Results for 'Edward Ramos'

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  1.  70
    The allocation of valenced concepts onto 3D space.Fernando Marmolejo-Ramos, Carlos Tirado, Edward Arshamian, Jorge Iván Vélez & Artin Arshamian - 2017 - Cognition and Emotion 32 (4):709-718.
    The valence–space metaphor research area investigates the metaphorical mapping of valenced concepts onto space. Research findings from this area indicate that positive, neutral, and negative concepts are associated with upward, midward, and downward locations, respectively, in the vertical plane. The same research area has also indicated that such concepts seem to have no preferential location on the horizontal plane. The approach–avoidance effect consists in decreasing the distance between positive stimuli and the body and increasing the distance between negative stimuli and (...)
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    Genomic Test Results and the Courtroom: The Roles of Experts and Expert Testimony.Edward Ramos, Shawneequa L. Callier, Peter B. Swann & Hosea H. Harvey - 2016 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 44 (1):205-215.
    The rapid advancement from single-gene testing to whole genome sequencing has significantly broadened the type and amount of information available to researchers, physicians, patients, and the public in general. Much debate has ensued about whether genomic test results should be reported to research participants, patients and consumers, and at what stage we can be sure that existing evidence justifies their use in clinical settings. Courts and judges evaluating the utility of these results will not be immune to this uncertainty. As (...)
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  3. Proceedings of the 4th World Conference on Research Integrity: Brazil, Rio de Janeiro. 31 May - 3 June 2015.Lex Bouter, Melissa S. Anderson, Ana Marusic, Sabine Kleinert, Susan Zimmerman, Paulo S. L. Beirão, Laura Beranzoli, Giuseppe Di Capua, Silvia Peppoloni, Maria Betânia de Freitas Marques, Adriana Sousa, Claudia Rech, Torunn Ellefsen, Adele Flakke Johannessen, Jacob Holen, Raymond Tait, Jillon Van der Wall, John Chibnall, James M. DuBois, Farida Lada, Jigisha Patel, Stephanie Harriman, Leila Posenato Garcia, Adriana Nascimento Sousa, Cláudia Maria Correia Borges Rech, Oliveira Patrocínio, Raphaela Dias Fernandes, Laressa Lima Amâncio, Anja Gillis, David Gallacher, David Malwitz, Tom Lavrijssen, Mariusz Lubomirski, Malini Dasgupta, Katie Speanburg, Elizabeth C. Moylan, Maria K. Kowalczuk, Nikolas Offenhauser, Markus Feufel, Niklas Keller, Volker Bähr, Diego Oliveira Guedes, Douglas Leonardo Gomes Filho, Vincent Larivière, Rodrigo Costas, Daniele Fanelli, Mark William Neff, Aline Carolina de Oliveira Machado Prata, Limbanazo Matandika, Sonia Maria Ramos de Vasconcelos & Karina de A. Rocha - 2016 - Research Integrity and Peer Review 1 (Suppl 1).
    Table of contentsI1 Proceedings of the 4th World Conference on Research IntegrityConcurrent Sessions:1. Countries' systems and policies to foster research integrityCS01.1 Second time around: Implementing and embedding a review of responsible conduct of research policy and practice in an Australian research-intensive universitySusan Patricia O'BrienCS01.2 Measures to promote research integrity in a university: the case of an Asian universityDanny Chan, Frederick Leung2. Examples of research integrity education programmes in different countriesCS02.1 Development of a state-run “cyber education program of research ethics” in (...)
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    Sanuel Ramos: trayectoria filosófica y anología de textos.Samuel Ramos & Agustín Basave Fernández del Valle - 1965 - Centro de Estudios Humanísticos de la Universidad de Nuevo León.
  5.  15
    Cajal beyond the brain: Don Santiago contemplates the mind and its education: 20 essays of Santiago Ramón y Cajal, winner of the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine.Santiago Ramón Y. Cajal - 2015 - Indianapolis, IN: Corpus Callosum. Edited by Lazaros Constantinos Triarhou.
    This compilation brings together 20 essays of Santiago Ramón y Cajal (1852-1934), the neuroscientist par excellence and 1906 Nobel Laureate in Medicine, on topics beyond neuroanatomy, most appearing in English for the first time. The annotated collection makes available in one handy volume Cajal's ideas on psychology, art and education, still current and still relevant, derived from his books La Psicología de los Artistas, Charlas de Café, El Mundo Visto a los Ochenta Años, Pensamientos Pedagógicos and Escritos Inéditos. An acute (...)
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  6.  23
    Del pasado a la Historia.Antonio Gómez Ramos - 1999 - Endoxa 1 (11):227.
  7. Escritos filosóficos.Ramiro Ledesma Ramos - 1941 - Madrid: [Impr. y encuadernación de los sobrinos de la sucesora de M. Minuesa de los Ríos]. Edited by Santiago Montero Díaz.
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    Filósofos de paseo.Ramón del Castillo - 2020 - Madrid: Turner Publicaciones.
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    Do Sustainability Signals Diverge? An Analysis of Labeling Schemes for Socially Responsible Investments.Sofia Brito-Ramos, Maria Céu Cortez & Florinda Silva - 2024 - Business and Society 63 (6):1380-1425.
    This article investigates whether sustainability labels for mutual funds in Europe provide consistent signals regarding funds’ sustainable characteristics. Specifically, we assess the alignment of signals conveyed by third-party and self-declared labels. Among the first typology, we consider labels sponsored by government and nonprofit organizations (GNPOs) alongside Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) ratings from commercial data vendors. The latter category includes the Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR) classification and an ESG-related name. Our findings indicate that equity funds with GNPO labels are (...)
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  10. Samuel Ramos.Samuel Ramos - 1965 - Mexico]: Centro de Estudios Humanísticos de la Universidad de Nuevo León.
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    El péndulo y el espiral.Ramón Xirau - 1959 - [Xalapa, México,: [S.N.].
    A study of modern concepts of the philosophy of history based on Bergson's Les deux sources de la morale et de la religion.
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  12. En la jubilación del Prof. Dr. Felipe Fernández Ramos: Bio-bibliografía.Ff Ramos - 1999 - Salmanticensis 46 (1):5-11.
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    Ethical conflicts and the process of reflection in undergraduate nursing students in Brazil.F. R. S. Ramos, L. C. D. F. Brehmer, M. A. Vargas, A. P. Trombetta, L. R. Silveira & L. Drago - 2015 - Nursing Ethics 22 (4):428-439.
    Background: Nursing students on clinical placements as part of their professional training are routinely faced with situations involving ethical conflicts. The initial act of perceiving a situation as causing an ethical dilemma is the result of both the students’ personal values, drawn from their culture and families, and of the professional knowledge and values that they have acquired through training and experience. Objectives: Nursing students’ experiences on clinical placements in primary care settings were investigated in order to identify situations that (...)
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  14.  20
    Percepción docente respecto al trabajo pedagógico a distancia durante la pandemia COVID-19.Norma Edith Castillo Ramos & Maribel Enaida Alegre Jara - 2023 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 18 (1):1-11.
    Una de las medidas del Ministerio de Educación del Perú frente a la emergencia sanitaria mundial COVID 19; fue decretar de forma inmediata la continuidad del servicio en la modalidad de educación a distancia; generándose una crisis propia del proceso de adecuación y tránsito a una nueva forma de enseñar. El objetivo fue: Determinar el nivel de percepción de los docentes de educación básica, respecto a su trabajo pedagógico en esta modalidad. Obteniéndose entre otros resultados, una percepción regular (56.8%) en (...)
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  15. La heterotopía de las relaciones.Moisés Barroso Ramos - 2004 - Laguna 15:125-162.
    El pluralismo ontológico depende estrechamente de la doctrina de las relaciones externas. Los términos son singularidades materiales y las relaciones son singularidades virtuales, no menos reales que las primeras y que responden a una lógica propia. En su «empirismo trascendental» Deleuze retoma de modo implícito la discusión tradicional acerca de las relaciones (Bradley, Russell, Whitehead y James), aunque reconduciéndola hacia la ontología de lo virtual que actúa en el plano de inmanencia. Si nuestro análisis es correcto, la ontología misma podría (...)
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  16. Os fundamentos linguísticos da palavra Boniteza em Paulo Freire.Ramón Flecha - 2021 - In Ana Maria Araújo Freire, A palavra boniteza na leitura de mundo de Paulo Freire. Rio de Janeiro: Paz & Terra.
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    Aspectos transformadores de la experiencia humana a la luz de la práctica de la meditación de atención plena.Miguel Ibáñez Ramos - 2018 - Endoxa 42:285.
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    Reseña de" El constructivismo kantiano según Rawls como fundamento de los derechos humanos" de Villavicencio, Luis.Christian Steve Ramos - 2011 - Ideas Y Valores 60 (147):280-282.
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  19. S/T = Untitled.Alejandro Sainz Ramos - 2010 - In Steven C. Daiber & Yamilys Brito Jorge, Poder. Red Trillum Press.
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    Pessimismo e política: conservadorismo e crítica social a partir de Schopenhauer.Flamarion Caldeira Ramos - 2018 - Voluntas: Revista Internacional de Filosofia 9 (2):35.
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  21.  48
    (1 other version)Embodied concept mapping.Fernando Marmolejo-Ramos, Omid Khatin-Zadeh, Babak Yazdani-Fazlabadi, Carlos Tirado & Eyal Sagi - 2017 - Pragmatics and Cognition 24 (2):164-185.
    Metaphors are cognitive and linguistic tools that allow reasoning. They enable the understanding of abstract domains via elements borrowed from concrete ones. The underlying mechanism in metaphorical mapping is the manipulation of concepts. This article proposes another view on what concepts are and their role in metaphor and reasoning. That is, based on current neuroscientific and behavioural evidence, it is argued that concepts are grounded in perceptual and motor experience with physical and social environments. This definition of concepts is then (...)
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  22. Eterno retorno, nihilismo y devenir.Ramón Pérez Mantilla - 1999 - In Luis Villar Borda, Modernidad y modernización: un compromiso filosófico. Barranquilla, Colombia: Fondo de Publicaciones, Universidad del Atlántico.
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  23. Maestro Humberto Ramos Lozano, cincuenta años en el magisterio nacional, 1932-1982: un homenaje de su pueblo, 25 de marzo de 1982.Humberto Ramos Lozano - 1982 - [Apodaca, N.L.: Presidencia Municipal. Edited by Pablo Hernández Guzmán.
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  24. Theoretical Distinction between Relativistic Theories.A. López-Ramos - 2006 - Apeiron 13 (4):471.
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    Futuros sociales en tiempos de crisis.Ramón Ramos Torre - 2017 - Arbor 193 (784):378.
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  26. La Ilustración y sus enemigos.Ramón Soriano - 1988 - Madrid: Fundación Cultural Enrique Luño Peña.
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    On the identity type as the type of computational paths.F. Ramos Arthur, J. G. B. De Queiro Ruy & G. De Oliveira Anjolina - 2017 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 25 (4):562-584.
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    El positivismo jurídico a examen: estudios en homenaje a José Delgado Pinto.Ramos Pascua, José Antonio, Rodilla González & A. M. (eds.) - 2006 - Salamanca, España: Caja Duero.
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    Alejandro Korn: vida, trayectoria y evocación.Ramón Ángel Pereyra - 2019 - La Plata, Argentina: Vuelta a Casa Editorial.
  30. Martin Buber: existencia dialógica y religión.Saturnino Pesquero Ramón - 2022 - Mallorca: Objeto Perdido.
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  31. Epistemología y lenguaje en Thomas Hobbes. Construcción de conceptos y unidad epistémica.Antonio Pintor-Ramos - 2008 - Logos (La Salle) 14:137-141.
  32. Los neoescolasticos ante la filosofia actual. El caso del P. Arnaiz.A. Pintor-Ramos - 1986 - Ciudad de Dios 199 (3):489-512.
  33. Schopenhauer como educador: 150 anos da Terceira Extempor'nea de Nietzsche.Flamarion Caldeira Ramos - 2024 - Voluntas: Revista Internacional de Filosofia 15 (2):e88862.
    Pretende-se oferecer algumas reflexões sobre os conceitos de cultura, formação e educação em Schopenhauer tendo como ensejo o centésimo quinquagésimo aniversário da terceira Consideração Extemporânea de Friedrich Nietzsche, intitulada “Schopenhauer como Educador” (1874). Não pretendemos, nesse momento, tomar em consideração a filosofia de Nietzsche e o lugar que nela desempenha o referido texto em sua filosofia juvenil ou madura. Trata-se de considerar as contribuições que a filosofia de Schopenhauer oferece para a temática abordada no texto de Nietzsche.
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    Cuatro filósofos y lo sagrado: Teilhard de Chardin, Heidegger, Wittgenstein, Simone Weil.Ramón Xirau - 1986 - México, D.F.: Editorial Joaquín Mortiz.
    Los cuatro filósofos que aquí se discuten parecen mostrar cuatro caminos de búsqueda que si no siempre conducen a un Dios vivo, por lo menos son un intento por alcanzarlo o una nostalgia de loa alcanzable y, por lo mismo, presente. ¿Es necesario que la ciencia se oponga a la religión? Teilhard de Chardin, en una experiencia cristiana nunca puesta en duda, trata de reunir y unificar ciencia y conciencia o, si se requiere, en términos tan viejos como vigentes, razón (...)
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  35. Using corpus linguistics to investigate mathematical explanation.Juan Pablo Mejía Ramos, Lara Alcock, Kristen Lew, Paolo Rago, Chris Sangwin & Matthew Inglis - 2019 - In Eugen Fischer & Mark Curtis, Methodological Advances in Experimental Philosophy. London: Bloomsbury Press. pp. 239–263.
    In this chapter we use methods of corpus linguistics to investigate the ways in which mathematicians describe their work as explanatory in their research papers. We analyse use of the words explain/explanation (and various related words and expressions) in a large corpus of texts containing research papers in mathematics and in physical sciences, comparing this with their use in corpora of general, day-to-day English. We find that although mathematicians do use this family of words, such use is considerably less prevalent (...)
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    Mathematicians’ Assessments of the Explanatory Value of Proofs.Juan Pablo Mejía Ramos, Tanya Evans, Colin Rittberg & Matthew Inglis - 2021 - Axiomathes 31 (5):575-599.
    The literature on mathematical explanation contains numerous examples of explanatory, and not so explanatory proofs. In this paper we report results of an empirical study aimed at investigating mathematicians’ notion of explanatoriness, and its relationship to accounts of mathematical explanation. Using a Comparative Judgement approach, we asked 38 mathematicians to assess the explanatory value of several proofs of the same proposition. We found an extremely high level of agreement among mathematicians, and some inconsistencies between their assessments and claims in the (...)
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    Fragmentos de varia escritura.Bartolomé Segura Ramos - 1987 - [Sevilla]: Servicio de Publicaciones, Universidad de Sevilla.
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  38. From fibring to cryptofibring. A solution to the collapsing problem.Carlos Caleiro & Jaime Ramos - 2007 - Logica Universalis 1 (1):71-92.
    . The semantic collapse problem is perhaps the main difficulty associated to the very powerful mechanism for combining logics known as fibring. In this paper we propose cryptofibred semantics as a generalization of fibred semantics, and show that it provides a solution to the collapsing problem. In particular, given that the collapsing problem is a special case of failure of conservativeness, we formulate and prove a sufficient condition for cryptofibring to yield a conservative extension of the logics being combined. For (...)
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  39. Ciència i pensament: què és la ciència?Ramón Carbó (ed.) - 2000 - Girona: Universitat de Girona.
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    Por qué las cosas son así y no de otra manera.Ramón Carbó - 2001 - [Oviedo]: Universidad de Oviedo, Servicio de Publicaciones.
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    La question du temps et des temporalités chez Claude Dubar.Jean-Marc Ramos - 2017 - Temporalités 25.
    « Le temps n’est pas un canevas sur lequel on brode ». C’est dans ces termes lancés comme un avertissement par William Grossin dans les années 90 que pouvait se définir la ligne éditoriale du bulletin des Temporalistes. L’argument ne devait pas déplaire à Claude Dubar qui allait transformer ce bulletin de liaison en une véritable revue scientifique et lui donner de nouvelles ambitions. Mais la contribution de Claude Dubar à la recherche sur les temporalités ne s’est pas arrêtée à (...)
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    Educational strategy to lessen risk factors in children with atopic dermatitis.Leydis Suárez Ramos, Omara León Gómez, Edilberto Francisco Sánchez Suárez & Esteban Florencio Bassols Viñas - 2017 - Humanidades Médicas 17 (2):270-290.
    Se presenta un artículo acerca de los factores de riesgo asociados a la dermatitis atópica en niños, enfermedad con una incidencia significativa en el municipio Nuevitas. A partir de la revisión de Historias Clínicas en los Consultorios 4,5 y 6 del territorio, en el período comprendido de enero a septiembre del 2015, se constató como importantes los factores genéticos y los medioambientales en estos pacientes. Con el objetivo de disminuir los últimos se elaboró una estrategia educativa para la familia de (...)
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  43.  46
    Plato and Kant on Beauty and Desire.Santiago Ramos - 2019 - Epoché: A Journal for the History of Philosophy 24 (1):1-26.
    This article attempts to find common ground between Plato and Kant on the topic of beauty and aesthetic contemplation. The Kantian notion of “liking devoid of interest” is interpreted in such a way that it can be brought into harmony with two Platonic accounts of beauty found in the Symposium and the Hippias Major. I argue that both thinkers do justice to the relationship between desire and beauty, while also both asserting that the proper appreciation of beauty per se—whether in (...)
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  44.  32
    The Allocation of Valenced Percepts Onto 3D Space.Fernando Marmolejo-Ramos, Artin Arshamian, Carlos Tirado, Raydonal Ospina & Maria Larsson - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10:414705.
    Research on the metaphorical mapping of valenced concepts onto space indicates that positive, neutral, and negative concepts are mapped onto upward, midward, and downward locations, respectively. More recently, this type of research has been tested for the very first time in 3D physical space. The findings corroborate the mapping of valenced concepts onto the vertical space as described above but further show that positive and negative concepts are placed close to and away from the body; neutral concepts are placed midway. (...)
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  45.  17
    Ecología política de suburbia: límites y retos del ordenamiento territorial estadounidense.Gian Carlo Delgado-Ramos - 2008 - Polis 20.
    La concepción del espacio territorial y su ordenamiento definen en buena medida el funcionamiento de una sociedad, sobre todo, en términos de flujos de materiales y energía. En momentos en que el acceso a combustibles fósiles baratos se deteriora y ante la agudización del calentamiento global, se considera útil la reflexión de cómo se han construido territorialmente las sociedades modernas; en particular la de Estados Unidos (EUA), ciertamente la más despilfarradora del planeta. El presente texto parte, por tanto, de revisar (...)
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  46. El Reino En Parábolas.Felipe Ramos - 1998 - Revista Agustiniana 39:828-829.
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    Gesture and Language Trajectories in Early Development: An Overview From the Autism Spectrum Disorder Perspective.Sara Ramos-Cabo, Valentin Vulchanov & Mila Vulchanova - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Heidegger: a vida como possibilidade e mistério.Róbson Ramos dos Reis - 2012 - Revista de Filosofia Aurora 24 (35):481.
    O objetivo deste artigo é identificar uma estrutura fundamental, resultante da ontologia da vida orgânica esboçada por Heidegger nos Conceitos Fundamentais da Metafísica,que pode ser designada como “o mistério na vida”. Na primeira parte do texto destacoalguns elementos gerais da hermenêutica da vida. Na segunda, reconstruo a interpretação ontológica dos organismos animais que conduz ao conceito de aptidão, cuja determinação ontológica é que faz necessária a introdução de uma classe especial depossibilidade: o ser-possível como ser-apto. Na terceira parte, apresento a (...)
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  49. Heidegger en la filosofía española (La eficacia de Heidegger en las filosofías de Ortega y Zubiri) / Heidegger in Spanish Philosophy (The Efficacy of Heidegger in Ortega and Zubiri).Antonio Pintor Ramos - 1990 - Revista de Filosofía (México) 68:150-186.
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    Hacer, pensar: colección de escritos filosóficos.Francisco José Ramos (ed.) - 1994 - Río Piedras, P.R.: La Editorial, UPR.
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