Results for 'Elementary school teaching '

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  1.  30
    Gender dynamics in elementary school teaching: The advantages of men.Lígia Amâncio & Maria Helena Santos - 2019 - European Journal of Women's Studies 26 (2):195-210.
    This article presents a study that identifies the gender dynamics prevailing in a specific context of tokenism – elementary school teaching – in which the members of an otherwise socially dominant group are proportionally scarce – men. The results contradict Kanter’s theory by showing that male elementary school teachers do not experience the tokenism dynamics. In line with Williams’ gender perspective and Amâncio’s gender symbolic asymmetry, the article finds that although men constitute a small minority (...)
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  2. Urban elementary school teachers' knowledge and practices in teaching science to English language learners.Okhee Lee, Scott Lewis, Karen Adamson, Jaime Maerten‐Rivera & Walter G. Secada - 2008 - Science Education 92 (4):733-758.
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    Probing in-service elementary school teachers’ perceptions of TPACK for games, attitudes towards games, and actual teaching usage: a study of their structural models and teaching experiences.Chung-Yuan Hsu, Jyh-Chong Liang, Tsung-Yen Chuang, Ching Sing Chai & Chin-Chung Tsai - forthcoming - Tandf: Educational Studies:1-17.
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  4. Teaching Philosophy in the Elementary School: A Curriculum Approach.Edward D'angelo - 1977 - Journal of Pre-College Philosophy 2 (4):41-45.
  5.  17
    (1 other version)Usporedba spoznajnog i emocionalnog aspekta slušanja glazbe u glazbeno-pedagoškom kontekstu osnovne školeA comparison between the cognitive and emotional aspects of music listening in the context of elementary school music teaching.Sabina Vidulin, Marlena Plavšić & Valnea Žauhar - 2020 - Metodicki Ogledi 26 (2):9-32.
    Cilj je slušanja glazbe u školi oblikovati kulturno-umjetnički svjetonazor učenica i učenika te doprinijeti njihovom estetskom odgoju. U hrvatskim osnovnim školama realizira se prema tzv. standardnom modelu kojemu je težište na spoznajnoj dimenziji. Kako bi se povećali pozornost, motivacija, slušalačke navike i prihvaćanje umjetničke glazbe, predlaže se spoznajno-emocionalni pristup koji višemodalno povezuje glazbene i izvanglazbene sadržaje. Cilj istraživanja bio je usporediti utjecaje spoznajno-emocionalnog i standardnog pristupa u nastavi glazbene kulture na spoznajni i emocionalni aspekt slušanja glazbe. Sudjelovalo je 557 učenika (...)
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  6. Teachers and challenges of teaching in elementary schools of the Italian national minority in Rijeka.Marinko Lazzarich - 2024 - Metodicki Ogledi 30 (2):159-183.
    The educational system in multi‑ethnic environments plays an important role in the socialization and preservation of the cultural and linguistic identity of minorities. Due to socio‑historical events, the Italian component represents a significant identity segment of the city of Rijeka. There are four elementary schools of the Italian national minority operating in Rijeka. In this paper, we examine the attitudes of teachers working in these schools, the challenges they face in their teaching practice, and the level of satisfaction (...)
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    Exploration of teachers’ personal practical knowledge for teaching controversial public issues in elementary school classrooms.Yu-Han Hung - 2020 - Journal of Social Studies Research 44 (3):281-289.
    This study explores teachers’ personal practical knowledge and curricular-instructional gatekeeping as they relate to the teaching of controversial issues in public elementary school settings, particularly the issue of immigration. The study took place in the urban setting of Houston and, using a case study design, documented how three elementary school teachers made curricular-instructional decisions by making use of their personal practical knowledge. Findings illuminate that personal practical knowledge plays a role in teacher's curricular-instructional gate keeping (...)
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    Metaphors of Elementary School Students Related to The Lesson and Teachers of Religious Culture and Moral Knowledge.Halil TAŞ - 2019 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 23 (1):29-51.
    This study seeks to investigate the perceptions of elementary school 4th grade students related to the lesson and teachers of religious culture and moral knowledge via metaphors. In this study, the phenomenological design, one of the qualitative research designs, was used. Data was analysed through content analysis, and the study group was comprised of 234 elementary school 4th grade students. The sampling of the study was determined through criterion sampling, which is one of the purposeful samplings. (...)
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    A multilingual and multimodal approach to literacy teaching and learning in urban education: a collaborative inquiry project in an inner city elementary school.Burcu Yaman Ntelioglou, Jennifer Fannin, Mike Montanera & Jim Cummins - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5.
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    An experimental application of a philosophy of science teaching in an elementary school.George Webster Haupt - 1935 - [New York,: AMS Press.
  11.  45
    Preparing Elementary School Teachers for Social Studies Instruction in the Context of Edtpa.Sohyun An - 2017 - Journal of Social Studies Research 41 (1):25-35.
    In a context of high-stakes accountability in teacher education, concerns are emerging about challenges to the already tenuous position of elementary social studies teacher education. In this case study, the author administered a survey to elementary social studies teacher educators in Georgia and conducted follow-up interviews focusing on the impact of edTPA on elementary social studies teacher education and the ways in which they are navigating the new context of teaching elementary social studies methods. The (...)
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  12. Teaching the Philosophy of Art in Elementary School.Thomas E. Wartenberg - 1981 - In Jonas F. Soltis & Kenneth J. Rehage (eds.), Philosophy and education. Chicago, Ill.: University of Chicago Press. pp. 151-58.
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  13. Learning and teaching science as inquiry: A case study of elementary school teachers' investigations of light.Emily H. van Zee, David Hammer, Mary Bell, Patricia Roy & Jennifer Peter - 2005 - Science Education 89 (6):1007-1042.
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  14. Teacher collaboration across and within schools: Supporting individual change in elementary science teaching.Carol Briscoe & Joseph Peters - 1997 - Science Education 81 (1):51-65.
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    A Study on the Development of Teaching-Learning Materials of Moral Education for Elementary School.Shin Hyun woo - 2016 - Journal of Ethics: The Korean Association of Ethics 1 (111):285-304.
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    A study on virtues and its teaching methods by applying the Oriental classics in elementary school moral education. 박문갑, 지준호 & 최완근 - 2008 - THE JOURNAL OF KOREAN PHILOSOPHICAL HISTORY 24 (24):103-143.
    도덕교육은 필요한 덕들이 조화롭게 형성되어 있는 ‘유덕한 인격인’을 목표로 하고 있으며, 이는 전통적인 유학에서 ‘성인’을 목표로 공부를 하는 것과 부합하고 있다. 이러한 성인이 되기 위한 옛 선인들의 공부는 곧 도덕교육이다. 옛 선인들이 어떤 책을 가지고 어떤 방법으로 공부를 했으며, 어떤 결과를 낳았는지를 찾아보는 노력은 곧 우리가 현재 이루고자 하는 도덕교육의 실마리를 제공할 뿐만 아니라 도덕교육의 궁극적 지향점을 다시 한 번 확인하는 뜻 깊은 일이 될 것이라고 믿는다. 본 연구는 이러한 측면에서, 유학(儒學)을 중심으로 우리의 사상과 전통문화와 관련된 고전을 운용하여 초등 도덕과 (...)
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  17.  49
    Assessing an Elementary School Philosophy Program.Thomas Wartenberg - 2014 - Thinking: The Journal of Philosophy for Children 20 (3-4):90-94.
    This paper describes a research project assessing the effect on second grade students’ understanding of argumentation that a twelve-week program of weekly philosophy lessons had. The philosophy lessons were taught using popular picture books in the manner employed in my Teaching Children Philosophy program. Compared to a control group of second graders who did not study philosophy, it was demonstrated that the 45-minute weekly philosophy classes led to a significant and sustainable increase in students’ understanding of argumentation.
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    Teachers Between Job Satisfaction and Burnout Syndrome: What Makes Difference in Czech Elementary Schools.Irena Smetackova, Ida Viktorova, Veronika Pavlas Martanova, Anna Pachova, Veronika Francova & Stanislav Stech - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
    As has been shown by several studies, teaching is a highly stressful occupation (Johnson et al., 2005), and most teachers experience work stress. Long-term stress decreases job satisfaction and can result in chronic exhaustion which can develop into burnout syndrome. Implications of burnout syndrome are strongly negative both for the personal and professional life of teachers. As burnout syndrome puts teachers’ well-being, quality of the teaching process and relationships with students at risk, it is important to seek ways (...)
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  19. Effects of the A+ intervention on elementary-school teachers’ social and emotional competence and occupational health.Sofia Oliveira, Magda Sofia Roberto, Ana Margarida Veiga-Simão & Alexandra Marques-Pinto - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Teaching is, to date, one of the most prone jobs to experiencing occupational stress and burnout. Owing to burnout’s negative personal, social, organizational and economic impacts, researchers, practitioners and education policy leaders are interested in developing practices and interventions aimed at preventing/reducing its prevalence. With teachers’ main professional demands to be of a social and emotional nature, interventions designed with a view to promote teachers’ social and emotional competence appears to be particularly promising, positively impacting teachers’ well-being and personal (...)
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  20.  49
    More social studies?: Examining instructional policies of time and testing in elementary school.Tina L. Heafner - 2018 - Journal of Social Studies Research 42 (3):229-237.
    Adding instructional time and holding teachers accountable for teaching social studies are touted as practical, logical steps toward reforming the age-old tradition of marginalization. This qualitative case study of an urban elementary school, examines how nine teachers and one administrator enacted district reforms that added 45 min to the instructional day and implemented a series of formative and summative assessments. Through classroom observations, interviews, time journals, and official school documents, this article describes underlying perceptions and priorities (...)
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  21.  13
    Essay Teaching Method of the Moral Education in the Elementary School Based on Philosophy and Discussion : focusing on the concept analysis method. 장승희 - 2009 - Journal of Ethics: The Korean Association of Ethics 1 (72):247-272.
    본 논문은 초등학교 도덕교육에서의 논술교육의 방향과 내용, 방법을 구체화하기 위한 것이다. 최근 대입전형에서 논술이 약화되긴 하였지만 논술의 본질적 가치는 여전히 유효하다. 논술은 단순한 글쓰기를 넘어 한 인간의 가치관과 세계관을 드러내는 고도의 지적 기술로, 짧은 시간에 형성되기 어려운 능력이다. 따라서 논술교육은 중․고등학교보다 초등학교에서 독서와 토론을 중심으로 철학적 사고력을 기르는 데 초점이 두어져야 한다. 나아가 글쓰기를 넘어 철학적․반성적․비판적 사고력을 기른다는 점에서 초등학교 논술교육은 도덕과가 중심 역할을 해야 한다. 이 글은 초등학교 도덕교육에서의 논술교육의 토대를 제시하기 위하여 다음 세 가지에 초점을 두고 논의를 전개하였다. (...)
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  22.  12
    The Effectiveness of Experiential Learning Strategy in Achieving Science Subject Competence Among Fifth Grade Elementary School Students.Hazem Abdul Khalil Ibrahim & Faisal Abdul Munshed Hindi - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:250-261.
    This study investigates the effectiveness of experiential learning strategies in enhancing science subject competence among fifth-grade elementary students in Anbar Governorate, where traditional teaching methods dominate. Prior research indicates a lack of engagement and critical thinking among students, emphasizing the need for pedagogical approaches that promote active learning and real-world experiences. Employing a descriptive and experimental design, this research included two groups: an experimental group receiving instruction through experiential learning and a control group taught via traditional methods. The (...)
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  23.  25
    Teachers’ experiences with immigrant children in Czech elementary schools.Alicja Leix & Klára Záleská - 2017 - Human Affairs 27 (1):30-47.
    The paper deals with Czech teachers’ experiences of teaching immigrant children in Czech schools at the primary and lower secondary level. Upon introducing the theoretical context the paper presents the results of empirical research based on semi-structured interviews with teachers. The survey demonstrates teachers’ attitudes to the current state of integration of immigrant children and the extent to which they are prepared for teaching this group of children. Teachers have a wide variety of opinion on different measures for (...)
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    An Exploratory Study of Human Rights Knowledge: a Sample of Kindergarten and Elementary School Pre-service Teachers in Spain. [REVIEW]Claudia Messina & Liliana Jacott - 2013 - Human Rights Review 14 (3):213-230.
    This study aims to explore the level of information and knowledge 150 Spanish kindergarten and elementary school teachers in pre-service training have about human rights. We compared two groups of students: students with no specific training and students with specific training (the students with specific training study with the new training teaching programme that includes a compulsory subject related to citizenship education). The contents are organized around three thematic areas. Human rights are included in the first area (...)
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    Computer Teachers’ Attitudes toward Ethical Use of Computers in Elementary Schools.Niyazi Özer, Celal Teyyar Ugurlu & Kadir Beycioglu - 2011 - International Journal of Cyber Ethics in Education 1 (2):15-24.
    This descriptive study explores the elementary school computer teachers’ attitudes and awareness regarding ethical computer use in classrooms and the differences in teachers’ attitudes and awareness in terms of demographic variables including gender, teaching experiences, pre-service/in-service education about ethical computer use. In order to measure computer teachers’ attitudes, awareness, and teaching practices regarding computer ethics, an adopted version of Cyberethics Questionnaire (CEQ), originally developed by Yamano (2004), was used in this study. The CEQ was administered to (...)
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  26.  12
    Preservice Elementary Teachers and Future Civic Teaching.Elizabeth S. White - 2024 - Journal of Social Studies Research 48 (4):261-273.
    In order to strengthen civic education in elementary schools, research is needed to understand preservice teachers’ ideas about civic teaching. The current study examined the degree to which elementary preservice teachers’ civic competencies (i.e., civic awareness, dispositions, and interpersonal skills) and the grades they plan to teach are associated with expected future civic teaching. Survey data were collected from 235 undergraduate students majoring in early childhood or elementary education. Results from hierarchical multiple regression showed that (...)
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    Factors of teacher beliefs related to integrating agriculture into elementary school classrooms.Neil A. Knobloch - 2008 - Agriculture and Human Values 25 (4):529-539.
    Elementary students need authentic learning experiences with community-based topics to motivate them, help develop inquiry skills, apply academic content, and connect their learning beyond the context of the classroom. In particular, the study of food, agriculture, and natural resources in elementary classrooms can bring learning to life. Elementary teachers’ decisions to teach non-required topics are informed by their personal beliefs and contextual pressures to teach required content that is aligned with state learning standards. The purpose of this (...)
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    The Developmental Dynamics of a Community of Philosophical Inquiry in an Elementary School Mathematics Classroom.Marie-France Daniel, Louise Lafortune, Richard Pallascio & Michael Schleifer - 2000 - Thinking: The Journal of Philosophy for Children 15 (1):2-9.
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  29. Teaching science in a poor urban school in Pakistan: Tensions in the life history of a female elementary teacher.Bhaskar Upadhyay, Angela Calabrese Barton & Rubina Zahur - 2005 - Science Education 89 (5):725-743.
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    Teaching Elementary Social Studies during Snack Time and other Unstructured Spaces.Annie McMahon Whitlock & Kristy A. Brugar - 2019 - Journal of Social Studies Research 43 (3):229-239.
    It is common practice for social studies in the elementary school day to be integrated into other subject areas, especially language arts. Also common in an elementary school day are unstructured spaces such as snack time or recess. In this paper, we present findings from a larger study on social studies integration within various subject areas to explore how two teachers (first and fifth grade) integrated social studies into unstructured spaces. These teachers integrated social studies concepts (...)
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    Intervention Research in a Public Elementary School: A Critical-Collaborative Teacher Education Project on Reading and Writing.Maria Cecília Camargo Magalhães - 2016 - Outlines. Critical Practice Studies 17 (1):39-61.
    This Teacher Education Project is an intervention research aimed at creating new school roles for educating students as readers and writers as well as citizens. The methodological framework was based on Vygotsky’s discussions of method as praxis, as well as on both the Marxist practical–materialistic–revolutionary activity and Engeström’s extensions of Cultural Historical Activity Theory. The work at school was motivated by students’ limited awareness of reading and writing. The goal was to involve the school as a community (...)
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  32.  47
    Considering Perspectives on Transgender Inclusion in Canadian Catholic Elementary Schools: Perspectives, Challenges, and Opportunities.Cory Wright-Maley, Trent Davis, Eileen M. Gonzalez & Ryan Colwell - 2016 - Journal of Social Studies Research 40 (3):187-204.
    There is a growing recognition in society that more needs to be done to support LGBTQ youth in schools. In particular, school climate reports reveal that this need is particularly pressing for transgender individuals who are little understood and often rendered invisible or made to conform to gender-normative social standards. This mixed methods study surveyed and interviewed preservice teachers at three Catholic institutions. In particular, we focus on the shifting landscape of Catholic education in Canada as it relates to (...)
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  33. Teaching Ethics in the Secondary School.Mark L. Weinstein - 1982 - Analytic Teaching and Philosophical Praxis 3 (1).
    The attempt to generate adequate courses in Ethics at the secondary school level preceded Philosophy for Children as it is generall thought of today. But despite this early momentum, problems inherent to secondary school applications have shifted interest toward the early school years. Curricula furnished by, for example, the Institute for the Advancement of Philosophy for Children has, in recent years, been increasingly geared to the elementary school. Programs rarely go beyond the intermediate school (...)
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  34. The Role of Ict in the Teaching and Learning of Mathematics in Elementary Education.Angela Ikonomoska - 2024 - Годишен зборник на Филозофскиот факултет/The Annual of the Faculty of Philosophy in Skopje 77 (1):119-150.
    Technology is an essential aspect of everyday life, thus the growth and integrationof information and communication technology (ICT) in learning and teaching isexpected. Beginning with the origins of technology based on mathematics as a science,we narrow our focus in this scholarly study on the use of ICT in the teaching andlearning of mathematics in elementary education. We focused on studying the impactof ICT on the teaching and learning process, as well as the usage of ICT tools (...)
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    An Elementary Social Studies Teacher's Quest to Develop Democratic Citizens: The Boundaries of Ambitious Teaching.Tina L. Heafner & Jessica Norwood - 2019 - Journal of Social Studies Research 43 (3):187-198.
    Developing informed and participatory citizens is one of the aims of the National Council for the Social Studies’ (NCSS) vision of civic education. However, when aspiring to meet the call for meaningful civic education, teachers may find themselves at odds with other goals of accountability-driven school environments, creating contexts in which ambitious teaching becomes the answer to instilling democratic citizenship in students. The purpose of this study is to document the experience of such an ambitious teacher, chronicling a (...)
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  36.  8
    1001 Guru Mendidik.Khuriyatul Ainiyah - 2022 - Ngaglik, Sleman: Deepublish.
    On teaching methods and professionalism of teacher based on author's experiences at elementary school in Indonesia; collected articles.
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    The Audacity to Teach!: The Impact of Leadership, School Reform, and the Urban Context on Educational Innovations.Jacob Easley - 2010 - Upa.
    This book is developed from a study of an inner city, urban elementary school that has undergone serial comprehensive school reforms. This book is intended for a fuller understanding of school improvement and effectiveness, providing commonsense recommendations for the future direction of American education that aim to promote student success.
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  38. Elementary Students’ Construction of Geometric Transformation Reasoning in a Dynamic Animation Environment.N. Panorkou & A. Maloney - 2015 - Constructivist Foundations 10 (3):338-347.
    Context: Technology has not only changed the way we teach mathematical concepts but also the nature of knowledge, and thus what is possible to learn. While geometric transformations are recognized to be foundational to the formation of students’ geometric conceptions, little research has focused on how these notions can be introduced in elementary schooling. Problem: This project addressed the need for development of students’ reasoning about and with geometric transformations in elementary school. We investigated the nature of (...)
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    Storypath: How Civic Advocacy Through Creating Music Empowers Civic and Political Thinking in Elementary Classrooms.Laurie Stevahn & Margit E. McGuire - forthcoming - Journal of Social Studies Research.
    This descriptive qualitative study examined how the Storypath (also known as Storyline) approach to teaching social studies involves elementary school students in action civics (authentic civic activities, self-chosen issues, ongoing reflection, decisions valued). Storypath, a project-based approach, utilizes the story structure to frame learning through an inquiry process whereby students consider an overarching question about a topic, create a relevant setting, become characters in the setting, and engage in the plot of the story (critical incidents). This Storypath (...)
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    Preservice Elementary Teachers’ Economic Literacy: Closing Gates to Full Implementation of the Social Studies Curriculum.Kenneth V. Anthony, Rebecca C. Smith & Nicole C. Miller - 2015 - Journal of Social Studies Research 39 (1):29-37.
    The goal of this study was to determine if the level of preservice teachers’ economic literacy might serve as a gatekeeper to teaching economics competencies. The participants ( n=84) were teacher candidates in an elementary education program in their final methods courses prior to their teacher internship. The findings supported the intuitive belief that elementary teachers lack the economic literacy and confidence needed to teach economics concepts in the elementary curriculum. This deficit can serve as a (...)
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    Implementation of Group and Individual Supervision Techniques, and Its Effect on the Work Motivation and Performance of Teachers at School Organization.Bambang Budi Wiyono, Sulis Peni Widayati, Ali Imron, Abdul Latif Bustami & Umi Dayati - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13:943838.
    Teachers have a very important role in determining the quality of the teaching-learning process and the students’ learning outcomes. Learning outcomes will optimally be achieved if it is supported by qualified teachers. One way to enhance the teachers’ performance is through instructional supervision which can be divided into two techniques, namely group and individual supervision techniques. Therefore, this study aims to find out the influence of instructional supervision techniques on the work motivation and performance of elementary school (...)
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    Mario Pieri’s View of the Symbiotic Relationship between the Foundations and the Teaching of Elementary Geometry in the Context of the Early Twentieth Century Proposals for Pedagogical Reform.Elena Anne Corie Marchisotto & Ana Millán Gasca - 2021 - Philosophia Scientiae 25:157-183.
    In this paper, we discuss a proposal for reform in the teaching of Euclidean geometry that reveals the symbiotic relationship between axiomatics and pedagogy. We examine the role of intuition in this kind of reform, as expressed by Mario Pieri, a prominent member of the Schools of Peano and Segre at the University of Turin. We are well aware of the centuries of attention paid to the notion of intuition by mathematicians, mathematics educators, philosophers, psychologists, historians, and others. To (...)
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    Teaching Common Morality.Timm Triplett - 2017 - Teaching Ethics 17 (2):227-248.
    Bernard Gert’s account of morality is straightforward, clear and, in its essentials, easily grasped. As such, it offers rich pedagogical resources for teaching morality, not just in undergraduate courses but also in pre-college philosophy classes or workshops, including those offered during the elementary school years. Gert’s account, properly calibrated to the age group in question, can provide a unified framework for students to think about morality, clarify their understanding of it, and engage in discussions with each other (...)
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    "This lesson" vs. "Our lesson": Pragmalinguistic strategies towards learners' engagement in vulnerable elementary classrooms in Santiago de Chile.Anna Ivanova & Alcina Pereira de Sousa - 2019 - Lodz Papers in Pragmatics 15 (1):69-95.
    This paper is a research study of an interdisciplinary and exploratory kind drawing on a case study undertaken in elementary classrooms in socio-economically disadvantaged areas of Santiago de Chile. Having combined Linguistics for Education Studies and Corpus Linguistics approaches, the analysis of pragmalinguistic choices (i.e. personal pronouns, other lexical choices marking in-group relations) used in the introductory parts in a corpus of 50 lessons recorded in an elementary school setting there comes to be a key strategy for (...)
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    Algebraic thinking in elementary grades: possibilities with blind and non-blind students.Ana Carolina Faustino & Elielson Ribeiro de Sales Sales - 2024 - Prometeica - Revista De Filosofía Y Ciencias 31:347-358.
    This postdoctoral project aims to investigate aspects of the development of algebraic thinking with blind and non-blind students that can contribute to mathematics teaching practices regarding the inclusion and promotion of learning opportunities in the early years of elementary school. The guiding research question is: “What are the potentialities and challenges of the development of algebraic thinking with blind and non-blind students in the early years of elementary school?”. Centered on a qualitative approach, this project (...)
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    Philosophy in Schools: Then and Now.Megan J. Laverty - 2014 - Journal of Philosophy in Schools 1 (1):107-130.
    It is twelve years since the article you are about to read was published. During that time, the philosophy in schools movement has expanded and diversified in response to curriculum developments, teaching guides, web-based resources, dissertations, empirical research and theoretical scholarship. Philosophy and philosophy of education journals regularly publish articles and special issues on pre-college philosophy. There are more opportunities for undergraduate and graduate philosophy students to practice and research philosophy for/with children in schools. The Ontario Philosophy Teachers Association (...)
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  47.  24
    Disrupting narratives of racial progress: Two preservice elementary teachers’ practices.Ryan E. Hughes & Pratigya Marhatta - 2022 - Journal of Social Studies Research 46 (3):185-208.
    This study examined the approaches used by two preservice elementary school teachers as they designed and taught antiracist social studies lessons about civil rights history during a community-based field experience. Using a theoretical framework of racial pedagogical content knowledge (RPCK), we identified three domains of RPCK needed to enact antiracist elementary social studies teaching and analyzed how these domains surfaced during lessons and interviews. Our cross-case analysis revealed that both preservice teachers struggled to balance presenting civil (...)
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    Social Studies Curriculum Integration in Elementary Classrooms: A Case Study on a Pennsylvania Rural School.Julie Ollila & Marisa Macy - 2019 - Journal of Social Studies Research 43 (1):33-45.
    Since the advent of the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001, classrooms in the U.S. have experienced a steady decline in the amount of time teachers spend on social studies, with the elementary grades suffering the highest level of decline. There is currently a need to understand how teachers perceive the problem of insufficient social studies instruction time and gain their perceptions of curriculum integration as a solution. The purpose of the qualitative case study was to explore how (...)
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    Instructional Practices of Elementary Social Studies Teachers in North and South Carolina.Tina L. Heafner, George B. Lipscomb & Paul G. Fitchett - 2014 - Journal of Social Studies Research 38 (1):15-31.
    Using data from the Survey of the Status of Social Studies ( S4), this article describes the instructional decisions and practices of elementary teachers in two neighboring states, one where social studies is tested and another where it is not. We define students’ opportunity to learn within these states as a composite of three variables: time allocations for social studies (teacher reported instructional time), methods for teaching social studies (teacher reported instructional strategies), and content focus (teacher reported content (...)
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  50. in the Journal of Science Teacher Education, Journal of College Science Teaching, and the Journal of Elementary Science Education. Julie Gess-Newsome is a professor of science education at Northern Arizona University. Prior to receiving her PhD from Oregon State University in 1992, she taught high school biology and general science for eight years. Her research. [REVIEW]Kai Hakkarainen - 2002 - Science & Education 11:107-109.
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