Results for 'De Morgan dualities'

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  1.  79
    Functorial duality for ortholattices and de Morgan lattices.Katalin Bimbó - 2007 - Logica Universalis 1 (2):311-333.
    . Relational semantics for nonclassical logics lead straightforwardly to topological representation theorems of their algebras. Ortholattices and De Morgan lattices are reducts of the algebras of various nonclassical logics. We define three new classes of topological spaces so that the lattice categories and the corresponding categories of topological spaces turn out to be dually isomorphic. A key feature of all these topological spaces is that they are ordered relational or ordered product topologies.
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    De Morgan Interpretation of the Lambek–Grishin Calculus.Michael Kaminski & Nissim Francez - 2020 - Review of Symbolic Logic 13 (4):845-856.
    We present an embedding of the Lambek–Grishin calculus into an extension of the nonassociative Lambek calculus with negation. The embedding is based on the De Morgan interpretation of the dual Grishin connectives.
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    De Morgan-Płonka Sums.Thomas Randriamahazaka - 2024 - Studia Logica 112 (6):1343-1371.
    This paper develops De Morgan-Płonka sums, which generalise Płonka sums to contexts in which negation is not topically transparent but still respects De Morgan duality. We give a general theory of De Morgan-Płonka sums, on the model of the general theory of Płonka sums. Additionally, we describe free De Morgan-Płonka sums and apply our construction to give an algebraic proof of completeness for Kit Fine’s truthmaker semantics for Angell’s logic of analytic containment.
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    Principal congruences on semi-de Morgan algebras.Cândida Palma & Raquel Santos - 2001 - Studia Logica 67 (1):75-88.
    In this paper we use Hobby's duality for semi-De Morgan algebras, to characterize those algebras having only principal congruences in the classes of semi-De Morgan algebras, demi-pseudocomplemented lattices and almost pseudocomplemented lattices. This work extends some of the results reached by Beazer in [3] and [4].
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    A comparison between monoidal and substructural logics.Clayton Peterson - 2016 - Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 26 (2):126-159.
    Monoidal logics were introduced as a foundational framework to analyse the proof theory of deontic logic. Building on Lambek’s work in categorical logic, logical systems are defined as deductive systems, that is, as collections of equivalence classes of proofs satisfying specific rules and axiom schemata. This approach enables the classification of deductive systems with respect to their categorical structure. When looking at their proof theory, however, one can see that there are similarities between monoidal and substructural logics. The purpose of (...)
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    Formal Logic (1847).Augustus De Morgan - 2018 - Franklin Classics.
    This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work is in the public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity (individual or corporate) has a copyright on the body of the work. Scholars believe, and we concur, that this work is important enough to be (...)
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    On the syllogism.Augustus De Morgan - 1966 - New Haven,: Yale University Press. Edited by Peter Heath.
    Originally published in 1966 On the Syllogism and Other Logical Writings assembles for the first time the five celebrated memoirs of Augustus De Morgan on the syllogism. These are collected together with the more condensed accounts of his researches given in his Syllabus of a Proposed System of Logic an article on Logic contributed to the English Cyclopaedia. De Morgan was among the most distinguished of nineteenth century British mathematicians but is chiefly remembered today as one of the (...)
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    Discrete Duality for Nelson Algebras with Tense Operators.Aldo V. Figallo, Gustavo Pelaitay & Jonathan Sarmiento - 2023 - Studia Logica 111 (1):1-19.
    In this paper, we continue with the study of tense operators on Nelson algebras (Figallo et al. in Studia Logica 109(2):285–312, 2021, Studia Logica 110(1):241–263, 2022). We define the variety of algebras, which we call tense Nelson D-algebras, as a natural extension of tense De Morgan algebras (Figallo and Pelaitay in Logic J IGPL 22(2):255–267, 2014). In particular, we give a discrete duality for these algebras. To do this, we will extend the representation theorems for Nelson algebras given in (...)
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    A Budget of Paradoxes.Augustus De Morgan - 1872 - New York, NY, USA: Dover Publications.
    Augustus De Morgan was a British mathematician and logician. He formulated De Morgan's laws and introduced the term mathematical induction, making its idea rigorousFrom the introduction:"If I had before me a fly and an elephant, having never seen more than one such magnitude of either kind; and if the fly were to endeavor to persuade me that he was larger than the elephant, I might by possibility be placed in a difficulty. The apparently little creature might use such (...)
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    On the Syllogism and Other Logical Writings.Augustus De Morgan & Peter Lauchlan Heath - 1966 - New Haven, CT, USA: Routledge and Kegan Paul.
  11. Scientia.Augustus De Morgan - 1915 - The Monist 25:320.
  12.  2
    On the Syllogism, No. V. And on Various Points of the Onymatic System.Augustus De Morgan - 1863 - Printed by C.J. Clay at the University Press.
  13. On the Word [Arithmos].Augustus De Morgan - 1800
  14.  36
    Stone-Type Representations and Dualities for Varieties of Bisemilattices.Antonio Ledda - 2018 - Studia Logica 106 (2):417-448.
    In this article we will focus our attention on the variety of distributive bisemilattices and some linguistic expansions thereof: bounded, De Morgan, and involutive bisemilattices. After extending Balbes’ representation theorem to bounded, De Morgan, and involutive bisemilattices, we make use of Hartonas–Dunn duality and introduce the categories of 2spaces and 2spaces\. The categories of 2spaces and 2spaces\ will play with respect to the categories of distributive bisemilattices and De Morgan bisemilattices, respectively, a role analogous to the category (...)
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  15. (1 other version)Elementary Illustrations of the Differential and Integral Calculus.Augustus De Morgan - 1900 - The Monist 10:157.
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    On the Syllogism, No. III. And on Logic in General.Augustus De Morgan - 1858 - Printed by C.J. Clay at the University Press.
  17.  8
    Syllabus of a Proposed System of Logic.Augustus de Morgan - 1860 - London, England: Walton & Maberly.
  18. (1 other version)A Budget of Paradoxes. [REVIEW]Augustus De Morgan - 1915 - Ancient Philosophy (Misc) 25:319.
  19.  72
    The Priestley duality for wajsberg algebras.N. G. Martínez - 1990 - Studia Logica 49 (1):31 - 46.
    The Priestley duality for Wajsberg algebras is developed. The Wajsberg space is a De Morgan space endowed with a family of functions that are obtained in rather natural way.As a first application of this duality, a theorem about unicity of the structure is given.
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  20.  20
    Formal Logic, or the Calculus of Inference, Necessary and Probable.Augustus de Morgan - 1847 - London, England: Taylor & Walton.
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    Essays on the Life and Work of Newton.Augustus de Morgan - 1915 - Journal of Philosophy, Psychology and Scientific Methods 12 (20):557-558.
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    On the Syllogism, No. IV. And on the Logic of Relations.Augustus De Morgan - 1860
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  23. First Notions of Logic.Augustus De Morgan - 1839 - Printed for Taylor and Walton.
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  24.  22
    Quantum geometry, logic and probability.Shahn Majid - 2020 - Philosophical Problems in Science 69:191-236.
    Quantum geometry on a discrete set means a directed graph with a weight associated to each arrow defining the quantum metric. However, these ‘lattice spacing’ weights do not have to be independent of the direction of the arrow. We use this greater freedom to give a quantum geometric interpretation of discrete Markov processes with transition probabilities as arrow weights, namely taking the diffusion form ∂+f = f for the graph Laplacian Δθ, potential functions q, p built from the probabilities, and (...)
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    Prevalência do uso de drogas entre acadêmicos de uma universidade particular do sul do Brasil.Sandra Braga de Medeiros, Suelem Varela Rediess, Nelson Hauck Filho, Maria Isabel Morgan Martins & Cláudia Galvão Mazoni - 2012 - Revista Aletheia 38:81-93.
    O objetivo do estudo foi investigar a prevalência e motivos do uso de álcool, tabaco e outras drogas por acadêmicos. A amostra foi composta por 560 estudantes, entre 17 e 74 anos ( M = 31,16, DP = 11,10). As substâncias com maior prevalência de uso na vida foram álcool e tabaco. Dentre as drogas ilí..
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  26. Cáncer de mama y exposición a hidrocarburos aromáticos. e.Ruth De Celis, Gilberto Morgan, Alejandro Bravo & Alfredo Feria - 2006 - Gnosis 4:1-8.
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    Dual Gaggle Semantics for Entailment.Katalin Bimbó - 2009 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 50 (1):23-41.
    A sequent calculus for the positive fragment of entailment together with the Church constants is introduced here. The single cut rule is admissible in this consecution calculus. A topological dual gaggle semantics is developed for the logic. The category of the topological structures for the logic with frame morphisms is proven to be the dual category of the variety, that is defined by the equations of the algebra of the logic, with homomorphisms. The duality results are extended to the logic (...)
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  28.  47
    Augustus De Morgan's Boolean Algebra.Daniel D. Merrill - 2005 - History and Philosophy of Logic 26 (2):75-91.
    De Morgan's Formal Logic, which was published on virtually the same day in 1847 as Boole's The Mathematical Analysis of Logic, contains a logic of complex terms (LCT) which has been sadly neglected. It is surprising to find that LCT contains almost a full theory of Boolean algebra. This paper will: (1) provide some background to LCT; (2) outline its main features; (3) point out some gaps in it; (4) compare it with Boole's algebra; (5) show that it is (...)
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    Distributive lattices with an operator.Alejandro Petrovich - 1996 - Studia Logica 56 (1-2):205 - 224.
    It was shown in [3] (see also [5]) that there is a duality between the category of bounded distributive lattices endowed with a join-homomorphism and the category of Priestley spaces endowed with a Priestley relation. In this paper, bounded distributive lattices endowed with a join-homomorphism, are considered as algebras and we characterize the congruences of these algebras in terms of the mentioned duality and certain closed subsets of Priestley spaces. This enable us to characterize the simple and subdirectly irreducible algebras. (...)
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    Congruence properties of pseudocomplemented De Morgan algebras.Hanamantagouda P. Sankappanavar & Júlia Vaz de Carvalho - 2014 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 60 (6):425-436.
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    Distributive lattices with a dual homomorphic operation.Alasdair Urquhart - 1979 - Studia Logica 38 (2):201 - 209.
    The lattices of the title generalize the concept of a De Morgan lattice. A representation in terms of ordered topological spaces is described. This topological duality is applied to describe homomorphisms, congruences, and subdirectly irreducible and free lattices in the category. In addition, certain equational subclasses are described in detail.
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  32.  23
    Augustus De Morgan and the Logic of Relations.Daniel D. Merrill - 1990 - Dordrecht, Netherland: Springer.
    The middle years of the nineteenth century saw two crucial develop ments in the history of modern logic: George Boole's algebraic treat ment of logic and Augustus De Morgan's formulation of the logic of relations. The former episode has been studied extensively; the latter, hardly at all. This is a pity, for the most central feature of modern logic may well be its ability to handle relational inferences. De Morgan was the first person to work out an extensive (...)
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  33.  24
    Substructural Negations.Takuro Onishi - 2015 - Australasian Journal of Logic 12 (4):177-203.
    We present substructural negations, a family of negations classified in terms of structural rules of an extended kind of sequent calculus, display calculus. In considering the whole picture, we emphasize the duality of negation. Two types of negative modality, impossibility and unnecessity, are discussed and "self-dual" negations like Classical, De Morgan, or Ockham negation are redefined as the fusions of two negative modalities. We also consider how to identify, using intuitionistic and dual intuitionistic negations, two accessibility relations associated with (...)
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  34.  7
    Figures de l'infini: du panthéisme de Schelling à Mallarmé.Morgan Gaulin - 2017 - New York: Peter Lang.
    De la philosophie de la nature de Schelling à l'intérêt de Mallarmé pour la psychophysique d'Eugène de Roberty, cet ouvrage tenté de mettre en lumière un infini immanent au fini, qui prend la forme d'un panthéisme organique. L'organisme permet de dépasser la substance fixe de Spinoza et d'élaborer une doctrine du Dieu vivant.
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    Complete Works.Benedictus de Spinoza, Samuel Shirley & Michael L. Morgan - 2002 - Hackett Publishing Company.
    The only complete edition in English of Baruch Spinoza's works, this volume features Samuel Shirley's preeminent translations, distinguished at once by the lucidity and fluency with which they convey the flavor and meaning of Spinoza's original texts. Michael L. Morgan provides a general introduction that places Spinoza in Western philosophy and culture and sketches the philosophical, scientific, religious, moral and political dimensions of Spinoza's thought. Morgan's brief introductions to each work give a succinct historical, biographical, and philosophical overview. (...)
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  36.  22
    Semi De Morgan Logic Properly Displayed.Giuseppe Greco, Fei Liang, M. Andrew Moshier & Alessandra Palmigiano - 2020 - Studia Logica 109 (1):1-45.
    In the present paper, we endow semi De Morgan logic and a family of its axiomatic extensions with proper multi-type display calculi which are sound, complete, conservative, and enjoy cut elimination and subformula property. Our proposal builds on an algebraic analysis of the variety of semi De Morgan algebras, and applies the guidelines of the multi-type methodology in the design of display calculi.
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    The Impact of Grammar on Mentalizing: A Training Study Including Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder and Developmental Language Disorder.Stephanie Durrleman, Morgane Burnel, Jill Gibson De Villiers, Evelyne Thommen, Rachel Yan & Hélène Delage - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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  38. De Morgan on Euclid’s fourth postulate.John Corcoran & Sriram Nambiar - 2014 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 20 (2):250-1.
    This paper will annoy modern logicians who follow Bertrand Russell in taking pleasure in denigrating Aristotle for [allegedly] being ignorant of relational propositions. To be sure this paper does not clear Aristotle of the charge. On the contrary, it shows that such ignorance, which seems unforgivable in the current century, still dominated the thinking of one of the greatest modern logicians as late as 1831. Today it is difficult to accept the proposition that Aristotle was blind to the fact that, (...)
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    De Morgan Algebras with a Quasi-Stone Operator.T. S. Blyth, Jie Fang & Lei-bo Wang - 2015 - Studia Logica 103 (1):75-90.
    We investigate the class of those algebras in which is a de Morgan algebra, is a quasi-Stone algebra, and the operations \ and \ are linked by the identity x**º = x*º*. We show that such an algebra is subdirectly irreducible if and only if its congruence lattice is either a 2-element chain or a 3-element chain. In particular, there are precisely eight non-isomorphic subdirectly irreducible Stone de Morgan algebras.
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    Augustus De Morgan and the propagation of moral mathematics.Christopher Phillips - 2005 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 36 (1):105-133.
    In the early nineteenth century, Henry Brougham endeavored to improve the moral character of England through the publication of educational texts. Soon after, Brougham helped form the Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge to carry his plan of moral improvement to the people. Despite its goal of improving the nation’s moral character, the Society refused to publish any treatises on explicitly moral or religious topics. Brougham instead turned to a mathematician, Augustus De Morgan, to promote mathematics as a (...)
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  41.  45
    Symmetric and dual paraconsistent logics.Norihiro Kamide & Heinrich Wansing - 2010 - Logic and Logical Philosophy 19 (1-2):7-30.
    Two new first-order paraconsistent logics with De Morgan-type negations and co-implication, called symmetric paraconsistent logic (SPL) and dual paraconsistent logic (DPL), are introduced as Gentzen-type sequent calculi. The logic SPL is symmetric in the sense that the rule of contraposition is admissible in cut-free SPL. By using this symmetry property, a simpler cut-free sequent calculus for SPL is obtained. The logic DPL is not symmetric, but it has the duality principle. Simple semantics for SPL and DPL are introduced, and (...)
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  42. Schleiermacher: l'esthétique et la critique de Schelling.Morgan Gaulin - 2007 - Revue de Théologie Et de Philosophie 139 (1):22-36.
    Dans ses écrits sur l�esthétique, Friedrich Schleiermacher s�est attaché à formuler une critique de la philosophie de l�art de son contemporain Schelling. Schleiermacher en ressort comme un penseur du savoir-faire artistique, à la fois opposé à l�idéalisme schellingien pour lequel l�art demeure un organe de l�absolu placé sous le signe du génie, et engagé dans une définition de l��uvre d�art comme manière de former le monde à l�aide du sentiment de la raison (Vernunftgefu¨hl).
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    J. Lallot: La Grammaire de Denys le Thrace . Pp. 308. Paris: CNRS Editions, 1998 . Paper. ISBN: 2-271-05591-1.Teresa Morgan - 2001 - The Classical Review 51 (2):391-392.
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    (1 other version)Les courtiers du savoir, nouveaux intermédiaires de la science.Morgan Meyer - 2010 - Hermès: La Revue Cognition, communication, politique 57 (2):165.
    Les courtiers du savoir sont présentés comme des acteurs se déplaçant entre deux mondes, les producteurs de savoir et les utilisateurs de savoir. Leur travail ne consiste pourtant pas seulement à servir de véhicule entre les deux mondes ; ils opèrent d’une triple manière : ils mettent les savoirs en circulation, les traduisent et les solidifient. Ils établissent en fait des connexions très particulières transitoires, temporaires et flexibles. L’article s’attache à décrire ces opérations pour montrer que le courtage conduit vers (...)
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  45.  7
    L’incorporation de la cause antispéciste.Morgane Hauguel - 2019 - Cités 3:55.
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    Climatério e menopausa: relação da imagem corporal e sintomas associados em mulheres ribeirinhas na Amazônia.Chirlene de Souza Campos, Ana Maria Pujol Vieira dos Santos & Maria Isabel Morgan Martins - 2021 - Aletheia 54 (2):25-34.
    O climatério/menopausa é caracterizado por intensas alterações morfofisiológicas e comportamentais. O objetivo foi identificar os sinais e sintomas do climatério/menopausa e a sua relação com a Imagem corporal de mulheres ribeirinhas de uma região da Amazônia Brasileira. Estudo incluiu 100 mulheres de seis comunidades ribeirinhas de Itaituba/Pará. Os instrumentos utilizados foram: o questionário sociodemográfico, a Escala dos Sinais e Sintomas da Menopausa (MRS) e a Escala de Silhuetas de Stunkard. Para avaliar as associações entre as variáveis categóricas, o teste qui-quadrado (...)
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  47. Simone de Beauvoir's Ethics of Freedom and Absolute Evil.Anne Morgan - 2008 - Hypatia 23 (4):75-89.
    Simone de Beauvoir held that human experience is intrinsically ambiguous and that there are no values extrinsic to experience, but she also designated some actions as absolute evil. This essay explains how Beauvoir utilized an intrinsic absolute value to ground an action-guiding principle of freedom that justifies her notion of evil. Morgan's analysis counters Robin May Schott's objections that Beauvoir failed to systematically justify her notion of absolute evil and that Beauvoir shifted from a “logic of action” to a (...)
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    El concepto de persona en 'De Trinitate' de Agustín.Edward Morgan - 2007 - Augustinus 52 (204):157-163.
  49.  40
    Distributive Lattices with a Negation Operator.Sergio Arturo Celani - 1999 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 45 (2):207-218.
    In this note we introduce and study algebras of type such that is a bounded distributive lattice and ⌝ is an operator that satisfies the condition ⌝ = a ⌝ b and ⌝ 0 = 1. We develop the topological duality between these algebras and Priestley spaces with a relation. In addition, we characterize the congruences and the subalgebras of such an algebra. As an application, we will determine the Priestley spaces of quasi-Stone algebras.
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    Non-dual fuzzy connections.George Georgescu & Andrei Popescu - 2004 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 43 (8):1009-1039.
    The lack of double negation and de Morgan properties makes fuzzy logic unsymmetrical. This is the reason why fuzzy versions of notions like closure operator or Galois connection deserve attention for both antiotone and isotone cases, these two cases not being dual. This paper offers them attention, comming to the following conclusions: – some kind of hardly describable ‘‘local preduality’’ still makes possible important parallel results; – interesting new concepts besides antitone and isotone ones (like, for instance, conjugated pair), (...)
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