Results for 'ESP'

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  1.  26
    Social Foundations of Postindustrial Economies.Gøsta Esping-Andersen - 1998 - Oxford University Press UK.
    The Golden Age of postwar capitalism has been eclipsed, and with it seemingly also the possibility of harmonizing equality and welfare with efficiency and jobs. Most analyses believe that the emerging postindustrial society is overdetermined by massive, convergent forces, such as tertiarization, new technologies, or globalization, all conspiring to make welfare states unsustainable in the future. Social Foundations of Postindustrial Economies takes a second, more sociological and more institutional, look at the driving forces of economic transformation. What, as a result, (...)
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  2.  10
    Power and Distributional Regimes.Gosta Esping-Andersen - 1985 - Politics and Society 14 (2):223-256.
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    Epistemology, Ethics, and Meaning in Unusually Personal Scholarship.Amber Esping - 2018 - Cham: Imprint: Palgrave Macmillan.
    This book uses Viktor Frankl's Existential Psychology (logotherapy) to explore the ways some professors use unusually personal scholarship to discover meaning in personal adversity. A psychiatrist imprisoned for three years in Nazi concentration camps, Frankl believed the search for meaning is a powerful motivator, and that its discovery can be profoundly therapeutic. Part I begins with four stories of professors finding meaning. Using the case studies as a foundation, Part II investigates issues of epistemology and ethics in unusually personal research (...)
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  4. Occupazioni o classi sociali: esiste un proletariato postindustriale?G. Esping-Andersen - 1993 - Polis 3.
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  5. Asistencia sanitaria, gastos sociales y cohesión social: los nuevos retos.Gösta Esping-Andersen - 2003 - Humanitas 1 (3):189-194.
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    Women in the new welfare equilibrium.Gosta Esping-Andersen - 2003 - The European Legacy 8 (5):599-610.
    Feminist writings often argue that the welfare state, like the society that underpins it, is patriarchical, and that a major overhaul of policy is necessary in the quest for gender equality. This is possibly a valid claim, if not for all welfare states, then at least for some. The very same objective would, nevertheless, appear additionally persuasive if women-friendly policy can be shown to improve not only the welfare of women, but of all. In this article I shall attempt to (...)
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    Autoethnography and Existentialism: The Conceptual Contributions of Viktor Frankl.Amber Esping - 2010 - Journal of Phenomenological Psychology 41 (2):201-215.
    The author introduces the existential psychology of the Austrian psychiatrist and Holocaust survivor Viktor Frankl. The article describes several theoretical ideas and perceptual metaphors derived from Frankl’s scholarship that make it useful as a philosophical and historical underpinning for the practice of autoethnography. Frankl asserted that each individual’s disposition, situation, and position work together to create a uniquely valuable and incommutable individual perspective. This incommutability suggests that the value of autoethnographic social science is based on the opportunities derived from the (...)
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    Quantitative cross-national research methods.Gøsta Esping-Andersen & Adam Przeworski - 2001 - In Neil J. Smelser & Paul B. Baltes (eds.), International Encyclopedia of the Social and Behavioral Sciences. Elsevier. pp. 18--12649.
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  9. Economic inequality and the welfare state.Gøsta Esping-Andersen & John Myles - 2011 - In Wiemer Salverda, Brian Nolan & Timothy M. Smeeding (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Economic Inequality. Oxford University Press.
    This article focuses on the welfare state, which includes social protection, health, education and training, housing, and social services, but can also be conceived more broadly to include policies that affect earnings capacity and the structure of the labour market. It discusses the difficulties of capturing the impact of the welfare state on income inequality, given that one does not observe what the distribution would be in the absence of the welfare state or specific aspects of it. Theories of welfare (...)
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  10. Nature et nous.Jean de L'Espée - 1950 - Paris,: Plon.
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  11. The Incompatibilities of the Welfare State.Gösta Esping-Andersen - 1983 - Thesis Eleven 7 (1):42-53.
  12. As dificuldades e fragilidades no ensino e aprendizado da História Local no Município de São Domingos do Araguaia–PA.Cristiano Gomes Lopes & Esp Paulo Rubens B. Lima - 2010 - História 19:12.
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    Television Viewing Types, General Life Satisfaction, and Viewing Amount: An Empirical Study in West Germany.Margarete Seiwert & Hartmut Espe - 1987 - Communications 13 (2):95-110.
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    A legalização da morte sem Pena: O discurso do aborto no brasil.Ivanaldo Santos & Esp Francisco Garcia de Araújo - 2009 - Revista de Teologia 4.
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  15. Ernest wb Hess-luttich.Claus Dreyer, Hartmut Espe, Hermann Kalkofen, Ingrid Lempp, Pierre Pellegrino & Roland Posner - 1997 - Semiotica 117 (1):15-18.
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    A legalização da morte sem Pena: O discurso do aborto no brasil.Dr Ivanaldo Santos & Esp Francisco Garcia de Araújo - 2009 - Revista de Teologia 4.
    Este artigo tem por objetivo levantar um debate a respeito da legalização da prática abortiva no Brasil, em razão do Projeto de Lei nº 1.135/91, ainda em trâmite no Congresso Nacional, que pretende a legalização do aborto, até momentos antes do parto. Apresenta-se, de forma introdutória, a problemática do discurso do aborto frente ao Projeto de Lei nº 1.135/91. Para tanto, apresenta-se um discussão sobre a universalidade da vida, o aborto no código penal brasileiro, a questão do avanço do aborto (...)
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  17.  23
    Masters of Our Own Meaning.Donald J. Cunningham, Ana Baratta & Amber Esping - 2005 - Semiotica 2005 (153 - 1/4):53-72.
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    ESP, Causation, and the Possibility of Precognition.Richard Corry - 2015 - In Edwin C. May & Sonali Bhatt Marwaha (eds.), Extrasensory Perception: Support, Skepticism, and Science. Praeger. pp. 107--127.
    In this chapter, I aim to clarify the concept of ESP so that we can ask whether it is even logically possible for anything to satisfy this concept. If ESP is not logically possible, then it would be pointless to conduct experiments trying to discover whether it exists. If, on the other hand, it is logically possible, then its existence or otherwise is an empirical question, a question that can be decided only by looking at the empirical evidence for and (...)
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  19.  63
    ESP: extrasensory perception or effect of subjective probability?Peter Brugger & Kirsten I. Taylor - 2003 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 10 (6-7):6-7.
    This paper consists of two parts. In the first, we discuss the neuropsychological correlates of belief in a 'paranormal' or magical causation of coincidences. In particular, we review experimental evidence demonstrating that believers in ESP and kindred forms of paranormal phenomena differ from disbelievers with respect to indices of sequential response production and semantic-associative processing. Not only do believers judge artificial coincidences as more 'meaningful' than disbelievers, they also more strongly suppress coincidental productions (i.e. repetitions) in their generation of random (...)
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  20.  47
    ESP: A Scientific Evaluation.Antony Flew, C. E. M. Hansel & E. C. Boring - 1968 - Philosophical Quarterly 18 (71):183.
  21.  37
    He esp teacher as researcher.Dorota Potocka & Halina Sierocka - 2013 - Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric 34 (1):175-188.
    The field of language teaching, both TESOL and ESP, is undergo- ing rapid changes. It is responding to new educational trends and paradigms and institutions face new challenges connected with changes in the curriculum, national tests and student needs. As a result, language teachers need to update their professional knowledge by taking on new roles, such as those of teacher- researcher. The purpose of this paper is to present new developments in the area of general language teaching research, with a (...)
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    ESP in the ganzfeld: Analysis of a debate.John Palmer - 2003 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 10 (6-7):6-7.
    This paper reviews the debate over the evidence for ESP provided by experiments using the ganzfeld technique, a simple method used to induce a mild altered state of consciousness. The quantitative literature review technique called meta-analysis has played a prominent role in this controversy. The first question addressed by the reviewer is whether the data establish that ESP in the ganzfeld is replicable. Issues discussed include the effect of multiple analyses, the 'file-drawer' problem and statistical errors. The second question asks, (...)
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  23.  31
    Using Video Presentations in ESP Classes.Neda Radosavlevikj & Hajrulla Hajrullai - 2019 - Seeu Review 14 (1):178-195.
    In order to motivate students and create a tension free environment English language teachers implement different technological tools in the classroom. This paper aims to emphasize the importance of using video material in the classroom that facilitates ESL teaching. The study was conducted at SEEU Language Centre with 87 students’. Major ethnical groups include Macedonian, Albanian, Turkish, and Roma. The respondents’ age varies from 18-20 studying ESP classes, such as Computer Sciences 1, ESP as well as Academic and Advanced Academic (...)
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  24. ESP and Personality Patterns.G. R. SCHMEIDLER - 1958
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    Are ESP test results stochastic artifacts? Brugger & Taylor's claims under scrutiny.Suitbert Ertel - 2005 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 12 (3):61-80.
    Peter Brugger & Kirsten Taylor regard positive extrasensory perception test results as methodical artifacts. In their view, sequences of guessing, e.g. of symbol cards, being non-random, overlap with finite sequences of non-random targets, and surpluses of hits from chance are deemed to be due to correlated non- randomness. The present author's ESP test data obtained from his 'ball drawing test ' applied with N = 231 psychology majors were used for testing five hypotheses derived from B&T's claims. B&T would expect (...)
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  26.  98
    Improving ESP Writing Class Learning Outcomes Among Medical University Undergraduates: How Do Emotions Impact?Nan Hu & Min Chen - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    As English plays a significant role in most professions, improving the English for Specific Purpose writing competence allows individuals to participate in the global professional community, which makes ESP writing important for research. However, research on ESP writing is reported to be insufficient, and how factors such as emotions affect ESP writing is rarely and marginally studied. Therefore, this study aimed at investigating how induced emotions influence the learning outcome in ESP writing classes with an emphasis on a particular rhetorical (...)
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  27.  21
    Developing Teaching Materials for ESP Courses: The Last Option Many ESP Teachers Resort To.Marijana Marjanovikj-Apostolovski - 2019 - Seeu Review 14 (1):160-177.
    Contrary to the claim made by Hutchinson and Waters that designing teaching materials should be the last option considered, Basturkmen and Bocanegra-Valle remind that many ESP teachers are very frequently directly involved in designing teaching materials as commercially published coursebooks and other materials tend not to be relevant to the needs of their specialized groups of learners. This paper offers an insight into the key aspects as well as the sequence of ESP materials design. It outlines the main beliefs and (...)
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  28.  80
    ESP and the 'theory of resonance'.C. T. K. Chari - 1964 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 15 (58):137-140.
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    ESP and Psychokineses: A Philosophical Examination.Stephen E. Braude - 1979 - Temple University Press.
    This work was the first sustained philosophical study of psychic phenomena to follow C.D. Broad's LECTURES ON PSYCHICAL RESEARCH, written nearly twenty years ...
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    Formulacity in ESP Teaching: A Case of Doing a Balancing Act Between Form and Meaning.Urszula Gutowska - 2017 - Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric 49 (1):89-108.
    Grammar teaching has never belonged to mainstream ESP teaching/ learning practices. However, this apparent lack of concern with grammar in ESP materials runs counter to both subjective and objective needs of ESP learners. The first part of the paper presents students′ views on deficiencies of coursebooks for teaching English for Medical Purposes as well as author’s reflective thinking on the needs of medical undergraduates of vocational schools in Poland. It is suggested that some of the deficiencies of the materials might (...)
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  31.  20
    G. Esping-Andersen e M. Regini (a cura di), "Why Deregulate Labour Markets?".Paolo Barbieri - 2002 - Polis 16 (2):308-310.
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    ESP and the Big Stuff.Clark Glymour - 1987 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 10 (4):590.
  33.  54
    ESP and Cold Fusion Parallels in Pseudoscience.Victor J. Stenger - unknown
    By the late nineteenth century, science was well established in the public mind as the primary method by which useful knowledge of the material universe is obtained. Surely, it was thought, if science can discover cathode rays and radio waves, then it should easily authenticate a phenomenon that is far more widely experienced: the supernatural power of the human mind. Non-physical, “psychic” energy appeared to be everywhere, as an integral part of human experience. Indeed, psychic forces are seemingly built into (...)
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    ESP and Psychokinesis: A Philosophical Examination.Ronald N. Giere & Stephen E. Braude - 1982 - Philosophical Review 91 (2):288.
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    L'espérance, par principe.Marc Lebiez - 2020 - Paris IIe: Éditions Kimé.
    Il y eut la fabuleuse croissance économique et industrielle des décennies d'après-guerre. Il y eut l'utopie communiste puis celle, libertaire, des années soixante-dix. Comme tout ce qui pouvait susciter une espérance, tout cela est mort. Il n'est plus question que de pollution gigantesque, de dérèglement climatique, d'invasion par les pauvres, de postures belliqueuses. Tout ce qui peut paraître désespérant est présenté comme inéluctable ; tout ce qui pourrait nourrir une espérance serait illusoire. En conséquence, la politique, cet art du possible, (...)
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    L'espérance et l'itinéraire de la certitude chez Lamennais.Beat Schmid - 1970 - Berne,: Herbert Lang.
    La plupart des ouvrages consacrés à Lamennais reflétent un esprit très contestateur en relevant ses ruptures et contradictions. Le présent travail tente au contraire d'en dégager la cohérence ou ce que l'on pourrait appeler le dynamisme de la pensée.
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    Espérer pour l'homme avec Theilhard de Chardin: nouvelles dimensions de l'espérance.Gérard-Henry Baudry - 2014 - [Le Coudray-Macouard]: Saint-Léger éditions.
    La religion de la science et du progrès a déçu ses adeptes. Deux guerres mondiales, des crises économiques successives, elles aussi d'ampleur universelle, ont accéléré la démythisation de l'avenir. Ces oscillations de l'esprit humain face au futur montrent à l'évidence que, lorsqu'il s'agit de problèmes fondamentaux, les hommes sont plus guidés par le sentiment que par la raison. Pourtant, porter un regard lucide sur un lendemain possible s'impose à nos contemporains. Sans doute, plus encore, ont-ils besoin de trouver des raisons (...)
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  38.  11
    Espérer.François-Xavier Bellamy - 2023 - Paris: Bernard Grasset.
    Ce livre voudrait offrir un itinéraire en philosophie, a priori éloigné de l'actualité donc; mais il part malgré tout de nos inquiétudes d'aujourd'hui. Alors que la violence semble s'imposer de nouveau, dans les confrontations géopolitiques, mais aussi dans notre société et même dans les mots de la vie publique, faut-il nous y résigner? Est-ce se bercer d'illusion que de croire qu'un bien peut advenir? La politique et la vie éthique peuvent-ils se fixer pour cap une vie meilleure, une vie heureuse?"--Page (...)
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    L'espérance mélancolique: un dialogue entre philosophie et psychiatrie sur le temps humain.Jérôme Porée - 2020 - Paris: Hermann.
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    Developments in esp teaching.Elżbieta Jendrych - 2013 - Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric 34 (1):43-58.
    The fast changing business environment and the ever-growing de- mand facing professional communicators in the 21st century pose new challenges to language learners and teachers alike. Competitive business organizations at- tempt to recruit employees who have excellent linguistic competence coupled with nonlinguistic competences and skills. It is not easy to acquire these addi- tional competences and skills. However, most of them are transferable and can be greatly improved if students are provided with adequate teaching materials and appropriate input from the (...)
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  41. ESP and Attempts to Explain It'.Alan Gauld - 1976 - In Shivesh Chandra Thakur (ed.), Philosophy and Psychical Research. New York: Routledge. pp. 17--45.
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  42.  8
    L'espérance de la raison.Jean Ladrière - 2004 - Louvain-la-Neuve: Institut supérieur de philosophie.
    Les textes reunis dans le present recueil ont ete publies, au cours des vingt-huit dernieres annees, dans differentes revues et divers ouvrages collectifs. Chacun peut etre lu independamment des autres. Mais ils s'inscrivent tous dans une meme perspective, qu'ils tentent d'ailleurs de rendre explicite a partir de leurs points de vue particuliers respectifs. Ce recueil se situe dans le prolongement d'un autre ensemble de textes, qui a pour titre Le temps du possible et dans lequel il est question de l'auto-comprehension (...)
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  43.  8
    L'espérance, ou, La traversée de l'impossible.Corine Pelluchon - 2023 - Paris: Éditions Payot & Rivages.
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    Distance, ESP, and ideology.Z. Vassy - 1987 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 10 (4):616.
  45. ESP and memory: A physical theory.Ninian Marshall - 1959 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 10 (40):265-286.
  46.  21
    Revisiting the Ganzfeld ESP Debate: A Basic Review and Assessment.Bryan Williams - 2011 - Journal of Scientific Exploration 25 (4).
    This paper presents a brief review of the debate between parapsychologists and skeptics regarding the issue of replication in experimental tests of extrasensory perception (ESP) using a sensory reduction technique known as ganzfeld. The review is followed by a basic assessment of 59 ganzfeld ESP studies reported in the period following the publication of a stringent set of methodological guidelines and recommendations by R. Hyman and C. Honorton in 1986. The assessment indicates that these 59 studies have a combined hit (...)
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  47.  12
    ESP and Personality Patterns. [REVIEW]S. F. L. - 1958 - Review of Metaphysics 12 (1):149-150.
    The findings from an extended series of psychological tests for extra-sensory perception, particularly with respect to psychological attitudes, are presented here. Those who believed in ESP consistently made higher scores than the non-believers. Appendices describe statistical procedures and major hypotheses employed. A careful, conservative study. --L. S. F.
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    A review of dream ESP studies conducted since the Maimonides dream ESP programme. [REVIEW]Simon Sherwood & Chris A. Roe - 2003 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 10 (6-7):6-7.
    We review the dream ESP studies conducted since the end of the Maimonides research programme. Combined effect size estimates for both sets of studies suggest that judges could correctly identify target materials more often than would be expected by chance using dream mentation. Maimonides studies were significantly more successful than post-Maimonides studies, which may be due to procedural differences, including that post-Maimonides receivers tended to sleep at home and were generally not deliberately awakened from REM sleep. Methodological shortcomings of some (...)
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  49.  14
    Science and Esp.J. R. Smythies - 1967 - Routledge.
    Originally published in 1967. Representing the viewpoints of philosophers, psychologists, anthropologists, physicists, psychoanalysts, parapsychologists, psychiatrists and biologists, this volume discusses many aspects of ESP. The general theme is that the phenomena is very valid and can no longer be ignored.
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  50. Magic, Witchcraft, and ESP: A Defence of Scientific and Philosophical Skepticism.Peter O. Bodunrin & Albert G. Mosley - forthcoming - African Philosophy: Selected Readings.
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