Results for 'Efraín Alonso Marbán'

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  1. Factores del desarrollo sustentable.Efraín Alonso Marbán - 2005 - Episteme NS: Revista Del Instituto de Filosofía de la Universidad Central de Venezuela 2 (5).
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    Demonios con entendimiento. Política y moral en la filosofía práctica de Kant.Efraín Lazos - 2009 - Isegoría 41:115-135.
    El ensayo estudia dos fuentes de tensión en la idea kantiana de sociedad: por un lado, la tensión configurada por las conexiones y diferencias entre la moral y la política; y, por otro, las tensiones entre dos relatos o líneas argumentales que dominan los textos kantianos, los relatos trascendental y teleológico. La propuesta del ensayo es que tales tensiones pueden atenuarse con un sesgo particular, esto es, enfatizando el relato trascendental y la tesis de la primacía de la moral, frente (...)
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    Los riesgos de los deepfakes para la democracia y las perspectivas de regulación.Efraín Fandiño López - 2024 - Resistances. Journal of the Philosophy of History 5 (10):e240167.
    Este artículo realiza un análisis del impacto de los deepfakes en el marco de los procesos democráticos, enfocándose en cómo estas sofisticadas manipulaciones digitales pueden erosionar la confianza pública, interferir en elecciones y generar polarización. Se estudia la progresión de las ultrafalsificaciones desde su creación hasta alcanzar un alto grado de sofisticación, destacando cómo los avances en tecnología de inteligencia artificial han potenciado su realismo y complicado su detección. Se hará alusión a varios casos en Francia y Colombia, con el (...)
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    Heterogeneidad y dependencia sintética. Más sobre Kant y el (anti)conceptualismo.Efraín Lazos - 2018 - Praxis Filosófica 47:47-69.
    Este ensayo discute los vínculos entre dos tesis provenientes de la Doctrina trascendental de los elementos, en la Crítica de la razon pura, de Immanuel Kant. La primera es que las intuiciones y los conceptos son representaciones de naturaleza distinta, y se conoce como la tesis de la heterogeneidad. La segunda, llamada tesis de la dependencia sintética, es que las intuiciones dependen de la actividad sintética del entendimiento. La propuesta principal del ensayo es que ambas tesis solo son conciliables si (...)
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    Leibniz and Reductionism of Spatial Relations.Efrain Lazos - 2016 - Praxis Filosófica 43:185-200.
    Este trabajo discute la teoría del espacio de Leibniz en el contexto de suconcepción metafísica según la cual las propiedades extrínsecas de unasubstancia se fundamentan, en últimas, en sus propiedades intrínsecas. Enparticular, el artículo sostiene que la teoría leibnizeana de las relacionesespaciales se compagina difícilmente con su principio de identidad, segúnel cual no hay diferencia cuantitativa que no sea a las vez una diferenciacualitativa. La propuesta es que la teoría de Leibniz cae presa del siguientedilema: o bien el espacio no (...)
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    Heterogeneidad y aplicación en el Esquematismo trascendental de Kant.Efraín Lazos - 2023 - Tópicos: Revista de Filosofía 67:117-153.
    Este trabajo discute el concepto de “heterogeneidad” y el problema de la aplicación en el “Esquematismo de los conceptos puros”, el primer capítulo de la Analítica de los principios en la Crítica de la razón pura de Kant. Propone, primero, una distinción entre la tesis de la heterogeneidad como independencia metafísica entre conceptos e intuiciones, por un lado, y la heterogeneidad como falta de homogeneidad en los componentes del juicio, por otro. El trabajo afirma que esta última, y no la (...)
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  7. Servant Leadership: Jesus and Paul.Efrain Agosto - 2005
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    La evolución conceptual del término currículo en México: la opinión de tres especialistas.Efraín Martínez Ambrosio - 2020 - Voces de la Educación 5 (9):118-128.
    La presente investigación tiene como objetivo conocer y describir la opinión de tres investigadores destacados del campo del currículo, con respecto a la evolución conceptual del término currículo. El enfoque metodológico fue cualitativo, se entrevistó a autoridades del campo curricular mexicano. Los resultados muestran diferentes puntos de vista que se complementan y ofrecen una visión integral.
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    Searching for an ill-defined brain function results in an uneasy reconciliation.Efrain C. Azmitia & Particia M. Whitaker-Azmitia - 1986 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 9 (2):335-336.
  10.  48
    Mejoramiento de la c alidad de servicios mediante el modelo de las discrepancias entre las expectativas de los clientes y las percepciones de la empresa (Improvement of service quality through the discrepancy model between the expectations of the customers and the perceptions of the company).Efraín Garza, M. H. Badii & J. L. Abreu - 2008 - Daena 3 (1):1-64.
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    Desaparición del buddha Gautama como el bodhisattva en las fábulas jātaka del Uji Shūi Monogatari.Efraín Villamor Herrero - 2024 - 'Ilu. Revista de Ciencias de Las Religiones 29:e81452.
    Las fábulas budistas jātaka componen una de las tradiciones literarias más prolíficas e influyentes de la historia de la humanidad. Introducidas desde la transmisión oral de la antigua India, su composición se caracteriza por el afán de unificar a sus protagonistas como el bodhisattva, concepto mediante el que se atribuyeron las vidas pasadas del buddha Gautama. Estas historias cumplieron un papel significativo en la transmisión del budismo por todo el continente asiático. Desde muy temprano, versiones traducidas en textos clásicos chinos (...)
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  12. Formacion de pensamiento crítico desde la filosofía.Efrain Santis Iriarte - 2013 - Revista Aletheia 5 (2/1).
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  13. Morris's philosophical gaze.Efrain Kristal - 2023 - In Herbert Morris & George P. Fletcher, Herbert Morris: UCLA Professor of Law and Philosophy: in commemoration. [Jerusalem, Israel]: Mazo Publishers.
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  14. The circulation of resentment in "The Merchant of Venice" : a commentary Inspired by Peter Sloterdijk.Efrain Kristal - 2018 - In Sjoerd van Tuinen, The polemics of ressentiment: variations on Nietzsche. London: Bloomsbury Academic.
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    Construcción, esquematismo e imaginación, de J. Michael Young.Efraín Lazos - 2021 - Con-Textos Kantianos 14:222-236.
    Construcción, esquematismo e imaginación, de J. Michael Young.
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    Hospitality, Coercion and Peace in Kant.Efraín Lazos - 2018 - In Johannes Rohbeck, Daniel Brauer & Concha Roldán, Philosophy of Globalization. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 327-344.
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    Sobre los tratados de Kästner.Efraín Lazos - 2021 - Con-Textos Kantianos 14:35-43.
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    La melancolía de la razón pura.Efraín Lazos Ochoa - 2021 - Con-Textos Kantianos 1 (13):114-122.
    El texto es una reflexión dividida en 28 secciones que, a través de diversas resonancias y evocaciones entrelazadas que parten del texto “Duelo y Melancolía” de Sigmund Freud, propone concebir la razón pura como la sede de una melancolía auto-infligida, de un “yo pienso” estructuralmente “pobre y vacío”, haciendo por el camino escala en las ramificaciones y el potencial de la melancolía frente al duelo.
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    Ideario pedagógico venezolano.Efraín Subero - 1967 - Caracas,: Ministerio de Educación, Dirección Técnica, Departamento de Publicaciones.
  20.  51
    Perceptions of Economic Inequality in Colombian Daily Life: More Than Unequal Distribution of Economic Resources.Efraín García-Sánchez, Guillermo B. Willis, Rosa Rodríguez-Bailón, Juan Diego García-Castro, Jorge Palacio-Sañudo, Jean Polo & Erico Rentería-Pérez - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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  21. Homenaje a Muñoz Alonso.Adolfo Muñoz Alonso & Angel González Alvarez - 1975 - [Universidad Complutense de Madrid],].
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    Fray Alonso de la Vera Cruz: antología sobre el hombre y la libertad.Alonso de la Vera Cruz - 2002 - México, D.F.: Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. Edited by Mauricio Beuchot.
  23.  19
    Elementos históricos y jurídicos de nuestro sistema concordatario.Efraín Alzate Salazar - 2007 - Ratio Juris 2 (4):107-131.
    Hablar de las relaciones del Estado colombiano con la sede Apostólica de Roma, constituye una seria tarea, que requiere se convierta en una reflexión equilibrada un tanto lejos de dogmatismo y apreciaciones ligeras que en muchos casos acompañan la investigación histórica. Para acercarnos a esta tarea, es necesario remitirnos a los senderos de historia Republicana, la cual se puede decir no es tan larga que digamos. Hay que tener en cuenta que al producirse la Independencia, no sólo heredamos la fe (...)
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    La contrahistoria del Bicentenario.Efraín Alzate Salazar - 2010 - Ratio Juris 5 (10):107-117.
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    De la pandemia y confinamiento a nuevos aprendizajes.Efraín Álzate Salazar - 2020 - Ratio Juris 15 (30).
    El extrañamiento de la universidad como centro de conocimiento ahora se encuentra vacío por culpa del confinamiento, lo que me ha llevado ha llevado a asumir algunos retos de vida. Pero ante todo lo digo con franqueza: “este encierro me ha enseñado a descubrirme en el tipo de personas que soy”. Prometo que seré mejor ser humano en cada faceta de lo que queda de mi precaria vida, si una vez superada esta pandemia no quede en el inventario de los (...)
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  26. Significación de la política.Brito Rosado & Efrain[From Old Catalog] - 1936 - [México]: Ediciones de la Universidad nacional autónoma de México.
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  27. Perceived Emotional Intelligence and Learning Strategies in Spanish University Students: A New Perspective from a Canonical Non-symmetrical Correspondence Analysis.María C. Vega-Hernández, María C. Patino-Alonso, Rosario Cabello, María P. Galindo-Villardón & Pablo Fernández-Berrocal - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    Reseñas_Bes Alonso, Valdés López, Marzán Trujillo, Ruiz Serrano, Chaves González, Moreno Ferrer, Toro Murillo, Solana Dueso, Pajares Calvo.Jaime Bes Alonso - 2023 - Endoxa 52.
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    Basque Ethnic Identity and Collective Empowerment: Two Key Factors in Well-Being and Community Participation.Jon Zabala, Susana Conejero, Aitziber Pascual, Itziar Alonso-Arbiol, Alberto Amutio, Barbara Torres-Gomez, Sonia Padoan De Luca & Saioa Telletxea - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:606316.
    Social identity is a factor that is associated with well-being and community participation. Some studies have shown that ethnic identity goes along with empowerment, and that interaction between the two leads to greater indices of well-being and community participation. However, other works suggest a contextual circumstance (i.e., perceiving one’s own group as a minority and/or being discriminated) may condition the nature of these relations. By means of a cross-sectional study, we analyzed the relations of social identification (or identity fusion) and (...)
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    O Dever Moral e o Valor Das Ações Humanas Segundo Kant.Renata Cristina Lopes Andrade & Alonso Bezerra de Carvalho - 2012 - Kínesis - Revista de Estudos Dos Pós-Graduandos Em Filosofia 4 (7):235-244.
    Pretendemos, no presente artigo, abordar o conceito de dever (Sollen) no interior da filosofia moral de Kant. Por considerarmos a noção do dever moral enquanto um dos conceitos centrais no (e ao) pensamento prático kantiano e com o intuito de tentar oferecer uma elucidação da busca (e desenvolvimento) de Kant pelo princípio supremo da moral – os fundamentos da ação detentora de valor moral, buscaremos expor: i) o que caracteriza uma ação por dever no pensamento moral kantiano e, ii) porque (...)
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    MDL+ a manufacturing description language to describe and control assembling tasks in industry 4.0.Mauricio-Andres Zamora-Hernandez, Jose Andrez Chaves Ceciliano, Alonso Villalobos Granados, John Alejandro Castro Vargas, Jose Garcia-Rodriguez & Jorge Azorin-Lopez - 2023 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 31 (4):664-687.
    The assembly of products or components by operators in industries is a complex task with recurring problems. In these processes, operators often make errors that can lead to defective products. Therefore, they need to be inspected later to verify their correct assembly. The main problems are caused by several reasons including high employee turnover, lack of experience in manufacturing specific products or confusion in interpreting instructions to assemble similar components. In this paper, a novel structured language aimed to describe the (...)
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    Postural Stability and Cognitive Performance of Subjects With Parkinson’s Disease During a Dual-Task in an Upright Stance.Luis Morenilla, Gonzalo Márquez, José Andrés Sánchez, Olalla Bello, Virginia López-Alonso, Helena Fernández-Lago & Miguel Ángel Fernández-del-Olmo - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Organizational dynamic embeddedness and external shocks: The impact of financial and recession crises in strategic networks of the global pharmaceutical industry.Elio Shijaku, Martin Larraza-Kintana & Ainhoa Urtasun-Alonso - 2016 - Complexity 21 (S1):602-621.
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    Predicting Thalasso Tourist Delight: A Hybrid SEM—Artificial Intelligence Analysis.Agustín J. Sánchez-Medina, Ylenia I. Naranjo-Barrera, Jesús B. Alonso & Julio Francisco Rufo Torres - 2018 - Complexity 2018:1-14.
    This study focuses on the influence of the quality of services received by thalassotherapy customers on their global satisfaction and the relationship between this and the word of mouth. This study uses a hybrid SEM—classification tree analysis. The empirical findings reveal a significant relationship between the quality of each offered service and global satisfaction. This study contributes to identify tourist’s satisfaction or delight on received thalasso services through a proposed methodology. The main contribution of this work consists of the proposal (...)
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    Is safety in the eye of the beholder? Discrepancies between self-reported and proxied data on road safety behaviors—A systematic review.Sergio A. Useche, Mireia Faus & Francisco Alonso - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Recent studies have problematized on the lack of agreement between self-reported and proxied data in the field of road safety-related behaviors. Overall, and although these studies are still scarce, most of them suggest that the way we perceive our own road behavior is systematically different from the perspective from which we perceive others' behavior, and vice versa. The aim of this review paper was to target the number and type of studies that have researched the behavioral perceptions of different groups (...)
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  36. Counterfactuals, correlatives, and disjunction.Luis Alonso-Ovalle - 2009 - Linguistics and Philosophy 32 (2):207-244.
    The natural interpretation of counterfactuals with disjunctive antecedents involves selecting from each of the disjuncts the worlds that come closest to the world of evaluation. It has been long noticed that capturing this interpretation poses a problem for a minimal change semantics for counterfactuals, because selecting the closest worlds from each disjunct requires accessing the denotation of the disjuncts from the denotation of the disjunctive antecedent, which the standard boolean analysis of or does not allow (Creary and Hill, Philosophy of (...)
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  37. Shared intention, reliance, and interpersonal obligations.Facundo M. Alonso - 2009 - Ethics 119 (3):444-475.
    Shared agency is of central importance in our lives in many ways. We enjoy engaging in certain joint activities with others. We also engage in joint activities to achieve complex goals. Current approaches propose that we understand shared agency in terms of the more basic phenomenon of shared intention. However, they have presented two antagonistic views about the nature of this phenomenon. Some have argued that shared intention should be understood as being primarily a structure of attitudes of individual participants (...)
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  38. Reasons for Reliance.Facundo M. Alonso - 2016 - Ethics 126 (2):311-338.
    Philosophers have in general offered only a partial view of the normative grounds of reliance. Some maintain that either one of evidence or of pragmatic considerations has a normative bearing on reliance, but are silent about whether the other kind of consideration has such a bearing on it as well. Others assert that both kinds of considerations have a normative bearing on reliance, but sidestep the question of what their relative normative bearing is. My aim in this article is to (...)
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  39. What is reliance?Facundo M. Alonso - 2014 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 44 (2):163-183.
    In this article I attempt to provide a conceptual framework for thinking about reliance in a systematic way. I argue that reliance is a cognitive attitude that has a tighter connection to the guidance of our thought and action than ordinary belief does. My main thesis is that reliance has a ‘constitutive aim’: namely, it aims at guiding our thought and action in a way that is sensible from the standpoint of practical or theoretical ends. This helps explain why reliance (...)
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    Situated Action: Reply to William Clancey.Alonso H. Vera & Herbert A. Simon - 1993 - Cognitive Science 17 (1):117-133.
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    Innocent exclusion in an Alternative Semantics.Luis Alonso-Ovalle - 2008 - Natural Language Semantics 16 (2):115-128.
    The exclusive component of unembedded disjunctions is standardly derived as a conversational implicature by assuming that or forms a lexical scale with and. It is well known, however, that this assumption does not suffice to determine the required scalar competitors of disjunctions with more than two atomic disjuncts (McCawley, Everything that linguists have always wanted to know about logic* (But were ashamed to ask). Chicago University Press, Chicago, 1993, p. 324; Simons, “Or”: Issues in the semantics and pragmatics of disjunction. (...)
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  42. Tolerance and religious pluralism in Bayle.Marta García-Alonso - 2019 - History of European Ideas 45 (6):803-816.
    For the philosopher of Rotterdam, religious coercion has two essential sources of illegitimacy: the linking of religious and ecclesiastical belief and the use of politics for religious purposes. Bayle responds to it, with his doctrine of freedom of conscience, on one hand and by means of the essential distinction between voluntary religious affiliation and political obligation, on the other hand. From my perspective, his doctrine of tolerance does not involve an atheist state, nor does it mean the rejection of the (...)
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  43. A Dual Aspect Theory of Shared Intention.Facundo M. Alonso - 2016 - Journal of Social Ontology 2 (2):271–302.
    In this article I propose an original view of the nature of shared intention. In contrast to psychological views (Bratman, Searle, Tuomela) and normative views (Gilbert), I argue that both functional roles played by attitudes of individual participants and interpersonal obligations are factors of central and independent significance for explaining what shared intention is. It is widely agreed that shared intention (I) normally motivates participants to act, and (II) normally creates obligations between them. I argue that the view I propose (...)
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  44. Intending, Settling, and Relying.Facundo M. Alonso - 2017 - In David Shoemaker, Oxford Studies in Agency and Responsibility Volume 4. Oxford University Press. pp. 50-74.
    Philosophers of action of different persuasions have suggested that there is a tight connection between the phenomenon of intending and the phenomena of “being settled on” and of “settling” a course of action. For many, this connection supports an important constraint on intention: one may only intend what one takes one’s so intending as settling. Traditionally, this has been understood as a doxastic constraint on intention: what one takes one’s intention as settling is what one believes one’s so intending as (...)
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  45. Modal indefinites.Luis Alonso-Ovalle & Paula Menéndez-Benito - 2010 - Natural Language Semantics 18 (1):1-31.
    Across languages, we find indefinites that trigger modal inferences. This article contributes to a semantic typology of these items by contrasting Spanish algún with indefinites like German irgendein or Italian uno qualsiasi. While irgendein-type indefinites trigger a Free Choice effect (Kratzer and Shimoyama 2002; Chierchia 2006), algún simply signals that at least two individuals in its domain are possibilities. Additionally, algún, but not irgendein, can convey that the speaker does not know how many individuals satisfy the existential claim in the (...)
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  46. Homenaje a Muñoz Alonso.Adolfo Muñoz Alonso & Angel González Alvarez (eds.) - 1975 - [Madrid: Universidad Complutense de Madrid].
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  47. A Hybrid View of Commitment.Facundo M. Alonso - forthcoming - In David W. Shoemaker, Oxford Studies in Agency and Responsibility, Volume 9. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    We often appeal to the notion of an agent’s commitment to action to characterize, e.g., an agent’s faithfulness to a promise she has given to another, her robust disposition to pursue a goal she values or cares about, and her determination to stick to that goal. In the philosophy of action, that notion is often associated with the idea of an agent’s intention to act. In ethics, it is associated primarily with the idea of an agent’s commitment to, or endorsement (...)
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    Corporate social responsibility perception in business students as future managers: a multifactorial analysis.María del Mar Alonso-Almeida, Fernando Casani Fernández de Navarrete & Jesus Rodriguez-Pomeda - 2014 - Business Ethics: A European Review 24 (1):1-17.
    This paper examines undergraduate business students' perception of corporate social responsibility in cases in which they have not attended any specific course either dealing with CSR or providing training in ethics. A survey was conducted of 535 Spanish business students as future managers. The results show that the stakeholders' perspective deserves a huge attention for those students considering what the keys of business success are. Significant differences in perception were nevertheless identified when a multifactorial analysis was undertaken. Female students are (...)
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    He Jiankui´s gene‐editing experiment and the non‐identity problem.Marcos Alonso & Julian Savulescu - 2021 - Bioethics 35 (6):563-573.
    Genetic engineering has been a topic of discussion for over 50 years, but it is only recently that gene editing has become a reality. CRISPR biotechnologies have made gene editing much safer, precise and feasible. We have witnessed the first cases of human germline genetic modification resulting in live births, conducted by He Jiankui. In this paper, we will analyse He Jiankui’s case in relation to one of the most difficult problems in procreative ethics (or the ethics of future generations): (...)
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  50. Bayle’s political doctrine: a proposal to articulate tolerance and sovereignty.Marta García-Alonso - 2017 - History of European Ideas 43 (4):331-344.
    For most interpreters of the philosopher from Rotterdam, his political doctrine is solely a consequence of his religious and moral doctrines, and so an image of Bayle as a political philosopher is not usually presented. To my mind, however, only by analyzing his political doctrine can the extent of his religious proposal be understood. In this article, I intend to show that both the Baylean criticism of popular sovereignty and his rejection of the right of resistance are analyses that are (...)
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