Results for 'Edgar Záyago'

948 found
  1.  24
    Nanotechnology in Mexico: Key Findings Based on OECD Criteria.Guillermo Foladori, Edgar Arteaga Figueroa, Edgar Záyago Lau, Richard Appelbaum, Eduardo Robles-Belmont, Liliana Villa, Rachel Parker & Vanessa Leos - 2015 - Minerva 53 (3):279-301.
    This analysis of Mexico’s nanotechnology policies utilizes indicators developed by the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development, which in 2008 conducted a pilot survey comparing the nanotechnology policies of 24 countries. In this paper, we apply the same questionnaire to the Mexican case, adding business information derived from the National Institute of Statistics and Geography survey on nanotechnologies, also an OECD instrument.
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    Two dimensions of the ethical problems related to nanotechnology.Guillermo Foladori, Noela Invernizzi & Edgar Záyago - 2009 - NanoEthics 3 (2):121-127.
    The current literature on nanoethics focuses on a wide array of topics such as equity, privacy, military, environment, human enhancement, intellectual property, and security. The identification of those topics leads to the adoption of an ethical stance, which we call the in itself dimension . In this article we argue that even though it is correct to identify the areas where ethical problems are imperative to deal with ( in itself dimension ), it is a partial approach. This is because (...)
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    Sport and Covid-19.Andrew Edgar - 2021 - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy 15 (1):1-2.
    My last editorial was written before the world became aware of the covid-19 pandemic, and the impact that it would have on our lives. (Editorials are written some three months before publication, l...
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    The Athletic Body.Andrew Edgar - 2018 - Health Care Analysis 26 (3):269-283.
    This paper seeks to explore the attraction and the beauty of the contemporary athletic body. It will be suggested that a body shaped through muscular bulk and definition has come to be seen as aesthetically normative. This body differs from the body of athletes from the early and mid-twentieth century. It will be argued that the contemporary body is not merely the result of advances in sports science, but rather that it is expressive of certain meanings and values. The visual (...)
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    The birth of sport.Andrew Edgar - unknown
    Danto, in a somewhat Hegelian manner, argues that art is an alienated form of philosophy. My contention is that sport, too, is an alienated form of philosophy. In making his argument, Danto (1981,...
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    The hermeneutic challenge of genetic engineering: Habermas and the transhumanists.Edgar Andrew Robert - 2009 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 12 (2):157-167.
    The purpose of this paper is to explore the impact that developments in transhumanist technologies may have upon human cultures (and thus upon the lifeworld), and to do so by exploring a potential debate between Habermas and the transhumanists. Transhumanists, such as Nick Bostrom, typically see the potential in genetic and other technologies for positively expanding and transcending human nature. In contrast, Habermas is a representative of those who are fearful of this technology, suggesting that it will compound the deleterious (...)
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    Professional values, aesthetic values, and the ends of trade.Andrew Edgar - 2011 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 14 (2):195-201.
    Professionalism is initially understood as a historical process, through which certain commercial services sought to improve their social status by separating themselves from mere crafts or trades. This process may be traced clearly with the aspiration of British portrait painters, in the eighteenth century, to acquire a social status akin to that of already established professionals, such as clerics and doctors. This may be understood, to a significant degree, as a process of gentrification. The values of the professional thereby lie (...)
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  8.  20
    El carácter idealizado de las leyes de la termodinámica clásica: ¿en qué consiste?Edgar Eduardo Rojas Durán - 2024 - Daimon: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 91:101-119.
    En la segunda mitad del siglo XX Nowak denunció que las teorías y las leyes científicas tienen un aspecto idealizado que pasaron de largo los filósofos de la ciencia que consideraron como correcto el modelo nomológico deductivo de la explicación científica. En consecuencia, propuso un modelo alternativo de la explicación científica denominado “explicación por concretización gradual” por Hanzel, quien lo retomó, criticó y enmendó a finales del siglo pasado. Ambos autores reconstruyeron varias leyes y teorías científicas empleando su marco conceptual (...)
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  9.  60
    Jan Berg: Die theoretische Philosophie Kants. Unter Berücksichtigung der Grundbegriffe seiner Ethik.Edgar Morscher & Jan Berg - 2016 - Philosophischer Literaturanzeiger 69 (2):105-112.
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  10.  46
    Velázquez and the representation of dignity.Andrew Edgar - 2003 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 6 (2):111-121.
    The purpose of this paper is to explore the visual representation of dignity, through the particular example of the seventeenth century Spanish painter Diego Velázquez. Velázquez works at a point in Western history when modern conceptions of dignity are beginning to be formed. It is argued that Velázquez' portraits of royalty and aristocracy articulate a tension between a feudal conception of majesty and a modern conception of the dignity of merit. On this level, modern conceptions of dignity of merit are (...)
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    An introduction to Adorno's aesthetics.Andrew Edgar - unknown
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    Entre Arendt y Zerilli: algunas observaciones sobre el concepto de entre.Edgar Wilfried Straehle - 2014 - Daimon: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 63:65.
  13. Treatise on justice.Edgar Bodenheimer - 1967 - New York,: Philosophical Library.
  14.  4
    A Philosophy of Ideals.Edgar Sheffield Brightman - 1928 - H. Holt and Company.
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    Etica.Edgar Sheffield Brightman & Eduardo Garcia Maynez - 1946 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 7 (1):178.
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    Consciousness and behavior. A reply.Edgar A. Singer - 1912 - Journal of Philosophy, Psychology and Scientific Methods 9 (1):15-19.
  17.  37
    Sensation and the datum of science.Edgar A. Singer - 1898 - Philosophical Review 7 (5):485-504.
  18.  21
    The Header.Andrew Edgar - 2021 - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy 15 (4):461-462.
    In the mid-1970s the sometime manager of Manchester City, Crystal Palace, and Sporting Lisbon, Malcolm Allison, was interviewed for the position of USA’s national soccer coach. While in the USA, Al...
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  19.  8
    The Problem Solver's Guide to Logic.William J. Edgar - 1982 - Upa.
    To find more information on Rowman & Littlefield titles, please visit us at
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  20.  39
    Zur Interpretation der Freiheitsproblematik im Johanneskommentar des Origenes1.Edgar Früchtel - 1974 - Zeitschrift für Religions- Und Geistesgeschichte 26 (4):310-317.
  21.  27
    Comentarios en torno a la epistemología jurídica de Laudan.Edgar Ramón Aguilera García - 2013 - In René González de la Vega & Guillermo Lariguet, Problemas de filosofía del Derecho: Nuevas perspectivas. Temis.
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  22.  13
    Codes of Ethics: A Handbook.Edgar L. Heermance - 1925 - International Journal of Ethics 36 (1):102-103.
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  23. Marià Vayreda: el carlismo reciclado y el inconsciente catalán.Edgar Illas - 2004 - Res Publica. Murcia 13 (14):87-96.
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    Réponse à un plaidoyer probabiliste.Edgar Janssens - 1921 - Revue Néo-Scolastique de Philosophie 23 (92):363-377.
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  25.  12
    Encore un moment...: textes personnels, politiques, sociologiques, philosophiques et littéraires.Edgar Morin - 2023 - Paris: Denoël.
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  26. "hintertürln" Für Paradoxien In Bolzanos Logik.Edgar Morscher - 1987 - Philosophia Naturalis 24 (4):414-422.
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  27.  39
    Ist Existenz ein Prädikat? Historische Bemerkungen zu einer philosophischen Frage.Edgar Morscher - 1974 - Zeitschrift für Philosophische Forschung 28 (1):120 - 132.
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  28.  13
    Inadequacies of Peter and Paul.Edgar Morscher - 1991 - In Georg Schurz, Advances in Scientific Philosophy. pp. 415--417.
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  29.  47
    Ontology as a normative science.Edgar Morscher - 1974 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 3 (3):285 - 289.
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    On being obliged.Edgar Page - 1973 - Mind 82 (326):283-288.
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    Reference and propositional identity.Edgar Page - 1970 - Philosophical Review 79 (1):43-62.
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    In touch with the facts: epistemological disjunctivism and the rationalisation of belief.Edgar Phillips - 2025 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 68 (2):402-427.
    The idea of believing for a good reason has both normative and psychological content. How are these related? Recently, a number of authors have defended a ‘disjunctivist’ view of rationalisation, on which a good reason can make a subject’s responses to it intelligible in a way that mere ‘apparent reasons’ cannot. However, little has been said about the possible epistemological significance of this view or its relationship to more familiar forms of disjunctivism in the philosophy of perception. This paper examines (...)
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  33.  34
    Heredity and environment.Edgar Schuster - 1913 - The Eugenics Review 5 (3):260.
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    Methods and results of the Galton laboratory for national eugenics.Edgar Schuster - 1911 - The Eugenics Review 3 (1):10.
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    Analytical.Edgar A. Singer & Mary Whiton Calkins - 1900 - Psychological Review 7 (3):296-300.
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    Modularity need not imply locality: Damaged modules can have nonlocal effects.Edgar Zurif & David Swinney - 1994 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 17 (1):89-90.
  37.  34
    Studies from the Harvard Psychological Laboratory (V): The aesthetics of simple forms. II. The functions of the elements. [REVIEW]Edgar Pierce - 1896 - Psychological Review 3 (3):270-282.
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  38.  23
    Book Review:Modern Germany: A Study of Conflicting Loyalties. Paul Kosok. [REVIEW]Edgar Ansel Mowrer - 1934 - International Journal of Ethics 44 (2):252-.
  39.  59
    Genetics: History and conceptualization. Science as a way of knowing. III ‐ genetics. Edited by JOHN A. MOORE Symposium Proceedings, American Society of Zoologists, Dec. 1986. $3.00. [REVIEW]Robert S. Edgar - 1987 - Bioessays 7 (6):281-282.
  40. KIRKPATRICK, E. A. - Fundamentals of Child Study. [REVIEW]J. Edgar - 1904 - Mind 13:569.
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  41. MARCHESINI, G. -Corso sistimatico di Pedagogia Generale. [REVIEW]J. Edgar - 1907 - Mind 16:455.
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    (1 other version)Vi.—new books. [REVIEW]John Edgar - 1905 - Mind 14 (4):564-565.
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    Studia Platonica, Festschrift für Hermann Gundert. [REVIEW]Edgar Früchtel - 1977 - Perspektiven der Philosophie 3:321-330.
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    Winfried LÖFFLER: Einführung in die Religionsphilosophie. Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 2006; ISBN 978-3534154715, 192 Seiten, € 14.90. [REVIEW]Edgar Morscher - 2009 - Grazer Philosophische Studien 78 (1):303-307.
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    The Agrarian Revival. [REVIEW]Edgar Schmiedeler - 1940 - Thought: Fordham University Quarterly 15 (2):374-374.
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    Ted Edgar.Andrew Edgar - 2019 - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy 13 (2):115-116.
    Volume 13, Issue 2, May 2019, Page 115-116.
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    Zilsel, Edgar, Die Geniereligion.Edgar Zilsel - 1920 - Kant Studien 24 (1).
  48. On the Contented Life by Edgar A. Singer, Jr.Edgar Arthur Singer - 1936 - H. Holt and Co.
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  49. Philosophical Essays in Honor of Edgar Arthur Singer, Jr. Edited by F.P. Clarke and M.C. Nahm.Edgar Arthur Singer, Francis Palmer Clarke & Milton Charles Nahm - 1962 - Books for Libraries Press.
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  50. Exploring age-related patterns in internet access: Insights from a secondary analysis of New Zealand survey data.Edgar Pacheco - 2024 - Media Peripheries 18 (1):38-56.
    About thirty years ago, when the Internet started to be commercialised, access to the medium became a topic of research and debate. Up-to-date evidence about key predictors, such as age, is crucial because of the Internet's ever-changing nature and the challenges associated with gaining access to it. This paper aims to give an overview of New Zealand's Internet access trends and how they relate to age. It is based on secondary analysis of data from a larger online panel survey with (...)
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