Results for 'Ee Harris'

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  1. Formal and dialectical logic-reply.Ee Harris - 1991 - International Philosophical Quarterly 31 (4):503-507.
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    Knowing Slowly: Unfolding the Depths of Meaning.Harris Wiseman - 2022 - Zygon 57 (3):719-743.
    The article explores an aspect of spiritual intelligence characterized as a lifelong search for meaning. Slow knowing involves wrestling with perplexity. Periods of such tarrying gradually facilitate an unfolding of meaning. More than just the content of one's knowledge, it is the relationship, the how or manner of one's relationship with meaning that grounds the spiritual generativity of the seeking. Slow knowing is presented as an existential orientation, a lifelong process akin to ongoing conversion. Part 1 distinguishes such slow knowing (...)
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    The “Life” of the Mind: Persons and Survival.John Harris - 2024 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 33 (4):570-595.
    A life of the mind can be lived only by creatures who know that they have minds. We call these creatures “persons,” and currently, all such persons THAT we know OF are “alive” in the biological sense. But are there, or could there be, either in the future or elsewhere in the universe, creatures with “a life of the mind” that are not “alive” in the sense that we humans usually understand this term today?
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    Locating Disability Within a Health Justice Framework.Jasmine E. Harris - 2022 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 50 (4):663-673.
    This Article explores the connections between disability and health justice in service of further tethering the two theories and practices. The author contends that disability should shift from marker of health inequity alone to critical demographic in the analytical and practical application of health justice. This theoretical move creates a more robust understanding of the harms of health injustice, its complexities, and, remedially, reveals underexplored legal and policy pathways to promote health justice.
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  5. Hume.James Harris - 2010 - In John Skorupski (ed.), The Routledge Companion to Ethics. New York: Routledge.
  6. (1 other version)The Value of Life.John Harris - 1985 - Mind 95 (380):533-535.
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    (1 other version)Moral landscape: how science can determine human values.Sam Harris - 2011 - New York: Free Press.
    Sam Harris dismantles the most common justification for religious faith--that a moral system cannot be based on science.
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  8. Data models and the acquisition and manipulation of data.Todd Harris - 2003 - Philosophy of Science 70 (5):1508-1517.
    This paper offers an account of data manipulation in scientific experiments. It will be shown that in many cases raw, unprocessed data is not produced, but rather a form of processed data that will be referred to as a data model. The language of data models will be used to provide a framework within which to understand a recent debate about the status of data and data manipulation. It will be seen that a description in terms of data models allows (...)
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  9. Germline Manipulation and Our Future Worlds.John Harris - 2015 - American Journal of Bioethics 15 (12):30-34.
    Two genetic technologies capable of making heritable changes to the human genome have revived interest in, and in some quarters a very familiar panic concerning, so-called germline interventions. These technologies are: most recently the use of CRISPR/Cas9 to edit genes in non-viable IVF zygotes and Mitochondrial Replacement Therapy the use of which was approved in principle in a landmark vote earlier this year by the United Kingdom Parliament. The possibility of using either of these techniques in humans has encountered the (...)
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    Thinking Clearly about Death.John Harris - 1985 - Philosophical Books 26 (3):188-190.
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    The Complexities of Contradiction.Wendell V. Harris - 1993 - Philosophy and Literature 17 (2):333-342.
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  12. QALYfying the value of life.J. Harris - 1987 - Journal of Medical Ethics 13 (3):117-123.
    This paper argues that the Quality Adjusted Life Year or QALY is fatally flawed as a way of priority setting in health care and of dealing with the problem of scarce resources. In addition to showing why this is so the paper sets out a view of the moral constraints that govern the allocation of health resources and suggests reasons for a new attitude to the health budget.
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  13. AI or Your Lying Eyes: Some Shortcomings of Artificially Intelligent Deepfake Detectors.Keith Raymond Harris - 2024 - Philosophy and Technology 37 (7):1-19.
    Deepfakes pose a multi-faceted threat to the acquisition of knowledge. It is widely hoped that technological solutions—in the form of artificially intelligent systems for detecting deepfakes—will help to address this threat. I argue that the prospects for purely technological solutions to the problem of deepfakes are dim. Especially given the evolving nature of the threat, technological solutions cannot be expected to prevent deception at the hands of deepfakes, or to preserve the authority of video footage. Moreover, the success of such (...)
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  14. Vexing expectations.Harris Nover & Alan Hájek - 2004 - Mind 113 (450):237-249.
    We introduce a St. Petersburg-like game, which we call the ‘Pasadena game’, in which we toss a coin until it lands heads for the first time. Your pay-offs grow without bound, and alternate in sign (rewards alternate with penalties). The expectation of the game is a conditionally convergent series. As such, its terms can be rearranged to yield any sum whatsoever, including positive infinity and negative infinity. Thus, we can apparently make the game seem as desirable or undesirable as we (...)
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    The language machine.Roy Harris - 1987 - Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press.
  16. Group minds as extended minds.Keith Raymond Harris - 2020 - Philosophical Explorations 23 (3):1-17.
    Despite clear overlap between the study of extended minds and the study of group minds, these research programs have largely been carried out independently. Moreover, whereas proponents of the extended mind thesis straightforwardly advocate the view that there are, literally, extended mental states, proponents of the group mind thesis tend to be more circumspect. Even those who advocate for some version of the thesis that groups are the subjects of mental states often concede that this thesis is true only in (...)
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    Ability, Knowledge, and Non-paradigmatic Testimony.Keith Raymond Harris - 2024 - Episteme 21 (3):983-1001.
    Critics of virtue reliabilism allege that the view cannot account for testimonial knowledge, as the acquisition of such knowledge is creditable to the testifier, not the recipient's cognitive abilities. I defend virtue reliabilism by attending to empirical work concerning human abilities to detect sincerity, certainty, and seriousness through bodily cues and properties of utterances. Then, I consider forms of testimony involving books, newspapers, and online social networks. I argue that, while discriminatory abilities directed at bodily cues and properties of utterances (...)
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    Using rock music in the philosophy classroom.JamesF Harris - 1978 - Metaphilosophy 9 (3-4):337-342.
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    □ Tribute anthony dyson □.John Harris - 1999 - Studies in Christian Ethics 12 (1):ix-x.
    Anthony Dyson was a key figure in the early years of the Society for the Study of Christian Ethics, and was influential in the establishing of this journal. He was a member of its Editorial Board from 1989 until his death in September 1998. We pay tribute to his scholarship and record our gratitude for his outstanding work as a moral theologian. His contribution to Studies in Christian Ethics will be greatly missed.
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    Moral Blindness – The Gift of the God Machine.John Harris - 2016 - Neuroethics 9 (3):269-273.
    The continuing debate between Persson and Savulescu and myself over moral enhancement concerns two dimensions of a very large question. The large question is: what exactly makes something a moral enhancement? This large question needs a book length study and this I provide in my How to be Good, Oxford 2016.. In their latest paper Moral Bioenhancement, Freedom and Reason take my book as their point of departure and the first dimension of the big question they address is one that (...)
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  21. It's not NICE to discriminate.J. Harris - 2005 - Journal of Medical Ethics 31 (7):373-375.
    NICE must not say people are not worth treatingThe National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence has proposed that drugs for the treatment of dementia be banned to National Health Service patients on the grounds that their cost is too high and “outside the range of cost effectiveness that might be considered appropriate for the NHS”i.1This is despite NICE’s admission that these drugs are effective in the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease and despite NICE having approved even more expensive treatments. The (...)
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  22. Organ procurement: dead interests, living needs.John Harris - 2003 - Journal of Medical Ethics 29 (3):130-134.
    Cadaver organs should be automatically availableThe shortage of donor organs and tissue for transplantation constitutes an acute emergency which demands radical rethinking of our policies and radical measures. While estimates vary and are difficult to arrive at there is no doubt that the donor organ shortage costs literally hundreds of thousands of lives every year. “In the world as a whole there are an estimated 700 000 patients on dialysis . . .. In India alone 100 000 new patients present (...)
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  23. Moral progress and moral enhancement.John Harris - 2012 - Bioethics 27 (5):285-290.
  24. Is Gene therapy a form of eugenics?John Harris - 1993 - Bioethics 7 (2-3):178-187.
  25. The political status of children.John Harris - 1982 - In Keith Graham (ed.), Contemporary political philosophy: radical studies. New York: Cambridge University Press.
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    The language-makers.Roy Harris - 1980 - Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press.
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    SSRIs as Moral Enhancement Interventions: A Practical Dead End.Harris Wiseman - 2014 - American Journal of Bioethics Neuroscience 5 (3):21-30.
    Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) have gained a degree of prominence across recent moral enhancement literature as a possible intervention for dealing with antisocial and aggressive impulses. This is due to serotonin's purported capacity to modulate persons’ averseness to harm. The aim of this article is to argue that the use of SSRIs is not something worth getting particularly excited about as a practicable intervention for moral enhancement purposes, and that the generally uncritical enthusiasm over serotonin's potential as a moral (...)
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    Contents.Harris Athanasiadis - 2001 - In George Grant and the Theology of the Cross: The Christian Foundations of His Thought. University of Toronto Press.
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    Introduction.Harris Athanasiadis - 2001 - In George Grant and the Theology of the Cross: The Christian Foundations of His Thought. University of Toronto Press. pp. 3-6.
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    Index.Harris Athanasiadis - 2001 - In George Grant and the Theology of the Cross: The Christian Foundations of His Thought. University of Toronto Press. pp. 275-282.
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    3. Philosophy in the Mass Age.Harris Athanasiadis - 2001 - In George Grant and the Theology of the Cross: The Christian Foundations of His Thought. University of Toronto Press. pp. 55-120.
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    Conceptualizing uncertainty: the IPCC, model robustness and the weight of evidence.Margherita Harris - 2021 - Dissertation, London School of Economics
    The aim of this thesis is to improve our understanding of how to assess and communicate uncertainty in areas of research deeply afflicted by it, the assessment and communication of which are made more fraught still by the studies’ immediate policy implications. The IPCC is my case study throughout the thesis, which consists of three parts. In Part 1, I offer a thorough diagnosis of conceptual problems faced by the IPCC uncertainty framework. The main problem I discuss is the persistent (...)
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    From the realm where parallel lines meet – Jim Walker: A reminiscence.Kevin Harris - 2022 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 54 (1):16-20.
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    Subjective Probability Increases Across Communication Chains: Introducing the Probability Escalation Effect.Adam J. L. Harris, Shi-Hui Kau & Alice Liefgreen - 2024 - Cognition 252 (C):105915.
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    Translation into Martian.Roy Harris - 1972 - Mind 81 (322):276.
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  36. "Goodbye Dolly?" The ethics of human cloning.J. Harris - 1997 - Journal of Medical Ethics 23 (6):353-360.
    The ethical implications of human clones have been much alluded to, but have seldom been examined with any rigour. This paper examines the possible uses and abuses of human cloning and draws out the principal ethical dimensions, both of what might be done and its meaning. The paper examines some of the major public and official responses to cloning by authorities such as President Clinton, the World Health Organisation, the European parliament, UNESCO, and others and reveals their inadequacies as foundations (...)
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  37. Is there a coherent social conception of disability?J. Harris - 2000 - Journal of Medical Ethics 26 (2):95-100.
    Is there such a thing as a social conception of disability? Recently two writers in this journal have suggested not only that there is a coherent social conception of disability but that all non-social conceptions, or “medical models” of disability are fatally flawed. One serious and worrying dimension of their claims is that once the social dimensions of disability have been resolved no seriously “disabling” features remain. This paper examines and rejects conceptions of disability based on social factors but notes (...)
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    Language, language games and ostensive definition.James Harris - 1986 - Synthese 69 (1):41 - 49.
  39. The Philosophy of Alain Locke: Harlem Renaissance and Beyond.Leonard Harris - 1990 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 26 (3):384-388.
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    James J. Gibson and the Psychology of PerceptionEdward S. Reed.Benjamin Harris - 1990 - Isis 81 (4):800-801.
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    Obscure Styles (Old English and Old Norse) and the Enigma of Gísla Saga.Joseph Harris - 1993 - Mediaevalia 19:75-99.
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    Religion, Morality, and the Euthyphro Dilemma.George W. Harris - 1984 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 15 (1/2):31 - 35.
  43. Recent publications.Gertrude Harris - 1958 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 19:561.
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    The Allure of Albert Schweitzer.Ruth Harris - 2014 - History of European Ideas 40 (6):804-825.
    SummaryIn the early 1950s, Albert Schweitzer was a heroic figure, arguably second only to Albert Einstein in renown. Today, many have scarcely heard of him and know nothing of his work as a medical missionary in Equatorial Africa, or of his receipt of the 1952 Nobel Peace Prize. Schweitzer's genius flourished when he felt he was able to operate between cultures. Convinced that he was uniquely able to mediate between opposites, whether it was between France and Germany, Jews and Christians, (...)
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    Comprehension and Production in Early Lexical Development: A Comment on Stemmer.Margaret Harris - 1989 - Mind and Language 4 (3):229-234.
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    Education and knowledge: the structured misrepresentation of reality.Kevin Harris - 1979 - Boston: Routledge and Kegan Paul.
    Good,No Highlights,No Markup,all pages are intact, Slight Shelfwear,may have the corners slightly dented, may have slight color changes/slightly damaged spine.
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  47. The University's Uncommon Community.Suzy Harris - 2012 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 46 (2):236-250.
    In the UK, as elsewhere in the world, the global financial crisis has focused attention on the cost of public services and the need to reduce expenditure, not least in respect of higher education. This, however, raises a set of prior questions: What kind of society do we want? What is important to democratic society? What kind of higher education is desirable? The article takes Alasdair MacIntyre's critique of what he calls liberal capitalist society as a starting point for considering (...)
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  48. IPM 11g Migration Best Practices.Les Harris - 2010 - Nexus 10:27.
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    Infants Understand How Testimony Works.Paul L. Harris & Jonathan D. Lane - 2014 - Topoi 33 (2):443-458.
    Children learn about the world from the testimony of other people, often coming to accept what they are told about a variety of unobservable and indeed counter-intuitive phenomena. However, research on children’s learning from testimony has paid limited attention to the foundations of that capacity. We ask whether those foundations can be observed in infancy. We review evidence from two areas of research: infants’ sensitivity to the emotional expressions of other people; and their capacity to understand the exchange of information (...)
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    Coherence and Its Critics.Errol E. Harris - 1975 - Idealistic Studies 5 (3):208-230.
    The Coherence Theory of Truth does not stand upon its own feet; it is the corollary of a metaphysic, without which it has no claim to credence and is without cogency. Likewise, no critique of the theory can have weight against it if it merely assumes an incompatible metaphysic which it does not validate and unless it can demonstrate the falsity of that on which the Coherence Theory rests. If metaphysics is simply a matter of taste and temperament discussion and (...)
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