Results for 'David R. Ross'

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  1.  40
    Learning Not to Think Like an Economist.David R. Ross - 2007 - Journal of Research Practice 3 (2):Article M12.
    This essay describes my progress bringing the core ideas of economics into conversations with noneconomists about important public policy issues within my faith community, through local politics, and through interdisciplinary conversations in academia. Thinking like an economist is essential to conducting research and performing careful analysis of public policy issues. However, it can reduce the economists’ effectiveness in teaching and interacting with neighbors and political leaders. Effective pedagogy requires that faculty be present as good economists to their neighbors, their fellow (...)
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    Teaching America: The Case for Civic Education.David J. Feith, Seth Andrew, Charles F. Bahmueller, Mark Bauerlein, John M. Bridgeland, Bruce Cole, Alan M. Dershowitz, Mike Feinberg, Senator Bob Graham, Chris Hand, Frederick M. Hess, Eugene Hickok, Michael Kazin, Senator Jon Kyl, Jay P. Lefkowitz, Peter Levine, Harry Lewis, Justice Sandra Day O'Connor, Secretary Rod Paige, Charles N. Quigley, Admiral Mike Ratliff, Glenn Harlan Reynolds, Jason Ross, Andrew J. Rotherham, John R. Thelin & Juan Williams - 2011 - R&L Education.
    This book taps the best American thinkers to answer the essential American question: How do we sustain our experiment in government of, by, and for the people? Authored by an extraordinary and politically diverse roster of public officials, scholars, and educators, these chapters describe our nation's civic education problem, assess its causes, offer an agenda for reform, and explain the high stakes at risk if we fail.
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    Divine causality, evil, and philosophical theology: A critique of James Ross[REVIEW]David R. Griffin - 1973 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 4 (3):168 - 186.
  4.  8
    Adam Omelianchuk, Alexander Morgan Capron, Lainie Friedman Ross, Arthur R. Derse, James L. Bernat, and David Magnus reply.Adam Omelianchuk, Alexander Morgan Capron, Lainie Friedman Ross, Arthur R. Derse, James L. Bernat & David Magnus - 2024 - Hastings Center Report 54 (5):37-38.
    This letter responds to letters by Garson Leder and by Harrison Lee in the same issue, September‐October 2024, of the Hastings Center Report.
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    New books. [REVIEW]David Morrison, B. Russell, H. J., Frederick Pollock, G. R. T. Ross, G. Salvadori & A. W. Benn - 1904 - Mind 13 (52):572-582.
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  6. Neither Ethical nor Prudent: Why Not to Choose Normothermic Regional Perfusion.Adam Omelianchuk, Alexander Morgan Capron, Lainie Friedman Ross, Arthur R. Derse, James L. Bernat & David Magnus - 2024 - Hastings Center Report 54 (4):14-23.
    In transplant medicine, the use of normothermic regional perfusion (NRP) in donation after circulatory determination of death raises ethical difficulties. NRP is objectionable because it restores the donor's circulation, thus invalidating a death declaration based on the permanent cessation of circulation. NRP's defenders respond with arguments that are tortuous and factually inaccurate and depend on introducing extraneous concepts into the law. However, results comparable to NRP's—more and higher‐quality organs and more efficient allocation—can be achieved by removing organs from deceased donors (...)
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  7.  34
    A Calendar of the Correspondence of Sir John Herschel. Michael J. Crowe, David R. Dyck, James J. Kevin.Sydney Ross - 1999 - Isis 90 (4):817-818.
  8. New books. [REVIEW]M. L., David Morrison, W. McD, G. R. T. Ross, A. E. Taylor, P. E. Winter, B. L., B. Russell, Louis Brehaut, G. Galloway, Henry Wodehouse, M. J. & C. A. F. Rhys Davids - 1909 - Mind 18 (70):285-309.
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  9. New books. [REVIEW]Geo Galloway, David Morrison, W. Leslie MacKenzie, F. C. S. Schiller, John Sime, T. B., John Edgar, W. McD, G. R. T. Ross, R. F. A. Hoernle, A. R. Brown & B. Russell - 1906 - Mind 15 (58):261-280.
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  10. Recovering Reason: Essays in Honor of Thomas L. Pangle.Peter J. Ahrensdorf, Arlene Saxonhouse, Steven Forde, Paul A. Rahe, Michael Zuckert, Devin Stauffer, David Leibowitz, Robert Goldberg, Christopher Bruell, Linda R. Rabieh, Richard S. Ruderman, Christopher Baldwin, J. Judd Owen, Waller R. Newell, Nathan Tarcov, Ross J. Corbett, Clifford Orwin, John W. Danford, Heinrich Meier, Fred Baumann, Robert C. Bartlett, Ralph Lerner, Bryan-Paul Frost, Laurie Fendrich, Donald Kagan, H. Donald Forbes & Norman Doidge (eds.) - 2010 - Lexington Books.
    Recovering Reason: Essays in Honor of Thomas L. Pangle is a collection of essays composed by students and friends of Thomas L. Pangle to honor his seminal work and outstanding guidance in the study of political philosophy. These essays examine both Socrates' and modern political philosophers' attempts to answer the question of the right life for human beings, as those attempts are introduced and elaborated in the work of thinkers from Homer and Thucydides to Nietzsche and Charles Taylor.
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  11.  25
    Subjects and Simulations: Between Baudrillard and Lacoue-Labarthe.Gary E. Aylesworth, Bettina Bergo, Thomas P. Brockelman, Alina Clej, Damian Ward Hey, Drew A. Hyland, Basil O'Neill, Henk Oosterling, Stephen David Ross, Katherine Rudolph, Robin May Schott, Massimo Verdicchio, James R. Watson & Martin G. Weiss (eds.) - 2014 - Lanham: Lexington Books.
    Subjects and Simulations presents essays focused on suffering and sublimity, representation and subjectivity, and the relation of truth and appearance through engagement with the legacies of Jean Baudrillard and Philippe Lacoue-Labarthe.
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    The clustering of galaxies in the sdss-iii baryon oscillation spectroscopic survey: The low-redshift sample.John K. Parejko, Tomomi Sunayama, Nikhil Padmanabhan, David A. Wake, Andreas A. Berlind, Dmitry Bizyaev, Michael Blanton, Adam S. Bolton, Frank van den Bosch, Jon Brinkmann, Joel R. Brownstein, Luiz Alberto Nicolaci da Costa, Daniel J. Eisenstein, Hong Guo, Eyal Kazin, Marcio Maia, Elena Malanushenko, Claudia Maraston, Cameron K. McBride, Robert C. Nichol, Daniel J. Oravetz, Kaike Pan, Will J. Percival, Francisco Prada, Ashley J. Ross, Nicholas P. Ross, David J. Schlegel, Don Schneider, Audrey E. Simmons, Ramin Skibba, Jeremy Tinker, Rita Tojeiro, Benjamin A. Weaver, Andrew Wetzel, Martin White, David H. Weinberg, Daniel Thomas, Idit Zehavi & Zheng Zheng - unknown
    We report on the small-scale (0.5 13 h - 1M, a large-scale bias of ~2.0 and a satellite fraction of 12 ± 2 per cent. Thus, these galaxies occupy haloes with average masses in between those of the higher redshift BOSS CMASS sample and the original SDSS I/II luminous red galaxy sample © 2012 The Authors Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society © doi:10.1093/mnras/sts314.
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    The clustering of galaxies in the SDSS-III baryon oscillation spectroscopic survey: Baryon acoustic oscillations in the data releases 10 and 11 galaxy samples. [REVIEW]Lauren Anderson, Éric Aubourg, Stephen Bailey, Florian Beutler, Vaishali Bhardwaj, Michael Blanton, Adam S. Bolton, J. Brinkmann, Joel R. Brownstein, Angela Burden, Chia-Hsun Chuang, Antonio J. Cuesta, Kyle S. Dawson, Daniel J. Eisenstein, Stephanie Escoffier, James E. Gunn, Hong Guo, Shirley Ho, Klaus Honscheid, Cullan Howlett, David Kirkby, Robert H. Lupton, Marc Manera, Claudia Maraston, Cameron K. McBride, Olga Mena, Francesco Montesano, Robert C. Nichol, Sebastián E. Nuza, Matthew D. Olmstead, Nikhil Padmanabhan, Nathalie Palanque-Delabrouille, John Parejko, Will J. Percival, Patrick Petitjean, Francisco Prada, Adrian M. Price-Whelan, Beth Reid, Natalie A. Roe, Ashley J. Ross, Nicholas P. Ross, Cristiano G. Sabiu, Shun Saito, Lado Samushia, Ariel G. Sánchez, David J. Schlegel, Donald P. Schneider, Claudia G. Scoccola, Hee-Jong Seo, Ramin A. Skibba, Michael A. Strauss, Molly E. C. Swanson, Daniel Thomas, Jeremy L. Tinker, Rita Tojeiro, Mariana Vargas Magaña, Licia Verde & Dav Wake - unknown
    We present a one per cent measurement of the cosmic distance scale from the detections of the baryon acoustic oscillations in the clustering of galaxies from the Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey, which is part of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey III. Our results come from the Data Release 11 sample, containing nearly one million galaxies and covering approximately 8500 square degrees and the redshift range 0.2 < z < 0.7. We also compare these results with those from the publicly released (...)
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  14.  81
    New books. [REVIEW]J. B. Baillie, John Edgar, A. J. Jenkinson, G. R. T. Ross, W. R. Scott, T. B., David Morrison & R. A. Duff - 1904 - Mind 13 (51):425-438.
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  15.  78
    New books. [REVIEW]J. L. McIntyre, A. C. Haddon, Henry Barker, J. Rickaby, F. C. S. Schiller, R. F. Alfred Hoernle, John Burnet, W. Leslie Mackenzie, G. R. T. Ross & C. A. F. Rhys Davids - 1906 - Mind 15 (57):109-124.
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    New books. [REVIEW]W. H. Winch, W. McD, G. R. T. Ross, T. A., David Morrison, G. Galloway & C. A. F. Rhys Davids - 1905 - Mind 14 (55):422-431.
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  17.  46
    Virgil's Elements David O. Ross Jr.: Virgil's Elements. Physics and Poetry in the Georgics. Pp. xii + 256. Princeton University Press, 1987. £18.30. [REVIEW]P. R. Hardie - 1988 - The Classical Review 38 (02):241-242.
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    A Hard Look at Catullus David O. Ross: Style and Tradition in Catullus. Pp.viii + 188. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press (London: Oxford University Press), 1969. Cloth, £2.90 net. [REVIEW]R. O. A. M. Lyne - 1972 - The Classical Review 22 (01):34-37.
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  19.  99
    Plato's Theory of Ideas. By Sir David Ross. (Oxford, Clarendon Press. Pp. 251. Price 18s.).R. Hackforth - 1952 - Philosophy 27 (101):183-.
  20. Every thing must go * by James Ladyman and Don Ross with David Spurrett and John Collier.S. R. Allen - 2009 - Analysis 69 (3):565-567.
    Wisely, the authors begin this book by describing it as a polemic. They argue that most contemporary analytic metaphysics is a waste of time and resources since contemporary ‘neo-scholastic’ metaphysical theorizing cannot hope to attain objective truth given its penchant for making a priori claims about the nature of the world which are backed up by appeal to intuition. In engaging in this activity, metaphysicians have, the authors claim, abandoned hope of locating any interesting connection between their metaphysical pronouncements and (...)
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  21.  48
    Book Review:Plato's Theory of Ideas. David Ross[REVIEW]Glenn R. Morrow - 1951 - Ethics 62 (2):147-.
  22.  18
    Review of David Ross: Plato's Theory of Ideas[REVIEW]Glenn R. Morrow - 1952 - Ethics 62 (2):147-149.
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  23. The Works of Aristotle translated into English. Ed. Sir David Ross. Vol. XII: Select Fragments. [REVIEW]R. Robinson - 1954 - Mind 63:564.
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  24. Protecting cognitive science from quantum theory.David Wallace - 2004 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 27 (5):636-637.
    The relation between micro-objects and macro-objects advocated by Kim is even more problematic than Ross & Spurrett (R&S) argue, for reasons rooted in physics. R&S's own ontological proposals are much more satisfactory from a physicist's viewpoint but may still be problematic. A satisfactory theory of macroscopic ontology must be as independent as possible of the details of microscopic physics.
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  25.  13
    Aristotle Ethica Eudemia.R. R. Walzer & J. M. Mingay (eds.) - 1991 - Clarendon Press.
    BLWith new text and full apparatus criticus The Eudemian Ethics was one of two ethical treatises which Aristotle wrote on the subject of ethica or `matters to do with character'. Although the two works cover much the same ground, the Nicomachean Ethics is better known; the poor manuscript tradition of the Eudemian Ethics has made correct translation and interpretation of the text extremely difficult. The subject of the work is the choice of a certain means of conduct, made by a (...)
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  26.  67
    Metaphysics, mind, and the unity of science.David Boersema - 2004 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 27 (5):627-628.
    Ross & Spurrett's (R&S's) rebuttal of recent reductionistic work in the philosophy of mind relies on claims about the unity of science and explanation. I call those claims into question.
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    Ethica Eudemia.R. R. Walzer & J. M. Mingay (eds.) - 1991 - Oxford University Press UK.
    BLWith new text and full apparatus criticusThe Eudemian Ethics was one of two ethical treatises which Aristotle wrote on the subject of ethica or `matters to do with character'. Although the two works cover much the same ground, the Nicomachean Ethics is better known; the poor manuscript tradition of the Eudemian Ethics has made correct translation and interpretation of the text extremely difficult. The subject of the work is the choice of a certain means of conduct, made by a `man (...)
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  28.  24
    Parva Naturalia. [REVIEW]W. R. - 1957 - Review of Metaphysics 10 (3):535-535.
    Sir David Ross, now nearing his eightieth birthday has published another of his valuable critical texts, provided, like its predecessors, with a commentary. He has made full use of the contributions of Drossaert Lulofs, Forster and Nuyens, at the same time judging them with an independent mind and adding views and arguments of his own. This book greatly facilitates the study of these physiological-psychological treatises which form so indispensable a supplement to the De Anima. --R. W.
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  29.  90
    Trust and ethics in AI.Hyesun Choung, Prabu David & Arun Ross - 2023 - AI and Society 38 (2):733-745.
    With the growing influence of artificial intelligence (AI) in our lives, the ethical implications of AI have received attention from various communities. Building on previous work on trust in people and technology, we advance a multidimensional, multilevel conceptualization of trust in AI and examine the relationship between trust and ethics using the data from a survey of a national sample in the U.S. This paper offers two key dimensions of trust in AI—human-like trust and functionality trust—and presents a multilevel conceptualization (...)
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  30.  30
    Ethical and Logistical Issues Raised by the Advanced Donation Program “Pay It Forward” Scheme.Lainie Friedman Ross, James R. Rodrigue & Robert M. Veatch - 2017 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 42 (5):518-536.
    The advanced donation program was proposed in 2014 to allow an individual to donate a kidney in order to provide a voucher for a kidney in the future for a particular loved one. In this article, we explore the logistical and ethical issues that such a program raises. We argue that such a program is ethical in principle but there are many logistical issues that need to be addressed to ensure that the actual program is fair to both those who (...)
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    ΑΡΙΣΤΟΤΕΛΟΥΣ ΑΝΑΛΥΤΙΚΑ. Aristotle's Prior and Posterior Analytics.Glenn R. Morrow & W. D. Ross - 1951 - Journal of Philosophy 48 (5):129.
  32.  26
    Functional identification of perceptual and response biases in choice reaction time.David LaBerge, Ross Legrand & Russell K. Hobbie - 1969 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 79 (2p1):295.
  33.  26
    De Sensu and de Memoria: Text and Translation with Introduction and Commentary.G. R. T. Ross (ed.) - 1906 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Originally published in 1906, this book presents the texts of Aristotle's De Sensu and De Memoria, the first two parts of the Parva Naturalia. Both are provided in Greek with a facing-page English translation. Detailed commentaries are also included, together with a bibliography and indexes in English and Greek. This book will be of value to anyone with an interest in Aristotle's works and classical philosophy.
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  34.  56
    God and singular existence.Robert R. N. Ross - 1977 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 8 (2):127 - 141.
  35.  23
    The hard-sphere model for a liquid metal a comparison with experiment.R. G. Ross - 1970 - Philosophical Magazine 22 (177):573-582.
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  36. The Works of Aristotle. Vol. I, Categoriae and De Interpretatione.W. D. Ross, E. M. Edghill, A. J. Jenkinson, G. R. G. Mure & W. A. Pickard-Cambridge - 1929 - Humana Mente 4 (14):257-259.
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  37.  16
    Viii.—New books.G. R. T. Ross - 1905 - Mind 14 (3):424-425.
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    Vi.—critical notices.G. R. T. Ross - 1907 - Mind 16 (61):118-126.
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    Beyond the correspondence metaphor: When accuracy cannot be assessed.Ian R. Newby & Michael Ross - 1996 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 19 (2):205-206.
    Koriat & Goldsmith propose that the correspondence metaphor captures the essence of everyday memory research. We suggest that correspondence is often not at issue because objective assessments of everyday events are frequently lacking. In these cases, other questions arise, such as how individuals evaluate the validity of memories and the significance they attach to those evaluations.
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    Chinese and Western Religious Symbols as Used in Taiwan.David W. Chappell & Daniel G. Ross - 1984 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 4:154.
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  41.  34
    Remembrance of lines past.Anita R. Cunitz & Bruce M. Ross - 1966 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 72 (4):558.
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    Memory for pragmatic implications from courtroom testimony.Richard J. Harris, R. Ross Teske & Martha J. Ginns - 1975 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 6 (5):494-496.
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    The critical exponent β for Hg and Cs.S. R. Hubbard & R. G. Ross - 1977 - Philosophical Magazine 35 (5):1365-1372.
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  44.  36
    The equation of state and electrical resistivity of liquid mercury at elevated temperatures and pressures.D. R. Postill, R. G. Ross & N. E. Cusack - 1968 - Philosophical Magazine 18 (153):519-530.
  45.  79
    Health in All Policies: Addressing the Legal and Policy Foundations of Health Impact Assessment.Benjamin R. Rajotte, Catherine L. Ross, Chinyere O. Ekechi & Vladimir N. Cadet - 2011 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 39 (s1):27-29.
    The concept of Health in All Policies aims to improve the health outcomes associated with policies in an attempt to mitigate health disparities and provide optimal environments for healthier living. This multidisciplinary framework seeks to improve health through effective assessment and reformation of policy for organizations of any level and stature. The importance of integrating health in policy assessment and decision making is a key concept in the growing field of Health Impact Assessment.The World Health Organization defines Health Impact Assessment (...)
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  46.  33
    Capturing lay perspectives in a randomized control trial of a health promotion intervention for people with osteoarthritis of the knee.Christina R. Victor, Fiona Ross & John Axford - 2004 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 10 (1):63-70.
  47. Color and Color Perception: A Study in Anthropocentric Realism.David R. Hilbert - 1987 - Csli Press.
    Colour has often been supposed to be a subjective property, a property to be analysed orretly in terms of the phenomenological aspects of human expereince. In contrast with subjectivism, an objectivist analysis of color takes color to be a property objects possess in themselves, independently of the character of human perceptual expereince. David Hilbert defends a form of objectivism that identifies color with a physical property of surfaces - their spectral reflectance. This analysis of color is shown to provide (...)
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  48.  13
    Minds in the Making: Essays in Honour of David R. Olson.David R. Olson & Janet W. Astington - 2000 - Wiley-Blackwell.
    Written by some of the world's leading academics and professionals in the field, this collection of essays brings together two complementary views on child development - the role of society and the role of cognitive growth.
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  49. Introduction to Montague Semantics.David R. Dowty, Robert Eugene Wall & Stanley Peters - 1981 - Springer.
    INTRODUCTION Linguists who work within the tradition of transformational generative grammar tend to regard semantics as an intractable, perhaps ultimately ...
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  50. Word Meaning and Montague Grammar.David R. Dowty - 1982 - Philosophical Review 91 (2):290-295.
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