Results for 'Dissonance (Music) '

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  1.  12
    Handling dissonance: a musical theological aesthetic of unity.Chelle L. Stearns - 2019 - Eugene, Oregon: Pickwick Publications. Edited by Jeremy Begbie.
    Music can answer questions that often confound more discursive modes of thought. Music takes concepts that are all too familiar, reframes these concepts, and returns them to us with incisive clarity and renewed vision. Unity is one of these "all too familiar concepts," thrown around by politicians, journalists, and pastors as if we all know what it means. By turning to music, especially musical space, the relational structure of unity becomes less abstract and more tangible within our (...)
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    A disson'ncia musical n’O nascimento da tragédia.Fernando R. De Moraes Barros - 2023 - Cadernos Nietzsche 44 (3):143-160.
    The present paper aims at investigating the meaning and scope of the idea of musical dissonance in The Birth of Tragedy. In reviewing the possible explanatory definitions of this concept, within and outside the speculative-theoretical framework proper to Nietzsche’s first book, we hope to open a path that leads us to rethink the so-called “artist metaphysics”, and, specially, what is generally understood as Dionysian music.
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    Rapid dissonant grunting, or, but why does music sound the way it does?Beau R. Sievers & Thalia Wheatley - 2021 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 44.
    Each target article contributes important proto-musical building blocks that constrain music as-we-know-it. However, neither the credible signaling nor social bonding accounts elucidate the central mystery of why music sounds the way it does. Getting there requires working out how proto-musical building blocks combine and interact to create the complex, rich, and affecting music humans create and enjoy.
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    “Harmony and Dissonance”: The Musical Perspective on Posthumanity.Anna Bugajska - 2019 - Eidos. A Journal for Philosophy of Culture 3 (3):14-28.
    This paper explores the role of music as a communicative tool between the human and the posthuman. It utilizes the theories of embodiment and performativity of Karen Barad and Deniz Peters, as well as the perspectives of Continental Realism and contemporary phenomenology. The examples are drawn from a range of pieces of speculative fiction: dystopia, biopunk and science-fiction. It is shown that the authors bring to attention the enharmonic quality of the relationship between the ALife and its creators and (...)
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    Social dissonance. Mattin - 2022 - Falmouth: Urbanomic.
    An argument that by amplifying alienation in performance, we can shift the emphasis from the sonic to the social. Works in sound studies continue to seek out sound “itself”—but, today, when the aesthetic can claim no autonomy and the agency of both artist and audience is socially constituted, why not explore the social mediation already present within our experience of the sonorous? In this work, artist, musician, performer, and theorist Mattin sets out an understanding of alienation as a constitutive part (...)
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    Brewing Dissonance: Conceptualizing Mannerism and Baroque in Music with Deleuze.Ceciel Meiborg & Sjoerd van Tuinen - 2014 - Diacritics 42 (3):54-82.
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    Musical consonance and dissonance: A cultural criterion.Norman Cazden - 1945 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 4 (1):3-11.
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    Neural Responses to Musical Consonance and Dissonance in the Human Superior Temporal Gyrus.Foo Francine, King-Stephens David, Weber Peter, Laxer Kenneth, Knight Robert & Parvizi Josef - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
  9.  42
    Computational Approach to Musical Consonance and Dissonance.Lluis L. Trulla, Nicola Di Stefano & Alessandro Giuliani - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Untwisting the serpent: modernism in music, literature, and other arts.Daniel Albright - 2000 - Chicago, Ill: University of Chicago Press.
    From its dissonant musics to its surrealist spectacles (the urinal is a violin!), Modernist art often seems to give more frustration than pleasure to its audience. In Untwisting the Serpent, Daniel Albright shows that this perception arises partly because we usually consider each art form in isolation, even though many of the most important artistic experiments of the Modernists were collaborations involving several media--Igor Stravinsky's The Rite of Spring is a ballet, Gertrude Stein's Four Saints in Three Acts is an (...)
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  11. Dissonance and Illusion in Nietzsche's Early Tragic Philosophy.Peter Stewart-Kroeker - 2024 - Parrhesia (39):86-117.
    Nietzsche’s Birth of Tragedy overcomes the opposition between scientific optimism and Schopenhauerian pessimism with the image of a music-making Socrates, who symbolizes the aesthetic affirmation of life. This article shows how the aesthetic ideal is an illusion whose metaphysical solace undermines itself in being recognized as such, thereby ceasing to be comforting. While I agree with recent commentaries that contest the pervasive Schopenhauerian reading of The Birth, most of these commentaries still support the view that Nietzsche wishes to communicate (...)
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    The Dissonance of Modernity: On Baudelaire and Adorno.Joseph Acquisto - 2022 - British Journal of Aesthetics 62 (1):101-114.
    This essay considers 'modern' poetry and music as interrelated signifying practices in the works of Charles Baudelaire and Theodor Adorno through a focus on their approach to understanding dissonance. For Baudelaire, dissonance depends on consonance in order to be perceived at all, a fact which allows us to read the modern not just in terms of a break with the past but also as dependent on it. This essay demonstrates the mutually constitutive nature of consonance and (...) by placing Baudelaire and Adorno’s writings on dissonance, with reference to the music of Beethoven, into a constellation that allows for insight into the function of ‘modern’ dissonance. It argues that Baudelaire’s approach is both new and dependent on long-standing understandings of dissonance and harmony, and that Adorno’s writings, in conjunction with Baudelaire’s, can make us attentive to the dissonance that operates within harmony rather than standing opposed to it. (shrink)
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    Crossmodal effect of music and odor pleasantness on olfactory quality perception.Carlos Velasco, Diana Balboa, Fernando Marmolejo-Ramos & Charles Spence - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5:111350.
    Previous research has demonstrated that ratings of the perceived pleasantness and quality of odors can be modulated by auditory stimuli presented at around the same time. Here, we extend these results by assessing whether the hedonic congruence between odor and sound stimuli can modulate the perception of odor intensity, pleasantness, and quality in untrained participants. Unexpectedly, our results reveal that broadband white noise, which was rated as unpleasant in a follow-up experiment, actually had a more pronounced effect on participants’ odor (...)
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  14. Music and pain.Andreas Dorschel - 2011 - In Jane F. Fulcher (ed.), The Oxford Handbook of the New Cultural History of Music. Oxford University Press. pp. 68-79.
    Ancient mythology related music to pain in a twofold way. Pain is the punishment inflicted for producing inferior music: the fate of Marsyas; music is sublimation of pain: the achievement of Orpheus and of Philomela. Both aspects have played defining roles in Western musical culture. Pain’s natural expression is the scream. To be present in music at all, pain needs to be transformed. So even where music expresses pain, at the same time it appeases that (...)
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  15.  19
    Sudden Music: Improvisation, Sound, Nature.David Rothenberg (ed.) - 2016 - University of Georgia Press.
    Music, said Zen patriarch Hui Neng, "is a means of rapid transformation." It takes us home to a natural world that functions outside of logic, where harmony and dissonance, tension and release work in surprising ways. Weaving memoir, travelogue, and philosophical reflection, Sudden Music presents a musical way of knowing that can closely engage us with the world and open us to its spontaneity.Improvisation is everywhere, says David Rothenberg, and his book is a testament to its creative, (...)
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    The Music of Consciousness: Can Musical Form Harmonize Phenomenology and the Brain?Dan Lloyd - 2013 - Constructivist Foundations 8 (3):324-331.
    Context: Neurophenomenology lies at a rich intersection of neuroscience and lived human experience, as described by phenomenology. As a new discipline, it is open to many new questions, methods, and proposals. Problem: The best available scientific ontology for neurophenomenology is based in dynamical systems. However, dynamical systems afford myriad strategies for organizing and representing neurodynamics, just as phenomenology presents an array of aspects of experience to be captured. Here, the focus is on the pervasive experience of subjective time. There is (...)
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    Neuronal symphonies: Musical improvisation and the centrencephalic space of functional integration.Mauro Maldonato, Alberto Oliverio & Anna Esposito - 2017 - World Futures 73 (8):491-510.
    Musical improvisation is a sophisticated activity in which a performer realizes, real-time, melodic, and rhythmic sequences in harmony with those from other musicians. The study of musical improvisation helps one to understand not only the cognition of creativity, but also the complex neuronal basis of executive functions, the relation between conscious and unconscious action, and even more. So far, the prevailing models, founded on the brain imaging method, have focused on the connection between the cortical areas and their cognitive processes. (...)
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  18.  15
    The Musical Structure of Plato's Dialogues.John Bernard Kennedy - 2011 - Acumen Publishing.
    Kennedy shows that Plato gave his dialogues a similar musical structure, dividing each dialogue into twelve parts and inserting symbols at each twelfth to mark a musical note. These passages are either harmonious or dissonant and traverse the ups and downs of a known musical scale. Many of Plato's early followers insisted that Plato used symbols to conceal his own views within the dialogues, but modern scholars have denied this. Kennedy, an expert in Pythagorean mathematics and music theory, is (...)
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    A Micro-Phenomenology of Consonance and Dissonance.Richard Lind - 1997 - Journal of Philosophical Research 22:321-355.
    “Consonance” and “dissonance” can be shown to denote a syndrome of relative characteristics falling within three distinct dimensions of experience: 1) tension-repose, 2) pleasure-displeasure, 3) coherence-incoherence. There is a demonstrable, complex relationship between the specific degree of each of those characteristics associated with a particular tonal interval and the degree of complication of the ratio of that interval. No extant theory is able to explain that correlation, including the currently popular theory of psychological expectation. Using micro-phenomenology, I hypothesize that (...)
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    Kant a propósito de “disson'ncia” e “doce e picante”: estudo de caso de uma dupla metáfora.Ubirajara Rancan de Azevedo Marques - 2024 - Educação E Filosofia 38:1-19.
    O artigo em pauta contém um estudo de caso relativo à dupla metáfora presente na “Reflexão” de número 614, das Reflexionen de Kant. Uma das tais duas metáforas está ligada à música, ao passo que a outra, ao paladar. Por meio de uma análise que busca ressaltar as especificidades de cada uma delas, seja com respeito à sua própria composição, seja com respeito à inserção de cada qual nos contextos respectivos do século XVIII, destaco a contrariedade comum a ambas, e, (...)
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  21.  16
    Dissonance and consonance about death.Dominic Wilkinson - 2021 - Journal of Medical Ethics 47 (4):231-232.
    In their three thoughtful commentaries on my essay, Prentice, Mahoney and Moore and Lantos reflect on the challenges that I set out: can we make sense of the notion of a good death, and can we use art and music to provide any insights into it?1–3 I was thinking about these questions again while reading this week of yet another UK legal dispute relating to life-sustaining treatment for a child. In January, the High Court heard the case of Pippa (...)
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  22.  15
    Influence of Background Musical Emotions on Attention in Congenital Amusia.Natalia B. Fernandez, Patrik Vuilleumier, Nathalie Gosselin & Isabelle Peretz - 2021 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14.
    Congenital amusia in its most common form is a disorder characterized by a musical pitch processing deficit. Although pitch is involved in conveying emotion in music, the implications for pitch deficits on musical emotion judgements is still under debate. Relatedly, both limited and spared musical emotion recognition was reported in amusia in conditions where emotion cues were not determined by musical mode or dissonance. Additionally, assumed links between musical abilities and visuo-spatial attention processes need further investigation in congenital (...)
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  23. Where Does Music End and Nonmusic Begin? Fine-tuning the “Naturalist Response” Problem for Nontonal Music’s Naturalistic Critics.Lantz Fleming Miller - 2022 - Journal of Comparative Literature and Aesthetics 45 (1):354-368.
    As to what distinguishes music from other sound, some investigators in both philosophy and cognitive scientists have answered “tonality.” It seems subservient even to rhythm. Tonality is considered to be the central factor around which the piece is oriented; it gives a sense of home, expectation, and completeness. Most important, much of this inquiry builds on naturalistic, evolutionary explanation to account for human nature and behavior. The conclusion of such line of thought is that sounds missing tonality or tonal (...)
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    The need to consider underlying mechanisms: A response from dissonance.Isabelle Peretz - 2008 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 31 (5):590-591.
    Current research on emotional responses to dissonance has yielded consistent data in both developmental psychology and neuroscience. What seems to be lacking is a definition of what might constitute dissonance in non-musical domains. Thus, contrary to Juslin & Vll's (J&V) proposal for the need to distinguish between six broad mechanisms, I argue that future research should rather focus on perceptual determinants of each basic emotion.
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    The Effects of Musical Factors on the Perception of Auditory Illusions.Ahyeon Choi, Younyoung Bang, Jeong Mi Park & Kyogu Lee - 2025 - Topics in Cognitive Science 17 (1):106-119.
    This study delves into how various musical factors influence the experience of auditory illusions, building on Diana Deutsch's scale illusion experiments and subsequent studies. Exploring the interaction between scale mode and timbre, this study assesses their influence on auditory misperceptions, while also considering the impact of an individual's musical training and ability to discern absolute pitch. Participants were divided into nonmusicians, musicians with absolute pitch, and musicians with relative pitch, and were exposed to stimuli modified across three scale modes (tonal, (...)
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  26. Before sound: re-composing material, time, and bodies in music.Tiziano Manca - 2023 - Bielefeld: Transcript.
    Introduction -- Beginnings. Elements and matter ; Aristoxenus' elements of music ; Transmission and reception ; Elements, letters, notes -- Matter and material. Dissonant material ; Sound and composition ; Given or constructed? ; Timbre, noise, and language -- Time and rhythm. Material and modernity ; Taking place ; Aperiodic rhythms ; Quasiperiodic forms -- Sounds and instruments. Pitched bodies ; Sounds without bodies ; Referennce ; Agent and reproducibility ; Sonocentrism -- Musical bodies. Bodies without sounds ; Composing (...)
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    The Hallelujah Effect: Philosophical Reflections on Music, Performance Practice, and Technology.Babette Babich - 2016 - New York, NY, USA: Routledge.
    A book reading between k.d. lang's interpretation of Leonard Cohen's 'Hallelujah,' male and female desire, today's network culture, Adorno on radio and Nietzsche on the Greeks. The working of music is transformed by digital media, broadcast and recording dynamics. Given the sexual/religious core of Cohen's Hallelujah, this study poses a phenomenological reading of the objectification of both men and women, raising the question of desire, including gender issues and both homosexual and heterosexual desire. A review of critical thinking about (...)
  28. Musik und Begriff. How to do things with Music.Simone Mahrenholz - 2021 - Zeitschrift für Ästhetik Und Allgemeine Kunstwissenschaft 66 (2):43-54.
    (For English, scroll down) Der Text präsentiert drei miteinander verbundene Thesen. (1) Philosophie der Musik modifiziert philosophische Grundbegriffe. (2) Eine gemeinsame Eigenschaft in der Vielfalt der Musikformen liegt im Effekt einer Wahrnehmungsveränderung: oft subtil, unterschwellig und zuweilen als ekstatisch erlebte Selbst- und Welt-Transformation. (3) Strenggenommen nehmen wir nicht Töne wahr, sondern a) unsere Hör-Physiologie wandelt Schwingungsfrequenzen ab circa 18 Hz in Tonhöhen um und damit Zeit-Organisation in ein Raum-Äquivalent. (Musik mit tiefen Tönen an der Grenze zur Wahrnehmung, etwa mittels großer (...)
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    The Role of Musical Aesthetic Emotions in Social Adaptation to the Covid-19 Pandemic.Pietro Sarasso, Irene Ronga, Marco Neppi-Modona & Katiuscia Sacco - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
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    The role of acoustics and music theory in the scientific work of Robert Hooke.Penelope Gouk - 1980 - Annals of Science 37 (5):573-605.
    The work of Robert Hooke on acoustics and music theory is a larger subject than might seem the case from studies of his career so far available. First, there are his experiments for the Royal Society which can be defined as purely acoustical, which anticipate later experiments performed by men such as J. Sauveur and E. Chladni. Second, there are passages in many of his writings which by extensive use of musical analogy attempt to account for all physical phenomena (...)
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  31.  9
    Friendly Remainders: Essays in Music Criticism After Adorno.Murray Dineen - 2011 - Mcgill-Queen's University Press.
    Friendly Remainders draws on Adorno's concept of the negative dialectic, examining its importance in Adorno's thought and its critical application to musical forms. Moving beyond a positivist view where musical object and appreciation operate as a synthesis, the negative dialectic method focuses on divergence and dissonance in musical forms and in society. Contradictions and divergent details and concepts become "remainders," friendly because of the fresh perspective they offer on musical forms. Dineen examines these contradictory remainders in subjects such as (...)
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    From dialectics to the diabolical: Adorno’s “new music” and blanchot’s “ars nova”.Vivian Liska - 2018 - Angelaki 23 (3):14-27.
    In “Ars Nova,” a short essay written in 1963, Blanchot defends the “new music” of Arnold Schönberg and his school against its critics and hails it as an exemplary contestation of culture conceived as an attempt to conceal the groundlessness of human existence. The fragmentary and dissonant nature of the “new music” has the power to unmask culture’s pretence of order, meaning and harmony. It embodies the potential of modernist art to unsettle all established conventions standing in the (...)
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  33. "This-with-that": A dialectical approach to teaching for musical imagination.Estelle Ruth Jorgensen - 2006 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 40 (4):1-20.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Journal of Aesthetic Education 40.4 (2006) 1-20 MuseSearchJournalsThis JournalContents[Access article in PDF]"This-with-That": A Dialectical Approach to Teaching for Musical ImaginationEstelle R. JorgensenAmong the various approaches to music education, my dialectical and epistemological view offers a way of thinking about music and education and deciding how to go forward in teaching and learning music. 1 In this article I show how this particular philosophical perspective can (...)
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    “A sweet smile”: the modulatory role of emotion in how extrinsic factors influence taste evaluation.Qian Wang & Charles Spence - 2017 - Cognition and Emotion 32 (5):1052-1061.
    ABSTRACTIt has recently been demonstrated that the reported tastes/flavours of food/beverages can be modulated by means of external visual and auditory stimuli such as typeface, shapes, and music. The present study was designed to assess the role of the emotional valence of the product-extrinsic stimuli in such crossmodal modulations of taste. Participants evaluated samples of mixed fruit juice whilst simultaneously being presented with auditory or visual stimuli having either positive or negative valence. The soundtracks had either been harmonised with (...)
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  35. Musik und Schmerz.Andreas Dorschel - 2008 - Musiktheorie 23 (3):257-263.
    Ancient mythology related music to pain in a twofold way. Pain is the punishment inflicted for producing inferior music: the fate of Marsyas; music is sublimation of pain: the achievement of Orpheus and of Philomela. Both aspects have played defining roles in Western musical culture. Pain’s natural expression is the scream. To be present in music at all, pain needs to be transformed. So even where music expresses pain, at the same time it appeases that (...)
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  36. Mathematik und Harmonie. Über den vermuteten Pythagoreismus von Leibniz.Gabriel Menéndez Torrellas - 1999 - Studia Leibnitiana 31 (1):34-54.
    The music theory of Leibniz was thought to be by most of the scholars a part of the Pythagorean philosophical tradition. This opinion was maintained without a founded knowledge of the Pythagorean sources nor a proper consideration of the contemporary scientific background, upon which Leibniz wrote. The purpose of this article consists of analysing to what extent the Pythagorean tradition in music theory had still an influence in a philosophical age, whose music had already thoroughly abandoned the (...)
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    Toward a general psychological model of tension and suspense.Moritz Lehne & Stefan Koelsch - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6:118396.
    Tension and suspense are powerful emotional experiences that occur in a wide variety of contexts (e.g., in music, film, literature, and everyday life). The omnipresence of tension experiences suggests that they build on very basic cognitive and affective mechanisms. However, the psychological underpinnings of tension experiences remain largely unexplained, and tension and suspense are rarely discussed from a general, domain-independent perspective. In this paper, we argue that tension experiences in different contexts (e.g., musical tension or suspense in a movie) (...)
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    Executing Learning Activities and Autonomy-Supportive Instructions Enhance Autonomous Motivation.Paul Hinnersmann, Katrin Hoier & Stephan Dutke - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    This study investigated situational changes in learners’ degree of autonomous regulation during other-initiated learning activities and examined the influence of the instructional style on such changes. To this end, relative autonomous motivation of 172 fifth to seventh grade students was measured before, during and after execution of a musical learning activity. It was experimentally manipulated whether students were instructed in an autonomy-supportive or a controlling style. As expected based on self-determination theory and the action-based model of cognitive dissonance, relative (...)
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    Consonanza e dissonanza: teoria armonica e percezione musicale.Nicola Di Stefano - 2016 - Roma: Carocci editore.
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    Chinese Wisdom Alive: Vignettes of Life-Thinking.Kuang-Ming Wu - 2009 - New York: Nova Science Publishers.
    China deeply enters "here now" to make sense of life's ongoing millennia fresh. China thinks as it tropes along myriad things in life world, their opposites and levels interpenetrating. China thinks story-way to express all things inter-weaving into history, an "open system" that keeps growing. Chinese wisdom is alive today millennia young. The West is objective; China is intersubjective. The West is logically systematic; China coherently story-thinks to compose history. Western philosophy is analytically abstract; Chinese wisdom is actually sensible. As (...)
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    The social organization of sexuality and gender in alternative hard rock: An analysis of intersectionality.Mimi Schippers - 2000 - Gender and Society 14 (6):747-764.
    This article provides an empirical example and an analytic argument for how queer theory can be useful for sociological inquiries of gender relations. Using data collected through participant observation of a rock music subculture, the author addresses the importance of conceptualizing sexuality and gender as analytically distinct. There are five major findings drawn from this analysis. First, members of this subculture queered sexuality despite identifying as heterosexual. Second, there is a dissonance between how members talked about sexuality and (...)
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    (2 other versions)Rethinking harmony in international relations.Damien Mahiet - forthcoming - Sage Publications: Journal of International Political Theory.
    Journal of International Political Theory, Ahead of Print. Harmony is a generally agreed-upon idea in international and diplomatic discourse. A common theme in multiple traditions of thought, Platonist and Confucian among others, it underlies today’s significant investments in musical activism, cultural diplomacy, conflict resolution and peace building. Yet despite this wide currency and long history, the idea of harmony seldom receives more than liminal attention in political theory. In the context of Western thought, an essay written in the 1830s by (...)
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    Rousseau after two hundred years: proceedings of the Cambridge Bicentennial Colloquium.R. A. Leigh (ed.) - 1982 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    J.-J. Rousseau is the most original, most profound and most controversial of all the great eighteenth-century writers. The problems he raised have since become even more acute and the search for a solution increasingly desirable. His voice was a dissonant one in an age which found satisfaction in material progress, correlates the well-being of humanity with the advancement of knowledge, and displayed a form of complacency which Rousseau sets out to shatter. His message falls uneasily on the ears of the (...)
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    Biological systems — “Symphonies of Life”: Reviving Friedrich Cramer's general resonance theory.David G. Angeler - 2023 - Bioessays 45 (11):2300113.
    Understanding biological systems in terms of scientific materialism has arguably reached a frontier, leaving fundamental questions about their complexity unanswered. In 1998, Friedrich Cramer proposed a general resonance theory as a way forward. His theory builds on the extension of the quantum physical duality of matter and wave to the macroscopic world. According to Cramer’ theory, agents constituting biological systems oscillate, akin to musical soundwaves, at specific eigenfrequencies. Biological system dynamics can be described as “Symphonies of Life” emerging from the (...)
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    Terminologia tecnica e riappropriazione concettuale: le polifonie medievali come laboratorio compositivo.Carlo Serra - 2010 - Doctor Virtualis 10:67-98.
    Gli studi di Simha Arom sulla polifonia africana ha avuto un notevole impatto sulla cultura occidentale, in modo particolare con riferimento alla teoria ritmica della composizione. Scopo principale di questo studio è discutere la relazione fra la comparsa di termini antichi relativi alla teoria musicale e l’effettiva possibilità di descriverli in contesti musicali moderni.Gli studi di Simha Arom sulla polifonia africana ha avuto un notevole impatto sulla cultura occidentale, in modo particolare con riferimento alla teoria ritmica della composizione. Scopo principale (...)
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    Adorno and the Magic Square: Schönberg and Stravinsky in Mann’s Doctor Faustus.Geoff Boucher - 2019 - In Amirhosein Khandizaji (ed.), Reading Adorno: The Endless Road. Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 183-211.
    “Would you like to think about,” Thomas Mann famously asked Theodor Adorno, while writing his masterpiece, Doctor Faustus, “what sort of music you would write if you were in league with the devil?” Subtitled The Life of the Composer Adrian Leverkühn, As Told by a Friend, the novel presents the narrative, by humanist professor, Serenus Zeitblom, of the descent into madness of the musical genius, Adrian Leverkühn. In the story, Leverkühn achieves an avant-garde breakthrough into atonal dissonance that (...)
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    Elementos da teoria crítica da dissonância de Theodor W. Adorno.Daniel Pucciarelli - 2018 - Kriterion: Journal of Philosophy 59 (139):77-92.
    RESUMO O presente artigo reconstrói e desenvolve os elementos fundamentais da teoria da dissonância elaborada por Theodor W. Adorno em sua filosofia da música. Parte-se de uma breve exposição do tratamento conferido pela musicologia histórica - com toda sua equivocidade autoconsciente e constitutiva - aos conceitos de dissonância e consonância para dele se depreender as linhas fundamentais de um tratamento filosófico da dissonância. Lançando mão dos recursos mobilizados por alguns teóricos da nova música, são reconstruídas, assim, as estações da teoria (...)
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  48.  27
    On the Mattering of Silence and Avowal: Joseph Beuys’ Plight and Negative Presentation in Post-1945 Visual Art.Gene Ray - 2015 - Nordic Journal of Aesthetics 24 (49).
    Joseph Beuys’ installation Plight forcefully avows of the Nazi genocide by means of negative presentation. The work culminates a collective artistic investigation of negative sculptural strategies for representing traumatic history, opened by the Nouveaux Réalistes under the impact of Alain Resnais’ documentary film Nuit et Brouillard. This article outlines this history and analyzes Plight in the context of the ‘after Auschwitz’ crisis of representation and traditional culture theorized by Theodor W. Adorno. For Adorno, Auschwitz demonstrated threats to autonomous subjectivity posed (...)
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    L'esthétique de Nietzsche.Mathieu Kessler - 1998 - Paris: Presses universitaires de France.
    Seule esthétique générale de Nietzsche publiée en français, cette synthèse thématique met en lumière ses multiples évolutions, jusqu'à présent difficilement saisissables. La démarche est pédagogique et didactique afin de permettre au lecteur d'effectuer par lui-même le bilan des principaux acquis de cette recherche. Fondé sur l'examen exhaustif des écrits philosophiques de Nietzsche, le traitement informatique des fragments posthumes a notamment permis d'apporter une vision plus précise et systématique de ces transformations et de leurs enjeux philosophiques. Ainsi les figures d'Apollon et (...)
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  50.  14
    Poetry and mind: tractatus poetico-philosophicus.Laurent Dubreuil - 2018 - New York, NY: Fordham University Press.
    "What one cannot compute, one must poetize." So concludes this remarkable sequence of propositions on the centrality of poetry for what we call cognition. Developed through brief, lucid, and eloquent logical elaborations that are punctuated by incisive readings of a range of poems--Western and non-Western, low culture and high--Poetry and Mind offers to theorists and practitioners of literature, together with logicians and cognitive scientists, a more sophisticated account of the extraordinary regimes of human mental experience. Poetry grants us the ability (...)
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