Results for 'Environment: Climate Destabilization'

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  1.  22
    Climate Change and the Everyday: Becoming Present to Precarity.Russell Duvernoy - 2020 - Ethics and the Environment 25 (2):73.
    Abstract:Concepts of the everyday typically correlate with the normal and regular, while narratives of climate change are structured by predictions that exceed the normal. Since extreme events of climate change are not assimilable into the everyday, their destabilizing effects heighten destructive feedback loops mediated through fear. Developing psychic and social resilience necessary for re-routing climate change predictions from their direst outcomes thus requires transformed relations to the everyday. After analyzing how a default conception of the everyday hinders (...)
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    Review of Guy R. McPherson, 'Walking Away from Empire: A Personal Journey'. [REVIEW]Michel Weber - 2014 - Cosmos and History 10 (2):329-336.
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  3. Global Climate Destabilization and the Crisis of Civilization.Arran Gare - 2010 - Chromatikon 6:11-24.
    James Hansen, the world’s leading climate scientist, argues that global climate destabilization could totally destroy the conditions for life on Earth, and further, that politicians are not taking effective action. Instead, they are using their power to cripple science. This situation is explained in this paper as the outcome of the successful alliance between a global class of predators and people who must be recognized as idiots taking over the institutions of government, research and education and transforming (...)
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    Human Rights matter: a reassertion of the UN charter and UDHR core values in turbulent times.Human Rights: Between Text, Context, Realities Political Economy of Human Rights Rights, Realization Legality, Strong Legitimacy: A. Political Economy Approach to the Struggle for Basic Entitlements to Safe Water, Human Rights Quarterly Sanitation’, The State, Environment Politics of Development & Climate Change - 2024 - Journal of Global Ethics 20 (3):343-353.
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    Visually branding the environment: climate change as a marketing opportunity.David Machin & Anders Hansen - 2008 - Discourse Studies 10 (6):777-794.
    While there has been extensive work on the textual realizations of climate change in the media, there has been little on the way such discourses are realized and promoted visually. This article addresses this using Multimodal Critical Discourse Analysis to examine a new collection of images from the globally operating Getty Images intended for use in promotions, advertisements and editorials. Getty is promoting this collection in terms of Green Issues being a `marketing opportunity'. In this article we consider the (...)
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    Arguments for Well-Regulated Capitalism, and Implications for Global Ethics, Food, Environment, Climate Change, and Beyond.Mark Budolfson - 2021 - Ethics and International Affairs 35 (1):83-98.
    Discourse on food ethics often advocates the anti-capitalist idea that we need less capitalism, less growth, and less globalization if we want to make the world a better and more equitable place. This idea is also familiar from much discourse in global ethics, environment, and political theory, more generally. However, many experts argue that this anti-capitalist idea is not supported by reason and argument, and is actually wrong. As part of the roundtable, “Ethics and the Future of the Global (...)
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    Why Economic Valuation Does Not Value the Environment: Climate Policy as Collective Endeavour.Nicholas Bardsley, Graziano Ceddia, Rachel McCloy & Simone Pfuderer - 2022 - Environmental Values 31 (3):277-293.
    Economics takes an individualistic approach to human behaviour. This is reflected in the use of ‘contingent valuation’ surveys to conduct cost benefit analysis for economic policy evaluation. An individual's valuation of a policy is assumed to be unaffected by the burdens it places on others. We report a survey experiment to test this supposition in the context of climate change policy. Willingness to pay for climate change mitigation was higher when richer individuals were to bear higher costs than (...)
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    Intergenerational learning and transformative leadership for sustainable futures.Peter Blaze Corcoran & Brandon P. Hollingshead (eds.) - 2014 - Brill | Wageningen Academic.
    The work of creating the future is being done now ─ and much of it is unsustainable in terms of natural and cultural resources. How will the next generation of leadership for environmental sustainability be raised up? Can we imagine sustainable futures, and can we enable transformative leadership to help us realize them? How can we best ensure that the several generations share their particular knowledge? What are the ethical frameworks, methodologies, curricula, and tools necessary for advancing and strengthening education (...)
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  9. Ambiente, cambiamento climatico e generazioni future [Environment, Climate change, and Future Generations].Gianfranco Pellegrino - 2010 - la Società Degli Individui 39.
    Il saggio introduce le tematiche di questo numero, soffermandosi in parti- colare sulla rilevanza etica e politica del cambiamento climatico. Dopo una rapida spiegazione dell'effetto serra naturale e artificiale, si ripercorrono le teorie che concepiscono il cambiamento climatico come un problema di giustizia distributiva. Secondo alcuni autori queste teorie non sono suffi- cienti per dare strumenti adeguati, perché il cambiamento climatico rappre- senta un problema etico nuovo, che richiede una strumentazione etica ine- dita. Il saggio approfondisce alcune delle caratteristiche nuove (...)
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  10. Weaponization of climate and environment crises: Risks, realities, and consequences.Quan-Hoang Vuong, Viet-Phuong La & Minh-Hoang Nguyen - 2024 - Environmental Science and Policy 162:103928.
    The importance of addressing the existential threat to humanity, climate change, has grown remarkedly in recent years while conflicting views and interests in societies exist. Therefore, climate change agendas have been weaponized to varying degrees, ranging from the international level between countries to the domestic level among political parties. In such contexts, climate change agendas are predominantly driven by political or economic ambitions, sometimes unconnected to concerns for environmental sustainability. Consequently, it can result in an environment (...)
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    Ethical climate in nursing environment: A scoping review.Janika Koskenvuori, Olivia Numminen & Riitta Suhonen - 2019 - Nursing Ethics 26 (2):327-345.
    Background:In the past two decades, interest in the concept of ethical climate and in its research has increased in healthcare. Ethical climate is viewed as a type of organizational work climate, and defined as the shared perception of ethically correct behavior, and how ethical issues should be handled in the organization. Ethical climate as an important element of nursing environment has been the focus of several studies. However, scoping reviews of ethical climate research in (...)
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  12. Climate Change and Conservation Biology as it Relates to Urban Environments.Samantha Noll & Michael Goldsby - 2020 - Recerca.Revista de Pensament I Anàlisi 25 (2).
    Climate change continues to have recognizable impacts across the globe, as weather patterns shift and impacts accumulate and intensify. In this wider context, urban areas face significant challenges as they attempt to mitigate dynamic changes at the local level — changes such as those caused by intensifying weather events, the disruption of critical supplies, and the deterioration of local ecosystems. One field that could help urban areas address these challenges is conservation biology. However, this paper presents the argument that (...)
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    Food, Environment, and Climate Change: Justice at the Intersections.Erinn C. Gilson & Sarah Kenehan (eds.) - 2018 - Rowman & Littlefield International.
    This volume takes a unique approach, dealing specifically with issues at the intersection of food and agricultural systems, environmental degradation, and climate change. It fills a gap in the literature on food and environmental justice in the context of global climate change offering a scholarly, yet accessible, analysis of the issues.
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  14. Environment, ethics and public health: the climate change dilemma.A. Kessel, C. Stephens & A. Dawson - forthcoming - Public Health Ethics: Key Concepts and Issues in Policy and Practice:154--173.
  15. Digital sensing and human-environment relationships in the face of climate variability in Senegal and Mauritania.Thomas K. Park, Aminata Niang & Mamadou Baro - 2019 - In Thomas Kerlin Park & James B. Greenberg, Terrestrial transformations: a political ecology approach to society and nature. Lanham: Lexington Books.
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    Bringing Values, Relationships, Environments, and Climate Change to Policy Deliberations.Cheryl C. Macpherson - 2018 - American Journal of Bioethics 18 (3):63-65.
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  17. Bioethics, nature, the environment and climate change in Africa.Godfrey B. Tangwa - 2018 - In Yaw A. Frimpong-Mansoh & Caesar A. Atuire, Bioethics in Africa: Theories and Praxis. Wilmington, Delaware: Vernon Press.
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  18. Do global warming and climate change represent a serious threat to our welfare and environment?: Michael E. Mann.Michael E. Mann - 2009 - Social Philosophy and Policy 26 (2):193-230.
    The science underlying global warming, climate change, and the connections between these phenomena are reviewed. Projected future climate changes under various plausible scenarios of future human behavior are explored, as are the potential impacts of projected climate changes on society, ecosystems, and our environment. The economic, security, and ethical considerations relevant to determining the threat posed by climate change are subsequently assessed. The article then discusses the various means available for climate change mitigation, focusing (...)
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  19.  33
    (1 other version)Satellites, war, climate change, and the environment: are we at risk for environmental deskilling?Samantha Jo Fried - 2020 - AI and Society:1-9.
    Currently, we find ourselves in a paradigm in which we believe that accepting climate change data will lead to a kind of automatic action toward the preservation of our environment. I have argued elsewhere (Fried 2020) that this lack of civic action on climate data is significant when placed in the historical, military context of the technologies that collect this data––Earth remote sensing technologies. However, I have not yet discussed the phenomenological or moral implications of this context, (...)
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  20.  65
    Climates and Constitutions: Health, Race, Environment, and British Imperialism in India, 1600-1850. Mark Harrison.David Arnold - 2000 - Isis 91 (4):771-772.
  21. Radical climate activism: motivations, consequences and approaches.Quan-Hoang Vuong, Minh-Hoang Nguyen, Minh-Phuong Thi Duong & Viet-Phuong La - 2024 - Visions for Sustainability 21:1-15.
    Environmental activism is crucial in increasing awareness of environmental degradation and preventing actions that harm the environment. A radical environmentalist movement has emerged within the community of activists. They advocate using illegal measures to attain their goals. This paper discusses these radical environmentalist groups’ motivations, their actions and their consequences. Activities that many consider unacceptable, such as art vandalism and road blockades, may result in adverse outcomes and diminish public support for environmental endeavors. We propose an alternative solidarity approach (...)
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  22. Introduction: exploring gender, environment and climate change.Irene Dankelman - 2010 - In Gender and Climate Change: An Introduction. Earthscan. pp. 1--20.
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    The Natural Environment as an Object of Public Health Law: Addressing Health Outcomes of Climate Change through Intersections with Environmental and Agricultural Law.Jill Krueger & Betsy Lawton - 2020 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 48 (4):664-680.
    The power to change the natural environment has received relatively little attention in public health law, yet is a core concern within environmental and agricultural law. Examples from environmental and agricultural law may inform efforts to change the natural environment in order to reduce the health impacts of climate change. Public health lawyers who attend to the natural environment may succeed in elevating health concerns within the environmental and agricultural law spheres, while gaining new tools for (...)
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  24.  40
    Heidegger, Politics and Climate Change: Risking It All.Ruth Irwin - 2008 - New York: Continuum.
    Globalization -- Globalization and the environment -- Climate change and the crisis of philosophy -- Social conscience and global market -- Categories, environmental indicators, and the enlightenment market -- Environmentalism -- Pessimistic realism and optimistic total management -- Population statistics and modern governmentality -- Pragmatism -- Technological enframing -- Heidegger, the origin and the finitude of civilization -- Technology and the kultur of late modernity -- Embodied subjectivity and the critique of modernity.
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  25.  59
    (1 other version)The Relationship between International Political Community and Civil Society Concerning Environment Protection and the Struggle Against Climate Change.Valeria Barbi & Marco Borraccetti - forthcoming - Governare la Paura. Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies.
    The paper’s aim is to retrace the history of climate change through its definition and the process of negotiation aroused from the creation of the United Nations Framework Convention for Climate Change (UNFCCC). After a brief description of this institution, the basic principles beneath the whole system of environment protection and the struggle against climate change will be presented. The intention is to demonstrate how, despite the undeniable advancements of the latest decades, the international legislative framework, (...)
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  26. Global Climate Change and Aesthetics.Emily Brady - 2022 - Environmental Values 31 (1):27-46.
    What kinds of issues does the global crisis of climate change present to aesthetics, and how will they challenge the field to respond? This paper argues that a new research agenda is needed for aesthetics with respect to global climate change (GCC) and outlines a set of foundational issues which are especially pressing: (1) attention to environments that have been neglected by philosophers, for example, the cryosphere and aerosphere; (2) negative aesthetics of environment, in order to grasp (...)
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  27. Ecosocialism: climate change, socialism and democracy.Paul Magnette - 2025 - New York, NY: Routledge. Translated by Ashleigh Rose.
    Ecosocialism: Climate Change, Socialism and Democracy maps out a political path for green transition which is both desirable and practicable. This book will appeal to students and scholars of political science and environment and sustainability, as well as all those concerned with climate justice and the current ecological crisis.
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    Climate for Change, or How to Create a Green Modernity?Ulrich Beck - 2010 - Theory, Culture and Society 27 (2-3):254-266.
    The discourse on climate politics so far is an expert and elitist discourse in which peoples, societies, citizens, workers, voters and their interests, views and voices are very much neglected. So, in order to turn climate change politics from its head onto its feet you have to take sociology into account. There is an important background assumption which shares in the general ignorance concerning environmental issues and, paradoxically, this is in corporated in the specialism of environmental sociology itself (...)
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    Why People Harm the Environment Although They Try to Treat It Well: An Evolutionary-Cognitive Perspective on Climate Compensation.Patrik Sörqvist & Linda Langeborg - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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  30. Climate Parameters, Heat Islands, and the Role of Vegetation in the City.Klodjan Xhexhi - 2023 - In Ecovillages and Ecocities. Bioclimatic Applications from Tirana, Albania. Switzerland: Springer Nature Switzerland AG. pp. 149-170.
    Climate has a strong influence on urban planning and also plays a fundamental role in soil composition affecting the character of plants and animals. The climate is a combination of different meteorological factors that characterized a specific region over a specific time. The movement of the Sun and Earth inclination toward it is the most important factors which determine the characteristics of the climate. The global movement of the air from equator toward poles and vice versa influences (...)
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  31.  25
    Ethical approaches at the intersection of climate change, the environment and health.Cristian Timmermann, Katharina Wabnitz & Verina Wild - 2024 - London: Nuffield Council on Bioethics.
    This literature review provides an overview of ethical approaches used at the intersection of climate change, the environment and health. Six ethical approaches are discussed: (i) rights- based approaches, concentrating on human rights, animal rights and environmental rights; (ii) justice approaches, discussing issues of distribution, relations, climate health justice, future generations, and interspecies justice; (iii) integrated concepts of health, such as One Health and Planetary Health; (iv) Indigenous and non-Western perspectives, introducing the significance of biocultural heritage, harmonious (...)
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    Climate and Culture: A Philosophical Study.Tetsurō Watsuji - 1961 - Greenwood Press.
    A pioneering philosophical exploration, this volume seeks to clarify the function of climate as a key factor within the structure of human existence. The author takes as his starting point the argument that the phenomena of climate should be treated as expressions of subjective human existence and not of natural environments. In developing his argument, Watsuji first examines the basic principles of climate and then proceeds to examine three types of climate in detail--monsoon, desert, and meadow--and (...)
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  33.  42
    Climate Change, Business, and Society: Building Relevance in Time and Space.Christopher Wright, Sheena Vachhani, George Ferns & Daniel Nyberg - 2022 - Business and Society 61 (5):1322-1352.
    Climate change is one of the most pressing issues facing humanity and has become an area of growing focus in Business & Society. Looking back and reviewing climate change discussion within this journal highlights the importance of time and space in addressing the climate crisis. Looking forward, we extend existing research by theorizing and politicizing the co-implication of time and space through the concept of “space-time.” To illustrate this, we employ the logical structure of “the trace” to (...)
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  34. Climate change mitigation, sustainability and non-substitutability.Säde Hormio - 2017 - In Adrian J. Walsh, Säde Hormio & Duncan Purves, The Ethical Underpinnings of Climate Economics. Routledge. pp. 103-121.
    Climate change policy decisions are inescapably intertwined with future generations. Even if all carbon dioxide emissions were to be stopped today, most aspects of climate change would persist for hundreds of years, thus inevitably raising questions of intergenerational justice and sustainability. -/- The chapter begins with a short overview of discount rate debate in climate economics, followed by the observation that discounting implicitly makes the assumption that natural capital is always substitutable with man-made capital. The chapter explains (...)
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    Climate Change and Democracy.Matthias Fritsch - 2023 - In Gianfranco Pellegrino & Marcello Di Paola, Handbook of the Philosophy of Climate Change. Springer. pp. 1001-1026.
    This chapter offers an overview of the serious challenges with which democracies must contend in the face of increasing climate destabilization and menacing environmental breakdown. After a brief introduction, the second section will discuss various accounts of what democracyDemocracy is or should be, from liberal and republican to deliberative and radical, and briefly indicate which difficulties these accounts face. The third section diagnoses democracy’s climate-related weaknesses. As a global and long-term intergenerational problem that is connected to deeply (...)
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  36. Is Climate Change Morally Good from Non-Anthropocentric Perspectives?Toby Svoboda & Jacob Haqq-Misra - 2018 - Ethics, Policy and Environment 21 (2):215-228.
    Anthropogenic climate change poses some difficult ethical quandaries for non-anthropocentrists. While it is hard to deny that climate change is a substantial moral ill, many types of non-human organisms stand to benefit from climate change. Modelling studies provide evidence that net primary productivity (NPP) could be substantially boosted, both regionally and globally, as a result of warming from increased concentrations of greenhouse gases. The same holds for deployment of certain types of climate engineering, or large-scale, technological (...)
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    Physical Activity in Natural Environments Is Associated With Motivational Climate and the Prevention of Harmful Habits: Structural Equation Analysis.Manuel Castro-Sánchez, Félix Zurita-Ortega, José Antonio Pérez-Turpin, Javier Cachón-Zagalaz, Cristian Cofre-Bolados, Concepción Suarez-Llorca & Ramón Chacón-Cuberos - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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  38.  12
    Climate Trauma: Foreseeing the Future in Dystopian Film and Fiction.E. Ann Kaplan - 2015 - Rutgers University Press.
    Each month brings new scientific findings that demonstrate the ways in which human activities, from resource extraction to carbon emissions, are doing unprecedented, perhaps irreparable damage to our world. As we hear these climate change reports and their predictions for the future of Earth, many of us feel a sickening sense of _déjà vu_, as though we have already seen the sad outcome to this story. Drawing from recent scholarship that analyzes climate change as a form of “slow (...)
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  39.  26
    Republican ecological citizenship in the 2015 Papal Encyclical on the environment and climate change.Chris Hilson - 2018 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 21 (6):754-766.
  40.  29
    Ethical climate and missed nursing care in cancer care units.Stavros Vryonides, Evridiki Papastavrou, Andreas Charalambous, Panayiota Andreou, Christos Eleftheriou & Anastasios Merkouris - 2018 - Nursing Ethics 25 (6):707-723.
    Background: Previous research has linked missed nursing care to nurses’ work environment. Ethical climate is a part of work environment, but the relationship of missed care to different types of ethical climate is unknown. Research objectives: To describe the types of ethical climate in adult in-patient cancer care settings, and their relationship to missed nursing care. Research design: A descriptive correlation design was used. Data were collected using the Ethical Climate Questionnaire and the MISSCARE (...)
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  41.  30
    Ethical climate in healthcare: A systematic review and meta-analysis.Ryan Essex, Trevor Thompson, Thomas Rhys Evans, Vanessa Fortune, Erika Kalocsányiová, Denise Miller, Marianne Markowski & Helen Elliott - 2023 - Nursing Ethics 30 (7-8):910-921.
    Background Ethical climate refers to the shared perception of ethical norms and sets the scope for what is ethical and acceptable behaviour within teams. Aim This paper sought to explore perceptions of ethical climate amongst healthcare workers as measured by the Ethical Climate Questionnaire (ECQ), the Hospital Ethical Climate Survey (HECS) and the Ethics Environment Questionnaire (EEQ). Methods A systematic review and meta-analysis was utilised. PSYCINFO, CINAHL, WEB OF SCIENCE, MEDLINE and EMBASE were searched, and (...)
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  42.  19
    Climate Engineering: A Normative Perspective.Daniel Edward Callies - 2019 - Lexington Books.
    Should we research, develop, and deploy climate engineering technology? Drawing upon contemporary moral and political theory, this book offers a normative perspective on such questions, ultimately making the case in favor of research and regulation guided by norms of legitimacy, distributive justice, and procedural justice.
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  43.  23
    Demystifying Collapse: Climate, environment, and social agency in pre-modern societies.B. L. Turner, Jason Nesbitt, Lee Mordechai, Guy Middleton, Francis Ludlow, Adam Izdebski, Martin Medina-Elizalde, Warren Eastwood, Arlen F. Chase & John Haldon - 2020 - Millennium 17 (1):1-33.
    Collapse is a term that has attracted much attention in social science literature in recent years, but there remain substantial areas of disagreement about how it should be understood in historical contexts. More specifically, the use of the term collapse often merely serves to dramatize long-past events, to push human actors into the background, and to mystify the past intellectually. At the same time, since human societies are complex systems, the alternative involves grasping the challenges that a holistic analysis presents, (...)
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    Engineering the Environment. Phytotrons and the Quest for Climate Control in the Cold War - by D. P. Munns.Lino Camprubi - 2017 - Centaurus 59 (1-2):157-159.
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  45. Children of the Earth’ to ‘Dark Wind’: Nature, Environment, and Climate in Indian Films.Pankaj Jain - 2023 - Journal of Visual Anthropology 36 (1).
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  46. Migration and Environment or about the Human as Climatic Being: Tetsurō Watsuji’s Dialectical Concept and How It Can Be Applied to the Issue of Migration.Bianca Boteva-Richter - 2024 - Filozofia 79 (9):1019-1033.
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    Climate Change, Intellectual Property, and Global Justice.Monica Ştefănescu & Constantin Vică - 2012 - Public Reason 4 (1-2):197-209.
    The current situation of climate change at a global level clearly requires policy changes at local levels. Global efforts to reach a consensus regarding the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions have so far been focused on developing Climate-Friendly Technologies (CFTs). The problem is that in order for these efforts to have an actual impact at a global level we need to be concerned with more than just promotion and info-dissemination on the already existing CFTs, but also with costs, (...)
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    Ethical climate and nurse competence – newly graduated nurses' perceptions.Olivia Numminen, Helena Leino-Kilpi, Hannu Isoaho & Riitta Meretoja - 2015 - Nursing Ethics 22 (8):845-859.
    Background: Nursing practice takes place in a social framework, in which environmental elements and interpersonal relations interact. Ethical climate of the work unit is an important element affecting nurses’ professional and ethical practice. Nevertheless, whatever the environmental circumstances, nurses are expected to be professionally competent providing high-quality care ethically and clinically. Aim: This study examined newly graduated nurses’ perception of the ethical climate of their work environment and its association with their self-assessed professional competence, turnover intentions and (...)
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    Climate Change.William H. Schlesinger - 2011 - Interpretation: A Journal of Bible and Theology 65 (4):378-390.
    Atmospheric physicists show us that rising concentrations of certain greenhouse gases in Earth's atmosphere should raise the temperature of the planet at rates, times, and places that are consistent with recent observations of ongoing climate change—that is, global warming. The unfolding impacts of this climate change will affect human habitation, health, and economics, and the persistence of various species in natural ecosystems during the course of this century. Much debate stems from what to do about these impacts, focusing (...)
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  50. Climate X or Climate Jacobin?Russell Duvernoy & Larry Alan Busk - 2020 - Radical Philosophy Review 23 (2):175-200.
    In Climate Leviathan, Mann and Wainwright address the political implications of climate change by theorizing four possible planetary futures: Climate Leviathan as capitalist planetary sovereignty, Climate Mao as non-capitalist planetary sovereignty, Climate Behemoth as capitalist non-planetary sovereignty, and Climate X as non-capitalist non-planetary sovereignty. The authors of the present article agree that the depth and scale of destabilizations induced by climate change cannot be navigated justly from within the present social-political-economic system. We disagree, (...)
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