Results for 'Duty of Honesty'

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  1. Intellectual Honesty.Louis Guenin - 2005 - Synthese 145 (2):177-232.
    Engaging a listener’s trust imposes moral demands upon a presenter in respect of truthtelling and completeness. An agent lies by an utterance that satisfies what are herein defined as signal and mendacity conditions; an agent deceives when, in satisfaction of those conditions, the agent’s utterances contribute to a false belief or thwart a true one. I advert to how we may fool ourselves in observation and in the perception of our originality. Communication with others depends upon a convention or practice (...)
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  2. Self-respect and Honesty.M. Mauri - 2011 - Filozofia 66:74-82.
    Self-esteem and self-respect refer to a way through which one relates to oneself, although they can be used as a synonymous expressions. On the basis of long tradition, since Kant ties self-respect to morality, all reference to self-respect has to be based on morality. Self-respect has a deeper root than self-esteem which is used to indicate a simple feeling of satisfaction with oneself without any value meaning. Self-respect is not a duty in itself but rather an acknowledgment of moral (...)
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  3. Honesty and Intimacy in Kant’s Duty of Friendship.R. Patricia C. Flynn - 2007 - International Philosophical Quarterly 47 (4):417-424.
    The relationship between intimacy and honesty seems a paradoxical one. While intimate relationships would seem to demand a high level of honesty, this same intimacy might make us more likely to shield the other or protect ourselves through benevolent lying or the withholding of information. It would seem that honesty may not always be the best policy in intimate relationships. The purpose of this article is to examine the tension between honesty and intimacy in Kant’s (...) of friendship, and it will highlight the limitations of Kant’s expectations of friendship. At the same time I will use Kant’s own appeal to the autonomy of moral agents to delineate an appropriate role for the obligations of honesty and self disclosure in friendship. (shrink)
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    Character and context: What virtue theory can teach us about a prosecutor's ethical duty to 'seek justice'.Michael Cassidy - manuscript
    A critical issue facing the criminal justice system today is how best to promote ethical behavior by public prosecutors. The legal profession has left much of a prosecutor’s day-to-day activity unregulated, in favor of a general, catch-all admonition to “seek justice.” In this article the author argues that professional norms are truly functional only if those working with a given ethical framework recognize the system’s implicit dependence on character. A code of professional conduct in which this dependence is not recognized (...)
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  5. Raymond Dacey.Epistemic Honesty - 1994 - In Dag Prawitz & Dag Westerståhl, Logic and Philosophy of Science in Uppsala: Papers From the 9th International Congress of Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science. Dordrecht, Netherland: Kluwer Academic Publishers. pp. 331.
  6.  22
    Doing Christian Ethics on the Ground Polycentrically: Cross-Cultural Moral Deliberation on Ethical and Social Issues.Ronald W. Duty - 2014 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 34 (1):41-63.
    This article argues that congregations should be seen as grassroots public moral agents, on the ground working to bring what they discern as God's preferred future into being. Deliberations among congregations of all social backgrounds are a way of doing ethics "polycentrically," without a dominant center. Because cultural and social boundaries are permeable and people in various social groups can imaginatively enter the worlds of people unlike themselves, they can engage those perspectives morally on an equal footing. The essay addresses (...)
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    Honorableness or Beneficialness? Cicero on Natural Law, Virtues, Glory, and (Corporate) Reputation.Michael S. Aßländer - 2013 - Journal of Business Ethics 116 (4):751-767.
    During the last decade corporate reputation as one of the central efforts of corporate citizenship behavior has gained increasing attention in scholarly research, as has the way that reputation can serve as an instrument for business purposes. This poses the question of how such reputation will be achieved. To answer these questions this article examines Cicero’s considerations concerning the interrelation of honorableness and beneficialness made in his work ‘On Duties’. Based on Cicero’s understanding of universal natural law and his idea (...)
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  8. Honesty Revisited: More Conceptual and Empirical Reflections.Christian Miller - 2017 - In Walter Sinnott-Armstrong & Christian Miller, Moral Psychology, Volume V: Virtue and Character. MIT Press. pp. 295-307.
    I am very grateful to Jason Baehr and Bella DePaulo for the careful attention they have paid to my chapter. As I noted, this is my initial foray into providing a conceptual account of the virtue of honesty, and for that matter it is about the only such attempt any philosopher has offered in the past forty years. If others start to go down this road too, I would be thrilled. -/- Following the structure of my paper, I will (...)
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    Duty to Self: Moral, Political, and Legal Self-Relation.Paul Schofield - 2021 - Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    That we owe duties to others is a commonplace, the subject of countless philosophical treatises and monographs. Morality is interpersonal and other-directed, many claim. But what of what we owe ourselves? In Duty to Self, Paul Schofield flips the paradigm of interpersonal morality by arguing that there are moral duties we owe ourselves, and that in light of this, philosophers need to significantly rethink many of their views about practical reason, moral psychology, politics, and moral emotions. -/- Among these (...)
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  10. (2 other versions)Honesty as a Virtue.Alan T. Wilson - 2018 - Metaphilosophy 49 (3):262-280.
    Honesty is widely accepted as a prime example of a moral virtue. And yet, honesty has been surprisingly neglected in the recent drive to account for specific virtuous traits. This paper provides a framework for an increased focus on honesty by proposing success criteria that will need to be met by any plausible account of honesty. It then proposes a motivational account on which honesty centrally involves a deep motivation to avoid deception. It argues that (...)
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  11. Honesty.Christian Miller - 2017 - In Walter Sinnott-Armstrong & Christian Miller, Moral Psychology, Volume V: Virtue and Character. MIT Press. pp. 237-273.
    No one in philosophy has paid much attention to the virtue of honesty in recent years. Here is a trait for which it is easy to find consensus that it is a virtue, and furthermore, a very important virtue. It also has obvious relevance to what we see going on in contemporary politics, for instance, or in sports, the entertainment world, and education. Yet as far as I can tell, only one article in a philosophy journal has appeared in (...)
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  12.  47
    Die Aufrichtigkeit als die Wurzel der Moralität. Kant.Jakub Sirovátka - 2019 - Kant Studien 110 (2):256-271.
    In this essay, I examine the motive of inner truthfulness in the moral philosophy of Kant, which came to the fore in his work in the 1790s. Truthfulness and sincerity are interpreted as the roots of all morality. In the first chapter, I present two interpretations of inner honesty from two different perspectives: in relation to a duty to oneself and to the issue of conscience. The second chapter (the core of the essay) works out the main demand (...)
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    Epistemic Honesty.Raymond Dacey - 1994 - In Dag Prawitz & Dag Westerståhl, Logic and Philosophy of Science in Uppsala: Papers From the 9th International Congress of Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science. Dordrecht, Netherland: Kluwer Academic Publishers. pp. 333--343.
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  14. Honesty to the singular object.Roald Hoffmann - 2012 - In Roald Hoffmann on the philosophy, art, and science of chemistry. New York: Oxford University Press.
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  15. Honesty and the Truth: Against Subjectivism About Honesty.Matt Dougherty - forthcoming - Journal of Value Inquiry:1-12.
    The standard view of honesty is a subjectivist one, according to which honesty concerns the facts merely “as the agent sees them”. Against this view, the present paper argues for a non-subjectivist view of honesty. It argues, in particular, that ideal honesty requires not merely expressing what one believes to be true but, moreover, expressing what is true. In that case, though one can be honest to an extent while merely expressing what one believes to be (...)
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  16.  42
    Honesty in Academia.Wes Siscoe - manuscript
    Dishonest research violates one of the cardinal virtues of the academic vocation. Some readers might already be familiar with the traditional list of the cardinal virtues: Justice, Courage, Prudence, and Temperance. Honesty, of course, is nowhere on this list. So what does it mean to say that honesty is a cardinal virtue of the academic life? Professors typically have two primary tasks: the generation and transmission of knowledge. For both of these tasks, an emphasis on truth takes center (...)
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  17.  21
    Justifying Clinical Deception: Some Amendments to Brummett and Salter.Christopher Meyers - 2023 - Hastings Center Report 53 (1):26-27.
    In Abram Brummett and Erica K. Salter's excellent paper, “Mapping the Moral Terrain of Clinical Deception,” they rightly note that it is sometimes ethically appropriate for health care professionals to deceive patients and families. However, they also note that because doing so violates a prima facie duty of honesty, the ethical burden of proof falls upon the deceiver. Hence, they also provide a sophisticated framework for determining whether any given case is warranted. I applaud their overall approach but (...)
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    Intellectual Honesty and Intellectual Transparency.T. Ryan Byerly - 2023 - Episteme 20 (2):410-428.
    The purpose of this paper is to advance understanding of intellectually virtuous honesty, by examining the relationship between a recent account of intellectual honesty and a recent account of intellectual transparency. The account of intellectual honesty comes from Nathan King, who adapts the work of Christian Miller on moral honesty, while the account of intellectual transparency comes from T. Ryan Byerly. After introducing the respective accounts, I identify four potential differences between intellectual honesty and intellectual (...)
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    Honesty and Dishonesty: Unpacking Two Character Traits Neglected by Philosophers.Christian B. Miller - 2020 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 76 (1):343-362.
    There has been almost nothing written in philosophy on honesty in the past fifty years. This paper contributes one piece to a larger project of trying to change this unfortunate state of affairs. In section one, I outline an original account of the behavioural component of honesty as involving being disposed to not intentionally distort the facts as the person sees them. Section two turns to the vice of deficiency, namely dishonesty, which I suggest is the only vice (...)
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  20.  62
    Intellectual Honesty.Christian B. Miller - 2022 - Scientia et Fides 10 (2):83-98.
    Until recently, almost nothing had been written about the moral virtue of honesty in the past 50 years of Western analytic philosophy. Slowly, this is beginning to change. But moral honesty is not the only kind of honesty there is. In this paper, I focus specifically on the intellectual cousin to moral honesty, and offer a preliminary account of its behavioral and motivational dimensions. The account will be centered on not intentionally distorting the facts as the (...)
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  21.  85
    Honesty, Cheating, and Character in College.Christian Miller - 2013 - Journal of College and Character:213-222.
    Colleges and universities need to first develop an empirically informed understanding of their students when it comes to their honesty and cheating, so as to be in a better position to develop policies which can try to help them not become more disposed to cheat during their college years. In section one of this paper, I review some of the leading research on cheating behavior, and in section two I do the same for cheating motivation. Section three then draws (...)
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  22.  99
    Honesty and Curiosity in Nietzsche’s Free Spirits.Bernard Reginster - 2013 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 51 (3):441-463.
  23.  33
    Teaching Honesty and Improving Democracy in the Post‐Truth Era.Sarah Stitzlein - 2023 - Educational Theory 73 (1):51-73.
    In this paper, Sarah Stitzlein considers the consequences of honesty on our democracy, especially for citizens' ability to engage in civic inquiry together as they face shared problems. Honesty is a key component of a well-functioning democracy; it develops trust and fosters the sorts of relationships among citizens that enable civic dialogue and reasoning. Post-truth attitudes and truth decay pose serious obstacles to good civic reasoning as citizens struggle to draw clear distinctions between fact and opinion, weigh personal (...)
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  24.  25
    The role of professional commitment on rationalization tendency of earning management: an experimental study.Dovi Septiari, Sany Dwita & Helga Nuri Honesty - 2023 - Asian Journal of Business Ethics 12 (2):493-512.
    This study investigates the role of advantageous comparisons and professional commitment in earning management rationalization. Our study adopted a laboratory between-subject experimental design with 139 accounting students. The results show that advantageous comparisons and professional commitment affect the rationalization of earning management actions. Moreover, compared to participants with high levels of professional commitment, those with low levels of professional commitment view earning management as a more appropriate action when they are engaged in earning management and viewing the egregious example of (...)
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    Honesty in partial logic.Wiebe Hoek, Jan Jaspars & Elias Thijsse - 1996 - Studia Logica 56 (3):323-360.
    We propose an epistemic logic in which knowledge is fully introspective and implies truth, although truth need not imply epistemic possibility. The logic is presented in sequential format and is interpreted in a natural class of partial models, called balloon models. We examine the notions of honesty and circumscription in this logic: What is the state of an agent that only knows and which honest enable such circumscription? Redefining stable sets enables us to provide suitable syntactic and semantic criteria (...)
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  26. The Duty to Rescue and Investigators' Obligations.Douglas MacKay & Tina Rulli - 2017 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 27 (1):71-105.
    The duty to rescue is a highly plausible and powerful ethical principle. It requires agents to assist others in extreme need in cases where doing so does not conflict with some weighty moral aim; requires little personal sacrifice; and is likely to significantly benefit the recipients.1 As a general obligation, it binds all persons simply qua persons, and it is owed to all persons simply qua persons. Clinical investigators working in low-income countries frequently encounter sick or destitute people to (...)
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    Honesty in Shared Decision Making When Last-Ditch Efforts Fail.Alexander A. Kon & Mary Devereaux - 2018 - American Journal of Bioethics 18 (1):12-14.
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  28. Promoting Honesty in Negotiation.J. Gregory Dees - 1993 - Business Ethics Quarterly 3 (4):359-394.
    In a competitive and morally imperfect world, business people are often faced with serious ethical challenges. Harboring suspicions about the ethics of others, many feel justified in engaging in less-than-ideal conduct to protect their own interests. The most sophisticated moral arguments are unlikely to counteract this behavior. We believe that this morally defensive behavior is responsible, in large part, for much undesirable deception in negotiation. Drawing on recent work in the literature of negotiations, we present some practical guidance on how (...)
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  29.  11
    Honesty in government and society.Jeanne Marie Ford - 2018 - New York: Cavendish Square Publishing.
    What about honesty? -- History of honesty in society -- Honesty and the Constitution -- Honesty in society today.
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    Sincerity, Honesty, and Communicative Truthfulness.Anne Ozar - 2013 - Philosophy Today 57 (4):343-357.
    The practice of ascribing dispositions of communicative truthfulness to others is necessary if language-use is to be effective. In this article, through a phenomenological analysis of everyday judgments about the sincerity and honesty of others, the author shows that, in learning to employ these two distinct concepts correctly, users of language are learning that communicative truthfulness is morally significant insofar as it manifests fairness (in the case of honesty) and the goods of affective human connectedness (in the case (...)
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  31.  64
    Honesty in love.Mike W. Martin - 1993 - Journal of Value Inquiry 27 (3-4):497-507.
  32. Is Honesty Rational?1.Giorgio Sbardolini - 2022 - Philosophical Quarterly 72 (4):979-1001.
    According to the Maxim of Quality, rational agents tend to speak honestly. Due to the influence of Grice, a connection between linguistic rationality and honesty is often taken for granted. However, the connection is not obvious: structural rationality in language use does not require honesty, any more than it requires dishonesty. In particular, Quality does not follow from the Cooperative Principle and structural rationality. But then what is honest rational speech? I propose to move the discussion in the (...)
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  33.  54
    Honesty Speaks a Second Language.Yoella Bereby-Meyer, Sayuri Hayakawa, Shaul Shalvi, Joanna D. Corey, Albert Costa & Boaz Keysar - 2018 - Topics in Cognitive Science 12 (2):632-643.
    Bereby‐Meyer, Hayakawa, Shalvi, Corey, Costa and Keysar investigate lying for self‐serving reasons. Participants in their experiments had to report the outcome of rolling a die only known to them. They inflated their outcomes less, and thus lied less, when using a foreign language than when using their native language. The authors suggest that lying for self‐serving reasons is an automatic tendency that can be overcome by speaking in a foreign language. [71].
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    Honesty as the best policy.Harold H. Punke - 1944 - Journal of Philosophy 41 (6):141-147.
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    Can Honesty Oaths, Peer Interaction, or Monitoring Mitigate Lying?Tobias Beck, Christoph Bühren, Björn Frank & Elina Khachatryan - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 163 (3):467-484.
    We introduce several new variants of the dice experiment by Fischbacher and Föllmi-Heusi :525–547, 2013) to investigate measures to reduce lying. Hypotheses on the relative performance of these treatments are derived from a straightforward theoretical model. In line with previous research, we find that groups of two subjects lied at least to the same extent as individuals—even in a novel treatment where we assigned to one subject the role of being the other’s monitor. However, we find that our participants hardly (...)
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  36.  38
    Does Honesty Result from Moral Will or Moral Grace? Why Moral Identity Matters.Zhi Xing Xu & Hing Keung Ma - 2015 - Journal of Business Ethics 127 (2):371-384.
    Does honesty result from the absence of temptation or the active resistance of temptation? The “will’’ hypothesis suggests that honesty results from the active resistance of temptation, while the ”grace” hypothesis argues that honesty results from the absence of temptation. We examined reaction time and measured the cheating behavior of individuals who had a chance to lie for money. In study 1, we tested the “grace” hypothesis that honesty results from the absence of temptation and found (...)
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  37. Honesty and Intimacy.Hugh LaFollette & George Graham - 1986 - Journal of Social and Personal Relationships:3-18.
    Current profess ional and la y lore ove rlook the ro le of hone sty in develop ing and s ustaining intimate relationships. We w ish to ass ert its importa nce. W e begin b y analyz ing the no tion of intimac y. An intim ate encounter or exchange, we argue, is one in which one verbally or non-verbally privately reveals something about oneself, and does so in a sensitive, trusting way. An intimate relationship is one marked by (...)
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  38. Kierkegaard's call for honesty.Andrew J. Burgess - 2010 - In Robert L. Perkins, Marc Alan Jolley & Edmon L. Rowell, Why Kierkegaard matters: a festschrift in honor of Robert L. Perkins. Macon, Ga.: Mercer University Press.
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  39. Honesty and professional ethics: focus on accounting.C. E. Graese - 1980 - In Ivan Hill, The Ethical basis of economic freedom. New York, N.Y.: Praeger.
  40.  29
    The Honesty Effect.Bette-Jane Crigger & Matthew K. Wynia - 2012 - Hastings Center Report 42 (3):3-3.
    Anne Barnhill focuses her article in this issue on the American Medical Association's ethics policy governing clinical use of placebos, but the implications of her analysis are deeper, touching on how physicians should make judgments about which interventions to offer patients in the process of shared decision‐making. The bottom line is that, even if an undisclosed placebo might be marginally more effective for a particular patient in the short term, over the long haul the integrity of the patient‐physician relationship relies (...)
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  41.  28
    Integrity, Honesty, and Truth Seeking.Christian B. Miller & Ryan West (eds.) - 2020 - Oup Usa.
    Integrity, honesty, and truth seeking are important virtues that most people care about and want to see promoted in society. Yet surprisingly, there has been relatively little work among scholars today aimed at helping us better understand this cluster of virtues related to truth. This volume incorporates the insights and perspectives of experts working in a variety of disciplines, including philosophy, law, communication and rhetorical studies, theology, psychology, history, and education. For each virtue, there is a conceptual chapter, an (...)
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  42.  74
    Honesty in Marketing.Jennifer Jackson - 1990 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 7 (1):51-60.
    ABSTRACT To what extent is honesty or truthfulness morally obligatory in trade and advertising practices? It is argued here what while we have a general right, in business as elsewhere, not to be lied to, we have no general right, either in our business or other pursuits, not to be deliberately deceived. Certain restrictions on deceptive practices in trade and advertising, even unintentionally deceptive practices, are, even so, morally defensible: viz. where the practice would mislead reasonable people to a (...)
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  43.  24
    The Duty to Exclude: Excluding People at Undue Risk from Research.Charles Weijer & Abraham Fuks - unknown
    The clinical trial is the major investigational tool of clinical medicine. Two recent reports highlight the fact that the most often quoted mechanisms for the protection of research subjects, viz., research ethics board review and eligibility criteria, are insufficient to achieve this end. In this paper, we argue that the prime mechanism for the protection of persons in clinical trials should be the clinical judgement of the physician-investigator. The clinical investigator has a duty to protect subjects from both harm (...)
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  44. Imperfect Duties, Group Obligations, and Beneficence.S. Andrew Schroeder - 2014 - Journal of Moral Philosophy 11 (5):557-584.
    There is virtually no philosophical consensus on what, exactly, imperfect duties are. In this paper, I lay out three criteria which I argue any adequate account of imperfect duties should satisfy. Using beneficence as a leading example, I suggest that existing accounts of imperfect duties will have trouble meeting those criteria. I then propose a new approach: thinking of imperfect duties as duties held by groups, rather than individuals. I show, again using the example of beneficence, that this proposal can (...)
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  45.  35
    Objectivity, honesty, and integrity: How American scientists talked about their virtues, 1945–2000.Kim M. Hajek, Herman Paul & Sjang ten Hagen - 2024 - History of Science 62 (3):442-469.
    What kind of people make good scientists? What personal qualities do scholars say their peers should exhibit? And how do they express these expectations? This article explores these issues by mapping the kinds of virtues discussed by American scientists between 1945 and 2000. Our wide-ranging comparative analysis maps scientific virtue talk across three distinct disciplines – physics, psychology, and history – and across sources that typify those disciplines’ scientific ethos – introductory textbooks, book reviews, and codes of ethics. We find (...)
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    Honesty, individualism, and pragmatic business ethics: Implications for corporate hierarchy. [REVIEW]J. Kevin Quinn, J. David Reed, M. Neil Browne & Wesley J. Hiers - 1997 - Journal of Business Ethics 16 (12-13):1419-1430.
    The boundaries of honesty are the focal point of this exploration of the individualistic origins of modernist ethics and the consequent need for a more pragmatic approach to business ethics. The tendency of modernist ethics to see honesty as an individual responsibility is described as a contextually naive approach, one that fails to account for the interactive effects between individual choices and corporate norms. By reviewing the empirical accounts of managerial struggles with ethical dilemmas, the article arrives at (...)
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    Honesty in theology?Joseph H. McKenna - 2001 - Heythrop Journal 42 (1):50–65.
    There is risk of intellectual dishonesty in the act of modernizing traditional doctrines. One reason theologians reform traditional doctrines is that the original formulations have become incredible to them. This is seldom honestly admitted. It is further dishonestly claimed that new formulations have a direct conceptual link to the old as if the new were the old retold. However, many times the connection between the new theology and the old is in name only, with radically new understanding for an old (...)
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    Public Duty and Private Conscience in Seventeenth-century England: Essays Presented to G.E. Aylmer.J. S. Morrill, Paul Slack, D. R. Woolf & G. E. Aylmer - 1993
    The tension between public duty and private conscience is a central theme of English history in the seventeenth century, when established authorities were questioned and violently disrupted. It has also been an important theme in the work of one of the foremost historians of the period, G.E. Aylmer. It makes, therefore, an especially appropriate subject for this volume. The contributors are leading historians, whose topics range from contemporary writings on conscience and duty to the particular problems faced by (...)
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    Duty, Empathy, and Hierarchy: Healing “Difficult Patients”.Danish Zaidi - 2019 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 28 (2):378-382.
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  50. Duties to Make Friends.Stephanie Collins - 2013 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 16 (5):907-921.
    Why, morally speaking, ought we do more for our family and friends than for strangers? In other words, what is the justification of special duties? According to partialists, the answer to this question cannot be reduced to impartial moral principles. According to impartialists, it can. This paper briefly argues in favour of impartialism, before drawing out an implication of the impartialist view: in addition to justifying some currently recognised special duties, impartialism also generates new special duties that are not yet (...)
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