Results for 'Elena Khlinovskaya Rockhill'

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  1.  15
    5 Unexpected Consequences and an Unanticipated Outcome.Marilyn Strathern & Elena Khlinovskaya Rockhill - 2013 - In Andrew Barry & Georgina Born, Interdisciplinarity: reconfigurations of the social and natural sciences. New York, NY: Routledge.
  2. Analytic Philosophy and the History of Philosophy (review).Gabriel Rockhill - 2007 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 45 (4):678-679.
    Gabriel Rockhill - Analytic Philosophy and the History of Philosophy - Journal of the History of Philosophy 45:4 Journal of the History of Philosophy 45.4 678-679 Muse Search Journals This Journal Contents Reviewed by Gabriel Rockhill Villanova University Tom Sorell and G. A. J. Rogers, editors. Analytic Philosophy and the History of Philosophy. Oxford-New York: Oxford University Press, 2005. Pp. 239. Cloth, $65.00. It has often been assumed that history is one of the major dividing lines between analytic (...)
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  3. Critical Leverage in the Current Conjuncture: An Encounter with Politics of Culture and the Spirit of Critique: Dialogues, Gabriel Rockhill and Alfredo Gomez-Muller, Eds.Gabriel Rockhill in Conversation with Summer Renault-Steele - 2012 - PhaenEx 7 (1):347-364.
  4.  56
    Critical Leverage in the Current Conjuncture: A Dialogue with Gabriel Rockhill Concerning Politics of Culture and the Spirit of Critique.Gabriel Rockhill & Summer Renault-Steele - 2012 - PhaenEx 7 (1):347-364.
  5.  49
    Postscript on Insignificance: Dialogues with Cornelius Castoriadis, Trans. Gabriel Rockhill, John Garner, et alii.Cornelius Castoriadis & Gabriel Rockhill - 2010 - Continuum. Edited by Cornelius Castoriadis. Translated by Gabriel Rockhill & John V. Garner.
    This volume translates Castoriadis's dialogues on politics, ethics, culture, and aesthetics with important intellectual figures including Francisco Varela, Octavio Paz, and others.
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  6. Comment penser le temps présent? De l'ontologie de l'actualité à l'ontologie sans l'être.Gabriel Rockhill - 2012 - Rue Descartes 75 (3):114.
    This paper explores Michel Foucault’s contribution to rethinking the nature of the present through his examination of the ontology of contemporary reality he locates in Immanuel Kant’s “What Is Enlightenment?” By raising a series of critical questions concerning the epochal thinking that plagues Foucault’s various engagements with this text, the article goes on to argue that the attempt to find a single concept—or question—that appropriately summarizes a given era is an endeavor fraught with methodological problems. Highlighting the limitations of Foucault’s (...)
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  7. Derrida's Gift of Death: Giving Defnitions ot the Gift and Giving Death by Jacques Derrida.G. Rockhill - 1996 - Auslegung 21:80-90.
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    The Dissimulation of Law and Power: Michel Foucault.Gabriel Rockhill - 2002 - Philosophy Today 46 (4):339-355.
  9. The politics of aesthetics : political history and the hermeneutics of art.Gabriel Rockhill - 2009 - In Gabriel Rockhill & Philip Watts, Jacques Rancière: History, Politics, Aesthetics. Durham: Duke University Press.
  10. Radical History and the Politics of Art.Gabriel Rockhill - 2014 - New York: Columbia University Press.
    The primary objective of this book is to open space for rethinking the relationship between art and politics. It seeks to combat one of the fundamental assumptions that has plagued many of the previous debates on this issue: that art and politics are distinct entities definable in terms of common properties, and that they have privileged points of intersection, which can be determined once and for all in terms of an established formula. This common sense assumption is rooted in a (...)
  11.  40
    Politics of Culture and the Spirit of Critique: Dialogues.Gabriel Rockhill & Alfredo Gomez-Muller (eds.) - 2011 - Columbia University Press.
    This book of tightly woven dialogues engages prominent thinkers in a discussion about the role of culture-broadly construed-in contemporary society and politics. Faced with the conceptual inflation of the notion of 'culture,' which now imposes itself as an indispensable issue in contemporary moral and political debates, these dynamic exchanges seek to rethink culture and critique beyond the schematic models that have often predominated, such as the opposition between "mainstream multiculturalism" and the "clash of civilizations." Prefaced by an introduction relating current (...)
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    Counter-History of the Present: Untimely Interrogations Into Globalization, Technology, Democracy.Gabriel Rockhill - 2017 - Durham: Duke University Press.
    In _Counter-History of the Present_ Gabriel Rockhill contests, dismantles, and displaces one of the most widespread understandings of the contemporary world: that we are all living in a democratized and globalized era intimately connected by a single, overarching economic and technological network. Noting how such a narrative fails to account for the experiences of the billions of people who lack economic security, digital access, and real political power, Rockhill interrogates the ways in which this grand narrative has emerged (...)
  13.  54
    Materialist Deconstruction, Anticolonial Geographies, and the Limits of Genealogy.Gabriel Rockhill & Jennifer Ponce de León - 2019 - Philosophy Today 63 (1):217-235.
    In this wide-ranging interview, Gabriel Rockhill discusses his most recent book, Counter-History of the Present, in the broader context of his research to date on aesthetics, politics and history, as well as its relationship to important interlocutors like Jean-François Lyotard, Michel Foucault, Jacques Rancière, Jacques Derrida, Frantz Fanon and Simone de Beauvoir. He explains the similarities and important differences between genealogy and counter-history, and he elucidates how his work performs a materialist deconstruction that contests the idealist logocentrism operative in (...)
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  14. (1 other version)Rancière’s Productive Contradictions.Gabriel Rockhill - 2011 - Symposium 15 (2):28-56.
    This article explores the force and limitations of Jacques Rancière’s novel attempt to rethink the relationship between aesthetics and politics. In particular, it unravels the paradoxical threads of the fundamental contradiction between two of his steadfast claims: (1) art and politics are consubstantial, and (2) art and politics never truly merge. In taking Rancière to task on this point, the primary objective of this article is to work through the nuances of his project andforeground the problems inherent therein in order (...)
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    Interventions in Contemporary Thought: History, Politics, Aesthetics.Gabriel Rockhill - 2016 - Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
    With a critical eye, Gabriel Rockhill guides you through complex debates in history, politics and aesthetics, giving you an overview of key issues and central figures, including Foucault, Derrida, Castoriadis, Badiou and Ranciere.Rockhill also engages in a nuanced exploration of recent work that calls into question the stereotype of 'prominent figures' and 'intellectual movements. Far from hiding behind towering figures of the intellectual world, Rockhill stakes out positions in relationship to them and formulates precise arguments in favour (...)
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  16.  53
    Jacques Rancière: History, Politics, Aesthetics.Gabriel Rockhill & Philip Watts (eds.) - 2009 - Durham: Duke University Press.
    The French philosopher Jacques Rancière has influenced disciplines from history and philosophy to political theory, literature, art history, and film studies. His research into nineteenth-century workers’ archives, reflections on political equality, critique of the traditional division between intellectual and manual labor, and analysis of the place of literature, film, and art in modern society have all constituted major contributions to contemporary thought. In this collection, leading scholars in the fields of philosophy, literary theory, and cultural criticism engage Rancière’s work, illuminating (...)
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  17.  21
    L'écriture de l'histoire philosophique.Gabriel Rockhill - 2005 - Philosophie 87 (4):59-77.
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    The Silent Revolution.Gabriel Rockhill - 2004 - Substance 33 (1):54-76.
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    La différence est-elle une valeur en soi? Critique d’une axiologie métaphilosophique.Gabriel Rockhill - 2013 - Symposium: Canadian Journal of Continental Philosophy/Revue canadienne de philosophie continentale 17 (1):250-272.
    L’objectif principal de cet article est de mettre en évidence l’axiologie métaphilosophique et la logique normative binaire – la valorisation de la différence par rapport à l’identité – qui a dominé « la philosophie de la différence » en France, et qui a trouvé un terrain d’accueil relativement favorable dans « la politique de la différence » en Amérique du Nord. En détaillant une série d’opérations conceptuelles liées à cette axiologie fondamentale, il s’agira de remettre en question la sacralisation de (...)
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    Le débat sur le temps présent.Gabriel Rockhill - 2008 - Symposium 12 (1):126-145.
    Au lieu d’intervenir dans le debat sur la nature du temps present en créant une nouvelle schématisation de notre âge, nous proposons ici une intervention sur ce débat en esquissant les coordonnées conceptuelIes qui déterminent I’espace des possibles de la controverse. Il s ’agil alors d’une réflexion sur la logique historique, sociale et normative qui structure le débat sur le temps présent, et plus particulièrement la controverse postmoderne. Loin pourtant d’être une simple analyse «externe», cette interrogation sur les paramètres conceptuels (...)
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    Modernism as a Misnomer: Godard's Archeology of the Image.Gabriel Rockhill - 2010 - Journal of French and Francophone Philosophy 18 (2):107-130.
    "The standard historical image of Jean-Luc Godard is that of a resolute iconoclast breaking with the representational norms and codes of classical cinema in the name of liberating film from the deadening weight of its past. His numerous formal innovations—syncopated montage, unconventional framing, unique experiments with dialogue, etc.—along with his abandonment of traditional narrative and character development, his playful pastiche of genres, his debunking of the representational illusions of cinematic realism, his reflexive preoccupation with film itself and the general dissolution (...)
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  22.  60
    No God, No Caesar, No Tribune!..Gabriel Rockhill - 2010 - Epoché: A Journal for the History of Philosophy 15 (1):1-12.
    In this interview, Cornelius Castoriadis explains and develops many of the central themes in his later writings on politics and social criticism. In particular, he poignantly articulates his critique of contemporary pseudo-democracy, while advocating a form of democracy founded on collective education and self-government. He also explores how the “insignificance” in the current political arena relates to insignificance in other areas, such as the arts and philosophy, to form the core feature of our Zeitgeist. Finally, he seeks to break through (...)
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  23.  17
    Logique de l'histoire: pour une analytique des pratiques philosophiques.Gabriel Rockhill - 2010 - Editions Hermann.
    Philosopher, c’est, pense-t-on, faire de l’histoire de la philosophie ; c’est lire et interpréter les textes canoniques des grands penseurs de la tradition européenne en suivant l’enchaînement des idées depuis les Grecs anciens. Cette manière de pratiquer la philosophie est devenue tellement naturelle qu’elle en a oublié sa propre historicité. D’où la nécessité de la mettre en évidence en examinant de près ses multiples conséquences. C’est justement un des objectifs de l’analytique des pratiques philosophiques entreprise dans le présent ouvrage. -/- (...)
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  24. Habits of Transformation.Elena Cuffari - 2011 - Hypatia 26 (3):535-553.
    This essay argues that according to feminist existential phenomenology, feminist pragmatism, and feminist genealogy, our embodied condition is an important starting place for ethical living due to the inevitable role that habits play in our conduct. In bodies, the phenomenon of habit uniquely holds together the ambiguities of freedom and determinism, transcendence and immanence, and stability and plasticity. Seeing habit formation as a matter of self-growth and social justice gives fresh opportunity for thinking of “assuming ambiguity” as a lifelong endeavor (...)
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    Discovering Argumentative Patterns in Energy Polylogues: A Macroscope for Argument Mining.Elena Musi & Mark Aakhus - 2018 - Argumentation 32 (3):397-430.
    A macroscope is proposed and tested here for the discovery of the unique argumentative footprint that characterizes how a collective manages differences and pursues disagreement through argument in a polylogue. The macroscope addresses broader analytic problems posed by various conceptualizations of large-scale argument, such as fields, spheres, communities, and institutions. The design incorporates a two-tier methodology for detecting argument patterns of the arguments performed in arguing by an interactive collective that produces views, or topographies, of the ways that issues are (...)
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    China's Intercourse with Korea from the XVth Century to 1895.Benjamin H. Hazard & William Woodville Rockhill - 1971 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 91 (4):523.
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  27. The developmental potential of the human mind: Hume on children and the formation of fiction.Elena Gordon - 2023 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 31 (1):58-78.
    Fictions feature prominently in several of Hume’s important arguments about the external world. For example, Hume is clear that there would be no belief in the continued existence of objects, were it not for the fictions that are causally responsible for effecting this belief. Interpreters of Hume on the topic of fiction generally argue that the formation of fiction requires the possession of general ideas and the use of language. Drawing upon recent attempts in the literature to advance this claim, (...)
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    From Assessing to Conserving Biodiversity: Conceptual and Practical Challenges.Elena Casetta, Jorge Marques da Silva & Davide Vecchi - 2019 - Springer Verlag.
    This open access book features essays written by philosophers, biologists, ecologists and conservation scientists facing the current biodiversity crisis. Despite increasing communication, accelerating policy and management responses, and notwithstanding improving ecosystem assessment and endangered species knowledge, conserving biodiversity continues to be more a concern than an accomplished task. Why is it so?The overexploitation of natural resources by our species is a frequently recognised factor, while the short-term economic interests of governments and stakeholders typically clash with the burdens that implementing conservation (...)
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  29. The Congress for Cultural Freedom, Minerva, and the Quest for Instituting “Science Studies” in the Age of Cold War.Elena Aronova - 2012 - Minerva 50 (3):307-337.
    The Congress for Cultural Freedom is remembered as a paramount example of the “cultural cold wars.” In this paper, I discuss the ways in which this powerful transnational organization sought to promote “science studies” as a distinct – and politically relevant – area of expertise, and part of the CCF broader agenda to offer a renewed framework for liberalism. By means of its Study Groups, international conferences and its periodicals, such as Minerva, the Congress developed into an influential forum for (...)
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  30. A natural language bipolar argumentation approach to support users in online debate interactions†.Elena Cabrio & Serena Villata - 2013 - Argument and Computation 4 (3):209-230.
    With the growing use of the Social Web, an increasing number of applications for exchanging opinions with other people are becoming available online. These applications are widely adopted with the consequence that the number of opinions about the debated issues increases. In order to cut in on a debate, the participants need first to evaluate the opinions of the other users to detect whether they are in favour or against the debated issue. Bipolar argumentation proposes algorithms and semantics to evaluate (...)
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  31. Symmetry, quantum mechanics, and beyond.Elena Castellani - 2002 - Foundations of Science 7 (1-2):181-196.
    The relevance of symmetry to today's physics is a widely acknowledged fact. A significant part of recent physical inquiry – especially the physics concerned with investigating the fundamentalbuilding blocks of nature – is grounded on symmetry principles andtheir many and far-reaching consequences. But where these symmetries come from and what their real meaning is are open questions, at the center of a developing debate among physicists and philosophers of science. To tackle the problems arising in considering the symmetry issue is (...)
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    Keep meaning in conversational coordination.Elena C. Cuffari - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5:100130.
    Coordination is a widely employed term across recent quantitative and qualitative approaches to intersubjectivity, particularly approaches that give embodiment and enaction central explanatory roles. With a focus on linguistic and bodily coordination in conversational contexts, I review the operational meaning of coordination in recent empirical research and related theorizing of embodied intersubjectivity. This discussion articulates what must be involved in treating linguistic meaning as dynamic processes of coordination. The coordination approach presents languaging as a set of dynamic self-organizing processes and (...)
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  33.  57
    Towards a Compositional Model of Ideology.Jennifer Ponce de León & Gabriel Rockhill - 2020 - Philosophy Today 64 (1):95-116.
    This article sets forth a compositional model of ideology by drawing on the tradition of historical materialism and further developing its insights into the aesthetic composition of reality. It demonstrates how ideology is not simply a set of false beliefs but is rather the process by which social agents are composed over time in every dimension of their existence, including their thoughts, practices, perceptions, representations, values, affects, desires, and unconscious drives. By working through a number of diverse debates and authors—ranging (...)
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    Evidential Modals at the Semantic-Argumentative Interface: Appearance Verbs as Indicators of Defeasible Argumentation.Elena Musi - 2014 - Informal Logic 34 (4):417-442.
    This contribution aims at providing an argumentative method to account for epistemic modality and evidentiality. I claim that these two linguistic categories can work as semantic components of defeasible argumentative schemes based on classification processes. This kind of approximate reasoning is, in fact, frequently indicated by appearance verbs which signal that the inferred standpoint is conceived by the speaker as uncertain due to the deceiving nature of perceptual data. Drawing from an analysis at the semantic-argumentative interface, the way in which (...)
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    Mind, brain, and teaching: Some directions for future research.Elena Pasquinelli, Tiziana Zalla, Katarina Gvodzic, Cassandra Potier-Watkins & Manuela Piazza - 2015 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 38.
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    Human Interaction in the State of Nature: Hobbes on Respect for Persons and Self-Respect.Elena Irrera - 2017 - In Elena Irrera & Giovanni Giorgini, The Roots of Respect: A Historic-Philosophical Itinerary. De Gruyter. pp. 109-130.
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    Education for critical moral consciousness.Elena Mustakova-Possardt * - 2004 - Journal of Moral Education 33 (3):245-269.
    This paper proposes a lifespan developmental model of critical moral consciousness and examines its implications for education in childhood, adolescence and adulthood. Mature moral consciousness, central to negotiating the challenges of the 21st century, is characterized by a deepening lifelong integration of moral motivation, agency and critical discernment. The paper describes the evolution of moral consciousness through three levels; pre‐critical consciousness (pCC), transitional critical consciousness (tCC) and critical consciousness (CC) and eight chronologically ascending psychosocial themes. It focuses on the first (...)
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  38.  20
    Individual differences are more important than the emotional category for the perception of emotional expressions.Elena Moltchanova & Christoph Bartneck - 2017 - Interaction Studies 18 (2):161-173.
    Emotional facial expression are an important communication channel between artificial characters and their users. Humans are trained to perceive emotions. Robots and virtual agents can use them to make their inner states transparent. Literature reported that some emotional types, such as anger, are perceived as being more intense than others. Other studies indicated that gender influences the perception. Our study shows that once the individual differences amongst participants are included in the statistical analysis, then the emotion type has no further (...)
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    When knowing only one word for “car” leads to weak application of mutual exclusivity.Elena Nicoladis & Angélique Laurent - 2020 - Cognition 196 (C):104087.
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    “What Makes Us Strong?”: Dyadic Coping in Italian Prospective Adoptive Couples.Elena Canzi, Silvia Donato, Laura Ferrari, Miriam Parise, Ariela Francesca Pagani, Giulia Lopez, Rosa Rosnati & Sonia Ranieri - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Book Review: Insurgent Universality: An Alternative Legacy of Modernity, by Massimiliano Tomba. [REVIEW]Gabriel Rockhill - 2020 - Political Theory 48 (5):644-649.
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  42. “Local Realism”, Bell’s Theorem and Quantum “Locally Realistic” Inequalities.Elena R. Loubenets - 2005 - Foundations of Physics 35 (12):2051-2072.
    Based on the new general framework for the probabilistic description of experiments, introduced in [E.R. Loubenets, Research Report No 8, MaPhySto, University of Aarhus, Denmark (2003); Proceedings Conference “Quantum Theory, Reconsideration of Foundations”, Ser. Math. Modeling, Vol. 10 (University Press, Vaxjo, 2004), pp. 365–385], we analyze in mathematical terms the link between the validity of Bell-type inequalities under joint experiments upon a system of any type and the physical concept of “local realism”. We prove that the violation of Bell-type inequalities (...)
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    Early string theory as a challenging case study for philosophers.Elena Castellani - unknown
    This is the final draft of Chapter 4 of the Volume 'The Birth of String Theory' edited by A. Cappelli, E. Castellani, F. Colomo, and P. Di Vecchia, Cambridge University Press, forthcoming.
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    Ethical Expertise and Bioethics.Abrudan Elena - 2011 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 10 (30):397-402.
    800x600 Normal 0 21 false false false RO X-NONE X-NONE MicrosoftInternetExplorer4 Review of Mihaela Frunză, Expertiza etică și bioetica. Studii de caz (Ethical Expertise and Bioethics. Case Studies). Cluj-Napoca, Limes Publishing House, 2010.
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    The Labor Market and the Skills Needs Development Among Adults in the Republic of North Macedonia.Elena Rizova & Liljana Lazova - 2024 - Годишен зборник на Филозофскиот факултет/The Annual of the Faculty of Philosophy in Skopje 77 (1):95-117.
    In the rapidly evolving global economy, aligning labor market demands withskills needs development among adults is critical for sustainable economic growth andindividual career success. This alignment ensures that the workforce remains competitive,adaptable and capable of meeting industry requirements. A significant mismatchbetween labor market demands and available skills can lead to increased unemployment,underemployment, and diminished economic productivity. Addressing this gap necessitatesa comprehensive understanding of current and future labor market trends, coupledwith targeted educational and training programs.Adult education and continuous professional development play (...)
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    Unobservable entities in modern physics.Elena Mamchur - 2017 - Epistemology and Philosophy of Science 51 (1):106-123.
    The paper deals with the problem of ontological status of unobservable entities of modern physics. Author considers the question whether they are real objects or social constructs? The first point is being supported by constructive realists; the second one is backed by those who stand by a very influential strategy of the so-called social constructionism. Realists assume that intermediate vector bosons (as well as Higgs boson recently discovered by the experiments at the Large Hadron Collider) do exist in reality before (...)
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    The Role of Philosophy in Hume’s Critique of Empire.Elena Yi-Jia Zeng - 2023 - International Journal of Philosophical Studies 31 (2):136-157.
    Various Scottish Enlightenment thinkers raised substantial challenges to the British imperial policy over the course of the eighteenth century. They were largely concerned about the global competit...
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    Dirac on gauges and constraints.Elena Castellani - unknown
    This paper is devoted to examining the relevance of Dirac's view on the use of transformation theory and invariants in modern physics --- as it emerges from his 1930 book on quantum mechanics as well as from his later work on singular theories and constraints --- to current reflections on the meaning of physical symmetries, especially gauge symmetries.
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    In the shadow of giants: The work of mario pieri in the foundations of mathematics.Elena Anne Marchisotto - 1995 - History and Philosophy of Logic 16 (1):107-119.
    (1995). In the shadow of giants: The work of mario pieri in the foundations of mathematics. History and Philosophy of Logic: Vol. 16, No. 1, pp. 107-119.
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    Emotions as emergent properties.Elena Walsh - 2023 - Philosophy and the Mind Sciences 4.
    In recent decades, affective scientists have begun using concepts and tools from dynamical systems theory (DST) to characterise emotional processes. This article considers how the concept of emergence might be used to develop this approach. Emotions are explicated as ‘emergent products’ that diachronically constrain the operations of their parts in virtue of feedback loops (a classical feature of nonlinear dynamical systems). The explication is shown to be broadly consistent with what is sometimes called ‘pattern’ emergence. Casting emotions as emergent patterns (...)
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