Results for 'Edgar Nagel'

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  1.  29
    (1 other version)Pulsed Electrical Stimulation of the Human Eye Enhances Retinal Vessel Reaction to Flickering Light.Stefanie Freitag, Alexander Hunold, Matthias Klemm, Sascha Klee, Dietmar Link, Edgar Nagel & Jens Haueisen - 2019 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 13.
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    Actuar bajo la idea de la libertad: Kant y la tesis de la incorporación.Edgar Maraguat - 2010 - Anales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 27:217-242.
    This paper examines a fundamental supposition of Kant’s moral philosophy, namely, that, without transcendental freedom, understood as the quality of the will by which it determines itself to act without being affected by sensible motives, we could not impute to any putative agent immoral acts. I argue theoretically against the logical sense of the supposition (showing its aporetic consequence), and I also demonstrate how superfluous it is from a practical point of view. Nevertheless I acknowledge to Kant, in spite of (...)
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    Lovejoy Arthur O.. On the criteria and limits of meaning. Philosophical essays in honor of Edgar Arthur Singer, Jr., edited by Clarke F. P. and Nahm M. C., University of Pennsylvania Press, Philadelphia 1942, pp. 3–23. [REVIEW]Ernest Nagel - 1943 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 8 (3):87-87.
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  4. Goal-directed processes in biology.Ernest Nagel - 1977 - Journal of Philosophy 74 (5):261-279.
  5. Rawls on justice.Thomas Nagel - 1973 - Philosophical Review 82 (2):220-234.
    The JSTOR Archive is a trusted digital repository providing for long-term preservation and access to leading academic journals and scholarly literature from around the world. The Archive is supported by libraries, scholarly societies, publishers, and foundations. It is an initiative of JSTOR, a not-for-profit organization with a mission to help the scholarly community take advantage of advances in technology. For more information regarding JSTOR, please contact [email protected].
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    The Mind of the Hungry Agent: Hunger, Affect and Appetite.Michele Davide Ombrato & Edgar Phillips - 2020 - Topoi 40 (3):517-526.
    The aim of this paper is to provide an account of how hunger motivates us to seek food and eat. It seems that the way that it feels to be hungry must play some role in it fulfilling this function. We propose that hunger is best viewed as a complex state involving both affective and somatic constituents, as well as, crucially, changes in the way in which the hungry agent’s attention is deployed. We argue that in order to capture the (...)
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  7. Determinism in history.Ernest Nagel - 1959 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 20 (3):291-317.
  8. Public education and intelligent design.Thomas Nagel - 2008 - Philosophy and Public Affairs 36 (2):187-205.
    i The 2005 decision by Judge John E. Jones in Kitzmiller v. Dover Area School District was celebrated by all red-blooded American liberals as a victory over the forces of darkness. The result was probably inevitable, in view of the reckless expression by some members of the Dover School Board of their desire to put religion into the classroom, and the clumsiness of their prescribed statement in trying to dissimulate that aim.1 But the conflicts aired in this trial—over the status (...)
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  9. Hobbes's concept of obligation.Thomas Nagel - 1959 - Philosophical Review 68 (1):68-83.
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    (1 other version)Gödel's Proof.Ernest Nagel & James R. Newman - 1958 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 15 (2):294-295.
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  11. Mechanistic explanation and organismic biology.Ernest Nagel - 1950 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 11 (3):327-338.
  12. Functional explanations in biology.Ernest Nagel - 1977 - Journal of Philosophy 74 (5):280-301.
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    Probability and the theory of knowledge.Ernest Nagel - 1939 - Philosophy of Science 6 (2):212-253.
    Professor Reichenbach's writings have repeatedly called attention to the important rôle which probability statements play in all inquiry, and he has made amply clear that no philosophy of science can be regarded as adequate which does not square its accounts with the problems of probable inference. Recently he has brought together in convenient form many reflections on the methodology of science familiar to readers of his earlier works, and at the same time he has set himself the task of solving (...)
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    4. Fiktionalität und Sprechakte.Edgar Onea - 2014 - In Tilmann Köppe & Tobias Klauk (eds.), Fiktionalität: Ein Interdisziplinäres Handbuch. De Gruyter. pp. 68-96.
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    When Aid Is a Good Thing: Trusting Relationships as Autonomy Support in Health Care Settings.Saskia K. Nagel - 2015 - American Journal of Bioethics 15 (10):49-51.
    Decision making in health care contexts is often deeply challenging for the patients, their close ones, and those who care for them. All of them have and perceive different forms of responsibilitie...
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    Zur Bedeutung soziodemografischer, sportbezogener und soziokultureller Merkmale für die soziale Integration junger Migranten in Schweizer Sportvereinen.Torsten Schlesinger, Siegfried Nagel & Jenny Adler Zwahlen - 2019 - Sport Und Gesellschaft 16 (2):125-154.
    ZusammenfassungDieser Beitrag analysiert, basierend auf Essers (2009) vierdimensionalem Integrationskonzept, das Ausmaß der sozialen Integration von einheimischen und immigrierten Mitgliedern im Vereinssport (n = 780; MAlter = 20.62; 38.2 % weiblich; 38.5 % mit Migrationshintergrund). Dabei interessierte der Einfluss soziodemografischer, sportbezogener sowie soziokultureller Merkmale. Mitglieder der ersten Migrationsgeneration waren entlang dreier Integrationsdimensionen weniger stark integriert als einheimische und immigrierte Mitglieder der zweiten bzw. dritten Generation. Multiple Regressionsanalysen verdeutlichten, dass einige Merkmale signifikant mit den Integrationsdimensionen zusammenhängen (Mitgliedschaftsdauer, elterliche Sportvereinsaktivität, Wertorientierung, bikulturelle Integrationseinstellung) (...)
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    Medicine and Moral Philosophy.Marshall Cohen, Thomas Nagel, Scanlon & Kenneth Joseph Arrow - 1982
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    Professor Reichenbach on quantum mechanics: A rejoinder.Ernest Nagel - 1946 - Journal of Philosophy 43 (9):247-250.
  19.  21
    The New Testament κύριος problem and how the Old Testament speeches can help solve it.Peter Nagel - 2020 - HTS Theological Studies 76 (4):14.
    The New Testament (NT) κύριος problem forms part of a larger interconnected network of challenges, which has the divine name Yhwh as the epicentre. To put it plainly, if the term κύριος is an equivalent for the divine name Yhwh and if the term κύριος in the Yhwh sense is applied to Jesus, the implication is that Jesus is put on par with Yhwh. This problem therefore, forms part of a matrix of interconnected issues in a constant push and pull (...)
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    The adaptive self: Culture and social flexibility in feedback networks.Daina Crafa & Saskia K. Nagel - 2019 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 42.
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    Introductory Remarks to the Ethical Issues of Networked Toys.Juliet Lodge & Dan Nagel - 2018 - International Review of Information Ethics 27.
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    Indische Philosophie und europäische Rezeption.Joachim Schickel, Hans Bakker & Bruno Nagel - 1992 - Köln: Dinter. Edited by Hans Bakker & Bruno Nagel.
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    Kant’s Underlying Metaphysics of Mind.Edgar Maraguat - 2013 - In Stefano Bacin, Alfredo Ferrarin, Claudio La Rocca & Margit Ruffing (eds.), Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht. Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses. Boston: de Gruyter. pp. 669-676.
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    E.P. Meijering.Edgar Früchtel - 1977 - Perspektiven der Philosophie 3:315-319.
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    Kerygma und Logos.Edgar Früchtel - 1981 - Perspektiven der Philosophie 7:341-348.
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    Children as objects of fear and loathing.Edgar Friedenberg - 1979 - Educational Studies 10 (1):63-75.
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  27. Die Welt zur Sprache bringen. Uberlegungen zur Atiologie des antiken Weltentwurfs.Edgar Fruchtel - 2009 - Perspektiven der Philosophie 35 (1):147-176.
    Die frühen griechischen Mythen suchen eine Antwort auf die Frage nach dem Woher von Welt und Mensch. Das dazu entwickelte Konstrukt einer anthropomorphen Götterwelt ist alsbald durchschaut. In der Folge versucht man die ,,Wirklichkeit" der Götter zu beschreiben und stößt dabei an die Grenzen der menschlichen Sprache und Begrifflichkeit. An exemplarischen Beispielen soll gezeigt werden, wie der homo narrans sich dennoch bemüht durch Metaphern und Bilder diese Grenzen zu überschreiten, um auf das Unsagbare hinzuweisen. In der Berufung auf göttliche Eingebung (...)
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  28. Inneres Auge und gottliche Schau. Reflexionen zum antiken Horizont des Begriffs, Vision.Edgar Fruchtel - 2006 - Perspektiven der Philosophie 32 (1):259-279.
    Der Begriff Vision leitet sich von θεωρíα ab und geht zurück auf Platons Schau der Ideen, die sich in der Schau des Göttlichen vollendet. Bei Aristoteles gipfelt die θεωρíα der Wissenschaften als Ermöglichung von Weltinterpretation und geglücktem Lebensentwurf in der Bestimmung des unbewegten Bewegers als Denken des Denkens. In der versuchten jüdischhellenistischen Vermittlung läßt für Philon von Alexandrien die wissenschaftliche Weltbetrachtung zwar den Schluß auf einen Schöpfer zu, der sich als der Seiende aber nur durch Offenbarung zeigt. In der Vollendung (...)
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  29. Subjekt und person AlS ermoglichung Von weltzuwendung in wissenschaft und technik einige bemerkungen zu diesem problemfeld.Edgar Fruchtel - 2004 - Perspektiven der Philosophie 30 (1):285-309.
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  30. Wissen und Glaube Zur historischen Kritik christlicher Dogmatik.Edgar Fruchtel - 2010 - Perspektiven der Philosophie 36 (1):123-144.
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    Matching bias in the selection task is not eliminated by explicit negations.Edgar Erdfelder, Karl Christoph Klauer & Christoph Stahl - 2008 - Thinking and Reasoning 14 (3):281-303.
    The processes that guide performance in Wason's selection task (WST) are still under debate. The matching bias effect in the negations paradigm and its elimination by explicit negations are central arguments against a substantial role for inferential processes. Two WST experiments were conducted in the negations paradigm to replicate the basic finding and to compare effects of implicit and explicit negations. Results revealed robust matching bias in implicit negations. In contrast to previous findings, matching bias was reduced but not eliminated (...)
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    Filosofía de una reforma.Edgar Faure - 1969 - Convivium: revista de filosofía 30:123-153.
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  33. Unity and contradiction: Some arguments in utpaladeva and abhinavagupta for the evidence of the self as śiva.Bruno M. J. Nagel - 1995 - Philosophy East and West 45 (4):501-525.
    Arguments by Utpaladeva and Abhinavagupta for evidence of a Self that is one and the same as the Great Lord Śiva are interpreted. The views of these authors are clarified and the contradictory relationship between the limited individual subject and the recognition of the true Self is shown. With the help of Utpaladeva's distinction between "seeing" and "noticing," a further interpretation is attempted. Some remarks are made concerning practical meditation and the theoretical presuppositions of this way of thinking in order (...)
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    Knowledge, Paradox, and the Primacy of Perception.Chris Nagel - 2000 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 38 (3):481-497.
  35. Le théorème de Gödei.E. Nagel, J. R. Newman, K. Gödel, J. Y. Girard & J. Scherrer - 1990 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 180 (4):706-708.
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  36. Bolzanos Biographie in tabellarischer Übersicht.Jan Berg, Edgar Morscher & Heinrich Ganthaler - 1987 - Philosophia Naturalis 24 (4):353-372.
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  37. Het aesthetisch beleven.Edgar de Bruyne - 1942 - Antwerpen,: Standaard-Boekhandel.
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    L'esthétique du Moyen Âge.Edgar de Bruyne - 1947 - Louvain,: Éditions de l'Institut supérieur de philosophie.
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  39. (1 other version)Philosophie van de kunst.Edgar de Bruyne - 1942 - Antwerpen,: Standaard-Boekhandel.
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  40. Introduction.Jeffrey P. Fry & Andrew Edgar - 2022 - In Jeffrey P. Fry & Andrew Edgar (eds.), Philosophy, Sport and the Pandemic. New York: Routledge.
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    Effect of vibrissal amputation or anesthesia on rearing behavior in rats.Ernest D. Kemble & Jennifer A. Nagel - 1976 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 7 (4):405-406.
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    Turing-Machine Computable Functionals of Finite Types I.S. C. Kleene, Ernest Nagel, Patrick Suppes & Alfred Tarski - 1970 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 35 (4):588-589.
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    La perturbación de Hannah Arendt: el tono y la discrepancia.Edgar Tello García - 2020 - Revista de filosofía (Chile) 77:195-203.
    Resumen:Por un lado, el trabajo pretende mostrar de qué modo el “tono” de Arendt en sus trabajos académicos, tal y como lo señalara Scholem en una de sus misivas críticas a la autora, lejos de ser frívolo o burlón (como se apuntaba en esa crítica) produce una brecha perturbadora, por la cual los lectores y las lectoras de Hannah Arendt pueden desvelar hipocresías y actuar con una nueva responsabilidad. Por otro lado, el artículo señala diversos conceptos filosóficos, algunos ya sometidos (...)
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    Psychoanalyse und Philosophie: eine Begegnung.Wolfgang Tress & Stefan Nagel (eds.) - 1993 - Heidelberg: R. Asanger Verlag.
  45.  9
    Equality and Motivation.Thomas Nagel - 1991 - In Equality and Partiality. New York, US: OUP Usa.
    While institutions must play an important role in creating social and economic equality, they cannot sustain it unless they come to express what enough people feel. Nagel explores what transformations of motive might make possible the realization of a more egalitarian social ideal. There is no natural way to divide the creation of advantages by talent into the legitimate and the illegitimate, along lines that could correspond to a psychologically plausible division between personal and impersonal motivation. All that can (...)
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    Legitimacy and Unanimity.Thomas Nagel - 1991 - In Equality and Partiality. New York, US: OUP Usa.
    The task of discovering the conditions of legitimacy is traditionally conceived as that of finding a way to justify a political system to everyone who is required to live under it. If the justification is successful, no one will have grounds for moral complaint about the way it takes into account and weighs his interests and point of view. Nagel uses Kant's unanimity criterion in relation to political institutions and to the individual lives of their members; he maintains that (...)
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    Toleration.Thomas Nagel - 1991 - In Equality and Partiality. New York, US: OUP Usa.
    The most intellectually difficult problem regarding an acceptable partition of motives arises not from conflicts of interest but conflicts over what is truly valuable. Members of a society all motivated by an impartial regard for one another will be led into conflict by that very motive if they disagree about what the good life consists in, hence about what they should want impartially for everyone. Nagel argues that in the cases of toleration we require a different device to ensure (...)
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  48. Einige Uberlegungen Zum Schicksalsbegriff in der Antike.Edgar Fruchtel - 2005 - Perspektiven der Philosophie 31 (1):149-176.
    Die Unabänderlichkeit der Kontingenzen wird zunächst als Götterwille empfunden und gedeutet, der mit menschlicher Einsicht nicht begriffen werden kann. Erst Platon interpretiert die Lebensschicksale als Ergebnis der die ,,Lebenslose wählenden Seele". Mit der Entfaltung eines transzendenten Weltengrundes entsteht das Bedürfnis einer Deutung der Kontingenzen als Teile der Kosmosordnung. Die jüdisch-christliche personale Interpretation Gottes setzt schließlich die Vertrauensbasis für die durch den Erlösungsglauben ermöglichte Lebensfreude und Weltoffenheit.
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  49. Gluck allein macht nicht glucklich. Was fuhrt zu einem erfullten Leben?Edgar Fruchtel - 2011 - Perspektiven der Philosophie 37 (1):293-310.
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  50. Aufklarung im Islam? : Aufklarung über den Islam!Tilman Nagel - 2017 - In Thomas Göller (ed.), Grundlagen der Religionskritik. Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann.
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