Results for 'Educational equalization '

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  1. 28. National Organization for Women (NOW) Bill of Rights.V. Child Care Centers, V. I. Equal, Unsegregated Education & We Demand - 1993 - In James P. Sterba, Morality in practice. Belmont, Calif.: Wadsworth.
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  2. Educational equality versus educational adequacy: A critique of Anderson and Satz.Harry Brighouse & Adam Swift - 2009 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 26 (2):117-128.
    Some theorists argue that rather than advocating a principle of educational equality as a component of a theory of justice in education, egalitarians should adopt a principle of educational adequacy. This paper looks at two recent attempts to show that adequacy, not equality, constitutes justice in education. It responds to the criticisms of equality by claiming that they are either unsuccessful or merely show that other values are also important, not that equality is not important. It also argues (...)
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    Educational Equality – Edited by H. Brighouse, J. Tooley, K. R. Howe and G. Haydon.John Calvert - 2012 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 44 (1):120-122.
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    Educational Equality: Luck Egalitarian, Pluralist and Complex.John Calvert - 2014 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 48 (1):69-85.
    The basic principle of educational equality is that each child should receive an equally good education. This sounds appealing, but is rather vague and needs substantial working out. Also, educational equality faces all the objections to equality per se, plus others specific to its subject matter. Together these have eroded confidence in the viability of equality as an educational ideal. This article argues that equality of educational opportunity is not the best way of understanding educational (...)
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    Educational Equality and Justice.Harry Brighouse - 2003 - In Randall Curren, A Companion to the Philosophy of Education. Oxford, UK: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 471–486.
    This chapter contains sections titled: Objections.
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    (1 other version)Justice, Educational Equality, and Sufficiency.Colin Macleod - 2010 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 40 (S1):151-175.
    Among the novel objects that attracted my attention during my stay in the United States, nothing struck me more forcibly than the general equality of condition among the people. (de Tocqueville 1990, 7)There are significant inequalities in the lives of America's children, including inequalities in the education that these children receive. These educational inequalities include not only disparities in funding per pupil but also in class size, teacher qualification, and resources such as books, labs, libraries, computers, and curriculum, as (...)
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  7. Putting Educational Equality in its Place.Harry Brighouse & Adam Swift - 2008 - Educational Policy and Finance 3 (4):444-466.
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    The Meritocratic Conception of Educational Equality: Ideal Theory Run Amuck.Kenneth R. Howe - 2015 - Educational Theory 65 (2):183-201.
    The dominant conception of educational equality in the United States is meritocratic: an individual's chances of educational achievements should track only talent and effort, not social class or other morally irrelevant factors. The meritocratic conception must presuppose that natural talent and effort can be isolated from social class — and environmental factors in general — if it is to provide guidance in the world of educational policy and practice. In this article Kenneth R. Howe challenges that presupposition (...)
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    Educational Equality: A Politico‐Temporal Approach.Tomas Wedin - 2019 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 53 (2):248-272.
    Journal of Philosophy of Education, EarlyView.
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  10. (1 other version)Capability and educational equality: The just distribution of resources to students with disabilities and special educational needs.Lorella Terzi - 2007 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 41 (4):757–773.
    The ideal of educational equality is fundamentally grounded in the egalitarian principle that social and institutional arrangements should be designed to give equal consideration to all. However, beyond this broad stipulation, the precise content of the ideal of educational equality is more difficult to determine. In this article, I aim to contribute to the debate on equality in education by dealing with the current, contentious issue of provision for students with disabilities and special educational needs. Thus, the (...)
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    In defence of educational equality.Harry Brighouse - 1995 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 29 (3):415–420.
    The principle of educational equality is important for the plausibility of egalitarianism. I argue against John Wilson's recent attempts to show that two particular versions of the principle are incoherent, and I rebut his argument that even if it were coherent it would be wrong to endorse it. Two other objections to this version of the principle are considered and shown not to be decisive. The principle governing the distribution of educational resources that Wilson advocates is also rejected.
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    Educational equality under two conflicting models of educational development.Walter Feinberg - 1975 - Theory and Society 2 (1):183-210.
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    Luck, Choice, and Educational Equality.John Calvert - 2015 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 47 (9):982-995.
    Harry Brighouse discusses two conceptions of educational equality. The first is a type of equality of opportunity, heavily influenced by the work of John Rawls, which he calls the meritocratic conception. According to this conception, an individual’s educational prospects should not be influenced by factors such as their social class background. The other, radical conception, suggests a person’s natural talents should not influence their educational prospects either. Brighouse favors the meritocratic conception, but this article argues that it (...)
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    Taming the Conflict over Educational Equality.Bryan R. Warnick - 2014 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 32 (1):50-66.
    This article proposes an approach to educational distribution that attempts to minimise enduring tensions among conflicting values. At the foundation of this approach is a threshold of educational adequacy based on what is needed for citizens to participate in a democratic society. This threshold is justified because it minimises conflict with parental rights and because it better manages ‘the bottomless pit’ problem of educational distribution. This threshold is then modified to stipulate that, after the threshold has been (...)
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  15. Educational adequacy and educational equality: a merging proposal.Fernando De-Los-Santos-Menéndez - 2022 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 25 (6):787-808.
    A good education provides useful ‘knowledge, skills, attitudes, and dispositions’ (Brighouse, Ladd, Loeb, & Swift, 2016, p. 6).1 Educational justice cares about the distribution of these goods beca...
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  16. School choice and educational equality.Harry Brighouse - manuscript
    Justice is the first virtue of social institutions, and of the institutions which regulate schooling no less than others. Education policy, just like social policy more generally, should be guided principally by considerations of justice and only secondarily by pragmatic considerations such as what compromises must be made with existing social forces opposed to justice in order to optimize the justice of the existing institutions. But of course, in an otherwise unjust society there are sharp limits on what can be (...)
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    Promoting Stimulants to Increase Educational Equality: Some Concerns.Kacey Brooke Warren - 2016 - American Journal of Bioethics 16 (6):52-54.
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    Privatization, School Choice and Educational Equality.Yossi Dahan - 2011 - Law and Ethics of Human Rights 5 (2):308-334.
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    The Dominant Conception of Educational Equality: Ideal and Ideology.Kenneth R. Howe - 2014 - Philosophy of Education 70:1-14.
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    Curriculum Materials Review.Equal Voice - 1998 - Journal of Moral Education 27 (1):115.
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  21. John Wilson.Does Equality - 1991 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 25:27.
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    Kyōiku no seigiron: byōdō kōkyōsei tōgō = Justice in education: equality, publicness and integration.Akio Miyadera - 2014 - Tōkyō-to Bunkyō-ku: Keisō Shobō.
    「正義」の名で取り戻されなければならないものがあるとすれば、それは、「平等と教育」、「公共性と教育」、「統合と教育」をめぐる討議に、さまざまな考え方、さまざまな立場からの参加を人びとに保障する公論の場 である。教育論議に規範的視点を取り戻す!経済の成長路線に抗して、教育の制度設計をいかに進めるか。正義の原理に遡って問い直す。.
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  23. Equality in Education – Why We Must Go All the Way.Tammy Harel Ben-Shahar - 2016 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 19 (1):83-100.
    In this paper I present and defend a highly demanding principle of justice in education that has not been seriously discussed thus far. According to the suggested approach, “all the way equality”, justice in education requires nothing short of equal educational outcome between all individual students. This means not merely between equally able children, or between children from different groups and classes, but rather between all children, regardless of social background, race, sex and ability. This approach may seem implausible (...)
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    Equality of educational opportunity without the state?James Tooley - 1993 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 12 (2):153-163.
    This essay took one of the “externalities” of education, equality of opportunity, and suggested that the more extensive state intervention argued for by “the left” was not needed for its provision. This was argued by saying that what “the left” wanted from equality of opportunity was not equality as such, but merely “adequate resources” for all. An “adequate” education it was suggested, could be provided without extensive state intervention for the great majority of children. Only for those children who were (...)
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  25. Equality and Educational Justice.Michael Merry - 2016 - In Michael Peters, Paulo Ghiraldelli, Berislav Žarnić, Andrew Gibbons & Tina Besley, Encyclopaedia of Educational Philosophy and Theory. Singapore: Springer.
    Taking equality seriously means that we ought to consider the ways in which persons are not only unfairly advantaged or disadvantaged from the start – e.g., through genetic inheritance, wealth, or a parent’s educational background – but also how opportunities and rewards that result from these basic inequalities are later exacerbated in the distribution of goods and opportunities. The basic point of equality as a normative principle is not that everyone have similar things or achieve similar outcomes, that would (...)
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  26. Justice and the threshold of educational equality.Randall Curren - 1994 - Philosophy of Education 50:239-248.
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    Equal Opportunity and Higher Education.David O'Brien - 2023 - In Mitja Sardoč, Handbook of Equality of Opportunity. Springer.
    Equality of opportunity is a complex and contested ideal. There is disagreement about what the most plausible account of equal opportunity is, why equal opportunity matters, and how much it matters relative to other considerations that bear on how we ought to act. Over and above those disagreements about the general ideal of equal opportunity, there are further disagreements about what equal educational opportunity requires, why equal educational opportunity matters, and how much it matters relative to other considerations (...)
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    (1 other version)Gender equality from the perspective of Minahasa ethnicity and Christian religious education.Djoys A. Rantung - 2023 - HTS Theological Studies 80 (1):8.
    Gender equality continues to be a topic of ongoing public concern, with various alternatives proposed to achieve the ideal gender equality. Despite the utilisation of various references, the desired outcomes have yet to be realised. Local traditions in Minahasa and Christian religious education (CRE) in Indonesia offer constructive alternatives for gender equality efforts. While the political, religious and social spheres have not strongly supported gender equality, Minahasan culture and philosophy have long advocated for gender equality. Using a qualitative approach with (...)
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  29. Does equality (of opportunity) make sense in education?John Wilson - 1991 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 25 (1):27–32.
    John Wilson; Does Equality (of Opportunity) Make Sense in Education?, Journal of Philosophy of Education, Volume 25, Issue 1, 30 May 2006, Pages 27–32, https://.
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    Education, Justice, and the Human good: Fairness and equality in the education system.Kirsten Meyer (ed.) - 2014 - Routledge.
    The education system is faced with many demands of justice. What these demands imply and how they are justified is, however, disputed. In this book, international contributors present cutting edge research to discuss the relationship between educational justice and the value of education. By combining reflections on educational justice with reflections on the human good and the aims of education, the book reveals that it is not enough to assess certain patterns of distribution; the value of what is (...)
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  31. Equal Educational Opportunity as a Public Policy.Ia Bunting - 1991 - South African Journal of Philosophy 10 (2):33-36.
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    Sociology, Equality, and Education: Philosophical Essays in Defense of a Variety of Differences.Antony Flew - 1976
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    Equality through education.Edward H. Levi - 1973 - Minerva 11 (2):157-161.
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  34. Equality of opportunity for education: One-off or lifelong?Alexander Brown - 2006 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 40 (1):63–84.
    Adult education has long been the Cinderella of the education system. This is not helped by the fact that there is currently an impasse between employers, government and individuals over who should finance such training. So what, if anything, can philosophers do to help resolve the normative question of who ought to pay, setting aside for the moment the practical question of how this might be put into effect? An important strand of contemporary egalitarian philosophy argues that equality of opportunity (...)
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    Equality of Education and Citizenship: Challenges of European Integration.Andreas Follesdal - 2008 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 27 (5):335-354.
    What kind of equality among Europeans does equal citizenship require, especially regarding education? In particular, is there good reason to insist of equality of education among Europeans—and if so, equality of what? To what extent should the same knowledge base and citizenship norms be taught across state borders and religious and other normative divides? At least three philosophical issues merit attention: (a) The requirements of multiple democratic citizenships beyond the nation state; (b) how to respect diversity while securing such equality (...)
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    Equalities and Inequalities in Education.Antony Flew, P. R. Cox, H. B. Miles & J. Peel - 1978 - British Journal of Educational Studies 26 (1):92.
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    Gender equality in Catholic religious and character education: A multiculturalism perspective.Dody S. Truna, R. F. Bhanu Viktorahadi & Mochamad Z. Haq - 2022 - HTS Theological Studies 78 (1):10.
    Gender equality continues to be important because it strengthens society. One of the efforts to promote gender equality in Indonesia is gender equality education. For Catholics in Indonesia, the existence of the 2013 Curriculum Ethics and Catholic Education (PAK Kurtilas) had a strategic role in mainstreaming gender equality education. This research used library sources to research these textbooks with adequate ethical and multicultural analysis. Here, information was conveyed through a qualitative approach through annotations and descriptive data on the texts studied. (...)
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  38. Equity not equality: the undocumented migrant child’s opportunity to access education in South Africa.Sarah Blessed-Sayah & Dominic Griffiths - 2024 - Educational Review 76 (1):46-68.
    Access to education for undocumented migrant children in South Africa remains a significant challenge. While the difficulties related to their inability to access education within the country have been highlighted elsewhere, there remains a lack of clarity on an approach to how this basic human right can be achieved. In this conceptual paper, we draw on the distinction between equality and equity, and describe the various ways in which education has been conceptualised in the South African Constitution – which in (...)
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    Making space for cultural equality in educational leadership: school ethos and postcolonial pedagogy.Mathew Barnard - 2024 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    This book foregrounds postcolonial theory as a lens through which to explore the concept of 'global heritage' and argues that the meso-level spaces of institutional ethos and cultural pedagogy must take an active role in the pursuit of cultural equality. Through interviews and accounts of observational, eampirical data, chapters draw attention to how the cultural capital of Global Majority students is institutionally positioned as a racialised and inferior cultural capital that is constantly required to 'prove itself' in the Western school. (...)
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  40. Equality of education : six decades of comparative evidence seen from a new millennium.Joseph P. Farrell - 2022 - In Carlos Alberto Torres, Robert F. Arnove & Lauren Ila Misiaszek, Comparative education: the dialectic of the global and the local. Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield.
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  41. Equality, adequacy, and education for citizenship.Debra Satz - 2007 - Ethics 117 (4):623-648.
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    Fairness, equality and needs as claims to education. (Or HOW to steal the egalitarian's clothes).Malcolm S. Justins - 1970 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 4 (1):121–137.
    Malcolm S Justins; Fairness, Equality and Needs as Claims to Education, Journal of Philosophy of Education, Volume 4, Issue 1, 30 May 2006, Pages 121–137, https.
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    “Meaningful Educational Opportunity” May Not be Equality of Educational Opportunity [Essay Review of the Book Moving Every Child Ahead: From NCLB Hype to Meaningful Educational Opportunity].Amanda Cassity & John Petrovic - 2010 - Educational Studies: A Jrnl of the American Educ. Studies Assoc 46 (1):116-128.
    (2010). “Meaningful Educational Opportunity” May Not be Equality of Educational Opportunity [Essay Review of the Book Moving Every Child Ahead: From NCLB Hype to Meaningful Educational Opportunity] Educational Studies: Vol. 46, No. 1, pp. 116-128.
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  44. Democracy, Education, and Equality: Graz-Schumpeter Lectures.John E. Roemer - 2006 - Cambridge University Press.
    Many believe that equality of opportunity will be achieved when the prospects of children no longer depend upon the wealth and education of their parents. The institution through which the link between child and parental prospects may be weakened is public education. Many also believe that democracy is the political institution that will bring about justice. This study, first published in 2006, asks whether democracy, modeled as competition between political parties that represent different interests in the polity, will result in (...)
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    Equal opportunities in education: A coherent, rational and moral concern.Mal Leicester - 1996 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 30 (2):277–287.
    This paper is a response to papers by Wilson, Burwood and White concerning equal opportunities as an educational ideal. I seek to legitimate this ideal, in contrast to these earlier attempts to persuade us that it is incoherent, unreasonable or misguided. I argue that, given the social context in which the term is used, it is meaningful and represents rational and praiseworthy goals. I identify four aspects of ‘equal opportunities’ and conclude that the concern to promote such opportunities arises (...)
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  46. What does equality in education mean?Stefan Gosepath - 2014 - In Kirsten Meyer, Education, Justice, and the Human good: Fairness and equality in the education system. Routledge. pp. 100-112.
    In this paper I would like to suggest that we should distinguish between three levels of education in schools: basic education for all, the cultivation of individual talents and capacities; and the selection for higher education and the job market. On each level egalitarians should in my view demand a different kind of equality and a different kind of metric. Since for the selection for higher education and the job market equality of opportunity seems the approriate metric of justice in (...)
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  47. Providing Equal Educational Opportunity: Public vs. Voucher Schools*: JOHN E. ROEMER.John E. Roemer - 1992 - Social Philosophy and Policy 9 (1):291-309.
    All advanced societies maintain a commitment to equal educational opportunity, which they claim to implement through a public school system that is charged toprovide all children with an education up to a state-enforced standard. Indeed, what public schools do, even in the best of circumstances, is to provide all children with a more or less equal exposure to educational inputs, rather than to guarantee them equal educational attainment. Children, as the schools receive them, differ markedly in their (...)
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    Equality of Opportunities, Divergent Conceptualisations and their Implications for Early Childhood Care and Education Policies.Christian Morabito & Michel Vandenbroeck - 2015 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 49 (3):456-472.
    This article aims to explore the relations between equality of opportunity and early childhood. By referring to the work of contemporary philosophers, i.e. Rawls, Sen, Dworkin, Cohen and Roemer, we argue for different possible interpretations, based on political discussions, concerning how to operationalize equality of opportunities. We represent these diverging options on a continuum, ranging from Responsibility-oriented Equality of Opportunity and Circumstances-oriented Equality of Opportunity. We then analyse how early childhood care and education policies can be constructed in relation to (...)
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  49. Integration, Equality, and the Backlash Against Racial Justice Education: Comments on Stitzlein, Glass, and Fraser-Burgess.Lawrence Blum - 2022 - Philosophy of Education 78 (4):127-136.
  50. Why Should Women Be Given The Same Education As Men? Plato's Account of Gender Equality in Education in The Laws.Irina Deretić - 2024 - In Lj Radenović, D. Dimitrijevic & I. Akkad, Paideia: The Language and Philosophy of Education. pp. 31-41.
    Abstract: The political views of Plato on women in the Laws have been a subject of debate among scholars. The reintroduction of families and private property in his late dialogue can potentially impact the role of women in the state. Furthermore, it remains a matter of contention whether Plato altered some of his political views on women while writing the Laws. In this debate, I will analyze the inconsistencies in Plato’s Laws, endeavoring to determine whether Plato provided women with equal (...)
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