Results for 'Donum'

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  1.  36
    Donum vitae: Civil law and moral values.Christian Byk - 1989 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 14 (5):561-573.
    reminds us that reproductive medicine has become part of our social reality and as such justifies the intervention of public authorities. The Instruction suggests relevant principles which should guide appropriate legislation. This essay analyzes how far the French government has taken these fundamental principles into account. Keywords: IVF-ET, Donum Vitae , civil law, France CiteULike Connotea What's this?
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  2. Donum Dei bei Nikolaus von Kues: zum Verständnis von Natur und Gnade nach den Schriften: De quarendo Deum, De filiatione Dei und De dato Patris luminum.Meinold von Spee - 1995 - Mitteilungen Und Forschungsbeiträge der Cusanus-Gesellschaft 22:69-120.
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    Donum Indogermanicum.Howard Berman & Robert Schmitt-Brandt - 1976 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 96 (3):433.
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    Donum vitae on homologous interventions: Is ivf-et a less acceptable gift than "gift"?John W. Carlson - 1989 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 14 (5):523-540.
    argues that, by failing to respect the connection between the conjugal act and procreation, in vitro fertilization – even in the homologous or "simple case", where both gametes come from a married couple and the resulting embryo is transferred to the wife – shows itself to be morally unacceptable. On the other hand, the document refers approvingly to other technological interventions which "facilitate" or "assist" the conjugal act in achieving its objective. Although none of the latter interventions are mentioned by (...)
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    Donum bene meritum. Hunter, Oakley latin literature and its transmission. Pp. XIV + 366, ills. Cambridge: Cambridge university press, 2016. Cased, £74.99, us$120. Isbn: 978-1-107-11627-6. [REVIEW]Stephen Harrison - 2017 - The Classical Review 67 (1):68-70.
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    Donum Natalicium Schrijnen. Verzameling van opstellen door oudleerlingen en bevriende vakgenooten opgedragen aan Mgr Prof Dr Jos Schrijnen bei gelegenheid van zijn zestigsten verjaardag, 3 Mei 1929. Pp. xxviii + 926. Nijmegen-Utrecht: N. V. Dekker en Van de Vegt, 1929. [REVIEW]R. McKenzie - 1930 - The Classical Review 44 (04):155-.
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    Türk Sözlükçüğünde Bir Dönüm Noktası: Misalli Büyük Türkçe Sözlük.Mehmet Gürlek - 2014 - Journal of Turkish Studies 9 (Volume 9 Issue 9):1071-1071.
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  8. Paupertas est donum Dei: Hagiography, Lay Religion, and the Economics of Salvation in the Digby Mary Magdalene.Theresa Coletti - 2001 - Speculum 76 (2):337-378.
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  9. «I teologi davanti all'istruzione Donum Veritatis»: Il compito del teologo tra «ecclesialità» e «scientificità» e il suo rapporto col magistero ecclesiastico.A. Anton - 1997 - Gregorianum 78 (2):223-265.
    As the title indicates, the author does not intend to comment on the Instruction Donum Veritatis, but to bring some precision regarding the function of the theologian in the Church in the light of the document of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith. The subtitle qualifies the work of the theologian as ecclesial and scientific. The theme must be situated in the context of a global vision of the Church as mystery of communion and as mission, as (...)
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  10.  51
    Catholic Reflections for an Updated Donum Vitae Instruction: A New Catholic Challenge in a Post-Christian Europe.Stéphane Bauzon - 2008 - Christian Bioethics 14 (1):42-57.
    On February 22, 1987, the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith published the Donum Vitae Instruction. Twenty years later, on February 22, 2007, Pope Benedict XVI asked for an update of this Instruction. According to the Donum Vitae Instruction of 1987, the principle of the holiness of life imposes respect for human persons from the very beginning of human life. In these past 20 years, new medical techniques have raised fresh ethical issues that are to be addressed (...)
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    Türkiye'nin Demokrasiye Geçiş Süreci ve Laiklik Anlayışının Değişmesinde Bir Dönüm Noktası: CHP'nin.Ramazan Akkir - 2014 - Journal of Turkish Studies 9 (Volume 9 Issue 2):53-53.
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  12. Le statut de l'embryon humain dans «Donum vitae».P. Caspar - 1993 - Revue Thomiste 93 (4):601-613.
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  13. Continuité et progrès dans les enseignements de Humanae vitae et de Donum vitae.A. Chapelle - 1989 - Nouvelle Revue Théologique 111 (5):664-681.
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    Speculations regarding the history of donum vitae.John Collins Harvey - 1989 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 14 (5):481-491.
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  15. Samuel Chandler and the Regium Donum.John Stephens - 1996 - Enlightenment and Dissent 15:57-70.
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    Attentifs à la clameur des pauvres : . Coll. « Donum Dei », n° 19, Ottawa, Éditions de la Conférence Religieuse Canadienne, 1973, , 130 pages. [REVIEW]Roger Ebacher - 1974 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 30 (2):215.
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    Agypten-Munster; Kulturwissenschaftliche Studien zu Agypten, dem Vorderen Orient und verwandten Gebieten: Donum natalicium viro doctissimo Erharto Graefe sexagenario ab amicus collegis discipulis ex aedibus Schlaunstrabe 2/Rosenstrabe 9 oblatum. [REVIEW]Anthony Spalinger, Anke Ilona Blobaum, Joachim Kahl & Simon D. Schweitzer - 2004 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 124 (2):407.
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    G. Thils, R. E. Brown, et autres, Exégèse et Théologie. Les Saintes Écritures et leur interprétation théologique. Donum natalicium Josepho Coppens septuagesimum annum complenti, vol. III, coll. Bibliotheca Ephemeridum Theologicarum Lovaniensium. Gembloux, J. Duculot ; Paris, P. Lethielleux, 1968, in-8, 340pp. [REVIEW]Paul-Émile Langevin - 1971 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 27 (1):90.
  19.  30
    Developments in IVF legislation in a Catholic Country.Pierre Mallia - 2013 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 16 (3):385-390.
    Some time ago an article was published in this journal relating the difficulties of legislating for InVitro Fertilization in a Catholic country and the issues and side issues which had to be faced. Since then one has approached closer to having a law which regulates this technology. However several issues continue to challenge the country. The main concern, other than IVF not being a natural method of having children is the status of the embryo. The normative values of the country (...)
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  20.  10
    Understanding of The seven victories in terms of personalistic bioethics perspective - Focusing on ‘Hatam’ -. 손보미 - 2018 - The Catholic Philosophy 31:99-126.
    이 글은 『칠극』의 맥락에서 현대 의과학 기술의 하나인 보조생식술을 고찰하였다. 초기 가톨릭신자의 윤리지침서인 『칠극』이 현대인의 생활과 유의미한 연관을 가지기 위해서는, 『칠극』의 맥락에서 현대 의과학 기술의 하나인 보조생식술의 시술과정에 수반되는 배아의 생명 침해 문제는 어떻게 설명될 수 있는지 고찰할 필요가 있다. 『칠극』 ‘해탐’(解貪)편이 제시하는 원리와 지침에 의거해보조생식술을 고찰한 결과, 『칠극』의 맥락에서 보조생식술은 인간의 탐욕에 해당하여 허용될 수 없는 기술이다. 그 근거는 첫째, 보조생식술은 인간이 알 수 있는 이치의 범위를 벗어난 지탐(智貪) 과 관련되며, 둘째, 탐욕을 푸는 ‘해탐’의 방안인 ‘평등’의 원리가보조생식술 시술과정에 적용될 (...)
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    Aquinas on Wisdom.Paul O'Grady - 2023 - New Blackfriars 104 (1114):726-750.
    The topic of wisdom attracted much less attention in modern thought than in ancient and medieval times. However, there has been a renewal of interest in it in recent psychology and philosophy, and a variety of questions has emerged from this current work. Aquinas has a detailed and elaborate account of the wisdom which pervades his oeuvre. This paper explores that and seeks to answer some of these contemporary questions from Aquinas's perspective.
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    Almanya’da İslamafobi’nin Artışında Neo-Selefî Yapıların Etkileri.Merve Nur Tekeci Çakar & Mehmet Akif Ceyhan - 2024 - Dini Araştırmalar 67 (67):127-161.
    Bu çalışmada, Almanya’da İslamofobi’nin artışında etkenler tespit edilmekte, bu etkenlerden biri olarak görülen Neo-selefî yapıların bu etkideki rolü analiz edilmektedir. İslamofobi, İslam dininden ve Müslümanlardan korkma, nefret etme, endişe duyma veya önyargılı olma olarak tanımlanabilir. Müslümanlardan korkma veya Müslümanlara düşmanlık besleme anlamında İslamofobi’nin kökenleri İslam’ın ilk dönemlerine kadar uzanmaktadır. Tarihi kökenlere bakıldığında bu düşmanlığın Kudüs’ün, Endülüs’ün ve Hristiyan dünyanın hüküm sürdüğü diğer toprakların Müslümanlar tarafından fethedilme süreçlerine kadar gittiği gözlemlenmektedir. Bu çalışmada ise son 20-30 yıllık süreç içerisinde görülen İslamofobi’nin artışındaki (...)
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    Who or What is the Preembryo?Richard A. McCormick - 1991 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 1 (1):1-15.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Who or What is the Preembryo?S.J. Richard A. McCormick (bio)IntroductionAlthough widely used by scientists, the term "preembryo" has raised some suspicions. Histopathologist Michael Jarmulowicz (1990), for example, asserts that the term was adopted by the American Fertility Society (AFS) and the Voluntary Licensing Authority (VLA) in Britain "as an exercise of linguistic engineering to make human embryo research more palatable to the general public."I cannot speak for the VLA, (...)
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    M'zerî’nin Usûl Anlayışı Üzerine.Fatma Hazar - 2023 - Atebe 9:69-89.
    Mâzerî et-Temimî (ö. 536/1141) Endülüs’ün düşmesinden önce Kuzey Afrika’da yaşamış son fakihlerdendir. Malikî fıkhının usûl-i fıkıh yapısının oluşumunda önemli dönüm noktası olarak kabul edilen Îzâhu’l-Mahsûl min Burhâni’l-usûl isimli eserin müellifidir. Hadis, fıkıh, kelam, tıp ve fetvâ alanlarında kayda değer bilgi sahibi Mâzerî’nin usûlcülüğüne dair bir çalışmanın yapılmamış olması bu çalışmayı gerekli kılmıştır. Çalışmada Mâzerî’nin usûl anlayışı usûl-i fıkıh alanında yazdığı Îzâhu’l-Mahsûl isimli eser üzerinden incelenmektedir. Îzâhu’l-Mahsûl, Mâzerî’nin Şâfiî âlim İmâmü’l-Haremeyn Cüveynî’nin (ö. 478/1085) el-Burhan fî usûli’l-fıkh isimli usûl-i fıkıh eseri üzerine (...)
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    A New Discipline in Contemporary Philosophy: The Philosophy of Information.Nesibe Kantar - 2023 - Beytulhikme An International Journal of Philosophy 13 (13:3):158-175.
    Bilimsel, teknolojik, ekonomik devrimler, insanlık tarihinin önemli dönüm noktalarıdır. Devrimsel etki bireysel, toplumsal, ekonomik eylem ve oluşlara yeni içerik ve formlar yüklemiştir. Bazen gelenekselin mevcudiyetini tehdit ederken bazen de mahiyetini değiştirme suretiyle varlık alanına müdahale etmiştir. 20. yüzyıl bilim ve hesaplamalı teknolojilerde yaşanan gelişmelerle bilişim devrimi, insanlığı daha önce benzeri görülmemiş bir etkiye maruz bırakmıştır. Bu devrim, sadece teknoloji ile ilgili olmayıp insan hayatının genelini etkileyen köklü değişim-dönüşüm ve yeniliklere yol açmıştır. Bu durum, insanın bilişim ile olan bağlamının neliğini ve (...)
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    Symposium on Dignitas personae.E. Christian Brugger - 2009 - The National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly 9 (3):461-483.
    The Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, under the prefecture of Joseph Ratzinger, published its instruction Donum vitae in 1987 to provide moral guidance on bioethical issues. Since 1987, many new ethical issues have arisen, especially in the areas of regenerative medicine (which includes stem cellresearch) and assisted reproduction. To address these the CDF, under the prefecture of William Levada, published the bioethical instruction Dignitas personae inDecember 2008. The present symposium includes reflections on the strengths and weaknesses of (...)
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    La «jerarquía de verdades» en la Teología moral.José Manuel Caamaño López - 2019 - Pensamiento. Revista de Investigación E Información Filosófica 75 (283 S.Esp):435-451.
    El papa Francisco, por primera vez, extiende la jerarquía de verdades al ámbito propiamente moral de la Iglesia católica. Pero ciertamente también a semejante afirmación cabe introducirle un matiz, porque, de hecho, ya con anterioridad, el Magisterio había señalado una gradación de verdades, aunque lo había hecho en relación a la autoridad de la Iglesia y a la infalibilidad del Papa, tanto en formulaciones de fe como de costumbres. A este respecto son de interés tanto la «Professio fidei» y el (...)
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    The Phonetics of Mr- in Latin.Edwin W. Fay - 1919 - Classical Quarterly 13 (1):37-40.
    A. The Vestine Inscription with brat. T. Vetio | duno | didet | Herclo | Iovio | brat. | data. 1. This inscription, most easily consulted in Diehl's Alt-lat. Inschriften, No. 70, has been explained, beyond any reasonable doubt, by von Planta as follows: ‘ The entire inscription is accordingly to be rendered thus: T. Vettius donum dat Herculi Iouio; merito data, sc. est or sunt, according as the votive offering was feminine singular or neuter plural.’ The very abbreviation (...)
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    The Dignity of the Person.Mark S. Latkovic - 2010 - The National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly 10 (2):283-305.
    This article provides a detailed overview and critical commentary on the Instruction Dignitas personae from the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, a document that updates Donum vitae. First, it situates the Instruction in the context of modern society’s reliance on biotechnology to overcome infertility, while also examining technology’s wider impact on human persons—for example, on their relationship with God. It then examines the teaching of the document while at the same time offering critical comments on it, pointing (...)
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  30. Transcendentality and Conversation.King-Ho Leung - 2022 - Modern Theology 38 (4):796-816.
    This article considers how the notions of ‘word’ and ‘conversation’ can contribute to contemporary developments in theological metaphysics by drawing on Christoph Schwöbel’s ontological rendition of Martin Luther’s theology. By way of reading Schwöbel’s theological ontology of conversation with reference to John Milbank’s theology of the gift, this article shows that Schwöbel’s conception of the Trinity as an eternal ‘conversation’ can be understood as an ontology of ‘word-exchange’ in a fashion similar to Milbank’s account of trinitarian ‘gift-exchange’. Moreover, the article (...)
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    Catholic Principles and In Vitro Fertilization.Kevin D. O’Rourke - 2010 - The National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly 10 (4):709-722.
    In the 2008 Instruction Dignitas personae (The Dignity of the Person), the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith presented once again the teaching of the Church on in vitro fertilization. Much of this teaching was contained in the earlier Instruction Donum vitae (The Gift of Life, 1987), but the new document brings the teaching of the Church up to date. Because the teaching is not accepted in the secular scientific community and is often unknown in the Catholic community, (...)
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    A Catholic Moral Appraisal of In Vitro Gametogenesis.Teofilo Giovan S. Pugeda - 2022 - The National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly 22 (1):57-67.
    In vitro gametogenesis is the process of deriving gametes from embryonic stem cells or induced pluripotent stem cells. While not as well-known as in vitro fertilization, IVG could lead to more moral issues that would require corresponding responses from the Magisterium. Because IVG remains at the experimental stage, mainly using mice, the Magisterium has not issued any such responses in a document along the lines of Donum vitae and Dignitas personae. This essay situates IVG within Catholic moral teachings for (...)
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    IVF, Embryo Transfer, and Embryo Adoption.Elizabeth B. Rex - 2014 - The National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly 14 (2):227-234.
    An article by Mark Repenshek and a letter by Edward Delaquil published recently in The National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly underscore the urgent need for further moral and magisterial clarification regarding a number of highly complex and difficult bioethical issues. These involve ex utero therapeutic genomic interventions, the practice of in vitro fertilization and embryo transfer, and the ongoing debate over the morality of embryo adoption to help resolve the “absurd” fate of countless, cryopreserved human embryos. This essay critiques and argues (...)
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    The Magisterial Liceity of Embryo Transfer.Elizabeth Bothamley Rex - 2015 - The National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly 15 (4):701-722.
    This article offers a detailed response to a recent article in this Journal by Charles Robertson titled “A Thomistic Analysis of Embryo Adoption.” A careful review of important terminology that is used in both Donum vitae and Dignitas personae was undertaken, and a summary is included to help define frequently misleading and even mistaken concepts and terms that can often lead to erroneous conclusions. This article focuses on Donum vitae I.3 and n. 2275 of the Catechism of the (...)
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    Amour humain et fécondité: La morale entre tradition et renouveau.Henri Wattiaux - 2008 - Revue Théologique de Louvain 39 (3):358-368.
    Le quarantième anniversaire de la promulgation de l'encyclique "Humanae Vitae" offre l'opportunité d'une réflexion qui ne s'arrête pas à en énoncer la position doctrinale. Un traitement différent du problème de la fécondité a été préparé par les travaux du concile Vatican II, marqués par leur option en faveur d'une théologie d'inspiration personnaliste au détriment de celle de la loi naturelle. Cette nouveauté autorise une appréciation sur les conditions de légitimité de la fécondation in vitro autre que la condamnation portée par (...)
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    Who or What is the Preembryo?S. J. Richard A. McCormick - 1991 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 1 (1):1-15.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Who or What is the Preembryo?S.J. Richard A. McCormick (bio)IntroductionAlthough widely used by scientists, the term "preembryo" has raised some suspicions. Histopathologist Michael Jarmulowicz (1990), for example, asserts that the term was adopted by the American Fertility Society (AFS) and the Voluntary Licensing Authority (VLA) in Britain "as an exercise of linguistic engineering to make human embryo research more palatable to the general public."I cannot speak for the VLA, (...)
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    The Meaning of Virtue in the Christian Moral Life: Its Significance for Human Life Issues.Romanus Cessario - 1989 - The Thomist 53 (2):173-196.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:THE MEANING OF VIRTUE IN THE CHRISTIAN MORAL LIFE: ITS SIGNIFICANCE FOR HUMAN LIFE ISSUES RoMANUS CESSARIO, O.P. Dominican House of Stuaies Washington, D.a. RCENTLY, AN International Congress of moral theology convened in Rome brought together some three hundred academicians. They participated in an open forum devoted to current questions in moral theology and bioethics. Held at the Lateran University, the Congress, "Humanae vita,e: 20 Anni Dopo," was divided (...)
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  38. Is Embryo Adoption a Form of Surrogacy?Ryan C. Mayer - 2011 - The National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly 11 (2):249-266.
    The author applies the definitions of surrogacy offered by Donum vitae to the question of embryo adoption and shows that embryo adoption does not in fact constitute an act of surrogacy. The author shows that neither Donum vitae nor Dignitas personae condemns heterologous embryo transfer or embryo adoption per se but only when these acts also involve illicit forms of artificial fertilization or surrogacy. The author suggests that the apparent reason for a lack of endorsement of embryo adoption (...)
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    Godsdienstfilosofie tussen ontologie en theologie.Ben Vedder - 2004 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 66 (1):99 - 118.
    In topical philosophy of religion the word 'given' plays an important role. However the meaning of this word is ambiguous. The word refers not only to the factual reality (datum) but also to what is given as a gift to someone (donum). This ambiguity leads toan unclear mixture of philosophical and religious positions. Therefore an analysis of such mixture is necessary. The main question of this analysis is how faith and religion on the one hand, and ontology and reason (...)
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    Reproductive Technologies in Light of Dignitas personae.Benedict M. Guevin - 2010 - The National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly 10 (1):51-59.
    The purpose of the Instruction Dignitas personae, issued by the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, is not only to reaffirm the validity of the teaching laid out in Donum vitae (1987), with regard to both the principles on which it is based and the moral evaluations which it expresses, but to add needed clarification on reproductive technologies in the light of more recent developments. In addition to the reproductive technologies discussed in Dignitas personae, namely, homologous and heterologous (...)
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