Results for 'Erica McCune'

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  1.  16
    EEG-based neural correlates of ACT-R model for multitasking.Nayoung Kim, Erica McCune, MyungHwan Yun & Chang Nam - 2018 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 12.
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    Fairly Distributing the Distributive Justice Argument Permits Stopping ECMO.Erica Andrist - 2023 - American Journal of Bioethics 23 (6):65-67.
    Childress and colleagues conclude that arguments from distributive justice do not justify discontinuing ECMO over a capacitated patient’s objections (Childress et al. 2023). However, this conclusio...
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    The Importance of Pleasure in the Moral for Kant's Ethics.Erica A. Holberg - 2016 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 54 (2):226-246.
    I argue for a new reading of Kant's claim that respect is the moral incentive; this reading accommodates the central insights of the affectivist and intellectualist readings of respect, while avoiding shortcomings of each. I show that within Kant's ethical system, the feeling of respect should be understood as paradigmatic of a kind of pleasure, pleasure in the moral. The motivational power of respect arises from its nature as pleasurable feeling, but the feeling does not directly motivate individual dutiful actions. (...)
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    Single axioms for the left group and right group calculi.William W. McCune - 1992 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 34 (1):132-139.
  5.  41
    The history of science and medicine in the context of COVID ‐19.Erica Charters & Richard A. McKay - 2020 - Centaurus 62 (2):223-233.
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    Teaching the territory: agroecological pedagogy and popular movements.Nils McCune & Marlen Sánchez - 2019 - Agriculture and Human Values 36 (3):595-610.
    This contribution traces the parallel development of two distinct approaches to peasant agroecological education: the peasant-to-peasant horizontal method that disseminated across Mesoamerica and the Caribbean beginning in the 1970s, and the political-agroecological training schools of combined consciousness-building and skill-formation that have been at the heart of the educational processes of member organizations of La Via Campesina since the 1990s. Applying a theoretical framework that incorporates territorial struggle, agroecology and popular education, we examine spatial and organizational aspects of each of these (...)
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  7. The Metaphysics of Identity: Is Identity Fundamental?Erica Shumener - 2017 - Philosophy Compass 12 (1):1-13.
    Identity and distinctness facts are ones like “The Eiffel Tower is identical to the Eiffel Tower,” and “The Eiffel Tower is distinct from the Louvre.” This paper concerns one question in the metaphysics of identity: Are identity and distinctness facts metaphysically fundamental or are they nonfundamental? I provide an overview of answers to this question.
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  8. Nature in Your Face – Disruptive Climate Change Communication and Eco-Visualization as Part of a Garden-Based Learning Approach Involving Primary School Children and Teachers in Co-creating the Future.Erica Löfström, Christian A. Klöckner & Ine H. Nesvold - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    The paper describes an innovative structured workshop methodology in garden-based-learning called “Nature in Your Face” aimed at provoking a change in citizens behavior and engagement as a consequence of the emotional activation in response to disruptive artistic messages. The methodology challenges the assumption that the change needed to meet the carbon targets can be reached with incremental, non-invasive behavior engineering techniques such as nudging or gamification. Instead, it explores the potential of disruptive communication to push citizens out of their comfort (...)
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  9. Humeans are out of this world.Erica Shumener - 2021 - Synthese 198 (6):5897-5916.
    I defend the following argument in this paper. Premise 1: Laws of nature are intrinsic to the universe. Premise 2: Humeanism maintains that laws of nature are extrinsic to the universe. Conclusion: Humeanism is false. This argument is inspired by John Hawthorne’s (2004) argument in “Why Humeans are out of their Minds”. My argument differs from his; Hawthorne focuses on Humean views of causation and how they interact with judgments about consciousness. He thinks Humeans are forced to treat certain mental (...)
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    Chapter 7. Free Orders.Erica Benner - 2009 - In Machiavelli's Ethics. Princeton University Press. pp. 254-289.
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    Bait, Trans. Peter Agnone.Erica Johnson Debeljak - 2007 - Common Knowledge 13 (1):147-147.
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    Zoli.Erica Johnson Debeljak - 2008 - Common Knowledge 14 (1):168-169.
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    On the feasibility of simple brain-computer interface systems for enabling children with severe physical disabilities to explore independent movement.Erica D. Floreani, Danette Rowley, Dion Kelly, Eli Kinney-Lang & Adam Kirton - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16:1007199.
    IntroductionChildren with severe physical disabilities are denied their fundamental right to move, restricting their development, independence, and participation in life. Brain-computer interfaces (BCIs) could enable children with complex physical needs to access power mobility (PM) devices, which could help them move safely and independently. BCIs have been studied for PM control for adults but remain unexamined in children. In this study, we explored the feasibility of BCI-enabled PM control for children with severe physical disabilities, assessing BCI performance, standard PM skills (...)
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    Chloe Tempestiva, Misera, Docta and Arrogans(Horace, Odes 1.23, 3.7, 3.9 and 3.26).Blanche Conger McCune - 2016 - Classical Quarterly 66 (2):573-579.
    The name ‘Chloe’ appears four times in Horace'sOdes, once in Book 1 (1.23) and three times in Book 3 (3.7, 3.9, 3.26). Whether the ‘Chloes’ represent a woman or women from Horace's real life is probably not something we could know. Furthermore, there is no obvious reason to assume that all the ‘Chloes’ are the same person. However, there is likewise no obvious reasonnotto read the odes in which the name ‘Chloe’ appears, as some scholars have done, as referring to (...)
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    Infant single words for dynamic events predict early verb meanings.Lorraine McCune & Ellen Herr-Israel - 2019 - Cognitive Linguistics 30 (4):629-653.
    Do children’s single words related to motion and change also encode aspects of environmental events highlighted by Talmy’s motion event analysis? If so, these meanings may predict children’s early verb meanings. Analyzing the kinds of meanings expressed in single “dynamic event words” through motion event semantics yields links between early true verbs in sentences and the semantics encoded in these single words. Dynamic event words reflect the sense of temporal and spatial reversibility established in the late sensorimotor period. We propose (...)
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    Mirror neurons' registration of biological motion.Loraine McCune - 2002 - In Maxim I. Stamenov & Vittorio Gallese (eds.), Mirror Neurons and the Evolution of Brain and Language. John Benjamins. pp. 42--315.
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    The Koreans and Their Culture.Evelyn B. McCune & Cornelius Osgood - 1951 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 71 (4):284.
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  18. oder die Metaphysik.Erica Weitzman - 2015 - In Matthias Schmidt (ed.), Rücksendungen zu Jacques Derridas "Die Postkarte": ein essayistisches Glossar. Wien: Verlag Turia + Kant.
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    Identity.Erica Shumener - 2022 - New York, NY, USA: Cambridge University Press.
    Identity criteria are powerful tools for the metaphysician. They tell us when items are identical or distinct. Some varieties of identity criteria also try to explain in virtue of what items are identical or distinct. This Element has two objectives: to discuss formulations of identity criteria and to take a closer look at one notorious criterion of object identity, Leibniz's Law. The first section concerns the form of identity criteria. The second section concerns the better-regarded half of Leibniz's Law, the (...)
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  20. Machiavelli's Ethics.Erica Benner - 2009 - Princeton University Press.
    Benner, Erica. Machiavelli’s Ethics. Princeton, 2009. 527p bibl index afp; ISBN 9780691141763, $75.00; ISBN 9780691141770 pbk, $35.00.

    Reviewed in CHOICE, April 2010

    This major new study of Machiavelli’s moral and political philosophy by Benner (Yale) argues that most readings of Machiavelli suffer from a failure to appreciate his debt to Greek sources, particularly the Socratic tradition of moral and political philosophy. Benner argues that when read in the light of his Greek sources, Machiavelli appears as much less the immoralist or (...)
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  21. The Power to Govern.Erica Shumener - 2022 - Philosophical Perspectives 36 (1):270-291.
    I provide a new account of what it is for the laws of nature to govern the evolution of events. I locate the source of governance in the content of law propositions. As such, I do not appeal to primitive notions of ground, essence, or production to characterize governance. After introducing the account, I use it to outline previously unrecognized varieties of governance. I also specify that laws must govern to have two theoretical virtues: explanatory power as well as a (...)
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    Variants of multi-relational semantics for propositional non-normal modal logics.Erica Calardo & Antonino Rotolo - 2014 - Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 24 (4):293-320.
    A number of significant contributions in the last four decades show that non-normal modal logics can be fruitfully employed in several applied fields. Well-known domains are epistemic logic, deontic logic, and systems capturing different aspects of action and agency such as the modal logic of agency, concurrent propositional dynamic logic, game logic, and coalition logic. Semantics for such logics are traditionally based on neighbourhood models. However, other model-theoretic semantics can be used for this purpose. Here, we systematically study multi-relational structures, (...)
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    Love as a Regulative Ideal in Surrogate Decision Making.Erica Lucast Stonestreet - 2014 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 39 (5):523-542.
    This discussion aims to give a normative theoretical basis for a “best judgment” model of surrogate decision making rooted in a regulative ideal of love. Currently, there are two basic models of surrogate decision making for incompetent patients: the “substituted judgment” model and the “best interests” model. The former draws on the value of autonomy and responds with respect; the latter draws on the value of welfare and responds with beneficence. It can be difficult to determine which of these two (...)
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    Rethinking public choice.Erica Celine Yu - forthcoming - Journal of Economic Methodology:1-6.
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    Castes and Trees: Tracing the Link Between European and Mexican Representations of Human Taxonomy.Erica Torrens & Ana Barahona - 2019 - Philosophy, Theory, and Practice in Biology 11.
    Twenty-two years after Charles Darwin began to think of character divergence from a common ancestor in his Notebook B, the now famous and iconic branching diagram appeared in the fourth chapter of On the Origin of Species.
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    Think-aloud protocols and the selection task: Evidence for relevance effects and rationalisation processes.Erica Lucas & Linden Ball - 2005 - Thinking and Reasoning 11 (1):35 – 66.
    Two experiments are reported that employed think-aloud methods to test predictions concerning relevance effects and rationalisation processes derivable from Evans' (1996) heuristic-analytic theory of the selection task. Evans' account proposes that card selections are triggered by relevance-determining heuristics, with analytic processing serving merely to rationalise heuristically cued decisions. As such, selected cards should be associated with more references to both their facing and their hidden sides than rejected cards, which are not subjected to analytic rationalisation. Experiment 1 used a standard (...)
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    What can the social sciences contribute to the study of ethics? Theoretical, empirical and substantive considerations.Erica Haimes - 2002 - Bioethics 16 (2):89–113.
    This article seeks to establish that the social sciences have an important contribution to make to the study of ethics. The discussion is framed around three questions: (i) what theoretical work can the social sciences contribute to the understanding of ethics? (ii) what empirical work can the social sciences contribute to the understanding of ethics? And (iii) how does this theoretical and empirical work combine, to enhance the understanding of how ethics, as a field of analysis and debate, is socially (...)
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    Conceptual complexity and the bias/variance tradeoff.Erica Briscoe & Jacob Feldman - 2011 - Cognition 118 (1):2-16.
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    The Influence of Initial Beliefs on Judgments of Probability.Erica C. Yu & David A. Lagnado - 2012 - Frontiers in Psychology 3.
  30. Expert Judgment for Climate Change Adaptation.Erica Thompson, Roman Frigg & Casey Helgeson - 2016 - Philosophy of Science 83 (5):1110-1121.
    Climate change adaptation is largely a local matter, and adaptation planning can benefit from local climate change projections. Such projections are typically generated by accepting climate model outputs in a relatively uncritical way. We argue, based on the IPCC’s treatment of model outputs from the CMIP5 ensemble, that this approach is unwarranted and that subjective expert judgment should play a central role in the provision of local climate change projections intended to support decision-making.
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  31. Self in time and language.Erica Cosentino - 2011 - Consciousness and Cognition 20 (3):777-783.
    Time has been considered a crucial factor in distinguishing between two levels of self-awareness: the “core,” or “minimal self,” and the “extended,” or “narrative self.” Herein, I focus on this last concept of the self and, in particular, on the relationship between the narrative self and language. In opposition to the claim that the narrative self is a linguistic construction, my idea is that it is created by the functioning of mental time travel, that is, the faculty of human beings (...)
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    The new futility? The rhetoric and role of “suffering” in pediatric decision-making.Erica K. Salter - 2020 - Nursing Ethics 27 (1):16-27.
    This article argues that while the presence and influence of “futility” as a concept in medical decision-making has declined over the past decade, medicine is seeing the rise of a new concept with similar features: suffering. Like futility, suffering may appear to have a consistent meaning, but in actuality, the concept is colloquially invoked to refer to very different experiences. Like “futility,” claims of patient “suffering” have been used (perhaps sometimes consciously, but most often unconsciously) to smuggle value judgments about (...)
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    How epidemics end.Erica Charters & Kristin Heitman - 2021 - Centaurus 63 (1):210-224.
    As COVID-19 drags on and new vaccines promise widespread immunity, the world's attention has turned to predicting how the present pandemic will end. How do societies know when an epidemic is over and normal life can resume? What criteria and markers indicate such an end? Who has the insight, authority, and credibility to decipher these signs? Detailed research on past epidemics has demonstrated that they do not end suddenly; indeed, only rarely do the diseases in question actually end. This article (...)
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    Looking Behind the Stereotypes of the “Angry Black Woman”: An Exploration of Black Women’s Responses to Interracial Relationships.Erica Chito Childs - 2005 - Gender and Society 19 (4):544-561.
    In academic research on interracial relationships, as well as popular discourses such as film and television, Black women are often characterized as angry and opposed to interracial relationships. Yet the voices of Black women have been largely neglected. Drawing from focus group interviews with Black college women and in-depth interviews with Black women who are married interracially, the author explores Black women’s views on Black-white heterosexual relationships. Black women’s opposition to interracial dating is not simply rooted in jealousy and anger (...)
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    Why Bad Things Happen to Good Organizations: The Link Between Governance and Asset Diversions in Public Charities.Erica Harris, Christine Petrovits & Michelle H. Yetman - 2017 - Journal of Business Ethics 146 (1):149-166.
    In the United States, the IRS now requires charities to publicly disclose any significant asset diversion, which is the theft or unauthorized use of assets, that the charity identifies during the year. We use this new disclosure to investigate whether strong governance reduces the likelihood of a charitable asset diversion. Specifically, for a sample of 1528 charities from 2008 to 2012, we simultaneously examine eleven measures of governance that capture four broad governance constructs: board monitoring, independence of key individuals, tone (...)
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    The Solidarity of Life: Max Scheler on Modernity and Harmony with Nature.Timothy J. McCune - 2014 - Ethics and the Environment 19 (1):49.
    In Max Scheler’s powerful critique of modernity, he claimed that moderns suffer more in the midst of technological advancement, their values are set by an “ethos of industrialization,” and they have no unified vision of who they are. The consequences have been devastating, including a lack of balanced living and ecological estrangement. In pointing beyond modernism, Scheler called for establishing personal, collective, and environmental harmony. His philosophical anthropology—rooted in a phenomenology of persons and values—is a helpful foundation for an environmental (...)
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    Chapter 3. Imitation and Knowledge.Erica Benner - 2009 - In Machiavelli's Ethics. Princeton University Press. pp. 101-134.
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    The Glory of Yue: An Annotated Translation of the Yuejue Shu – By Olivia Milburn.Erica Brindley - 2012 - Journal of Chinese Philosophy 39 (1):163-165.
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    The philosophy of the daodejing – by Hans-Georg Moeller.Erica Brindley - 2008 - Journal of Chinese Philosophy 35 (1):185–188.
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    Reframing Current Controversies around Memory: Feminist Contributions.Erica Burman - 2001 - Philosophy Psychiatry and Psychology 8 (1):21-32.
    This paper offers a feminist review of the debates surrounding delayed (false/recovered) memories. It highlights the philosophical and conceptual issues involved to attempt to illuminate this complex and controversial area. Going beyond disputes around the validity of False Memory Syndrome (FMS) or practical prescriptions, it first considers broader effects of the rhetorical reality this has achieved—in particular in supporting a discourse of disbelief that undermines therapeutic work with abuse survivors. Secondly, four tensions within feminist responses to the memory debate are (...)
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    Questioning the cheater-detection hypothesis: New studies with the selection task.Erica Carlisle & Eldar Shafir - 2005 - Thinking and Reasoning 11 (2):97 – 122.
    The cheater-detection (CD) hypothesis suggests that people who otherwise perform poorly on the Wason selection task perform well when the task is couched in cheater-detection contexts. We report three studies with new selection problems that are similar to the originals but that question the CD hypothesis. The first two studies document a pattern heretofore attributed to CD mechanisms, namely good performance with “regular” rules and inferior performance with “switched” rules, all in problems that lack a cheater-detection context. The final study (...)
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    Towards a Theory of Learning for Naming Rehabilitation: Retrieval Practice, Retrieval Effort, and Spacing Effects.Middleton Erica & Traut Hilary - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    What Is a Workable Protocol Numbering System?Erica J. Health - 1980 - IRB: Ethics & Human Research 2 (9):8.
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    Radical Customs: Maréchal’s Critique of Religion and Politics in Serial Works on Distant Civilizations.Erica J. Mannucci - 2017 - Lumen: Selected Proceedings From the Canadian Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies 36:161.
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    Art Education.Erica Matlow & Gillian Elinor - 1984 - Feminist Review 18 (1):127-128.
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  46. Hugo Riemann'sUeber Tonalität': A Translation.Mark McCune - 1985 - Theoria 1:132-150.
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    Is a field theory of perseverative reaching compatible with a Piagetian view?Lorraine McCune - 2001 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 24 (1):53-53.
    This commentary is a brief reflection on the relationship between the embodied cognition analysis and a Piagetian theoretical position. In particular, the place of A-not-B in the larger Piagetian framework and the importance of the concept of mental representation, in contrast with perceptual understanding, are noted.
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    (1 other version)The Straight State: Sexuality and Citizenship in Twentieth Century America; Impossible Subjects: Illegal Aliens and the Making of Modern America.Erica R. Meiners - 2011 - Educational Studies: A Jrnl of the American Educ. Studies Assoc 47 (4):402-408.
    (2011). The Straight State: Sexuality and Citizenship in Twentieth Century America; Impossible Subjects: Illegal Aliens and the Making of Modern America. Educational Studies: Vol. 47, Xenophobia in Schools, pp. 402-408.
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    What Are the IRB's Obligations to Review the Use of Drugs for Purposes That FDA Has Not Approved?Erica Michaels & Robert J. Levine - 1982 - IRB: Ethics & Human Research 4 (4):8.
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    Révolution et raison d'Etat dans le thé'tre baroque allemand.Erica Joy Monnucci & Giovanna Cermelli - 1996 - The European Legacy 1 (1):143-149.
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