Results for 'Desan Fan'

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  1.  8
    Mei xue wen xue lun ji.Desan Fan - 1990 - Beijing: Xin hua shu dian Beijing fa xing suo fa xing.
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  2. La fonction du «narré» chez la Popelinière».Philippe Desan - 1992 - Corpus: Revue de philosophie 20:309-318.
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    Let the Future Come: Perspectives for a Planetary Peace.Wilfrid Desan - 1987
  4. Totality and time.W. Desan - 1975 - The Thomist 39 (4):696-711.
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  5. The planetary man. Vol. I : A noetic prelude to a united world.Wilfrid Desan - 1965 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 155:386-386.
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  6. Mozi xu ci yong fa yan jiu.Desan Xie - 1984 - Taibei Shi: Xue hai chu ban she.
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  7. Mozi xu ci yong fa quan shi.Desan Xie - 1982 - Taibei Shi: Xue hai chu ban she.
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    Fan Hao zi xuan ji.Hao Fan - 2010 - Nanjing Shi: Feng huang chu ban she.
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    The Marxism of Jean-Paul Sartre.Wilfrid Desan - 1965 - Garden City, N.Y.,: Doubleday.
  10.  56
    Aristotle or Bruegel: The One and the Many.Wilfrid Desan - 1980 - Dialectics and Humanism 7 (3):39-47.
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    Clyde Plumauzille, Prostitution et Révolution. Les femmes publiques dans la cité républicaine (1789-1804).Suzanne Desan - 2018 - Clio 47.
    Arrêtée comme prostituée en mars 1794, Marie Anne Renaud rétorque au commissaire de police qu’elle « aimait mieux faire ce métier que de voler » (p. 65). Quelques mois plus tard, Sophie Conard se justifie en expliquant qu’elle a simplement fait « comme toutes les femmes » (p. 68). Ces termes donnent une idée des questions posées par cet ouvrage bienvenu. Clyde Plumauzille ne se contente pas de se pencher sur les expériences vécues par les prostituées durant la Révolution française (...)
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    Les usages philosophiques de Montaigne: du XVIe au XXIe siècle.Philippe Desan - 2018 - Paris: Hermann Éditeurs.
    In a famous manuscript addition of the Exemplaire de Bordeaux des Essaisand while he has abandoned all public ambition, Montaigne declares without appeal, "I am not a philosopher." At the same time, however, he presents himself as a new philosopher, even as a dissident in the history of philosophy: "New figure: a philosopher unpremeditated and fortuitous! Who can believe between these two Montaigne? This hesitation is symptomatic of a tormented philosophical posterity. Sometimes regarded as a full-fledged philosopher - the forerunner (...)
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  13. The Planetary Man, vol. III : Let the Future Come : Perspectives for Planetary Peace.Wilfrid Desan - 1990 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 180 (2):449-449.
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  14. The Planetary Man. Vol. 3, Let the Future Come.Wilfrid DESAN - 1987
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    Taine: positiviste ou idéaliste?Philippe Desan - 1982 - Dialogue 21 (4):661-670.
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    Interpretation and Social Criticism, and: The Company of Critics: Social Criticism and Political Commitment in the Twentieth Century (review).Philippe Desan - 1990 - Philosophy and Literature 14 (1):142-156.
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    An English Version of Sartre's Main Philosophical Work: Critique of Dialectical Reason.Wilfrid Desan - 1980 - Philosophy Today 24 (3):262-271.
    The purpose of this article is to bring to the fore the theme of sartre's "critique of dialectical reason", at present available in a very good english translation. according to sartre, marxism in its materialist and positivist interpretation, as understood by moscow, needs the correction as proposed by existentialism. what matters for sartre is to show that at the center of all sociological structures, stands the "totalizing" power of the free individual self. all in all a very impressive and profoundly (...)
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    (1 other version)Belonging or Being Alone.Wilfrid Desan - 1981 - Dialectics and Humanism 8 (2):105-113.
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    History and philosophy of science.Wilfrid Desan - 1964 - Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association 38:119-128.
  20. L'Homme planétaire, prélude théorique à un monde uni.Wilfrid Desan, Hans Hildenbrand & Alex Lindenberg - 1970 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 75 (1):117-117.
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    Montaigne, philosophe au quotidien: vie privée et vie publique dans les essais.Philippe Desan - 2012 - Kriterion: Journal of Philosophy 53 (126):331-349.
    De concert avec ses fonctions politiques - et cela sur vingt ans -, Montaigne rédigea ses Essais que l'on considère trop souvent comme séparés de ses responsabilités publiques aujourd'hui reléguées à l'arrière plan de sa carrière d'écrivain. Nous voudrions arguer que ses Essais sont indissociables de sa vie publique. Certes, les préoccupations littéraires et politiques de Montaigne changent avec son temps, mais ce qui fonde la forme de l'essai - à savoir un discours profondément inscrit dans le présent - ne (...)
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  22.  33
    Aristotle or Bruegel: is Philosophy a Mode of Painting.Wilfrid Desan - 1982 - Philosophy Today 26 (3):217-225.
  23.  30
    For a Promiscuity of the Signifier.Philippe Desan - 1983 - Semiotics:605-612.
  24.  45
    Religious and Planetary Ecumenism in a New Form.Wilfrid Desan - 1990 - Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association 64:14-23.
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  25.  13
    The tragic finale.Wilfrid Desan - 1954 - Cambridge,: Harvard University Press.
  26.  22
    Young Durkheimians and the temptation of fascism.Mathieu Hikaru Desan & Johan Heilbron - 2015 - History of the Human Sciences 28 (3):22-50.
    In this article we assess the general claim that Durkheimian sociology has reactionary, fascist, or totalitarian affinities, and the specific claim that Marcel Déat’s Durkheimian background was a significant factor in his becoming a Nazi sympathizer. We do so by comparing the different trajectories of the interwar generation of young Durkheimians and find that only one, i.e. Déat, can be said to have become fascist. Indeed, what characterizes this generation of Durkheimians is the variety of the ways in which they (...)
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  27.  30
    Bankrupted Detroit.Mathieu Hikaru Desan - 2014 - Thesis Eleven 121 (1):122-130.
    The recent declaration of the largest municipal bankruptcy in US history has propelled Detroit’s plight into the international spotlight. Though a victim of the general decline of US manufacturing, drawing on Thomas Sugrue’s pioneering work I argue that Detroit’s crisis is better understood as a specifically urban crisis. The city’s concentrated poverty and desolation and its fiscal straits are not reducible to broader economic trends, nor are they exclusively the product of political mismanagement. Rather, they are the outcome of a (...)
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    Ecological consciousness in traditional chinese aesthetics.Fan Meijun - 2001 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 33 (2):267–270.
    Ecological consciousness in traditional Chinese culture is a very important thought resource in the process of constructing ‘a postmodern worldview’.
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    Editors' Introduction: Mirrors, Frames, and Demons: Reflections on the Sociology of Literature.Priscilla Parkhurst Ferguson, Philippe Desan & Wendy Griswold - 1988 - Critical Inquiry 14 (3):421-430.
    The sociology of literature, in the first of many paradoxes, elicits negations before assertions. It is not an established field or academic discipline. The concept as such lacks both intellectual and institutional clarity. Yet none of these limitations affects the vitality and rigor of the larger enterprise. We use the sociology of literature here to refer to the cluster of intellectual ventures that originate in one overriding conviction: the conviction that literature and society necessarily explain each other. Scholars and critics (...)
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    Expressing Second-order Sentences in Intuitionistic Dependence Logic.Fan Yang - 2013 - Studia Logica 101 (2):323-342.
    Intuitionistic dependence logic was introduced by Abramsky and Väänänen [1] as a variant of dependence logic under a general construction of Hodges’ (trump) team semantics. It was proven that there is a translation from intuitionistic dependence logic sentences into second order logic sentences. In this paper, we prove that the other direction is also true, therefore intuitionistic dependence logic is equivalent to second order logic on the level of sentences.
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    From intimidation to love: Taoist philosophy and love-based environmental education.Fan Yang, Jing Lin & Thomas Culham - 2019 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 51 (11):1117-1129.
    For decades, a review of environmental education initiatives in and beyond schools indicates that many of them were implemented from an anthropocentric perspective. The rationale behind them is often that we must not destroy the environment because doing so is harmful for ourselves, human beings. One striking feature of the various forms of environmental education is the use of fear as a motivator, as people are warned about the frightening consequences of environmental destruction on their life. While this type of (...)
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    Predictive Trajectory-Based Mobile Data Gathering Scheme for Wireless Sensor Networks.Fan Chao, Zhiqin He, Renkuan Feng, Xiao Wang, Xiangping Chen, Changqi Li & Ying Yang - 2021 - Complexity 2021:1-17.
    Tradition wireless sensor networks transmit data by single or multiple hops. However, some sensor nodes close to a static base station forward data more frequently than others, which results in the problem of energy holes and makes networks fragile. One promising solution is to use a mobile node as a mobile sink, which is especially useful in energy-constrained networks. In these applications, the tour planning of MS is a key to guarantee the network performance. In this paper, a novel strategy (...)
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    Intentions and potential intentions revisited.Xiaocong Fan & John Yen - 2012 - Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 22 (3):203-230.
    The importance of potential intentions has been demonstrated both in the construction of agent systems and in the formalisation of teamwork behaviour. However, there still lacks an adequate semantics for the notion of potential intentions as introduced by Grosz and Kraus in their SharedPlans framework. In this paper, we give a formal semantics to intentions and potential intentions, drawing upon both the representationalist approach and the accessibility-based approach. The model captures the dynamic relationship among intentions and potential intentions by providing (...)
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  34. Naissance de la méthode: Machiavel, La Ramée, Bodin, Montaigne, Descartes.Philippe Desan - 1987 - Paris: A.-G. Nizet.
  35.  8
    Replies to Li and Farrell–Tham.Ruiping Fan - 2021 - In Hon-Lam Li & Michael Campbell (eds.), Public Reason and Bioethics: Three Perspectives. London, UK: Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 195-203.
    Fan takes issues with Li’s arguments in Chap. 1, and Farrell and Tham’s view in Chap. 2.
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    Parental Participation in the Environment: Scale Validation Across Parental Role, Income, and Region.Fanli Jia, Angela Sorgente & Hui Yu - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13:788306.
    Parental participation has gained significant attention in environmental psychology, which has revealed a need for an instrument that can measure parental participation with children regarding environmental issues. The present study met this need by validating the parental participation in the environment (PPE) scale. This process began with 45 Chinese parents participating in an individual interview and group discussions, which helped generate a list of eighteen parent-child environmental activities. The activities were then modified and validated in the current study with a (...)
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  37.  17
    Aristote ou Breughel. L'Un et le Multiple.Wilfrid Desan - 1980 - Revue Philosophique De Louvain 78 (39):400-411.
  38.  68
    Bourdieu’s legacy.Mathieu Desan - 2013 - Thesis Eleven 117 (1):135-143.
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    Coin Reconsidered: The Political Alchemy of Commodity Money.Christine Desan - 2010 - Theoretical Inquiries in Law 11 (1):361-409.
    Medieval coin plays an essential role in the imagined history of money: it figures as the primal "commodity money" — a natural medium, spontaneously adopted by parties in exchange who converge upon a metal like silver to represent the value of other goods. As a natural medium with a price objectively established through trade, commodity money appears to offer an independent means of measure in the market. But as the history offered here reveals, medieval money was nothing like its imagined (...)
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  40. Even fables will become history: la popelinière and universal history at the end of the Sixteenth century.Philippe Desan - 2019 - In Hall Bjørnstad, Helge Jordheim & Anne Régent-Susini (eds.), Universal history and the making of the global. London: Routledge Taylor & Francis Group.
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  41. Nationalism and History in France during the Renaissance.Philippe Desan - 1984 - Rinascimento 24:261.
  42. Nommer, dénommer, renommée: le nom propre de montaigne.Philippe Desan - 2006 - Corpus: Revue de philosophie 50:19-38.
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    Objects as Reified Signs.Philippe Desan - 1987 - Semiotics:237-245.
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    (2 other versions)Philosophy and civil law.Wilfrid Desan - 1975 - Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association 49:49-58.
  45.  40
    The Anti-Cartesian Man or Man in the Collective.Wilfrid Desan - 1964 - Proceedings and Addresses of the American Philosophical Association 38:119.
  46. The Planetary Man, Macmillan.Wilfrid Desan - 1974 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 164 (3):335-335.
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  47. (2 other versions)The planetary man.Wilfrid Desan - 1961 - Washington,: Georgetown University Press.
    v. 1. A noetic prelude to a united world,.
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  48. The Tragic Finale an Essay on the Philosophy of Jean-Paul Sartre.Wilfrid Desan - 1954 - Harper & Row.
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    Maximal pairs of c.e. reals in the computably Lipschitz degrees.Yun Fan & Liang Yu - 2011 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 162 (5):357-366.
    Computably Lipschitz reducibility , was suggested as a measure of relative randomness. We say α≤clβ if α is Turing reducible to β with oracle use on x bounded by x+c. In this paper, we prove that for any non-computable real, there exists a c.e. real so that no c.e. real can cl-compute both of them. So every non-computable c.e. real is the half of a cl-maximal pair of c.e. reals.
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    Yun dong zhe xue dao lun.Zhengzhi Fan - 1993 - Taibei Shi: Shi da shu yuan you xian gong si.
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