Results for 'Daniel Botkin'

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  1.  25
    The Irregular Terrain of Human Subjects Research Regulations.David Forster, Daniel K. Nelson, David Borasky & Jeffrey R. Botkin - 2014 - Hastings Center Report 44 (s3):29-30.
    The overlap and differences between the parallel regulatory systems for research create ample room for confusion and missteps, as discussed by Barbara Bierer and Mark Barnes in their report in this supplement. In practice, beyond the inherent differences in the two systems of regulations themselves, there are many issues that further complicate the application of these regulations. These include the variation in size of the institutions receiving PHS funding, the increased prevalence of multisite research, the allocation of research conduct and (...)
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    Daniel Botkin: The Moon in the Nautilus Shell: Discordant Harmonies Reconsidered.Philip Cafaro - 2015 - Environmental Ethics 37 (2):239-240.
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  3. Review of Daniel Botkin, No Man's Garden: Thoreau and a New Vision of Civilization and Nature. [REVIEW]Robert Chapman - 2001 - Environmental Values 10.
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    Vida y Wilderness: actualidad de la ética medioambiental thoreauviana.Diego Clares - 2018 - Agora 37 (2).
    El objetivo de este artículo es defender que la obra del filósofo norteamericano Henry Thoreau es importante actualmente para la reflexión ética sobre el medioambiente. En sus obras considera con frecuencia problemas que afectan a nuestro entorno natural, así como a toda la vida en general. La importancia de su pensamiento reside en su biocentrismo y en cómo a partir de él establece unos criterios éticos. Lejos de profundizar en la propuesta thoreauviana, este artículo pretende exponer sus principales cuestiones, desarrolladas (...)
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    Fetal Privacy and Confidentiality.Jeffrey R. Botkin - 1995 - Hastings Center Report 25 (5):32-39.
    As the range of conditions for which we can test prenatally expands, society and the medical profession need to develop guidelines about which tests ought to be offered and which ought not to be. Notions of fetal privacy and confidentiality can help to define limits to what parents may reasonably learn about their future child.
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    Concerns About Justification for Fetal Genome Sequencing.Jeffrey R. Botkin, Leslie P. Francis & Nancy C. Rose - 2017 - American Journal of Bioethics 17 (1):23-25.
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    Confusion in the determination of death: distinguishing philosophy from physiology.Jeffrey R. Botkin & Stephen G. Post - 1991 - Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 36 (1):129-138.
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    Ethical Issues and Practical Problems in Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis.Jeffrey R. Botkin - 1998 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 26 (1):17-28.
    Preimplantation genetic diagnosis is a new method of prenatal diagnosis that is developing from a union of in vitro fertilization technology and molecular biology. Briefly stated, PGD involves the creation of several embryos in vitro from the eggs and sperm of an interested couple. The embryos are permitted to develop to a 6-to-10-cell stage, at which point one of the embryonic cells is removed from each embryo and the cellular DNA is analyzed for chromosomal abnormalities or genetic mutations. An embryo (...)
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    Preventing Exploitation in Pediatric Research.Jeffrey R. Botkin - 2003 - American Journal of Bioethics 3 (4):31-32.
  10.  21
    Delivery Room Decisions for Tiny Infants: An Ethical Analysis.Jeffrey R. Botkin - 1990 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 1 (4):306-311.
  11.  52
    Wrongful Birth: Medical, Legal, and Philosophical Issues.Jeffrey R. Botkin & Maxwell J. Mehlman - 1994 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 22 (1):21-28.
    “Wrongful birth” is a controversial malpractice action, which has arisen in the past two decades, secondary to an expanding knowledge of human genetics and the constitutionally protected access to abortion. Under the wrongful birth claim, parents of a child with a congenital illness or abnormality may bring suit against a physician who allegedly failed to provide appropriate prenatal counseling or information. Typically, the parents claim that they were inadequately warned of a potential problem in their child, and that this paucity (...)
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    Waving Goodbye to Waivers of Consent.Jeffrey R. Botkin - 2015 - Hastings Center Report 45 (6):inside back cover-inside back co.
    The Common Rule governs research on human subjects and attempts to balance respect for individual decision-making with efficiency when research risks are low. The regulations allow research to be conducted without consent if the data or biospecimens collected in a study are deidentified, and consent can be waived for identifiable data and biospecimens if the risks of the research are minimal and consent is deemed impracticable. These approaches have been widely used for research using clinical databases and residual clinical and (...)
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    Crushing Consent Under the Weight of Expectations.Jeffrey R. Botkin - 2015 - American Journal of Bioethics 15 (9):47-49.
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    Descartes first meditation: A point of contact for contemporary philosophical methods.Robert Botkin - 1972 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 10 (3):353-358.
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    Ethics and Evidence.Jeffrey R. Botkin - 1992 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 3 (1):63-64.
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  16. Expanding Newborn Screening.Jeffreyr Botkin & Preventiveservices Ta Skforce - forthcoming - Hastings Center Report.
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    Genetic Contextualism and the Value of a Structured Process.Jeffrey R. Botkin - 2019 - American Journal of Bioethics 19 (1):72-73.
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    Genetic Counseling: Making Room for Beneficence.Jeffrey R. Botkin - 1995 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 6 (2):182-184.
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    Global education, interdependence, and nationalism.James Botkin & James Keen - 1979 - World Futures 16 (1):87-100.
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    The Bane of “Boilerplate” Language in Research Consent Forms: Ensuring Consent Forms Promote Autonomous Authorization.Jeffrey R. Botkin - 2019 - American Journal of Bioethics 19 (4):83-84.
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    The Palgrave international handbook of animal abuse studies.Jennifer Botkin-Maher, Harriet Pierpoint & Piers Beirne (eds.) - 2017 - London: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    This Handbook fills a large gap in current scholarly literature on animal abuse studies. It moves considerably beyond the debate that has traditionally dominated the discourse of animal abuse – the link between one-on-one interpersonal violence and animal abuse – and towards those institutionalised forms of animal abuse which are routine, everyday, socially acceptable and invisibilised. Chapters from expert contributors raise issues such as: the use of animals as edibles; vivisection; animal sexual assault; animals used in sport and hunting; animal (...)
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    The seductive beauty of physiology.Botkin Jr - 1992 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 3 (4):274.
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    The Seductive Beauty of Physiology.Jeffrey R. Botkin - 1992 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 3 (4):274-277.
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  24. What can we do when dreaming? A reply to professor Davis.Robert Botkin - 1972 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 10 (3):367-372.
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    Virginia Moyer, Steven M. Teutsch, and Jeffrey R. Botkin reply.Virginia Moyer, Steven M. Teutsch & Jeffrey R. Botkin - 2009 - Hastings Center Report 39 (1):7-8.
  26.  56
    Genetic Dilemmas: Reproductive Technology, Parental Choices, and Children's Futures, by Dena Davis. London: Routledge, 2000. 224 pp. $22.95. [REVIEW]Jeffrey R. Botkin - 2002 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 11 (1):102-105.
    Imagine a genetic counselor working with a young couple pregnant with their first child. The explosion of genetic knowledge and technology in recent years is complicating this professional relationship as a host of new choices brings a few clients with atypical needs. This couple is deaf. They seek not to avoid a child with their disability but rather to assure that the child too will be deaf—a child to share their culture and perspectives on the world. If prenatal diagnosis indicates (...)
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    Bette Anton, MLS, is the Head Librarian of the Optometry Library/Health Sciences Information Service. This library serves the University of California at Berkeley–University of California at San Francisco Joint Medical Program and the University of California at Berkeley School of Optometry.David A. Asch, Jeffrey R. Botkin, Katrina A. Bramstedt, Arthur L. Caplan, H. Tristram Engelhardt Jr, D. Micah Hester, Kenneth V. Iserson & Mark G. Kuczewski - 2002 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 11:4-5.
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    53 The Metaphysical Implications of Ecology.G. Lease, D. B. Botkin, Karr Jr & E. W. Chu - 2010 - Environmental Ethics: The Big Questions 8:400.
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    An empirical assessment of the short-term impacts of a reading of Deborah Zoe Laufer's drama Informed Consent on attitudes and intentions to participate in genetic research.Erin Rothwell, Jeffrey R. Botkin, Sydney Cheek-O'Donnell, Bob Wong, Gretchen A. Case, Erin Johnson, Trent Matheson, Alena Wilson, Nicole R. Robinson, Jared Rawlings, Brooke Horejsi, Ana Maria Lopez & Carrie L. Byington - 2018 - AJOB Empirical Bioethics 9 (2):69-76.
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  30. Objects: Nothing out of the Ordinary (Book Symposium Précis).Daniel Z. Korman - 2020 - Analysis 80 (3):511-513.
    Précis for a book symposium, with contributions from Meg Wallace, Louis deRosset, and Chris Tillman and Joshua Spencer.
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  31. A new direction for science and values.Daniel J. Hicks - 2014 - Synthese 191 (14):3271-95.
    The controversy over the old ideal of “value-free science” has cooled significantly over the past decade. Many philosophers of science now agree that even ethical and political values may play a substantial role in all aspects of scientific inquiry. Consequently, in the last few years, work in science and values has become more specific: Which values may influence science, and in which ways? Or, how do we distinguish illegitimate from illegitimate kinds of influence? In this paper, I argue that this (...)
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    Patients' Views on Identifiability of Samples and Informed Consent for Genetic Research.Sara Chandros Hull, Richard Sharp, Jeffrey Botkin, Mark Brown, Mark Hughes, Jeremy Sugarman, Debra Schwinn, Pamela Sankar, Dragana Bolcic-Jankovic, Brian Clarridge & Benjamin Wilfond - 2008 - American Journal of Bioethics 8 (10):62-70.
    It is unclear whether the regulatory distinction between non-identifiable and identifiable information—information used to determine informed consent practices for the use of clinically derived samples for genetic research—is meaningful to patients. The objective of this study was to examine patients' attitudes and preferences regarding use of anonymous and identifiable clinical samples for genetic research. Telephone interviews were conducted with 1,193 patients recruited from general medicine, thoracic surgery, or medical oncology clinics at five United States academic medical centers. Wanting to know (...)
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  33. Statues, History, and Identity: How Bad Public History Statues Wrong.Daniel Abrahams - 2023 - Journal of the American Philosophical Association 9 (2):253-267.
    There has recently been a focus on the question of statue removalism. This concerns what to do with public history statues that honour or otherwise celebrate ethically bad historical figures. The specific wrongs of these statues have been understood in terms of derogatory speech, inapt honours, or supporting bad ideologies. In this paper I understand these bad public history statues as history, and identify a distinctive class of public history-specific wrongs. Specifically, public history plays an important identity-shaping role, and bad (...)
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  34. Against Evidential Minimalism.Daniel Buckley - 2024 - Episteme 21 (2):1-20.
    Evidence is often taken to be “normative” for doxastic agents. What accounts for the normativity of evidence? According to the view that I'll call “evidential minimalism”, there is a close connection between strong evidence for the truth of p and a normative reason to believe p: evidence is either itself a normative reason for belief, or evidence gives rise to such a reason when certain other minimal conditions are met. In this paper, I argue against evidential minimalism. I will argue (...)
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  35. The Rejection of Consequentializing.Daniel Muñoz - 2021 - Journal of Philosophy 118 (2):79-96.
    Consequentialists say we may always promote the good. Deontologists object: not if that means killing one to save five. “Consequentializers” reply: this act is wrong, but it is not for the best, since killing is worse than letting die. I argue that this reply undercuts the “compellingness” of consequentialism, which comes from an outcome-based view of action that collapses the distinction between killing and letting die.
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    How Infectious Diseases Got Left Out – and What This Omission Might Have Meant for Bioethics.Leslie P. Francis, Margaret P. Battin, Jay A. Jacobson, Charles B. Smith & Jeffrey Botkin - 2005 - Bioethics 19 (4):307-322.
    ABSTRACT In this article, we first document the virtually complete absence of infectious disease examples and concerns at the time bioethics emerged as a field. We then argue that this oversight was not benign by considering two central issues in the field, informed consent and distributive justice, and showing how they might have been framed differently had infectiousness been at the forefront of concern. The solution to this omission might be to apply standard approaches in liberal bioethics, such as autonomy (...)
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    How infectious diseases got left out – and what this omission might have meant for bioethics.Leslie P. Francis, Margaret P. Battin, Jay A. Jacobson, Charles B. Smith & And Jeffrey Botkin - 2005 - Bioethics 19 (4):307–322.
    ABSTRACT In this article, we first document the virtually complete absence of infectious disease examples and concerns at the time bioethics emerged as a field. We then argue that this oversight was not benign by considering two central issues in the field, informed consent and distributive justice, and showing how they might have been framed differently had infectiousness been at the forefront of concern. The solution to this omission might be to apply standard approaches in liberal bioethics, such as autonomy (...)
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  38. The Importance of History to the Erasing‐history defence.Daniel Alexander Abrahams - 2020 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 39 (5):745-760.
    Journal of Applied Philosophy, EarlyView.
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    IRB practices and policies regarding the secondary research use of biospecimens.Aaron J. Goldenberg, Karen J. Maschke, Steven Joffe, Jeffrey R. Botkin, Erin Rothwell, Thomas H. Murray, Rebecca Anderson, Nicole Deming, Beth F. Rosenthal & Suzanne M. Rivera - 2015 - BMC Medical Ethics 16 (1):32.
    As sharing and secondary research use of biospecimens increases, IRBs and researchers face the challenge of protecting and respecting donors without comprehensive regulations addressing the human subject protection issues posed by biobanking. Variation in IRB biobanking policies about these issues has not been well documented.
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    Decomposing relevance in conditionals.Daniel Lassiter - 2023 - Mind and Language 38 (3):644-668.
    Conditionals frequently convey that the antecedent is relevant to the consequent. Recently many authors have argued that this relevance is part of the conventional meaning of conditionals, but this approach fails to account for many examples where a conditional is used to conveyirrelevance of antecedent to consequent. Both types of conditionals are best explained by a conventional meaning with no relevance requirement, and a separate process of coherence establishment among successive clauses in discourse. This account is supported by the distribution (...)
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  41. Seeing by Feeling: Virtues, Skills, and Moral Perception.Daniel Jacobson - 2005 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 8 (4):387-409.
    Champions of virtue ethics frequently appeal to moral perception: the notion that virtuous people can “see” what to do. According to a traditional account of virtue, the cultivation of proper feeling through imitation and habituation issues in a sensitivity to reasons to act. Thus, we learn to see what to do by coming to feel the demands of courage, kindness, and the like. But virtue ethics also claims superiority over other theories that adopt a perceptual moral epistemology, such as intuitionism (...)
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  42. Conservatism, Counterexamples and Debunking.Daniel Z. Korman - 2020 - Analysis 80 (3):558-574.
    A symposium on my *Objects: Nothing Out of the Ordinary* (2015). In response to Wallace, I attempt to clarify the dialectical and epistemic role that my arguments from counterexamples were meant to play, I provide a limited defense of the comparison to the Gettier examples, and I embrace the comparison to Moorean anti-skeptical arguments. In response to deRosset, I provide a clearer formulation of conservatism, explain how a conservative should think about the interaction between intuition and science, and discuss what (...)
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  43. Ditching Decision-Making Capacity.Daniel Fogal & Ben Schwan - forthcoming - Journal of Medical Ethics.
    Decision-making capacity (DMC) plays an important role in clinical practice—determining, on the basis of a patient’s decisional abilities, whether they are entitled to make their own medical decisions or whether a surrogate must be secured to participate in decisions on their behalf. As a result, it’s critical that we get things right—that our conceptual framework be well-suited to the task of helping practitioners systematically sort through the relevant ethical considerations in a way that reliably and transparently delivers correct verdicts about (...)
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  44. Cryonics: Traps and transformations.Daniel Story - 2024 - Bioethics 38 (4):351-355.
    Cryonics is the practice of cryopreserving the bodies or brains of legally dead individuals with the hope that these individuals will be reanimated in the future. A standard argument for cryonics says that cryonics is prudentially justified despite uncertainty about its success because at worst it will leave you no worse off than you otherwise would have been had you not chosen cryonics, and at best it will leave you much better off than you otherwise would have been. Thus, it (...)
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  45. Defending a possible-worlds account of indicative conditionals.Daniel Nolan - 2003 - Philosophical Studies 116 (3):215-269.
    One very popular kind of semantics for subjunctive conditionals is aclosest-worlds account along the lines of theories given by David Lewisand Robert Stalnaker. If we could give the same sort of semantics forindicative conditionals, we would have a more unified account of themeaning of ``if ... then ...'' statements, one with manyadvantages for explaining the behaviour of conditional sentences. Such atreatment of indicative conditionals, however, has faced a battery ofobjections. This paper outlines a closest-worlds account of indicativeconditionals that does better (...)
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  46. Rethinking Woodger’s Legacy in the Philosophy of Biology.Daniel J. Nicholson & Richard Gawne - 2014 - Journal of the History of Biology 47 (2):243-292.
    The writings of Joseph Henry Woodger (1894–1981) are often taken to exemplify everything that was wrongheaded, misguided, and just plain wrong with early twentieth-century philosophy of biology. Over the years, commentators have said of Woodger: (a) that he was a fervent logical empiricist who tried to impose the explanatory gold standards of physics onto biology, (b) that his philosophical work was completely disconnected from biological science, (c) that he possessed no scientific or philosophical credentials, and (d) that his work was (...)
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  47. On the Role of Erotetic Constraints in Non-causal Explanations.Daniel Kostić - 2024 - Philosophy of Science 91 (5):1078-1088.
    In non-causal explanations, some non-causal facts (such as mathematical, modal or metaphysical) are used to explain some physical facts. However, precisely because these explanations abstract away from causal facts, they face two challenges: 1) it is not clear why would one rather than the other non-causal explanantia be relevant for the explanandum; and 2) why would standing in a particular explanatory relation (e.g., “counterfactual dependence”, “constraint”, “entailment”, “constitution”, “grounding”, and so on), and not in some other, be explanatory. I develop (...)
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  48. Pessimism and procreation.Daniel Pallies - 2023 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 108 (3):751-771.
    The pessimistic hypothesis is the hypothesis that life is bad for us, in the sense that we are worse off for having come into existence. Suppose this hypothesis turns out to be correct — existence turns out to be more of a burden than a gift. A natural next thought is that we should stop having children. But I contend that this is a mistake; procreation would often be permissible even if the pessimistic hypothesis turned out to be correct. Roughly, (...)
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    Kant’s Mereological Account of Greater and Lesser Actual Infinities.Daniel Smyth - 2023 - Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 105 (2):315-348.
    Recent work on Kant’s conception of space has largely put to rest the view that Kant is hostile to actual infinity. Far from limiting our cognition to quantities that are finite or merely potentially infinite, Kant characterizes the ground of all spatial representation as an actually infinite magnitude. I advance this reevaluation a step further by arguing that Kant judges some actual infinities to be greater than others: he claims, for instance, that an infinity of miles is strictly smaller than (...)
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  50. Welcome to Strong Illusionism.Daniel C. Dennett - 2019 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 26 (9-10):48-58.
    David Chalmers underestimates the possibility that actually answering the 'hard question' will make both the hard problem and the meta-problem of consciousness evaporate.
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