Results for 'Elena Chuprina'

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  1.  26
    Human–computer interaction tools with gameful design for critical thinking the media ecosystem: a classification framework.Elena Musi, Lorenzo Federico & Gianni Riotta - forthcoming - AI and Society:1-13.
    In response to the ever-increasing spread of online disinformation and misinformation, several human–computer interaction tools to enhance data literacy have been developed. Among them, many employ elements of gamification to increase user engagement and reach out to a broader audience. However, there are no systematic criteria to analyze their relevance and impact for building fake news resilience, partly due to the lack of a common understanding of data literacy. In this paper we put forward an operationalizable definition of data literacy (...)
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    Psychometric properties of the survey work-home interaction nijmegen in Argentinian population.Elena Lucía Colasanti, Estanislao Castellano, Lucas Lapuente, Luciana Sofía Moretti & Leonardo Adrián Medrano - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Frictions between work and family life have increased during the COVID-19 pandemic, causing negative consequences on the mental health and quality of life of workers. Without validated instruments, it is not possible to determine the impact of Work-Family and Family-Work conflict. To date, no studies have been conducted to provide evidence of the validity and reliability of The Survey Work-Home Interaction Nijmegen in the population of Argentine workers. The SWING was administered to 611 Argentine workers of both sexes aged between (...)
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  3.  18
    Common Contexts of Meaning in the European Legal Setting: Opening Pandora’s box?Elena Ioriatti - 2022 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 36 (1):275-291.
    The way comparative law methodology is handled by the variety of experiences of normative complexity around the world is, in itself, a stimulating and promising field of research. In particular, the “hybrid” character of the European Union legislation, being juridical and linguistic at the same time, remains the core of comparative law studies, but the dynamic relationship between law and language is constanlty producing ever-changing scenarios, calling for combined scientific approaches. Along with comparative law, semiotics in particular has ensured the (...)
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  4.  16
    From social contingency to verbal reference: A constructivist hypothesis.Elena Luchkina & Fei Xu - 2022 - Psychological Review 129 (4):890-909.
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    Editorial: Bridging Cognitive Neuroscience and Neurosurgery for Effective Brain Mapping.Elena Salillas, Alessandro Della Puppa & Carlo Semenza - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16.
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    On the media representation of the universal category of culture "sinfulness".Elena Aleksandrovna Semukhina & Svetlana Vladimirovna Shindel - forthcoming - Philosophy and Culture (Russian Journal).
    This article aims to analyze the manifestation of the universal axiological cultural category of sinfulness in the media space. The study's subject was this category's properties and functions, which are actualized when represented in digital media. In accordance with this goal, we used such methods as continuous sampling and observation of the facts of the representation of cultural categories, which allowed us to determine the linguistic material for analysis and a statistical method for quantitative analysis. The content analysis of the (...)
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    Meta-Accuracy on the Internet: Initial Tests of Underlying Dimensions, Contributing Factors, and Biases.Elena Tsankova & Ergyul Tair - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Meta-accuracy of first impressions on the Internet has the potential to shape subsequent interactions. Aiming to enhance understanding of the underlying perceptual dimensions, the contribution of social competence, and the existence of positive/negative bias in first impressions’ meta-accuracy online, we conducted a study in a simulated asynchronous social-media-type setting. Target participants uploaded a selfie, wrote a short description of themselves, provided estimates of how warm and competent they believed others would find them based on their selfies and texts, and completed (...)
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  8. Processes in the Development of Individual and Collective Consciousness and the Role of Religious and Spiritual Communities.Elena Mustakova-Possardt & Michael Basseches - 2013 - In Toward a Socially Responsible Psychology for a Global Era. Springer. pp. 255--276.
  9. Thinking difference as different thinking in Luce Irigaray's deconstructive genealogies.Athena Athanasiou & Elena Tzelepis - 2010 - In Elena Tzelepis & Athena Athanasiou (eds.), Rewriting Difference: Luce Irigaray and ‘the Greeks’. State University of New York Press.
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    Abraham y la Ética del Silencio en el Pensamiento de Søren A. Kierkegaard.Cătălina Elena Dobre & Rafael García Pavón - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 10:515-526.
    This paper presents an interpretation of the paradoxical decision of Abraham done by Søren A. Kierkegaard in his work Fear and Trembling as an ethics of silence. The main idea is to understand ethics not as moral standards or specific duties, but as the responsibility of becoming a single individual in time; singularity as the intimate and personal relationship with the calling of love. In such a way, that silence is the experience of the encounter with the paradox that being (...)
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  11. La calle como soporte de transgresión cultural en el siglo XX.Elena Segurajáuregui Álvarez - 2020 - In Herrera Gutiérrez de Velasco, Luis Carlos & Martín Clavé Almeida (eds.), Transgresión: en la historia, la arquitectura, los objetos y la comunicación. [Ciudad de México]: Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, Unidad Azcapotzalco, División de Ciencias y Artes para el Diseño, Departamento de Evaluación del diseño en el tiempo, Área de Historia del Diseño.
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  12. Mourning (as) woman: event, catachresis, and "that other face of discourse": poiesis of alterity.Athena Athanasiou & Elena Tzelepis - 2010 - In Elena Tzelepis & Athena Athanasiou (eds.), Rewriting Difference: Luce Irigaray and ‘the Greeks’. State University of New York Press.
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    Psychological mindedness and awareness of self and others.Mark Beitel, Elena Ferrer & John J. Cecero - 2005 - Journal of Clinical Psychology 61 (6):739-750.
  14. Le leggi di sanita della Repubblica di Venezia.Nelli-Elena Vanzan Marchini & Pietro Morpurgo - 1995 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 17 (2):337.
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    Kant and the Unity of Reason.Elena Ficara - 2009 - Fichte-Studien 33:279-282.
  16. Phenomenological Analysis of Musical Meaning on the Material of Rock Music.Elena Kosilova - 2024 - HORIZON. Studies in Phenomenology 13 (2):571-586.
    The article deals with the phenomenological analysis of music perception on the material of rock songs. The structure of a song is simpler than the structure of a classical piece of music, but all the results are valid for any music with appropriate complication. “Listening device”—a computer program that translates sounds into musical notation - perceives individual sounds. But the musical consciousness understands the specific musical thought. It groups sounds into motifs and phrases. F. Tagg introduces the concept of “museme”—a (...)
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    Varela and embodiment.Elena Pasquinelli - 2006 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 40 (1):33-35.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Varela and EmbodimentElena PasquinelliFrancisco Varela (1946-2001) studied biology in Chile and in the United States with neurobiologist Humberto Maturana, with whom he developed the theory of autopoiesis. According to this theory, the minimal form of autonomy that defines biological life is autopoiesis or self-production, which has the aspect of a reaction network, operationally closed and membrane bound. The theory of autopoiesis suggests that the nervous system cannot be considered (...)
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  18.  10
    Umanism românesc: coordonate ale secolului al XX-lea.Elena Puha - 1977 - Iași: "Junimea".
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  19. Pafos khudozhestvennogo proizvedenii︠a︡.Elena Georgievna Rudneva - 1977
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  20. Homo Projectus.Elena Tashlinskaya - 2024 - Dialogue and Universalism 34 (3):183-196.
    The article considers the key characteristics of a designing person. In particular, the author describes projective consciousness and the ability to creatively change the world and change oneself. To do this, the author re-evaluates the content of the concept of the project; explores the functions of projective thinking and reflection; refers to the study of the change in time and space of a person living in a constant situation of creating a project. Modern social space and time are strongly turning (...)
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    Usage of Expressions in Slogans from Political Campaigns: a Case Study of Bulgarian Local Elections in 2023.Elena Tcvetkova - 2024 - Filosofiya-Philosophy 33 (4s):156-167.
    Campaign posters and printer billboards are reviewed in this article with a focus on the slogan. The main argument is that the analysis and the function of an ad slogan can be applied to political campaign slogans. Certain similarities can be found in the purpose of the two, but also similar techniques are used to engage the audience: by using salient expressions or conversational implicatures voters are engaged in a language game that increases the chances of the slogan fulfilling its (...)
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  22. Solidarietà.Léon Bourgeois & Elena Antonetti - 1998 - la Società Degli Individui 3.
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  23. Historia intelectual, historia de los intelectuales. Un acercamiento al campo histórico del tema.María Elena González Cifuentes - 2011 - Logos: Revista de la Facultad de Filosofia y Humanidades 19:63-77.
    This paper makes an assessment of a number of texts (classics) dealing with the debate on intellectual history, as well as the discussion about the being and must be of intellectuals. The idea is to demonstrate the relevance of this debate, as well as of its endless discussion, its trajectory in other disciplines and the need for more dialogue between those who practice them.
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    5 Unexpected Consequences and an Unanticipated Outcome.Marilyn Strathern & Elena Khlinovskaya Rockhill - 2013 - In Andrew Barry & Georgina Born (eds.), Interdisciplinarity: reconfigurations of the social and natural sciences. New York, NY: Routledge.
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    Bruno nel XXI secolo: interpretazioni e ricerche: atti delle giornate di studio (Pisa, 15-16 ottobre 2009).Simonetta Bassi & Maria Elena Severini (eds.) - 2012 - Firenze: L.S. Olschki.
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    Prácticas lingüísticas, configuración de sentidos y subjetividad.María Elena Candioti - 2006 - Tópicos 14:151-169.
    Se analiza los que se ha considerado un "descentramiento" del sujeto a partir de la crítica a la racionalidad tal como la concibió la modernidad. Se considera especialmente el impacto del giro lingüístico, sus aportes y también sus consecuencias negativas. Se realiza un análisis crítico de las posiciones contextualistas, sus consecuencias escépticas y las derivaciones en el orden de la acción. Se plantea finalmente el tema del sujeto y sus posibilidades, destacando especialmente su capacidad para configurar nuevos sentidos y crear (...)
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  27. Advances in Genetics and Neuroscience: A Challenge for Personalizing Child and Youth Health Care?Frans Feron & Elena Syurina - 2016 - In Kristien Hens, Daniela Cutas & Dorothee Horstkötter (eds.), Parental Responsibility in the Context of Neuroscience and Genetics. Cham: Springer International Publishing.
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    Editorial: Consumer Engagement in Health and Well-being: Theoretical and Empirical Perspectives in Patient Centered Medicine.Guendalina Graffigna & Elena Vegni - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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  29. ¿ Derechos humanos con genitivo?Elena Martinez Barahona - 2012 - Ciencia Tomista 139 (1):147-152.
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    Living Well Together Online: Digital Wellbeing from a Confucian Perspective.Matthew Dennis & Elena Ziliotti - 2023 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 40 (2):263-279.
    The impact of social media technologies (SMTs) on digital wellbeing has become an increasingly important puzzle for ethicists of technology. In this article, we explain why individualised theories of digital wellbeing (DWB) can only solve part of this puzzle. While an individualised conception of DWB is useful for understanding online self-regulation, we contend that we must seek greater understanding of how SMTs connect us. To build an account of this, we locate the conceptual resources for our account in Confucian ethics. (...)
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  31. Usos políticos da leucopenia e diferença racial no Brasil contemporâneo.Elena Calvo-Gonzáles - 2012 - In Ricardo Ventura Santos, Sahra Gibbon & Jane Felipe Beltrão (eds.), Identidades emergentes, genética e saúde: perspectivas antropológicas. Rio de Janeiro: Editora Fiocruz.
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    The origins of social and legal understanding of the concept "sacrifice".Leonid Chernov & Elena Pogorelskaya - 2019 - Sotsium I Vlast 4:7-15.
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  33.  7
    L’interprétation performative du cogito cartésien.Elena Dragalina-Chernaya - 2013 - Cahiers de Philosophie de L’Université de Caen 50:121-139.
    Cet article a pour but d’étudier les perspectives que fournit l’approche performative de l’argument, afin de répondre à deux questions classiques liées à l’interprétation du cogito. D’abord : quel type de contrainte logique ou non logique le « donc » exprime-t-il dans la formulation de cet argument? Ensuite : quel type d’existence est manifesté par l’argument, ou par sa formulation par Hintikka : « Cogito ergo quis est? ».
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  34.  18
    Candidatos, partidos políticos y electores: actividades de imagen en las cartas electorales españolas para las elecciones al Parlamento Europeo.M. ᵃ Elena Gómez Sánchez - 2021 - Pragmática Sociocultural 9 (2):127-157.
    Resumen Este trabajo, de carácter exploratorio, descriptivo e interpretativo, estudia las actividades de imagen presentes en un conjunto de cartas electorales enviadas por los principales partidos políticos españoles a los ciudadanos de ese país entre 2004 y 2019; concretamente, las cartas electorales relativas a las elecciones al Parlamento Europeo celebradas en 2004, 2009, 2014 y 2019. Las cartas electorales constituyen una parte del discurso político escrito en las que el candidato a unas elecciones se dirige a los potenciales votantes con (...)
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    Epistemology and the philosophy of science and technology in contemporary Russian philosophy: a survey of the literature from the late 1980s to the present.Vitaly G. Gorokhov & Elena O. Trufanova - 2014 - Studies in East European Thought 66 (3-4):195-210.
    The present article provides an overview of the key subjects of scholarly research in the areas of epistemology and the philosophy of science and technology conducted in Russia between the 1980s and the present. These disciplines are shown to be deeply rooted in Soviet philosophy and still developed by contemporary Russian philosophers, with both the historical experience of the Russian philosophical thought and foreign conceptions and schools, classical as well as modern, drawn upon. The corollary is that epistemology and the (...)
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  36.  24
    Moral distress related to ethical dilemmas among Spanish podiatrists.Marta Elena Losa Iglesias, Ricardo Becerro de Bengoa Vallejo & Paloma Salvadores Fuentes - 2010 - Journal of Medical Ethics 36 (5):310-314.
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    Sandu Frunza (coord.), Philosophy and Religion – A Multidisciplinary Approach.Ana Elena Ilinca - 2001 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 1 (1):146-148.
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    Pluractionality with lexically cumulative verbs.Gianina Iordăchioaia & Elena Soare - 2015 - Natural Language Semantics 23 (4):307-352.
    We offer a syntax–semantics interface for a previously undiscussed type of event-external pluractional operator. While earlier literature discusses overt cases of such operators that act as derivational affixes and attach at the V-level, we here report evidence for a covert operator, which behaves like an inflectional affix at the level of Aspect. This analysis enriches our understanding of pluractional operators as markers of verbal plurality in languages where verbs are lexically cumulative and pluractionality as accounted for previously would appear to (...)
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    Mediologija virtualios tikrovės akivaizdoje: nuo filosofijos ir sociologijos remikso iki augmentuotos tikrovės žemėlapiavimo.Agnieška Juzefovič & Elena Sakalauskaitė - 2014 - Filosofija. Sociologija 25 (3).
    Straipsnyje apžvelgiamos filosofijos ir sociologijos perspektyvos skaitmeninių medijų akivaizdoje, atskleidžiama, kaip skaitmeninių medijų raida prisideda prie naujųjų disciplinų atsiradimo, sėkmingai jungiančių tiek filosofines, tiek sociologines prieigas. Remiantis garsaus medijų filosofo Michaelio Heimo tyrimais, nagrinėjamos sąsajos tarp kibernetinės erdvės ir technologijų raidos, išryškinamas jų poveikis transformacijoms, vykstančioms kibernetinės erdvės „žemėlapiavime“. Svarstant filosofijos ir sociologijos perspektyvas medijuotoje kultūroje pristatomi Franko Hartmanno tyrimai, skirti mediologijos problematikai, parodoma, kaip mediologijos rėmuose „žemėlapiuojama“ virtualioji tikrovė. Galiausiai, taikant mediologijos metodinę prieigą, nagrinėjami konk­retūs virtualios (augmentuotos) tikrovės pavyzdžiai. (...)
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    Thinking about time and number: An application of the dual-systems approach to numerical cognition.Karoline Lohse, Elena Sixtus & Jan Lonnemann - 2019 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 42.
    Based on the notion that time, space, and number are part of a generalized magnitude system, we assume that the dual-systems approach to temporal cognition also applies to numerical cognition. Referring to theoretical models of the development of numerical concepts, we propose that children's early skills in processing numbers can be described analogously to temporal updating and temporal reasoning.
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  41. Estimulación lingüística en preescolares pobres.María Elena Mathiesen, Am Pandolfi & Mo Herrera - 1995 - Paideia 20:61-79.
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  42. La década Covid en México: Salud mental, afectividad y resiliencia.María Elena Medina-Mora & Olbeth Hansberg (eds.) - 2023 - UNAM.
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  43.  27
    La lectura del modelo y su realización: la tarea de Cézanne.María Elena Muñoz - 2012 - Aisthesis 52:237-260.
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    Increased orienting to unexpected action outcomes in schizophrenia.Elena Núñez Castellar, Femke Houtman, Wim Gevers, Manuel Morrens, Sara Vermeylen, Bernard Sabbe & Wim Notebaert - 2012 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 6.
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    Immanuel Kant in the Conversations and Reflections of Nikolay Strakhov.Pavel A. Olkhov, Elena N. Motovnikova & Larisa E. Kuskova - 2023 - Kantian Journal 42 (4):69-85.
    The place occupied by Kant’s philosophical ideas in the reflections of the Russian philosopher, Nikolay Strakhov, needs further study. The material for a historical-philosophical reconstruction of Strakhov’s reception of Kant’s philosophy is the Russian thinker’s home library catalogue, his correspondence and his own philosophical works. Among Strakhov’s interlocutors were not only philosophers and natural scientists, but also writers, including Fyodor Dostoevsky, Leo Tolstoy and Afanasy Fet, who in many ways determined the cultural and intellectual horizon of the epoch. The many (...)
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  46.  14
    Pornography as a Biopolitical Phenomenon.Aura Elena Schussler - 2016 - Postmodern Openings 7 (2):25-41.
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  47.  23
    The meaning of the term makara in light of comparative mythology.Elena Semeka-Pankratov - 1984 - Semiotica 49 (3-4).
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  48. «Italiani accorti» E «francesi arditi»: Letture E lettori italiani Del trattato sulla vicissitudine universale di loys le Roy.Maria Elena Severini - 2012 - Bibliothèque d'Humanisme Et Renaissance 74 (2):311 - 324.
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  49. Down to Earth: Detemporalization in Capitalist Russia.Svetlana Stephenson & Elena Danilova - 2010 - Radical Philosophy 159:33.
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  50. A question of strength: On NPIs in interrogative clauses.Elena Yael Sharvit with Guerzoni - manuscript
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