Results for 'Elizabeth Sonnier'

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    Physics and the concept of energy : a study of Heisenberg's philosophy.Elizabeth Sonnier - unknown
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  2. The Nick of Time: Politics, Evolution, and the Untimely.Elizabeth Grosz - 2006 - Journal of Nietzsche Studies 31:69-71.
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  3. Indeterminacy, identity and counterparts: Evans reconsidered.Elizabeth Barnes - 2009 - Synthese 168 (1):81 - 96.
    In this paper I argue that Gareth Evans’ famous proof of the impossibility of de re indeterminate identity fails on a counterpart-theoretic interpretation of the determinacy operators. I attempt to motivate a counterpart-theoretic reading of the determinacy operators and then show that, understood counterpart-theoretically, Evans’ argument is straightforwardly invalid.
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  4. Dewey's moral philosophy.Elizabeth Anderson - 2008 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
    John Dewey (1859-1952) lived from the Civil War to the Cold War, a period of extraordinary social, economic, demographic, political and technological change. During his lifetime the United States changed from a rural to an urban society, from an agricultural to an industrial economy, from a regional to a world power. It emancipated its slaves, but subjected them to white supremacy. It absorbed millions of immigrants from Europe and Asia, but faced wrenching conflicts between capital and labor as they were (...)
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    (1 other version)Retributivism and the Moral Enhancement of Criminals Through Brain Interventions.Elizabeth Shaw - 2018 - Royal Institute of Philosophy Supplement 83:251-270.
    This chapter will focus on the biomedical moral enhancement of offenders – the idea that we could modify offenders’ brains in order to reduce the likelihood that they would engage in immoral, criminal behaviour. Discussions of the permissibility of using biomedical means to address criminal behaviour typically analyse the issues from the perspective of medical ethics, rather than penal theory. However, recently certain theorists have discussed whether brain interventions could be legitimately used for punitive (as opposed to purely therapeutic) purposes. (...)
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    What Is Energy For? Social Practice and Energy Demand.Elizabeth Shove & Gordon Walker - 2014 - Theory, Culture and Society 31 (5):41-58.
    Energy has an ambivalent status in social theory, variously figuring as a driver or an outcome of social and institutional change, or as something that is woven into the fabric of society itself. In this article the authors consider the underlying models on which different approaches depend. One common strategy is to view energy as a resource base, the management and organization of which depends on various intersecting systems: political, economic and technological. This is not the only route to take. (...)
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  7. On treating persons as persons.Elizabeth V. Spelman - 1978 - Ethics 88 (2):150-161.
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    (1 other version)Imagination inflation: Imagining a childhood event inflates confidence that it occurred.Elizabeth Loftus - manuscript
    Counterfactual imaginings are known to have far reaching implications. In the present experiment, we ask if imagining events from one's past can affect memory for childhood events. We draw on the social psychology literature showing that imagining a future event increases the subjective likelihood that the event will occur. The concepts of cognitive availability and the source monitoring framework provide reasons to expect that imagination may inflate confidence that a childhood event occurred. However, people routinely produce myriad counterfactual imaginings (i.e., (...)
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    Gender and professional purity: Explaining formal and informal work rewards for physicians in estonia.Elizabeth Heger Boyle & Donald A. Barr - 2001 - Gender and Society 15 (1):29-54.
    How does gender affect work rewards for professionals in a state-run economy? Using surveys from physicians in Estonia in 1991, the authors first found that the gender of the physician did not affect the level of formal rewards. However, because the state allocated formal rewards on the basis of professional purity, which was negatively correlated with feminization, specialties that had the greatest proportion of women also had the lowest formal rewards. These findings contrast with the author's findings for the level (...)
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    The ambiguity of moral excellence: A response to Aaron Stalnaker's “virtue as mastery”.Elizabeth M. Bucar - 2010 - Journal of Religious Ethics 38 (3):429-435.
    This response draws on Saba Mahmood's work on Muslim subjectivities in order to consider how Stalnaker's conceptualization of virtue might be applied to non-Confucian sources. I argue that when applied cross-culturally, Stalnaker's revised definition of “skillful virtue” raises normative and metaethical questions about what counts as a skill versus a mere bodily practice, the process by how skill is acquired, and how we can both allow for the ambiguity of skills and continue to make constructive arguments about them.
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    Examining the Consumer’s Perspective of Patient Advocacy.Elizabeth Crawford - 2017 - Alétheia: Revista Académica de la Escuela de Postgrado de la Universidad Femenina del Sagrado Corazón-Unifé 2 (1).
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    Homer Springs a Surprise:: Eumaios' Tale at Od. o 403-484.Elizabeth Minchin - 1992 - Hermes 120 (3):259-266.
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    Scientific Research on Nanotechnology in Latin American Journals Published in SciELO: Bibliometric Analysis of Gender Differences.Elizabeth Duran, Katherine Astroza, Jaime Ocaranza-Ozimica, Damary Peñailillo, Iskra Pavez-Soto & Rodrigo Ramirez-Tagle - 2019 - NanoEthics 13 (2):113-118.
    Papers on nanotechnology in the Scientific Electronic Library Online database were studied bibliometrically. The terms ‘nanotechnology’, ‘nanoparticle’, ‘graphene’, ‘fullerene’, ‘nanotube’ and ‘quantum dot’ were used for the search in their singular and plural forms in three languages, and a total of 1205 papers were selected for the study to assess the frequency rates of the study variables. The results of the study are presented in this article focusing on gender differences.
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  14. Moral Naturalism and the Possibility of Making Ourselves Better.Elizabeth S. Radcliffe - 2007 - In Brad K. Wilburn (ed.), Moral Cultivation: Essays on the Development of Character and Virtue. Lexington Books.
  15.  46
    The necessity of anger in Philodemus' On Anger.Elizabeth Asmis - 2011 - In Jeffrey Fish & Kirk R. Sanders (eds.), Epicurus and the Epicurean tradition. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 152-182.
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  16. Welfare, Work Requirements, and Dependant-Care.Elizabeth Anderson - 2004 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 21 (3):243-256.
    the arguments in their favour are weak. Arguments based on reciprocity fail to explain why only means-tested public benefits should be subject to work requirements, and why unpaid dependant care work should not count as satisfying citizens’ obligations to reciprocate. Argu- ments based on promoting the work ethic misattribute recipients’ nonwork to deviant values, when their core problem is finding steady employment consistent with supporting a family and meeting dependant care responsibilities. Rigid work requirements impose unreasonable costs on some of (...)
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    Contingencies.Elizabeth Rottenberg - 2015 - philoSOPHIA: A Journal of Continental Feminism 5 (1):128-138.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:ContingenciesElizabeth RottenbergAnalysis does precious little, but the little it does is precious.—Therese BenedekI’d like to begin with an anecdote of a slightly confessional nature. If I mention this anecdote, it’s because it came to me by chance as an association to what French analyst and philosopher Monique David-Ménard, in her introduction to Éloge des hasards dans la vie sexuelle, calls “positive contingency” or the “positive aspect of chance” (David-Ménard (...)
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    Psychoanalysis and the Language of Chance.Elizabeth Rottenberg - 2018 - Revue Internationale de Philosophie 282 (4):445-456.
    As we know from The Psychopathology of Everyday Life (1901) and the first four of Freud’s Introductory Lectures (1916 [1915]), nothing in the mind is arbitrary or undetermined. As Freud demonstrates again and again in hundreds of examples of parapraxes, the accident (Unfall) is no accident for the analyst who is able to recognize and interpret an unconscious purpose behind an apparently random event. So how does chance (Zufall, Zufälligkeit) operate in an economy of psychical determinism? How are we to (...)
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    Is James’s Pragmatism Really a New Name for Some Old Ways of Thinking?Elizabeth Shaw - 2012 - Essays in Philosophy 13 (1):31-53.
    Pragmatism may be the aspect of William James’s thought for which he is best known; but, at the same time, James’s pragmatism may be among the most misunderstood doctrines of the past century. There are many meanings of word “pragmatism,” even within James’s own corpus. Not a single unified doctrine, pragmatism may be better described as a collection of positions which together form a coherent philosophical system. This paper examines three interrelated uses of the term: (1) pragmatism as a temperament, (...)
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    Defining financial conflicts and managing research relationships: An analysis of university conflict of interest committee decisions.Elizabeth A. Boyd & Lisa A. Bero - 2007 - Science and Engineering Ethics 13 (4):415-435.
    Despite a decade of federal regulation and debate over the appropriateness of financial ties in research and their management, little is known about the actual decision-making processes of university conflict of interest (COI) committees. This paper analyzes in detail the discussions and decisions of three COI committees at three public universities in California. University committee members struggle to understand complex financial relationships and reconcile institutional, state, and federal policies and at the same time work to protect the integrity of the (...)
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    The Exchange of Words, by Richard Moran.Elizabeth Fricker - 2021 - Mind 130 (518):671-680.
    The Exchange of Words, by MoranRichard. Oxford: OUP, 2018. Pp. 254.
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    Treatment of Aphasia Combining Neuromodulation and Behavioral Intervention: Taking an Impairment and Functional Approach.Galletta Elizabeth & Vogel Amy - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5.
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    Authors' Index to the Fourteenth Bibliography.Elizabeth Gilpatrick - 1923 - Isis 5 (3):570-576.
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  24. Alienated Labor.Elizabeth Rapaport - 1978 - Philosophical Forum 10 (2):295.
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  25. Ignorance, self-deception and moral accountability.Elizabeth A. Linehan - 1982 - Journal of Value Inquiry 16 (2):101-115.
    The argument of the paper is that, for cases of self-deception that involve grave consequences for others, judging moral accountability need not involve the claim that the person knows he is deceiving himself. ignorance can be genuine and yet be culpable. in disagreement with fingarette, i conclude further that self-deceptive disavowal does not entirely subvert moral authority over what is disavowed.
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  26. William of ockham, Walter chatton and Adam wodeham on the objects of knowledge and belief.Elizabeth Karger - 1995 - Vivarium 33 (2):171-196.
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    The knowledge argument and the inadequacy of scientific knowledge.Elizabeth Schier - 2008 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 15 (1):39-62.
    Recently a number of authors have responded to the knowl-edge argument by suggesting that Mary could learn about new physi-cal facts upon release (Flanagan, 1992; Mandik, 2001; Stoljar, 2001; Van Gulick, 1985). A key step in achieving this is a demonstration that there are facts that can be known via colour experience that cannot be learnt scientifically. In this paper I develop an account of scientific and visual knowledge on which there is a difference between the knowledge provided by science (...)
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    Sex differences in aggression: What does evolutionary theory predict?Elizabeth Cashdan - 2009 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 32 (3-4):273-274.
    The target article claims that evolutionary theory predicts the emergence of sex differences in aggression in early childhood, and that there will be no sex difference in anger. It also finds an absence of sex differences in spousal abuse in Western societies. All three are puzzling from an evolutionary perspective and warrant further discussion.
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    Defective housing and the growth of children.Elizabeth Sloan Chesser - 1920 - The Eugenics Review 11 (4):225.
  30.  15
    Virtuous Assent and Christian Faith.Elizabeth Agnew Cochran - 2010 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 30 (1):117-140.
    ALTHOUGH STOIC THOUGHT HAS SHAPED THE CHRISTIAN TRADITION IN decisive ways, Christian ethicists largely overlook the insights Stoicism offers for contemporary Christian discussion of virtue. This essay expands and elaborates our retrieval of ancient ethics of virtue by exploring Stoic "assent" and its possible intersections with Christian ethics. Rather than being tragically fatalistic, Stoic assent functions as a response to divine providence that is compatible with theological commitments that find particular expression in historical Protestant traditions: the claim that salvation occurs (...)
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    Living With (Out) Borders: Catholic Theological Ethics on the Migrations of Peoples.Elizabeth W. Collier - 2018 - Journal of Catholic Social Thought 15 (1):226-228.
  32.  13
    Towards an Aesthetico-Ethical Theory.Elizabeth Cranley - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 1:33-41.
    In this paper I will explore the philosophical modes of connectivity between ethics and aesthetics. I argue first, that the traditional ethical theories of deontology, consequentialism and virtue ethics can be mapped onto the aesthetic theories of formalism, functionalism and taste. Second, I argue that we can see threesimilar themes running through the literature that explicitly addresses the interdependence of ethics and aesthetics. Finally, I will outline this body of literature, which I shall call ‘aestheticoethical’ theory, using the three categories (...)
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  33. Father Interaction and Separatian Protest'.Elizabeth Spelke, Philip Zelazo & Jerome Kagan - unknown
    Thirty-six 1-year-old middle-class children with fathers who spent differential time with them at home were observed in two experimental contexts separated by 2 weeks. In the first, each infant was shown six to eight repetitions of three different nonsocial events followed by a change in..
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    1Q Object Perception.Elizabeth S. Spelke - 1993 - In Alvin I. Goldman (ed.), Readings in Philosophy and Cognitive Science. Cambridge: MIT Press. pp. 447.
  35. The concept of possibilty in its philosophical applications.Elizabeth Williamson - 1931 - Chicago,: Chicago University Press.
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    P. Schreiner, Die byzantinischen Kleinchroniken.Elizabeth A. Zachariadou - 1980 - Byzantinische Zeitschrift 73 (1).
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  37. Know first, tell later : the truth about Craig on knowledge.Elizabeth Fricker - 2015 - In David K. Henderson & John Greco (eds.), Epistemic Evaluation: Purposeful Epistemology. Oxford: Oxford University Press UK.
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    Affect, genealogy, history – Review Symposium on Ruth Leys’s The Ascent of Affect.Elizabeth A. Wilson - 2020 - History of the Human Sciences 33 (2):143-150.
  39.  32
    Life on the island.Elizabeth Corey - 2016 - Zygon 51 (4):999-1010.
    Walker Percy was both a medical doctor and a serious Catholic—a scientist and a religious believer. He thought, however, that science had become hegemonic in the twentieth century and that it was incapable of answering the most fundamental needs of human beings. He thus leveled a critique of the scientific method and its shortcomings in failing to address the individual person over against the group. In response to these shortcomings Percy postulates a religious understanding of human life, one in which (...)
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    Handstand (poem).Elizabeth Crowell - 2002 - Feminist Studies 28 (2):302.
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    History and Research in Child Development. Alice Boardman Smuts, John W. Hagen.Elizabeth Lomax - 1987 - Isis 78 (2):283-283.
  42. Seneca on fortune and the kingdom of God.Elizabeth Asmis - 2009 - In Shadi Bartsch & David Wray (eds.), Seneca and the self. New York: Cambridge University Press.
  43.  36
    Mediation and Its Shadow.Elizabeth Portella - 2019 - Philosophy Today 63 (2):427-445.
    Emmanuel Levinas and Theodor Adorno never spoke to one another. Both thinkers were of Jewish ancestry, though their lives would be impacted in distinct ways by the rise of Nazism. With these historical parallels in mind, this paper seeks to place these thinkers in a productive juxtaposition with regard to the status of ethics and politics in either’s work. In particular, I examine the ramifications of philosophical reflection on Auschwitz as a mediating event in post-war European philosophy, reading Levinas’s and (...)
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    Emergency Contraception: Legal Consequences of Medical Classification.Elizabeth Gerber - 2008 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 36 (2):428-431.
    Pharmacists with religious or ethical objections to prescribing emergency contraception won the latest round in the fight over conscience clauses in a case that could have broader implications for attempts to restrict access to contraception. In Stormans, Inc. v. Selecky, a federal District Court in Washington State granted an injunction to block the enforcement of regulations that would have forbidden pharmacists to refuse to dispense emergency contraception on the grounds of religious or ethical objections. In its decision, the court applied (...)
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  45. Roman rulers and the philosophic adviser.Elizabeth Rawson - 1997 - In Jonathan Barnes & Miriam T. Griffin (eds.), Philosophia togata. New York: Oxford University Press.
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  46. New essays on Plato and Aristotle.Elizabeth Anscombe (ed.) - 1967 1965 - Routledge and Kegan Paul.
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  47. Beckett, schizophrenia and the self.Elizabeth C. Barry - forthcoming - Medical Humanities.
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    Technical rationality in schön's reflective practice: Dichotomous or non-dualistic epistemological position.Elizabeth Anne Kinsella phd - 2007 - Nursing Philosophy 8 (2):102–113.
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    Discrimination and AIDS.Elizabeth W. Prior - 1987 - Social Theory and Practice 13 (2):129-153.
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    Notebook.Elizabeth M. Pybus - 1981 - Philosophy 56:143.
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