly syntactic, pragmatic paradigm, a universal, interconnecting system that places access to all pre-existing potential knowledge in the possession of humanity. Dr. Sprock reveals these three discoveries as the Occam's razor (Scientific principle: All things being equal, the simplest explanation tends to be the correct one) (...)
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    Being grateful for being: Being, reverence and finitude.Damon A. Young - 2005 - Sophia 44 (2):31-53.
    Atheists are rarely associated with holiness, yet they can have deeply spiritual experiences. Once such experience of the author exemplified ‘the holy’ as defined by Otto. However, the subjectivism of Otto’s Kantianism undermines Otto’s otherwise fruitful approach. While the work of Hegel overcomes this, it is too rationalistic to account for mortal life. Seeking to avoid these shortcomings, this paper places ‘holiness’ within a self-differentiating ontological unity, the Heideggerian ‘fourfold’. This unity can only be experienced by confronting groundless finite mortality, (...)
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    Dionisio di Alicarnasso, Epistola a Pompeo Gemino: Introduzione e commento. S Fornaro.Cynthia Damon - 1998 - The Classical Review 48 (2):288-289.
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    Pricking Us into Revolt? Vonnegut, DeLillo and Sartre's Hope for Literature.Damon Boria - 2013 - Sartre Studies International 19 (2):45-60.
    As seen in his enthusiastic praise of John Dos Passos's 1919 , Sartre evaluated literary works by how effectively they aim to play a role in fundamental social change. This essay has two goals. One is to show that Sartre's endorsement of committed literature is not undercut if literature fails to play a role in fundamental social change and the other is to show at least some of the ways in which committed literature is successful. Both goals are pursued through (...)
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    'Tritus in eo lector': Grotius's emendations to the text of Tacitus.Cynthia Damon - 2008 - Grotiana 29 (1):133-149.
    This paper considers Grotius's emendations to the text of Tacitus in his 1640 Notae et emendationes, with a particular emphasis on those passages in which Grotius has made a lasting contribution to our understanding of the ancient author: An. 1.32.3, 6.3.1, 11.14.3, 15.47.1, H. 2.1.2, Ag. 10.5, 46.2. It also argues that in four further passages his contribution deserves to loom a little larger in the text, or at least in the apparatus criticus, of Tacitus's works than it presently does. (...)
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    The Senatus Consultum de Cn. Pisone Patre.Cynthia Damon & D. S. Potter - 1999 - American Journal of Philology 120 (1):13-42.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Senatus Consultum de Cn. Pisone PatreD. S. PotterTranslated by Cynthia DamonEditorial Conventions( ) expansion of abbreviation[ ] restoration of letters written but now missing{ } deletion of letters written by mistake[ ] correction of letters considered wrongly inscribed necessary supplements > in translation, material supplied for clarity1 A(nte) d(iem) IIII eid(us) Dec(embres) in Palatio in porticu, quae est ad Apollinis. Scribendo2 adfuerunt M(arcus) Valerius M(arci) f(ilius) Lem(onia tribu) (...)
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  29. Diagrammatic Representation and Inference. Diagrams 2022.V. Giardino, S. Linker, S. Burns, F. Bellucci, J. M. Boucheix & P. Viana (eds.) - 2022 - Springer.
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    Margareta Kastberg Sjöblom ─ L’écriture de J.M.G. Le Clézio. Des mots aux thèmes. Paris : Honoré Champion, 2006, 297 pages, 55 euros. [REVIEW]Damon Mayaffre - 2006 - Corpus 5:232-236.
    La collection « Lettres numériques » d’Honoré Champion est un des rares lieux éditoriaux aujourd’hui qui s’applique à promouvoir des ouvrages de philologie numérique. L’essai de Margareta Kastberg Sjöblom ne déroge pas à la ligne éditoriale fixée par les directeurs de collection, François Rastier et Jean-Marie Viprey, et propose une étude linguistique assistée par ordinateur de l’œuvre littéraire de Jean-Marie Le Clézio. La force de l’ouvrage tient d’abord dans le corpus étudié et la méthode...
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    François Rastier ― La mesure et le grain. Sémantique de corpus. Paris : Champion, Collection Lettres numériques, 2011, 280 pages, 55 €. [REVIEW]Damon Mayaffre - 2011 - Corpus 10:320-325.
    Décisif ouvrage que ce dernier opus de François Rastier. Après Sémantique interprétative (1987), et dans le fil conducteur de Arts et sciences du texte (2001), qui furent des références pour une génération de chercheurs, l’auteur nous propose une réflexion réinventée sur un objet renouvelé. L’ambition du propos, telle qu’elle s’énonce dans le sous-titre de l’ouvrage, est de théoriser tout autant que pratiquer, une sémantique de corpus encore aujourd’hui dans les limbes. Ce projet, que Rastier...
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    Alice Krieg-Planque. — La notion de « formule » en analyse du discours. Cadre théorique et méthodologique. Besançon : Presses Universitaires de Franche-Comté, 2009, 145 pages. [REVIEW]Damon Mayaffre - 2009 - Corpus 8.
    Dans un format éditorial accessible à tous (127 pages + index et bibliographie) et pour une somme modique (9 euros), Alice Krieg-Planque propose un ouvrage dont la lecture apparaît utile à tous ceux qui étudient les discours et leur circulation dans l’espace public, réfléchissent sur le rapport entre langage et société, s’interrogent sur le cadre interdisciplinaire de l’analyse du discours aujourd’hui. S’appuyant sur sa thèse remarquée Emergence et emplois de la formule « purification ethniqu...
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    Emilie Née — L’Insécurité en campagne électorale. Paris : Honoré Champion, 2012, 257 pages. [REVIEW]Damon Mayaffre - 2012 - Corpus 11.
    L’ouvrage d’Emilie Née, qui vient de paraître dans la collection Essais d’Honoré Champion, se présente comme un précis d’analyse du discours à entrée lexicale. L’auteure, s’appuyant sur un travail doctoral soutenu en 2009, et sur plusieurs publications antérieures, décline tout un savoir théorique et pratique pour faire parler un corpus discursif construit autour d’un mot unique : « insécurité ». Largement instrumentée par l’outil informatique et statistique d’une part, et par l’appareillage...
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    Francine Mazière. — L'analyse du discours. Histoire et pratiques. Paris : PUF (« Que sais-je? » n°3735), juin 2005, 127 pages (8 €). [REVIEW]Damon Mayaffre - 2005 - Corpus 4:213-217.
    La collection Que sais-je? vient enfin de s'enrichir d'un numéro consacré à l'analyse du discours. Mieux vaut tard que jamais et le moment semble effectivement particulièrement indiqué pour faire le point sur un champ en pleine reconstruction depuis la parution de deux dictionnaires (Charaudeau & Maingueneau, 2002 ; Détrie, Siblot & Verine, 2002) et le renouveau des études rhétoriques (Amossy, 2000 ; Buffon, 2002 ; Bonnafous et alii, 2003 ; Doury & Moirand, 2004 ; actes du colloque d'Albi, 2...
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    Martial Arts and Philosophy: Beating and Nothingness.Graham Priest & Damon Young (eds.) - 2010 - Open Court Publishing.
    Martial arts and philosophy have always gone hand in hand, as well as fist in throat. Philosophical argument is closely paralleled with hand-to-hand combat. And all of today’s Asian martial arts were developed to embody and apply philosophical ideas. In his interview with Bodidharma, Graham Priest brings out aspects of Buddhist philosophy behind Shaolin Kung-Fu — how fighting monks are seeking Buddhahood, not brawls. But as Scott Farrell’s chapter reveals, Eastern martial arts have no monopoly on philosophical traditions: Western chivalry (...)
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    O Labirinto Bergson-Merleau-Pontiano.Luiz Damon Santos Moutinho - 2017 - Trans/Form/Ação 40 (2):125-138.
    Resumo: O artigo investiga a presença de Bergson na obra de Merleau-Ponty e o labirinto de questões que aí se desdobra. Procura mostrar como, na avaliação de Merleau-Ponty, o conceito de natureza em Bergson o impede de passar à história. Para tanto, toma como referência e debate Presença e campo transcendental, de Bento Prado Júnior.: This paper investigates the presence of Bergson in the work of Merleau-Ponty, and the labyrinth of questions that unfold from there. It shows how, for Merleau-Ponty, (...)
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    (1 other version)Tempo e sujeito - O transcendental e o empírico na fenomenologia de Merleau-Ponty.Luiz Damon Santos Moutinho - 2004 - Dois Pontos 1 (1).
    Esse artigo investiga a fenomenologia do tempo de Merleau-Ponty e centra seu foco na crítica merleau-pontiana às "Lições sobre a consciência íntima do tempo" de Husserl. A partir dessa crítica e da diferença entre os dois autores, o artigo mostra como Merleau-Ponty se afasta do modelo husserliano de uma fenomenologia da Razão.Merleau-Ponty. Husserl. Tempo. Sujeito. Transcendental. Empírico. Time and Subject The transcendental and the empirical in Merleau-Ponty´s PhenomenologyAbstractThis article investigates Merleau-Ponty´s phenomenology of time and focuses on Merleau-Pontys critique of Husserls (...)
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    A Study of the Validity of the Moral Ethos Questionnaire and its Transferability to a Chinese Context.Robin S. Snell, Keith F. Taylor, Jess Wai-han Chu & Damon Drummond - 1999 - Teaching Business Ethics 3 (4):361-381.
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  39. Changes in Physical Activity and Depressive Symptoms During COVID-19 Lockdown: United States Adult Age Groups.Amy Chan Hyung Kim, James Du & Damon P. S. Andrew - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    This study investigates: the changes in three major health-related factors—physical activity, non-physical-activity health behavior, and depressive symptoms, and how changes in physical activity were associated with changes in one’s depressive symptoms among young adults, middle-aged adults, and older adults while controlling non-physical-activity health behavior and sociodemographic characteristics among young, middle-aged, and older adults before and after the COVID-19 outbreak lockdown in the United States. A total of 695 participants completed an online questionnaire via MTurk, and participants were asked to recall (...)
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  40. Report on Shafe Policies, Strategies and Funding.Willeke van Staalduinen, Carina Dantas, Maddalena Illario, Cosmina Paul, Agnieszka Cieśla, Alexander Seifert, Alexandre Chikalanow, Amine Haj Taieb, Ana Perandres, Andjela Jaksić Stojanović, Andrea Ferenczi, Andrej Grgurić, Andrzej Klimczuk, Anne Moen, Areti Efthymiou, Arianna Poli, Aurelija Blazeviciene, Avni Rexhepi, Begonya Garcia-Zapirain, Berrin Benli, Bettina Huesbp, Damon Berry, Daniel Pavlovski, Deborah Lambotte, Diana Guardado, Dumitru Todoroi, Ekateryna Shcherbakova, Evgeny Voropaev, Fabio Naselli, Flaviana Rotaru, Francisco Melero, Gian Matteo Apuzzo, Gorana Mijatović, Hannah Marston, Helen Kelly, Hrvoje Belani, Igor Ljubi, Ildikó Modlane Gorgenyi, Jasmina Baraković Husić, Jennifer Lumetzberger, Joao Apóstolo, John Deepu, John Dinsmore, Joost van Hoof, Kadi Lubi, Katja Valkama, Kazumasa Yamada, Kirstin Martin, Kristin Fulgerud, Lebar S. & Lhotska Lea - 2021 - Coimbra: SHINE2Europe.
    The objective of Working Group 4 of the COST Action NET4Age-Friendly is to examine existing policies, advocacy, and funding opportunities and to build up relations with policy makers and funding organisations. Also, to synthesize and improve existing knowledge and models to develop from effective business and evaluation models, as well as to guarantee quality and education, proper dissemination and ensure the future of the Action. The Working Group further aims to enable capacity building to improve interdisciplinary participation, to promote knowledge (...)
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    Damon or Pandora?Vincent F. Maher - 2000 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 3 (2):179-183.
    Americans have recently had thrust into their faces multiple media borne medical and social ethics dilemmas ranging from Dr. Kevorkian's euthanizing a patient on national television to payments by managed care providers for experimental medical treatments,to the nationally telecast situation which this paper will attempt to address. The case at hand concerns a minor in need of a repeat(third) kidney transplant who has been offered a kidney by her father. He also provided a kidney for her second kidney transplant some (...)
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    Damon Mayaffre — Paroles de président. Jacques Chirac (1995-2003) et le discours présidentiel sous la Vème République. Paris : Champion, 2004, 292 pages (50 €). [REVIEW]Jacques Guilhaumou - 2005 - Corpus 4:218-221.
    Après son étude exemplaire sur le discours de gauche et de droite pendant l’entre-deux-guerres dans le champ de la lexicométrie appliquée à un très grand corpus, Damon Mayaffre élargit notre horizon méthodologique, en matière de lexicologie quantitative, par une approche logométrique du discours d’un homme politique, Jacques Chirac, qu’il met en perspective au sein du discours présidentiel entre 1958 et 2003. La logométrie s’entend ici comme un ensemble de traitements documentaires et statist...
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  43.  27
    Plutarque et Damon de Chéronée.Pierre Ellinger - 2005 - Kernos 18:291-310.
    L’étrange histoire du jeune Damon de Chéronée, le « dernier des Péripoltides », et de son masque de suie, que Plutarque a placée en introduction à ses Vies de Cimon et de Lucullus, a suscité des interprétations fort diverses : dernier avatar du « Chasseur noir », témoignage sur les luttes féroces entre factions pro-romaines et pro-pontiques aux temps de la première guerre de Mithridate… On cherche ici surtout à montrer ce que Plutarque a voulu faire en écrivant cette (...)
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    (1 other version)Modernist Heresies [Damon Franke, Modernist Heresies: British Literary History, 1883–1924 ].K. E. Garay - 2008 - Russell: The Journal of Bertrand Russell Studies 28 (1):89-93.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:September 27, 2008 (1:09 pm) G:\WPData\TYPE2801\russell 28,1 048RED.wpd Reviews 89 MODERNIST HERESIES K.yE. Garay Arts & Science/Research Collections / McMaster U. Hamilton, on, Canada l8s 4m2 [email protected] Damon Franke. Modernist Heresies: British Literary History, 1883–1924. Columbus : Ohio State U. P., 2008. Pp. xx, 258. isbn 978-0-8142-1074-1 (hb). us$47.95. The editor of the Russell journal summed up Modernist Heresies: British Literary History, 1883–1924z with his usual brevity during (...)
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    Beth Linker. War's Waste: Rehabilitation in World War I America. 291 pp., illus., bibl., index. Chicago/London: University of Chicago Press, 2011. $35. [REVIEW]J. Connor - 2012 - Isis 103 (2):419-420.
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    H.E.S. Woldring, Politieke filosofie van de christen-democratie. Budel 2003: Damon. 286 pagina’s. ISBN 90 5573 468 3.H. -M. ThD ten Napel - 2004 - Philosophia Reformata 69 (2):202-204.
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    « Droit de réponse » au compte-rendu de l’ouvrage Corpus numériques, langues et sens par Damon Mayaffre (Corpus n° 14, 2015). [REVIEW]Debono V. M. - 2018 - Corpus 18 (18).
    Préalables S’il nous paraît important de poursuivre la discussion, appelée de nos vœux, avec les tenants de l’herméneutique « matérielle » / « numérique » (Mayaffre 2006), cette « réplique » (cf. Jullien 2007) aux commentaires que Damon Mayaffre (désormais DM) a pris le temps de nous adresser sera brève, l’ouvrage collectif Corpus numérique, langues et sens. Enjeux épistémologiques et politiques (Debono [dir.], 2014) proposant d’assez larges développements quant aux termes de ce débat. Dans...
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    H. Berger,Metafysica, een dwarse geschiedenis. Budel 2003: Damon. 248 pagina’s. ISBN 9055733652.A. Th Brüggemann-Kruijff - 2004 - Philosophia Reformata 69 (1):93-96.
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    René van Woudenberg, Filosofie van taal en tekst. Budel 2002: Damon. 176 pagina’s. ISBN 9055732508.L. J. de Vries - 2003 - Philosophia Reformata 68 (1):97-99.
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    Sander Griffioen, Een weg gaan. Cultuurfilosofie tussen West en Oost. Budel 2006: Damon. 143 pagina’s. ISBN 9055737267.J. Hoogland - 2007 - Philosophia Reformata 72 (2):171-175.
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