Results for 'Deterministic Universe'

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  1.  63
    Probability in Two Deterministic Universes.Mateus Araújo - 2019 - Foundations of Physics 49 (3):202-231.
    How can probabilities make sense in a deterministic many-worlds theory? We address two facets of this problem: why should rational agents assign subjective probabilities to branching events, and why should branching events happen with relative frequencies matching their objective probabilities. To address the first question, we generalise the Deutsch–Wallace theorem to a wide class of many-world theories, and show that the subjective probabilities are given by a norm that depends on the dynamics of the theory: the 2-norm in the (...)
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    Logic of Causation, Determinism, Universal Laws, and Predictability.Bengt Hansson - 2008 - Logique Et Analyse.
  3.  21
    Theodicy in a Deterministic Universe: God and the Problem of Suffering in Vyāsatīrtha’s Tātparyacandrikā.Michael T. Williams - 2021 - International Journal of Hindu Studies 25 (3):199-228.
    The classical traditions of Vedānta in India explored the problem of why an omnipotent being like God would permit sentient beings to suffer in His creation. This article explores the solution provided to the problem of suffering by the sixteenth-century philosopher Vyāsatīrtha. Vyāsatīrtha argued that there is a satisfying explanation of why God would permit suffering to both exist and to be unevenly distributed among the individual souls trapped in transmigratory existence. He claims that we can only reconcile the idea (...)
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    Pomponazzi: Moral virtue in a deterministic universe.John L. Treloar - 2002 - Midwest Studies in Philosophy 26 (1):44–55.
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  5. Understanding Deutsch's probability in a deterministic universe.Hilary Greaves - 2004 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 35 (3):423-456.
    Difficulties over probability have often been considered fatal to the Everett interpretation of quantum mechanics. Here I argue that the Everettian can have everything she needs from `probability' without recourse to indeterminism, ignorance, primitive identity over time or subjective uncertainty: all she needs is a particular *rationality principle*. The decision-theoretic approach recently developed by Deutsch and Wallace claims to provide just such a principle. But, according to Wallace, decision theory is itself applicable only if the correct attitude to a future (...)
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    Diderot's dilemma; his evaluation regarding the possibility of moral freedom in a deterministic universe.Joyce A. Richards - 1972 - New York,: Exposition Press.
  7. Gaps of reality: Awareness, universe and quantum mechanics Ramon lapiedra explains the unsustainability of the deterministic universe cudntica.Javier Monserrat - 2009 - Pensamiento 65 (246):1133-1140.
  8. Quantum Physics and Universal Determinism: A Dialogue.John-Michael Kuczynski - 2016 - Amazon Digital Services LLC.
    It is clearly explained how quantum physics is deterministic and how it is indeterministic, and it is also clearly said what Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle is.
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    Determinism, the remote past, and the causal or determinational structure of the universe.David Sapire - 1989 - Philosophy of Science 56 (3):474-483.
    Łukasiewicz and, more recently, other philosophers have cast doubts on arguments from one version of determinism to another: roughly, from the view that every event (condition, state) has a cause or is determined, to the view that the remotest possible past determines the present and future. This paper defends a special class of such arguments. It identifies constraints on the relation of determination under which the arguments concerned are valid. And, by reference to the overall causal or determinational structure of (...)
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  10.  26
    Deterministic automata simulation, universality and minimality.Cristian Calude, Elena Calude & Bakhadyr Khoussainov - 1997 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 90 (1-3):263-276.
    Finite automata have been recently used as alternative, discrete models in theoretical physics, especially in problems related to the dichotomy between endophysical/intrinsic and exophysical/ extrinsic perception . These studies deal with Moore experiments; the main result states that it is impossible to determine the initial state of an automaton, and, consequently, a discrete model of Heisenberg uncertainty has been suggested. For this aim the classical theory of finite automata — which considers automata with initial states — is not adequate, and (...)
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  11. Laplacian determinism, or is this any way to run a universe?John Earman - 1971 - Journal of Philosophy 68 (21):729-744.
  12. Is our Universe Deterministic? Some Philosophical and Theological Reflections on an Elusive Topic.Taede A. Smedes - 2003 - Zygon 38 (4):955-979.
    . The question of whether or not our universe is deterministic remains of interest to both scientists and theologians. In this essay I argue that this question can be solved only by metaphysical decision and that no scientific evidence for either determinism or indeterminism will ever be conclusive. No finite being, no matter how powerful its cognitive abilities, will ever be able to establish the deterministic nature of the universe. The only being that would be capable (...)
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    (1 other version)On determinism, the universe, and related concepts.Rolf Schock - 1962 - Synthese 14 (4):255 - 276.
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    Genes, Determinism and More: Denis Alexander: Genes, Determinism and God. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2017, 376pp, £85 HB.Barbara Pfeffer Billauer - 2018 - Metascience 27 (2):287-291.
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  15. Reasons, Determinism and the Ability to Do otherwise.Sofia Jeppsson - 2016 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 19 (5):1225-1240.
    It has been argued that in a deterministic universe, no one has any reason to do anything. Since we ought to do what we have most reason to do, no one ought to do anything either. Firstly, it is argued that an agent cannot have reason to do anything unless she can do otherwise; secondly, that the relevant ‘can’ is incompatibilist. In this paper, I argue that even if the first step of the argument for reason incompatibilism succeeds, (...)
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  16.  84
    Free will, determinism, and the theory of important criteria.Michael A. Slote - 1969 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 12 (1-4):317-38.
    The Theory of Important Criteria is used to argue that the age?old problem of the compatibility of free will and determinism turns on the question of the importance of causal indeterminacy of choice as a criterion of being able to do otherwise. One's answer to this question depends in turn on one's evaluation of certain moral issues and of the force and significance of certain similes, analogies and diagrams in terms of which one can ?depict? a deterministic universe. (...)
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  17.  87
    Determinism, Counterpredictive Devices, and the Impossibility of Laplacean Intelligences.Jenann Ismael - 2019 - The Monist 102 (4):478-498.
    In a famous passage drawing implications from determinism, Laplace introduced the image an intelligence who knew the positions and momenta of all of the particles of which the universe is composed, and asserted that in a deterministic universe such an intelligence would be able to predict everything that happens over its entire history. It is not, however, difficult to establish the physical possibility of a counterpredictive device, i.e., a device designed to act counter to any revealed prediction (...)
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    A Modal Argument for Determinism Qua Universal Necessity.Uwe Meixner - 2024 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 80 (4):997-1008.
    This paper states and examines a modal argument for universal necessity, that is: for the necessary truth of every true proposition. Deep issues in the metaphysics of modality are bound up with the argument, as is revealed in the attempt to defend, or refute, it.
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    Absolute Determinism and Lack of Free Will.Ulrich de Balbian - 2018 - Oxford: Create Space.
    Determinism from the 1st and 3rd person perspective as well as the universal point of reference aee dealt with. This is to show the absence of free will in the last perspective and the illusion of it when seen from the first two perspectives. ‘Free’ choice is dealt with as well as the absence of free will and the consequences of determinism for law and court judgements are explored. So, what if any, is the place and the role of God (...)
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  20. Non-deterministic algebraization of logics by swap structures1.Marcelo E. Coniglio, Aldo Figallo-Orellano & Ana Claudia Golzio - 2020 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 28 (5):1021-1059.
    Multialgebras have been much studied in mathematics and in computer science. In 2016 Carnielli and Coniglio introduced a class of multialgebras called swap structures, as a semantic framework for dealing with several Logics of Formal Inconsistency that cannot be semantically characterized by a single finite matrix. In particular, these LFIs are not algebraizable by the standard tools of abstract algebraic logic. In this paper, the first steps towards a theory of non-deterministic algebraization of logics by swap structures are given. (...)
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  21. Determinism and the Paradox of Predictability.Stefan Rummens & Stefaan E. Cuypers - 2010 - Erkenntnis 72 (2):233-249.
    The inference from determinism to predictability, though intuitively plausible, needs to be qualified in an important respect. We need to distinguish between two different kinds of predictability. On the one hand, determinism implies external predictability , that is, the possibility for an external observer, not part of the universe, to predict, in principle, all future states of the universe. Yet, on the other hand, embedded predictability as the possibility for an embedded subsystem in the universe to make (...)
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  22. Strong Determinism.Eddy Keming Chen - 2024 - Philosophers' Imprint 24 (1).
    A strongly deterministic theory of physics is one that permits exactly one possible history of the universe. In the words of Penrose (1989), "it is not just a matter of the future being determined by the past; the entire history of the universe is fixed, according to some precise mathematical scheme, for all time.” Such an extraordinary feature may appear unattainable in a world like ours. In this paper, I show that it can be achieved in a (...)
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  23.  49
    Causality, Determinism and Freedom of the Will.Lionel Kenner - 1964 - Philosophy 39 (149):233 - 248.
    The classical determinist argument is that every event has a cause, that every event in the universe is an effect whose sufficient and necessary conditions are the state of the universe immediately preceding it. For this reason we could not have done otherwise than we did. We do not have free-wills and hence we are not morally responsible for our thoughts and actions. The classical deterministmay, however, modify his position and agree that not every event inthe world has (...)
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  24.  29
    DETERMINISM AND FREEDOM - (S.) Bobzien Determinism, Freedom, and Moral Responsibility. Essays in Ancient Philosophy. Pp. xvi + 323. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2021. Cased, £65, US$85. ISBN: 978-0-19-886673-2. [REVIEW]Nathan Powers - 2023 - The Classical Review 73 (2):683-685.
  25. Determinism and inevitability.Helen Steward - 2006 - Philosophical Studies 130 (3):535-563.
    The paper discusses one of the central arguments in Dennett’s Freedom Evolves, an argument designed to show that a deterministic universe would not necessarily be a universe of which it could truly be said that everything that occurs in it is inevitable. It suggests that on its most natural interpretation, the argument is vulnerable to a serious objection. A second interpretation is then developed, but it is argued that without placing more weight on etymological considerations than they (...)
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  26. For Whom Does Determinism Undermine Moral Responsibility? Surveying the Conditions for Free Will Across Cultures.Ivar R. Hannikainen, Edouard Machery, David Rose, Stephen Stich, Christopher Y. Olivola, Paulo Sousa, Florian Cova, Emma E. Buchtel, Mario Alai, Adriano Angelucci, Renatas Berniûnas, Amita Chatterjee, Hyundeuk Cheon, In-Rae Cho, Daniel Cohnitz, Vilius Dranseika, Ángeles Eraña Lagos, Laleh Ghadakpour, Maurice Grinberg, Takaaki Hashimoto, Amir Horowitz, Evgeniya Hristova, Yasmina Jraissati, Veselina Kadreva, Kaori Karasawa, Hackjin Kim, Yeonjeong Kim, Minwoo Lee, Carlos Mauro, Masaharu Mizumoto, Sebastiano Moruzzi, Jorge Ornelas, Barbara Osimani, Carlos Romero, Alejandro Rosas López, Massimo Sangoi, Andrea Sereni, Sarah Songhorian, Noel Struchiner, Vera Tripodi, Naoki Usui, Alejandro Vázquez del Mercado, Hrag A. Vosgerichian, Xueyi Zhang & Jing Zhu - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
    Philosophers have long debated whether, if determinism is true, we should hold people morally responsible for their actions since in a deterministic universe, people are arguably not the ultimate source of their actions nor could they have done otherwise if initial conditions and the laws of nature are held fixed. To reveal how non-philosophers ordinarily reason about the conditions for free will, we conducted a cross-cultural and cross-linguistic survey (N = 5,268) spanning twenty countries and sixteen languages. Overall, (...)
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  27. Who's afraid of determinism? Rethinking causes and possibilities.Christopher Taylor & Daniel Dennett - 2001 - In Robert Kane, The Oxford Handbook of Free Will. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 257--277.
    Incompatibilism, the view that free will and determinism are incompatible, subsists on two widely accepted, but deeply confused, theses concerning possibility and causation: (1) in a deterministic universe, one can never truthfully utter the sentence "I could have done otherwise," and (2) in such universes, one can never really take credit for having caused an event, since in fact all events have been predetermined by conditions during the universe's birth. Throughout the free will.
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    Physical Determinism, Zygote-Manipulation and Responsible Agency.Ferenc Huoranszki - 2021 - Philosophia 49 (4):1525-1540.
    Agents have no control over the formation of their own zygote. Others may do. According to a well-known argument, the so-called Zygote Argument for incompatibilism, these facts, together with a prima facie plausible further assumption, are sufficient to prove that human agents cannot be responsible for their actions if they live in a deterministic universe. This paper argues that the lack of agents’ control over the constitution of their own zygote can undermine their responsibility only in exceptional conditions (...)
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  29.  71
    Determinism and Indeterminism in Modern Physics. Historical and Systematic Studies of the Problem of Causality. By Ernst Cassirer. Translated by O. Theodor Benfey, with a Preface by Henry Margenau. (New Haven: Yale University Press; London: Oxford University Press. 1956. Pp. xxiv + 227. Price 40s. net.). [REVIEW]Peter Alexander - 1959 - Philosophy 34 (130):251-.
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  30. Determinism, indeterminism, and libertarianism.C. D. Broad - 1934 - Cambridge [Eng.]: The University press.
    Originally published in 1934, this book presents the content of an inaugural lecture delivered by the British philosopher Charles Dunbar Broad (1887-1971), upon taking up the position of Knightbridge Professor of Moral Philosophy at Cambridge University. The text presents a discussion of the relationship between determinism, indeterminism and libertarianism. This book will be of value to anyone with an interest in the writings of Broad and the history of philosophy.
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    Genes, Determinism and God. By Denis Alexander. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press, 2017. viii + 385 pages. Hardcover, US $106.00 / Softcover, US $32.99. [REVIEW]Christoffer H. Grundmann - 2018 - Zygon 53 (3):931-933.
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    Determinism, Indeterminism, and Libertarianism. By C. D. Broad, M.A., Litt.D., (Cambridge: at the University Press. 1934. Pp. 48. Price 2s. 6d. net.). [REVIEW]A. C. Ewing - 1934 - Philosophy 9 (35):370-.
  33. How to combine chance and determinism: Thinking about the future in an Everett universe.Jenann Ismael - 2003 - Philosophy of Science 70 (4):776-790.
    I propose, in the context of Everett interpretations of quantum mechanics, a way of understanding how there can be genuine uncertainty about the future notwithstanding that the universe is governed by known, deterministic dynamical laws, and notwithstanding that there is no ignorance about initial conditions, nor anything in the universe whose evolution is not itself governed by the known dynamical laws. The proposal allows us to draw some lessons about the relationship between chance and determinism, and to (...)
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  34. Determinism, Free Will and Morality: A Jain Perspective.Jinesh R. Sheth - 2020 - In Shrinetra Pandey & Sanjali Jain, Determinism in Śramaṇa Traditions. Delhi, India: pp. 77-84.
    The problem of determinism and free will has occupied the minds of human beings since time immemorial. Philosophers have dwelt on it at great length. The problem is alike for both those who support determinism and those who do not. From one side, it is argued that since all the actions are causally determined, the belief that we are free is an illusion; from the other side, it is argued that since we know that we are free, universal determinism is (...)
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    Rolf Schock, On determinism, the universe, and related concepts. Synthese, vol. 14 , pp. 255–276.Arnold Koslow - 1970 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 35 (4):577-578.
  36. What Do People Find Incompatible With Causal Determinism?Adam Bear & Joshua Knobe - 2016 - Cognitive Science 40 (8):2025-2049.
    Four studies explored people's judgments about whether particular types of behavior are compatible with determinism. Participants read a passage describing a deterministic universe, in which everything that happens is fully caused by whatever happened before it. They then assessed the degree to which different behaviors were possible in such a universe. Other participants evaluated the extent to which each of these behaviors had various features. We assessed the extent to which these features predicted judgments about whether the (...)
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  37.  40
    On Determinism, Causality, and Free Will: Contribution from Physics.Grzegorz Karwasz - 2021 - Roczniki Filozoficzne 69 (4):5-24.
    Determinism, causality, chance, free will and divine providence form a class of interlaced problems lying in three domains: philosophy, theology, and physics. Recent article by Dariusz Łukasiewicz in Roczniki Filozoficzne (no. 3, 2020) is a great example. Classical physics, that of Newton and Laplace, may lead to deism: God created the world, but then it goes like a mechanical clock. Quantum mechanics brought some “hope” for a rather naïve theology: God acts in gaps between quanta of indetermination. Obviously, any strict (...)
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  38.  24
    The New Defense of Determinism: Neurobiological Reduction.Mehmet Ödemi̇ş - 2021 - Kader 19 (1):29-54.
    Determinist thought with its sui generis view on life, nature and being as a whole is a point of view that could be observed in many different cultures and beliefs. It was thanks to Greek thought that it ceased to be a cultural element and transformed into a systematic cosmology. Schools such as Leucippos, then Democritos and Stoa attempted to integrate the determinist philosophy into ontology and cosmology. In the course of time, physics and metaphysics-based determinism approaches were introduced, and (...)
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  39.  77
    Genetic Determinism in the Genetics Curriculum.Annie Jamieson & Gregory Radick - 2017 - Science & Education 26 (10):1261-1290.
    Twenty-first-century biology rejects genetic determinism, yet an exaggerated view of the power of genes in the making of bodies and minds remains a problem. What accounts for such tenacity? This article reports an exploratory study suggesting that the common reliance on Mendelian examples and concepts at the start of teaching in basic genetics is an eliminable source of support for determinism. Undergraduate students who attended a standard ‘Mendelian approach’ university course in introductory genetics on average showed no change in their (...)
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  40. How determinism can fail in classical physics and how quantum physics can (sometimes) provide a cure.John Earman - 2008 - Philosophy of Science 75 (5):817-829.
    Various fault modes of determinism in classical physics are outlined. It is shown how quantum mechanics can cure some forms of classical indeterminism. †To contact the author, please write to: Department of HPS, University of Pittsburgh, 1017 Cathedral of Learning, Pittsburgh, PA 15260; e‐mail:
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    Failure to Comprehend Determinism or Failure to Measure Comprehension? Methodological Issues in Experimental Philosophy of Free Will.Florian Cova & Tristan Martinez - forthcoming - Erkenntnis:1-39.
    In the past 20 years, experimental philosophers have been investigating folk intuitions about the compatibility of determinism with free will and moral responsibility using vignettes depicting agents in deterministic universes. However, recent research suggests that participants massively fail to understand these vignettes. Moreover, it has also been proposed that these comprehension errors might even be systematic and thus unavoidable, threatening the project of probing folk intuitions about free will and determinism through vignettes. Through five studies, we suggest that past (...)
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  42.  86
    Divine Action, Determinism, and the Laws of Nature.Jeffrey Koperski - 2019 - London, UK: Routledge.
    A longstanding question at the intersection of science, philosophy, and theology is how God might act, or not, when governing the universe. Many believe that determinism would prevent God from acting at all, since to do so would require violating the laws of nature. However, when a robust view of these laws is coupled with the kind of determinism now used in dynamics, a new model of divine action emerges. This book presents a new approach to divine action beyond (...)
  43. Determinism and Total Explanation in the Biological and Behavioral Sciences.Rasmus Grønfeldt Winther - 2014 - Encyclopedia of Life Sciences.
    Should we think of our universe as law-governed and “clockwork”-like or as disorderly and “soup”-like? Alternatively, should we consciously and intentionally synthesize these two extreme pictures? More concretely, how deterministic are the postulated causes and how rigid are the modeled properties of the best statistical methodologies used in the biological and behavioral sciences? The charge of this entry is to explore thinking about causation in the temporal evolution of biological and behavioral systems. Regression analysis and path analysis are (...)
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  44. Determinism, ignorance, and quantum mechanics.Clark Glymour - 1971 - Journal of Philosophy 68 (21):744-751.
    is every bit as intelligible and philosophically respectable as many other doctrines currently in favor, e.g., the doctrine that mental events are identical with brain events; the attempt to give a linguistic construal of this latter doctrine meets many of the same sorts of difficulties encountered above (see Hempel, op. cit.). Secondly, I think that evidence for universal determinism may not, as a matter of fact, be so hard to come by as one might imagine. It is a striking fact (...)
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  45. Determinism.Jan G. Michel - 2018 - Bodleian Digital Archive, University of Oxford.
    In this entry, I provide an overview of determinism, the philosophical thesis that the state of a system at one time, together with the laws of nature, completely determines its state at any other time—most notably in the future. I begin by tracing the historical development of determinism from its origins in ancient Greek atomism to its resurgence in early modern science, particularly through figures like Galileo, Newton, and Laplace. I then outline key distinctions within determinism, differentiating it from fatalism (...)
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  46. Non-deterministic algebras and algebraization of logics.Ana Claudia Golzio & Marcelo E. Coniglio - 2015 - Filosofia da Linguagem E da Lógica (Philosophy of Language and Philosophy of Logic, in Portuguese).
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  47. (1 other version)How Manipulation Arguments Mischaracterize Determinism (author's original manuscript).Paul Torek - 2023 - Philosophical Papers 51 (3):457-475.
    I outline a heretofore neglected difference between manipulation scenarios and merely deterministic ones. Plausible scientific determinism does not imply that the relevant prior history of the universe is independent of us, while manipulation does. Owing to sensitive dependence of physical outcomes upon initial conditions, in order to trace a deterministic history, a microphysical level of analysis is required. But on this level physical laws are time-symmetrically deterministic, and causality, conceived asymmetrically, disappears. I then consider a revised (...)
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    Deterring technological determinism through a culture of design: Anne Balsamo: Designing culture: The technological imagination at work. Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 2011, 312pp, $25.95 PB, $94.95 HB. [REVIEW]Lisa Swanstrom - 2013 - Metascience 22 (1):211-214.
  49.  35
    Explanation, understanding and determinism in Pierre Bourdieu’s sociology.Gabriel Peters - 2014 - History of the Human Sciences 27 (1):124-149.
    This article locates Bourdieu’s sociology within the lasting controversy concerning the nature of causal explanation and interpretative understanding in the social sciences, with a special focus on the classical problem surrounding the alleged compatibility between these procedures. First, it is argued that Bourdieu’s praxeological and relational perspective on the social universe leads him not only to join the ‘compatibility field’ of the debate, but to sustain, more radically, the identity between explanation and understanding. Second, the article defends the view (...)
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  50. Folk fears about freedom and responsibility: Determinism vs. reductionism.Eddy Nahmias - 2006 - Journal of Cognition and Culture 6 (1-2):215-237.
    My initial work, with collaborators Stephen Morris, Thomas Nadelhoffer, and Jason Turner (2005, 2006), on surveying folk intuitions about free will and moral responsibility was designed primarily to test a common claim in the philosophical debates: that ordinary people see an obvious conflict between determinism and both free will and moral responsibility, and hence, the burden is on compatibilists to motivate their theory in a way that explains away or overcomes this intuitive support for incompatibilism. The evidence, if any, offered (...)
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