Results for 'Engin Erdemir'

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  1.  39
    Using the Sociology of Literature as a Method to Understand Japanese Culture: The Case Study of Botchan by Natsume Sōseki.Ali Volkan Erdemir - 2017 - Diogenes 64 (3-4):97-102.
    This paper does not attempt to breathe a new life into the sociology of literature. The real concern here is limited to making a possible contribution to the work conducted in Japanese language and literature departments by using the sociology of literature as a method. The discussion begins with a summary of the sociology of literature, merely to make clear the basic characteristics of the method developed by well-known intellectuals. Then the novelBotchanis taken as an example for the suggested approach.
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  2. Turnanın Semahı ve Ezoterizmin Zamanı: Bektaşi ve Alevi Zaman Kavrayışları.Aykan Erdemir & Rabia Harmanşah - 2006 - Cogito 46:260-279.
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    Surgical patients' and nurses' opinions and expectations about privacy in care.Elif Akyüz & Firdevs Erdemir - 2013 - Nursing Ethics 20 (6):660-671.
    The purpose of this study was to determine the opinions and expectations of patients and nurses about privacy during a hospital admission for surgery. The study explored what enables and maintains privacy from the perspective of Turkish surgical patients and nurses. The study included 102 adult patients having surgery and 47 nurses caring for them. Data were collected via semistructured questionnaire by face-to-face interviews. The results showed that patients were mostly satisfied by the respect shown to their privacy by the (...)
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    Ethics in a scientific approach: the importance of the biostatistician in research ethics committees.E. Atici & A. D. Erdemir - 2008 - Journal of Medical Ethics 34 (4):297-300.
    In medical practice and research it is necessary to consider the rights of the researcher or physician and of the subject or patient, to conform to scientific standards and to examine the appropriateness with respect to laws and moral values. Research ethics committees have an important role to play in ensuring the ethical standards and scientific merit of research on human subjects. Research of no scientific value is also against ethical principles. To obtain valid and reliable results from biomedical research, (...)
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    The views of cancer patients on patient rights in the context of information and autonomy.S. Erer, E. Atici & A. D. Erdemir - 2008 - Journal of Medical Ethics 34 (5):384-388.
    Objectives: The aim of this study is to evaluate the views of cancer patients on patient rights in the context of the right to information and autonomy according to articles related to the issue in the “Patient Rights Regulation”. Methods: The research was conducted among cancer patients in the medical oncology department of a research and practice hospital using a random sampling method between June and September 2005. Data were collected during face-to-face interviews using a questionnaire. Results: There was a (...)
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    Westernization as Cultural Trauma: Egyptian Radical Islamist Discourse on Religious Education.Mehmet Ozan Asik & Aykan Erdemir - 2010 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 9 (25):111-132.
    In this article, the relation between the Westernization experience and the radical Islamists reaction in Egypt is examined. It is argued that it is necessary to focus on the historical imagination of Westernization to understand the Egyptian reaction as manifested in Islamist religious educational discourse. The historical imagination appears to be based on a traumatic experience which was triggered by a traumatic event, namely British colonialism. The religious educational discourse in Egypt, an opportune case to observe radical Islamist response to (...)
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    The Prophet of Non-Violence: Spirit of Peace, Compassion & Universality in Islam.Asgharali Engineer - 2011 - Vitasta.
    Section 1. Introduction. The prophet of non-violence -- section 2. Women in Islam. Women in the light of hadith -- Violence against women and religion -- section 3. War and peace in Islam. Theory of war and peace in Islam -- Centrality of jihad in post Qurʼanic period -- Jihad? But what about other verses in the Qurʼan? -- Islam, democracy and violence -- A critical look at Qurʼanic verses on war and violence -- section 4. Justice and compassion in (...)
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  8. Bias in algorithmic filtering and personalization.Engin Bozdag - 2013 - Ethics and Information Technology 15 (3):209-227.
    Online information intermediaries such as Facebook and Google are slowly replacing traditional media channels thereby partly becoming the gatekeepers of our society. To deal with the growing amount of information on the social web and the burden it brings on the average user, these gatekeepers recently started to introduce personalization features, algorithms that filter information per individual. In this paper we show that these online services that filter information are not merely algorithms. Humans not only affect the design of the (...)
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    Klasik Türk Şiirinin İnternet Ortamındaki Yansımalarına Bir Örnek: "Üstüne" Redifli Gazel.Engin Selçuk - 2015 - Journal of Turkish Studies 10 (Volume 10 Issue 4):791-791.
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    Investigation of ethical dilemmas of school principals: comparing Turkish and Canadian principals.Engin Karadag & Esra Tekel - 2020 - Asian Journal of Business Ethics 9 (1):73-92.
    Increasingly complex working environments of school principals inevitably led them to face moral dilemmas in daily life. The aim of this research is to reveal which kinds of moral dilemmas principals fall into mostly, how principals follow the road to making decisions in the moral dilemmas, and if the nature of management affects the decision-making process of their moral dilemmas or not. For data collection process snowball sampling was used. Semi-structured interviews and vignettes which were designed by researchers were used (...)
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  11. Theorizing the European city.Engin F. Isin - 2006 - In Gerard Delanty (ed.), The handbook of contemporary European social theory. New York: Routledge. pp. 323.
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    Tıp Etiğine İlişkin Sorunlarda Eğitim, Kültür, Etik Etkileşimi Bir Kamu Hastanesi Tıp Fakültesi Örne.Engin Kurt - 2014 - Journal of Turkish Studies 9 (Volume 9 Issue 11):395-395.
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    Tecrîd Geleneğinde Zorunlu Varlık'ın Zorunluluğu Tartışması: İsfeh'ni, Kuşçu ve Devv'nî.Engin Erdem - 2021 - Beytulhikme An International Journal of Philosophy 11 (11:2):659-682.
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    On The Common Traits Of The Azerbaijan Turkish And The Eastern Anatolia Dialects.Engin GÖKÇÜR - 2012 - Journal of Turkish Studies 7:1801-1824.
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    PoMo is dead. And we were late for cremation ceremony because we were doing something else.Engin Yurt - 2018 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 50 (14):1366-1367.
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    Badiou Düşüncesinde Özne ve Öznenin Küme Kuramsal Temelleri.Engin Koca - 2020 - Beytulhikme An International Journal of Philosophy 10 (10:3):803-820.
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  17. Religion and poverty a qur'anic approach.Asghar Ali Engineer - 2007 - Journal of Dharma 32 (4):371-378.
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  18. Citizenship after Orientalism.Engin F. Isin - 2013 - In Michael Freeden & Andrew Vincent (eds.), Comparative political thought: theorizing practices. New York: Routledge.
  19.  21
    On the Words of Uighur kiçig erŋek, Karakhanid çıçalak and Turkish serçe parmak.Engin ÇETİN - 2012 - Journal of Turkish Studies 7:1217-1227.
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  20. Globalisation and Emerging Challenges to Islam in Asia.Asghar Ali Engineer - 2004 - Journal of Dharma 29 (4):489.
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  21. A liberative approach to issues of muslim women in india.Asghar Ali Engineer - 2009 - Journal of Dharma 34 (1):97-106.
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  22. The islamic outlook of interreligious dialog.Ashgar Ali Engineer - 1994 - Journal of Dharma 19 (1):20-25.
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    Di̇li̇n yapisi ve geli̇şi̇mi̇ne dai̇r farkli görüşleri̇n kisa bi̇r anali̇zi̇: Söyleme, konuşma ve söz üzeri̇ne bi̇r düşünme denemesi̇.Engin Yurt - 2018 - Tabula Rasa: Felsefe Ve Teoloji 28:71-80.
    Bu makalede en temelde dil üzerine bir düşünme denenmiştir. Dilin evrimsel ve tarihsel gelişimine, oluşumuna dair farklı görüşler incelenmiştir. Bu görüşler üzerinden, konuşmanın ve bir söz söylemenin -herhangi bir şey söylemekten farklı olarak- felsefi anlamı düşünülmüştür. Dil ve düşünme arasındaki ilişkinin ne kadar derine gittiği ya da gitmediği araştırılmıştır. Heidegger‘in dile, konuşmaya ve söze ilişkin görüşleri sunularak günlük konuşmanın sıradanlığı ve dilin şiirselliğinin özsel önemi arasındaki karşıtlık bir nebze de olsa giderilmeye çalışılmıştır.
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  24. Islam, women and gender justice (Shari'ah law).Asghar Ali Engineer - 2004 - Journal of Dharma 29 (2):183-200.
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    European Identity and Turkey’s Quest for the EU Membership.Engin I. Erdem - 2017 - International Studies. Interdisciplinary Political and Cultural Journal 20 (1):147-157.
    In the post-Single European Act period, debates around European identity have intensified, particularly in the context of EU enlargement. The EU’s move to being a supranational political entity in the past two decades has caused serious concerns in some sections of the elite and people across the EU member states. While French and Dutch rejections of the constitutional treaty set an important milestone, Turkey’s quest for the EU membership has complicated to a great extent controversies on European identity. The reviewed (...)
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  26.  14
    Türkmen Türkçesinde Korunan Fonetik Unsurlar.Engin GÖKÇÜR - 2016 - Journal of Turkish Studies 11 (Volume 11 Issue 10):269-269.
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    Türkmen Türkçesinde Arapça ve Farsçadan Alınan Sözcüklerin Ünsüzlerindeki Ses Olayları.Engin GÖKÇÜR - 2015 - Journal of Turkish Studies 10 (Volume 10 Issue 12):429-429.
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  28. Breaking the filter bubble: democracy and design.Engin Bozdag & Jeroen van den Hoven - 2015 - Ethics and Information Technology 17 (4):249-265.
    It has been argued that the Internet and social media increase the number of available viewpoints, perspectives, ideas and opinions available, leading to a very diverse pool of information. However, critics have argued that algorithms used by search engines, social networking platforms and other large online intermediaries actually decrease information diversity by forming so-called “filter bubbles”. This may form a serious threat to our democracies. In response to this threat others have developed algorithms and digital tools to combat filter bubbles. (...)
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    Afyon ve İstanbul uluslararası Türk - İslam tıp tarihi ve etiği kongreleri (2018 - 2019): Bildiri kitabı = Afyon and Istanbul international Turkish - Islamic medical history and ethics congresses (2018 - 2019): Proceedings book.Berrin Okka, Ayşegül Demirhan Erdemir & Öztan Usmanbaş (eds.) - 2020 - Konya: Selçuk Üniversitesi.
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    A New Approach to Name Definition.Engin Yilmaz - 2010 - Journal of Turkish Studies 5:742-746.
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    Türkiye'deki Bazı Tıp Fakültelerinin Etik Eğitimi Müfredatının İncelenmesi.Engin Kurt - 2015 - Journal of Turkish Studies 10 (Volume 10 Issue 11):1071-1071.
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    Hümanizm Üzerine Bir Tez.Engin Koca - 2019 - Beytulhikme An International Journal of Philosophy 9 (9:4):941-957.
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  33. Heidegger-Sartre Anlaşmazlığının Hümanizmin Güncel Terminoloji Sorununa bir Çözüm Getirme Olasılığına Dair bir Araştırma.Engin Yurt - 2017 - Felsefi Düsün 9 (9):289-317.
    When humanism is thought, especially within the borders of 20th century philosophy, one of the things that first comes to mind is the statements which have occurred in 1950s between Martin Heidegger and Jean-Paul Sartre, can be named as Heidegger-Sartre Controversy on Humanism and mainly based on two texts. Sartre, in one of his speeches, builds an essential connection between humanism and existentialism and in here he defines Heidegger as an existentialist like himself. In return, Heidegger, probably as a criticism (...)
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  34. Use of a digital computer for on-line operating and performance analysis of a steam-electric generating unit.Betterment Engineer - 1965 - In Karl W. Linsenmann (ed.), Proceedings. St. Louis, Lutheran Academy for Scholarship.
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    The Semantic Field Of ‘Obedience’ In Orchon Inscriptions.Engin ÇETİN - 2009 - Journal of Turkish Studies 4:825-837.
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    The System Of Nomination To Pregnancy In Turkic.Engin ÇETİN - 2008 - Journal of Turkish Studies 3:189-211.
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    Vaaz 551.Engin Yurt, Erdal Yildiz & Meister Eckhart - 2018 - Tabula Rasa: Felsefe Ve Teoloji 28:129-134.
    Avrupa felsefe tarihinin en ünlü mistik düşünürlerinden olan Meister Eckhart‘ın burada çevirisi sunulan vaaz Kitab-ı Mukaddes‘te İsa ile Mecdelli Meryem arasındaki bir anlatının Meister Eckhart tarafından yapılan yorumuna dayanır. Bu yorum, daha sonra 20. Yüzyıl felsefesi içinde özellikle Derrida, Heidegger, Jean-Luc Nancy gibi düşünürler arasında fenomenoloji açısından sorunsallaştırılan ten, beden, dokunma gibi öğeleri merkeze alan güncel felsefi tartışmalara yeni bir bakış açısı getirme olasılığı açısından önemlidir.
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    The birth of sensory power: How a pandemic made it visible?Evelyn Ruppert & Engin Isin - 2020 - Big Data and Society 7 (2).
    Much has been written about data politics in the last decade, which has generated myriad concepts such as ‘surveillance capitalism’, ‘gig economy’, ‘quantified self’, ‘algorithmic governmentality’, ‘data colonialism’, ‘data subjects’ and ‘digital citizens’. Yet, it has been difficult to plot these concepts into an historical series to discern specific continuities and discontinuities since the origins of modern power in its three major forms: sovereign, disciplinary and regulatory. This article argues that the coronavirus pandemic in 2020 brought these three forms of (...)
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  39.  30
    La ville comme lieu du social.Engin F. Isin - 2009 - Rue Descartes 63 (1):52.
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    The Place of God in Metaphysics: A Short Analysis of Ibn Sīnā’s Critique of Aristotle.Engin Erdem - 2022 - Studia Philosophica Wratislaviensia 17 (1):53-61.
    This article deals with Ibn Sīnā’s criticisms of Aristotle regarding what the place of God should be in the science of metaphysics. From Aristotle’s point of view, the existence of God is proved by the proof of motion in physics and is held as a subject matter in a science that comes after physics, which is metaphysics. According to him, metaphysics is the most sublime science because God is its subject matter. The most striking criticism against Aristotle’s conception of metaphysics (...)
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    Bedeutungen von Citizenship.Engin Isin - 2021 - Polis 25 (1):7-10.
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    Form and Information in Biology—An Evolutionary Perspective.Engin Bermek - forthcoming - Foundations of Science:1-20.
    In this paper, I adopt the view that the form which is embodied in matter gives it its essence and converts it into substance (Aristotle). I furthermore understand information as the transmissible state of the form. Living beings as substances can create order in their environment adapted to their needs. The environment in turn has the potential to change the form and other causes such as matter, efficiency/functionality, and goal/intention. Living beings can internalize these changes, propagate them through replication, or (...)
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    The transport properties of Dirac fermions in chemical vapour-deposited single-layer graphene.Engin Arslan, Şükrü Ardalı, Engin Tıraş, Semih Çakmakyapan & Ekmel Özbay - forthcoming - Philosophical Magazine:1-14.
  44. Ian Holliday.Genetic Engineering & A. Towards - 2002 - In Julia Lai Po-Wah Tao (ed.), Cross-cultural perspectives on the (im) possibility of global bioethics. Boston: Kluwer Academic.
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  45. Yol ve Yolcu Arasındaki İlişki Üzerine Kısa bir Felsefi-Edebi İnceleme: Herakleitos DK 22B60 VE Frost'un Road Not Taken Şiirinden Hareketle Yol.Engin Yurt - 2018 - Journal of History School (JOHS) 11 (XXXIV):987-1003.
    In here, philosophical-literate thinking on the way is mainly tried. On one side, making a philosophical analysis of Heraclitus’ fragment 60 is aimed. The different views on what Heraclitus might have meant in this article which is generally translated as the way up and the way down are one and the same are examined. On the other side, with a reading of Robert Frost’s famous poem of Road Not Taken, it has been tried whether a phenomenological interpretation of the way (...)
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  46. Felsefede İnsan-Hayvan Sorunu: Derrida ve Levinas Arasındaki Karşıtlığa Yeni Bir Yaklaşım: Kucaklama Olarak Sarılma Üzerine.Engin Yurt - 2018 - Flsf 25 (25):181-206.
    In this article, the difference between human and animal in philosophy is mainly handled. This difference is thought over the concept of “the other” and Heidegger’s phenomenological distinction between human and animal. With respect to especially the views of Derrida and Levinas regarding to this matter, it has been attempted to exhibit this difference. Therefore, the two approaches -which were represented as the opposition of Derrida and Levinas- have been tried to clarify. After this, as a new approach to this (...)
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  47. Negatif Teoloji Bağlamında Apophasis ile Aphairesis ve Aristoteles'te Olası Terim Kökeni Araştırması.Engin Yurt - 2017 - Kutadgubilig Felsefe-Bilim Araştırmaları Dergisi 34 (34):111-137.
    In this work, it has been mainly aimed to make a research on origin, meaning and context of two terms [Apophasis and Aphairesis]. These two terms which have an important place within the negative theology that has been thought explicitly appeared first with Pseudo-Dionysos Areopagita –but if required, it can be started in Plotinus, Aristotle, Plato or Parmenides– in history of philosophy [terms which also have been a subject to a misunderstanding, to a problem due to their being understood as (...)
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  48. Hıristiyanlıkta Kutsalın Doğasına Dair Fikir Ayrılığı ve Buna Kilise Babaları'nda Olası bir Çözüm.Engin Yurt - 2018 - Felsefi Düsün 10 (10):337-363.
    This article mainly aims to make an examination over the holy. It has been inquired into how something being ascribed holy can have a meaning in philosophy. As the article's research area, the differences in both opinion and execution which have later divided Christianity into two as Catholic and Orthodox Churches have been selected. The separation of these two churches under the subject titles such as Filioque controversy, the idea of First Among Equals (primas inter pares), and ritual of Transubstantiation (...)
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  49. Herder'den Heidegger'e: Sorge.Engin Yurt & Erdal Yıldız - 2016 - Kutadgubilig Felsefe-Bilim Araştırmaları Dergisi 30 (30):375-399.
    The article which is presented here includes an analysis of concept of “care” which mostly has found itself a place in history of philosophy in different forms. Even though thinkers who gave a place to this concept in their works, the main interest is about what Herder and Heidegger said. It has been tried to show how concept of “care” is understood throughout the history of philosophy. Lastly, it has been tried if there is a possible and genuine interpretation.
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  50. Nietzsche’nin Zerdüşt’ünün Çınlayamadığı Kulaklar: Nietzsche 21. Yüzyıl İnsanına Ahlak Üzerine Ne Söyleyebilir?Engin Yurt & Nurten Ki̇ri̇ş Yilmaz - 2018 - Beytulhikme An International Journal of Philosophy 8 (1):170-190.
    In this article, it has been aimed to examine Nietzsche’s main critique towards different understandings of morals in his era. With this criticism, it is aimed to integrally understand the opinions -which are articulated directly or metaphorically- towards morals which have been encountered. In here, while keeping in mind the difference between the concepts of immoralism and amoralism, Nietzsche’s views are interpreted. Being parallel to that aim mentioned above, it has been investigated if there is a thinking in Nietzsche which (...)
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