Results for 'Dexter Perry'

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  1.  26
    A Mental Capacity Act 2005 Questionnaire.Christine Rowley, Dexter Perry, Rebecca Brickwood & Nicola Mellor - 2013 - Clinical Ethics 8 (1):15-18.
    The hospital's clinical ethics committee sought to gauge health-care professionals’ level of knowledge and usage of the Mental Capacity Act 2005 within the hospital trust. The hospital's personnel were asked to complete a 10 part questionnaire relating to the basic contents of the Act. Four hundred questionnaires were distributed and 249 (62%) were returned completed and valid for analysis. A ‘pass-mark’ of 70% (7/10) was assumed; the results showed that 48% of respondents scored ≤50% (≤5/10), 74% of respondents scored <70% (...)
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  2. Even if the fetus is not a person, abortion is immoral: The impairment argument.Perry Hendricks - 2019 - Bioethics 33 (2):245-253.
    Much of the discussion surrounding the ethics of abortion has centered around the notion of personhood. This is because many philosophers hold that the morality of abortion is contingent on whether the fetus is a person - though, of course, some famous philosophers have rejected this thesis (e.g. Judith Thomson and Don Marquis). In this article, I construct a novel argument for the immorality of abortion based on the notion of impairment. This argument does not assume that the fetus is (...)
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  3. Strengthening the impairment argument against abortion.Bruce Blackshaw & Perry Hendricks - 2020 - Journal of Medical Ethics 47 (7):515-518.
    Perry Hendricks’ impairment argument for the immorality of abortion is based on two premises: first, impairing a fetus with fetal alcohol syndrome is immoral, and second, if impairing an organism to some degree is immoral, then ceteris paribus, impairing it to a higher degree is also immoral. He calls this the impairment principle. Since abortion impairs a fetus to a higher degree than FAS, it follows from these two premises that abortion is immoral. Critics have focussed on the ceteris (...)
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    Thalamocortical dysfunction and complex visual hallucinations in brain disease – are the primary disturbances in the cerebral cortex?Daniel Collerton & Elaine Perry - 2004 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 27 (6):789-790.
    Applying Behrendt & Young's (B&Y's) model of thalamocortical synchrony to complex visual hallucinations in neurodegenerative disorders, such as dementia with Lewy bodies and progressive supranuclear palsy, leads us to propose that the primary pathology may be cortical rather than thalamic. Additionally, the extinction of active hallucinations by eye closure challenges their conception of the role of reduced sensory input.
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    Free software, economic 'realities', and information justice.S. Chopra & S. Dexter - 2009 - Acm Sigcas Computers and Society 39 (3):12-26.
    Free and open source software is taking an increasingly significant role in our software infrastructure. Yet many questions still exist about whether a software economy based on FOSS would be viable. We argue that contemporary trends definitively demonstrate this viability. Claiming that an economy must be evaluated as much by the ends it brings about as by its size or vigor, we draw on widely accepted notions of redistributive justice to show the ethical superiority of a software economy based on (...)
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  6.  14
    Researching young children's perspectives: debating the ethics and dilemmas of educational research with children.Deborah Harcourt, Bob Perry & Tim Waller (eds.) - 2011 - New York: Routledge.
    When should listening through observation stand alone? --.
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  7. Improper perspective: Anamorphosis in d'aubigne's Les tragiques.Kathleen Perry Long - 1999 - Mediaevalia 22 (1999-2000):103.
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  8. Mercy.Adam Perry - 2018 - Philosophy and Public Affairs 46 (1):60-89.
    A pardon is an act of mercy according to the law, but is a pardon mercy in an ordinary or genuine sense? What distinguishes a pardon from a lenient judicial sentence, which is not mercy by the law’s lights? These are questions about what mercy as it is understood in law has to do with mercy as it is understood outside of law, and about who in government acts mercifully and when, if indeed anyone in government ever does. Here I (...)
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  9. 18 Ethical Issues in Chronic Pain Research.Robert J. Gatchel, Perry N. Fuchs & Colin Allen - 2006 - In B. L. Gant & M. E. Schatman (eds.), Ethical Issues in Chronic Pain Management. pp. 295.
    As the above quote clearly highlights, it is the responsibility of researchers and research supervisors to be certain that their research staff and students assistants are very familiar with all of the ethical principles and current standards relevant to the research they are conducting. Indeed, they must take an active role in being certain that their research staff and students complete appropriate training in these ethical principles and standards, and how they apply them to the research context in which they (...)
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  10. How to Be a Substantivalist Without Getting Shifty About It.Zee R. Perry - 2017 - Philosophical Issues 27 (1):223-249.
    According to substantivalism, spacetime points and regions are real entities whose existence is not dependent on matter. In this paper, I motivate and defend a version of substantivalism which takes the totality of spacetime as fundamental, and show how this position avoids certain problem cases, in particular the objection from static Leibniz shifts, and better conforms to how we think about space in physics. I argue that, even though the static Leibniz shifts do not show ordinary substantivalism is committed to (...)
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    Introduction.Martin Calkins, Dennis Moberg, David Perry & Manuel Velasques - 2002 - Journal of Business Ethics 38 (1-2):1-1.
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    Still PADing along: Perception and attention remain key factors in understanding complex visual hallucinations.Daniel Collerton, Elaine Perry & Ian McKeith - 2005 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 28 (6):776-794.
    Commentators agree that the Perception and Attention Deficit (PAD) model is a promising model for accounting for recurrent complex visual hallucinations (RCVH) across several disorders, though with varying detailed criticisms. Its central tenets are not modified, but further consideration of generative models of visual processing and the relationship of proto-objects and memory systems allows the PAD model to deal with variations in phenomenology. The commentaries suggest new ways to generate evidence that will test the model.
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    Environmental Management Systems and Practices.Irene Henriques & Perry Sadorsky - 2005 - Proceedings of the International Association for Business and Society 16:205-210.
    This study draws on stakeholder management theory and the resource-based view of the firm to determine the factors affecting a facility’s decision to implementenvironmental management systems and practices. Four levels of environmental commitment to the natural environment are proposed including whether a facility has an EMS, whether a facility has a person responsible for environmental issues, whether a facility is ISO 14001 certified and the comprehensiveness of a facility’s EMS as measured by the number of practices undertaken. We empirically test (...)
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  14. Überlegungen zu einer fraktalen Interpretation religiöser Vielfalt.Perry Schmidt-Leukel - 2017 - In Wolfgang Gantke, Thomas Schreijäck & Vladislav Serikov (eds.), Das Heilige interkulturell: Perspektiven in religionswissenschaftlichen, theologischen und philosophischen Kontexten. Ostfildern: Matthias Grünewald Verlag.
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    An Elementary Logic: A Textbook for Beginners with Special Emphasis on Scientific Method.Gregory Dexter Walcott - 1931 - New York, NY, USA: Harcourt, Brace.
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    Seeing for ourselves: Insights into the development of moral behaviour from models of visual perception and misperception.Daniel Collerton & Elaine Perry - 2018 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 41.
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    Bowen Family Systems Theory: Mapping a framework to support critical care nurses’ well‐being and care quality.Samantha Jakimowicz, Lin Perry & Joanne Lewis - 2021 - Nursing Philosophy 22 (2):e12320.
    Intensive care nursing is prone to episodic anxiety linked to patients’ immediate needs for treatment. Balancing biomedical interventions with compassionate patient‐centred nursing can be particularly anxiety provoking. These patterns of anxiety may impact compassion and patient‐centred nursing. The aim of this paper is to discuss the application of Bowen Family Systems Theory to intensive care nursing, mapping a framework to support critical care nurses’ well‐being and, consequently, the quality of care they provide. This article is founded on research, theoretical papers (...)
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    Situation Theory and its Applications: Volume 1.Robin Cooper, Kuniaki Mukai & John Perry (eds.) - 1990 - Stanford, CA, USA: Center for the Study of Language and Inf.
    Situation Theory grew out of attempts by Jon Barwise in the late 1970s to provide a semantics for 'naked-infinitive' perceptual reports such as 'Claire saw Jon run'. Barwise's intuition was that Claire didn't just see Jon, an individual, but Jon doing something, a situation. Situations are individuals having properties and standing in relations. A theory of situations would allow us to study and compare various types of situations or situation-like entitles, such as facts, events, and scenes. One of the central (...)
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  19.  11
    The Great Speckled Bird: Multicultural Politics and Education Policymaking.Catherine Cornbleth & Dexter Waugh - 1995 - Routledge.
    This unique volume takes readers behind the scenes for an "insider/outsider" view of education policymaking in action. Two state-level case studies of social studies curriculum reform and textbook policy illustrate how curriculum decision making becomes an arena in which battles are fought over national values and priorities. Written by a New York education professor and a California journalist, the text offers a rare blend of academic and journalistic voices. The "great speckled bird" is the authors' counter-symbol to the bald eagle--a (...)
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  20.  26
    Form and Meaning in Persian Vocabulary: The Arabic Feminine Ending.Alan S. Kaye & John R. Perry - 2000 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 120 (1):122.
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    It ain't over till it's ova: germline sex determination in C. elegans.Patricia E. Kuwabara & Marc D. Perry - 2001 - Bioessays 23 (7):596-604.
    Sex determination in most organisms involves a simple binary fate choice between male or female development; the outcome of this decision has profound effects on organismal biology, biochemistry and behaviour. In the nematode C. elegans, there is also a binary choice, either male or hermaphrodite. In C. elegans, distinct genetic pathways control somatic and germline sexual cell fate. Both pathways share a common set of globally acting regulatory genes; however, germline-specific regulatory genes also participate in the decision to make male (...)
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    Preface.Perry Schmidt-Leukel - 2015 - In Ephraim Meir (ed.), Interreligious Theology: Its Value and Mooring in Modern Jewish Philosophy. Jerusalem: De Gruyter. pp. 1-4.
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    Religion: Historical Fact or Interpretive Theory? A Response to Hubert Seiwert.Perry Schmidt-Leukel - 2021 - Zeitschrift für Religionswissenschaft 29 (2):281-284.
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  24. Toward an Account of Intolerance: Between Prison Resistance and Engaged Scholarship.Perry Zurn - 2017 - The Carceral Notebooks 12:97-128.
    The word “intolerance” bears almost exclusively negative connotations. It is treated invariably, almost ideologically as a vice. What would it mean to reconceive of intolerance as a virtue—or, at the very least, a positive affect? In this essay, I analyze two complementary archives of positive intolerance: the records of the Prisons Information Group (the GIP) and the writings of one of its members: Michel Foucault. For the GIP, intolerance—as a militant refusal of intolerable material and political conditions—is essential to the (...)
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  25. Popper, induction and falsification.Gary Jones & Clifton Perry - 1982 - Erkenntnis 18 (1):97 - 104.
  26.  34
    Efficient, Compassionate, and Fractured:Contemporary Care in the ICU.Jeffrey P. Bishop, Joshua E. Perry & Amanda Hine - 2014 - Hastings Center Report 44 (4):35-43.
    Alasdair MacIntyre described the late modern West as driven by two moral values: efficiency and effectiveness. Regardless of whether you accept MacIntyre's overarching story, it seems clear that efficiency and effectiveness have achieved a zenith in institutional health care structures, such that these two aspects of care become the final arbiters of what counts as “good” care. At the very least, they are dominant in many clinical contexts and act as the interpretative lens for the judgments of successful health care (...)
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  27.  15
    The Lord's Prayer in the Light of Shin-Buddhist-Christian Comparative Considerations.Perry Schmidt-Leukel - 2023 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 43 (1):33-49.
    abstract: This paper reflects on the "Lord's Prayer" by relating it to various aspects of Shin-Buddhist practice and teachings as expounded in the writings of Shinran. The address of Ultimate Reality as parent, the concept of the "name," and the act of prayer, especially in its petitionary form, are considered in a comparative light. This does not only produce some "reciprocal illumination." It rather leads to an interreligious inquiry into the problem of evil and the problem of freedom and grace (...)
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    Educational Implications of Conviction Narrative Theory.Mark Sheskin, Michael Bogucki, Tomer Perry & Katie McAllister - 2023 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 46:e106.
    Education often relies on an implicit assumption that decisions are made rationally, and focuses on situations in which there are correct answers that can be known with certainty. The proposal that decision-making is often narrative, especially in contexts of radical uncertainty, suggests important changes to education practice and new questions for education research.
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    Assessing Vocal Chanting as an Online Psychosocial Intervention.Felicity Maria Simpson, Gemma Perry & William Forde Thompson - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12:647632.
    The ancient practice of chanting typically takes place within a community as a part of a live ceremony or ritual. Research suggests that chanting leads to improved mood, reduced stress, and increased wellbeing. During the global pandemic, many chanting practices were moved online in order to adhere to social distancing recommendations. However, it is unclear whether the benefits of live chanting occur when practiced in an online format. The present study assessed the effects of a 10-min online chanting session on (...)
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  30.  17
    Is There Material Substance?Perry - 1925 - Modern Schoolman 1 (4):4-5.
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  31. Battlefield Euthanasia: Should Mercy-Killings Be Allowed?L. Perry David - 2014 - Parameters 44 (4).
    Analysis of ethical and legal issues in battlefield euthanasia or military mercy-killing.
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  32. Review of Henry Shue, Fighting Hurt: Rule and Exception in Torture and War.David L. Perry - 2016 - Parameters 46 (3).
    Review of Henry Shue, Fighting Hurt: Rule and Exception in Torture and War.
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    The Value Judgement. W. D. Lamont.Charner Perry - 1957 - Ethics 67 (3, Part 1):223-225.
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    (1 other version)Varieties of minimalist semantics. [REVIEW]Kepa Korta & John Perry - 2006 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 73 (2):451–459.
    Cappelen and Lepore view themselves as embattled defenders of the Free Republic of Semantics from the attacks of its enemies, mostly in the form of pragmatic incursions. They withdraw to a limited territory, and defend it with reason, humor, and other less noble weapons. The enemies are everywhere. This way of posing the debates is often humorous and helps make the book easy to read. It also often leads the authors to caricaturize and to trivialize many of the problems, arguments (...)
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    (1 other version)Innovation and computing in the public sector: A review of research. [REVIEW]Kenneth L. Kraemer & James L. Perry - 1989 - Knowledge, Technology & Policy 2 (1):72-87.
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    Statement of Dexter Duggan.Dexter Duggan - 2022 - Catholic Social Science Review 27:217-219.
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    Marxism, Structuralism, and Post-StructuralismIn the Tracks of Historical Materialism. [REVIEW]Terry Eagleton & Perry Anderson - 1985 - Diacritics 15 (4):2.
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    A finite model theorem for the propositional μ-calculus.Dexter Kozen - 1988 - Studia Logica 47 (3):233 - 241.
    We prove a finite model theorem and infinitary completeness result for the propositional -calculus. The construction establishes a link between finite model theorems for propositional program logics and the theory of well-quasi-orders.
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  39. Knowledge, Possibility, and Consciousness.John Perry - 2001 - MIT Press.
    A defense of antecedent physicalism, which argues against the idea that if everything that goes on in the universe is physical, our consciousness and feelings ..
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    The role of growth factors in haemopoiesis.T. M. Dexter, C. Heyworth & A. D. Whetton - 1985 - Bioessays 2 (4):154-158.
    Many of the haemopoietic cell growth factors have now been purified to homogeneity and their structural genes cloned. Methods are also now available for obtaining pure populations of haemopoietic cells. The use of such cells, in combination with pure growth factors, has provided intriguing information about the biological activities and mode of action of the factors in faciliating survival, proliferation and differentiation of the haemopoietic cells.
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    Ethical Aspects of Care of the Adolescent.Yvonne Dexter - 2011 - In Gosia M. Brykczynska & Joan Simons (eds.), Ethical and Philosophical Aspects of Nursing Children and Young People. Wiley. pp. 100.
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    Ethics and the Weather.Edwin G. Dexter - 1900 - International Journal of Ethics 11 (4):481.
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    L'Imagination poétique.Greta Dexter - 1975 - Bibliothèque d'Humanisme Et Renaissance 37 (1):49-62.
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  44. The problem of the essential indexical: and other essays.John Perry - 1993 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    A collection of twelve essays by John Perry and two essays he co-authored, this book deals with various problems related to "self-locating beliefs": the sorts of beliefs one expresses with indexicals and demonstratives, like "I" and "this." Postscripts have been added to a number of the essays discussing criticisms by authors such as Gareth Evans and Robert Stalnaker. Included with such well-known essays as "Frege on Demonstratives," "The Problem of the Essential Indexical," "From Worlds to Situations," and "The Prince (...)
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  45. The problem of the essential indexical.John Perry - 1979 - Noûs 13 (1):3-21.
    Perry argues that certain sorts of indexicals are 'essential', in the sense that they cannot be eliminated in favor of descriptions. This paper also introduces the influential idea that certain sorts of indexicals play a special role in thought, and have a special connection to action.
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    In the tracks of historical materialism.Perry Anderson - 1984 - Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
  47.  13
    Love and Power: The Role of Religion and Morality in American Politics.Michael J. Perry - 1991 - Oxford University Press USA.
    Annotation. In this sequel to his Morality, Politics, and Law, Michael Perry addresses the proper relation of moral convictions to the politics of a morally pluralistic society. While his analysis focuses on religious morality, Perry's argument applies to morality generally. Contending that nojustification of a contested political choice can be neutral among competing conceptions of human good, the author develops an ideal of "ecumenical politics" in which moral convictions about human good can be brought to bear in a (...)
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  48.  20
    What Is the Buzz About Iconicity? How Iconicity in Caregiver Speech Supports Children's Word Learning.Lynn K. Perry, Stephanie A. Custode, Regina M. Fasano, Brittney M. Gonzalez & Jordyn D. Savy - 2021 - Cognitive Science 45 (4):e12976.
    One cue that may facilitate children's word learning is iconicity, or the correspondence between a word's form and meaning. Some have even proposed that iconicity in the early lexicon may serve to help children learn how to learn words, supporting the acquisition of even noniconic, or arbitrary, word–referent associations. However, this proposal remains untested. Here, we investigate the iconicity of caregivers’ speech to young children during a naturalistic free‐play session with novel stimuli and ask whether the iconicity of caregivers’ speech (...)
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  49.  44
    Curiosity and Power: The Politics of Inquiry.Perry Zurn - 2021 - Minneapolis, MN, USA: University of Minnesota Press.
    A trailblazing exploration of the political stakes of curiosity. Perry Zurn explores the political philosophy of curiosity—the heartbeat of political resistance and a critical factor in social justice. Drawing on philosophy and political theory as well as feminist theory, race theory, disability studies, and trans studies, he tracks curiosity in the structures of political marginalization and resistance.
  50.  32
    Anti-Selection & Genetic Testing in Insurance: An Interdisciplinary Perspective.Dexter Golinghorst, Aisling de Paor, Yann Joly, Angus S. Macdonald, Margaret Otlowski, Richard Peter & Anya E. R. Prince - 2022 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 50 (1):139-154.
    Anti-selection occurs when information asymmetry exists between insurers and applicants. When an applicant knows they are at high risk of loss, but the insurer does not, the applicant may try to use this knowledge differential to secure insurance at a lower premium that does not match risk.
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