Results for 'Elisa Randazzo'

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    Challenging anthropocene ontology: modernity, ecology and Indigenous complexities.Elisa Randazzo - 2024 - New York: Bloomsbury Academic. Edited by Hannah Richter.
    Chapter 1: The Rise of Anthropocene Theory: Politics, ontology and the feedback loop of Western humanism -- Chapter 2: Repoliticising Ecology: Indigenous knowledge in the Anthropocene -- Chapter 3: Tell the truth in the face of the extinction: Exceptionalism and depoliticization in Anthropocene activism -- Chapter 4: Rights of nature and Indigenous Threshold Politics -- Chapter 5: Acting, Resisting, Surviving: Indigenous Agency Beyond the 'End Times' -- Epilogue Anthropocene Afterlives.
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  2. Beyond Belief: Toward a Theory of the Reactive Attitudes.Elisa A. Hurley & Coleen Macnamara - 2010 - Philosophical Papers 39 (3):373-399.
    Most moral theorists agree that it is one thing to believe that someone has slighted you and another to resent her for the insult; one thing to believe that someone did you a favor and another to feel gratitude toward her for her kindness. While all of these ways of responding to another's conduct are forms of moral appraisal, the reactive attitudes are said to 'go beyond' beliefs in some way. We think this claim is adequately explained only when we (...)
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    Roberto-Alba, Nelson F. (Ed.). (2023). Michel Foucault. Verdad, Ética y Subjetivación. Bogotá: Ediciones USTA.Gonzalo Randazzo - 2024 - Cuadernos de Filosofía Latinoamericana 45 (131):483-490.
    Este conciso texto basado en una selección de trabajos sobre Michel Foucault se centra en los conceptos claves explicitados en su título: las prácticas discursivas y las reglas de veridicción, los procedimientos de gubernamentalidad y las formas de subjetivación en torno a una pragmática de sí. Lo interesante de estos trabajos tiene que ver con el análisis del pensamiento de Foucault que se vio modificado en sus últimos años de vida tras virar de la genealogía del sujeto moderno al análisis (...)
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  4. Animal Suffering: Philosophy and Culture.Elisa Aaltola - 2012 - Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    Animal Suffering: Philosophy and Culture explores the multifaceted moral meanings allocated to non-human suffering in contemporary Western culture.
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  5. Brain correlates of subjective freedom of choice.Elisa Filevich, Patricia Vanneste, Marcel Brass, Wim Fias, Patrick Haggard & Simone Kühn - 2013 - Consciousness and Cognition 22 (4):1271-1284.
    The subjective feeling of free choice is an important feature of human experience. Experimental tasks have typically studied free choice by contrasting free and instructed selection of response alternatives. These tasks have been criticised, and it remains unclear how they relate to the subjective feeling of freely choosing. We replicated previous findings of the fMRI correlates of free choice, defined objectively. We introduced a novel task in which participants could experience and report a graded sense of free choice. BOLD responses (...)
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  6. Ernst H. Gombrich on Abstract Painting.Elisa Caldarola - 2015 - Aisthesis: Pratiche, Linguaggi E Saperi Dell’Estetico 8 (2):77-86.
    Ernst H. Gombrich criticized abstract painting with several remarks scattered around his wide oeuvre. I argue that his view of abstract paintings is coherent with the account of pictorial representation he put forward in Art and Illusion, show some limits of such view, and maintain that, although several of Gombrich’s criticisms of abstract painting should be rejected, some of his remarks are insightful and worthy of consideration.
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    "A tutta...vita".Elisa Grimi - 2015 - Philosophical News 11:9-12.
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    Modernizing the Common Rule: Public Trust and Investigator Accountability.Elisa A. Hurley - 2017 - American Journal of Bioethics 17 (7):39-41.
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    Biografia e ricostruzione storica nel Wilhelm von Humboldt di Dilthey.Ivana Randazzo - 2007 - Archivio di Storia Della Cultura 20:549-556.
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    Ernst Cassirer: considerazioni su estetica e forma.Ivana Randazzo - 2020 - Acireale: Bonanno editore.
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  11. Threats against public officials : Considerations for risk assessment, reporting, and intervention.Marisa Reddy Randazzo & Michelle Keeney - 2009 - In James L. Werth, Elizabeth Reynolds Welfel & G. Andrew H. Benjamin (eds.), The Duty to Protect: Ethical, Legal, and Professional Considerations for Mental Health Professionals. American Psychological Association.
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    The Unifying Light of Allah: Ibn Tufayl and Rufus Jones in Dialogue.Christy Randazzo & David Russell - 2019 - In Jon R. Kershner (ed.), Quakers and Mysticism: Comparative and Syncretic Approaches to Spirituality. Springer Verlag. pp. 161-180.
    This chapter examines the engagement between seventeenth-century Quaker scholars, twentieth-century Quaker theologian Rufus Jones, and the twelfth-century allegorical text Ḥayy ibn Yaqẓān. It argues that HIY was purposely excised from the history of Quaker theological engagement due to a fundamental misunderstanding of the text, which resulted in a complete ignoring of the text by subsequent Quaker theologians, including Rufus Jones. HIY provides an invaluable dialogue partner with Quaker mysticism, which can offer exciting new ways of examining core premises of Quaker (...)
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    Virus entéricos humanos en alimentos: detección y métodos de inactivación.Walter Randazzo, Irene Falcó, Alba Pérez-Cataluña & Gloria Sánchez - 2020 - Arbor 196 (795):539.
    Los principales patógenos víricos que podemos ad­quirir ingiriendo alimentos contaminados son los norovirus, el virus de la hepatitis A y el virus de la hepatitis E que se propagan principalmente a través de la vía fecal oral. En los últimos años, la incidencia de brotes de transmisión alimentaria causados por estos patógenos ha experimentado un aumento considerable, en parte debido al comercio globalizado y a los cambios en los hábitos de consumo. Las matrices alimentarias que mayor riesgo representan para el (...)
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    Event-Related Potentials to Changes in Sound Intensity Demonstrate Alterations in Brain Function Related to Depression and Aging.Elisa M. Ruohonen, Saara Kattainen, Xueqiao Li, Anna-Elisa Taskila, Chaoxiong Ye & Piia Astikainen - 2020 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14.
  15. Exemplification, Knowledge, and Education of the Emotions through Conceptual Art.Elisa Caldarola - 2021 - Discipline Filosofiche 1.
    In this paper, with reference to Vito Acconci’s Following Piece (1969) and Sophie Calle’s Take care of yourself (2007), I show that some works of conceptual art rely on exemplification to convey ideas, and I defend the following claims about those works. In the first place, I argue that the kinds of events and of objects they present us with are relevant for appreciating the views the works convey. In the second place, siding with Elisabeth Schellekens (2007) and Peter Goldie (...)
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  16. Working Passions: Emotions and Creative Engagement with Value.Elisa A. Hurley - 2007 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 45 (1):79-104.
    It is now a commonplace that emotions are not mere sensations but, rather, conceptually contentful states. In trying to expand on this insight, however, most theoretical approaches to emotions neglect central intuitions about what emotions are like. We therefore need a methodological shift in our thinking about emotions away from the standard accounts' attempts to reduce them to other mental states and toward an exploration of the distinctive work emotions do. I show that emotions' distinctive function is to engage us (...)
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    Combat Trauma and the Moral Risks of Memory Manipulating Drugs.Elisa A. Hurley - 2010 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 27 (3):221-245.
    To date, 1.7 million US military service personnel have been deployed to Iraq and Afghanistan. Of those, one in five are suffering from diagnosable combat-stress related psychological injuries including Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). All indications are that the mental health toll of the current conflicts on US troops and the medical systems that care for them will only increase. Against this backdrop, research suggesting that the common class of drugs known as beta-blockers might prevent the onset of PTSD is drawing (...)
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  18. Orientalism as a Sign of Provincialism.Elisa Karezyńska - 2012 - Poznan Studies in the Philosophy of the Sciences and the Humanities 100 (1):177-195.
    This article deals with various responses to the phenomenon of Orientalism. Since the publication of Edward Said s book _Orientalism_, there has been an ongoing discussion about the influence of Orientalism on contemporary social sciences in the East. In the West, Orientalism was an original theory, but in the East its acceptance was tantamount to an assimilation of foreign point of view on social reality. I argue that it is a symptom of provincialism among scientists from the East. Even though (...)
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    Varieties of Empathy: Moral Psychology and Animal Ethics.Elisa Aaltola - 2018 - Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield International.
    Empathy is a term used increasingly both in moral theory and animal ethics. Yet, its precise meaning is often left unexplored. The book aims to tackle this by clarifying the different and even contradictory ways in which “empathy” can be defined.
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  20. Eye gaze reveals a fast, parallel extraction of the syntax of arithmetic formulas.Elisa Schneider, Masaki Maruyama, Stanislas Dehaene & Mariano Sigman - 2012 - Cognition 125 (3):475-490.
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    The National Bioethics Advisory Commission: contributing to public policy.Elisa Eiseman - 2003 - Santa Monica, CA: RAND.
    Details goverment, private, and international response to the policy recommendations of the National Bioethics Advisory Commission.
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    La maternidad y el trabajo en Chile: Discursos actuales de actores sociales.Elisa Ansoleaga & Lorena Godoy - 2013 - Polis: Revista Latinoamericana 35.
    La relación entre maternidad y trabajo ha sido materia de políticas públicas desde comienzos del siglo XX, pero en las últimas décadas ha adquirido nuevas connotaciones por el aumento de la participación laboral femenina. Ello no ha conducido a una eliminación de las discriminaciones que enfrentan las trabajadoras por su condición (real o potencial) de madres, ni a una organización del mercado de trabajo que permita articular demandas laborales y familiares, ni una redistribución del trabajo reproductivo. Para analizar cómo actores (...)
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    The Contribution of Shape Features and Demographic Variables to Disembedding Abilities.Elisa Morgana Cappello, Giada Lettieri, Andrea Patricelli Malizia, Sonia D’Arcangelo, Giacomo Handjaras, Nicola Lattanzi, Emiliano Ricciardi & Luca Cecchetti - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Humans naturally perceive visual patterns in a global manner and are remarkably capable of extracting object shapes based on properties such as proximity, closure, symmetry, and good continuation. Notwithstanding the role of these properties in perceptual grouping, studies highlighted differences in disembedding performance across individuals, which are summarized by the field dependence dimension. Evidence suggests that age and educational attainment explain part of this variability, whereas the role of sex is still highly debated. Also, which stimulus features primarily influence inter-individual (...)
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    State Racism and the Paradox of Biopower.Elisa Fiaccadori - 2015 - Foucault Studies 19:151-171.
    As it has often been emphasised, through the concept of biopower, Foucault attempts to move away from the problem of sovereign power. Yet, after exposing Foucault’s conceptualisation of biopower, in this article I argue that he cannot simply leave this problem behind. In particular, reflections on Nazism and how the Nazi state uses racism to sustain itself force him to return to the problem of sovereign power to explain how state killing continues to be possible, and actually takes on new (...)
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  25. Senza fondamento non c’è etica.Elisa Grimi - 2016 - In Iolanda Poma (ed.), I fondamenti dell'etica. Brescia: Morcelliana. pp. 365-372.
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  26. Tomismo analitico: una nozione discutibile. Filosofia analitica e religione cristiana. La proposta di G.E.M. Anscombe.Elisa Grimi - 2014 - In Paolo Bettineschi & Riccardo Fanciullacci (eds.), Tommaso d’Aquino e i filosofi analitici. Napoli: Orthotes. pp. 63-72.
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    Nothing Distinguishes Us from God: bataille, mysticism, and divine nothingness.Elisa Heinämäki - 2012 - Angelaki 17 (3):113-122.
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    Od emigracije do (ne)imigracije do postmigracije?Elisa R. Linn - 2025 - Filozofski Vestnik 45 (2).
    Esej poskuša izslediti pravni, reprezentativni in družbeni status migrantskih Drugih v ≫zaprti družbi≪ Nemške demokratične republike ali Vzhodne Nemčije (NDR) kot primer, kako je Nemčija imela dobiček od delovnih migracij na obeh straneh zidu. Opisuje, kako so bile od ponovne združitve Nemčije do danes migracije predstavljene kot nenadna in začasna težava, kar zakriva kolonialno in rasistično preteklost ter nekropolitično sedanjost. Esej preučuje proces družbene dediferenciacije v družbi, ki jo obvladuje država NDR, in kako so družbene tehnike ustvarjanja drugosti in etnizacije (...)
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  29. Tras las huellas de la experiencia orante de Jesús.Elisa Estévez López - 2006 - Critica 56 (935):24-27.
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  30. El credo del hombre libre y otros ensayos, de Bertrand Russell.Elisa Lucena - 1998 - Teorema: International Journal of Philosophy 17 (1):137-139.
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    Some Remarks on the Metaphor of Levels in Hegel and Lonergan.Elisa Magrì - 2022 - Method 36 (1):51-56.
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    (1 other version)Children With Reading Difficulty Rely on Unimodal Neural Processing for Phonemic Awareness.Melissa Randazzo, Emma B. Greenspon, James R. Booth & Chris McNorgan - 2019 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 13.
  33. Giuseppe Bentivegna, Francesco Coniglione e Giancarlo Magnano San Lio (a cura di), Il positivismo italiano: una questione chiusa?Ivana Randazzo - 2010 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 65 (1):200.
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  34. L'acropoli nelle città protobizantine.Elisa Triolo - 2009 - Annali Della Facoltà di Lettere E Filosofia:Università di Siena 30:45-72.
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    Duty, Language and Exegesis in Prābhākara Mīmāṃsā: Including an Edition and Translation of Rāmānujācārya's Tantrarahasya, Śāstraprameyapariccheda.Elisa Freschi - 2012 - BOSTON: BRILL. Edited by Rāmānujācārya.
    The book is an introduction to key concepts of Indian Philosophy, seen from the perspective of the influential school of Pr?bh?kara M?m??s? (flourished from the 7th until the 20th c. AD). It includes the edition and translation of R?m?nuj?c?rya's ??straprameyapariccheda.
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  36. Rule-Extension-Strategies in Ancient India: Śrautasūtra, Mīmād Msā and Grammar on Tantra- and Prasaṅga- Principles.Elisa Freschi & Tiziana Pontillo - 2013 - Fritz Lang.
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    The Courage to Stand Up: The Cultural Politics of Nurses’ Access to Ethics Consultation.Elisa J. Gordon & Ann B. Hamric - 2006 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 17 (3):231-254.
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    The Place of Habit in Hegel's Psychology.Elisa Magrì - 2016 - In Hegel's Philosophical Psychology. pp. 74-90.
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    Two sources of evidence on the non-automaticity of true and false belief ascription.Elisa Back & Ian A. Apperly - 2010 - Cognition 115 (1):54-70.
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    It's Alive! Giving Birth to Research Ethics Education.Elisa J. Gordon & Kayhan P. Parsi - 2002 - American Journal of Bioethics 2 (4):65-66.
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    Veṅkaṭanātha.Elisa Freschi - 2016 - Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
    Veṅkaṭanātha Veṅkaṭanātha was an Indian polymath who wrote philosophical as well as religious and poetical works in several languages, including Sanskrit, Maṇipravāḷa—a Sanskritised form of literary Tamil—and Tamil. He is traditionally dated to 1269-1370, but as explained by Neevel “the lifespans of … Continue reading Veṅkaṭanātha →.
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    El olvido del olvido: una aproximación psicoanalítica.Carmen Elisa Escobar María - 2015 - Revista de Filosofia Aurora 27 (40):345.
    Apoyado en dos afirmaciones de Lacan respecto al olvido, una en 1954 y otra en 1970, junto con la aseveración de Allouch de que el psicoanálisis se había constituido en una práctica de dar caza al recuerdo, cuando antes que otra cosa se trataba de olvidar, este artículo se propone plantear el problema del olvido en tres direcciones: a) Retomando dos tipos de olvido que permiten pensar una forma radical de olvido: olvido del olvido. b) Relacionando olvido y repetición, al (...)
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    What “Race” Cannot Tell Us about Access to Kidney Transplantation.Elisa J. Gordon - 2002 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 11 (2):134-141.
    Despite a growing awareness within American biomedicine and bioethics that the social category “race” is of limited use in describing patients, some fields of medicine continue to use it interchangeably with, or instead of, the term “ethnicity.” Doing so reflects the assumption that social categories have a basis in physiology.
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    Stephen Colvin (2014) A Brief History of Ancient Greek.Elisa Ferrer - 2020 - Argos 1 (38):83-87.
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  45. Bhād td tamīmād msā and Nyāya on Veda and Tradition.Elisa Freschi & Alessandro Graheli - 2005 - In Federico Squarcini (ed.), Boundaries, Dynamics and Construction of Traditions in South Asia. Firenze University Press and Munshiram Manoharlal. pp. 287-323.
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    Living Organ Donors’ Stories: (Unmet) Expectations about Informed Consent, Outcomes, and Care.Elisa J. Gordon - 2012 - Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics 2 (1):1-6.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Living Organ Donors’ Stories: (Unmet) Expectations about Informed Consent, Outcomes, and CareElisa J. Gordon, Symposium EditorKeywordsEthics, informed consent, kidney, liver, living donor, narrative, transplantationLiving donor organ transplantation has become standard treatment for patients with end-stage kidney or end-stage liver disease. Live donors comprised approximately 5,769 (34%) and 247 (4%) of all kidney and liver transplants in 2011, respectively (OPTN/UNOS). The reasons why people donate, the perception that donating does (...)
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  47. A Universal Declaration?Elisa Grimi - 2019 - In Elisa Grimi & Luca Di Donato (eds.), Metaphysics of Human Rights. 1948-2018. On the Occasion of the 70th Anniversary of the UDHR. Vernon Press. pp. 121-134.
    In this paper I will analyse the conception of human rights, considering, in particular, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948). Human rights, following the common-sense approach, are of course a sacred element for each individual and a necessary premise for an ethics that points to human flourishing. Here, the concept of human rights concerning the subject’s beliefs and the context in which the subject acts will be analysed. At the centre of this paper, there will be an analysis of (...)
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  48. Far di necessità virtù IT/EN (Editorial_Philosophical News N.4).Elisa Grimi - 2012 - Philosophical News 4 (Le virtù):9-18.
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    Reexamining Foucault on confession and obedience: Peter Schaefer's Radical Pietism as counter-conduct.Elisa Heinämäki - 2017 - Critical Research on Religion 5 (2):133-150.
    This article engages with Michel Foucault’s idea of confession as the central Christian strategy of subjection or subjectivation and the link he proposes between confession and obedience. The article also wishes to show how confession can become counter-conduct. I apply Foucault’s conceptions to early modern Lutheran confessionalism, elucidating how the confessional apparatus of the orthodox Lutheranism of seventeenth- and eighteenth-century Sweden strived to mold obedient subjects who are able to conduct themselves. I also examine the transformation and overthrow of these (...)
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    Effects of an Autonomy-Supportive Physical Activity Program for Compensatory Care Students During Recess Time.Elisa Huéscar, Juan Antonio Moreno-Murcia, Jose F. Domenech & Juan L. Núñez - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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