Results for 'Darío Montero'

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  1. The big lie.Dario Corbeira & Irene Montero - 2007 - Radical Philosophy 146:45-46.
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    Cultures of democracy.Darío Montero - 2018 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 44 (7):784-786.
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  3. History, Critique, Social Change and Democracy An Interview with Charles Taylor.Ulf Bohmann & Darío Montero - 2014 - Constellations 21 (1):3-15.
    In this comprehensive interview with Charles Taylor, the focus is put on the conceptual level. Taylor reflects on the relationship between history, narrativity and social critique, between social imaginaries and social change, and between his own thought and that of Cambridge School history of ideas, Nietzschean genealogy, Frankfurt School critical theory, and agonistic approaches to the political. This interview not only captures the tremendous breadth and range of Taylor’s theoretical interests, it also vindicates his contention that the common thread of (...)
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  4. Escritos marxistas de Santiago Montero Díaz (1930-1933): noticia e antoloxía.Xesús Alonso Montero - 2006 - In Juan Carlos Couceiro-Bueno & Sergio Vences Fernández (eds.), Pensar en tiempos de oscuridad: homenaje al profesor Sergio Vences. A Coruña: Universidade da Coruña, Servizo de Publicacions.
  5. Fernando Montero's linguistic phenomenology 473.Fernando Montero'S. - 2003 - In Anna-Teresa Tymieniecka (ed.), Phenomenology World-Wide. Kluwer Academic Publishers. pp. 473.
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    Thought in Action: Expertise and the Conscious Mind.Barbara Gail Montero - 2016 - Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press UK.
    How does thinking affect doing? There is a widely held view that thinking about what you are doing, as you are doing it, hinders performance. Once you have acquired the ability to putt a golf ball, play an arpeggio on the piano, or parallel-park, reflecting on your actions leads to inaccuracies, blunders, and sometimes even utter paralysis--that's what is widely believed. But is it true? After exploring some of the contemporary and historical manifestations of the idea, Barbara Gail Montero (...)
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    Bibliografía de Fernando Montero Moliner.Fernando Montero Moliner - 1998 - Investigaciones Fenomenológicas 2:273.
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  8. Varieties of causal closure.Barbara Montero - 2003 - In Sven Walter & Heinz-Dieter Heckmann (eds.), Physicalism and Mental Causation: The Metaphysics of Mind and Action. Imprint Academic. pp. 173-187.
  9. A defense of the via negativa argument for physicalism.Barbara Montero & David Papineau - 2005 - Analysis 65 (3):233-237.
  10. What is the physical.Barbara Montero - 2007 - In Brian McLaughlin, Ansgar Beckermann & Sven Walter (eds.), The Oxford handbook of philosophy of mind. New York: Oxford University Press.
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  11. What does the conservation of energy have to do with physicalism?Barbara Montero - 2006 - Dialectica 60 (4):383-396.
    The conservation of energy law, a law of physics that states that the total energy of any closed system is always conserved, is a bedrock principle that has achieved both broad theoretical and experimental support. Yet if interactive dualism is correct, it is thought that the mind can affect physical objects in violation of the conservation of energy. Thus, some claim, the conservation of energy grounds an argument for physicalism. Although critics of the argument focus on the implausibility of causation (...)
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  12. ¿Es la pobreza global un problema de derechos humanos? Lo que el argumento cosmopolita no puede probar.Julio Montero - 2007 - Revista Latinoamericana de Filosofia 33 (2):223-246.
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    Mario Dal Pra "fucino".Dario Borso - 2016 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 71 (4):377-385.
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    Escritos medievales en honor del obispo Isidoro de Sevilla.Juan Antonio Cabrera Montero - 2019 - Augustinianum 59 (1):267-270.
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    La doctrina Pneumatológica de las Sententiae de Isidoro de Sevilla.Juan Antonio Cabrera Montero - 2017 - Augustinianum 57 (1):169-190.
    Isidore of Seville did not leave behind any specifically trinitarian, Christological or pneumatological treatises. We find his theological doctrine evident in sections throughout his works although, as a result of the effort of a good compiler and synthesizer, it is not difficult to trace the passages in which the bishop of Seville deals with each one of these subjects. With regard to the doctrine on the Holy Spirit, the chapter dedicated to the third person of the Trinity in the first (...)
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  16. Encarar lo real: Caos, fantasía Y trabajo. Sobre Hans Blumenberg.Sebastian Alejandro Gonzalez Montero - 2008 - Universitas Philosophica 25 (51):85-114.
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  17. Ricoeurykant: Reconocimiento, síntesisy tiempo.Sebastian Alejandro Gonzalez Montero - 2008 - Universitas Philosophica 25 (50):63-94.
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  18. Reynolds, Andrew S. Understanding Metaphors in the Life Sciences.Daniel Labrador-Montero - forthcoming - Thémata Revista de Filosofía.
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    Sobre la división de la razón en Kant: la ruptura con el sistema de racionalidad absoluta.Daniel Labrador Montero - 2018 - Revista de Humanidades de Valparaíso 11:39-74.
    This article intends to show how the philosophy of Kant supposes a rupture with the doctrines based on a system of absolute rationality, where the most important element is the unity of reason. In this way, it will try to underline the main critiques of the Prussian philosopher to theories based on the unity of reason and direct access to reality, as well as exposing the Kantian proposal of a unitary formal rational structure, but with several irreconcilable uses.
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    «Scientia est assimilatio scientis ad rem scitam»: el conocimiento en cuanto relativo y la relación de «semejanza» en Tomás de Aquino.Darío José Limardo - 2023 - Pensamiento 78 (301):1749-1770.
    La teoría del conocimiento en Tomás de Aquino es uno de los temas más controversiales de los últimos años entre los medievalistas debido a la interpretación de las teorías escolásticas en base a los modelos cognitivos contemporáneos. En estos debates, la noción de semejanza ocupa un lugar central, a pesar de que su estatus como una relación no es lo suficientemente tratado. En el presente trabajo abordo el problema del conocimiento en Tomás de Aquino como un término del orden de (...)
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  21. La interprretación dialéctica de la libertad.Fernando Montero Moliner - 1971 - Teorema: International Journal of Philosophy 1 (1):75-89.
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    Really taking metaphysics seriously.Barbara Montero - 2004 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 27 (5):632-633.
    Ross & Spurrett (R&S) fail to take metaphysics seriously because they do not make a clear enough distinction between how we understand the world and what the world is really like. Although they show that the behavioral and cognitive sciences are genuinely explanatory, it is not clear that they have shown that these special sciences identify properties that are genuinely causal.
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    Jon Elster: Uvod u društvene znanosti.Dario Pavić - 2002 - Prolegomena 1 (2):204-207.
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    Arendt.Dario Zucchello - 2017 - Bologna: Diogene multimedia.
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    Naturalism and Physicalism.Barbara Gail Montero & David Papineau - 2015 - In Kelly James Clark (ed.), The Blackwell Companion to Naturalism. Hoboken: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 182–195.
    This chapter is concerned with materialistic views of the mind and the natural world in general. It examines the scientific evidence for the claim that everything within the spatiotemporal realm is physically constituted, and considers whether this evidence leaves room for any alternatives to this physicalist thesis.
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    On the relation between the enactive and the sensorimotor approach to perception.Dario Taraborelli & Matteo Mossio - 2008 - Consciousness and Cognition 17 (4):1343-1344.
    In Mossio & Taraborelli (2008) we challenged the assumption according to which the ecological and sensorimotor approaches are mere conceptual variations on the same enactive theme. We showed, on the contrary, that they endorse substantially different notions of an 'action-dependent perceptual invariant' and we submitted that this distinction has interesting theoretical and empirical implications. This dissimilarity between ecological and sensorimotor theories stems, in our view, from a more fundamental divergence on the nature of perceptual information. Since Gibson's work, the ecological (...)
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    Philosophy of mind: a very short introduction.Barbara Gail Montero - 2022 - Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    Is the neurophysiology of pain all there is to pain? How do words and mental pictures come to represent things in the world? Do computers think, and if so, are their thought processes significantly similar to our thought processes? Or is there something distinctive about human thought thatprecludes replication in a computer? These are some of the puzzles that motivate the philosophical discipline called "philosophy of mind," a central area of philosophy.This Very Short Introduction introduces the philosophy of mind, and (...)
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  28. The body problem.Barbara Montero - 1999 - Noûs 33 (2):183-200.
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    O si domina o si è dominati.Dario Bernazza - 1979 - Roma: Messaggerie del libro.
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    Alberto Ferreiro, Epistolae Plenae: The Correspondence of the Bishops of Hispania with the Bishops of Rome (Third through Seventh Centuries).Juan Antonio Cabrera Montero - 2022 - Augustinianum 62 (2):553-554.
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    Chronica Hispana saeculi VIII et IX, cura et studio Juan Gil.Juan Antonio Cabrera Montero - 2020 - Augustinianum 60 (2):626-629.
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    Josep Vilella Masana, Biografía de Osio de Córdoba.Juan Antonio Cabrera Montero - 2021 - Augustinianum 61 (2):617-619.
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    Scriptores muzarabici saeculi VIII-XI, cura et studio Juan Gil.Juan Antonio Cabrera Montero - 2022 - Augustinianum 62 (1):273-275.
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    Stefan Pabst, Das theologische Profil des Julian von Toledo: Das Leben und Wirken eines westgotischen Bischofs des siebten Jahrhunderts.Juan Antonio Cabrera Montero - 2021 - Augustinianum 61 (2):603-609.
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    Political Theory and the European Constitution.Dario Castiglione - 2007 - Contemporary Political Theory 6 (1):120-122.
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    Por qué Una Concepción restrictiva de la razón pública Viola la neutralidad estatal.Julio C. Montero - 2009 - Isonomía. Revista de Teoría y Filosofía Del Derecho 30.
    La tesis central de este artículo es que la concepción de la razón pública propuesta por John Rawls, incluso en su versión “inclusiva”, es demasiado restrictiva y viola el principio liberal de legitimidad y la tesis de la neutralidad del estado, que constituyen elementos centrales de la teoría política de Rawls y del liberalismo político en general. Finalmente, se propone una concepción alternativa de la razón pública liberal, centrada únicamente en un deber básico de civilidad, el deber de reciprocidad, a (...)
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  37. Lineas fundamentales de la filosofía de John Dewey..Mendoza de Montero & AngéLica[From Old Catalog] - 1940 - Buenos Aires,:
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    Food design chez Bras.Dario Mangano - 2016 - Semiotica 2016 (211):341-353.
    Journal Name: Semiotica Issue: Ahead of print.
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    Omicidi, economia e tassi di incarcerazione in Italia dall'Unità ad oggi.Dario Melossi - 1998 - Polis 12 (3):415-438.
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    Stati forti e definiti della coscienza collettiva e l'idea di una "responsabilità condivisa".Dario Melossi - 2001 - Iride: Filosofia e Discussione Pubblica 14 (1):67-86.
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    Autochthony and Rootlessness: towards a Hegelian reappropriation of Heidegger's philosophy.Felipe Daniel Montero - 2021 - International Journal of Žižek Studies 15 (2).
    In this paper I offer a critical reading of some aspects of Heidegger’s late philosophy and evaluate how these relate to his nationalist claim that we need to stay rooted in the soil of our homeland. In response to this claim, Žižek suggests thet being-rootless is the primordial state of being-human and that what we represent as our roots are secondary attempts to obfuscate this dimension. First, I will present Heidegger’s philosophy of technology to elucidate his thesis that the essence (...)
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    Catholicism, the Cornerstone of G. K. Chesterton, Hilaire Belloc and Manuel Brunet’s Thinking in the Face of a Rise in European Totalitarianisms.Francesc Montero - 2012 - The Chesterton Review 38 (3/4):462-485.
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    1864. El asalto a la razón de Dostoievski.David Montero Bosch - 2016 - Daimon: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 68:115.
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    Historiar la globalización desde el presente. La aportación de los historiadores a los estudios sobre la globalización.José Antonio Montero Jiménez - 2018 - Arbor 194 (787):438.
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  45. ¿Pueden los derechos naturales hacer alguna contribución a la filosofía de los derechos humanos?Julio Montero - 2016 - Critica 48 (144):61-88.
    Durante décadas, los filósofos han concebido los derechos humanos como una clase de derechos naturales de los que gozamos por el mero hecho de ser seres humanos. Sin embargo, esta interpretación ha sido severamente cuestionada en los últimos años. Toda una familia de autores, identificados con una concepción “práctico-dependiente”, asevera que los derechos humanos constituyen una práctica sui generis completamente ajena a la tradición del derecho natural. En contra de esta postura, este artículo argumenta que el discurso de los derechos (...)
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    Proposiciones vs. oraciones eternas en Quine.Óscar Trelles Montero - 1989 - Areté. Revista de Filosofía 1 (1):131-144.
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    Retorno a la fenomenología.Fernando Montero - 1987 - Barcelona: Anthropos.
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    Astronomic Bioethics: Terraforming X Planetary protection.Dario Palhares & Íris Almeida dos Santos - 2017 - Bangladesh Journal of Bioethics 8 (2):1-10.
    A hard difficulty in Astrobiology is the precise definition of what life is. All living beings have a cellular structure, so it is not possible to have a broader concept of life hence the search for extraterrestrial life is restricted to extraterrestrial cells. Earth is an astronomical rarity because it is difficult for a planet to present liquid water on the surface. Two antagonistic bioethical principles arise: planetary protection and terraforming. Planetary protection is based on the fear of interplanetary cross-infection (...)
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    La Audiencia Nacional.Javier Puyol Montero - 2003 - Arbor 175 (691):1287-1293.
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  50. Arte y pluralismo: la estética de Nelson Goodman.E. Terrón Montero - 2003 - Laguna 12:175-194.
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