Results for 'Emmanuel Forster'

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  1. (1 other version)Totality and infinity: an essay on exteriority.Emmanuel Levinas - 1961 - Hingham, MA: distribution for the U.S. and Canada, Kluwer Boston.
    INTRODUCTION Ever since the beginning of the modern phenomenological movement disciplined attention has been paid to various patterns of human experience as ...
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  2. Totalité et Infini.Emmanuel Levinas - 1963 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 153 (4):127-131.
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    (1 other version)The theory of intuition in Husserl's phenomenology.Emmanuel Levinas - 1973 - Evanston [Ill.]: Northwestern University Press.
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    From many-valued consequence to many-valued connectives.Emmanuel Chemla & Paul Egré - 2018 - Synthese 198 (S22):5315-5352.
    Given a consequence relation in many-valued logic, what connectives can be defined? For instance, does there always exist a conditional operator internalizing the consequence relation, and which form should it take? In this paper, we pose this question in a multi-premise multi-conclusion setting for the class of so-called intersective mixed consequence relations, which extends the class of Tarskian relations. Using computer-aided methods, we answer extensively for 3-valued and 4-valued logics, focusing not only on conditional operators, but also on what we (...)
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    Cognitive science in the era of artificial intelligence: A roadmap for reverse-engineering the infant language-learner.Emmanuel Dupoux - 2018 - Cognition 173 (C):43-59.
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    Persistent stress ‘deafness’: The case of French learners of Spanish.Emmanuel Dupoux, Núria Sebastián-Gallés, Eduardo Navarrete & Sharon Peperkamp - 2008 - Cognition 106 (2):682-706.
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    Can we Agree About agree?Emmanuel Chemla & B. R. George - 2016 - Review of Philosophy and Psychology 7 (1):243-264.
    This squib attempts to constrain semantic theories of agree wh constructions by broadening the data set and collecting naive speakers’ intuitions. Overall, our data suggest relatively permissive truth-conditions for these constructions. They also suggest a previously undiscussed presupposition for agree wh and also indicate that agree wh is not straightforwardly reducible to agree that. Although some accounts suggest differences in truth conditions among different asymmetrical agree with constructions and symmetrical agree constructions, we do not find any indication of such truth-conditional (...)
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    The Consensus Project and Three Levels of Deliberation.Emmanuel Ifeanyi Ani - 2019 - Dialogue 58 (2):299-322.
    L’argument de base de cet article est que le débat consensuel n’a pas été une notion très significative jusqu’à présent parce que le consensus n’a pas été étudié de manière approfondie en tant que concept et que la délibération n’a pas été étudiée précisément en termes de sa propension à parvenir à un accord commun. En particulier, la délibération et les problèmes qui en découlent n’ont pas été classées en plusieurs niveaux afin d’exposer les différents défis qui se posent lorsque (...)
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    Comfort or safety? Gathering and using the concerns of a participant for better persuasion.Emmanuel Hadoux & Anthony Hunter - 2019 - Argument and Computation 10 (2):113-147.
  10. Critique and Refinement of the Wakefieldian Concept of Disorder: An Improvement of the Harmful Dysfunction Analysis.Emmanuel Smith - 2022 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 47 (4):530-539.
    One way in which bioethicists can benefit the medical community is by clarifying the concept of disorder. Since insurance companies refer to the DSM for whether a patient should receive assistance, one must consider the consequences of one’s concept of disorder for who should be provided with care. I offer a refinement of Jerome Wakefield’s hybrid concept of disorder, the harmful dysfunction analysis. I criticize both the factual component and the value component of Wakefield’s account and suggest how they might (...)
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    Unforeseen History.Emmanuel Levinas & Nidra Poller - 2003 - University of Illinois Press.
    "Unforseen History covers the years of 1929-92, providing a wide overview of Levinas's work - especially his views on aesthetics and Judaism - offering examples of his precise thinking at work in small essays, long essays, and interviews." --Book Jacket.
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    Introduction.Steven M. Emmanuel - 2013 - In A Companion to Buddhist Philosophy. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 1–10.
    The task of producing a comprehensive, single‐volume treatment of Buddhist philosophy presents certain editorial challenges, not the least of which is the problem of how to do justice to the sheer breadth and diversity of a tradition that spans some two and a half millennia. This introductory chapter of A Companion to Buddhist Philosophy sheds some light on the considerations that shaped the structure and content of the book.
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    This Obscure Thing Called Transparency. Politics and Aesthetics of a Contemporary Metaphor.Emmanuel Alloa (ed.) - 2022 - University Press Leuven.
    The paradoxical logic of transparency and mediation Transparency is the metaphor of our time. Whether in government or corporate governance, finance, technology, health or the media – it is ubiquitous today, and there is hardly a current debate that does not call for more transparency. But what does this word actually stand for and what are the consequences for the life of individuals? Can knowledge from the arts, and its play of visibility and invisibility, tell us something about the paradoxical (...)
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  14. « Enigme Et Phénomène ».Emmanuel Lévinas & Elad Lapidot - 2004 - Cahiers d'Études Lévinassiennes 3.
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    Wittgenstein : éthique et religion. De la « valeur » à « Dieu ».Emmanuel Halais - 2022 - Revue Internationale de Philosophie 300 (2):107-124.
    L’éthique de Wittgenstein, bien que difficile à saisir, est essentielle à sa philosophie. Afin de la comprendre, nous devons réfléchir tant à la valeur qu’au langage visant à exprimer, tandis que ce dernier échoue dans son entreprise même. Selon Wittgenstein, l’éthique est « surnaturelle » : une pleine saisie de la signification de ce terme exige une compréhension du caractère « accidentel » de tout ce qui est, i.e. qui tout ce qui appartient au monde. Nous verrons aussi comment Wittgenstein (...)
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    Philosophy's big questions: comparing Buddhist and Western approaches.Steven M. Emmanuel (ed.) - 2021 - New York: Columbia University Press.
    Certain questions have recurred throughout the history of philosophy. They are the big questions-about happiness and the good life, the limits of knowledge, the ultimate structure of reality, the nature of consciousness, the relation between causality and free will, the pervasiveness of suffering, and the conditions for a just and flourishing society-that thinkers in different cultures across the ages have formulated in their own terms in an attempt to make sense of their lives and the world around them. The essays (...)
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    The Phenomenology of Choice.Emmanuel Baierlé - 2016 - Dissertation, University of Fribourg
  18. Writing, Embodiment, Deferral: Merleau-Ponty and Derrida on The Origin of Geometry.Emmanuel Alloa - 2014 - Philosophy Today 58 (2):219-239.
    A simplistic image of twentieth century French philosophy sees Merleau-Ponty’s death in 1961 as the line that divides two irreconcilable moments in its history: existentialism and phenomenology, on the one hand, and structuralism on the other. The structuralist generation claimed to recapture the dimension of objectivity and impersonality, which the previous generation was supposedly incapable of. As a matter of fact, in 1962, Derrida’s edition of Husserl’s The Origin of Geometry was taken to be a turning point that announced the (...)
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    What Exactly is Voting to Consensual Deliberation?Emmanuel Ifeanyi Ani - 2021 - Philosophical Papers 50 (1):53-79.
    There have been two parallel views regarding the role of voting in deliberation. The first is that deliberation before the fabrication of balloting was completely devoid of voting. The second is that voting is, not just part of deliberation, but is standard to deliberation. I argue in this article that neither of these views is correct. Implicit voting has always existed across time and space but only as a last resort in the event of a failure of natural unanimity. What (...)
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  20. Laws of Chaos.Emmanuel Farjoun & Moshe Machover - 1985 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 36 (3):348-352.
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    Subliminal speech perception and auditory streaming.Emmanuel Dupoux, Vincent de Gardelle & Sid Kouider - 2008 - Cognition 109 (2):267-273.
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    Moral Luck, Responsibility, and Systems of Tort Liability.Emmanuel Voyiakis - 2020 - Res Publica 27 (2):271-286.
    Bernard Williams drew our attention to what might be wrong with denying the role of luck in our understanding of agency and responsibility. Susan Wolf and David Enoch, in separate works, have asked us to focus instead on what might be virtuous and valuable in embracing that role, and on how our institutions might assist us in that regard. They claim that the agent who ‘takes’ a responsibility that law or morality do not already assign to them may be displaying (...)
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    Quantum principles in psychology: The debate, the evidence, and the future.Emmanuel M. Pothos & Jerome R. Busemeyer - 2013 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 36 (3):310-327.
    The attempt to employ quantum principles for modeling cognition has enabled the introduction of several new concepts in psychology, such as the uncertainty principle, incompatibility, entanglement, and superposition. For many commentators, this is an exciting opportunity to question existing formal frameworks (notably classical probability theory) and explore what is to be gained by employing these novel conceptual tools. This is not to say that major empirical challenges are not there. For example, can we definitely prove the necessity for quantum, as (...)
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    Dewey, Hook et Mao : quelques affinités entre marxisme et pragmatisme.Emmanuel Renault - 2013 - Actuel Marx 54 (2):138.
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    Benefit, Acceptance, and Opposability: A Response to Edward Song.Emmanuel Voyiakis - 2024 - Journal of Moral Philosophy:1-10.
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  26. Der Leib, ein 'merkwürdig unvollkommen konstituiertes Ding'.Emmanuel Alloa & Natalie Depraz - 2012 - In Emmanuel Alloa, Thomas Bedorf, Tobias Nikolaus Klass & Christian Grüny (eds.), Leiblichkeit. Geschichte und Aktualität eines Begriffs. Tübingen: Mohr-Siebeck / UTB.
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    Reading Kierkegaard.Steven M. Emmanuel - 1992 - Philosophy Today 36 (3):240-255.
  28. La proximité.Emmanuel Lévinas - 1971 - Archives de Philosophie 34 (3):373-391.
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    Lautman.Emmanuel Barot - 2009 - Paris: Les belles lettres.
    Albert Lautman,.philosophe, juif, fusillé par les Nazis pour faits de Résistance comme son ami et collègue Jean Cavaillès, a laissé inachevée une œuvre puissante et dont l'influence s'est fait sentir au-delà de son domaine. Lautman est une figure rare : un philosophe souverain, capable de mobiliser les grands noms de la tradition philosophique, de Platon à Heidegger, et suffisamment averti des mathématiques pour proposer une intelligence de leur développement acceptée des savants. Les membres du groupe Bourbaki ont reconnu en Lautman (...)
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    El beso de Satán: leer a Bernanos.Emmanuel Falque & Francisco Novoa-Rojas - 2024 - Tábano 24:22-45.
    Quisiéramos vivir “bajo el sol de Dios” (Ecl. 8, 15), pero nos descubrimos bajo el sol de Satanás. Nadie más que Bernanos lo ha visto, y también lo ha sabido, pues la literatura alcanza lo que ni la filosofía ni la teología logran expresar, especialmente en lo que respecta al tormento del mal. Oculto bajo la figura del “maquignon picard”, y por tanto de un hombre ordinario, el diablo no se deja ver; prefiere disfrazarse. No existe el mal de un (...)
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    Hegel et le paradigme du travail.Emmanuel Renault - 2017 - Revue Internationale de Philosophie 4 (4):469-490.
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    Arendt et Heidegger: extermination nazie et destruction de la pensée.Emmanuel Faye - 2016 - Paris: Albin Michel.
    N'y a-t-il pas une contradiction dans l'oeuvre d'Arendt? On y trouve une description critique du totalitarisme national-socialiste, mais aussi l'apologie de Heidegger érigé, malgré son éloge de la "vérité interne et grandeur" du mouvement nazi, en roi secret de la pensée. L'étude des Origines du totalitarisme montre qu'Arendt développe une vision heideggérienne de la modernité. Dans Condition de l'homme moderne, la conception déshumanisée de l'humanité au travail et le discrédit jeté sur nos sociétés égalitaires procèdent également de Heidegger. En outre, (...)
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    Wann ist ein Bild? Bildwissenschaft als Symptomatologie.Emmanuel Alloa - 2020 - In Andreas Cremonini & Markus Klammer (eds.), Bild-Beispiele: zu einer pikturalen Logik des Exemplarischen. Paderborn: Wilhelm Fink. pp. 49-73.
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    The formal verification of the ctm approach to forcing.Emmanuel Gunther, Miguel Pagano, Pedro Sánchez Terraf & Matías Steinberg - 2024 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 175 (5):103413.
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    Nietzsche.Emmanuel Salanskis - 2015 - Paris: Les Belles Lettres.
    English summary: Nietzsche's work does not fit into readily defined categories or disciplinary fields. Rejecting definitive truths and assumptions, he nourished his philosophical explorations with constant experimentation, reading widely on texts as varied as Greek philosophy, Darwinian evolution, thermodynamic cosmology, and the history of religion. Through this multiplication of perspectives, Nietzsche developed a philosophy of culture that sought to raise mankind up beyond the possibilities of Judeo-Christian values. Although his philosophy would later be misappropriated for National Socialism, other much nobler (...)
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    L’arrêt de mort. Notes sur le temps photographique.Emmanuel Alloa - 2022 - Archives de Philosophie 85 (1):11-25.
    Promettant à la fois la capture de l’instant et son dépassement vers l’intemporel, le medium photographique voit son destin intimement lié à la catégorie du temps. L’article suggère cependant que cette inclusion du temps dans l’image s’est acquise, au cours de l’histoire de la photographie, au prix d’une essentialisation du momentané. À rebours d’une telle approche, il s’agit de repenser l’instantané photographique comme découlant de l’accident, si bien que la photo figure non plus l’instant fécond, mais bien le temps de (...)
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    Two types of potential functions and their use in the modeling of information: two applications from the social sciences.Emmanuel E. Haven - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    Potential Functions and the Characterization of Economics-Based Information.Emmanuel Haven - 2015 - Foundations of Physics 45 (10):1394-1406.
    The formulation of quantum mechanics as a diffusion process by Nelson provides for an interesting approach on how we may transit from classical mechanics into quantum mechanics. Besides the presence of the real potential function, another type of potential function forms an intrinsic part of this theory. In this paper we attempt to show how both types of potential functions can have a use in a resolutely macroscopic context like financial asset pricing. We are particularly interested in uncovering how the (...)
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    Lévy-Bruhl et la philosophie contemporaine.Emmanuel Lévinas - 1957 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 147:556 - 569.
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    Action, transcendance, incarnation. Pour une lecture unifiée de la pensée politique de S. Weil.Emmanuel Gabellieri - 2023 - Labyrinth: An International Journal for Philosophy, Value Theory and Sociocultural Hermeneutics 25 (1):34-55.
    In contrast to the readings that oppose a first 'revolutionary' Simone Weil to a second 'conservative' Simone Weil, this article supports the thesis of a profound continuity and coherence in Weil's political thought, parallel to the overall unity of her philosophy. Just as there is no opposition between her political thought of the early and the late 1930s, there is no opposition between her 'mystical' philosophy from the period in Marseille and her "political" philosophy from the period in London. However, (...)
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    Traces du passé, questions du présent : quelles transformations pour l’ingénierie de formation?Emmanuel Quenson - 2023 - Revue Phronesis 12 (4):25-42.
    Distancing itself from most of the works devoted to training engineering, which identify its beginnings in the 1980s, this article proposes a different interpretation, which situates the appearance of practices, methods, tools, and actors dedicated to this field in the industries of the interwar period. Training engineering is then at the service of the rationalization of production in order to train and stabilize qualified personnel. Since the 2000s, it has had to adjust to the new situation represented by the individualization (...)
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    “Who/What Neglected the Monotheism?”: A Panentheistic Rejoinder to Thaddeus Metz and Motsamai Molefe on African Traditional Religion.Emmanuel Ofuasia - 2022 - Philosophia Africana 21 (2):78-99.
    Neglected monotheism is how Thaddeus Metz and Motsamai Molefe designate the common denominator among the various religious cultures found across sub-Saharan Africa. This is a product of their engagement with such traditional African religious themes as God’s nature, God’s will, life beyond death, and the duration of existence beyond or without a body consequent on death. This article uses traditional Yoruba theology and its ritual archive, the Ifa corpus, to argue that Metz and Molefe’s monotheistic proposal is a hasty generalization. (...)
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    Réflexions sur le transhumanisme : entre amélioration individuelle et défi pour le progrès collectif.Emmanuel Picavet - 2020 - Diogène n° 263-264 (3):185-200.
    Dans les débats sur le transhumanisme et ses rapports avec le post-humanisme, devons-nous admettre un horizon de perfectibilité susceptible de faire l’unanimité et capable de donner sens au travail engagé aux yeux de tous? Cela semble, de prime abord, bien difficile à défendre. En effet, les idées sur la perfectibilité humaine sont nombreuses et leur cohérence d’ensemble n’est pas avérée. Il apparaît indispensable, en tout état de cause, de prendre en compte la dimension sociale du « progrès » auquel l’humanité (...)
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    Work and Domination in Marx.Emmanuel Renault - 2014 - Critical Horizons 15 (2):179-193.
    The interpretation of Marx’s references to work and to domination is a vexed question. Can we say that Marx criticizes capitalism in terms of its effects on work? Or does he criticize capitalism from the standpoint of those subject to domination, and with whom his position is one of solidarity? Or does he elaborate a description of the unprecedented transformations brought about in the relations of power, which the category of domination is unable to apprehend effectively? The article argues that (...)
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    Études critiques - une <> métaphysique: Thomas d'aquin, Hegel et Boehme. A propos de trois ouvrages récents: Thomas d'aquin, Hegel et Boehme. A propos de trois ouvrages récents.Emmanuel Tourpe - 2002 - Revue Philosophique De Louvain 100 (3):585-607.
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    (1 other version)The Blood of Others.Emmanuel de Saint Aubert - 2019 - Simone de Beauvoir Studies 30 (1):33-65.
    The author argues, with reference to a number of Merleau-Ponty’s unpublished manuscripts, that the philosopher’s notion of encroachment (empiétement) has origins in Simone de Beauvoir’s 1945 novel The Blood of Others. He examines how the two philosophers approach the encroachment of freedoms, the political stance of pacifism, and the interpretation of Voltaire’s Candide (Part I). The impact of Élisabeth Lacoin’s death on Beauvoir’s and Merleau-Ponty’s philosophies, as well as their relationships with Jean-Paul Sartre is also considered (Part II).
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    The Rule of Saint Benedict and the Philosophy of Liberation of Enrique Dussel.Emmanuel Ginestra - 2024 - Veritas: Revista de Filosofía y Teología 59:35-56.
    Resumen: La Regla de San Benito (RB) ha experimentado una revitalización en el panorama intelectual contemporáneo, trascendiendo su origen monástico para convertirse en un referente para diversos movimientos sociales y filosóficos. Siguiendo esta lógica hermenéutica actual, propongo una lectura de la RB a través de la lente de la Filosofía de la Liberación de Enrique Dussel, con el objetivo de explorar su potencial para ofrecer una crítica y una alternativa a los modelos de desarrollo imperantes de la Modernidad. En este (...)
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    In Search of the Climate Change Filter Bubble : A Content-based Method for Studying Ideological Segregation in Google.Emmanuel Genot, Magnus Jiborn, Ulrike Hahn, Igor Volzhanin, Erik J. Olsson & Ylva von Gerber - unknown
    : A popular belief is that the process whereby search engines tailor their search results to individual users, so-called personalization, leads to filter bubbles in the sense of ideologically segregated search results that would tend to reinforce the user’s prior view. Since filter bubbles are thought to be detrimental to society, there have been calls for further legal regulation of search engines beyond the so-called Right to be Forgotten Act. However, the scientific evidence for the filter bubble hypothesis is surprisingly (...)
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  49. La phénoménologie comme science de l’homme sans l’homme.Emmanuel Alloa - 2010 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 72 (1):79-100.
    Husserlian phenomenology sets off as a fundamental rejection of those psychologisms and anthropologisms that deduce the structures of appearance from some preexisting essence of man. However, despite a clear rejection of all anthropological foundations of phenomenology, the examples of Husserl, Heidegger and Merleau-Ponty show that the question of man continues to haunt the phenomenological project and constitutes something like a ‘blind spot’. Relating these unspoken tensions to another historical ‘scene’ (the debate between the Sophists and Aristotle), the article argues why (...)
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    ‘Trapping my way up’: a corpus-assisted discourse analysis of Black Sherif’s songs.Emmanuel Mensah Bonsu - 2025 - Critical Discourse Studies 22 (1):19-36.
    Taking cognisance of the social and linguistic power of trap music and its song lyrics as crucial avenues for language use in society, this study set out to conduct a corpus-assisted discourse analysis of selected song lyrics of Black Sherif. The study synergised Wmatrix and a socio-cognitive approach to CDA to interpret the song lyrics. The analyses revealed three linguistic strategies: (a) pronouns; (b) Ghanaian Student Pidgin; and (c) metaphors in the song lyrics that served as a means of empowering (...)
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