Results for 'Daniele Cantini'

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  1. Annunciazioni, rotazioni e samurai mancini. Il verso di lettura delle immagini e la scrittura.Daniele Barbieri - 2012 - Aisthesis: Pratiche, Linguaggi E Saperi Dell’Estetico 5 (2).
    Not only the vertical direction of images – perceptually subject to the law of gravity and its consequences – plays an important role in their interpretation; the horizontal direction left-right too seems to foster different interpretations from its converse. For this reason there are subjects and genres of painting, such as the Annunciation or the portrait, revealing some constants from this point of view, in their representation conventions. And for this same reason there are languages​​, like comics, where the left-right (...)
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    (1 other version)Science Commons : nouvelles règles, nouvelles pratiques.Danièle Bourcier - 2010 - Hermès: La Revue Cognition, communication, politique 57 (2):153.
    Les avancées rapides dans les technologies numériques ont considérablement changé et amélioré la façon dont les données, informations et outils peuvent être diffusés, gérés, utilisés et réutilisés dans la recherche, et ont créé de nouvelles opportunités pour accélérer le progrès dans la science et l’innovation. Ces développements sont principalement dus au large mouvement formel ou informel de la peer production et à la diffusion globale de l’information mobilisant la coopération de communautés distribuées œuvrant dans des environnements en réseaux. Les initiatives (...)
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  3. America is addicted to oil": U.S. secret warfare and dwindling oil reserves in the context of peak oil and 9/11.Daniele Ganser - 2012 - In Eric Michael Wilson (ed.), The Dual State: Parapolitics, Carl Schmitt and the National Security Complex. Ashgate.
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    Democrazia ecologica: l'ambiente e la crisi delle istituzioni liberali.Daniele Ungaro - 2004 - Roma: Laterza.
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    Testing Hypotheses on Risk Factors for Scientific Misconduct via Matched-Control Analysis of Papers Containing Problematic Image Duplications.Daniele Fanelli, Rodrigo Costas, Ferric C. Fang, Arturo Casadevall & Elisabeth M. Bik - 2019 - Science and Engineering Ethics 25 (3):771-789.
    It is commonly hypothesized that scientists are more likely to engage in data falsification and fabrication when they are subject to pressures to publish, when they are not restrained by forms of social control, when they work in countries lacking policies to tackle scientific misconduct, and when they are male. Evidence to test these hypotheses, however, is inconclusive due to the difficulties of obtaining unbiased data. Here we report a pre-registered test of these four hypotheses, conducted on papers that were (...)
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  6. On possibilising genealogy.Daniele Lorenzini - forthcoming - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy.
    In this paper, I argue that the vindicatory/unmasking distinction has so far prevented scholars from grasping a third dimension of genealogical inquiry, one I call possibilising. This dimension has passed unnoticed even though it constitutes a crucial aspect of Foucault’s genealogical project starting from 1978 on. By focusing attention on it, I hope to provide a definitive rebuttal of one of the main criticisms that has been raised against genealogy in general, and Foucauldian genealogy in particular, namely the idea that (...)
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  7. Knowing how to establish intellectualism.Daniele Sgaravatti & Elia Zardini - 2008 - Grazer Philosophische Studien 77 (1):217-261.
    In this paper, we present a number of problems for intellectualism about knowledge-how, and in particular for the version of the view developed by Stanley & Williamson 2001. Their argument draws on the alleged uniformity of 'know how'-and 'know wh'-ascriptions. We offer a series of considerations to the effect that this assimilation is problematic. Firstly, in contrast to 'know wh'-ascriptions, 'know how'-ascriptions with known negative answers are false. Secondly, knowledge-how obeys closure principles whose counterparts fail for knowledge-wh and knowledge-that. Thirdly, (...)
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    Tightrope-Walking Rationality in Action: Feyerabendian Insights for the Foundations of Quantum Mechanics.Daniele Oriti - 2024 - International Studies in the Philosophy of Science 37 (4):161-193.
    We scan Paul K. Feyerabend's work in philosophy of physics and of science more generally for insights that could be useful for the contemporary debate on the foundations of quantum mechanics. We take as our starting point what Feyerabend has actually written about quantum mechanics, but we extend our analysis to his general views on realism, objectivity, pluralism, and the relation between physics and philosophy, finding that these more general views could in fact offer many interesting insights for physicists and (...)
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    Anchoring European Governance: Two Versions of Responsible Research and Innovation and EU Fundamental Rights as ‘Normative Anchor Points’.Daniele Ruggiu - 2015 - NanoEthics 9 (3):217-235.
    Among the various experiments in ‘new governance’, the model of Responsible Research and Innovation is emerging in the European landscape as quite promising. Up to now, there have been two versions of RRI: a socio-empirical version which tends to underline the role of democratic processes aimed at identifying values on which governance needs to be anchored and a normative version which stresses the role of EU goals as ‘normative anchor points’ of both governance strategies and policy making. Both versions are (...)
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    Nuovi farmaci nel trattamento del diabete tipo 2.Daniele Giuseppe & Roberto Miccoli - 2011 - Fenomenologia. Diálogos Possíveis Campinas: Alínea/Goiânia: Editora da Puc Goiás 4 (2):8-9.
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    Senso mistico e senso letterale nel Commento a Giobbe di Nachmanide.Daniele Savino - 2024 - Doctor Virtualis 19:105-131.
    Il _ Commento al Libro di Giobbe _ di Mosè Nachmanide rappresenta un ideale corollario antropologico ed escatologico al suo imponente _ Commento alla Torah _. Esponente di spicco della comunità ebraica di Gerona e della locale scuola cabalistica, dove agli insegnamenti del provenzale Isacco il Cieco si associano elementi provenienti dalla tradizione talmudica, ellenistica e araba, Nachmanide propone una lettura esoterico-cabalistica di _ Giobbe _ volta a confutare l’apparente inconciliabilità ontologica tra l’esperienza del dolore individuale e l’ordine di un (...)
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    La 'Teoria della ricezione' di Hans Robert Jauss.Daniele Sironi - 1997 - Iride: Filosofia e Discussione Pubblica 10 (2):348-362.
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    Neooświecenie i polityka kultury. O relacji polityki i kultury po drugiej wojnie światowej we Włoszech.Daniele Stasi - 2019 - Archiwum Historii Filozofii I Myśli Społecznej 64:275-290.
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    Forcing Optimality and Brandt’s Principle.Daniele Struppa, Marco Panza & Domenico Napoletani - 2017 - In Martin Carrier & Johannes Lenhard (eds.), Mathematics as a Tool: Tracing New Roles of Mathematics in the Sciences. Springer Verlag.
    We argue that many optimization methods can be viewed as representatives of “forcing”, a methodological approach that attempts to bridge the gap between data and mathematics on the basis of an a priori trust in the power of a mathematical technique, even when detailed, credible models of a phenomenon are lacking or do not justify the use of this technique. In particular, we show that forcing is implied in particle swarms optimization methods, and in modeling image processing problems through optimization. (...)
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    The Ontological Nature of Intuition in Schelling.Daniele Fulvi - 2020 - Idealistic Studies 50 (1):1-17.
    In this paper, I focus on the concept of intuition in Schelling’s philosophy. More specifically, I show how Schelling attributes to intuition an ontological value by essentially relating it to freedom and primal Being. Indeed, for Schelling intuition is both the main instrument of philosophy and the highest product of freedom, by which we attain the so-called “God’s-eye point of view” and concretely grasp things in their immediate existence. That is, through intuition it is possible to grasp the absolute and (...)
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    Debating cosmopolitics.Daniele Archibugi & Mathias Koenig-Archibugi (eds.) - 2003 - New York: VERSO.
    Cosmopolitics, the concept of a world politics based on shared democratic values, is in an increasingly fragile state.
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    Éthique et politique de soi: Foucault, Hadot, Cavell et les techniques de l'ordinaire.Daniele Lorenzini - 2015 - Paris, France: Vrin.
    Quel rapport est-il possible de tracer entre l'ethique et la politique? Michel Foucault, Pierre Hadot et Stanley Cavell, a partir de trois positions philosophiques tres differentes, ont elabore des strategies de reponse a cette question que le present ouvrage se propose de rendre explicites et d'explorer. Ainsi, l'esthetique de l'existence, les exercices spirituels et le perfectionnisme moral y sont combines afin de construire un arriere-plan conceptuel et pratique permettant de saisir a la fois les enjeux politiques d'une ethique de soi (...)
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    Freedom as a Matter of Resistance in the Philosophy of Schelling.Daniele Fulvi - 2022 - Critical Horizons 23 (1):78-92.
    ABSTRACT In this paper, I demonstrate that the concept of resistance is fundamental in order to understand Schelling’s account of freedom. First, I argue that Schelling, in his early works, contends that the resistance opposed by nature to our individual will is fundamental for human beings to actualise freedom. Moreover, I show that Schelling maintains the centrality of resistance even in his philosophy of nature, and I demonstrate that resistance is that fundamental ontological occurrence which grounds the opposition between the (...)
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  19. Il concetto di philia: Aristotele e la posterità.Daniele Guastini - 2009 - Acta Philosophica 18 (1).
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    Jacques Maritain e i diritti umani: fra totalitarismo, antisemitismo e democrazia (1936-1951).Daniele Lorenzini - 2012 - Brescia: Morcelliana.
  21. Para acabar con la verdad-demostración: Bachelar, Canguilhem, Foucault y la historia de los "regímenes de verdad".Daniele Lorenzini - 2010 - Laguna 26:9-34.
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  22. Le vent comme élément d'une esthétique de la précarité et de la mobilité.Danièle Meaux - 2003 - Iris 25:247-260.
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    Il dinamismo intellettuale davanti al mistero: la questione del soprannaturale nel percorso speculativo di J. Maréchal.Daniele Moretto - 2001 - Milano: Glossa.
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  24. TGFT condensate cosmology as an example of spacetime emergence in quantum gravity.Daniele Oriti - 2022 - In Antonio Vassallo (ed.), The Foundations of Spacetime Physics: Philosophical Perspectives. New York, NY: Routledge.
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    Mechanisms of the antitumoral effect of lipid A.Danièle Reisser, Alena Pance & Jean-François Jeannin - 2002 - Bioessays 24 (3):284-289.
    Bacterial lipopolysaccharide (LPS) and its active component, lipid A, have been used either alone or as adjuvant in therapeutic anticancer vaccines. Lipid A induces various transcription factors via intracellular signaling cascades initiated by their receptor CD14-TLR4. These events lead to the synthesis of cytokines, which either have direct cytotoxic effect or stimulate the immune system. Their antitumoral effect has been demonstrated in animal models as well as clinical trials. Studies in animal models showed that their antitumoral effect relies mostly on (...)
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    A quoi sert la littérature?: entretien avec Philippe Petit.Danièle Sallenave & Philippe Petit - 1997 - Paris: Les Editions Textuel. Edited by Philippe Petit.
    Les pouvoirs de la littérature sont en déshérence. Enseignante et écrivaine, l'auteure ne se résigne pas à entériner cet échec. L'enseignement des lettres doit servir à former des hommes libres, des citoyens capables d'un jugement autonome. Ce livre est aussi une réflexion sur la figure du narrateur et sur la liberté du lecteur qui retraverse des situations où se trouve engagé son imaginaire.
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    Temporal Perspectives of the Nanotechnological Challenge to Regulation: How Human Rights Can Contribute to the Present and Future of Nanotechnologies.Daniele Ruggiu - 2013 - NanoEthics 7 (3):201-215.
    Expectations play a central role in understanding scientific and technological changes. Future-oriented representations are also central with regard to nanotechnologies as they can guide policy activities, provide structures and legitimation, attract different interests, focus policy-makers’ attention and foster investments for research. However, the emphasis on future scenarios tends to underrate the complexity of the challenges of the present market of nanotechnologies by flattening them under the needs and promises of scientific research. This is particularly apparent if we consider the viewpoint (...)
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  28. El cinismo hace de la vida una aleturgie: Apuntes para una relectura del recorrido filosófico del último Michel Foucault.Daniele Lorenzini - 2008 - Laguna 23:63-90.
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    Is Knowledge of Essence Required for Thinking about Something?Daniele Sgaravatti - 2016 - Dialectica 70 (2):217-228.
    Lowe claims that having knowledge of the essence of an object is a precondition for thinking about it. Lowe supports this claim with roughly the following argument: you cannot think about something unless you know what you are thinking about; and to know what it is that you are thinking about just is to know its essence. I will argue that this line of reasoning fails because of an equivocation in the expression ‘what a thing is’, which can be used (...)
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    From Counter-Conduct to Critical Attitude: Michel Foucault and the Art of Not Being Governed Quite So Much.Daniele Lorenzini - 2016 - Foucault Studies 21:7-21.
    In this article I reconstruct the philosophical conditions for the emergence of the notion of counter-conduct within the framework of Michel Foucault’s study of governmentality, and I explore the reasons for its disappearance after 1978. In particular, I argue that the concept of conduct becomes crucial for Foucault in order to redefine governmental power relations as specific ways to conduct the conduct of individuals: it is initially within this context that, in Security, Territory, Population, he rethinks the problem of resistance (...)
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    Le rapport social de sexe.Danièle Kergoat - 2001 - Actuel Marx 30:85.
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    Connecting bilattice theory with multivalued logic.Daniele Genito & Giangiacomo Gerla - 2014 - Logic and Logical Philosophy 23 (1):15-45.
    This is an exploratory paper whose aim is to investigate the potentialities of bilattice theory for an adequate definition of the deduction apparatus for multi-valued logic. We argue that bilattice theory enables us to obtain a nice extension of the graded approach to fuzzy logic. To give an example, a completeness theorem for a logic based on Boolean algebras is proved.
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    On humans' (explicit) intuitions about the meaning of novel words.Daniele Gatti, Francesca Rodio, Luca Rinaldi & Marco Marelli - 2024 - Cognition 251 (C):105882.
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    Abductive inference within a pragmatic framework.Daniele Chiffi & Ahti-Veikko Pietarinen - 2020 - Synthese 197 (6):2507-2523.
    This paper presents an enrichment of the Gabbay–Woods schema of Peirce’s 1903 logical form of abduction with illocutionary acts, drawing from logic for pragmatics and its resources to model justified assertions. It analyses the enriched schema and puts it into the perspective of Peirce’s logic and philosophy.
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    Reason Versus Power: Genealogy, Critique, and Epistemic Injustice.Daniele Lorenzini - 2022 - The Monist 105 (4):541-557.
    In this paper, I take issue with the idea that Michel Foucault might be considered a theorist of epistemic injustice, and argue that his philosophical premises are incompatible with Miranda Fricker’s. Their main disagreement rests upon their divergent ways of conceiving the relationship between reason and power, giving rise to the contrasting forms of normativity that characterize their critical projects. This disagreement can be helpfully clarified by addressing the different use they make of the genealogical method. While Fricker’s genealogy of (...)
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    Jean-Luc Nancy and the thinking of otherness: philosophy and powers of existence.Daniele Rugo - 2013 - New York: Bloomsbury Publishing Plc.
    Jean-Luc Nancy and the Thinking of Otherness is the first book in English to provide a sustained account of the relationship between Nancy, Levinas and Heidegger.
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  37. Teologia dell'esperienza.Daniele Bertini, Giovanni Salmeri & Paolo Tiranni (eds.) - 2010 - Nuova Cultura.
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  38. La spiritualità di giorgio la pira nelle.Daniele Aucone - 2007 - Divus Thomas 110 (2):221-235.
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    Discours juridique, Interprétation et représentation des connaissances: les connecteurs d’inclusion.Danièle Bourcier & Sylvie Bruxelles - 1989 - Semiotica 77 (1-3):253-270.
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    La guerre du Golfe et la presse genevoise.Daniele Caramani, Véronique Mottier & William Ossipow - 1994 - Hermes 13:155.
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    Knowledge and assertion.Daniele Chiffi - 2012 - Roma: Aracne.
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    Estudio de un caso práctico: escribir un cuadro, describir una vida.Danièle Cohn - 2000 - Endoxa 1 (12-2):831.
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  43. Maya Burial Customs.Danièle Couveinhes & Allen Grieco - 1974 - Diogenes 22 (88):100-113.
    In Mexico the skeleton of the danse macabre, the skeleton of the “triumph of death,” has become a sugar candy. It has become a plaything, a caricature.Why this caricature? The reasons for the contemporary Mexican's feeling about death must not be sought in some psychological defense mechanism consisting of macabre humor in face of an unhappy fate. One must not invoke the consequences of a pseudo-catholicism more or less colored by mystical masochism. Nor must one reduce it to the simple (...)
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    Gregorio di Elvira interprete dei Cantico dei Cantiel.Daniele Gianotti - 1984 - Augustinianum 24 (3):421-439.
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  45. Paesaggio, poesia e natura.Daniele Goldoni - 2005 - Rivista di Estetica 45 (29):131-138.
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    The Practice of ὀνοματοποιεῖν: Some Peculiar Statements in the Ancient Neoplatonic Commentators on Aristotle.Daniele Granata - 2016 - Peitho 7 (1):217-228.
    This paper shows the role of ὀνοματοποιεῖν in Neoplatonism and how this practice is ruled by an onto-logical canon. While ὀνοματοποιεῖν itself means the making of a brand new name, its usage is manifold. As Aristotle explains in Rh. III 2, poets take advantage of ὀνοματοποιεῖν to catch the undefined and give it a recognisable image, by means of a metaphorical name. In science, this practice, codified by Aristotle, is twofold: ὀνοματοποιεῖν meant both to re-semanticize words wellknown and to create (...)
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    Plato v. Status Quo: On the Motivation for Socrates' Digression in the Theaetetus.Daniele Labriola - 2012 - Apeiron 45 (1):91-108.
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    Marc Lange. The because of Because Without Cause: Non-Causal Explanations in Science and Mathematics.Daniele Molinini - forthcoming - Philosophia Mathematica:nky004.
    © The Authors [2018]. Published by Oxford University Press. All rights reserved. For permissions, please e-mail: [email protected] article is published and distributed under the terms of the Oxford University Press, Standard Journals Publication Model...In his Moby Dick, Herman Melville writes that “to produce a mighty book you must choose a mighty theme”. Marc Lange’s Because Without Cause is definitely an impressive book that deals with a mighty theme, that of non-causal explanations in the empirical sciences and in mathematics. Blending a (...)
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    (1 other version)Decidability and godel incompleteness in af c*-algebras.Daniele Mundici - 2005 - Manuscrito 28 (2):547-558.
    In the algebraic treatment of quantum statistical systems, the claim “Nature does not have ideals” is sometimes used to convey the idea that the C*-algebras describing natural systems are simple, i.e., they do not have nontrivial homomorphic images. Using our interpretation of AF C*-algebras as algebras of Lukasiewicz calculus, in a previous paper the claim was shown to be incompatible with the existence of a G¨odel incomplete AF C*-algebra for a quantum physical system existing in nature. In this note we (...)
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  50. Profili-Flavio Baroncelli.Daniele Rolando - 2008 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 63 (4):821.
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